************************* MASTER CODE *************************************** The name of the first file in this disk's directory identifies the volume, issue number and revision of the disk. The format of this filename is: !CDmvvii.rrr where ! = the '!' character m = C for C Users Journal, W for Windows/DOS Developer's Journal vv = volume ii = issue rrr = revision (001 for initial release, 002 for next update, etc.) The file UPDATE.DOC contains information about any additions or corrections to material on the disk since the original magazine publication. ************************* FILE DESCRIPTION ********************************** The following files are included in the disk: FILENAME AUTHOR-NAME TITLE PAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feeney.zip James E. Feeney Real-Time Data Acquisition 19-34 and Control Under Windows myheader.h - Listing 1, Header file for VDS functions mainprog.c - Listing 2, Main application program myflags.h - Listing 3, Program flags timer.c - Listing 4, A basic timer function timer2.c - Listing 5, An improved Windows timer function Watson.zip Robert Watson DMA Controller Programming in C 35-54 record.c - Listing 1, Main application program vds.h - Listing 2, Header file for VDS functions vds.c - Listing 3, Source file for VDS functions makefile - Listing 4, Make file for building the application Janzen.zip Thomas E. Janzen C++ for Fuzzy Logic 55-71 fuzzy.hpp - Listing 1, Definition of class fuzzy fzy_set.hpp - Listing 2, Definition of class fzy_set fam2.hpp - Listing 3, Definition of fuzzy associative memory memfunc.hpp - Listing 4, Definition of membership_function example.cpp - Listing 5, Application of fuzzy associative memory Labrocca.zip P.J. LaBrocca A Function to Allocate 72-86 2-Dimensional Arrays at Run Time dyn2darr.c - Listing 1, Defines function to allocate 2-d arrays dyn2darr.h - Listing 2, Header file for dyn2darr.c magic.c - Listing 3, Magic squares program test.c - Listing 4, A program to test dynamic allocation makefile - Listing 5, Makefile for Microsoft's NMAKE magic.exe - Not printed in magazine. test.exe - Not printed in magazine. Allison.zip Chuck Allison Code Capsules 89-101 bit1.c - Listing 1, Illustrates bitwise operators bit1_2.c - Listing 2, Sets and resets individual bits bit.h - Listing 3, Declarations for bit access functions bit.c - Listing 4, Implements file for bit.h tbit.c - Listing 5, Illustrates the bit access functions from bit.h bits.h - Listing 6, Bits object interface bits.c - Listing 7, Bits object implementation tbits.c - Listing 8, Test the bits interface edits.h - Listing 9, Edits to transform bits.h into bitstr.h edits.c - Listing 10, Edits to transform bits.c into bitstr.c tbitstr.c - Listing 11, Test the bitstr interface pugh.zip Kenneth Pugh Questions & Answers 103-107 pedconn.hpp - Figure 1, Jorge Pedron's sample code saks.zip Dan Saks Stepping Up to C++ 109-116 string.hpp - Listing 1, A simple string class immdes.hpp - Listing 2, Immediate destruction with references bound to entire objects inmeos.hpp - Listing 3, An example where destruction at EOS fails gencode.cpp - Listing 4, Generated code from a conditionally constructed temporary splash.zip Jim Morris The SPLASH Class Library CUJ 11.10, 49-67 splash.cpp - Not printed in magazine. spltst.cpp - Not printed in magazine. slicetst.cpp - Not printed in magazine. tracer.cpp - Not printed in magazine. cislog.cpp - Not printed in magazine. assoc.cpp - Not printed in magazine. chgfnt.cpp - Not printed in magazine. tstio.cpp - Not printed in magazine. justify.cpp - Not printed in magazine. scl.cpp - Not printed in magazine. tracer.h - Not printed in magazine. readme.sam - Not printed in magazine. makefile.std - Not printed in magazine. readme - Not printed in magazine. readme.2nd - Not printed in magazine. splash.doc - Not printed in magazine. regexp.doc - Not printed in magazine. splash.h - Not printed in magazine. regex.c - Not printed in magazine. regex.h - Not printed in magazine. regmagic.h - Not printed in magazine. regexp.h - Not printed in magazine. splash.v - Not printed in magazine. slicetst.v - Not printed in magazine. assoc.h - Not printed in magazine. changelo - Not printed in magazine. patchler - Not printed in magazine. todo - Not printed in magazine. 1110072.zip Martin Scolnick Random Event Simulation CUJ 11.10, 69-82 for C Programmers 1110072c - Listing 6, Definition of MakeHistogram ****************************************************************************** If you have questions regarding to the disk, please call or write us. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R&D Publications, Inc. 1601 W. 23rd St. Suite 200 Lawrence, KS 66046 (913) 841-1631 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------