name set_env COMMENT;------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: to write directly to the original environment using undocumented interrupt number 2Eh - For command line usage: set_env string_name Revised/Reassembled Under MASM v.5.0 03/02/88 - Ron Schroeder First assemble, link and then use EXE2BIN to convert to .com file ;----------------------------- code_seg segment assume cs:code_seg, ds:code_seg,es:code_seg,ds:code_seg org 100h ; com file format main proc near jmp short START ;skip over data area ;---------------------------------------------------------------- set db ODh ; chars in `SET STRING=` (11) db 'SET STRING=' ;environmental literal setting db 20h dup(0) ;arbitrary size envp buffer ;---------------------------------------------------------------- START: mov ah,4Ah ; first modify memory location mov bx,offset FREE ; make room for dec bx mov cl,o4h shr bx,cl inc bx int 21h ; do it xor ch,ch ; zero out ch (defensive move mov si,0080h ; get command line length mov cl,byte ptr[si]; put it in cl dec cl ; adjust it jcxz ERROR1 ; error if no command line add set,cl ; add cmd line size to literal mov si,0082h ; beginning of command line mov di,offset setting ; destination rep movsb ; put all in setting for length ; in cx xor bh,bh ; zero out bh (defensive move) mov bl,set ; 'new' length of env string mov set[bx][1],0Dh ;0Dh is cr at end of string mov si,offset set int 2Eh ; write ds:si to original environment xor al,al ; zero out al for zero error code ret EXIT: mov ah,4Ch ; quit int 21h ERROR1: mov al,01h ; if no characters entered jmp short EXIT ; then error FREE label byte ; to determine memory ; allocation for this program main endp ; end of procedure ;---------------------------------------------------------------- code_seg ends end main