27 SEM Software is a growing collection of shareware software products for the MS-DOS community. Prices are reasonable, and quality is high, since all software is created by a fulltime professional software engineer with a Chicago high-tech consulting firm. Help to registered users is available through Compuserve, GEnie, or mail. Orders and inquiries are normally processed within 48 hours. Free trial copies of all software may be obtained from Compuserve (IBMSIG), Public (Software) Library of Houston, GEnie, and many systems around the country. Unless noted otherwise, all programs operate under MS-DOS or PC-DOS 2.1 and above, on IBM XTs, ATs, or compatibles, and will work on MDA, Hercules, CGA, and EGA video cards. FOR PRINTING AND TEXT PROCESSING: ***** SUPER PRINT ***** The ultimate in printing utilities, SUPER PRINT has just about any printing feature which could be desired. SUPER PRINT will print files with embedded control characters, will slash zeros, add line numbers, add left margin space for three-hole paper, page number, print file time and date in heading, and other stuff. Recent additions include page length setting, top and bottom margins, wild card filenames, prompted printing, printer configuration file, adjustable tab expansion, and more! This is also one of the few printing utilties which may be the target of piped data from another program. Now, version 2.70 includes even more enhancements, including character translation capabilities. The most software you can get for only $10! ****** NEAT ***** This is a text formatting program similar to UNIX nroff, except oriented to the PC user. Virtually any printer can be supported with several different fonts or ribbon options. This program also has file merging features for creating form letters merged with address lists, or other such uses. FOR C LANGUAGE PROGRAMMERS: ***** STEVE'S TURBO-C LIBRARY ***** This expansion library for Borland's Turbo-C has over 130 functions and growing. Although Version 1.5 of TC contains direct video access, "Steve's Library" was the FIRST to contain a full library of direct video text functions for this compiler. Many users say that my functions are even better and easier to use than Borland's. The library includes complete source code in C and assembler, plus several useful header files. Included are printer BIOS service routines for fast printer access, and async communications functions, directly accessing the serial ports for fast access without buffering. Up to 9600 baud is possible! Need to accept wildcard filenames on the command line? My exparg() function re-arranges (argc, argv) to an expanded array with all wildcards expanded to matching filenames. An installable interrupt handler for the 18.2 Hertz interrupt is included so that simple real-time applications can be programmed which will function properly regardless of the type of system in use. Functions for file opening from PATH and specified environment variables make opening a file anywhere in the environment totally transparent to the programmer. And now, support is also included for the switch inputs on the game port! This 4-bit port is very handy for reading switches or other logic levels from any outside device. Full documentation suitable for printing and placing in a binder is provided, along with a utility to automate the printing. To demonstrate various functions from STEVE'S LIBRARY, six utilites with source code are included. The utilities include: GTOD - Reports time and date in many formats TC - Compare two text files and report differences WC - Count words, lines, characters, and checksums files OKISET - Configure an Okidata Printer or similar IBM-type printer INPATH - Locate an executable file in current PATH DUMP - Unique hex dump program in COLOR, with optional highlighted bytes. ***** STEVE'S DATALIGHT LIBRARY ***** This expansion library for Datalight C has over 100 functions. Much of "Steve's Library" for Turbo - C is included, except the direct video (which Datalight provides). However, "Steve's Library" provides much of what Datalight forgot, like control-break and critical error interrupt handlers, device type interrogation functions, a game port handler, async functions, direct printer functions, and more. All functions have been optimized for Datalight, and the six demonstration utilities are included as well. FOR AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS ***** CONLOG ***** This is the first in what will become a series of contest logging programs for the Amateur Radio Operator. CONLOG is intended for the annual November Sweepstakes. This package is more than one program. There is a logging program for use during the contest, and two support programs to print the resulting logsheets, summary, and duplicate check sheets. All forms are printed with slick graphics (for IBM compatible printers only), but can be also printed on non-IBM printers without the graphics. The forms have been approved by the ARRL for submission as valid contest entries. Extra care has been taken to preserve all log entries, even if there is a system or power failure. The user can configure all video attributes, plus name, QTH, rig, and section information. This program is the result of various programs written over the last seven years for the Sweepstakes. No guarantees are made, but MY score has increased by over 25% as a result of computer logging! And the time saved in re-copying the logs (to make them readable!) is incredible. My entry is usually ready for mailing about 30 minutes after the contest ends. All new contest rules are supported, including the new West Texas section, and QRP power precedence. Provisions are made to edit or delete log entries during the contest, and the program absolutely will not let you log a duplicate callsign! Log size is a hefty 2500 entries to cover even you guys in the COLorado section. Try it once, and throw away your pencil! And when you work the contest, say hi to WA9DRE when we work! Corporations and clubs: Quantity discounts and/or site licensing aggrements are welcomed. Send your requirements for a quotation.