BACKUP ------ The concept behind "backup" is to use byte "t3" of the file name which, for those unfamiliar with the CP/M organisation is the third character in the "type" extension to the name. For example, the name - backup.c consists of - name ==> "backup" and type ==> "c" which, as you have already noticed doesn't contain 3 characters. But not to worry, CP/M makes PROVISION for three characters which, if not actually used, are converted to spaces (ASCII 32, decimal). So, whether or not you choose to specify 3 characters in the extension, you always have 3 available to you and so we can set bit 7 in t3 (or un-set it) as we need to in the backup programme. In fact this is what the programme does after it has archived (copied to the archive disk) the file(s) which haven't been previously archived by BACKUP. i.e. it then sets bit 7 of t3 to let BACKUP know that you have already archived this file. When you alter the file again, most text editors un-set the attribute bits in t1, t2 and t3 so that BACKUP will then regard the altered file as one which was not previously archived (which is true) and will archive it for you in the normal course of events. If YOUR text editor doesn't do this then use the companion programme SETATR ( set attributes) to make the edited file copyable, and BACKUP can then archive it for you. A couple of special point to be aware of when using BACKUP are - A. It can be used to back-up a hard disk but, the first time you use it you should have previously used SETATR to make sure your normal "COM" files are not needlessly backed-up to the floppy disk. You may also wish to disqualify all those other files which you already have 3 copies of, on floppy disk, and only archive the more recent work which you never seem to have the time to archive, usually. B. Don't worry if you find you have filled the archive disk before archiving all the files on the master disk. Just put another (clean, formatted) disk in the target drive, do a CONTROL-C, and re-run BACKUP. It won't re-copy the files it copied to the first disk but will start again from the file it wouldn't copy to the disk which became full, and copy the rest of the files to the new disk. C. The normal usage of BACKUP is - backup d1 d2 where "d1" is the drive being copied and "d2" is the drive which contains the archive disk. Either lower case or upper case is OK but note particularly that "d1:" is wrong. Just enter the letter without the colon as BACKUP only expects a single character. If you don't remember this, or the order in which the transfer is made - FROM d1 TO d2 then just enter backup and respond to the prompts which appear on the screen. D. I didn't put in any special error handling functions to deal with the problem you will encounter when you try to back up a file which has been made R/O on the archive disk. It was easy enough to remove the R/O status with the "set_bit" routine, and then erase the file on the archive disk before making the new copy with BACKUP. So beware, BACKUP will copy your files NO MATTER WHAT! That's about all there is to it. BACKUP is a simple programme (which does a complex job) and I've kept it that way as I've seen a number of similar programmes in Public Domain software, but NONE of them worked when I tried them on my system! Backup SHOULD work on any CP/M 2.2 system but if you have any problems send your bug reports to - Phil Cogar, P.O. Box 364, Narrabeen, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA 2101 ------------------------- isk