John Scarfone 2030 Ypres Blvd. Windsor, Ont. Canada N8W 1S8 AREA DOC doc for area.c AREA C display's area codes GRAY C bit manipulation function GRAY SAM '' HANGMATH C involves guessing the digit DETAB C yet another detab utility GEM C gemini printer setup COMASM A communication program COMPGM C86 '' COMTRM C '' COMSUP C '' COMSUP DOC '' COMSUP H '' CHMOD C changes file attribute's VTYPE C type txt files (scroll forward and reverse) CTOOLS C string manipulation PCM C communication program PCMCOM S '' SETPRTR C set's epson printer DATEDIF C get's difference between two dates LOTTO C randomly picks lotto numbers GETVOL C gets volume label C-ASM TXT how to link asm and lattice C ASTCLOCK C get's date from ast clock card RFILE C random file example MSC-ASM DOC how to link asm and MS C 3 QSORT C example of qsort for MS C 3 SCREEN ASM example of how to link asm & MS C 3 DIRGT ASM get's dir for lattice DIRGT C '' ANSI C ansi control codes CLEAR C how to clear screen in MS C 3 CTOPAS C converts C to Pas ALLDIR C looks for files in all directory's BAUD1 C determines the baud rate of modem SDIRA ASM sort directory SDIR C ''