+ ABOUT PANELS FOR C "Panels for C" is a set of routines which may be called by your Application program to do screen oriented input and output. Screen layouts, or panels, are simple text files that you can create with an ordinary word processor. Panels always have a file extension of PAN. The format of a panel is covered in a later section. A panel definition may reside in its own file separate from your application source code, or it may be defined as a string within your application code. The advantage for a separate file is the interpreted nature of the screen layout. The panel may be changed without recompiling the application program. The advantage to using a string to define the panel is reduced disk I/O during the execution of your program. The author recommends that during the development of an application, panels are defined within their own files. When an application is compiled for production, you may consider moving the panel definitions to the program source for efficiency and security. A utility called PAN2H has been created to translate a panel file to a C header file. Also, a utility to simplify the creation and modification of panels has been developed, called IPD (Interative Panel Design). Panels for C is distributed as shareware. This software is protected by copyright laws. Users may register by purchasing either the object or source packages, see the enclosed order form. Registered users can expect the software to be supported by the publisher. Also, notification of future releases can be expected. BC Systems grants to purchasers of either object or source packages a no-fee license to resell applications created with the Panel routines. The only constraint is that the application code and documentation MUST contain the following acknowledgement: + Portions copyright 1989-1991, J. Brown + BC Systems, Wichita, KS 67278-1202 Contact the publisher for any special licensing that may be required. *** END OF TOPIC ***