---header items--- name: Your name, of course! org: School/Company/Organization email address: Email address from a well known site postal address: Postal address, include your country as well environment: Hardware & OS under which your program was tested entry: A of B remarks: ---how to compile--- X Give the command(s) needed to compile your program. X Follow the same rules as given for the program below except that the X command size must be 160 characters or less. ---program--- X Place obfuscated source of 1536 characters or less in this section. X Add a leading X to each line to avoid problems with mailers. X Some mailers don't like files with very long lines. If your entry contains C C lines longer 80 chars we ask you to form continuation line sets. To form C C a continuation line set, place a 'C' character at the point of a split C C and place a C (instead of an X) at the beginning of the next line. C C Finally, end the continuation line set as normal. X The C\nC's and leading X's will be removed prior to extraction and thus C C they don't contribute toward the source character count. All other C C characters are considered to be source. X Newlines count as 1 character. Assume an 8 character tab stop. ---end--- Dumb Listing 1 I a U a I b U b I c U c I d U d I e U e I f U f I g U g I h U h I i U i I j U j I k U k I l U l I m U m L D m E L D l E L D k E L D j E L D i E L D h E L D g E L D f E L D e E L D d E L D c E L D b E L D a E I m D n (1<<9) L D n 0 E I l D o (1<<8) L D o 0 E I k D p (1<<7) L D p 0 E I j D q (1<<6) L D q 0 E I i D r (1<<5) L D r 0 E I h D s (1<<4) L D s 0 E I g D t (1<<3) L D t 0 E I f D u (1<<2) L D u 0 E I e D v (1<<1) L D v 0 E D vv (n+o+p+q+r+s+t+u+v+1) D ff (defined(d)*16+defined(c)*8+defined(b)*4+defined(a)*2+1) F vv==1 U vv D vv 2 E F ff main(){ E N z M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M E I z U z L I y U y L I x U x L I w U w } E E E E main() { printf("%d\n",2); printf("%d\n", (0+0+0+0+0+0+(1<<1)+1)); printf("%d\n", (0+0+0+0+0+(1<<2)+0+1)); printf("%d\n", (0+0+0+0+0+(1<<2)+(1<<1)+1)); printf("%d\n", (0+0+0+0+(1<<3)+0+(1<<1)+1)); printf("%d\n", (0+0+0+0+(1<<3)+(1<<2)+0+1)); printf("%d\n", (0+0+0+(1<<4)+0+0+0+1)); ... } Paul Dale's Dumb Code #define _ define #_ P char #_ p int #_ O close( #_ H strlen(* #_ h case_2 #_ case_3 default #_ while switch #_ L if #_ I goto #_ l 1 #_ f write #_ J else #_ a(x)get/***/x/***/id()) P z[l<<(1< Maarten Litmaath's Dumb Code main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { while (*argv != argv[1] && (*argv = argv[1]) && (argc = 0) || (*++argv && (**argv && ((++argc)[*argv] && (**argv <= argc[*argv] || (**argv += argc[*argv] -= **argv = argc[*argv] - **argv)) && --argv || putchar(**argv) && ++*argv--) || putchar(10)))) ; } Ian Phillipps Dumb Code main(t,_,a ) char * a; { return! 0 #include #define w printf #define p while #define t(s) (W=T(s)) char*X,*B,*L,I[99];M,W,V;D(){W==9?(w("`%.*s' is ",V,X), t(0)):W==40?(t(0),D(),t(41)):W==42?(t(0),D(),w("ptr to ")):0; p(W==40?(t(0),w("func returning "), t(41)):W==91?(t(0)==32?(w("array[0..%d] of ",atoi(X)-1),t(0)):w("array of "), t(93)):0);}main(){p(w("input: "),B=gets(I))if(t(0)==9)L=X,M=V,t(0),D(), w("%.*s.\n\n",M,L);}T(s){if(!s||s==W){p(*B==9||*B==32)B++;X=B;V=0; if(W=isalpha(*B)?9:isdigit(*B)?32:*B++) if(W<33)p(isalnum(*B))B++,V++;}return W;} Arch Robison's Dumb Code #include unsigned char w,h,i,l,e,x,y=10,z=10,E[256]; #define whi1e(j,k) printf(j,k); fflush(stdout) #define o E[w] main (c,v) char *v[]; { while (c>=2 ){z = atoi(v[1]),--c; while (c>=2 )y = atoi(v[2]),--c;} whi1e ("%s" ,"2."); while (--y) --x; while (--x) --e,--y; while (--z) --x; while (--x) --e,--z; while (--w) { while (--x) --o;} while (--z) { while (--x) --w; while (--o) ; while (--w) ; while (--e) --x; while (--x) --w,--e; while (--w) { while (--l) ; while (--i) --l;--l; while (--h) ; while (--y) --x; while (--x) --h,--y; while (--x) --h; while (--h) { while (--o) --x; while (--x) --l,--o; while (l>=w ){--i; while (--w) --l,--x; while (--x) --w;--l;}} while (--o) ; while (--l) --x; while (--x) --o;} while (--i) --h; whi1e ("%x" ,--h);--e;} whi1e ("%s" ,"\n");} Diomidis Spinellis' Dumb Code #include "/dev/tty" main() { printf("Hello world\n"); }