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cpp - C Pre-Processor  


cpp [-options] [infile [outfile]]  


Cpp reads a C source file, expands macros and include files, and writes an input file for the C compiler. If no file arguments are given, cpp reads from stdin and writes to stdout. If one file argument is given, it will define the input file, while two file arguments define both input and output files.

The following options are supported. Options may be given in either case.

Add this directory to the list of directories searched for #include "..." and #include <...> commands. Note that there is no space between the -I and the directory string. More than one -I command is permitted. On non-Unix systems directory is forced to upper-case.
Define the name as if the programmer wrote
                #define name value at the start of the first file. If =value is not given, a value of "1" will be used. On non-unix systems, all alphabetic text will be forced to upper-case.
Undefine the name as if
                #undef name were given. On non-Unix systems, name will be forced to upper-case. The following variables are pre-defined: Target computer (as appropriate):
        pdp11, vax, M68000 m68000 m68k Target operating system (as appropriate):
        rsx, rt11, vms, unix Target compiler (as appropriate):
        decus, vax11c The implementor may add definitions to this list. The default definitions match the definition of the host computer, operating system, and C compiler. The following are always available unless undefined:
The input (or #include) file being compiled (as a quoted string).
The line number being compiled.
The date and time of compilation as a Unix ctime quoted string (the trailing newline is removed). Thus,
   printf("Bug at line %s,", __LINE__);
   printf(" source file %s", __FILE__);
   printf(" compiled on %s", __DATE__);
Enable debugging code. If no value is given, a value of 1 will be used. (For maintenence of CPP only.)


Comments are removed from the input text. The comment is replaced by a single space character. This differs from usage on some existing preprocessors (but it follows the Draft Ansi C Standard).

Note that arguments may be concatenated as follows:
    #define I(x)x
    #define CAT(x,y)I(x)y
    int value = CAT(1,2);

If the above macros are defined and invoked without extraneous spaces, they will be transportable to other implementations. Unfortunately, this will not properly expand
    int CAT(foo,__LINE__);
    int CAT(foo,__LINE__);

as __LINE__ is copied into the input stream, yielding "foo__LINE__" in both cases, rather than the expected "foo123", "foo124", which would result if __LINE__ were expanded and the result copied into the input stream.

Macro formal parameters are not recognized within quoted strings and character constants in macro definitions.

CPP implements most of the ANSI draft standard. You should be aware of the following differences:

In the draft standard, the \n (backslash-newline) character is "invisible" to all processing. In this implementation, it is invisible to strings, but acts as a "whitespace" (token-delimiter) outside of strings. This considerably simplifies error message handling.
The following new features of C are processed by cpp:
    #elif expression     (#else #if)
    '\xNNN'              (Hexadecimal constants)
    '\a'                 (Ascii BELL [silly])
    '\v'                 (Ascii VT)
    #if defined NAME     (1 if defined, 0 if not)
    #if defined (NAME)   (1 if defined, 0 if not)
    unary +              (gag me with a spoon)
The draft standard has extended C, adding a string concatenation operator, where
        "foo" "bar" is regarded as the single string "foobar". (This does not affect CPP's processing.)


Many. CPP prints warning messages if you try to use multiple-byte character constants (non-transportable) or if you #undef a symbol that was not defined.  


Cpp prints spurious error or warning messages in #if sequences such as the following:
    #define foo 0
    #if (foo != 0) ? (100 / foo) : 0
    #undef foo
    #if ((defined(foo)) ? foo : 0) == 1 Cpp should supress the error message if the expression's value is already known. This document is not necessarily up-to-date. The file cpp.rno (cpp.mem) contains correct source for the documentation.  


Martin Minow




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