TOP / \ LEV1A LEV1B / \ LEV2A LEV2B Figure 1 - Changes from Unix Make to Digital/VMS MMS. UNIX = = = = = = >>> VAX /dir/sub1/sub2/file [dir.sub1.sub2]file ../file [-]file ../dir/file [-.dir]file ./dir/file [.dir]file cc -o file1 file2 file3 cc /obj=file1 file2,file3 ld -o file1 file2 file3 link /exe=file1 file2,file3 cc -O -I path -Ditem cc /optimize /include=path - /define=item .SUFFIXES: list .SUFFIXES .SUFFIXES list include file .INCLUDE file # comment ! comment ar cr lib files library/create lib library/replace files mv file path_or_file copy file path_or_file cd path set default path cd .. set default [-] cd path_w/o_period set default [.path_w/o_period] command1 ; command2 command1 ! only one per line command2 label: label : ! requires space make -f file mms /description=file make item="stuff" mms /macro="item=stuff" rm file delete file; ! latest version delete file;* ! all versions Figure 2 - UnixIO and Curses Calls Supplied with Vax C Compiler. UNIXIO close creat dup dup2 open read write lseek fileno fstat stat getname isapipe isatty ttyname CURSES [w]addch [w]addstr box [w]clear clearok [w]clrattr [w]clrtobot [w]clrtoeol [no]crmode [w]delch [w]deleteln delwin [no]echo endwin [w]erase [w]getch [w]getstr getyx [w]inch initscr [w]insch [w]insertln [w]insstr longname leaveok [w]move mv[w]addch mv[w]addstr mvcur mv[w]delch mv[w]getch mv[w]getstr mv[w]inch mv[w]insch mv[w]insstr mvwin newwin [no]nl overlay overwrite [w]printw [no]raw [w]refresh [w]scanw scroll scrollok [w]setattr subwin [w]standend [w]standout touchwin wrapok