DOCUMENTATION FOR SOUND.C Documentation dated 8/89. Copyright (c) 1989, E.R.I. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION SOUND.C is the source file for using the 8253 counter timer chip on the IBM PC and compatibles. The chip is used to generate sound on the computer's speaker and to time intervals. The sound is defined from approximately 20 Hz to approximately 16 KHz. The timer returns time in 1/100ths of seconds, but time is only resolved to 1/18.2ths of a second. You should think of the maximum resolution as 1/20th second (0.05 sec). Most of the functions in this file are just calls to sound() with hard-wired frequency and duration arguments, so I don't have to remember what frequency I use for a given alerting signal. SOUND.C EXTERNALLY-VISIBLE FUNCTIONS The externally-visible functions in SOUND.C are declared in the header file sound.h. You should always include that file in programs that use these functions. FUNCTION: alternate_warning_sound() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: none. alternate_warning_sound() generates a tone appropriate for alerting users to some condition. FUNCTION: beep_beep() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: none. beep_beep() produces a double beep, and is useful as a "positive reinforcement" signal. FUNCTION: blaat() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: none. blaat() is a low, irritating sound that we use as the "wrong answer" signal. FUNCTION: error_msg() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS:none. error_msg() is a generic prompt with sound effects that says that a given entry was inappropriate. FUNCTION: mouse_warning_sound() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: none. mouse_warning_sound() is the tone I generate in menu.c when the user holds a mouse button down when he should release it. FUNCTION: pause() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: one double. pause(duration) pauses duration seconds. FUNCTION: read_timer() TYPE: unsigned long int ARGUMENTS: none. read_timer() returns the time of day in hundredths of a second. Remember, the reading is not good to better than 1/20th second, but the formnat is hundredths. Thus, a returned value of 1200 would be 12 seconds after midnight, etc. FUNCTION: ready_beep() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: none. ready_beep() produces a quick alerting beep. FUNCTION: sound() TYPE: void ARGUMENTS: one unsigned int and one double. sound(freq, duration) produces a sound of freq frequency for duration seconds on the computer's speaker.