============================================================================== CUG200 - ----------- SCI - Small C Interpreter This Small C interpreter by Robert Brodt (NJ) is a shareware package available only as an executable image for PC-Clones and is accom panied by two extensive documentation files. A useful learning aid. [share2] CUG200.01-CALC.SCI 1.5 source By Bob Brodt. Sample infix notation calculator program => COPY.SCI. CUG200.02-COPY.SCI 1.4 source By Bob Brodt. Sample file copy program CALC.SCI. CUG200.03-PROGRAM.MAN 1.5 doc By Bob Brodt. Programmer's guide and tutorials for SCI. => USER.MAN. CUG200.04-READ.ME doc By Bob Brodt. Software registration info. [MS-DOS:] CUG200.05-SCI.EXE 1.5 executable Small C Interpreter. By Bob Brodt. A small C interpreter, designed to introduce C. Includes a screen editor, & debugger. => USER.MAN PROG.MAN. [MSDOS:] Requires 64K of memory. CUG200.06-SHELL.SCI 1.5 source By Bob Brodt. The command shell, written in SCl's dialect of C. => USER.MAN. CUG200.07-USER.MAN doc Small C Tutorial. By Bob Brodt. SCI users manual describing shell, editor, language, library functions and debugger. => PROGRAM.MAN. ============================================================================== CUG201 - ----------- MS DOS System Support Systems oriented programs and functions by Fred Whaley (CA), Don R. Ridgway (FL), Richard Hilburger (OR), Brian Irvine (CA), and Dan Lewis (CA). Includes support for MS-DOS device drivers written in Lattice C small model; STAYRES which allows MS-DOS resident tasks to be written in C for DeSmet; a collection of macros and function definitions which support use of ANSI terminal control sequences tested with both Microsoft and Lattice; enhanced versions of Lattice exe() and chai() functions that support use of alternate shells; and functions that handle interactive console input. [mixed] CUG201.01-ANSIDEM2.EXE executable By Don F. Ridgway. Demonstration of ANSI.SYS device drivers. => ANSISYS2.C ANSIDEMO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 2.03, LC2. 15] CUG201.02-ANSIDEMO.C source By Don F. Ridgway. Demonstrate ANSI screen and keyboard functions. => ANSIDEMO.EXE ANSIREAD.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC 2.03, LC2.15] CUG201.03-ANSIDEMO.EXE executable By Don F. Ridgway. => ANSIDEMO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, LC] CUG201.04-ANSIREAD.DOC doc MS-DOS System Support. By Don F. Ridgway. Documentation for ANSI.SYS device driver. => ANSISYS.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.05-ANSISYS.C source Graphics Driver. By Don F. Ridgway. A set of functions to facilitate graphics on the screen (cursor, screen and extended keyboard controls). => DRIVER.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC 2.03, LC2.15] CUG201.06-ANSISYS2.C source By Don F. Ridgway. Defines a set of screen functions. Minor change for Lattice C 3.00. => ANSIDEM2.EXE ANSIREAD.DOC. [MS-DOS: LC3.0] CUG201.07-DRIVER.DOC doc By Frank Whaley. Describes a method for using Lattice C to develop installable device drivers for MS-DOS. => DRIVER.H DRIVER.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.08-DRIVER.H header By Frank Whaley. Device driver header file. => DRIVER.DOC. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG201.09-DRIVER.LIB library By Frank Whaley. Library of device drivers. => MHDR.ASM MONO.C MAKEMON.BAT DRIVER.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.10-EXECUTE.C source By Dan Lewis. Defines enhanced exec() and chain() functions which look for a program not only in the current directory, but also in the current path. => EXECUTE.DOC. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG201.11-EXECUTE.DOC doc By Dan Lewis. => EXECUTE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.12-FDIRES.C 1.3 source By Brian Irvine. TSR directory display program. => FDIRES.EXE FDIRTSR.C STMES.C. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG201.13-FDIRES.EXE executable By Brian Irvine. => FDIRES.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.14-FDIRTSR.C 1.2 source By Brian Irvine. Define a TSR function. FDIRES.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 2.03, LC2.15] CUG201.15-HDR.ASM source By Frank Whaley. Device driver library. => DRIVER.LIB DRIVER.H DRIVER.DOC. [MSDOS:] CUG201.16-KEYBD.C source By Richard Hilburger. Direct keyboard input functions (inkey and kbd_rdy) and sample program. => KEYBD.DOC. [MS-DOS: DES MET] CUG201.17-KEYBD.DOC doc By Richard Hilburger. Documentation for keyboard functions. => KEYBD.C. [MSDOS:] CUG201.18-KEYBD.EXE executable By Richard Hilburger. => KEYBD.C KEYBD.DOC. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG201.19-MAKEMON.BAT batch By Frank Whaley. Batch file for compiling and linking MONO.C. => MONO.C DRIVER.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.20-MHDR.ASM 0.0 source By Frank Whaley. Device driver library. DRIVER.LIB DRIVER.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.21-MONO.C source By Frank Whaley. Example monochrome character device driver. => DRIVER.DOC. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG201.22-NODUPE.C 1.1 source By Brian Irvine. Avoid installing the same program twice. => FDIRES.C STAYRES.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG201.23-STAYRES.C 1.2 source By Brian Irvine. An outline main() which includes all code necessary for a terminate and stay resident program. main() may be modified or linked externally to user's code. => STAYRES.DOC. [MS-DOS: DESMET, LC, MSC 2.03] Requires DESMET C library functions, inline assembly code. CUG201.24-STAYRES.DOC doc By Brain Irvine. Documentation of the TSR program => STAYRES.C. [MSDOS:] ============================================================================== CUG202 - ----------- Karel For MS-DOS An MS-DOS version of Linda Rising's (IN) KAREL The Robot interpreter. KAREL programs manipulate a robot and beepers. The Pascal-like language introduces controls structures and structured design without the complexity of data structures, types and expressions. This implementation includes a syntax-directed editor and outputs calls and tables which are linked to predefined C functions to build a program simulator. It compiles under an early version of Microsoft. [public] CUG202.01-KAREL.BAT batch By Unda Rising. Batch file for Karel simulator. => KAREL1.C README.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG202.02-KAREL.H header By Unda Rising. Header file for Karel simulator. => KAREL1.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.03-KAREL1.C source By Unda Rising. Source for Karel world builder. => KAREL1.EXE KAREL.H UGUIDE.DOC CUG139 KED.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.04-KAREL1.EXE executable Karel the Robot. By Unda Rising. => KAREL1.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.05-KED.C source By Unda Rising. Part 1 of the source for syntax-directed editor. => KED2.C KED1.C KED.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.06-KED.EXE executable => KED.C KAREL1.C KED2.C KED.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.07-KED.H header By Unda Rising. Header file for Ked editor. => KED.C KED2.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG202.08-KED2.C source By Unda Rising. Part 2 of source for syntaxdirected editor. _ KED.C KED.H KED.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.09-MENU.DOC doc By Linda Rising. Commands for the Ked editor. => UGUIDE.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.10-README.DOC doc By Unda Rising. Notes on files and compilation instructions. => README2.DOC UGUIDE.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.11-README2.DOC doc By Linda Rising. Notes on source files. README.DOC UGUIDE.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.12-SESSIONS.DOC doc By Unda Rising. Sample editing sessions. UGUIDE.DOC KED.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG202.13-UGUIDE.DOC doc By Unda Rising. User's guide for Karel simulator and Ked. => SESSIONS.DOC CUG139 README2.DOC. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG203 - ----------- YAM For MS-DOS An MS-DOS port of YAM, a modem control utility that supports XMODEM (Ward Christensen) XMODEM/CRC-16, MODEM7, CompuserveA, UNIX sb, and YMODEM transfer protocols. This version by Olen Pederson, (MN) is descended from the BDS C original by Chuck Forsberg, (OR) et al, (CUG110) and Paul Homchick's ClC86 CP/M 86 version. Includes ex tensive documentation. [public] CUG203.01-CC.BAT batch By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Batch file for compiling a single YAM module. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG203.02-CCL.BAT batch By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Batch file for compiling and linking a YAM module. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.03-LLYAM.BAT batch By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Batch file to link YAM modules. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.04-MAKEARC.BAT batch By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Makes archive of all needed YAM files. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.05-README.DOC doc By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. YAMMAN.DOC. CUG203.06-YAM.EXE executable YAM for MS-DOS. By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. => YAMMAN.DOC YAM1.C CUG110. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG203.07-YAM.H header By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Macros, prototypes, and data types. YAMSYS.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.08-YAM1.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Main program and command sequencer. YAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.09-YAM10.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. File display, unsqueeze functions. => YAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.10-YAM11.ASM source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. YAM's terminal I/O assembly routines. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.11-YAM2.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. File transmission protocol headers. => YAM.H. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG203.12-YAM3.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Conversation with data capture, file XMSN without error checking. => YAM.H. [MSDOS:] CUG203.13-YAM4.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. CIS, a protocol handler. => YAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.14-YAM5.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Basic low-level modem functions. User specific modem initialization. => YAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.15-YAM6.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Global variables and constants. => YAM.H. [MSDOS:] CUG203.16-YAM7.C source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. File and initialization. => YAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.17-YAM8.ASM source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. CRCK subroutine. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.18-YAM9.ASM 1.2 source By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. CRCK subroutine. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.19-YAMCC.BAT batch By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Batch file for compiling and assembling YAM [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG203.20-YAMCFG.T doc By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. tup configuration file. CUG203.21-YAMHELP.T doc By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Help file. => YAMMAN.DOC YAMIMPL.DOC CUG203.22-YAMIMPL.DOC doc By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Implementation manual for YAM. => YAM MAN.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG203.23-YAMLIST doc By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. List of file to link. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG203.24-YAMMAN.DOC doc By Chuck Forsberg, Olen Pederso. Complete user instructions, options, function by function description, and file descriptions. Also a sample session and bug report. => YAMIMPL.DOC CUG110. CUG203.25-YAMPHONE.T doc By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Telephone numbers used by YAM. CUG203.26-YAMSYS.H header By Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg, Olen Pederson, Chuck Forsberg. Header and global. Global equates for specific installations and modem ports. => YAMSYS.H YAM.H YAM5.C. [MS-DOS, MS-DOS: LC] CUG203.27-YMODEM.DOC doc XMODEM/YMODEM Protocol Reference. By Chuck Forsberg, Ward Christensen. Length description of the operation and options of XMODEM/YMODEM protocol. YAMMAN.DOC CUG139. ============================================================================== CUG204 - ----------- 68000 C Compiler A 68000 C compiler by Matthew Brandt (GA). Brandt describes the compiler as "an optimizing C compiler which has successfully compiled itself under UNIX System V." The compiler accepts floating point types but doesn't know how to generate code for them. It supports only #include and #define preprocessor directives. Output is in UNIX 68000 object code format. The compiler will compile under Microsoft C v3.0 or later. Package has little documentation. [restricted] CUG204.01-ANALYZE.C source By Matthew Brandt. Expression optimizer. C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC] CUG204.02-C.H header By Matthew Brandt. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.03-CC68.EXE executable By Matthew Brandt. C compiler that generates UNIX 68000 assembler format. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC] CUG204.04-CGLBDEC.H header By Matthew Brandt. Global definitions. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.05-CGLBDEF.C source By Matthew Brandt. Global definitions. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.06-CMAIN.C source 68000 C Compiler. By Matthew Brandt. Define main function. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: UNIX] Requires 68000 processor for use on UNIX system. CUG204.07-CODE.H header By Matthew Brandt. Code structure definitions. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC] CUG204.08-DECL.C source By Matthew Brandt. Parsing declarations. C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.09-EXPR.C source By Matthew Brandt. Expression evaluation. Builds a parse tree for an expression. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.10-EXPR.H header By Matthew Brandt. Expression tree descriptions. [MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG204.11-FUNC.C source By Matthew Brandt. Function compilation routines. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.12-GEN.H header By Matthew Brandt. Code generation structure and constants. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.13-GENCODE.C source By Matthew Brandt. Code generation routines for evaluating expressions and conditions. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.14-GENSTMT.C source By Matthew Brandt. Generates code. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.15-GETSYM.C source By Matthew Brandt. Get a symbol from input stream. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.16-INIT.C source By Matthew Brandt. Program initialization routine. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.17-INTEXPR.C source By Matthew Brandt. Evaluates integer expression. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.18-LIB.S source By Matthew Brandt. Assembly coded long signed multiplication. [UNIX:] Motorola 68000 processor. CUG204.19-LIST.C source By Matthew Brandt. List the symbol table. C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC] CUG204.20-MAKE.BAT batch By Matthew Brandt. Batch file to create cc68 compiler. [MS-DOS:] CUG204.21-MEMMGT.C source By Matthew Brandt. Memory management functions. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.22-OPTIMIZE.C source By Matthew Brandt. Optimization code. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.23-OUTCODE.C source By Matthew Brandt. Generate code. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MSDOS:] CUG204.24-PEEPGEN.C source By Matthew Brandt. Peephole optimization functions. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.25-PREPROC.C source By Matthew Brandt. Preprocessor functions. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.26-README doc By Matthew Brandt. Author's bug report along with system requirements. CUG204.27-REGISTER.C source By Matthew Brandt. Handles the allocation and deallocation of temporary registers. C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC] CUG204.28-SEARCHKW.C source By Matthew Brandt. Searches keyword. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.29-SIEVE.C source By Matthew Brandt. Produces SIEVE.LIS and SIEVE.S. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.30-START.C source By Matthew Brandt. Builds a parse tree of statements. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] CUG204.31-SYMBOL.C source By Matthew Brandt. Symbol table routines. => C.H EXPR.H GEN.H CGLBDEC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG205 - ----------- Utilities Vll Rewrites of backgammon and go fish from CUG102 plus some text filters and other utilities including detabber, word frequency counter, and UNIX tee and word filters. Developed under Microsoft v3.0. Submitted by Michael N. Yokoyama (HI). [public] CUG205.01-BG.C 2.0 source By Michael Yokoyama. Adaptation of Leor Zolman's backgammon for MS-DOS. Uses ANSI.SYS for screen control and colors.-BG.EXE BGDISP.C BGTALK.C CUG 102.22. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] Requires ANSI.SYS. CUG205.02-BG.EXE 2.0 executable By Michael Yokoyama. Backgammon executable. => BG.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.03-BGDISP.C 2.0 source By Michael Yokoyama. Display subroutine for backgammon. => CUG102 BG.C BGHELP.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.04-BGTALK.C 2.0 source By Michael Yokoyama. Conversation module for Backgammon II. => CUG102 BG.C BGDISP.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.05-CAPITALS.C 2.0 source By Michael Yokoyama. Capitalize text files. => CAPITALS.DOC CAPITALS.EXE. [MSDOS: MSC] CUG205.06-CAPITALS.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => CAPITALS.C CAPITALS.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.07-CAPITALS.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => CAPITALS.C CAPITALS.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.08-CCL-CL.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Filter to eliminate multiple carraige returns. => CCL-CL.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.09-CCL-CL.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => CCL-CL.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.10-CCL-CL.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => CCL-CL.CCLCLDOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.11-COLOR.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Changes the colors of text on PC-clones. => COLOR.DOC COLOR.EXE. [MS-DOS:] Requires ANSI.SYS. CUG205.12-COLOR.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => COLOR.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CONFIG.SYS must contain device = ANSI.SYS. CUG205.13-COLOR.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => COLOR.C COLOR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.14-CONVERT.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama, Michael Yokoyama. Convert a number to hexadecimal and octal. => CONVERT.EXE CONVERT.C. [MSDOS, MS-DOS:] CUG205.15-CUG205.LST doc Listing of files along with file by file description. CUG205.16-DETAB.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Replaces tabs with equivalent number of spaces. => DETAB.DOC DETAB.EXE. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.17-DETAB.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. DETAB.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.18-DETAB.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => DETAB.C. [MSDOS:] CUG205.19-ENTAB.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Replaces spaces with tabs. => DETAB.C ENTAB.DOC. [MSDOS:] CUG205.20-ENTAB.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => ENTAB.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.21-ENTAB.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => ENTAB.C DETAB.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.22-EXPOSE.C 1.1 source By Michael Yokoyama. List messages in executable files. => EXPOSE.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.23-EXPOSE.EXE 1.1 executable By Michael Yokoyama. => EXPOSE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG205.24-FISH.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Children's Go-Fish game. => FISH.EXE CUG102.11. [MSDOS:] CUG205.25-FISH.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => FISH.C. [MSDOS:] CUG205.26-FKEY.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Function key redefinition program. => FKEY.EXE TIMEMARK.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.27-FKEY.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => FKEY.C. [MSDOS:] CUG205.28-FREQ.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Counts occurrences of similar lines in sorted files. => FREQ.EXE WHITE.C RS.C WORDS.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.29-FREQ.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => FREQ.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.30-FREQ.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => FREQ.C FREQ.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.31-LOWCASE.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Filter for converting entire text files to lower case. => CAPITALS.C LOWCASE.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.32-LOWCASE.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. LOWCASE.C LOWCASE.EXE. [MS DOS:] CUG205.33-LOWCASE.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => LOWCASE.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.34-RS.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Filter to remove white space from end of line. => RS.DOC RS.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.35-RS.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage description. => RS.C RS.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.36-RS.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => RS.C RS.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.37-TEE.C source By Michael Yokoyama. UNIX-like Tee command. Copies standard input to the specified file without changing standard output. => TEE.DOC TEE.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.38-TEE.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage description. => TEE.C TEE.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.39-TEE.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => TEE.C TEE.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.40-TIMEMARK.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Prints current time and date. => TIMEMARK.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.41-TIMEMARK.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => TIMEMARK.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.42-WHITE.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Counts the blanks, tabs, and carraige returns in a file. => WHITE.EXE WHITE.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.43-WHITE.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => WHITE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.44-WHITE.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => WHITE.C WHITE.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.45-WORDS.C source Word Lister. By Michael Yokoyama. Places words on separate lines. => WORDS.DOC WORDS.EXE CUG 141.05 CUG 167.02. [MSDOS:] CUG205.46-WORDS.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information and examples. => WORDS.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.47-WORDS.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => WORDS.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG205.48-WSTYPE.C source Wordstar Display. By Michael Yokoyama. Displays and/or converts Wordstar files to viewable clean files. => WSTYPE.DOC WSTYPE.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.49-WSTYPE.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information and examples. => WSTYPE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG205.50-WSTYPE.EXE executable By Michael Yokoyama. => WSTYPE.C WSTYPE.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] ============================================================================== CUG206 - ----------- Checkbook Register Doc and Exec. A suite of programs for maintaining a check register under CP/M from Jim Woolley (CA) of WoolleyWare. Contains user documentation and executable versions of the programs configured for an Osborne I display. An installation program can be used to reconfigure the executables for other terminals. User interface modeled after Wordstar. [restricted] CUG206.01-ABSTRACT.DOC 1.1 doc Documentation Abstract. By Jim Woolley. Covers features, system specifications, and functional description of check register program. => CHECKS.DOC. CUG206.02-CHECKS.DOC doc Complete Documentation, tutorial. By Jim Woolley. Users guide including tutorial and commands summary. => CHECKS11.COM CG207. CUG206.03-CHECKS.SCR data Screen Control Data. By Jim Woolley. CHECKSIN.COM. CUG206.04-CHECKS11.COM 1.1 executable Updated Version of Checks. By Jim Woolley. Manages the current check register, including reconciliation of transactions which have cleared. => CLEARS11.COM CHECKSIN.COM CUG207. [CP/M-80: BDSC] CUG206.05-CHECKSIN.COM executable Installs CHECKS.SCR file. By Jim Woolley. Adapts 'checks' and 'clears' to your video display terminal. => CHECKS11.COM CLEARS11.COM CUG207. [CP/M 80:] CUG206.06-CHECKSIN.DAT 1.1 data Installation Data. By Jim Woolley. => CHECKSIN.COM. CUG206.07-CLEARS11.COM 1.1 executable By Jim Woolley. Maintains and summarizes transactions after they have cleared the bank, for historical review. => CHECKS11.COM CHECKSIN.COM CUG207. [CP/M-80: BDSC] Requires 52.5K of TPA. CUG206.08-DEMO.DAT 1.1 data By Jim Woolley. Demonstration check register. => DEMO.INF. CUG206.09-DEMO.INF 1.1 data By Jim Woolley. Demonstration information. => DEMO.DAT. CUG206.10-README.11 1.1 doc Revision 1.1 Information. By Jim Woolley. Update of README.A. => README.A. CUG206.11-README.A 1.1 doc Condensed Installation Directions. By Jim Woolley. Disk contents. => ABSTRACT.DOC CHECKS.DOC. ============================================================================== CUG207 - ----------- Checkbook Register Doc and Source The source code (BDS C v1.5) and user documentation for a suite of programs that maintain a checkbook. The programs are user supported software. [restricted] CUG207.01-ABSTRACT.DOC 2.0 doc Condensed Documentation. By Jim Woolley. Condensed documentation includes system specifications and functional descriptions. => CHECKS.DOC README.11 README.A README.B CUG206. CUG207.02-CHECK.SCR data Screen Control Data. By Jim Woolley. => CHECKSIN.COM. CUG207.03-CHECKA.C 1.0 source By Jim Woolley. Contains entry editing functions. => CHECKS.H. [CP/M-80: BDSC] CUG207.04-CHECKD.C 1.1 source By Jim Woolley. Data entry functions. _ CHECKS.H. [CP/M-80:] CUG207.05-CHECKS.C 1.1 source Main Source Code File. By Jim Woolley. Includes main and data fetching functions. => CHECKS.H. [CP/M-80:] CUG207.06-CHECKS.DOC doc Complete Documentation & Tutorial. By Jim Woolley. Users guide including tutorial and edit command summary. => CHECKS11.COM README.11 README.A README.B CUG206. CUG207.07-CHECKS.H header By Jim Woolley. Header file including global definitions and data structures. [CP/M-80: BDSC] CUG207.08-CHECKSB.C source By Jim Woolley. Text display functions. => CHECKS.H. [CP/M-80:] CUG207.09-CHECKSC.C 1.1 source By Jim Woolley. Contains functions for cursor positioning, character manipulation, money functions, saving and aborting functions. => CHECKS.H CUG206. [CP/M-80:] CUG207.10-README.11 1.1 doc Update Information. By Jim Woolley. Includes listing of disk files. => CHECKS.DOC. CUG207.11-README.B doc Condensed Installation Directions. By Jim Woolley. Includes table of disk contents. => CHECKS.C. CUG207.12-XIO.C 1.0 source By Jim Woolley. I/O functions using direct BIOS. => CHECKS.H. [CP/M 80: BDSC] ============================================================================== CUG208 - ----------- E For CP/M 68K A version of the 'e' full screen editor adapted for CP/M 68K by Dr. Yoshimasa Tsuji(Japan). 'e' is a small, fast editor with complete block and string operations, able to handle very large files. [public] CUG208.01-CB.C source C Program Beautifier. By Yoshimasa Tsuji, William C. Colley III. Copies C source code to stdout adjusting spacing and indentation for readability. Curly braces checking is included. Written in Portable C. [MS-DOS, CP/M, UNIX:] CUG208.02-CPM68K.C 1.48 source 'e' For 68K. By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. OS dependent functions. => E0.C CUG:3133 CUG158. [CP/M-68K, MS-DOS: DRI, Alcyon] Default configuration is for systems with 128K or more CUG208.03-CRT.S 1.0 source Assembly portion C startup module for DRI. Calls XMAIN.C to post process command line, sets up standard VO. => XMAIN.C. [CP/M-68K: DRI, Alcyon] 68000 assembly code CUG208.04-E.DOC doc By G. Nigel Gilbert. Original 'e' documentation. => CUG133. CUG208.05-E.H 1.48 header By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. => E68K.DOC. [CP/M68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.06-E0.C 1.48 source Screen Editor. By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Root file for editor. Includes main() and top level command processor. => CUG 133 CUG 158 E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M 68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.07-E1.C source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. File maintenance functions. Functions to control editor modes such as auto-indent, tab settings, backup behavior, and status displays. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M 68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.08-E10.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Buffered disk l/O. Interface to the virtual memory system. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.09-E2.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Functions to modify text buffer. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI] CUG208.10-E3.C source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Text display functions. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: Alcyon] CUG208.11-E4.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. String search and replace functions. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.12-E5.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Functions to read and write files. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.13-E6.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Perform block com mands. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI,Alcyon] CUG208.14-E68K.DOC doc By Yoshimasa Tsuji. History of 'e' & a discussion of BDS C non-portability. => E0.C E.DOC. CUG208.15-E7.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Low level terminal l/O functions. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.16-E8.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. High level interface to virtual text buffer. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.17-E9.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Memory management functions. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.18-ETERM.C 1.48 source By G. Nigel Gilbert, J.W. Haefner, Yoshimasa Tsuji. Terminal specific functions. => E.H E68K.DOC. [CP/M-68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.19-LIBC.DAT data By Yoshimasa Tsuji. Extensive comments and tutorial information about the functions in DRl's standard library. [CP/M 68K: DRI, Alcyon] CUG208.20-READ.ME doc By Yoshimasa Tsuji. Bug fixes, new features. General file description. => E68K.DOC E0.C. CUG208.21-STDIO.H header Header file fixed for DRI C. [CP/M 68K: DRI] CUG208.22-TAB.C source By Yoshimasa Tsuji. Tablify text. => ENTAB DETAB. CUG208.23-XMAIN.C source By Yoshimasa Tsuji. C portion of C startup module. Sets up channels, expands wild cards, handles quoted strings, distinguishes between upper and lower case on command line. Calls mai(). => CRT.S. [CP/M 68K: DRI] ============================================================================== CUG209 - ----------- Simplex Curve Fitting Contributed by Dr. John A. Rupley (AZ) this package for Eco C-80, finds a best fit between experimental data and a model supplied by the experimenter. The programs use the Nelder - Mead algorithm for simplex minimization, and a least squares measure of fit quality. [public] CUG209.01-CONTENTS.ECO 1.0 doc By John A. Rupley. File listing. _ HEADERS.ECO. CUG209.02-CTRLCNST.H 1.00 header By John A. Rupley. Common system definitions, control constants. [CP/M: ECO] CUG209.03-HEADERS.ECO 1.00 doc By John A. Rupley. Short descriptions of C programs and related files. CUG209.04-LDHFITR.C 1.0 source By John A. Rupley. Nonlinear least square fit by simplex minimization (Nelder-Mead algorithm) of two-substrate, two-product enzyme kinetic data. => LDHFITR.DOC LDHFITRC.COM SIMPLEXR.DOC SIMPMAIN.C LINEFITR.C. [CP/M: ECO] CUG209.05-LDHFITR.COM 1.0 executable By John A. Rupley. => LDHFITR.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.06-LDHFITR.DAT 1.0 data By John A. Rupley. Data file. => LDHFITR.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.07-LDHFITR.DOC 1.0 doc By John A. Rupley. Notes on data reduction by computer. => LDHFITR.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.08-LINEFITR.C 1.0 source By John A. Rupley. Test of simplex minimization by fit of linear function (y = a + bx) to trial data. => LINEFITR.COM LINEFITR.DAT SIMPMAIN.C. [CP/M: ECO] CUG209.09-LINEFITR.COM executable By John A. Rupley. => LINEFITR.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.10-LINEFITR.DAT dah By John A. Rupley. Data file to LINEFITR.COM. => LINEFITR.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.11-SIMPFITR.DAT data By John A. Rupley. Template for input of data. => SIMPFITR.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG209.12-SIMPFITR.DOC 1.00 doc By John A. Rupley. Documentation for C routines. => SIMPLEXR.DOC SIMOUTR.DOC LDBFITR.DOC. CUG209.13-SIMPLEXR.DOC 1.00 doc By John A. Rupley. Explanation of NelderMead algorithm. => SIMPLEXR.DOC. CUG209.14-SIMPLIB0.C 1.00 source By John A. Rupley. => SIMPLIB1.C SIMPMAIN.C. [CP/M: ECO] CUG209.15-SIMPLIB1.C 1.0 source By John A. Rupley. Definition of the aggregate data, with a dummy structure declaration. => SIMPLIB0.C SIMPMAIN.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.16-SIMPMAIN.C l.oo source By John A. Rupley. => SIMPLIB1.C SIMPLIB0.C. [CP/M:] CUG209.17-SIMPOUTR.DOC 1.00 doc By John A. Rupley. Description of output from the simple fitting program. SIMPFITR.DOC. CUG209.18-SYSlCALR.MAC 1.00 source By John A. Rupley. Assembly code function called by C program. => SIMPMAIN.C. [CP/M: M80] ============================================================================== CUG210 - ----------- Simulations and Loadable Bios For CP/M A potpourri of CP/M programs: a percolative phase transition simula tion based upon lattice statistics, agrade book manager and a logon program for ZCPR3 (Eco-C80) all by Dr. John A. Rupley; (AZ) a set of utilities and code fragments to support load able BIOS modules (C/80) by Ted Carnevale (NY); an Aztec CII version of Dan Schechter's (ND) kittyline (see description of CUG216); and a dump utility from Ken Busch (CA), developed under Mix C (NY); an Aztec CII version of Dan Schechter's (ND) kittylint (see description of CUG216); and a dump utility from Ken Busch (CA), developed under Mix C [public] CUG210.01-CONTENTS.ECO 1.0 doc By John A. Rupley. Partial list of files with description. CUG210.02-CTRLCNST.H 1.0 header By J.A. Rupley. Common system definitions and control constants. [CP/M: ECO] CUG210.03-CXB.C 1.2 source By N.T. Carnevale. Reports loaded BIOS extensions. => XB.H. [CP/M 2.2: C/80] CUG210.04-DUMP.C 1.7 source By K.G. Busch. Displays the contents of range of memory in hexadecimal format. => DUMP.DOC DUMP.COM DUMPS.COM. [CP/M: Mix] CUG210.05-DUMP.COM 1.7 executable Memory dump. By K.G. Busch. Linked with RUNTIME.OVY. => DUMP.C. [CP/M:] CUG210.06-DUMP.DOC doc By K.G. Busch. Documentation of Dump C. => DUMP.COM DUMP.C. [CP/M: MIX] CUG210.07-DUMPS.COM 1.7 executable Memory dump summary description of Rupley files. By K.G. Busch. Unked with SMALLCOM.OVY. => DUMP.C. [CP/M: Mix] CUG210.08-HEADERS doc CUG210.09-HEADERS.ECO doc CUG210.10-KITTYLNT.C source By Dan Schechter. A 'tiny lint' source code analyzer. => KITTYLNT.DOC. [CP/M: AZTEC] CUG210.11-KlmLNT.COM executable By Dan Schechter. => KITTYLNT.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG210.12-KITTYLNT.DOC doc By Dan Schechter. Documentation for KITTYLNT.C. => KITTYLNT.C KITTYLNT.COM. CUG210.13-LOGONR.C 3.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Logon routine for ZCPR2. Displays time and date information from Hayes clock and timestamps. => SYS1CALR.MAC CTRLCNST.H. [CP/M: ECO] CUG210.14-LXB.ASM source By N.T. Carnevale. Installs a loadable BIOS extension. => NEWXBIOS.CUG. [CP/M:] Requires Digital Research's RMAC or compatible assembler. CUG210.15-MUXB.ASM source By N.T. Carnevale. BIOS extension module. => NEWXBIOS.CUG. [CP/M:] Requires Digital Research's RMAC assembler. CUG210.16-NEWXBIOS.CUG doc By N.T. Carnevale. Documentation for BIOS extension module and related utilities. => CXB.C RXB.C XB.H LXB.ASM MUXB.ASM. CUG210.17-PERCOLXR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Simulation of percolative phase transition in a two dimensional square lattice. => PERCOLXR.COM. [CP/M: ECO] CUG210.18-PERCOLXR.COM 1.0 ex- ecutable By J.A. Rupley. => PERCOLXR.C. [CP/M:] CUG210.19-RXB.C source By N.T. Carnevale. Removes an installed BIOS extension. => NEWXBIOS.CUG. [CP/M: C/80] CUG210.20-SUMGRADR.C 1.00 source By John A. Rupley. System for keeping an instructor's grade book. [CP/M: ECO] CUG210.21-SUMGRADR.COM 1.00 ex- ecutable By John A. Rupley. => SUMGRADR.C. [CP/M:] CUG210.22-SUMGRADR.DAT 1.00 data By John A. Rupley. Test file. => SUMGRADR.C. CUG210.23-SYS1 CALR.MAC 1.00 souruce By John A. Rupley. Assembly code function to call an absolute address from within a C program. [CP/M: M80] CUG210.24-XB.H header By N.T. Carnevale. Header file for CXB.C and RXB.C. => CXB.C RXB.C NEWXBIOS.CUG. [CP/M: Ct80] ============================================================================== CUG211 - ----------- Search, Sort and Merge Utilities by Dr. John A. Rupley (AZ), to search, sort and merge files with variable length records. These utilities expect records to be delimited by a string, allowing multiline records. Keys may be specfiied by strings containing whildcards and meta characters. Programs are configured to manipulate abstracts (e.g. for online searches of Chemical Abstracts). All for BDS v1.5 (CP/M). [public] CUG211.01-BDSCIO.H header By Leor Zolman. Standard header file for BDS C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG211.02-CHARFUN.CRL 1.0 object => CHARFUNR.CSM. [CP/M:l CUG211.03-CHARFUNR.CSM 1.0 source By M.I. Maney. Library of assembly code functions to handle character operations. => CHMFUN.CRL. [CP/M:] CUG211.04-CIO.CRL object By J.A. Rupley. => DIOR.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.05-CONTENTS.BDS doc By John A. Rupley. => HEADERS.BDS. CUG211.06-DIO.H 1.0 header By Eugene H. Mallory. I/O redirection header from BDS C and Van Nuys Toolkit. => DIOR.C CUG143 CUG144. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG211.07-DIOR.C 1.0 source l/O Redirection Library. By J.A. Rupley, Gene Mallory. => DIO.H. [CP/M:] CUG211.08-HEADERS.BDS 1.0 doc By John A. Rupley. Short description of programs and related files. CUG211.09-SCOPE.CRL object By J.A. Rupley. => SCOPER.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG211.10-SCOPER.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Slightly modified "SCOPE" library of full screen input functions. => SCOPE.CRLCUG105. [CP/M:] CUG211.11-STDLIB3R.C 1.0 source By John A. Rupley. Incorporate use of drive/user prefix into BDS standard library functions. [CP/M:] CUG211.12-STRFUN.CRL 1.0 object By M.I. Maney, John A. Rupley. => CG106.26 STRFUNR.CSM. [CP/M:] CUG211.13-STRFUNR.CSM source By M.I. Maney. Library of assembly code functions to handle string operations. => STRFUN.CRL CUG106. [CP/M:] CUG211.14-WILDEXP.CRL object By J.A. Rupley. => WILDEXPR.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.15-WILDEXPR.C 1.0 source Wildcard Utility. By J.A. Rupley. Accepts wild card on CP/M command line. This modification of Van Nuys Toolkit original supports use of drive/user file prefix. => WILDEXP.CRL CUG143 CUG144 DIO.H STDLIB3R.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.16-XMERGE1.TST 1.0 data By J.A. Rupley. Test file for XMERGER. => XMERGER.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.17-XMERGE2.TST data By J.A. Rupley. Test file for XMERGER. => XMERGER.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.18-XMERGER.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Merge two sorted files, with output redirection. => XMERGER.COM XMERGE1.TST XMERGE2.TST XSORT.C XSRCHR.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG211.19-XMERGER.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => XMERGER.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.20-XSORT.TST 1.0 data By J.A. Rupley. Test file for XSORTR. => XSORTR.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.21-XSORTR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Sort random length text records, such as abstracts. => XSRCHR.C XSORT.TST XSORTR.COM XMERGER.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG211.22-XSORTR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => XSORTR.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.23-XSRCH.ZIP data By J.A. Rupley. Template file for XSRCHR. => XSRCHR.COM. CUG211.24-XSRCHCAS.ZIP data By J.A. Rupley. Templates for full-screen input. => XSRCHR.COM. CUG211.25-XSRCHR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. => XSRCHR.C XSORT.C XMERGER.C XSRCH.TST XSRCH.ZIP XSRCHCAS.ZIP XSRCHR.COM XSRCHSTD.ZIP. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG211.26-XSRCHR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => XSRCHR.C. [CP/M:] CUG211.27-XSRCHSTD.ZIP 1.0 data By J.A. Rupley. Templates for full screen input. => XSRCHR.COM. ============================================================================== CUG212 - ----------- Simulation For BDS A BDS C version of Dr. John A. Rupley's (AZ) percolative phase transition simulation. An Eco C-80 version appears on CUG210. [public] CUG212.01-BDSCIO.H header By Leor Zolman. Standard header file for BDS C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG212.02-CONTENTS.BDS 1.0 doc By J.A. Rupley. Disk table of contents with short description. => HEADERS.BDS. CUG212.03-DEFF.CRL object By Leor Zolman. Relocatable image of BDS standard library with modifications to incorporate use of du: driver/user prefix into standard BDS library. => STDLIB3R.CRL. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG212.04-DEFF2.CRL object By Leor Zolman. Part two of BDS standard library. => DEFF.CRL. [CP/M:] CUG212.05-DIO.CRL object By J.A. Rupley, Gene Mallory. => DIOR.C. [CP/M:] CUG212.06-DIO.H 1.0 header By J.A. Rupley, Gene Mallory. Includes support for redirection under BDS. => DIOR.C. [CP/M:] CUG212.07-DIOR.C source VO Redirection Library. By J.A. Rupley, Gene Mallory. I/O redirection library for BDS C. => DIO.H DIO.CRL CG143.09. [CP/M:] CUG212.08-FLOAT.CRL object => FLOATR.C. [CP/M:] CUG212.09-FLOATR.C 1.0 source Floating Point Library. By J.A. Rupley, L.C. Calhoun, Bob Mathias. Library of floating point functions. => CUG107. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG212.10-HEADERS.BDS 1.00 doc By J.A. Rupley. Summary description of each program. => CONTENTS.BDS. CUG212.11-JARIO.H 1.0 header By J.A. Rupley. Header file with various constants, including input and output. => PERC3DR.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG212.12-PERC3DR.C 1.00 source By J.A. Rupley. Simulation of percolative phase transition is a three-dimensional simple cubic lattice. => JARIO.H BDSCIO.H DIO.H PERC3DR.COM PERCOLAR.C. [CP/M:] CUG212.13-PERC3DR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => PERC3DR.C. [CP/M:] CUG212.14-PERCOLAR.C 1.00 source By J.A. Rupley. Simulation of percolative phase transition in a two-dimensional square lattice. => PERCOLAR.COM PERC3DR.C. [CP/M:] CUG212.15-PERCOLAR.COM 1.0 ex- ecutable By J.A. Rupley. [CP/M:] CUG212.16-STDLIB3R.C source By J.A. Rupley. Incorporates use of du prefix into BDS standard library functions. => DEFF.CRL DEFF2.CRL. [CP/M:] ============================================================================== CUG213 - ----------- Van Nuys Enhancements Several enhanced tools from the Van Nuys Toolkit (CUG143 and CUG144) and UNVAN, a filter which undoes the idiosyncratic keywords used throughout the original toolkit. Among other improvements, Rupley has added ZCPR3 style wildcards in drive and user specifications. From Dr. John A. Rupley (AZ), for BDS C (CP/M). [public] CUG213.01-BATCHR.C 1.0 source Submit (Batch) Utility from Van Nuys Toolkit.. By J.A. Rupley, Eugene H. Mallory. Extended menu to include all BAT, ZEX and SUB files in all user areas of current drive and of drive A. => BATCHR.COM CUG143. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG213.02-BATCHR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => BATCHR.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.03-BDSCIO.H header By J.A. Rupley. Standard header file from Van Nuys Toolkit and BDS C. [CP/M:] CUG213.04-CBPRCPR.BAT batch By J.A. Rupley. Submit file for filtering C code through cbprepr then cbr. => CBPREPR.C CBR.C. [CP/M;] CUG213.05-CBPREPR.C 1.0 source Filter to prepare C code for formatting. By J.A. Rupley. Filter inserts/deletes white space and newline marker to produce consist ant text style. Then filters through CBR to indent by control level. => CBPREPR.COM CBPREPR.BAT CBR.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG213.06-CBPREPR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => CBPREPR.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.07-CBPRETST.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Test file for CBPREPT.C and CBR.C. => CBR.C CBPRETST.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.08-CBR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Filter to reformat C code, indented according to control level. => CBPREPR.C CBR.COM. [CP/M:] CUG213.09-CBR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => CBR.C CBPREPR.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.10-CONTENTS.BDS doc By John A. Rupley. Disk contents. => HEADERS.BDS. CUG213.11-CR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley, Eugene H. Mallory. Construct and execute submit file from instructions in special comments within the source files. => CR.COM. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG213.12-CR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => CR.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.13-DEFF.CRL object Standard relocatable library for BDS. => STDLIB3R.CRL. [CP/M:] CUG213.14-DEFFC.CRL object Standard relocatable library for BDS. => STDLIB3R.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.15-DIO.CRL object => DIOR.C. CUG213.16-DIO.H header By John A. Rupley, Eugene H. Mallory. I/O redirection header file. => DIOR.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.17-DIOR.C 1.0 source 1/0 Redirection Ubrary from BDS C and Van Nuys Toolkit. By J.A. Rupley, Gene Mallory. => DIO.CRL DIO.H STDLIB3R.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG213.18-HEADERS.BDS doc Headers of files. => CONTENTS.BDS. CUG213.19-JARIO.H header By J.A. Rupley. Author's personal header file. CUG213.20-STDLIB3R.C source File-Handling Functions. By J.A. Rupley. Functions allow the use of du: in addition to u/d: drive/user prefix. => DEFF.CRL DEFF2.CRL. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG213.21-UNVANR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Filter to convert Van Nuys Toolkit Pascal style delimiters and keywords back to standard C tokens. => UNVANR.COM. [CP/M:] CUG213.22-UNVANR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => UNVANR.C. [CP/M:] CUG213.23-WILDEXP.CRL object By J.A. Rupley. => WILDEXPR.C. CUG213.24-WILDEXPR.C 1.0 source Modified Version of WILDEXP.. By J.A. Rupley. Allows use of du: and u/d: as well as expansion of d?: and ?/d: forms. => WILDEXP.CRLCUG111 CUG121 CUG143. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG213.25-XCR.C source Cross-Reference Utility. By J.A. Rupley, Phillip N. Hisley. Modified version of XC.C CUG 120.19: Added check on characters of output per line (cbar_count) to obtain correct pagination. => XCR.COM. [CP/M:] CUG213.26-XCR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley, Phillip N. Hisley. => XCR.C. [CP/M:] ============================================================================== CUG214 - ----------- File Display Utilities Developed under BDS v1.4, BDS C utilities for editing and browsing in files--TYPEXXR is descended for TYPE20; XSHOWR allows rapid movement of the display window using Wordstar-like commands; a clock support utility. From Dr. John A. Rupley (AZ). [public] CUG214.01-BDSCIO.H header By Leor Zolman. Standard header file for BDS. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG214.02-CBR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Filter to reformat C code, indented according to control level. => CBR.COM CUG213. [CP/M:] CUG214.03-CBR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => CBR.C. [CP/M:] CUG214.04-CHARFUN.CRL object By J.A. Rupley. => CHARFUNR.CSM. [CP/M:] CUG214.05-CHARFUNR.CSM 1.0 source By M.I. Maney. Library of assembly code functions to handle character operations. => CHARFUN.CRL. [CP/M:] CUG214.06-CHRONOR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Reads Hayes chronograph and display time, date. => CHRONOR.COM. [CP/M:] CUG214.07-CHRONOR.COM executable By J.A. Rupley. => CHRONOR.C. [CP/M:] CUG214.08-CONTENTS.BDS doc By John A. Rupley. Table of contents. => HEADERS.BDS. CUG214.09-CTRLSHOR.C 1.0 source Show control characters. By J.A. Rupley, Eugene H. Mallory. Strips high bits and displays control characters (not cr, If, tab) as "^char". => CTRLSHOR.COM. [CP/M:] BDSC] CUG214.10-CTRLSHOR.COM 1.0 ex- ecutable By J.A. Rupley. => CTRLSHOR.C. [CP/M:] CUG214.11-DIO.CRL obiect By J.A. Rupley. => DIOR.C. CUG214.12-DIO.H header By J.A. Rupley. IO redirection header file. => DIOR.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG214.13-DIOR.C 1.0 source I/O Redirection Library. By J.A. Rupley. Modifications: avoids CR-CR pair before LF by patch in putchar(). => DIO.CRL DIO.H STDLIB3R.C. [CP/M:] CUG214.14-HEADERS.BDS doc File headers. => CONTENTS.BDS. CUG214.15-JARIO.H 1.00 header By J.A. Rupley. Authors personal standard header. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG214.16-STDLIB3R.C source Flle-Handling Functions. By J.A. Rupley. Functions allow the use of du: in addition to u/d: drive/user prefix. => DEFF.CRL DEFFC.CRLWILDCARD. [CP/M:] CUG214.17-STRFUN.CRL 1.0 object By J.A. Rupley. => STRFUNR.CSM. [CP/M:] CUG214.18-STRFUNR.CSM 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Assembly coded functions for string operations. => STRFUN.CRL CHARFUNR.CSM CUG106. [CP/M:] CUG214.19-TYPER-R.C 1.0 source Typer. By John A. Rupley, H.G. Lord. Line editor that handles typing not suitable for a word processor (i.e. envelopes, forms, short notes). => TYPER-R.COM. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG214.20-TYPER-R.COM 1.0 executable By J.A. Rupley. => TYPER-R.C. [CP/M:] CUG214.21-TYPEXXR.C 10 source By J.A. Rupley. Sequential display of a file, with options for printing. A rewrite of TYPE20. => TYPEXXR.COM. [CP/M:] CUG214.22-TYPEXXR.COM 10 executable By J.A. Rupley. [CP/M:] CUG214.23-WILDEXP.CRL object By J.A. Rupley. => WILDF CUG214.24-WILDEXPR.C Modified Version of WILI Rupley. Allows use of du as expansion of d?: and DEXP.CRL CUG111 CUG [CP/M: BDSC] CUG214.25-XSHOW.H 1.00 By J.A. Rupley. Header file for XSHOWR.C. and XSHOWFNS.C. [CP/M:] CUG214.26-XSHOWFNS.C By J.A. Rupley. Function => XSHOWR.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG214.27-XSHOWR.C 1.0 source By J.A. Rupley. Page through a file using Wordstar-like commands. Search for strings including wildcards and control characters. => XSHOW.H XSHOWFNS.C XSHOWR.COM. [CP/M:] CUG214.28-XSHOWR.COm 1.0 executable By J.A. Rupley. => XSHOWR.C. [CP/M:] ============================================================================== CUG215 - ----------- BBS For BDSC A Bulletin Board system for BDS C under CP/M. This package is the direct ancestor of BBS for UNIX (CUG182) and appears to be descended for RBBS4 (CUG147). [public] CUG215.01-BBSC.C 1.0 source Bulletin Board System. By Mike Kelly. Main source files for running the BBS and invoking related functions. => BBSC.DOC. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG215.02-BBSC.DOC 1.0 doc System Documentation. By Mike Kelly.=> BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.03-BBSCDEF.H header By Mike Kelly. Global defines and storage definitions for use by BBSC system. => BBSC.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG215.04-BBSCFILE.C 1.0 source By Mike Kelly. File 1/0 support utilities. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.05-BBSCLOCK.C 1.0 source By Mike Kelly. Clock routine to access a Hayes Chronograph. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.06-BBSCMISC.C 1.0 source By Mike Kelly. Miscellaneous functions used across the system. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.07-BBSCPORT.C 1.0 source By Mike Kelly. Support routines to access the modem port. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.08-BULLETIN.BBS doc By Mike Kelly. Data file for bulletins to be shown at signon. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.09-HEADER.BBS doc By Mike Kelly. 7 record header files used with the messages. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.10-HELP.BBS doc By Mike Kelly. Short help file to explain the commands available. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.11-MESSAGE.BBS doc By Mike Kelly. Holds the messages left on BBS. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.12-USER.BBS doc By Mike Kelly. Maintains names, passwords, etc. of each caller. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] CUG215.13-WELCOME.BBS doc By Mike Kelly. The signon/welcome file. => BBSC.C. [CP/M:] ============================================================================== CUG216 - ----------- Zmodem and Saveram [mixed] 2 disks. Zmodem, by Chuck Forsberg (OR), is a file transfer system designed to work efficiently in packet switched and time-shared systems. Saveram developed under Microsoft v3.0, by Dave Madsen (IL) and Frank H. Jeys (TX) loads a group of files to ramdisk at the beginning of a work session and saves all modified files back to hard disk at the end of the session. This volume also includes Kittylint, a "tiny lint" and calc87, a calculator program for Eco C-88, both from Dan Schechter (ND); and Anywhere, an enhanced where, by John Teichert, Jr. CUG216.01-ANYWHERE.C source By John Teichert Jr., Mark S. Ackerman. Locate files on the PC hard disk. Can be set up to search multiple hard disks. => ANYWHERE.DOC, AW.EXE. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG216.02-ANYWHERE.DOC doc By John Teichert Jr. Documentation for ANYWHERE. => ANYWHERE.C. CUG216.03-AW.EXE executable By John Teichert Jr., Mark S. Ackerman. WHERE.C. [MS-DOS] CUG216.04-C-USER.TXT doc By Frank H. Jeys. Documentation for scanfils. => SCANFILS.C. CUG216.05-CALC87.C source By Dan Schechter. Calculator program written to call on ECO C's 8087 emulation routines. Basic arithmetic plus sin, cos, tan, arcsin,. => CALC87.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS: AZTEC, ECO-C] CUG216.06-CALC87.DOC doc By Dan Schechter. Documentation for CALC87. => CALC87.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS: AZTEC, ECO-C] CUG216.07-CATALOG.216 doc Listing of files, their authors and a short description of the file. => INDEX. CUG216.08-CLL.BAT batch By Frank H. Jeys. Example batch file that utilizes scanfils. => C-USER.TXT. [MS-DOS] CUG216.09-DSZ.1 doc UNIX style manual page for DSZ command. In Nroff format. => DSZ.EXE. CUG216.10-DSZ.EXE executable YMODEM, ZMODEM file transfer subprogram designed to be called from a communications program or bulletin board. Uses. => DSZ.1. [MS-DOS] CUG216.11-GZ doc By Chuck Forsberg. SZ command file. SZ.C. CUG216.12-INDEX doc By Dan Schechter. Description of files. CATALOG.216. CUG216.13-KITTYLNT.C source By Dan Schechter. Kitty Lint. A mini-lint that checks delimiters, line termination, printf statements and for loops. CP/M version. KITTYLNT.C88, KlTTYLNT.COM. [CP/M: AZTEC] CUG216.14-KITTYLNT.C88 source By Dan Schechter. Kitty Lint 88. MS-DOS version of KITTYLNT.C. => KITTYLNT.C. [MS-DOS: ECO-C] CUG216.15-KITTYLNT.COM executable By Dan Schechter. => KITTYLNT.C, KITTYLNT.C88. [CP/M: AZTEC] CUG216.16-KITTYLNT.DOC doc By Dan Schechter. Documentation for KITTYLNT. => KITTYLNT.C, KITTYLNT.C88. CUG216.17-MEMO doc By Dan Schechter. CALC87.C output file. CALC87.C. CUG216.18-MINIRB.1 doc By Chuck Forsberg. UNIX style manual page for MINIRB in Nroff format. => MINIRB.C. CUG216.19-MINIRB.C source By Chuck Forsberg, omen Technology Inc.. A bootstrap program for UNIX to receive files from computers running YMODEM. MINIRB.1. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.20-NSWEEP.COM executable Disk sweep utility for CP/M. [CP/M] CUG216.21-PROGS.DOC doc By Chuck Forsberg. Formatted pages for manual for UNDOS, RZ, SZ, DSZ. => UNDOS.C, RZ.C, SZ.C, DSZ.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.22-RBSB.C source By Chuck Forsberg. Terminal mode control from RB/SB ancestor. => ZMODEM.DOC. [UNIX] CUG216.23-RZ.1 doc By Chuck Forsberg. UNIX style manual page for RZ. => RZ.C. Nroff format. CUG216.24-RZ.C source By Chuck Forsberg. UNIX ZMODEM: Receives Files.. Receives files and commands from computers running Professional-YAM, PowerCom, YAM, IMP, or programs supporting. => RZ.1, SZ, DSZ.EXE, MINIRB.C, PROGS.DOC. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.25-SAVEFILS.BAT batch By Frank H. Jeys. output batch file generated by scanfils. => SCANFILS.C. CUG216.26-SCANFIL.MAP data By Frank H. Jeys. Map file. => SCANFILS.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG216.27-SCANFILS.C source By Frank H. Jeys. Generates a batch file to backup only files which have changed since an earlier scanfils execution. => C-USER.TXT, CCL.BAT. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG216.28-SCANFILS.EXE executable By Frank H. Jeys. => SCANFILS.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG216.29-SCANFILS.FOR source By Frank H. Jeys. FORTRAN version of SCANFILS. => SCANFILS.C. CUG216.30-SCANFILS.LST doc By Frank H. Jeys. Compiler listing. SCANFILS.C. [MS-DOS] CUG216.31-SCANFILS.OBJ object By Frank H. Jeys. => SCANFILS.C. [MSC] CUG216.32-SZ.1 doc By Chuck Forsberg. => SZ.C. Nroff format. CUG216.33-SZ.C source By Chuck Forsberg. UNIX ZMODEM: Send Files. UNIX utility to send files and commands to computers running Professional-YAM, PowerCom, YAM, IMP, or programs supporting. => SZ.1, ZMODEM.DOC, DSZ.EXE, MINIRB.C, PROGS.DOC. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.34-UNDOS.1 doc By Chuck Forsberg. UNIX style manual page for UNDOS. => UNDOS.C. CUG216.35-UNDOS.C source By Chuck Forsberg. Converts MS-DOS or CP/M format source files to UNIX format. UNDOS.1, XMODEM.DOC. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.36-ZM.C source By Chuck Forsberg. ZMODEM protocol primitives. => ZMODEM.DOC. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.37-ZMODEM.DOC doc By Chuck Forsberg, omen Technology Inc.. The ZMODEM Asynchronous Inter Application File Transfer Protocol. Full documentation and development history. RZ.C, SZ.C, ZM.C, RBSB.C, ZM.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG216.38-ZMODEM.H header By Chuck Forsberg. Manifest constants for ZMODEM. => ZMODEM.DOC, ZM.C. ============================================================================== CUG217 - ----------- Spell and Dictionary Part I By Kenji Hino, Bob Denny. [public] 1 disk. Contains a spelling checker and half the dictionary on CUG217. The rest of the dictionary is on CUG218. Kenji Hino rewrote the package from a Software Tools version. The disk contains three executable versions developed under Microsoft C. SPELLC is quite portable and should compile under most compilers. SPELLS is compiled with the small model option, SPELLC with compact model, and SPELLH with hugh model. The nine dictionary data files will require at least 500 Kb when concatenated. Spell copies named files to standard output while looking up each word in a dictionary. Misspelled words are displayed with asterisks beneath. CUG217.01-HEADER.CUG doc File headers. => SPELL.DOC, HY.C. CUG217.02-HY.C source By Bob Denny. Hyphenates words from standard input. => HY.EXE. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG217.03-HY.EXE executable By Bob Denny. => HY.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG217.04-SPELL.C source By Kenji Hino. Spelling Checker. SPELL.DOC, CUG218. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG217.05-SPELL.DOC doc By Kenji Hino. User and program documentation. => SPELL.C, SPELLS.EXE, SPELLH.EXE, SPELLC.EXE. CUG217.06-SPELLO.DAT data Dictionary Part O (A - Bright). SPELL*.DAT. CUG217.07-SPELL1.DAT data Dictionary Part 1 (Brighten - Deduce). SPELL*.DAT. CUG217.08-SPELL2.DAT data Dictionary Part 2 (Deduced - Floss). => SPELL*.DAT. CUG217.09-SPELLC.EXE executable By Kenji Hino. Spell with Compact Model. SPELL.C, SPELL.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG217.10-SPELLH.EXE executable By Kenji Hino. Spell with Huge Model. SPELL.C, SPELL.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG217.11-SPELLS.EXE executable By Kenji Hino. Spell with Small Model. SPELL.C, SPELL.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] ============================================================================== CUG218 - ----------- Spell and Dictionary Part 11 By Kenji Hino, Bob Denny. [public] 2 disks. See CUG217. CUG218.01-DIGRAM.C source By Bob Denny. Hyphenation Diagram Tables. => HYPHEN.C, SUFFIX.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] From DECUS. CUG218.02-HYPHEN.C source By Bob Denny. Hyphenation Module. SUFFIX.C, DIGRAM.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] From DECUS. CUG218.03-SPELL3.DAT data Dictionary Part 3 (Flotilla - Instructed). CUG217, SPELL*.DAT. CUG218.04-SPELL4.DAT data Dictionary Part 4 (Instructions - Ms). SPELL*.DAT. CUG218.05-SPELL5.DAT data Dictionary Part 5 (Msec - Prosecution). CUG218.06-SPELL6.DAT data Dictionary Part 6 (Prosecutions - Skipjack). => SPELL*.DAT. CUG218.07-SPELL7.DAT data Dictionary Part 7 (SkipI - Unasterisked). => SPELL*.DAT. CUG218.08-SPELL8.DAT data Dictionary Part 8 (Unattacked - Zworykin). => SPELL*.DAT. CUG218.09-SUFFIX.C source By Bob Denny. Suffix Table for Hyphenation. => HYPHEN.C, DIGRAM.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] From DECUS. ============================================================================== CUG219 - ----------- 6502 Cross Assemblers Contains 6502 and 65C02 assemblers by William Colley 111 (OH). These assemblers have compiled under Aztec, C86, Aztec Cll, Eco-C, HP-UX, Microsoft C and QNIX C. Plus an 8048 cross assembler that compiles under Eco-C88, Microsoft, DeSmet and BSD 4.2 UNIX. [public] CUG219.01-A48.C 0.0 source Portable 8048 Cross-Compiler. By William C. Colley III. Assemble code for the Intel 8048 family of microprocessors. All assembler functions supported except relocation, linkage and macros. => A48.DOC A48.H A48EVAL.C A48UTIL.C. [CP/M-80, CP/M-86, MS-DOS, PC-DOS, QNK, HP-UX: AZTEC, Cl 86, ECO, LC, MSC, QNK, HPUX] CUG219.02-A48.DOC doc Documentation. By Wlliam C. Colley III. => A48.C. CUG219.03-A48.H header By Wlliam C. Colley III. Header file including compile, assemble and link instructions for compilers. => A48.C. CUG219.04-A48EVAL.C 0.0 source Expression Evaluator and Lexical Analyzer. By William C. Colley III. => A48.C. CUG219.05-A48UTIL.C 0.0 source By Wlliam C. Colley III. Symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, hex file output, error flagging. => A48.C. CUG219.06-A65.C 0.0 source 6502 Portable Cross-Assembler. By William C. Colley III. Assemble code for the MOS Tech 6502 and Rockwell 65C02 microprocessor (portable). => A65.DOC A65.H A65EVAL.C A65UTIL.C. [CP/M, CP/M- 86, HP-UX, MS-DOS, QNIX AZTEC, CI 86, ECO, HP-UX, LC, MSC, QNIX] CUG219.07-A65.DOC doc 6502/65C02 Cross-Assembler Documentation. By William C. Colley III. => A65.C A65C.C. CUG219.08-A65.H header By William C. Colley 111. Header file including compile, assemble and link instructions for compilers. => A65.C. CUG219.09-A65C.C source 65C02 Portable Cross-Assembler. By William C. Colley 111. Produces Rockwell 65C02 microprocessor. This program is written in portable C. All assembler functions are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. => A65C.H A65CEVAL.C A65CUTIL.C A65.DOC TEST65C.ASM. [CP/M, CP/M 86, MS-DOS, QNIX, PC-DOS: AZTEC, Cl 86, ECO, HP-UX, LC, MSC, QNK] CUG219.10-A65C.H header By William C. Colley 111. Header file including compile, assemble and link instructions for compilers. => A65C.C. CUG219.11-A65CEVAL.C source 6SC02 Portable Cross-Assembler. By William C. Colley 111. Assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A65C.C. CUG219.12-A65CUTIL.C source 65C02 Portable Cross-Assembler. By Will Tam C. Colley 111. Contains the symbol table builder and searcher, opcode and operator table, listing file output, hex file output, and error checking. => A65C.C. CUG219.13-A65EVAL.C source 6502 Cross-Assembler (portable). By William C. Colley 111. Assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A65.C. CUG219.14-A65UTIL.C source 6502 Cross-Assembler (portable). By William C. Colley 111. Contains the symbol table builder and searcher, opcode and operator table, listing file output, hex file output, and error flagging. => A65.C. CUG219.15-READ.ME2 doc By William C. Colley 111. Disk Summary. CUG219.16-TEST48.ASM source Portable 8048 Cross-Assembler Test Program. By William C. Colley 111. => A48.C. CUG219.17-TEST65.ASM source Portable 6502 Cross-Assembler Test File. By William C. Colley 111. => A65.C. CUG219.18-TEST65C.ASM source Portable 65C02 Cross-Assembler Test Program. By William C. Colley 111. => A65C.C. ============================================================================== CUG220 - ----------- Windows BOSS By Philip A. Mongelluzzo. [share2] 3 disks. Windows BOSS is an extensive library of C functions for the creation, management and manipulation of text windows. The package provides basic window functions such as open/close windows as well as pop-up windows, pull down menus, status lines, a context sensitive on-line help system and mouse control functions. The Data Clerk (part of the package) can build data entry form screens in windows created by The Window BOSS. The package includes documentation, demo programs, demo executable and libraries for Microsoft C/Quick C, Borland Turbo C/C++, Lattice C, Watcom C, Mix Power C, Datalight C, Aztec C and C86. Because of the volume of programs and its MS-DOS specific nature, the distribution disk contains MS-DOS specific archived files. CUG220.01-AZTECS.BAT batch Compiler driver - Aztec CUG220.02-BOSS.MAN doc Documentation and Registration Form. CUG220.03-BOSS.TOC doc Table of Contents for documentation. CUG220.04-BOSSDEMO.C source Extensive demonstration program, using all possible window functions. => BOSSDEMO.MAK, BOSSDEMO.PRT, BOSSDEMO.EXE. [MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MIXC, DLC, ZORTECH C/C++, C186, WATCOMC] CUG220.05-BOSSDEMO.EXE executable Demo Program [MS-DOS] CUG220.06-C86.BAT batch Compilation driver- C86 CUG220.07-DLCS.BAT batch Compiler driver - Datalight C CUG220.08-GENINDEX.C source Create index from test file. [MS-DOS] CUG220.09-HELLO.C source Sample program. [MS-DOS] CUG220.10-INTELC.HLP doc Help message file. => HELP.C. CUG220.11-INTELC.NDX doc Index output file. => GENINDEX.C, INTELC.HLP. CUG220.12-LCS3.BAT batch Compiler driver - Lattice 3.4 CUG220.13-LCS6.BAT batch Compiler driver - Lattice 6.0 CUG220.14-LOADAZ.BAT batch Link batch file - Aztec CUG220.15-LOADC86.BAT batch Link batch file - C186 CUG220.16-LOADDLC.BAT batch Link batch file - Datalight CUG220.17-LOADLC3.BAT batch Link batch file - Lattice 3.4 CUG220.18-LOADLC6.BAT batch Link batch file - Lattice 6.0 CUG220.19-LOADMS5.BAT batch Link batch file - Microsoft C 5.x CUG220.20-LOADMS6.BAT batch Link batch file - Microsoft C 6.x CUG220.21-LOADPC.BAT batch Link batch file - Mix Power C CUG220.22-LOADQC20.BAT batch Link batch file - Quick C 2.0 CUG220.23-LOADQC25.BAT batch Link batch file - Quick C 2.5 CUG220.24-LOADTC.BAT batch Link batch file - Turbo C CUG220.25-LOADTS.BAT batch Link batch file - TopSpeed C CUG220.26-LOADWAT.BAT batch Link batch file - Watcom C CUG220.27-LOADWEC.BAT batch Link batch file - EXPRESS C CUG220.28-LOADZTC.BAT batch Link batch file - Zortech C CUG220.29-MSC5.BAT batch Compiler driver - Microsoft C 5.x CUG220.30-MSC6.BAT batch Compiler driver - Microsoft C 6.x CUG220.31-MSQC20.BAT batch Compiler driver - Quick C 2.0 CUG220.32-MSQC25.BAT batch Compiler driver - Quick C 2.5 CUG220.33-MWIN.MIX library BOSS library - Mix Power C [ MIXC] CUG220.34-PCCM.BAT batch Compiler Driver - Mix Power C CUG220.35-REV.HST source Revision history. CUG220.36-REV.LEV doc Current version. CUG220.37-SAMPLE.C source Data entry sample program CUG220.38-SAZTEC.LIB library BOSS library - Aztec C [ AZTEC] CUG220.39-SC86.LIB library Small Memory Library - C186. [ C186] CUG220.40-SDLC.LIB library Small Memory Library - Data light. [ DLC] CUG220.41-SLAT3.LIB library Small Memory Library - Lattice 3.4. [LC] CUG220.42-SLAT6.LIB library Small Memory Library - Lattice 6.0. [LC] CUG220.43-SMSC5.LIB library Small Memory Library - Microsoft 5.xx. [MSC5] CUG220.44-SMSC6.LIB library Small Memory Library - Microsoft 6.x. [MSC6] CUG220.45-SMSQC20.LIB library BOSS library - QuickC 2.0 [QUICKC] CUG220.46-SMSQC25.LIB library BOSS library - QuickC 2.5 [QUICKC] CUG220.47-STC.LIB library Small C Library - Turbo C. [TC] CUG220.48-TCS.BAT batch Compiler driver - Turbo C CUG220.49-TSAPP.PRJ project Make file - TopSpeed C CUG220.50-TSC.LIB library BOSS library - TopSpeed C [TOPSPEED] CUG220.51-TSS.BAT batch Compiler Driver - TopSpeed C CUG220.52-TSSWIN.PRJ project Make file - TopSpeed C CUG220.53-WATEC.LIB library BOSS library - EXPRESS C [EXPRESSC] CUG220.54-WATOC.LIB library BOSS library - Watcom C [WATCOMC] CUG220.55-WECS.BAT batch Compiler Driver - EXPRESS C CUG220.56-WINDOWS.EXT Type checking include file CUG220.57-WINDOWS.FN5 doc Type Checking Include File. => WINDOWS.H. [MS-DOS] CUG220.58-WINDOWS.FN6 Type checking include file CUG220.59-WINDOWS.FNT Type checking include file CUG220.60-WINDOWS.FNZ Type checking include file CUG220.61-WINDOWS.H header BOSS Include Files. CUG220.62-WN_FRMGE.C source Data entry form reader CUG220.63-WN_GBOOL.C source Data entry function (logical) CUG220.64-WN_GDATE.C source Data entry function (dates) CUG220.65-WN_GDOUB.C source Data entry function (double) CUG220.66-WN_GFLOA.C source Data entry function (floats) CUG220.67-WN_GINT.C source Data entry function (integer) CUG220.68-WN_GLONG.C source Data entry function (long) CUG220.69-WN_GPHON.C source Data entry function (phone) CUG220.70-WN_GPWOR.C source Data entry function (password) CUG220.71-WN_GTEXT.C source Data entry function (various text) CUG220.72-WN_GTIME.C source Data entry function (time) CUG220.73-WN_GUINT.C source Data entry function (unsigned int) CUG220.74-WN_GULON.C source Data entry function (unsigned long) CUG220.75-WN_HELP.C source Help function source CUG220.76-WN_IEMSG.C source Data entry error message handler CUG220.77-WN_IHMSG.C source Data entry help message handler CUG220.78-WN_POPUP.C source Popup function source CUG220.79-WN_PUTS.C source Source to wn_puts() CUG220.80-WOCS.BAT batch Compiler Driver - Watcom C CUG220.81-ZTCS.BAT batch Compiler Driver - Zortech C CUG220.82-ZTECH.LIB library BOSS library - Zortech C ] ZORTECH C/C++] ============================================================================== CUG221 - ----------- 6809 C For Flex A rewrite of Ron Cain's Small C targeted for 6809 processors running under the FLEX operating System. Dieter Flunker (Italy), has expanded slightly on the language subset implemented by Cain and includes a peephole code optimizer. [public] CUG221.01-ABS.ASM source CUG221.02-ABS.C source Return absolute value CUG221.03-ATOI.ASM source CUG221.04-ATOI.C source Convert string to integer CUG221.05-C.RTL source CUG221.06-CC.DOC doc By Dieter H. Flunkert. CUG221.07-CC1 TO CC91 2.3 source Small-C compiler for 6809 FLEX By Pieter H. Flunkert, Ron Cain. Small-C compiler which produces 6809 assembler output. This volume includes both C source and compiled output (as optimized assembly source). 16809 FLEX: VAX VMS C] Requires TSC relocatable assembler, library generator and linking loader. CUG221.08-CCASM.COM executable Assemble C sources CUG221.09-CCBUILD.COM executable Build the C run time library CUG221.10-CCDEF.C source Small C compiler definitions CUG221.11-CCEQU.SYS source Small C compiler system equates CUG221.12-CCPOLL.ASM source CUG221.13-CCPOLLC source check terminal CUG221.14-CCROOT.ASM source root module for Small C compiler CUG221.15-DEBUG.ASM source Debug part of Small C. Prints the entered function name CUG221.16-FPUTS.ASM source CUG221.17-FPUTS.C source put string in stream CUG221.18-ISALPHA.C source Check if alpha character CUG221.19-ISDIGIT.ASM source CUG221.20-ISDlGlT.C source Check if digit CUG221.21-ISLOWER.ASM source CUG221.22-ISLOWER.C source Check if lower case character CUG221.23-ISPLPHA.ASM source CUG221.24-ISSPACE.ASM source CUG221.25-ISSPACE.C source Check if space, newline or tab CUG221.26-ISUPPER.C source Check if upper case character CUG221.27-ITOA.ASM source CUG221.28-ITOA.C source Convert integer to string CUG221.29-LEFT.ASM source CUG221.30-LEFT.C source left adjust and null terminate a string CUG221.31-PEEPHOLE.C source By Dieter H. Flunkert. Peephole optimizer for 6809 code CUG221.32-PRINTF.ASM source CUG221.33-PRINTF.C source printf() - formatted print CUG221.34-README.ASM doc CUG221.35-README.DOC doc Documentation of the disk contents CUG221.36-README2 doc Warning of peephole.c CUG221.37-REVERSE.ASM source CUG221.38-REVERSE.C source reverse string in place CUG221.39-STRCAT.ASM source CUG221.40-STRCAT.C source concatenate two strings CUG221.41-STRCMP.ASM source CUG221.42-STRCMP.C source Compare two strings CUG221.43-STRCPY.C source copy string CUG221.44-STRLEN.ASM source CUG221.45-STRLEN.C source return string length CUG221.46-STRNCMP.C source compare strings CUG221.47-TOLOWER.ASM source CUG221.48-TOLOWER.C source invert character to lower case CUG221.49-TOUPPER.ASM source CUG221.50-TOUPPER.C source convert character to upper case ============================================================================== CUG222 - ----------- Small C for CP/M Doc and Exec F.A. Scacchitti's (NY) significantly enhanced version of J.E. Hendrix's Small C v2.1. This CP/M implementation handles global initialization, external statics, the ternary conditional operator, multiple levels of indirection, global multi-dimensional arrays, arrays of pointer, hex and octal constants, and nested includes. Also includes an expanded standard library. Contains the executable COM file, relocatable libraries and user documentation. Source is on CUG223. [public] CUG222.01-CC.COM 2.7 executable Executable Small C Compiler. By F.A. Scacchitti. => CC.DOC CUG223. [CP/M:] CUG222.02-CC.DOC 2.7 doc Small C Documentation. By F.A. Scacchitti. => CC.COM CUG223- [CP/M:] CUG222.03-CCC.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit file to produce a .COM file => CC.COM. [CP/M:] CUG222.04-CCM.SUB batch Submit file to produce a .MAC file. By F.A. Scacchitti. => CC.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG222.05-CCR.SUB batch Submit file to produce a .REL file. By F.A. Scacchitti. => CC.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG222.06-CDISKS.TXT doc By F.A. Scacchitti. Description of files => CC.DOC. CUG222.07-CLIB.DOC doc By F.A. Scacchitti. Documentation for library. => CC.DOC. CUG222.08-CLIB.LST doc By F.A. Scacchitti. Listing of library functions => CLIB.DOC. CUG222.09-CLIB.REL object Relocatable library. By F.A. Scacchitti.=> CLIB.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG222.10-LCC.SUB batch Submit file for linking multiple .REL's. By F.A. Scacchitti. => CC.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG222.11-RCC.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Like CCC but links in RDRTL first => CC.DOC CCC.SUB. [CP/M:] CUG222.12-RDRTLREL object Redirectable output module. By F.A. Scacchitti. => CLIB.DOC. [CP/M:] CUG222.13-STDIO.H header By F.A. Scacchitti. Standard 1/0 header file => CC.COM. [CP/M:] CUG222.14-WARNING.CUG doc Disk contents. The source files are on disk 223. ============================================================================== CUG223 - ----------- Small C for CP/M Source The source code for a Small C compiler. A full description appears with the entry for CUG222. To construct the compiler you must have an M80 compatible assembler. [public] CUG223.01-ABORT.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:M80] CUG223.02-ABS.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns the absolute value of an integer. => CUG 222. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.03-ARGS.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Standard argc function. => CUG 222. [CP/M:] CUG223.04-ARRAY.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Array test program. => CUG222. [CP/M:] CUG223.05-ATOI.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts a character to an integer. => CUG222. [CP/M:] CUG223.06-ATOIB.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts an unsigned integer to base b. => ATOI.C CUG [CP/M ] CUG223.07-AVAIL.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns the number of bytes of available memory. => CUG222. [CP/M:] CUG223.08-BDOS.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Allows CP/M calls from within C. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.09-CALL1.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Multiply routine. [CP/M:] CUG223.10-CALL2.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Divide routine. [CP/M:] CUG223.11-CALL3.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Switch routine. [CP/M:] CUG223.12-CALL4.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Arithmetic shift. [CP/M:] CUG223.13-CALL5.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Main arithmetic routine. => CALL1.MAC CALL2.MAC CALL3.MAC CALL4.MAC. [CP/M:] CUG223.14-CALLOC.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Cleared memory allocation of n items of specified bytes. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.15-CC.DEF source By F.A. Scacchitti. Listing of definitions and history of changes. [CP/M:] CUG223.16-CC1.C 2.7 source Small-C Compiler Part 1. By J.E. Hendrix. => CUG 222. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.17-CC11.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. Source code for Small C. => CC1.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.18-CC12.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. Open an include file. => CC1.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.19-CC13.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. Statement parser. => CC1.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.20-CC2 source By J.E. Hendrix. Part 2 - Small C compiler. => CC1.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.21-CC21.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. => CC1.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.22-CC22.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. => CC1.C CC2.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.23-CC3.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. Part 3 - Small C => CC1.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.24-CC31.C source By J.E. Hendrix. [CP/M:] CUG223.25-CC32.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. => CC1.C CC3.C. CUG223.26-CC33.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. => CC1.C CC3.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.27-CC4.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. Part 4 - Small C. [CP/M:] CUG223.28-CC41.C 2.7 source By J.E. Hendrix. Prints all assembler info, before any code is generated. => CC1.C CC4.C. [CP/M:] CUG223.29-CC42.C source By J.E. Hendrix. [CP/M:] CUG223.30-CCC.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit file to produce a .COM file. [CP/M:] CUG223.31-CCCC.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit file for compiling the compiler. [CP/M:] CUG223.32-CCLIST.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit file for listing the compiler. [CP/M:] CUG223.33-CCM.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit file to produce .MACfile. [CP/M:] CUG223.34-CCR.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit file to produce .RELfile. [CP/M:] CUG223.35-CLEARERR.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Clears errors and end of file marks in fd. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.36-CLS.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Clear screen program. [CP/M:] CUG223.37-CPM10.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.38-CPMDISK.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Log in disk number. [CP/M:] CUG223.39-CSEEK.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Position fd to the 128 byte record indicated by "offset" relative to the point indicated by "base". [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.40-CTELL.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.41-DELAY.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Delay n milliseconds. [CP/M: M80] based on 4 MHz clock. CUG223.42-DOLDDR.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.43-DSLDIR.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.44-DTOI.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts signed decimal string to integer number returns field length, else ERR on error. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.45-ERATOS.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Eratosthenes Sieve Prime Number Program. [CP/M:] CUG223.46-EXIT.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.47-FA.C source File Append Program. By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.48-FB.C source File Copy (Bin) Program. By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.49-FC.C source File Copy Program. By F.A. Scacchitti. Copies file from file to file. [CP/M:] CUG223.50-FEOF.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns true only if end of file is reached. [CP/M:] CUG223.51-FERROR.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns true only if a file error has occurred. [CP/M:] CUG223.52-FFD.C source Formfeed Program. By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.53-FFLUSH.C source Flush. By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.54-FGETC.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.55-FGETS.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.56-FILELIB.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Continue the constructs necessary for handling file I/O. [CP/M:] CUG223.57-FM.C source File Modification Program. By F.A. Scacchitti. Copies from source file to new file modifying on the fly. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.58-FPRINTF.C source Formatted Print Statement. By F.A. Scacchitti. Operates as per K&R. [CP/M:] CUG223.59-FPUTC.MAC source By F.A. Scacchini. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.60-FPUTS.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.61-FREAD.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.62-FREBUF.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.63-FREE.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Free previously allocated memory block. Memory must be freed in the reverse order from which it was allocated. [CP/M:] CUG223.64-FREE10.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Mark a buffer as free. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.65-FSCANF.C source Formatted Read. By F.A. Scacchitti. Operates as described by K&R. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.66-FWRITE.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.67-GETCHAR.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Direct console input via BDOS (6). [CP/M:] CUG223.68-GETS.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.69-GRAB10.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Find an input buffer, and return its address. [CP/M:] CUG223.70-GRABUF.C source By F.A Scacchitti. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.71-HELLO.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.72-INP.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.73-ISALNUM.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Returns 'true' if c is alphanumeric. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.74-ISALPHA.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is alphabetic. [CP/M:] CUG223.75-ISASCII.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is an ASCII character. [CP/M:] CUG223.76-ISATTY.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Pie turn 'true' if fd is a device, else 'false'. [CP/M:] CUG223.77-ISCNTRL.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is a control character. [CP/M:] CUG223.78-ISDIGIT.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is a digit. [CP/M:] CUG223.79-ISGRAPH.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Return 'true' is c is a graphic character. [CP/M:] CUG223.80-ISLOWER.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is a lower case character. [CP/M:] CUG223.81-ISPRINT.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is a printable character. [CP/M:] CUG223.82-ISPUNCT.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is a punctuation character. [CP/M:] CUG223.83-ISSPACE.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Return 'true' is c is a white-space character. [CP/M:] CUG223.84-ISUPPER.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is uppercase alphabetic. [CP/M:] CUG223.85-ISXDIGIT.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Return 'true' if c is a hexidecimal digit. [CP/M:] CUG223.86-ITOA.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts number to characters in string. [CP/M:] CUG223.87-ITOAB.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Converts "unsigned" n to characters in S using base b. (non-standard) [CP/M:] CUG223.88-ITOD.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Convert number to signed decimal string of width sz right adjusted, blank filled; returns 'str'. [CP/M:] CUG223.89-ITOO.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Converts number to octal string of length sz right adjusted and blank filled. [CP/M:] CUG223.90-ITOU.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Converts number to unsigned decimal string of width sz right adjusted. [CP/M:] CUG223.91-ITOX.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Convert number to hex string of length sz right adjusted and blank filled. [CP/M:] CUG223.92-LCC.SUB batch By F.A Scacchitti. Submit file for linking multiple.REL's. [CP/M:] CUG223.93-LEFT.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Left-left adjust and null terminate a string. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.94-LEXCMP.C source By F.A Scacchitti. determines the relation between two values (,, = ). [CP/M:] CUG223.95-LIBID.C source By F.A Scacchitti. Credit line for author, who created this library. [CP/M:] CUG223.96-MALLOC.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns the address of the allocated block, else null for failure. [CP/M:] CUG223.97-MAX.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.98-MIN.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.99-NEWLIB.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Submit for generating library. [CP/M:] CUG223.100-OTOI.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts unsigned octal string to integer number. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.101-OUTP.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:M80] CUG223.102-PAD.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Place n occurrences of character at destination. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.103-POLL.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Poll for console input or interruption. [CP/M:] CUG223.104-PRNTF.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Formatted print, as per K&R. [CP/M:] CUG223.105-PUTCHAR.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Normal console output via BDOS(2). [CP/M:] CUG223.106-PUTLIST.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.107-PUTS.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Puts (string). [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.108-RCC.SUB batch By F.A. Scacchitti. Like ccc but links in RDRTL first. [CP/M:] CUG223.109-RDRTL.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.110-READ.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.111-RENAME.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.112-REVERSE.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Reverse string in place. [CP/M:] CUG223.113-REWIND.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.114-SIGN.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns the sign of number. [CP/M:] CUG223.115-STDIO.H header By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.116-STRCAT.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Concatenate first argument to the back of the second argument. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.117-STRCHR.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns pointer to 1st occurrence of C in string, else zero. [CP/M:] CUG223.118-STRCMP.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Compares two strings. [CP/M:] CUG223.119-STRCPY.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. copy a string. [CP/M:] CUG223.120-STRLEN.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns the length of a string. [CP/M:] CUG223.121-STRNCAT.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Concatenates n bytes of 'x' to end of 'y'. [CP/M:] CUG223.122-STRNCMP.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Compares two strings for at most n characters and returns an integer. [CP/M:] CUG223.123-STRNCPY.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Copy n characters from source to destination. [CP/M:] CUG223.124-STRRCHR.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Search S for rightmost occurrence of C. [CP/M:] CUG223.125-TIME.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Time set and display program. [CP/M:] Written for Xerox 820. CUG223.126-TOASCII.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns ASCII equivalent of C. [CP/M:] CUG223.127-TOLOWER.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts uppercase C to lowercase C. [CP/M:] CUG223.128-TOPOFMEM.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.129-TOUPPER.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts lowercase C to uppercase C. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.130-UALLOC.C source Memory Allocation. By F.A. Scacchitti. Returns the address of the allocated block of memory or null, if the request is greater than space available. [CP/M:] CUG223.131-UNGETC.C source By F.A Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.132-UNLINK.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. unlink (name) char *name; [CP/M:] CUG223.133-UNLINK.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.134-UTOI.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Converts unsigned decimal string to integer number. [CP/M: Small C] CUG223.135-UW.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Strips Wordstar control symbols from a file. [CP/M:] CUG223.136-WC.C source By F.A. Scacchitti. Text analysis utility. [CP/M:] CUG223.137-WRITE.C source By F.A Scacchitti. [CP/M:] CUG223.138-XTOI.C source Converts hex string to integer value. CUG223.139-ZZBUF.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. Used to preserve standard CP/M buffer for input arguments. [CP/M: M80] CUG223.140-ZZFIO.MAC source By F.A. Scacchitti. File I/O storage variables. [CP/M:] ============================================================================== CUG224 - ----------- UtiliX An MS-DOS implementation of several popular UNIX utilities. The command behavior and options are similar to System V standards. This shareware package was written and contributed by Tom Woods (MD). [share2] CUG224.01-CAT.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Concatenate and print files. => CAT.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.02-CAT.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => CAT.EXE. CUG224.03-CECHO.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Echo arguments. => CECHO.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.04-CECHO.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => CECHO.EXE. CUG224.05-CHMOD.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Change file attributes. => CHMOD.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.06-CHMOD.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => CHMOD.EXE. CUG224.07-CMP.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Compare two files. => CMP.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.08-CMP.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => CMP.EXE DIFF.EXE COM.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG224.09-COMM.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Select or reject lines common to two sorted files. => COMM.HLP UNIO.EXE CMP.EXE. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.10-COMM.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => COMM.EXE. CUG224.11-CTIME.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Time a command. => CTIME.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.12-CTIME.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => CTIME.EXE. CUG224.13-EXPR.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Evaluate simple expression (long integer). => EXPR.HLP. [MSDOS: DESMET] CUG224.14-EXPR.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage Tnfo. => EXPR.EXE TEST.EXE HOC.EXE. CUG224.15-FIND.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Search directories for a name. => FIND.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.16-FIND.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => FIND.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG224.17-GREP.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Search a file for a pattern (regular expression). => GREP.HLP. [MS DOS:] CUG224.18-GREP.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => GREP.EXE. CUG224.19-HEAD.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Print the first few lines of a file. => HEAD.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.20-HEAD.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => HEAD.EXE TAIL.EXE. CUG224.21-HELP.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Display the online help files for the UTILK commands. => HELP.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.22-HELP.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => HELP.EXE. CUG224.23-HOC.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. An interactive language for floating point arithmetic. => HOC.HLP. [MSDOS: DESMET] CUG224.24-HOC.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. CUG224.25-INSTALL.BAT batch By Tom Woods. Install Utilix to target drive. [MS-DOS:] CUG224.26-LS.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. List contents of directory. => LS.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.27-LS.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => LS.EXE. CUG224.28-OD.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Octal, decimal, hex, ASCII, or floating point dump. => OD.HLP. [MSDOS: DESMET] CUG224.29-OD.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => OD.EXE. CUG224.30-PR.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Print file in format suitable for a printer. => PR.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.31-PR.HLP doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => PR.EXE. CUG224.32-REV.EXE executable By Tom Woods. reverse lines of a file. => REV.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.33-REV.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => REV.EXE. CUG224.34-RM.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Remove (unlink) files. => RM.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.35-RM.HLP doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => RM.EXE RMDIR.EXE. CUG224.36-SORT.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Sort lines in text files merging contents if multiple files. => SORT.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.37-SORT.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => SORT.EXE. CUG224.38-STRINGS.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Search a file for character strings. => STRINGS.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.39-STRINGS.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. => STRINGS.EXE. CUG224.40-TAIL EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Print the last few lines of strings. => TAIL.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.41-TAIL.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => TAIL.EXE. CUG224.42-TEE.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Output the input to several files. => TEE.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.43-TEE.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => TEE.EXE. CUG224.44-TEST.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Test conditions of file or strings. => TEST.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.45-TEST.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => TEST.EXE. CUG224.46-TR.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Translate characters. => TR.HLP. [MS-DOS:] CUG224.47-TR.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. => TR.EXE. CUG224.48-UNIQ.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Report repeated lines in a file. => UNIQ.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.49-UNIQ.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Usage info. => UNIQ.EXE. CUG224.50-UTILIX.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. Utilix documentation. => INSTALL.BAT. CUG224.51-WC.EXE 2.0 executable By Tom Woods. Line, word, and character count. => WC.HLP. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG224.52-WC.HLP 2.0 doc By Tom Woods. => INSTALL.BAT WC.EXE. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG225 - ----------- Utilities and Zmath Some disk and directory related utilities for CP/M from Phil Cogar, Australia and routines to do double precision floating point multiply, divide and square root from Neil R.Koozer, (OR). Includes menu coordinated utilities which archive files, display the BIOS disk parameter block, "repack" a directory, display raw disk sectors, un erase files, and move files from oneuser area to another. Also includes an executable Z80 assembler (no source code). [public] CUG225.01-ARCHIVE.C 2.0 source By Phil Cogar. Archive selected files to disk. => ARCHIVE.COM TM CPIO UTIL.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG225.02-ARCHIVE.COM 2.0 executable By Phil Cogar. => ARCHIVE.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.03-CHKDSK.C 1.1 source By Phil Cogar. Displays the Disk Parameter Block information in the BIOS and the allocation map for a selected disk. => CHKDSK.COM DEFF4.C PEC.H UTILC. [CP/M 2.x:] CUG225.04-CHKDSK.COM 1.1 executable By Phil Cogar. => CHKDSK.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.05-CLEANUP.C 1.1 source By Phil Cogar. Deletes all inactive entries from a directory and reconstructs the directory in alphabetical order. => UTIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.06-CLEANUP.COM 1.1 executable By Phil Cogar. => CLEANUP.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.07-CNTFIL.C 1.1 source By Phil Cogar. Counts all the active files in user areas and displays a table of the counts. => CNTFIL.COM PEC.H UTILC. [CP/M:] CUG225.08-CNTFIL.COM 1.1 executable By Phil Cogar. => CNTFIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.09-DEFF3.C 1.4 source By Phil Cogar. Function library. Includes functions to count & manipulate bits, read a character "raw" from the console, change the user number direct interface to BDOS file operations, isprint() and other isxxx() functions. => DEFF3.CRL DEFF3.TXT. [CP/M:] CUG225.10-DEFF3.CRL object By Phil Cogar. Object module. => DEFF3.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.11-DEFF3.TXT doc By Phil Cogar. Function descriptions of DEFF3.C. CUG225.12-DEFF4.C 1.4 source By Phil Cogar. Function library including terminal control functions for a Hazeltine Esprit and direct interfaces to important BIOS functions. => DEFF4.TXT DEFF4.CRL [CP/M: BDSC] CUG225.13-DEFF4.CRL object By Phil Cogar. Object module. => DEFF4.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.14-DEFF4.TXT doc By Phil Cogar. Function descriptions for DEFF4.C. => DEFF4.C. CUG225.15-DIR2.C 1.2 source By Phil Cogar. Creates a "ghost" or backup directory on the last available track of the disk. => CLEANUP.C UTIL.C. [CP/M: BDSC] CUG225.16-DIR2.COM 1.2 executable By Phil Cogar. => DIR2.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.17-LISTFILE.C 1.4 source By Phil Cogar. Prints a file to printer with line numbers, and heading (file name). => LISTFILE.COM UTIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.18-LISTFILE.COM executable By Phil Cogar. => LISTFILE.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.19-NOBAD.C 1.2 source By Phil Cogar. Finds bad sectors on a disk and puts them in a file on user area 15. => NOBAD.COM UTIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.20-NOBAD.COM executable By Phil Cogar. => NOBAD.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.21-PEC.H header By Phil Cogar. Definitions for BDOS, terminal, disk parameter block, and file control block. [CP/M:] CUG225.22-RESTORE.C 1.0 source By Phil Cogar. Restore a file that has been erased. => RESTORE.COM UTILC. [CP/M:] CUG225.23-RESTORE.COM executable By Phil Cogar. => RESTORE.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.24-SECREAD.C 1.1 source By Phil Cogar. Display a disk sector in either ASCII or hex, to the screen. => SECREAD.COM PEC.H UTIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.25-SECREAD.COM executable By Phil Cogar. => SECREAD.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.26-USER2.C 2.0 source By Phil Cogar. Copies a file from one user area to another. => USER2.COM PEC.H CLEANUP.C UTIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.27-USER2.COM executable By Phil Cogar. => USER2.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.28-UTILC source By Phil Cogar. Menu program for using chkdsk, dir2, secread, cleanup, nobad, showdir, cntfil, restore, and user2. => UTILCOM. [CP/M:] CUG225.29-UTIL.COM executable By Phil Cogar. => UTIL.C. [CP/M:] CUG225.30-Z1.COM executable By Neil Koozer. A Z80 assembler. => Z1.DOC ZMATH.AZM. [CP/M:] CUG225.31-Z1.DOC doc By Neil Koozer. Describes Z1.COM in terms of changes to ZBOMR.COM. [CP/M:] Describes only new features. Original Z80MR and associated files available from Micro Cornucopia (Disk B25). CUG225.32-ZMATH.AZM source By Neil Koozer. Assembly coded math package. => Z1.DOC Z1.COM. [CP/M:] ============================================================================== CUG226 - ----------- Art-Cee A rule-based inference engine from Dan Cheatham (KS). Developed under MIX C on a PC clone. ARTIE represents knowledge as if-then rules with associated weights reflecting their probable applicability. ARTIE includes a simple query system and will make assumptions while trying to answer questions. [public] CUG226.01-ART-CEE.COM 1.4 executable Small Artificial Intelligence Inference Engine. By Dan Cheatham. Executable file with runtime support. => MANUAL.TXT. [MSDOS: MIX] requires 128K of memory. CUG226.02-DOGNCAT 1.4 data Sample Grouping File. By Dan Cheatham. => MANUAL.TXT. CUG226.03-HELP1.AIH 1.4 data Primary Help Routine Panel. By Dan Cheatham. => MANUAL.TXT. CUG226.04-HELP2.AIH 1.4 data Summary of Rule Input Syntax. By Dan Cheatham. => MANUAL TXT. CUG226.05-HELP3.AIH 1.4 data Summary of Query Input Syntax. By Dan Cheatham. => MANUAL.W. CUG226.06-HELP4.AIH 1.4 data Summary of Commands. By Dan Cheatham. => MANUAL.TXT. CUG226.07-MANUAL.TXT doc User's Guide. By Dan Cheatham. => HELP1.AIH HELP2.AIH HELP3.AIH HELP4.AIH. CUG226.08-READ.ME doc By Dan Cheatham. Brief description of ARTCEE.COM. => MANUALTXT MT CEE.COM. CUG226.09-SAMPLE.FIL data Minimal Sample Data File. By Dan Cheatham. => DOGNCAT ART-CEE.COM. CUG226.10-WORKUP0.C 1.4 source Parser Routines. By Dan Cheatham. => WORKUP0.H WORKUP1.H. [MS-DOS: MK] CUG226.11-WORKUP0.H 1.4 header By Dan Cheatham. Header file containing MAX definitions. => WORKUP0.H. [MSDOS:] CUG226.12-WORKUP1.H 1.4 header By Dan Cheatham. Header file for secondary source files. => WORKUP0.H. [MSDOS:] CUG226.13-WORKUP2.C 1.4 source 1/0 Functions. By Dan Cheatham. => WORKUP0.H WORKUP1.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG226.14-WORKUP3.C 1.4 source Thinking, inference-drawing routines. By Dan Cheatham. => WORKUP0.H WORKUP1.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG226.15-WORKUP4.C 1.4 source Driver Routines. By Dan Cheatham. => WORKUP0.H. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG227 - ----------- Portable Graphics v2.1 By Rainer Gerhards. [public] 2 disks. A library of graphics routines for PC clones from Rainer Gerhards (West Germany). The package implements a global coordinate system, and includes support for manipulating IBM display modes, for drawing pixels, lines, boxes, ellipses, and arcs, for filling boxes with color, painting regions with color. Also includes text fonts and demonstration programs. Compiles under Lattice C, Datalight C v2.2x, Microsoft and Borland Turbo C. The MSC version is untested. CUG227.01-ALLGLOB.H header Header for using world coordinates for addressing. => GRAF.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.02-BARNAMES.H header => GRAF.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.03-BIOS-L3D.OBJ object Large data model BIOS module.=> BIOS.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.04-BIOS.C source BIOS low-level driver. => BIOS.H, GRAPHICS.H. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.05-BIOS.H header Low-level BIOS header file. => BIOS.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.06-BIOS_L3L.OBJ object Large model BIOS module.=> BIOS.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.07-BIOS_L3P.OBJ object Large program model BIOS module. BIOS.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.08-BIOS_L3S.OBJ object Small model BIOS module.=> BIOS.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.09-BLDDSK.BAT batch MS-DOS Library Build Routine. CUG227.10-BTRIGTAB.C source => TRIGTAB.H. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.11-DOS.MAC source Macrofile for defining system constants. => EGAA.ASM, HERCA.ASM. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG227.12-EGA.C source EGA function library. => EGA.H, GRAPHICS.H. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.13-EGA.H header Low-level EGA device header file. => EGA.C, EGA.ASM. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.14-EGAA.ASM source Low-level driver for EGA device. => EGA.C, EGA.H, DOS.MAC. [MASM] CUG227.15-FRKTAL.C source Graphics example. => GRAPHICS.L, GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.16-GRAF.C source Hardware independent high-level graphics library. => GRAF.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.17-GRAF.S source User documentation written in nroff format. => GRAF.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.18-GRAF.TXT doc Documentation for portable graphics library. GRAF.S. CUG227.19-GRAFBL3D.OBJ object Large data model graphics module with BIOS.=> GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.20-GRAFBL3L.OBJ object Large model graphics module with BIOS. GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.21-GRAFBL3P.OBJ object Large program model graphics module with BIOS.=> GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.22-GRAFBL3S.OBJ object Small model graphics module with BIOS.=> GRAF.C. I[MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.23-GRAFHL3D.OBJ object Large data model graphics module with Hercules.[MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.24-GRAFHL3L.OBJ object Large model graphics module with Hercules.=> GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.25-GRAFHL3P.OBJ object Large program model graphics module with Hercules.=> GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.26-GRAFHL3s.OBJ object Small model graphics module with Hercules card.=> GRAF.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.27-GRAFTEXT.C source => STDFONT.H. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.28-GRAFTURT.C source => GRAF.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.29-GRAFTURT.OBJ object => GRAFTURT.C. [MS-DOS: LC3] CUG227.30-GRAPHICS.H header => GRAF.H, GRAF.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.31-HERC.C source Function library for Hercules graphic card. => HERC.H, GRAPHICS.H. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.32-HERC.H header Low-level Hercules device header file. HERC.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.33-HERCA.ASM source Low-level driver for Hercules monochrome graphics card. => HERC.C, HERC.H. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG227.34-HERCA_D.OBJ object Large data model Hercules module. HERCA.ASM. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG227.35-HERCA_L.OBJ object Large model Hercules module.=> HERCA.ASM. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG227.36-HERCA_P.OBJ object Large program model Hercules module. HERCA.ASM. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.37-HERCA_S.OBJ object => HERCA.ASM. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG227.38-HERC_L3D.OBJ object => HERC.C. [MS-DOS: LC3] CUG227.39-HERC_L3L.OBJ object Large model Hercules module.=> HERC.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.40-HERC_L3P.OBJ object Large program model Hercules module. HERC.C. [MS-DOS: LC3] CUG227.41-HERC_L3s.OBJ object Small model Hercules module.=> HERC.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.42-READ.CUG doc Documentation for object code naming rule. [MS-DOS] CUG227.43-README.DOC doc CUG227.44-STDFONT.H header Defines the standard 8 x 8 font. => GRAFTEXT.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.45-TRIGTAB.H header Precomputed trigonometric tables. => BTRIBTAB.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.46-TURTLE.C source => GRAFTURT.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.47-TURTLE.EXE executable => TURTLE.C. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG227.48-TURTLE.OBJ object => TURTLE.EXE, TURTLE.C. [MS-DOS: LC3] CUG227.49-VERSION doc GRAPHLIB Version 2.1 11/15/87. CUG227.50-XXHR.C source Low-level driver for the Else PC XXHR, DXHR and XXHR vector graphics board. XXHR.H. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] CUG227.51-XXHR.H header Low-level driver for the Elsa PC XHR-DXHR and XXHR vector graphics board. => XXHR.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.0, LC3, DLC2] ============================================================================== CUG228 - ----------- Miscellany IX Contains BDSMARK, a utility which supports the adaptation of BDS C code by identifying function calls peculiar to BDS from David D. Clark (IN) and the following collected and contributed by Michael Yokayama (HI): a set of ISAM routines, a windowing library, an HP Laserjet print program, some Lattice math subroutines, a Hayes compatible modem utility and some directory and file maintenance utilities. Many of these programs also appear on US-Disk 1308 and US-Disk 1310. [mixed] CUG228.01-BDSMARK.C source By David C. Clark. Marks calls to library functions that BDS C implements in a nonstandard fashion. Aids in porting BDS C to MS-DOS, or updating to v1.6. => BDSMARK.DOC. [MS-DOS, CP/M:] CUG228.02-BDSMARK.DOC doc By David C. Clark. Documentation for BDSMARK. => BDSMARK.C. CUG228.03-CHKMAT.C source Matrix Mathematics Checker. => US-DISK 1308. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG228.04-CUG228.DSK doc Summary of C routines and functions on this disk. CUG228.05-CWINDEMO.C source By Glen Boyd. C windowing package, demo source. [MS-DOS: LC] US-Disk 1310 CUG228.06-CWINDEMO.DOC doc By Glen Boyd. C-window demonstration documentation. CUG228.07-CWINDEMO.EXE executable By Glen Boyd. => CWINDEMO.C. [MSDOS: LC] CUG228.08-CWINDOWS.DOC doc By Glen Boyd. Function descriptions for window package. CUG228.09-CWINDOWS.LIB library By Glen Boyd. A shareware windowing for PC clones. Supports up to 255 overlapping windows. [MS-DOS: LC] Uses a custom printf that doesn't support I/O redirection. CUG228.10-DRAW.C source Multiple Character Printing Program. By Jim Nech. Prints character in multiples up, down, right or left. [MS-DOS: DESMET] UKDisk 1308 CUG228.11-ERAQ.C source By John Welch. Like the MS-DOS erase command, except that the user is always prompted for verification before the files are erased. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG228.12-ISAM.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. A partially completed ISAM system. Keys are limited to 64 bytes. => ISAM.H US-DISK 1310. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.13-ISAM.H header ISAM. By John M. Dashner. ISAM header file. => ISAM.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.14-ISAMADD.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Add an index record. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.15-ISAMC.DOC doc ISAM Documentation. By John M. Dashner. => ISAM.C. Still needs to be debugged. CUG228.16-ISAMCLS.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Close ISAM indexing. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG228.17-ISAMDELC source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Delete a record. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.18-ISAMGET.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Get a record. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:1 CUG228.19-ISAMNXT.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Traverse sequential index. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.20-ISAMOPN.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Open ISAM index. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.21-ISAMPRV.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Get previous record. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.22-ISAMSIT.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Sort ISAM index. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.23-ISAMUPD.C source ISAM. By John M. Dashner. Update control record. => ISAM.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.24-LATER.C source File date compare utility. Sets exit code according to dates of two files. => US-DISK 1308. [MS-DOS: DESMET] System dependent for MS-DOS v2.0 CUG228.25-LJ.C source HP Laserjet Printing Utility. By Joe Barnhart, Ray Duncan, Abel DeSouza. Prints two pages of information on one page. Landscape font at 17 cpi. => LJ.EXE US-DISK 1307. [MS-DOS: C 86] CUG228.26-LJ.EXE executable By Joe Barnhart, Ray Duncan, Abel DeSouza. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.27-MAT.C source Matrix Decomposition and Double-Back Substitution. => CHKMAT.C US-DISK 1308. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG228.28-MATHMAX.C source Mathematical Subroutines. By Max R. Dursteler. Includes sqrt, exp, pow, mod, asin, sin, atan, log, floor, ceil. Operates on doubles. => MATHMAX H US-DISK 1307. [MS-DOS: LC, MSC] CUG228.29-MATHMAX.H header By Max R. Durshler. => MATHMAX.C. CUG228.30-MSWEEP.C source By Fredinand Knerlich. File utility based on CP/M nsweep. => US-DISK 1308. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG228.31-PACDEC.C source By Odis C. Wooten. Decimal string to packed decimal. => US-DISK 1308. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.32-PARSER.C source Generalized, Finite-State Parser. By Uoyd Zusman. Powerful parser allowing extraction of single tokens from character string. => US-DISK 1308. [MS-DOS:] CUG228.33-PI.C source Pi Calculator. By R.E. Sawyer. Computes pi to n decimal places. => US-DISK 1308 MIRACL. [MS-DOS:] Execution time is nearly proportional to the square of the number of digits computed. 1000 digits takes 51 hours. CUG228.34-SCRNMISC.C source By Garth Kennedy. Functions to manipulate the CRT. Clear screen, set video mode, set cursor position, position graphics cursor. => US-DISK 1310. [MS-DOS: LC2.12] CUG228.35-SETHAYES.C source Initializes Hayes Smart modem. By Lynn Long. => US-DISK 1310. [MS-DOS: LC] CUG228.36-STRMATH.C source String to Math Functions. By Robert E. Sawyer. Performs arithmetic on numbers stored as strings. Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. => US DISK 1310. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG228.37-SYSTEM.C source Lattice 2.13 System Call. By Jeff Spidle. Replaces Lattice v2.13 system call which ignores SWITCHAR setting before invoking secondary command processor. => USDISK 1310. [MS-DOS: LC2.13] For dated version of Lattice C. CUG228.38-SYSTMISC.C source By Garth Kennedy. System functions to create sounds and get the system time and date. => US-DISK 1310. [MS-DOS: LC2.12] ============================================================================== CUG229 - ----------- Little Smalltalk--UNIX Part 1 Part 1 of a double volume set which contains portable dialect Smalltalk for UNIX systems by Dr. Timothy Budd (WA). In a distribu tion suitable for installation on atrue UNIX system. See CUG231 and CUG232 for the unbundled version. [public] CUG229.01-INSTALL executable Little Smalltalk Installation. By Timothy A. Budd. Installation information. => UNBUNDLE SOURCES.BUN CUG230 CUG231 CUG232. [UNIX:] CUG229.02-MAKEFILE make Little Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. => INSTALL CUG229.03-SOURCES.BUN source Little Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. Bundled source files. => UNBUNDLE INSTALL. CUG229.04-UNBUNDLE executable Little Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. Shell for unbundling the Smalltalk files. => INSTALL SOURCE.BUN. [UNIX:] ============================================================================== CUG230 - ----------- Little Smalltalk--UNIX Part 2 Part 2 of a double volume set. See also 229. [public] CUG230.01-DOCS.BUN source Uttle Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. Bundled documentation files. => CUG229. [UNIX ] CUG230.02-PARSER.BUN source Little Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. Bundled parser source file. => CUG229. [UNIX ] CUG230.03-PRELUDE.BUN source Uttle Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. Bundled prelude files. => CUG229. [UNIX:] CUG230.04-TEST.BUN source Little Smalltalk. By Timothy A. Budd. Bundled test files. => CUG229. [UNIX] ============================================================================== CUG231 - ----------- Lfflle Smal talk--Unbundled Timothy Budd contributes a portable dialect Smalltalk. This volume constitute a complete distribution with unbundled files. This double set volume is more convenient for non-UNIX environments. [public] CUG231.01-4QUEEN.OUT data Output file. CUG231.02-4QUEEN.ST data Class description file. CUG231.03-8QUEEN.ST data Class description file. CUG231.04-ARRAY.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Array creation. [UNIX:] CUG231.05-BASIC.OUT data Output file. CUG231.06-BASIC.ST data Class description file. CUG231.07-BLOCK.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Block creation and block return. [UNIX] CUG231.08-BLOCK.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Block definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.09-BLOCKS.OUT data Output file. CUG231.10-BLOCKS.ST data Class description file. CUG231.11-BYTE.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Bytearray manipulation. [UNIX:] CUG231.12-BYTE.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Bytearray definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.13-CHECK.ST data Class description file. CUG231.14-CLASS.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Class instance creation and deletion. [UNIX] CUG231.15-CLDICT.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Internal class dictionary. [UNIX:] CUG231.16-COLLECT.OUT data Output file. CUG231.17-COLLECT.ST data Class description file. CUG231.18-COND.ST data Class description file. CUG231.19-CONTROL.ST data Class description file. CUG231.20-COPY.OUT data Output file. CUG231.21-COPY.ST data Class definition file. CUG231.22-COURIER.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Message passing interface. [UNIX:] CUG231.23-DISCLAIM doc CUG231.24-DRIVE.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Command parser. [UNIX:] CUG231.25-FIB.ST data Class description file. CUG231.26-FILE.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Programs used by class file. [UNIX] CUG231.27-FILE.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Class file definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.28-FILE.LST doc Ust of files. CUG231.29-FILE.OUT data Output file. CUG231.30-FILE.ST data Class description file. CUG231.31-FORK.OUT data Output file. CUG231.32-FORK.ST data Class description file. CUG231.33-GENERATO.ST data Class description file. CUG231.34-IN data Input file. CUG231.35-INTERP.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Byte code interpreter. [UNIX] CUG231.36-INTERP.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Interpreter definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.37-LEX.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Lexical analyzer for driver. [UNIX] CUG231.38-LEXCMD.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Miscellaneous lexer related routines. [UNIX] CUG231.39-LINE.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Line grabber. [UNIX] CUG231.40-MAIN.C source Source for Creating 'st' Uttle Smalltalk Interpreter. By Timothy A Budd. Main driver. [UNIX] CUG231.41-MAKEFILE.SOU doc By Timothy A Budd. Make file for 'st'. [UNIX:] CUG231.42-MAKEFILE.TES make Makefile for tests. CUG231.43-NEW.OUT data Output file. CUG231.44-NEW.ST data Class description file. CUG231.45-NEWMAL.C source By Timothy A. Budd. New malloc subroutines. [UNIX] CUG231.46-NUM.OUT data Output file. CUG231.47-NUM.ST data Class description file. CUG231.48-NUMBER.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Number definitions. [UNIX ] CUG231.49-NUMBER.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Number definitions. [UNIX ] CUG231.50-OBJECT.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Object memory management. [UNIX] CUG231.51-OBJECT.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Object definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.52-PENSHOW.ST data Class description file. CUG231.53-PHIL.OUT data Output file. CUG231.54-PHIL.ST data Class description file. CUG231.55-PLANE.ST data Class description file. CUG231.56-PRIME.ST data Class description file. CUG231.57-PRIME3.ST data Class description file. CUG231.58-PRIME4.ST data Class description file. CUG231.59-PRIMES.ST data Class description file. CUG231.60-PRIMITIV.C source By Timothy A Budd. Primitive manager. [UNIX] CUG231.61-PRIMITIV.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Primitive definitions. [UNIX.] CUG231.62-PROB.ST data Class description file. CUG231.63-PROCESS.C source By Timothy A Budd. Process manager. [UNIX] CUG231.64-PROCESS.H header By Timothy A Budd. Process definitions. [UNIX] CUG231.65-SIM1.0UT data Output file. CUG231.66-SIMl.ST data Class description file. CUG231.67-SIM2.0UT data Output file. CUG231.68-SIM2.ST data Class description file. CUG231.69-SIM3.0UT data Output file. CUG231.70-SIM3.ST data Class description file. CUG231.71-SSTR.C source By Timothy A Budd. File and replace string occurrences. [UNIX:] CUG231.72-STRING.C source By Timothy A Budd. String creation and deletion. [UNIX] CUG231.73-STRING.H header By Timothy A. Budd. String definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.74-SUPER.OUT data Output file. CUG231.75-SUPER.ST data Class description file. CUG231.76-SYMBOL.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Symbol creation. [UNIX:] CUG231.77-SYMBOL.H header By Timothy A. Budd. String and symbol definitions. [UNIX:] CUG231.78-SYMBOLS doc By Timothy A. Budd. [UNIX:] CUG231.79-SYMS.C source By Timothy A. Budd. Symbol definitions. [UNIX] CUG231.80-TEMP.ST data Class description file. CUG231.81-TURING.ST data Class description file. CUG231.82-VISITOR.ST data Class description file. ============================================================================== CUG232 - ----------- Little Smalltalk - Unbundled Part 2 Part 2 of a double volume set. See also CUG231. [public] CUG232.01-ACOLLECT.ST data Class description file: array collection. CUG232.02-APNDX1 doc Object descriptions. CUG232.03-ARRAY.ST data Class description file: array. CUG232.04-BAG.ST data Class description file: bag. CUG232.05-BLOCK.ST data Class description file: block. CUG232.06-BOOKS doc Ust of books. CUG232.07-BOOLEAN.ST data Class description file: boo lean. CUG232.08-BUGS doc Known bugs. CUG232.09-BYTEARRA.ST data Class description file: Byte Array. CUG232.10-CHAR.ST data Class description file: char. CUG232.11-CLASS.ST data Class description file: class. CUG232.12-CMDS.H header By Timothy A. Budd. Source for parser. Commands definitions. [UNIX:] CUG232.13-COLLECT1.ST data Class description file: collection. CUG232.14-DICTIONA.ST data Class description file: dictionary. CUG232.15-DISCLAIM doc CUG232.16-DRIVE.H header Source for parser. Parser and driver definitions. [UNIX:] CUG232.17-ENV.H header Source for parser. Execution environment definitions. [UNIX:] CUG232.18-FALSE.ST data Class description file: false. CUG232.19-FILE.LST doc List of files. CUG232.20-FILE.ST data Class description file: file. CUG232.21-FLOAT.ST data Class description file: float. CUG232.22-FORM.ST data Class description file: form. CUG232.23-INDEX doc Index. CUG232.24-INIT doc CUG232.25-INSTALL doc Instructions for installation. CUG232.26-INTEGER.ST data Class description file: integer. CUG232.27-INTERVAL.ST data Class description file: interval. CUG232.28-KCOLLECT.ST data Class description file: keyed collection. CUG232.29-LARRAY.ST data Class description file: arrayed collection. CUG232.30-LEXYY.C source Source for parser. Lexical analyzer- [UN X: CUG232.31-LIST.ST data Class description file: list. CUG232.32-MACROS doc Maoros for producing description of alas CUG232.33-MAGNITUD.ST data Class description file: magnitude. CUG232.34-MAKEFILE.DOC doc Makefile for documentation. CUG232.35-MAKEFILE.PAR make Source for parser. Makefile for creating parser. [UNIX:] CUG232.36-MAKEFILE.PRE make Makefile for prelude. CUG232.37-NIL.ST data Class description file: undefined object. CUG232.38-NUMBER.ST data Class description file: number. CUG232.39-OBJECT.ST data Class description file: object. CUG232.40-PARSE1.C source Source of parse. Pass 1 of the parser. [UNIX:] CUG232.41-PARSE2.C source Source for parser. Pass 2 of the parser. [UNIX:] CUG232.42-PARSER.H header Source for parser. Parser definitions. [UNIX] CUG232.43-PARSER.LEX source Source for parser. Lexical analyzer. CUG232.44-PARSER.Y source Source for parser. Class method syntax. [UNIX:] CUG232.45-PEN.ST data Class description file: pen. CUG232.46-POINT.ST data Class description file: point. CUG232.47-PRIMNUM.H header Source for parser. Primitive names and numbers recognized by the parser. CUG232.48-PROCESS.ST data Class description file: process. CUG232.49-RADIAN.ST data Class description file: radian. CUG232.50-RANDOM.ST data Class description file: random. CUG232.51-READ-ME doc CUG232.52-SAVESCRI source Save command. CUG232.53-SCOLLECT.ST data Class description file: sequence able collection. CUG232.54-SEMAPHOR.ST data Class description file: semaphore. CUG232.55-SET.ST data Class description file:set. CUG232.56-SMALLTAL.ST data Class description file: small talk. CUG232.57-ST.1 doc Usage information. CUG232.58-STRING.ST data Class description file: string. CUG232.59-SYMBOL.ST data Class description file: symbol. CUG232.60-SYNTAX doc Language syntax documentation. CUG232.61-TRUG.ST data Class description file: true. CUG232.62-UCHAR.C source Test file. CUG232.63-USERMAN doc User's guide. CUG232.64-YTAB.C source [UNIX] CUG232.65-YTAB.H header Header file for lex. [UNIX:] ============================================================================== CUG233 - ----------- Make and Other Utilities This volume contains a simple make utility by Allen Holub (CA) originally for Lattice but also Microsoft compatible; two batch utilities (push and pop) written under Microsoft v4.0 from Warren J. Hebert (LA); a directory repack utility by Richard Karas; a pretty printer by Andrew L. Bender; a file display utility by Vincent Bly (VA); a backslash escape sequence from Ward Christensen (IL); and routines to call Microsoft Fortran from Datalight C by James W. Haefner (UT). [mixed] CUG233.01-COLRVIEW.C source By Ward Christensen. Displays a text file, but interprets "\x" escapes as color change commands. Optionally sends output to JX80 printer. => COLRVIEW.EXE. [MS-DOS:] File is labelled "test version". CUG233.02-COLRVIEW.EXE executable By Ward Christensen. => COLRVIEW.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.03-COLRVIEW.OBJ object By Ward Christensen. => COLRVIEW.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.04-CPRINT.C 1.2 source By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. Prints a C file with nesting level and header on each page. Reports any unbalanced braces, brackets or parentheses. => CPRINT.EXE. [MS-DOS: Cl 86] CUG233.05-CPRINT.EXE 1.2 executable By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. => CPRINT.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.06-CPRINT.OBJ 1.2 object By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. => CPRINT.C CPRINT.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.07-DSKRPK.C 1.0 source Directory Repack. By Richard A. Karar. Remove all deleted files and move valid files together to make free space for new files. => DSKRPK.EXE DSKRPK.DOC. [MSDOS: Supersoft] FP arithmetic performed as function calls, not built-ins. Uses in-line assembly. CUG233.08-DSKRPK.DOC doc Directory Repack. By Richard A. Karar. Documentation for DSKRPK. Includes tutorial material on low-level MS-DOS disk operations. => DSKRPK.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.09-DSKRPK.EXE 1.0 executable By Richard A. Karar. => DSKRPK.C RSKRPK.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.10-MAKE.C 1.0 source Make. By Allen Holub, Kenji Hino. Unix-like utility which simplifies compilations in any language. This simple version doesn't include the macro facilities or other advanced features of the UNK original. => MAKE.C MAKE.H. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0, LC3.0] Lattice requires MS-DOS v3.0 + CUG233.11-MAKE.DOC 1.0 doc By Allen Holub, Kenji Hino. Documentation for MAKE. => MAKE.C. CUG233.12-MAKE.EXE 1.0 executable By Allen Holub, Kenji Hino. => MAKE.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0, LC3.0] CUG233.13-MAKE.H 1.0 header By Allen Holub, Kenji Hino. Header file. => MAKE.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0, LC3.0] CUG233.14-MAKE.OBJ object By Allen Holub, Kenji Hino. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0, LC3.0] CUG233.15-MKFILE 1.0 make By Allen Holub, Kenji Hino. File dependency descriptions used by make. => MAKE.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.16-MSCALLS.ASM 1.0 source By J.W. Haefner. Macros to be used in calling Microsoft Fortran v3.2 double precision trancendentals from Data Light C compiler. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG233.17-MSFTSDR.ASM source By J.W. Haefner. Calls MSFORTRAN double precision transcendentals from Datalight C. => MSCALLS.ASM MSFTSDR.DOC. [MS-DOS: DLC3.01] CUG233.18-MSFTSDR.DOC 1.0 doc By J.W. Haefner. Describes the use of MSCALLS.ASM and MSFTSDR.ASM. => MSCALLS.ASM MSFTSDR.ASM. CUG233.19-MSFTSDR.OBJ object By J.W. Haefner. => MSFTSDR.DOC. [MSDOS: DLC 3.01 ] CUG233.20-MSTSDR.C source By J.W. Haefner. A demonstration program that calls MS FORTRAN transcendental functions and prints the result. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.21-MSTSDR.EXE executable By J.W. Haefner. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.22-OKI.C source By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. Okidata printer setup menu. => OKI.EXE RITEMAN.C. [MSDOS:] CUG233.23-OKI.EXE executable By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. => OKI.C. [MSDOS:] CUG233.24-POP.C source By Warren J. Hebert. Restores working directory from last directory stored in file CDSTACK.DAT. => PUSH.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.25-PUSH.C source By Warren J. Hebert. Saves current working directory to LIFO stack kept in file CDSTACK.DAT. Supports complex path relative batch operations. => POP.C WS.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.26-RITEMAN.C source By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. Riteman printer setup menu. => RITEMAN.EXE RITEMAN.OBJ OKI.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.27-RITEMAN.EXE executable By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. => RITEMAN.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.28-RITEMAN.OBJ object By Andrew L. Bender M.D.. => RITEMAN.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG233.29-SAVAG.C source Savage floating point benchmark. [MSDOS:] CUG233.30-VTYPE.C source By Vincent Bly. Improved version of TYPE. An key will quickly stop the display. ESC will abort. Tabs may be expanded to specified number of spaces. => VTYPE.DOC VTYPE.EXE. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG233.31-VTYPE.DOC doc By Vincent Bly. Documentation for VTYPE. => VTYPE.C. CUG233.32-VTYPE.EXE executable By Vincent Bly. => VTYPE.C. [MS-DOS: DESMET] CUG233.33-WS.BAT batch By Warren J. Hebert. Example usage of push and pop. => PUSH.C POP.C. [MS DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG234 - ----------- XDIR A user-oriented file manipulation and disk maintenance utility shareware package from Mike Blakley (FL). Under XDIR, users may delete, copy or rename files, display or print text files, dump files in ASCII and hexadecimal, change file attributes, encrypt and decrypt files, search for files by date, at- tribute, or name and search for words in a file or group of files. Compiles under Eco-C88. [share1] CUG234.01-COMPILE.BAT batch By Mike Blakley. Batch file for compilation. [MS-DOS:] CUG234.02-CONTENTS.DOC doc By Mike Blakley. Table of disk contents. CUG234.03-CTLR.C 1.0 source Scan Files For Text. By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS: ECOC88] CUG234.04-DISPLAY.C 1.0 source Screen Display Module. By Mike Blakley. Display a screen and accept an answer. => HDIR.DOC XDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG234.05-GETAPAGE.C 1.0 source File Listing Routine. By Mike Blakley. => HDIR.DOCXDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG234.06-HDIR.DOC 1.0 doc Subroutine Documentation. By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.DOC. CUG234.07-MISC.C 1.0 source By Mike Blakley. Miscellaneous routines. => HDIR.DOC XDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS: ECOC88] CUG234.08-README.1ST 1.0 doc By Mike Blakley. Instructions for setup and use. CUG234.09-SECURE.C 1.0 source Encryption Module. By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS: ECOC88] CUG234.10-TESTPRT.ASM 1.0 source By Mike Blakley. Test if printer is ready. => XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG234.11-UTIL.C 1.0 source By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS: ECO-C88] CUG234.12-XDIR.C 1.0 source By Mike Blakley. Main processing module. => XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG234.13-XDIR.DOC 1.0 doc System Documentation. By Mike Blakley. XDIR system was developed to simplify processing of MS-DOS commands, to provide additional system security and provide an screen oriented presentation for beginning users. => XDIR.C XDIR.H XDIR.EXE HDIR.DOC. CUG234.14-XDIR.EXE 1.0 executable By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.C XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS: ECO-C88] CUG234.15-XDIR.H 1.0 header By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.DOC XDIR.C HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG234.16-YDIR.C 1.0 source File Attribute Manipulation. By Mike Blakley. => XDIR.DOC HDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] CUG234.17-ZDIR.C 1.0 source By Mike Blakley. Search a directory, includes selection by file attribute. => HDIR.DOC XDIR.DOC. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG235 - ----------- Overview A file maintenance utility contributed by James Mathews (MN). In addition to the standard file maintenance abilities, Overview also al lows access to up to fourdirectories each in a separate window, displays directory trees, includes a function to show all files (not just the current directory), and includes on-line help. This share ware package was written in Microsoft C v4.0 but calls some assembly language functions. [share1] CUG235.01-BIOSIO.ASM 1.02 source By James Mathews. Routine to do BIOS screen I/O. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG235.02-CVTHLP.C 1.01 source By James Mathews. Converts a text file to 'compiled' format used by overview. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0] CUG235.03-DATE.ASM 1.02 source By James Mathews. routine to work with MS-DOS date. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG235.04-DIRECT.ASM 1.02 source By James Mathews. routines to do direct screen I/O. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.05-DOSFILE.H header By James Mathews. => FILE.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0] CUG235.06-FARMEM.ASM source By James Mathews. Routines to allocate and free 'FAR' memory. => OV.C. [MSDOS: MASM] CUG235.07-FILE.C source By James Mathews. Functions that work on/with MS-DOS files. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0] CUG235.08-FILEI0.ASM source By James Mathews. Routines to do lowlevel file l/O. Includes functions to seek, read, write, time stamp, get current directory, set attributes, and fake error return. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG235.09-GETOPT.C source By James Mathews. Get next command line option from argv. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0] CUG235.10-GRABBRK.ASM source By James Mathews. Grab control-break, contro14 interrupts. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG235.11-MAKEFILE make By James Mathews. Make file for compiling OVERVIEW. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.12-OV.C 1.02 source Overview. By James Mathews. OVERVIEW allows the user to perform common operations on disk files in a visual, tabular manner. => OV.DOC OV.H. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0] CUG235.13-OV.DOC 1.02 doc By James Mathews. Installation and usage information. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.14-OV.EXE 1.02 executable By James Mathews. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0] CUG235.15-OV.H 1.02 header By James Mathews. Global definitions. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.16-OV.HLP 1.02 doc By James Mathews. Compiled help file. => CVTHLP.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.17-OV.LNK doc By James Mathews. List of object files. MAKEFILE. CUG235.18-OVATTRIB.C source By James Mathews. File attribute functions. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0] CUG235.19-OVCMD.C source By James Mathews. Execute MS-DOS command. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.20-OVDEF.C source By James Mathews. Define screen and display parameters. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.21-OVDIR.C source By James Mathews. Directory functions. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.22-OVFDISP.C source By James Mathews. File display functions. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.23-OVFILE.C source By James Mathews. File handling routines. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.24-OVFMOVE.C source By James Mathews. Move the file pointer for scrolling. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.25-OVHELP.C source By James Mathews. On-line help routines. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.26-OVHELP.TXT doc By James Mathews. ASCII help file. => OV.HLP. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.27-OVLOGO.C source By James Mathews. Display Overview logo. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0] CUG235.28-OVMENU.C source By James Mathews. Menu system. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.29-OVPROMPT.C source By James Mathews. Prompt functions. OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.30-OVSELECT.C source By James Mathews. Set the selection attributes. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.31-OVSORT.C source By James Mathews. Sort routines. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.32-OVSTR.C source By James Mathews. String routines. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.33-OVTAG.C source By James Mathews. Toggle the tag. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.34-OVTTY.C source By James Mathews. Routines to set video attributes, position cursor, save screen, and restore screen. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.35-OVVBUF.C source By James Mathews. Buffer management routines. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.36-OVVIEW.C source By James Mathews. View functions. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.37-OVWIN.C source By James Mathews. Functions to create and manage a dialog window. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.38-PATHNAME.C source By James Mathews. Create a fully qualified path name. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.39-PATHOPEN.C source By James Mathews. Open a file along a given path. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.40-README.OV doc By James Mathews. Listing of files. CUG235.41-README.SRC 1.02 doc By James Mathews. Historical account of Overview. => OV.C. CUG235.42-REGISTER.FRM doc By James Mathews. Registration form. CUG235.43-SCANTREE.C source By James Mathews. Scan a specified directory tree. => OV.C. [MS-DOS: MSC4.0] CUG235.44-STRING.C source By James Mathews. Function to copy a string with blank fill. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG235.45-VOLUME.C source By James Mathews. Functions to get and set information about MS-DOS volume label. => OV.C. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== CUG236 - ----------- HIGHLY PORTABLE UTILITIES By William C. Colley, III. [mixed] 1 disk. A collection of very portable programs that will compile and run with minimal hassle. William Colley III (OH) took these programs from other CUG library volumes, edited, rewrote and tested them to make them more portable. With a few exceptions, all programs are now known to compile and execute correctly under Aztec C II(CP/M), Eco-C80 (CP/M), Eco-C88 (MS-DOS), Microsoft v3 small model (MS-DOS), and Microsoft v3 large model. Utilities and tools include BAWK (an exception that doesn't run under Eco-C or Microsoft large model), bc, cflow, sgrep, sc, tee, 2up, RS232EXP, cb, retab, fcomp, head, and plcheck. CUG236.01-2UP.C source By William C. Colley, III, Eugene H. Mallory. Multi-column output Stacker. Formats text into one or more columns. => 2UP.DOC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.02-2UP.DOC doc By William C. Colley, III, Eugene H. Mallory. Usage information. => 2UP.C. CUG236.03-BAWK.C source By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. Bawk: Text Pattern/Action Tool. Like UNIX's AWK, BAWK scans text files for regular expression patterns and executes a user-defined action. => BAWK.DOC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.04-BAWK.DOC doc By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. Usage information. => BAWK.C. CUG236.05-BAWK.H header By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. Global definitions. => BAWK.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.06-BAWKACT.C source By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. BAWK: Actions Compiler. => BAWK.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.07-BAWKDO.C source By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. BAWK: Actions Interpreter. => BAWK.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.08-BAWKPAT.C source By William C. Colley, 111, Bob Brodt. BAWK Regular Expression Compiler/Interpreter.=> BAWK.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.09-BAWKSYS.C source By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. Built in functions, variables declarations, and stack management routines. => BAWK.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.10-BC.BAT batch By William C. Colley, III, Bob Brodt. BC batch file. => PF.BC. [MS-DOS] CUG236.11-BC.H header By J. McKeon. BC header file. => PF.BC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG236.12-CB.C source By William C. Colley, III, J.W. Kindschi Jr.. Pretty Printer. Formats a C program with proper indents for each statement. => CB.DOC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.13-CB.DOC doc By William C. Colley, III, J.W. Kindschi Jr.. Usage Information. => CB.C. CUG236.14-CFLOW.C source By William C. Colley, III, Mark Ellington. Function Abstractor. Abstacts C function calls and declarations from a C source and produces a listing of the program's calling hierarchy. => CFLOW.DOC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.15-CFLOW.DOC doc By William C. Colley, III, Mark Ellington. Usage information. => CFLOW.C. CUG236.16-FCOMP.C source By Chuck Allison. Compare Text Files. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.17-HEAD.C source By William C. Colley, III, Eugene H. Mallory. Utility to print the first n lines of a list of files. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.18-HEADERS.CUG doc CUG236.19-PF.BC data By J. McKeon. Translates a BASlC-like language BC to C. => SGREP.DOC, BC.H, BC.BAT, PROGS.BC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] requires SGREP.EXE. CUG236.20-PLCHECK.C source By Richard Conn. Display the nesting level of a C program. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.21-PROGS.BC data By J. McKeon. BC example input. => PROGS.C. CUG236.22-PROGS.C source By J. McKeon. BC example results. PROGS.BC. PF.BC. CUG236.23-RETAB.C source By William C. Colley, III. Entab/Detab/Strip Combo. Strips upper-order bits, detabifies, then entabifies a text file. => RETABF.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.24-RETABF.C source By William C. Colley, III. Entab/Detab/Strip Combo - Filter Version. => RETAB.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.25-RS232EXP.C source By William C. Colley, III, J. Kilar. RS 232 Diagnostic Helper. An "expert system" that helps diagnose problems with the RS232 serial port. => RS232EXP.DOC. [MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.26-RS232EXP.DOC doc By William C. Colley, III, J. Kilar. Usage information. => RS232EXP.C. CUG236.27-SGREP.C source String search and replace utility. This version can handle multiple patterns and distinguishes between upper and lower. SGREP.DOC, CUG152. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.28-SGREP.DOC doc By J. McKeon. Usage information. SGREP.C. CUG236.29-TEE.C source By Michael Yokoyama. Portable Tee. Copies standard input to specified file and to standard output. => TEE.DOC. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, MSC3.0, ECO-C] CUG236.30-TEE.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Usage information. => TEE.C. CUG236.31-XC.C source By William C. Colley, III, Phillip N. Hisley, W.H. Rauser. Cross Reference Generator. => CUG126, CUG171. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, ECO-C] CUG236.32-XC2.C source By William C. Colley, III, David N. Smith, Fred C. Smith, Phillip N. Hisley. Cross referencer modified for Microsoft C v5.0. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG236.33-XC2.H header By William C. Colley, Ill, Fred C. Smith. Cross reference header file. [MS-DOS: MSC] ============================================================================== CUG237 - ----------- GRAD GRAPHICS A shareware graphics library (object only) for PC clones which in cludes functions for drawing dots,lines, circles, ellipses, arcs and for filling regions, and displaying and printing characters. Support CGA and HGA in both full and half mode. Up to nine virtual screens are available. Supports Microsoft v4 (small model) and Turbo C compilers. GRAD includes device drivers for a color graphics adapter, Epson FX-80, Okidata ML192 and the JLASER laser interface. This disk holds an extensive user's manual, the main library, one font file and various header files. CUG238 cont [share2] CUG237.01-AMBX7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Bold font file. CUG237.02-GRADARC.H header By Conrad Kwok. Header for ARC1 and EARC1. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG237.03-GRADENV.H header By Conrad Kwok. Header for using EnvSave and EnvRsto. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG237.04-GRADFILE.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. Documentation for the GRAD files. CUG237.05-GRADIO.H header By Conrad Kwok. Header for WriteStr, ReadStr and Writec. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG237.06-GRADUSER.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. GRAD graphics library user's manual. 186K. CUG237.07-GRADVAR.H header By Conrad Kwok. GRAD global variables. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG237.08-INSTALL.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. Installation procedure and directions on using the GRAD library. CUG237.09-INTERP.C source By Conrad Kwok. Interpret a GRAD command tile. This development tool interprets graphics operations written in a C-like syntax as an alternative to direct linkage. => GRADMC.GCM MPRINT.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG237.10-JLASER.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. Documentation for JLASER card. CUG237.11-MCALCADD.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => CALCADDR.ASM. [MSDOS: MSC 4.0] CUG237.12-MDISPFON.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. Display font object file. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.13-MEXECFUN.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. GRAD library object file. => EXECFUNC.ASM. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.14-MFTABLE.OBJ source By Conrad Kwok. => FTABLE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.15-MGRADLIB.LIB library By Conrad Kwok. GRAD graphics library for MSC v4. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.16-MHCALCAD.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => CALCADDR.ASM. [MSDOS:] CUG237.17-MPFRAME.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.18-MPLOTTYP.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => PLOTTYPE.ASM. [MSDOS:] CUG237.19-MPRTCNTL.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.20-MPRTGC.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => PRTGC.ASM. [MSDOS:] CUG237.21-README. lST doc By Conrad Kwok. Registration information, machine and compiler requirements. CUG237.22-README.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. GRAD description. CUG237.23-TC-INST.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. Installation directions for Turbo C users. CUG237.24-TC-USER.UPD doc By Conrad Kwok. Turbo C users manual update CUG237.25-TCALCADD.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => CALCADDR.ASM. [MSDOS: TC] CUG237.26-TEST.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. Documentation for running the test file. CUG237.27-TFTABLE.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => FTABLE.C. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG237.28-TGRADLIB.LIB library By Conrad Kwok. GRAD graphics library for Turbo C. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.29-THCALCAD.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => CALCADDR.ASM. [MSDOS:] CUG237.30-THFTABLE.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => FTABLE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.31-TPFRAME.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.32-TPLOTTYP.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. 4 PLOTTYPE.ASM. [MSDOS:] CUG237.33-TPRTCNTL OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. [MS-DOS:] CUG237.34-TPRTGC.OBJ object By Conrad Kwok. => PRTGC.ASM. [MSDOS:] CUG237.35-WARNING.CUG doc By Conrad Kwok. Naming conventions. ============================================================================== CUG238 - ----------- GRAD GRAPHICS A share ware graphics library (object only) for PC clones which in cludes functions for drawing dots,lines, circles, ellipses, arcs and for filling regions, and displaying and printing characters. Supports Microsoft v4 (small model) and Turbo C compilers. GRAD includes device drivers for a color graphics adapter (640 x 200), an extended graphics adapter, Epson FX-80, Okidata ML192 and the JLASER laser interface. This disk contains additional font files and the source code for several demonstration programs which include utilities to print documents sideways and to merge text and graphics. Source code for the library routines (in C and assembly) is available from the author for $60. [share2] CUG238.01-AMBX7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Bold font. CUG238.02-AMCSC10.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Caps and small caps font. CUG238.03-AMMI7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Mathematics and Italics font. CUG238.04-AMR14.FON data By Conrad Kwok. TeX font. CUG238.05-AMR7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Roman. CUG238.06-AMR7D.FON data By Conrad Kwok. TeX font for sideway print CUG238.07-AMSL8.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Slant font. CUG238.08-AMSY7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Slant font. CUG238.09-AMTI7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Italics font. CUG238.10-AMTT10.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Teletype font. CUG238.11-AMTT8.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Teletype font. CUG238.12-CALCADDR.ASM source By Conrad Kwok. Hardware dependent graphic routines. IBM color graphics card (640 x 400) mode and Hercules graphics 720 x 348) are supported. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG238.13-COLOR.MAK make By Conrad Kwok. Microsoft makefile for calcaddr, plottype, and ftable. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG238.14-ERR.C source By Conrad Kwok. Example of using error handling feature. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.15-EXECFUNC.ASM source By Conrad Kwok. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG238.16-EXETIME.C source By Conrad Kwok. Used for timing GRAD performance. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG238.17-EXETIME.MAK make By Conrad Kwok. Make file for compiling EXETIME.C => EXETIME.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG238.18-FILE11MS.TXT doc By Conrad Kwok. File by file description. CUG238.19-FILEFON.TXT doc By Conrad Kwok. Description of available fonts CUG238.20-GRADARC.GCM data By Conrad Kwok. Example command file for interp and mprint. [MS-DOS:] CUG238.21-GRADARC.H header By Conrad Kwok. Header for ARC1 and EARCL => CUG 237. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.22-GRADEPSN.C source By Conrad Kwok. Printer control for Epson FX-80 printer. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.23-GRADEVN.H header By Conrad Kwok. Header for using ENVSAVE and ENVRSTO. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.24-GRADIO.H header By Conrad Kwok. Header for WriteStr, EnvSave and EnvTsto. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.25-GRADOKI.C source By Conrad Kwok. Okidata ML192 command file. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.26-GRADVAR.H header By Conrad Kwok. Grad global variable. [MSDOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.27-INIT.C source By Conrad Kwok. Source for Grad initialization and cleanup functions. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.28-INTERP.C source By Conrad Kwok. Interpret GRAD function calls in restricted syntax. => INTERP.EXE GRADARC.GCM. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.29-INTERP.EXE executable By Conrad Kwok. => INTERP.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.30-INTERP.MAK make By Conrad Kwok. Make file for compiling MPRINT.C. => INTERP.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG238.31-MFTABLE.C source By Conrad Kwok. Font table definition. [MSDOS: MSC 4.0] CUG238.32-MPRINT.C source By Conrad Kwok. Interpret GRD functions and print graphics on the printer. => MPRINT.EXE MPRINT.MAK MPRINT.GCM MPRT.TXT. [MS-DOS: TC 1.0] CUG238.33-MPRINT.EXE executable By Conrad Kwok. => MPRINT.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.34-MPRINT.MAK make By Conrad Kwok. Make file for compiling MPRINT.C. => MPRINT.C. CUG238.35-MPRT.GCM data By Conrad Kwok. Example file for MPRINT.EXE. => MPRT.EXE. CUG238.36-MPRT.TXT doc By Conrad Kwok. Example file for MPRINT. => MPRINT.C. CUG238.37-OE7.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Old English font. CUG238.38-OKI.MAK make By Conrad Kwok. Make file for compiling GRADOKI.C. CUG238.39-PLOTTYPE.ASM source By Conrad Kwok. The lowest level routines in writing and accessing the frame memory. [MS-DOS:] CUG238.40-PRTGC.ASM source By Conrad Kwok. Append a character to the buffer. [MS-DOS:] CUG238.41-README.DOC doc By Conrad Kwok. General description of GRAD system. CUG238.42-ROTATE.C source By Conrad Kwok. Rotate the characters in a font file by 90 degrees in anti-clockwise direction. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.43-S16X16.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Font file (16x16). CUG238.44-S5X6.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Font file (5x6). CUG238.45-S6X8.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Font file (6x8). CUG238.46-S6X8D.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Font file for swprt (6x8). CUG238.47-S8X8.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Font file (8x8). CUG238.48-S9X14.FON data By Conrad Kwok. Font file (9x14). CUG238.49-SIZE.C source By Conrad Kwok. Change font size. [MS DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.50-SPECIAL1.C source By Conrad Kwok. Example of using SPACING_FUNC. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.51-SWPRT.C source By Conrad Kwok. Sideways printing program. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.52-SWPRT.EXE executable By Conrad Kwok. => SWPRT.C. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.53-TEX2GRAD.C source By Conrad Kwok. Convert a TeX pixel file to a GRAD font file. [MS-DOS: MSC 4.0, TC 1.0] CUG238.54-TFTABLE.C source By Conrad Kwok. Font table for Turbo C. [MS-DOS:] CUG238.55-TIME.MAK make By Conrad Kwok. Make file for TIME.C. CUG238.56-WARNING.CUG doc Naming conventions. ============================================================================== CUG239 - ----------- PC GAMMON For MSC4 An attractive backgammon game for PC clones contributed by David Oshel (IA). The board Ts drawn with graphic characters and supports color. This game (complete with sound effects) sports three styles of play (not levels). It also allows real dice throws to be entered if you like. Its subsystems may be interesting to those not necessarily interested in backgammon. Includes a fast I/O library (which writes directly to the screen memory) and a function which scrolls a file through a screen window. See CUG240 for a Turbo C version. [public] CUG239.01-BACKGMMN.DOC 6.0 doc By David C. Oshel. Revision history, introduction to the game. CUG239.02-BACKGMMN.EXE 6.0 executable By David C. Oshel. => BACKGMMN.DOC. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG239.03-BACKGMMN.H 6.0 header By David C. Oshel. Private declarations. => CIAO.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.04-BACKGMMN.MAK 6.0 make By David C. Oshel. Make file for compiling BACKGMMN. CUG239.05-BG0.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Contains main() and global data. => BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG239.06-BG1.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Globals and utilities BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.07-BG2.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Board and dice manager. => BACKGAMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.08-BG3.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Gameplan and strategy manager. => BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.09-CIAO.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Console 1/0 for IBM clone. These are fast primitives to read and with to the IBM video RAM. Routines to position the cursor, fill an area, scroll windows, and draw boxes. => CIAO.LIB. [MSDOS:] CUG239.10-CIAO.H 6.0 header By David C. Oshel. Declaration for all global data and functions in CIAO.LIB. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.11-CIAO.LIB 6.0 library By David C. Oshel. Library for console input and output. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.12-CIAO.XRF 6.0 data By David C. Oshel. Cross reference of functions. => CIAO.C. CUG239.13-CIAOLIB.MAK 6.0 make By David C. Oshel. Make file for CIAO.LIB. => CIAO.LIB. CUG239.14-CLAIROL.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Modify screen colors or monochrome attributes. => CIAO.LIB. [MSDOS: MSC] CUG239.15-GETMS.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Simple setline function. CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.16-KEYDEFS.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Displays a popout window with the ten function keys. CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.17-KEYIN.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Extended ASCII characters are returned. => CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.18-MONEY.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Edit dollar & cents string. => CIAO.LlB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.19-NOOP.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Noop definitions for #defines in debugging test files. => CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.20-PC-GAMN6.DOC doc PC-Gammon Version 6.0 w/ Color. By David C. Oshel. User's manual. CUG239.21-README doc By David C. Oshel. Author's message. CUG239.22-SOUND.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Sound generation primitives. => CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG239.23-TYPEAFIL.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Type a file with optional word wrap in a window box. => CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.24-WPRINTF.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Printf formatted string into a window. => CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] CUG239.25-XEQ.C 6.0 source By David C. Oshel. Run a file in a directory. => CIAO.LIB. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG240 - ----------- PC GAMMON For TURBO An attractive backgammon game for PC clones contributed by David Oshel (IA). The board is drawn with graphic characters and supports color. This game (complete with sound effects) sports three styles of play (not levels). It also allows real dice throws to be entered if you like. Its subsystems may be interesting to those not necessarily interested in backgammon. Includes a fast I/O library (which writes directly to the screen memory) and a function which scrolls a file through a screen window. See CUG239 for a Microsoft C version- [public] CUG240.01-BACKGMMN.DOC 7.0 doc By David C. Oshel. Revision history, introduction to the game. CUG240.02-BACKGMMN.EXE 7.0 executable By David C. Oshel. => BACKGMMN.DOC BGO.C. [MS-DOS: TC 1.0] CUG240.03-BACKGMMN.H 7.0 header By David C. Oshel. Global definitions. => CIAO.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.04-BACKGMMN.PRJ 7.0 make By David C. Oshel. Turbo project file. [MSDOS:] CUG240.05-BG0.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Contains main() and globals. => BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.06-BG1.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Globals and utilities. BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.07-BG2.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Board and dice manager. => BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.08-BG3.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Gameplan and strategy manager. => BACKGMMN.H. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.09-CIAO.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Console 1/0 for IBM clone. These are fast primitives to read and write to the IBM video RAM. Routines to position the cursor, fill an area, scroll windows, and draw boxes. => CLAO.H. [MSDOS:] CUG240.10-CIAO.H 7.0 header By David C. Oshel. Declaration for all global data & functions in CIAO.LIB. CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.11-CLAIROLC 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Modify screen colors or monochrome attributes. => CIAO.C. [MSDOS:] CUG240.12-GETMS.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Simple getline function. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.13-KEYIN.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Extended ASCII characters are returned. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.14-NOOP.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Noop definitions for # defines in debugging test files. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.15-PC-GAMN.DOC 7.0 doc By David C. Oshel. User's manual. [MSDOS:] CUG240.16-SOUND.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.17-TYPEAFIL.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Type a file with optional word wrap in a window box. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG240.18-WPRINTF.C 7.0 source By David C. Oshel. Printf formatted string into a window. => CIAO.C. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG241 - ----------- INFERENCE ENGINE & RULE BASED COMPILER By George Hageman. [share1] 1 disk. This backward chaining inference engine allows rules to be written with variations of "and," "not," and "if" keywords and allows rules to invoke separate user-supplied programs. Unlike ART-CEE (CUG226), this is not a probabilistic system; each relation must be either true or false. This shareware package includes all the source code to recompile under Microsoft v3.0 or UNIX System V. Packaged for CUG by Michael Yokoyama (HI). CUG241.01-ANIMALS data Knowledge base for the animal classification expert. CUG241.02-DISKFILE.DOC doc File by file description. CUG241.03-EDIR.CS source Simple weather predictor expert system. EDIR.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.04-EDIR.EXE executable => EDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.05-EXPERT.H header Structures of the rulebase. => GETKEYWO.CR. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.06-GETKEYWO.CR source Rule-based compiler source. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.07-GT_301.CS source Storm prediction system source. => GT_301.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.08-GT_301.EXE executable => GT_301.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.09-GT_302.CS source Storm prediction system. => GT_302.EXE, GT_301.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.10-GT_302.EXE executable => GT_302.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.11-INFER.H header Define global variables used in the inference engine. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.12-INFERENC.CI source Inference engine main routine. => INFERENC.EXE, INFERENC.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.13-INFERENC.DOC doc Introduction to expert systems and user's guide. CUG241.14-INFERENC.EXE executable => INFERENC.CI. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.15-INFERENC.H header INFERENC.CI. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.16-INFERENC.STR doc Inference engine program structure (pseudocode). => INFERENC.CI. CUG241.17-KEYWORDS.H header Keywords definition. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.18-LT_298.CS source Storm prediction system source. => ROUTINE.H, WEATHER.H, LT_298.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.19-LT_298.EXE executable => LT_298.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.20-LT_301.CS source Storm prediction system source. => LT_301.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.21-LT_301.EXE executable => LT_301.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.22-MAKEFILE.II make Makefile for inference engine. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.23-MAKEFILE.RR make Makefile for rule-based compiler. CUG241.24-MAKEFILE.SS make Makefile for storm prediction system. CUG241.25-MESSAGE1.CS source Storm prediction system source. => MESSAGE1.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.26-MESSAGE1.EXE executable => MESSAGE1.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.27-NDIR.CS source Storm prediction system source. => ROUTINE.H, WEATHER.H, NDIR.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.28-NDIR.EXE executable => NDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.29-NEDIR.CS source => NEDIR.EXE, ROUTINE.H, WEATHER.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.30-NEDIR.EXE executable => NEDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.31-NWDIR.CS source Storm prediction system source. NWDIR.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.32-NWDIR.EXE executable => NWDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.33-PUTSTRIN.CR source Rule-based compiler source. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.34-REMANTE.CI source Inference engine source. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.35-ROUTINE.H header Include file for both rule-based compiler and inference engine. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.36-ROUTINE.HS header Storm prediction system source. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.37-RPD_FALL.CS source Storm prediction system source. => RPD FALL.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.38-RPD_FALL.EXE executable => RPD_FALL.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.39-RPD_RISE.CS source Storm prediction system source. => RPD_RISE.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.40-RPD_RISE.EXE executable => RPD_RISE.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.41-RULECOMP.CR source Rule-based compiler source. => RULECOMP.EXE, RULECOMP.STR. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.42-RULECOMP.EXE executable => RULECOMP.STR, RULECOMP.CR. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.43-RULECOMP.STR doc Rule-based compiler, program structure pseudocode. => RULECOMP.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.44-RUNROUTl.CI source Inference engine source. => GETTRUTH.CI. [ UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.45-SDIR.CS source Storm prediction system. => EDIR.CS, SDIR.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.46-SDIR.EXE executable => SDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.47-SEDIR.CS source Storm prediction system source. => SEDIR.EXE, EDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.48-SEDIR.EXE executable => SEDIR.CS, EDIR.CS. [ UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.49-SLO_FALL.CS source Storm prediction system source. => SLO_FALL.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.50-SLO_FALL.EXE executable => SLO_FALL.CS. [ UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.51-SLO_RISE.CS source Storm prediction system source. => SLO_RISE.EXE, EDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.52-SLO_RISE.EXE executable => SLO_RlSE.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.53-STEADY.CS source Storm prediction system source. => STEADY.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.54-STEADY.EXE executable => STEADY.CS, EDIR.CS. [ UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.55-SWDIR.CS source Storm prediction system source. => SWDIR.EXE, EDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.56-SWDIR.EXE executable => SWDIR.CS. [ UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.57-VERIFY.CI source Inference engine source. => VERIFYTR.CI, GETTRUTH.CI. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.58-VERIFYTR.CI source Inference engine source. => VERIFY.CI, GETTRUTH.CI. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.59-WDIR.CS source Storm prediction system source. => WDIR.EXE, EDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0p] CUG241.60-WDIR.EXE executable => WDIR.CSHUNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.61-WEATH ER data Weather predictor. => WEATHER.HS. [ UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.62-WEATHER.HS header Storm prediction system source. => EDIR.CS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG241.63-WEKNOW.CI source Inference engine source. [UNIX, MS-DOS: MSC3.0] ============================================================================== CUG242 - ----------- STILL MORE CROSS ASSEMBLERS A version of William Colley III's (OH) cross assembler that generates code for the Intel 8051 and the 68HC11. Portably coded, these assemblers will compile correctly under a variety of UNIX, MSDOS, and CP/M compilers. [public] CUG242.01-8052BITS.LIB 0.1 Library By William C. Colley III. Defines names for the additional special function registers (SFRs) of the Intel 8052. CUG242.02-A51.C 0.1 source By William C. Colley III. Assembles code for the Intel 8051 microprocessor. => A51.DOC. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.03-A51.DOC 0.1 doc By William C. Colley III. User manual. => A51.C. CUG242.04-A51.H 0.1 header By William C. Colley III. Contains compile, assemble, and link instructions. => A51.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX] CUG242.05-A51EVALC 0.1 source By William C. Colley III. Assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A51.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.06-A51UTIL.C 0.1 source By William C. Colley III. Contains the symbol table, table searching functions, file output and error flagging. => A51.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.07-A611.C 0.0 source By William C. Colley III. Assembles code for the Motorola 68HC11 microprocessor. AB11.DOC. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.08-A611.DOC 0.0 doc By William C. Colley III. User's manual. => A611.C. CUG242.09-A611.H header By Wlliam C. Colley III. Contains compile, assemble, and link instructions. => A611.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.10-A611EVAL.C 0.0 source By Wlliam C. Colley III. Contains the assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A611.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.11-A611UTIL.C 0.0 source By Wlliam C. Colley III. Contains symbol table building and searching, file output, and error flagging. => A611C. [CP/M, MSDOS, UNIX:] CUG242.12-A63.C 0.0 source By William C. Colley III. Assembles code for the Hitachi HD6301 family microprocessor. => A63.DOC. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.13-A63.DOC doc By William C. Colley III. User's manual. => A63.C. CUG242.14-A63.H 0.0 header By Wlliam C. Colley III. Contains compile, assemble, and link instructions. => A63.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.15-A63EVAL.C O.O source By Wlliam C. Colley III. Contains the assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A63.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.16-A63UTILC 0.0 source By William C. Colley III. Contains the symbol table building and searching, file output routines, error flagging. => A63.C. [CP/M, MS-DOS, UNIX:] CUG242.17-READ.ME3 doc By William C. Colley III. The disk contents. CUG242.18-TEST51.ASM source By William C. Colley III. The entire instruction set of the 8051 processor to use in testing the 8051 cross-assembler. => A51.C. CUG242.19-TEST611.ASM 0.0 source By William C. Colley III. The entire instruction set of the 68HC11 CPU to use in testing the 68HC11 cross-assembler. => A611.C. CUG242.20-TEST63.ASM source By Willaim C. Colley III. The entire instruction set of the 63701 CPU to use in testing the 63701 cross-assembler. => A63.C. ============================================================================== CUG243 - ----------- DECUS C PREPROCESSORS A complete C pre-processor that implements some ANSI-like features. Based on a DECUS release, this port compiles under Microsoft v3.0 and Lattice v2.0. This implementation supports #elif constructs, hexadecimal constants, #if defined, #if size of, unsigned ints and longs, long double, and token concatenation among other more common features. Compiles under four different Lattice memory models and two Microsoft memory models. Originally released to DECUS by Martin Minow and adapted to MS-DOS by Ted Lemon and Jym Dyer. Packaged for CUG by Michael Yokoyama (HI). [public] CUG243.01-CCP. 1 doc Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Documentation for CCP. => CCP1.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG243.02-CCP.EXE executable Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer, Martin Minow. => CCP.1. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.03-CCP.H header Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Internal definitions. => CCP1.C. [MSDOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.04-CCP1.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. C Preprocessor implemented by Martin Minow - main program. => CPP.1. [MSDOS: MSC3.0. LC2.0] CUG243.05-CCP3.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. File open and command line options. => CCP1.C. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.06-CCP4.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Macro definitions. => CCP1.C. [MSDOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.07-CCP5.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Expression evaluation. => CCP1.C. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0 CUG243.08-CCP6.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Support routine. => CCP1.C. [MSDOS: MSC3.0. LC2.0] CUG243.09-CPP.LNK source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. tinker file. => CCP1.C. CUG243.10-CPP1.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. # control line processor. => CPP1.C. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.11-CPPDEF.H header Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. System dependent definitions. => CCP.1. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.12-DISK.DOC doc By Michael Yokoyama. Disk contents. CUG243.13-FLOATCPP.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Expression evaluator. => CCP1.C. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] CUG243.14-MAKEFILE make Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Compiler makefile. => CPP.1. CUG243.15-READ.ME doc By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. MS-DOS specific implementation information for Decus C Preprocessor. CUG243.16-TEST.C source Decus C Preprocessor. By Ted Lemon, Jym Dyer. Memory model and MS-DOS test file for C Preprocessor. => CPP.1. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0, LC2.0] ============================================================================== CUG244 - ----------- deBRUIN All programs relate to cellular automata and were contributed by Harold V. McIntosh and Gerardo Cisneros, Mexico. This disk contains materials illustrating the concepts presented in the article "Abstract Mathematical Art" by Kenneth E. Perry (Byte, Dec. 1986). The automata programs were developed with Wizard C under MSDOS 2.11. This disk is an analytic tool and has no special display requirements. Disk contains both source and executable. [public] CUG244.01-FOUR31.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Analyze the de Brujn diagram of a cellular automaton and report all the periodic states. Version for totalistic (3.1), fourth generation. [MS-DOS: wizard C] CUG244.02-FOUR31.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.03-ONE31.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. States with period 1 and displacements zero(1.0) or one (1.1) are analyzed for a four-state, nearest neigh bor (3.1) automaton. [MS-DOS: Wizard C] CUG244.04-ONE31.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.05-ONE32.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Version for totalistic (3.2), first generation. [MS-DOS: Wizard C] CUG244.06-ONE32.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.07-ONE41.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. States with period 1 and displacements zero (1.0) or one (1.1) are analyzed for a four-stab, nearest neighbor (4.1) automaton. [MS-DOS: wizard C] CUG244.08-ONE41.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.09-ONE42.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Version for totalistic (4.2), first generation. [MS-DOS: Wzard C] CUG244.10-ONE42.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.11-THREE31.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Version for totalistic (3.1), third generation. [MS-DOS: Weard C] CUG244.12-THREE31.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.13-THREE41.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Version for totalistic (4.1), third generation. [MS-DOS: Wzard C] CUG244.14-THREE41.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.15-TWO31.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Version for totalistic (3.1), second generation. [MS-DOS: Wizard C] CUG244.16-TWO31.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] CUG244.17-TWO41.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Version for totalistic (4.1), second generation. [MS-DOS: Wzard C] CUG244.18-TWO41.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. [MS-DOS:] ============================================================================== CUG245 - ----------- LINEAR CELLULAR AUTOMATA All programs relate to cellular automata and were contributed by Harold V. McIntosh and Gerardo Cisneros, Mexico. This disk contains materials illustrating the concepts presented in the article "Abstract Mathematical Art" by Kenneth E. Perry (Byte, Dec. 1986). The automata programs were developed with Wizard C under MSDOS 2.11. This disk displays evolving automata and requires a PC-type color graphics adapter. Contains both source and executable. [public] CUG245.01-LCA.DOC doc By Harold V. McIntosh. Historical view of cellular automaton and program descriptions. CUG245.02-LCA21.C source By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (2,1) linear cellular automaton. => LCA21.EXE. [MS-DOS: WIZMD] CUG245.03-LCA21.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA21.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.04-LCA22.C source (2,2) Linear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA22.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.05-LCA22.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => LCA22.C. [MSDOS:] CUG245.06-LCA23.C source (2,3) Linear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA23.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.07-LCA23.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA23.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.08-LCA31.C source (3,1) Unear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA31.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.09-LCA32.C source (3,2) Unear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA32.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.10-LCA32.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros, Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA31.C LCA32.C. [MS-DOS, MS-DOS:] CUG245.11-LCA33.C source (3,3) Unear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA33.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.12-LCA33.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. LCA33.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.13-LCA41.C source (4,1) Unear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA41.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.14-LCA41.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. LCA41.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.15-LCA42.C source (4,2) Unear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. LCA42.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.16-LCA42.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCM2.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.17-LCA43.C source (4,3) Unear Cellular Automatron. By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA43.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG245.18-LCA43.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCA43.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARD] ============================================================================== CUG246 - ----------- CYCLES MANDELBROT GRAPHICS Contributed by Harold V. McIntosh and Gerardo Cisneros, Mexico. The majority of this volume are materials illustrating the concepts presented in the article "Abstract Mathmatical Art" by Kenneth E. Perry (Byte, Dec. 1986). The automata programs were developed with Wizard C under MSDOS 2.11. This volume is an analytical tool and no special display requirements. This volume also contains a program by E.H. Ramm which plots portions of the Mandelbrot set. Contains both source and executable. [public] CUG246.01-CYCLE21.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Analyze the cycles of a cellular automaton and report all the periodic states. Periods of (2, 1) rings. CYCLE21.EXE. [MS-DOS: WIZMD] CUG246.02-CYCLE21.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE21.C. [MSDOS:] CUG246.03-CYCLE22.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Periods of (2,2) rings. => CYCLE22.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG246.04-CYCLE22.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE22.C. [MSDOS:] CUG246.05-CYCLE23.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Periods of (2,3) rings. => CYCLE23. EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG246.06-CYCLE23.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE23.C. [MSDOS:] CUG246.07-CYCLE31.C source By Harold Y. McIntosh. Periods of (3,1) rings. => CYCLE31.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG246.08-CYCLE31.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE31.C. [MSDOS:] CUG246.09-CYCLE32.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Periods of (3,2) rings. => CYCLE32.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG246.10-CYCLE32.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE32.C. [MS DOS:] CUG246.11-CYCLE41.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Periods of (4,1) rings. => CYCLE41.EXE. [MSDOS:] CUG246.12-CYCLE41.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE41.C. [MSDOS:] CUG246.13-CYCLE42.C source By Harold V. McIntosh. Periods of (4,2) rings. => CYCLE42.EXE. [MS-DOS:] CUG246.14-CYCLE42.EXE executable By Harold V. McIntosh. => CYCLE42.C. [MSDOS:] CUG246.15-GRAPHDRI.S source By E.H. Ramm. Graphic support routine. [MS-DOS: Assembly] CUG246.16-MANDEL.C source Mandelbrot Set Plotter. By E.H. Ramm. Plots images from the Mandelbrot set, on an Epson MX 80 printer. [CP/M-68K: DRI, (Alcyon)] CUG246.17-PLOTTF.C source By E.H. Ramm. Test file for graphics function. => GRAPHDRI.S. [CP/M-68K: DRIC] ============================================================================== CUG247 - ----------- MIRACL A Multi-precision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C Library released as shareware by Michael Scott of Ireland. Includes complete source code for the library and several example programs. Known to compile under MS-DOS with Aztec v3.4, Microsoft v3.0, Mark Williams v2.0, Turbo v1.0 and Zorland v1.1. [share1 ] CUG247.01-AZDOIT.BAT 1.32 batch By Michael Scott. Creates the MIRACLLIB from its components. => BNCORE.C. [MS DOS:] CUG247.02-BNARTH0.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Add and subtract routines => MIRACL.H BNCORE.C. [MS DOS: MSC 3.0, TC 1.0, MWC] CUG247.03-BNARTH1.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Multiplying and dividing BIG NUMBERS by integer numbers. => MIRACL.H BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.04-BNARTH2.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Multiplying and dividing BIG NUMBERS. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.05-BNARTH3.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Powers and roots function. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.06-BNBUILD.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. 'Rash' number builder. Uses generator of regular continued fraction expansion to create a flash number, rounded if necessary. => BNCORE.C. [MS DOS:] CUG247.07-BNCORE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Core module - contains initialization code and general purpose utilities. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.08-BNDOUBLE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Double to flash conversion routines. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.09-BNFLASH.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Floating-slash arithmetic. => BNCORE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG247.10-BNFLASH1.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Rash roots and power functions. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.11-BNFLASH2.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Flash exponential and logs.=> BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.12-BNFLASH3.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Trig functions. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.13-BNFLASH4.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Flash hyperbolic trig. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.14-BNGCD.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Greatest common divisor module. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.15-BNIOl.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. I/O routines 1. BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.16-BNI02.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. I/O routines 2. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.17-BNMULDV.ANY 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Routine muldiv calculates (a*b+c)/m and (a*b+c)%m as quickly as possible. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.18-BNMULDV.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Turbo C muldiv function using in line assembly functions. BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.19-BNPI.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Calculate pi by GaussLegendre method. => BNCORE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG247.20-BNPRIME.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Test for and generate prime numbers. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.21-BNRAND.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Random number routine. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.22-BNROUND.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Euclidean mediant rounding routine. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.23-BNXGCD.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Extended greatest common divisor module. => BNCORE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG247.24-BRENT.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Example program to factor big numbers using Brent-Pollard method. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.25-BRUTE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Example program to factor numbers using brute force. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.26-BUGS.DOC 1.32 doc By Michael Scott. CUG247.27-CALC.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Miracl - rational calculator. => CALC.EXE BNCORE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG247.28-CALC.EXE 1.32 executable By Michael Scott. => CALC.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.29-CRACKER.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Factor big numbers using Brillhart-Morrison method with Pomerance/Wagestaff early abort technique. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.30-DECIPH.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Decipher messages using Okamoto private key. => ENCIPH.C BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.31-DECODE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Decode a message using RSA private key. => ENCODE.C BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.32-ENCIPH.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Encipher text using OKAMOTO public key. => BNCORE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG247.33-ENCODE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Encode using RSA public key. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.34-FACT.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Example program to calculate factorials. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.35-HAILC 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Program to investigate hailstone numbers => BNCORE.C. [MSDOS:] CUG247.36-HILBERT.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Solve set of linear equations involving a Hilbert matrix. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.37-MANUAL1.DOC 1.32 doc By Michael Scott. User's Guide. => MANUAL2.DOC. CUG247.38-MANUAL2.DOC 1.32 doc By Michael Scott. Function descriptions. CUG247.39-MERSENNE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Calculate mersenne primes using Lucas-Lehmer test. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.40-MIRACL.H 1.32 header By Michael Scott. Main header file. => MIRACL.HXX BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.41-MIRACLHXX 1.32 header By Michael Scott. Main header file if using ANSI enhanced type C compiler. => MIRACL.H BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.42-MIRDEFF.H 1.32 header By Michael Scott. MIRACL definitions. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.43-MSDOIT.BAT 1.32 batch By Michael Scott. Creates MIRACL.LIB from component parts, using Microsoft C compiler v3.00+. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.44-MWDOIT.BAT 1.32 batch By Michael Scott. Creates MIRACL.LIB from its component parts, using Mark Williams C compiler v2.00. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.45-OKOKEY.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Generates Okamoto keys. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.46-PALIN.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Investigates palindromic reversals. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.47-PI.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Calculate pi. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.48-PRIVATE.KEY 1.32 source By Michael Scott. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.49-PUBLIC.KEY 1.32 source By Michael Scott. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.50-README.DOC doc By Michael Scott. Overview of MIRACL. CUG247.51-ROOTS.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Program to calculate roots. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.52-RSAKEY.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Program to generate RSA keys. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.53-SAMPLE.C 1.32 source By Michael Scott. Example program. => BNCORE.C. [MS-DOS:] CUG247.54-SHARE.DOC 1.32 doc By Michael Scott. Share ware statement for end-users. CUG247.55-START.DOC 1.32 doc By Michael Scott. Introduction to MIRACL. => SHARE.DOC MANUAL1.DOC. CUG247.56-TCDOIT.BAT 1.32 batch By Michael Scott. Creates MIRACL.LIB using Turbo C v1.0 [MS-DOS:] CUG247.57-UPDATE.DOC doc By Michael Scott. Revision history. CUG247.58-ZRDOIT.BAT 1.32 batch By Michael Scott. Creates MIRACL.LIB using Zorland v1.1. [MS-DOS: ZORLAND 1.] ============================================================================== CUG248 - ----------- MlCROSPELL By Daniel M. Lawrence. [restricted] 1 disk. This stand-alone spelling checker features a 1000 word common word list and 43,000 word main dictionary. Includes an executable module for MSDOS and source code which can be recompiled to run on the AMIGA 1000, Atari ST, several different flavors of UNIX and the IBM 370 series under CMS. MicroSPELL is known to compile with MWC86, Lattice, Aztec, Microsoft and Turbo running under MSDOS. MicroEMACS 3.9 (CUG197 & CUG 198) can be used with MicroSPELL to create a system which scans through a file, displaying each questionable word as part of an edit screen. CUG248.01-CDICT.C source Dictionary compression utility. => CDICT.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.02-CDICT.EXE executable => CDICT.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.03-CHECK.C source Check source words against dictionary. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.04-COMMON.C source Most common word list routine. => MAIN.C, COMMON.TXT. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.05-CoMMoN.TXT doc Listing of common words. => CoMMoN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.06-DDEF.H header Global variable definitions. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.07-DICT.DCT data Compressed main dictionary. => MAIN.C. CUG248.08-DMERGE.C source Dictionary merge utility. => DMERGE.EXE. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.09-DMERGE.EXE executable => DMERGE.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.10-DOPT.H header Compile options settings. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.11-DPATH.H header Path list to find dictionary files. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.12-DSFX.H header Suffix list. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.13-DSTRUCT.H header Structure declarations. => MAIN.H. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.14-FILE.C source File I/O => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.15-IBMPC.C source Prototype screen driver. => MAIN.C. IMS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.16-MAIN.C source A stand alone spelling checker with 1000 word common usage list (for speed) and 43,000 word main dictionary. Spell has. => MICRO EMACS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.17-MDICT.C source Main dictionary functions. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.18-QUICK.C source Quick sort function. => MICRO EMACS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.19-README doc Support information, program description, installation requirements and file descriptions. CUG248.20-SCAN.CMD data MicroEmacs 3.9 command file used to scan spelled documents. => MICRO EMACS. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.21-SOURCE.C source Source file parsing routine. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.22-SPELL.EXE executable => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] CUG248.23-SPELL.LST doc => MAIN.C, SPELL.EXE. CUG248.24-SPELL.MSS doc Preliminary documentation in Micro-SCRlBE form. CUG248.25-SPELL.TXT doc Preliminary documentation in standard text form. CUG248.26-USER.C source User word list file functions. => MAIN.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC, TC, MSC, LC, MWC] ============================================================================== CUG249 - ----------- C SPOT RUN (CSR) LIBRARY An add-on library by Bob Pritchett (NJ), Philip Mongelluzzo (CT), and George Roukas including more than 200 functions for PC-clones. This shareware package includes functions to perform text windowing, cursor control, printer output, time and date manipulation, video output, simple graphics, advanced field and free-form data input, sound, MS-DOS and BIOS access, and menu support. Includes only object modules for Microsoft and Turbo C compilers. Source code is available from the authors for $50. [share2] CUG249.01-CCDEMOMS.BAT batch By Bob Pritchett. Compile and link demo for Microsoft C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG249.02-CCDEMOTC.BAT batch By Bob Pritchett. Compile and link demo under Turbo C v1.0 [MS-DOS: TC 1.0] CUG249.03-CHECKC.EXE 2.1 executable By Bob Pritchett. A small C code checker [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC] CUG249.04-COLOR.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Color related manifests. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.05-CSR201.NWS 2.1 doc By Bob Pritchett. Volume 2 of newsletter. CUG249.06-CSRDEMO.C 2.1 source By Bob Pritchett. Demo program => CSRDEMO.EXE. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC 1.0] CUG249.07-CSRDEMO.EXE 2.1 executable By Bob Pritchett. => CSRDEMO.C. [MSDOS:] CUG249.08-CSRDEMO.PRJ 2.1 make By Bob Pritchett. Project file to make CSR in Turbo C. => CSRDEMO.C. [MS-DOS: TC 1.0] CUG249.09-CSRDOS.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Include file for directory searching. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.10-CSRMENU.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Include file for menu routines. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.11-CSRMISC.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Assorted definitions for CSR. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.12-CSRMODES.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Include file with set mode() options. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.13-CSRMSC.LIB 2.1 library By Bob Pritchett. Link able version of the library for Microsoft. [MS-DOS: MSC] TSCSR.LIB CUG249.14-CSRSHELL.ASM 2.1 source By Bob Pritchett. Skeletal assembly language interface to Microsoft C. [MS-DOS: MASM] CUG249.15-CSRSOUND.H header By Bob Pritchett. Some musical note values and declarations. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.16-CSRTIME.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Text arrays for week and names. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.17-CSRUPDT.DOC 2.1 doc By Bob Pritchett. Update information. => CSRWHOLE.DOC. CUG249.18-CSRWHOLE.DOC doc By Bob Pritchett. Complete documentation. CUG249.19-ERRORS.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Text for critical MS-DOS errors. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC, TC] CUG249.20-FLINE.EXE 2.1 executable By Bob Pritchett. Program to print out lines in a source file. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC] CUG249.21-README.C source By Bob Pritchett. Program to allow quick and easy viewing of a README.DAT text file. => README.EXE README.DAT. [MSDOS: MSC] CUG249.22-README.DAT data By Bob Pritchett. Program description and author's comments. => README.C. [MSDOS:] CUG249.23-README.EXE executable By Bob Pritchett. => README.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG249.24-SKEY.H 2.1 header By Bob Pritchett. Special extended key functions. [MS-DOS: DLC, TC] CUG249.25-TIMERS.C source By Bob Pritchett, D. Perras. Code for timing functions. [MS-DOS: MSC, DLC] CUG249.26-TSCSR.LIB library By Bob Pritchett. Linkable version of the library for Turbo C. [MS-DOS: TC] ============================================================================== CUG250 - ----------- 68K FP LIBRARY & MANDELBROT GRAPHICS By Edmund Ramm. [public] 1 disk. Contributed by Edmund Ramm, West Germany, this volume for MC68020 machines running CP/M 68K replaces floating point modules in Dri-C with modules which take advantage of an MC68881 chip. Ramm has also provided a fractals program which generates Mandelbrot graphics. CUG250.01-ACOS.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.02-ACOS.S source IEEE format single precision arc cosine function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.03-ASIN.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.04-ASIN.S source IEEE format single precision arc tangent function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.05-ATAN.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.06-ATAN.S source [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.07-CEIL.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.08-CEI L.S source IEEE format single precision ceil functions. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.09-COS.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.10-COS.S source IEEE format single precision cosine function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.11-COSH.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.12-COSH.S source IEEE format single precision hyperbolic cosine function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.13-EXP.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.14-EXP.S source IEEE format single precision exponential function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.15-FABS.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.16-FABS.S source IEEE format single precision absolute function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.17-FLOOR.0 object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.18-FLOOR.S source IEEE format single precision floor function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.19-FMOD.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.20-FMOD.S source IEEE format single precision modulo function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.21-FPADD.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.22-FPADD.S source IEEE format single precision addition function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.23-FPCMP.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.24-FPCMP.S source IEEE format single precision two-numbers comparison function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.25-FPDIV.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.26-FPDIV.S source IEEE format single precision division function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.27-FPMUL.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.28-FPMUL.S source IEEE format single precision multiplication function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.29-FPN EG.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.30-FPNEG.S source IEEE format single precision negation function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.31-FPSUB.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.32-FPSUB.S source IEEE format single precision subtraction function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.33-FSQR.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.34-FSQR.S source IEEE format single precision square function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.35-GRAPHDRI.S source Graphic Support Routines. bit map display functions. => MANDEL.C. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.36-LIB68881.DOC doc Procedures to replace DRI-C IEEE floating point library with a new library. CUG250.37-LOG.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.38-LOG.S source IEEE format single precision logarithm function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.39-LOG10.0 object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.40-LOG10.S source IEEE format single precision decimal logarithm function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.41-MANDEL.C source plots fractals, using the Mandelbrot set on EPSON MX-80 matrix printer. => GRAPHDRI.S. [CP/M-68K: DRIC] Change the printer control sequences if not using EPSON MX-80. CUG250.42-PLOTF.C source bit image file point. => MANDEL.C. [CP/M-68K] CUG250.43-POW.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.44-POW.S source IEEE format single precision power x ^ y function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.45-SIN.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.46-SIN.S source IEEE format single precision sine function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.47-SINH.0 object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.48-SINH.S source IEEE format single precision hyperbolic function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.49-SQRT.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.50-SQRT.S source IEEE format single precision square root function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.51-TAN.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.52-TAN.S source IEEE format single precision tangent function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. CUG250.53-TANH.O object [CP/M-68K] CUG250.54-TAN H.S source IEEE format single precision hyperbolic tangent function. [CP/M-68K] assembly source. ============================================================================== CUG251 - ----------- PULL DOWN MENUS & ADVENTURE SYSTEM [restricted] 1 disk. Pull Down Menus by James Pinson is a general-purpose menu system for any PC application. The screen handling is performed by using BIOS interrupts. The program was developed under Lattice C v2.4. An article about pull down menus appeared in the May 1987 BYTE. The adventure authoring system for writing text adventure games by David Betz has three essential features: a parser to handle commands typed by the player, an object-description facility, and a language for specifying the events that take place in response to the player's commands. The program was developed under Aztec C. CUG251.01-ADVAVL.C source By David Michael Betz. AVL tree manipulation routine. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.02-ADVAVL.H header By David Michael Betz. AVL tree definitions. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.03-ADVCOM.C source By David Michael Betz. A compiler for adventure games. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.04-ADVCOM.H header By David Michael Betz. adventure compiler definitions. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.05-ADVDBS.C source By David Michael Betz. adventure database access routines. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.06-ADVDBS.H header By David Michael Betz. adventure database definitions. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.07-ADVEXE.C source By David Michael Betz. execute adventure code. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.08-ADVEXP.C source By David Michael Betz. expression compiler for adventure games. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.09-ADVFCN.C source By David Michael Betz. functions for adventure game. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.10-ADVFIO.C source By David Michael Betz. file l/O routines for the adventure compiler. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.11-ADVINT.C source By David Michael Betz. an interpreter for adventure games. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.12-ADVINT.H header By David Michael Betz. adventure interpreter definitions. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.13-ADVJUNK.C source By David Michael Betz. functions for the adventure interpreter. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.14-ADVMSG.C source By David Michael Betz. adventure interpreter message routine. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.15-ADVPRS.C source By David Michael Betz. adventure parser. [Macintosh MS-DOS:AZTEC] CUG251.16-ADVSCN.C source By David Michael Betz. A lexical scanner for the adventure compiler. [Macintosh MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.17-ADVSYS.DOC doc By David Michael Bek. A users guide explaining the adventure language syntax. CUG251.18-ADVTRM.C source By David Michael Betz. terminal I/O routines for adventure game. [Macintosh, MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG251.19-CONTENTS.MAY doc Disk contents descriptions. CUG251.20-LIST1.PS source By Denis G. Pelli. From article"Putting Postscript to Work" in BYTE, May 1987. Postscript source. CUG251.21-LIST2.PS source By Denis G. Pelli. From article "Putting Postscript to Work" in BYTE, May 1987. Postscript source. CUG251.22-LIST3.PS source By Denis G. Pelli. From article"Putting Postscript to Work" in BYTE, May 1987. Postscript source. CUG251.23-LIST4.PS source By Denis G. Pelli. From article "Putting Postscript to Work" in BYTE, May 1987. Postscript source. CUG251.24-LIST5.PS source By Denis G. Pelli. From article"Putting Postscript to Work" in BYTE, May 1987. Postscript source. CUG251.25-LISTINGS.DOC doc By Chris Crawford, Eva White. A benchmark run on Machintosh SCSI external hard disk. [Macintosh] BASIC source. CUG251.26-OBJECTS.ADI source By David Michael Betz. An object-oriented runtime package including object definitions. CUG251.27-OSAMPLE.ADV source By David Michael Betz. A sample adventure code. CUG251.28-PULLDOWN.C source By James L. Pinson. A pulldown menu program under MSDOS. [MS-DOS: LC2] CUG251.29-READ.ME doc By James L. Pinson. Changes to pulldown menu CUG251.30-README.1 ST doc list of files for the adventure game. CUG251.31-README.NOW doc Non commercial use documentation. CUG251.32-WARNING.CUG doc Warning for users who try to compile the adventure program under MSDOS. ============================================================================== CUG252 - ----------- C TUTOR text By Gordon Dodrill. [share1] 1 disk. This extensive C tutorial was contributed by the author Gordon Dodrill, Coronado Enterprises, Albuquerque, NM. C Tutor begins with the most basic concepts of the C programming language and takes you up to the highest level of C programming; including concepts of pointers, structures, and dynamic allocation. This tutorial is not for a beginning programmer, however you do not have to know anything of the C programming language. CUG252 contains the text, about 100 pages, including numerous examples. CUG253 contains the source for each of the text examples and the source to construct a visual calculator program. This version (v2.4) of C Tutor has been updated to include the ANSI standard. Dodrill's tutorial for older versions of Turbo C has been retained in the CUG Library as volumes 257 and 258. We also distribute Dodrill's C++ Tutor as CUG353. CUG252.01-CHAP01.TXT doc Getting Started. The first example program of the Turbo C tutorial. => CUG253. CUG252.02-CHAP02.TXT doc Program Structure. Discussion of program structure, commenting and good program style. CUG252.03-CHAP03.TXT doc Program control. Explanation of program control, including loops, the switch construct, the goto, break and continue, if and if-else. CUG252.04-CHAP04.TXT doc Assignment and logical compare. Discussion of assignment and logical compares, explaining various data types and the cryptic constructs. CUG252.05-CHAP05.TXT doc Functions, variables & prototyping. Discussion of functions, variables and prototyping, including recursion, floating returns and variable scope. CUG252.06-CHAP06.TXT doc Defines & Macros. Defines and Macros explained, including the enum type variable. CUG252.07-CHAP07.TXT doc Strings and Arrays. Strings and Arrays explained, including multidimensional arrays and passing data from functions. CUG252.08-CHAP08.TXT doc Pointers. Pointers explained, including two way function data. CUG252.09-CHAP09.TXT doc Standard Input/Output. Explanation of standard input/output, including in memory I/O conversion and error output. CUG252.10-CHAP10.TXT doc File Input/Output. Explanation of file I/O including formatted and single character output; word, line, single character and file, reads, and printer output. CUG252.11-CHAP11.TXT doc Structures. Structures explained including structures with pointers, arrays of structures, unions, nested structures and a bit field example. CUG252.12-CHAP12.TXT doc Dynamic allocation. Discussion of dynamic memory allocation, including both simple and large dynamic allocation and linked lists. CUG252.13-CHAP13.TXT doc Character and bit manipulation. Character and bit manipulation explained, including upper/lower case, character classification, logical bit operations and bit shifting. CUG252.14-CHAP14.TXT doc Example Programs. Example programs, including DOS call examples, batch file processes, a source code lister, and a visual calculator. CUG252.15-INTRO.TXT doc Introduction. Introduction to Turbo C tutorial. => CUG253. CUG252.16-PRINTEXT.BAT batch A batchfile to print text files. [MS-DOS] CUG252.17-PRINTEXT.EXE executable Executable version to print text files. CUG252.18-READ.ME doc A users guide. => CUG253. CUG252.19-TABCONT.TXT doc Table of contents. ============================================================================== CUG253 - ----------- C TUTOR source By Gordon Dodrill [share1] 1 disk. See CUG252 CUG253.01-AMORT data the loan amortization equations. => VC.DOC. CUG253.02-ANYFILE.C source Chapter 10 - program 7. read in any file. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.03-BACKWARD.C source Chapter 05 - Program 6. recursion program. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.04-BETTERIN.C source Chapter 09 - Program 3. Better form of single I/O. => CHAP09.TXT CUG252. CUG253.05-BIGARRAY.C source Chapter 07 - Program 4. many arrays. => CHAP07.TXT CUG252. CUG253.06-BIGDYNL.C source Chapter 12 - Program 2. large dynamic allocation. => CHAP12.TXT CUG252. CUG253.07-BITFIELD.C source Chapter 11 - Program 7. bitfield examples. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.08-BITOPS.C source Chapter 13 - Program 3. logical bit operations. => CHAP13.TXT CUG252. CUG253.09-BREAKCON.C source Chapter 03 - Program 5. the break and continue. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.10-CHARCLAS.C source Chapter 13 - Program 2. character classification. => CHAP13.TXT CUG252. CUG253.11-CHAROUT.C source Chapter 1 0 - Program 2. single character output. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.12-CHRSTRG.C source Chapter 07 - Program 1. character strings. => CHAP07.TXT CUG252. CUG253.13-COMBINE.C source Chapter 04 - Program 4. => CHAP04.TXT CUG252. There is no output from this program. CUG253.14-COMMENTS.C source Chapter 02 - Program 5. comments in C. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.15-COMPARES.C source Chapter 04 - Program 5. logical compares. => CHAP04.TXT CUG252. CUG253.16-CRYPTIC.C source Chapter 04 - Program 6. the cryptic constructs. => CHAP04.TXT CUG252. CUG253.17-DATA.C source data initialize and calculate. => CUG252, VC.C. CUG253.18-DEFIN.H header definitions for a visual calculator program. => CUG252, VC.C. CUG253.19-DEFINE.C source Chapter 06 - Program 1. defines. => CHAP06.TXT CUG252. CUG253.20-DOSEX.C source Chapter 14 - Program 1. DOS Call examples. => CHAP14.TXT CUG252. [MS-DOS] CUG253.21-DOWHILE.C source Chapter 03 - Program 2. the do-while loop. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.22-DUMBCONV.C source Chapter 03 - Program 9. Poor program style temperature conversion. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.23-DUMBCONV.V source Chapter 3 - Program 9. poor program style temperature conversion. => CUG252, CHAP3.TXT. CUG253.24-DYNLINK.C source Chapter 12 - Program 3. dynamic linked list program. => CHAP12.TXT CUG252. CUG253.25-DYNLIST.C source Chapter 1 2 - Program 1. simple dynamic allocation. => CHAP12.TXT CUG252. CUG253.26-ENUM.C source Chapter 06 - Program 3. enumerated type. => CHAP06.TXT CUG252. CUG253.27-FILE.C source file input and output routines. => VC.DOC, CUG252. CUG253.28-FIRSTEX.C source Chapter 1 - Program 1. The first example program. => CUG252, CHAP1.TXT. CUG253.29-FLOATSQ.C source Chapter 05 - Program 3. floating returns. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.30-FLOATSQ2.C source Chapter 05 - Program 7. floating returns with prototypes. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.31-FORLOOP.C source Chapter 03 - Program 3. the for loop. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.32-FORMOUT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 1. formatted output. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.33-FUNCPNT.C source Chapter 08 - Program 4. This is the print stuff function. => CHAP08.TXT CUG252. CUG253.34-GOODFORM.C source Chapter 02 - Program 6. good program style. => CHAP02.TXT CUG252. CUG253.35-GOTOEX.C source Chapter 03 - Program 7. the goto statement. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.36-HELP data the users index of files. => CUG252, VC.DOC. CUG253.37-IFELSE.C source Chapter 03 - Program 4. the if & if-else construct. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.38-INMEM.C source Chapter 09 - Program 6. in memory I/O conversion. => CHAP09.TXT CUG252. CUG253.39-INTARRAY.C source Chapter 07 - Program 3. integer array. => CHAP07.TXT CUG252. CUG253.40-INTASIGN.C source Chapter 04 - Program 1. integer assignment. => CHAP04.TXT CUG252. CUG253.41-INTIN.C source Chapter 09 - Program 4. integer input. => CHAP09.TXT CUG252. CUG253.42-LIST.C source Chapter 1 4 - Program 3. read in any text file and list it on the monitor with line numbers and with page numbers. => LISTF.C, CHAP14.TXT CUG252. CUG253.43-LIST.EXE executable source code lister. => LIST.C, CHAP14.TXT CUG252. CUG253.44-LISTF.C source Chapter 14 - Program 3. contains functions called by LIST.C. => LIST.C, CHAP14.TXT CUG252. CUG253.45-LOTTYPES.C source Chapter 04 - Program 3. lots of data types. => CHAP04.TXT CUG252. CUG253.46-MACRO.C source Chapter 06 - Program 2. macros. => CHAP06.TXT CUG252. CUG253.47-MORTYPES.C source Chapter 04 - Program 2. more data types. => CHAP04.TXT CUG252. CUG253.48-MULTIARY.C source Chapter 07 - Program 6. multidimensional array. => CHAP07.TXT CUG252. CUG253.49-NESTED.C source Chapter 11 - Program 4. nested structures. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.50-ONEINT.C source Chapter 02 - Program 4. one integer variable. => CHAP02.TXT CUG252. CUG253.51-PASSBACK.C source Chapter 07 - Program 5. getting data from functions. => CHAP07.TXT CUG252. CUG253.52-PAYMENT data the monthly payment calculation. => VC.DOC., CUG252. CUG253.53-POINTER.C source Chapter 08 - Program 1. illustration of pointer use. => CHAP08.TXT CUG252. CUG253.54-POINTER2.C source Chapter 08 - Program 2. an example using pointers. => CHAP08.TXT CUG252. CUG253.55-PRINTALL.BAT batch a batch file to print out all source code listings. CUG253.56-PRINTDAT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 8. output to the printer. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.57-READ.ME doc users guide to C tutorial example programs. => CUG252. CUG253.58-READCHAR.C source Chapter 10 - Program 3. read single characters. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.59-READGOOD.C source Chapter 10 - Program 5. better read and display. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.60-READLINE.C source Chapter 10 - Program 6. read a full line. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.61-READTEXT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 4. read single words. => CHAP10.TXT CUG252. CUG253.62-RECURSON.C source Chapter 05 - Program 5. simple recursion program. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.63-SCOPE.C source Chapter 05 - Program 4. scope of variables. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.64-SHIFTER.C source Chapter 13 - Program 4. bit shifting operations. => CHAP13.TXT CUG252. CUG253.65-SIMPLEIO.C source Chapter 09 - Program 1. => CHAPO9.TXT CUG252. CUG253.66-SINGLEIO.C source Chapter 09 - Program 2. single character I/O. => CHAPO9.TXT CUG252. CUG253.67-SPECIAL.C source Chapter 09 - Program 7. standard error output. => CHAPO9.TXT CUG252. CUG253.68-SQUARES.C source Chapter 05 - Program 2. return a value in function. => CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.69-STRINGIN.C source Chapter 09 - Program 5. string input. => CHAPO9.TXT CUG252. CUG253.70-STRINGS.C source Chapter 07 - Program 2. character string manipulation. => CHAP07.TXT CUG252. CUG253.71-STRUCT.DEF source structure definition. => CUG252, VC.C. CUG253.72-STRUCT1.C source Chapter 11 - Program 1. minimum structure example. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.73-STRUCT2.C source Chapter 11 - Program 2. array of structures. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.74-STRUCT3.C source Chapter 11 - Program 3. structures with pointers. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.75-SUMSQRES.C source Chapter 05 - Program 1. square function. CHAP05.TXT CUG252. CUG253.76-SWITCH.C source Chapter 03 - Program 6. the switch construct. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.77-TEMPCONV.C source Chapter 03 - Program 8. the temperature conversion. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.78-TEST data a group of 50 nonsense equations. => VC.C, CUG252. CUG253.79-TEST.BAT batch => WHATNEXT.C. CUG253.80-TRIVIAL.C source Chapter 02 - Program 1. the minimal program. => CHAP02.TXT CUG252. CUG253.81-TWOWAY.C source Chapter 08 - Program 3. two way function data. => CHAP08.TXT CUG252. CUG253.82-UGLYFORM.C source Chapter 02 - Program 7. bad program style. => CHAP02.TXT CUG252. CUG253.83-UNION1.C source Chapter 11 - Program 5. a union example. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.84-UNION2.C source a union example. => CHAP11.TXT CUG252. CUG253.85-UPLOW.C source Chapter 13 - Program 1. upper/lower case text. => CHAP13.TXT CUG252. CUG253.86-VC.C source Chapter 14 - Program 4. visual calculator. => VC.DOC, CHAP14.TXT CUG252. [MS-DOS] CUG253.87-VC.DOC doc visual calculator tutorial. => CHAP14.TXT CUG252. CUG253.88-VC.EXE executable Visual Calculator. => VC.C, CHAP14.TXT CUG252. [MS-DOS] CUG253.89-VIDEO.C source Chapter 14 - Program 4. video output routines. => VC.C, STRUCT.DEF, DEFIN.H. [MS-DOS] CUG253.90-WHATNEXT.C source Chapter 14 - Program 2. ask question in batch file. => CHAP14.TXT CUG252. CUG253.91-WHILE.C source Chapter 03 - Program 1. while loop. => CHAP03.TXT CUG252. CUG253.92-WRTMORE.C source Chapter 02 - Program 3. write more output. => CHAP02.TXT CUG252. CUG253.93-WRTSOME.C source Chapter 02 - Program 2. write some output. => CHAP02.TXT CUG252 ============================================================================== CUG254 - ----------- Withdrawn from CUG Library [public] 0 disks. Withdrawn to avoid potential copywrite infringement. ============================================================================== CUG255 - ----------- EGA GRAPHICS LIBRARY By Kent Cedola. [restricted] 1 disk. This graphics library is written entirely in assembly language and executes quickly. The routines are callable from Turbo C, and are well-documented. See the Narrative Descriptions section of this directory for a complete listing of the graphics functions in the package and examples of Cedola's coding style for these routines. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG255.01-CEGA_IO.ASM source EGA I/O routines. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.02-COLORS.C source Displays over a hundred colors by a bit color map. Only the standard palette setting are used, if changed, more colors could be produced. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG255.03-DEMO.C source Demonstrates some of the EGA graphic routines. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG255.04-DEMO.EXE executable => DEMO.C. [MS-DOS] CUG255.05-EGA.DOC doc EGA graphic function description. CUG255.06-EGA.LIB library EGA graphic function library. [MS-DOS] CUG255.07-FARDEMO.C source Demonstrates calling by EGA routines using FAR calls. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG255.08-FARDEMO.EXE executable => FARDEMO.C, FARJUMP.C. [MS-DOS] CUG255.09-FARJUMP.C source Demonstrates calling by EGA routines using FAR calls. => FARDEMO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG255.10-GIOINIT.ASM source Check EGA ROM for VEGA BIOS version string and 24 MH2 feature. Set VEGA HIRES (600x480) mode. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.11-GIOINIT.OBJ object [MS-DOS] CUG255.12-GOTOXY.ASM source gotoxy function. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.13-GPAMTGD.C source [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG255.14-GPBALL.ASM source EGA Graphic Primitive, drawing a circle. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.15-GPBITBLT.ASM source EGA Graphic Primitives. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] assembly code. CUG255.16-GPBOX.ASM source box-drawing function. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.17-GPCIR.ASM source Circle-drawing function. This routine will plot a solid color or pattern and automatically clip for the current viewport. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.18-GPCLIP1.ASM source clip line in current window. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.19-GPCLIP2.ASM source clip line in current window. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.20-GPCOLOR.ASM source Set current color. [MS-DOS] CUG255.21-GPFILL.C source Set the current style for line drawing primitives. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG255.22-GPFLOOD.ASM source Complex object fill, color/shading. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.23-GPINIT.ASM source initialize graphic display. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.24-GPINITRD.ASM source EGA Graphic Primitive. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.25-GPINITWT.ASM source EGA Graphic Primitive. [MS-DOS] CUG255.26-GPLDPAL.ASM source Load all palette registers. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.27-GPLINE.ASM source Draw a line. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.28-GPMERGE.ASM source Set current merge mode. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.29-GPMOVE.ASM source Set current graphic position. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.30-GPMOVGTM.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.31-GPMOVMTG.ASM source Initialize graphic software for 640x350 color/monographics. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.32-GPPAL.ASM source Set a palette register. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.33-GPPARMS.ASM source Set up graphic adapter parameters. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.34-GPPLOT.ASM source Plot a point at X,Y. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.35-GPRDCLR.C source Read the current color to be used by other graphic primitives. [MS-DOS: MSC3.0] CUG255.36-GPRDCOL.ASM source Read a column of pixels. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.37-GPRDDOT.ASM source Read pixel at coordinate (X,Y). [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.38-GPRDPAL.ASM source Read current palette setting. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.39-GPRDROW.ASM source Read a row of pixels. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.40-GPREADRW.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.41-GPRECT.C source Draw a rectangle between CP and (X,Y). [MS-DOS] CUG255.42-GPRINTF.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.43-GPSCALE.ASM source Scale from world to device. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.44-GPSHAD1.ASM source Set pattern for shading. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.45-GPSHADE.C source Set pattern for shading area. [MS-DOS] CUG255.46-GPSLOPE.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.47-GPSlYLE.C source Set the current style for line drawing primitives. [MS-DOS] CUG255.48-GPTERM.ASM source terminate graphic display. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.49-GPTERMRD.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.50-GPTERMWT.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.51-GPVIEWPO.ASM source Set current view port. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.52-GPWAREA.C source initialize work area. [MS-DOS] CUG255.53-GPWINDOW.C source see the current window coordinates. [MS-DOS] CUG255.54-GPWRITRW.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.55-GPWSPACE.C source [MS-DOS] CUG255.56-GPWTCOL.ASM source write a column of pixels. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.57-GPWTROW.ASM source write a row of pixels. [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.58-KC_PAL.C source [MS-DOS] CUG255.59-MAKE make make file for FARDEMO. => FARDEMO.C. [MS-DOS] CUG255.60-MCEGA.H header defines all global variable. CUG255.61-POPUP.C source open & close a pop up window. [MS-DOS] CUG255.62-README.DOC doc a list of files. CUG255.63-SHADE.ASM source shading function. [MS-DOS] CUG255.64-TURBOC.DOC doc [MS-DOS: TC] CUG255.65-VPMODULE.ASM source [MS-DOS] assembly code. CUG255.66-WORLD.C source an example of how graphic primitives can be put together to form "HIGH LEVEL" graphic routines. [MS-DOS] ============================================================================== CUG256 - ----------- DeSMET CARRY FIAG ROUTINES By Phil E. Cogar. [public] 2 disks. This package consists of some 65 functions (in both source code and object form) which give DeSmet C programmers access to MS-DOS system calls and return more error information than the standard intdos() type call. These functions make use of the DeSmet externally declared register variables, especially the _carryf variable. The functions are written in assembly language. An article in The C User's Journal, vol. 6.2 details one of the functions, providing some tutorial insight into how to create a hardware interface that will give C programs access to low-level hardware resources like registers and status flags. CUG256.01-ABSREAD.A source absolute disk read. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.02-ABSREAD.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.03-ABSWRITE.A source absolute disk write. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.04-ABSWRITE.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.05-BLKGET.A source Get control data to block. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assembly code. CUG256.06-BLKGET.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.07-BLKSEND.A source send control data to block. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.08-BLKSEND.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.09-CARRYF.TXT doc carry flag, DOS interrupt documentation. CUG256.10-CHKHNDL.A source Check whether handle refers to a file or a device on a Microsoft network station (Local) or is redirected to a server (remote.). [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assembly code. CUG256.11-CHKHNDL.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.12-CHKREM.A source Check whether drive is a local drive on Microsoft Networks or is redirected to a server (remote). [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.13-CHKREM.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.14-ENDPROC.A source end process. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.15-ENDPROC.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.16-ERRLIST.C source array of pointers to error messages. Should be used with PRINTER. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] CUG256.17-FNDFIRST.A source Find first matching file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.18-FNDFIRST.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.19-FNDNEXT.A source Find next matching file .... use only after FINDFIRST function. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.20-FNDNEXT.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.21-FUNOFH.A source open file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.22-FUNOFH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.23-FUN10H.A source close file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.24-FUN10H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.25-FUN11H.A source search for first matching entry. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.26-FUN11H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.27-FUN12H.A source search for next matching entry. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.28-FUN12H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.29-FUN13H.A source delete file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.30-FUN13H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.31-FUN17H.A source rename file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.32-FUN17H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.33-FUN1CH.A source get drive data. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.34-FUN1CH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.35-FUN23H.A source get file size (in records). [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.36-FUN23H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.37-FUN38H.A source get country data. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.38-FUN38H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.39-FUN39H.A source create directory. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.40-FUN39H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.41-FUN3AH.A source remove directory. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.42-FUN3AH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.43-FUN3BH.A source change current directory. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assemble code. CUG256.44-FUN3BH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.45-FUN3CH.A source create handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.46-FUN3CH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.47-FUN3DH.A source open handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.48-FUN3DH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.49-FUN3EH.A source close handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assemble code. CUG256.50-FUN3EH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.51-FUN3FH.A source read handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assembly code. CUG256.52-FUN3FH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.53-FUN40H.A source write handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.54-FUN40H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.55-FUN41H.A source delete file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assemble code. CUG256.56-FUN41H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.57-FUN42H.A source move file pointer. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.58-FUN42H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.59-FUN45H.A source duplicate file handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assembly code. CUG256.60-FUN45H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.61-FUN46H.A source force duplicate file handle. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.62-FUN46H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.63-FUN47H.A source get current directory. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assemble code. CUG256.64-FUN47H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.65-FUN48H.A source allocate memory. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.66-FUN48H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.67-FUN49H.A source free allocated memory. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.68-FUN49H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.69-FUN4AH.A source set block size (paragraphs). [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assembly code. CUG256.70-FUN4AH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.71-FUN56H.A source change directory entry. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.72-FUN56H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.73-FUN5AH.A source create unique temporary file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.74-FUN5AH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.75-FUN5BH.A source create new file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.76-FUN5BH.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.77-FUN6H.A object direct console I/O. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.78-FUN6H.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.79-GDATIME.A source get date and time. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.80-GDATIME.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.81-GETATTR.A source get file attributes. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.82-GETATTR.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.83-GETDATA.A source Get data from IOCTL device. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.84-GETDATA.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.85-GETDEV.A source Get IOCTL device. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.86-GETDEV.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.87-GETPSP.A source Get PSP address at active process. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.88-GETPSP.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.89-GETRET.A source get return code from child process. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.90-GETRET.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.91-GETSTATE.A source get verify state. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.92-GETSTATE.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.93-GETSTRAT.A source get memory allocation strategy. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.94-GETSTRAT.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.95-INSTAT.A source get IOCTL device input status. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Asesmbly code. CUG256.96-INSTAT.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.97-LABEL.EXE executable give a disk VOLUME LABEL or change the existing Volume label. [MS-DOS] CUG256.98-LEXE.A source load and execute a program. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.99-LEXE.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.100-LISTFILE.EXE executable listing a file. [MS-DOS] CUG256.101-LOCKFIL.A source lock the file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.102-LOCKFIL.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.103-LOVLAY.A source load overlay. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.104-LOVLAY.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.105-MEDTYPE.A source Check media type (fixed or removable.). [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.106-MEDTYPE.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.107-NETNAME.A source Get machine name. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.108-NETNAME.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.109-OUTSTAT.A source Get IOCTL device output status. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.110-OUTSTAT.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.111-PRINTERR.C source prints the message corresponding to the error code returned by a function. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] CUG256.112-PRINTERR.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.113-READ.ME doc file list. CUG256.114-RETRY.A source Set how many times MS-DOS should retry a disk operation which fails because of file-sharing violation. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] CUG256.115-RETRY.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.116-SDATIME.A source Set date and time. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] assembly code. CUG256.117-SDATIME.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.118-SENDDATA.A source Send data to IOCTL device. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.119-SENDDATA.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.120-SETATTR.A source Set file attributes. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.121-SETATTR.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.122-SETCTRY.A source Set country data. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.123-SETCTRY.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.124-SETDEV.A source Set IOCTL devices. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.125-SETDEV.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.126-SETSTRAT.A source Set memory allocation strategy. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assemble code. CUG256.127-SETSTRAT.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.128-UNLOCK.A source Unlock the file. [MS-DOS: DESMETC] Assembly code. CUG256.129-UNLOCK.O object [MS-DOS] CUG256.130-USAGE.DOC doc Usage of carry flag functions. ============================================================================== CUG257 - ----------- C TUTOR FOR TURBO C executable By Gordon Dodrill. [sharel] 1 disk. This shareware tutorial from Coronado Enterprises, Albuquerque, NM, includes specific support for Turbo-C, both in the code and in tutorial notes built into the lesson text. The tutorial is released on two volumes. CUG257 is the text of the tutorial package. CUG258 is the source code. The original C tutor (CUG252 and CUG253) has been upgraded to conform to the ANSI Standard however we retain CUG257 and CUG258 for programmers working with older versions of Turbo C. CUG257.01-CHAP1.TXT doc Getting Started. The first example program of the Turbo C tutorial. CUG257.02-CHAP10.TXT doc File Input/Output. Explanation of file I/O including formatted and single character output; word, line, single character and file reads, and printer output. CUG257.03-CHAP11.TXT doc Structures. Structures explained including structures with pointers, arrays of structures, unions, nested structures and a bit field example. CUG257.04-CHAP12.TXT doc Dynamic Allocation. Discussion of dynamic memory allocation, including both simple and large dynamic allocation and linked lists. CUG257.05-CHAP13.TXT doc Character and Bit Manipulation. Character and bit manipulation explained, including upper/lower case, character classification, logical bit operations and bit shifting. CUG257.06-CHAP14.TXT doc Example Programs. Example programs including DOS call examples, batch file processes, a source code lister, and a visual calculator. CUG257.07-CHAP2.TXT doc Program Structure. Discussion of program structure, commenting and good program style. CUG257.08-CHAP3.TXT doc Program Control. Explanation of program control, including loops, the switch construct, the goto, break and continue, if and if-else. CUG257.09-CHAP4.TXT doc Assignment and Logical Compare. Discussion of assignment and logical compares, explaining various data types and the cryptic constructs. CUG257.10-CHAP5.TXT doc Functions, Variables, Prototyping. Discussion of functions, variables and prototyping, including recursion, floating returns and variable scope. CUG257.11-CHAP6.TXT doc Defines and Macros. Defines and Macros explained, including the enum type variable. CUG257.12-CHAP7.TXT doc Strings and Arrays. Strings and Arrays explained, including multidimensional arrays and passing data from functions. CUG257.13-CHAP8.TXT doc Pointers. Pointers explained, including two way function data. CUG257.14-CHAP9.TXT doc Standard Input/Output. Explanation of standard input/output, including in memory I/O conversion and error output. CUG257.15-INTRO.TXT doc Introduction. Introduction to Turbo C tutorial. CUG257.16-LIST.COM executable File listing utility. CUG257.17-PRINTEXT.BAT batch A batch file to print text files. CUG257.18-READ.ME doc A users guide. CUG257.19-TABCONT.TXT doc Table of contents. ============================================================================== CUG258 - ----------- C TUTOR FOR TURBO C source By Gordon Dodrill. [share1] 1 disk. See CUG257. CUG258.01-AMORT data the loan amortization equations. VC.DOC. CUG258.02-ANYFILE.C source Chapter 10 - Program 7. Read in any file. => CUG257, CHAP10.TXT. CUG258.03-BACKWARD.C source Chapter 5 - Program 6. recursion program. => CUG257, CHAP5.TXT. CUG258.04-BETTERIN.C source Chapter 9 - Program 3. better form of single I/O. => CUG257, CHAP9.TXT. CUG258.05-BIGARRAY.C source Chapter 7 - Program 4. many arrays. CUG257, CHAP7.TXT. CUG258.06-BIGDYNL.C source Chapter 12 - Program 2. large dynamic allocation. => CUG257, CHAP12.TXT. CUG258.07-BITFIELD.C source Chapter 11 - Program 7. bitfield examples. => CUG257, CHAP11.TXT. CUG258.08-BITOPS.C source Chapter 13 - Program 3. logical bit operations. => CUG257, CHAP13.TXT. CUG258.09-BREAKCON.C source Chapter 3 - Program 5. the break and continue. => CUG257, CHAP3.TXT. CUG258.10-CHARCLAS.C source Chapter 13 - Program 2. character classification. => CUG257, CHAP13.TXT. CUG258.11-CHAROUT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 2. single character output. => CUG257, CHAP10.TXT. CUG258.12-CHRSTRG.C source Chapter 7 - Program 1. character strings. => CUG257, CHAP7.TXT. CUG258.13-COMMENTS.C source Chapter 2 - Program 5. Comments in C. => CUG257, CHAP5.TXT. CUG258.14-COMPARES.C source Chapter 4 - Program 4. logical compares. => CUG257, CHAP4.TXT. CUG258.15-COMPILER.C doc Notes on Turbo C compiler. => CUG257. CUG258.16-COMPILER.DOC doc Notes on Turbo C compiler. => CUG257. CUG258.17-CRYPTIC.C source Chapter 4 - Program 5. the cryptic constructs. => CUG257, CHAP4.TXT. CUG258.18-DATA.C source data initialize and calculate. => VC.C. CUG258.19-DEFIN.H header definitions for a visual calculator program. => VC.C. CUG258.20-DEFINE.C source defines. => CUG257, CHAP6.TXT. CUG258.21-DOSEX.C source Chapter 14 - Program 1. DOS call examples. => CUG257, CHAP14.TXT. [MS-DOS] CUG258.22-DOWHILE.C source Chapter 3 - Program 2. the do-while loop. => CUG257, CHAP3.TXT. CUG258.23-DUMBCONV.C source Chapter 3 - Program 9. poor program style, temperature conversion. => CUG257, CHAP3.TXT. CUG258.24-DYNLINK.C source Chapter 12 - Program 3. dynamic linked list program. => CUG257, CHAP12.TXT. CUG258.25-DYNLIST.C source Chapter 12 - Program 1. simple dynamic allocation. => CUG257, CHAP12.TXT. CUG258.26-ENUM.C source Chapter 6 - Program 3. Enumerated type. => CUG257, CHAP6.TXT. CUG258.27-FILE.C source file input and output routines. => VC.DOC. CUG258.28-FIRSTEX.C source Chapter 1 - Program 1. The first example program. => CHAP1.TXT CUG257. CUG258.29-FLOATSQ.C source Chapter 5 - Program 3. floating returns. => CUG257, CHAP5.TXT. CUG258.30-FLOATSQ2.C source Chapter 5 - Program 7. floating returns with prototype. => CUG257, CHAP5.TXT. CUG258.31-FORLOOP.C source Chapter 3 - Program 3. the for loop. => CUG257, CHAP3.TXT. CUG258.32-FORMOUT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 1. formatted output. => CUG257, CHAP10.TXT. CUG258.33-GOODFORM.C source Chapter 2 - Program 6. good program style. => CUG257, CHAP2.TXT. CUG258.34-GOTOEX.C source Chapter 3 - Program 7. the goto statement. => CUG257, CHAP3.TXT. CUG258.35-HELP data the users index of files. => VC.DOC. CUG258.36-IFELSE.C source Chapter 3 - Program 4. the if & if-else construct. => CUG257, CHAP3.TXT. CUG258.37-INMEM.C source Chapter 9 - Program 6. in memory I/O conversion. => CUG257, CHAP9.TXT. CUG258.38-INTARRAY.C source Chapter 7 - Program 3. integer array. => CUG257, CHAP7.TXT. CUG258.39-INTASIGN.C source Chapter 4 - Program 1. integer assignment. => CUG257, CHAP4.TXT. CUG258.40-INTIN.C source Chapter 9 - Program 4. integer input. => CUG257, CHAP9.TXT. CUG258.41-LIST.C source Chapter 14 - Program 3. read in any text file and list it on the monitor with line numbers and with page numbers. => CHAP14.TXT CUG257, LISTF.C. CUG258.42-LIST.EXE executable source code lister. => CHAP14.TXT CUG257, LIST.C. CUG258.43-LIST.PRJ make A project file for list program. => CHAP14.TXT CUG257, LIST.C. CUG258.44-LISTF.C source Chapter 14 - Program 3. contains functions called by list.c. => CHAP14.TXT CUG257, LIST.C. CUG258.45-LOTTYPES.C source Chapter 4 - Program 3. lots of data types. => CHAP4.TXT CUG257. CUG258.46-MACRO.C source Chapter 6 - Program 2. macros. => CHAP6.TXT CUG257. CUG258.47-MORTYPES.C source Chapter 4 - Program 2. more data types. => CHAP4.TXT CUG257. CUG258.48-MULTIARY.C source Chapter 7 - Program 6. multidimensional array. => CHAP7.TXT CUG257. CUG258.49-NESTED.C source Chapter 11 - Program 4. nested structures. => CHAP11.TXT CUG257. CUG258.50-ONEINT.C source Chapter 2 - Program 4. one integer variable. => CHAP2.TXT CUG257. CUG258.51-PASSBACK.C source Chapter 7 - Program 5. Getting data from functions. => CHAP7.TXT CUG257. CUG258.52-PAYMENT data The monthly payment calculation. => VC.DOC. CUG258.53-POINTER.C source Chapter 8 - Program 1. illustration of pointer use. => CHAP8.TXT CUG257. CUG258.54-POINTER2.C source Chapter 8 - Program 2. an example using pointers. => CHAP8.TXT CUG257. CUG258.55-PRINTALL.BAT batch a batch file to print out all source code listings. CUG258.56-PRINTDAT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 8. output to the printer. => CHAP10.TXT CUG257. CUG258.57-READ.ME doc users guide. CUG258.58-READCHAR.C source Chapter 10 - Program 3. read single characters. => CHAP10.TXT CUG257. CUG258.59-READGOOD.C source Chapter 10 - Program 5. better read and display. => CHAP10.TXT CUG257. CUG258.60-READLINE.C source Chapter 10 - Program 6. read a full line. CHAP10.TXT CUG257. CUG258.61-READTEXT.C source Chapter 10 - Program 4. read single words. => CHAP10.TXT CUG257. CUG258.62-RECURSON.C source Chapter 5 - Program 5. simple recursion program. => CHAP5.TXT CUG257. CUG258.63-SCOPE.C source Chapter 5 - Program 4. scope of variable. => CHAP5.TXT CUG257. CUG258.64-SHIFTER.C source Chapter 13 - Program 4. bit shifting operations. => CHAP13.TXT CUG257. CUG258.65-SIMPLEIO.C source Chapter 9 - Program 1. simplest standard I/O. => CHAP9.TXT CUG257. CUG258.66-SINGLEIO.C source Chapter 9 - Program 2. single character l/O. => CHAP9.TXT CUG257. CUG258.67-SPECIAL.C source Chapter 9 - Program 7. standard error output. => CHAP9.TXT CUG257. CUG258.68-SQUARES.C source Chapter 5 - Program 2. return a value in function. => CHAP5.TXT CUG257. CUG258.69-STRINGIN.C source Chapter 9 - Program 5. string input. => CHAP9.TXT CUG257. CUG258.70-STRINGS.C source Chapter 7 - Program 2. character string manipulation. => CHAP7.TXT CUG257. CUG258.71-STRUCT.DEF source structure definition. => VC.C. CUG258.72-STRUCTl.C source Chapter 11 - Program 1. minimum structure example. => CHAP11.TXT CUG257. CUG258.73-STRUCT2.C source Chapter 11 - Program 2. array of structures. =:> CHAP11.TXT CUG257. CUG258.74-STRUCT3.C source Chapter 11 - Program 3. structures with pointers. => CHAP11.TXT CUG257. CUG258.75-SUMSQRES.C source Chapter 5 - Program 1. square function. => CHAP5.TXT CUG257. CUG258.76-SWITCH.C source Chapter 3 - Program 6. the switch construct. CHAP3.TXT CUG257. CUG258.77-TEMPCONV.C source Chapter 3 - Program 8. the temperature conversion. => CHAP3.TXT CUG257. CUG258.78-TEST data A group of 50 nonsense equations. => VC.C. CUG258.79-TEST.BAT batch Batch for ask question in batch file. => WHATNEXT.C. CUG258.80-TRIVIAL.C source Chapter 2 - Program 1. the minimal program. :> CHAP2.TXT CUG257. CUG258.81-TWOWAY.C source Chapter 8 - Program 3. two way function data. => CHAP8.TXT CUG257. CUG258.82-UGLYFORM.C source Chapter 2 - Program 7. bad program style. => CHAP2.TXT CUG257. CUG258.83-UNION1.C source Chapter 11 - Programs. a union example. => CHAP11.TXT CUG257. CUG258.84-UNION2.C source Chapter 11 - Program 6. a union example. => CHAP11.TXT CUG257. CUG258.85-UPLOW.C source Chapter 13 - Program 1. upper/lower case text. => CHAP13.TXT CUG257. CUG258.86-VC.C source Chapter 14 - Program 4. visual calculator. => VC.DOC, CHAP14.TXT CUG257. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG258.87-VC.DOC doc visual calculator tutorial. => CHAP14.TXT CUG257. CUG258.88-VC.EXE executable Visual Calculator. visual calculator. => VC.C. [MS-DOS] CUG258.89-VC.PRJ make CUG258.90-VIDEO.C source Chapter 14 - Program 4. video output routines. => VC.C, STRUCT.DEF, DEFIN.H. CUG258.91-WHATNEXT.C source Chapter 14 - Program 2. ask question in batch file. => CHAP14.TXT CUG257. CUG258.92-WHILE.C source Chapter 3 - Program 1. while loop. => CHAP3.TXT CUG257. CUG258.93-WRTMORE.C source Chapter 2 - Program 3. write more output. => CHAP2.TXT CUG257. CUG258.94-WRTSOME.C source Chapter 2 - Program 2. write some output. => CHAP2.TXT CUG257. ============================================================================== CUG259 - ----------- CONSOLE I/O & WITHERS TOOLS [public] 1 disk. This volume contains contributions from Bob Withers, Allen, TX, and Jeff D. Pipkins of Quality Micro Systems, Inc., Mobile, AL. Withers contributed the complete source code for a windowing system and an execution time profiler. Both were developed under MS-DOS and are compatible with Turbo C v1.0 and Microsoft C (v4.0 and v5.0). The windowing package will work with both monochrome and CGA adapters. Withers' code will overlay windows (with options to save or discard the overlaid area), move windows, scroll within a window, and draw exploding windows. Pipkins has contributed a library of routines to perform direct console I/O under MS-DOS. Pipkins supplies routines that are non-redirectable, routines that handle PC type extended keycodes, and a keyboard status polling routine that checks for Ctrl-C. These assembly language functions are packaged as replacements for Microsoft's kbhit(), getch(), getche(), ungetch(), and putch(). For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG259.01-APROFILE.ASM source By Bob Withers. Low level application profile generator. [MS-DOS] Requires assembler. CUG259.02-APROFILE.OBJ object By Bob Withers. => APROFILE.ASM. [MS-DOS] CUG259.03-CONIO.ASM source By Jeff D. Pipkins. Source code for putch(), getch(), getche(), ungetch(), and kbhit(). I/O routines as replacements for the corresponding routines in Microsoft C libraries. [MS-DOS] CUG259.04-CONIO.BAT batch By Jeff D. Pipkins. Batch file for installing CONIO into MSC libraries. [MS-DOS] CUG259.05-CONIO.DOC doc By Jeff D. Pipkins. CONIO function description. CUG259.06-CONIO.FAR object By Jeff D. Pipkins. Object code for medium large and huge memory models. CUG259.07-CONIO.NER object By Jeff D. Pipkins. Object code for small and compact memory models. [MS-DOS] CUG259.08-CPROFILE.C source By Bob Withers. Utility routines which are static linked to an application program to allow access to the features provided by the program profile package. => APROFILE.ASM. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.09-MAKEPRF.C source By Bob Withers. A utility to build a PRF symbol file from the information contained in a MAP file created by your linker. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.10-MAKEPRF.EXE executable By Bob Withers. => MAKEPRF.C. [MS-DOS] CUG259.11-PRFRPT.C source By Bob Withers. A utility to generate a profile report showing the areas where an application program is spending its time. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.12-PRFRPT.EXE executable By Bob Withers. => PRFRPT.C. [MS-DOS] CUG259.13-PROFILE.DOC doc By Bob Withers. Documentation for PRF. An application profile package. CUG259.14-PROFILE.H header By Bob Withers. Header file for profile. CUG259.15-SCRIO.C source By Bob Withers. The low level screen access routines. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.16-TIMER.C source By Bob Withers. A general purpose program timer. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.17-TIMER.EXE executable By Bob Withers. => TIMER.C. [MS-DOS] CUG259.18-WIN.C source By Bob Withers. The high level windowing functions. Machine independent. => WIN.H. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.19-WIN.DOC doc By Bob Withers. Documentation for C-WIN, a public-domain C windowing system. CUG259.20-WIN.H header By Bob Withers. The header file for use by the application code as well as the windowing library code. CUG259.21-WINDEMO.C source By Bob Withers. A short demo program that shows some of the windowing functions in action. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG259.22-WINDEMO.EXE executable By Bob Withers. => WINDEMO.C. [MS-DOS] ============================================================================== CUG260 - ----------- ZMODEM CU AND TTY LIBRARY By Francois Bergeon. [public] 1 disk. Francois Bergeon of Charleval, France, contributed this adaptation of ZMODEM, an MS-DOS implementation of the UNIX file transfer and terminal utility cu, and a library of routines to manage a PC-clone's serial port. ZMODEM, an elaborate communications package that supports several file transfer protocols, was originally contributed by Chuck Forsberg. This version (and the rest of this volume) compiles under MS-DOS, using MSC v4.0. The cu utility is documented in a UNIX-style manual page. Functional descriptions are included for each of the routines in the tty library. ZMODEM is documented on an earlier release, CUG216. CUG260.01-CU.C source CU calls up a UNIX system, a terminal, or possibly a non-UNIX system. It manages an interactive conversation with possible transfer of text files. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG260.02-CU.DOC doc A UNIX-style manual for CV. CUG260.03-CU.EXE executable [MS-DOS] CUG260.04-FILES doc The contents of the volume. CUG260.05-GZ Receive file shell script. CUG260.06-LTTY.LIB library Serial port manager library (large model). [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG260.07-RBSB.C source By Chuck Forsberg, Francois Bergeon. C functions used by RZ.C & SZ.C: setting terminal modes, CRC routines. [UNIX, MS-DOS] CUG260.08-RZ.1 doc RZ nroff documentation. CUG260.09-RZ.C source By Chuck Forsberg, Francois Bergeon. RZ uses error correcting protocol to receive files over a serial port from a variety of programs running under UNIX, PC-DOS,CP/M and others. [MS-DOS] CUG260.10-RZ.DOC doc A UNIX-style manual for RZ. CUG260.11-RZ.EXE executable By Chuck Forsberg, Francois Bergeon. [MS-DOS] CUG260.12-STTY.LIB library Serial port manager library (small model). [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG260.13-SZ.1 doc SZ nroff documentation. CUG260.14-SZ.C source By Chuck Forsberg, Francois Bergeon. SZ uses the ZMODEM, YMODEM, or XMODEM error correcting protocol to send one or more files over a serial port to a variety of programs running under PC-DOS, CP/M, UNIX, VMS and others. [MS-DOS] CUG260.15-SZ.DOC doc A UNIX-style manual for SZ. CUG260.16-SZ.EXE executable [MS-DOS] CUG260.17-TTY.DOC doc Functional descriptions for TTY: General Serial Port Management Library. => STTY.LIB, LTTY.LIB. CUG260.18-TTY.H header CUG260.19-ZM.C source By Chuck Forsberg. ZMODEM protocol C sources. CUG260.20-ZMODEM.DOC doc By Chuck Forsberg. ZMODEM protocol documentation. CUG260.21-ZMODEM.H header By Chuck Forsberg. Header file. => SZ.C, RZ.C. ============================================================================== CUG261 - ----------- 68K CROSS ASSEMBLER, MS-DOS By Stuart Dole. [public] 1 disk. Stuart Dole has adapted Steve Passe's 68000 cross-assembler to compile with MSC v4.0 under MS-DOS and with Whitesmith's RT-11 compiler on a PDP-11. Dole has also fixed several bugs and portability problems. We have included Steve Passe's original documentation on the disk. CUG261.01-AS68.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The source of a 68000 assembler. The directives and mnemonic set closely follow that of the Motorola Residency Structured Assembler. Bugs are fixed and the program breaks into overlays for small machines such as PDP-11. [PDP-11, MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.02-AS68.DOC doc By Steve Passe. A 24-page users manual. CUG261.03-AS68.EXE executable By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. [MS-DOS] CUG261.04-AS68.FCH doc AS68 function chart. CUG261.05-AS68.H header By Steve Passe. Definitions for AS68. CUG261.06-AS68.MAK make By Stuart Dole. make file for AS68. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.07-ASERR.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. Reports the error to all open error channels. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.08-ASETC.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. Miscellaneous routines. Parse statement for label and instruction, find operand field. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.09-ASINIT.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. initialization. overlay for PDP-11. [PDP-11, MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.10-ASMT.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. mnemonic tables for AS68. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.11-BC.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. code building function of AS 68. split into root, pass 1 and pass 2 for overlay on PDP-11. [PDP-11, MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.12-BC1.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. code building function of AS68 (pass 7). [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.13-BC2.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. code building function of AS68 (pass 2). [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.14-LIB68.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The library of misc. functions used by AS68. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.15-POP.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The operand field parser. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.16-PROTOTYP.H header By Stuart Dole. prototype external function declarations. CUG261.17-PSDO.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The pseudo op code for AS68 (root). [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.18-PSDO1.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The pseudo op code for AS68. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.19-PSDO2.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The pseudo op code for AS68. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.20-SYMTBL.C source By Stuart Dole, Steve Passe. The symbol table code for AS68. [MS-DOS: MSC4] CUG261.21-TEST.BAT batch A test batch file. CUG261.22-TEST.SA source By Stuart Dole. test file for AS68. Bubble sort. ============================================================================== CUG262 - ----------- RAMEY TOOLS By Robert Ramey. [public] 1 disk. This volume contains the complete source code for a source level debugger, an execution time profiler, a general purpose symbol table function library, and a menuing system. Each of these programs is accompanied by a tutorial article explaining both the code and the design objectives. The symbol table functions are similar to some published by Allen Holub in Dr. Dobbs Journal. The library provides functions to maintain a hashed symbol table, such as one might use when constructing an assembler or other translator. The symbol table functions are used by the debugger. The debugger works without any special compiler generated information. It requires only that a "hook" be Librar inserted in the start-up code, and that the program be able to modify code space. Thus it should be readily adaptable to many single-user environments. All of the code is for the Q/C compiler running under CP/M. CUG262.01-CMENU.C source Compiler for menu driven program. This reads a menu test file and generates Z80 assembly code. => MENU.C, CMENUC.C, SLPTRM.MNU, SLPTRM.EXM. [CP/M: Q/C] CUG262.02-CMENU.FMT doc Nroff style listing commands. => FMT.COM. CUG262.03-CMENU.TXT doc Documentation for the menu programs. => CMENU.C, CMENUC.C, MENU.C. CUG262.04-CMENUC.C source Compiler for menu driven programs. This reads a menu text file and generates a C source code. => CMENU.C, MENU.C. [CP/M: Q/C] CUG262.05-DEBUG.C source Source level debugger. The debugger doesn't require a target program to be recompiled. It has features: trace break points at any function entry, display function arguments and global variables. [CP/M: Q/C] CUG262.06-DEBUG.F3 doc Figure of memory segments. => DEBUG.F3. CUG262.07-DEBUG.FMT doc Nroff style listing commands. => FMT.COM. CUG262.08-DEBUG.TXT doc Documentation for the source level debugger. CUG262.09-FMT.COM executable Text format program. [CP/M] CUG262.10-LJSTUP data Laser set up data. => FMT.COM. CUG262.11-LJTBL data Laser set up data. => FMT.COM. CUG262.12-MENU.C source Function which manages dialog according to a hierarchy of menus. The address of the root menu must be passed as the only parameter. [CP/M: Q/C] CUG262.13-MENU.H header Definitions for menu manager. CUG262.14-PROFILE.C source Execution time profiler for Z80 type machine. [CP/M: Q/C] CUG262.15-PROFILE.FMT doc Nroff style listing commands. => FMT.COM. CUG262.16-PROFILE.TXT doc Documentation for the execution time profiler. CUG262.17-READ.ME doc Brief summary of programs. CUG262.18-SLPTR.C source Sets up Hewlett Packard laser printer. => SLPTR.EXM. [CP/M:] CUG262.19-SLPTR.EXM data Example of the laser printer program in action. => SLPTRM.C. CUG262.20-SLPTRM.C source Menu data structures generated by CMENUC. => CMENU.C, SLPTRM.MNU. [CP/M: Q/C] CUG262.21-SLPTRM.MNU data Data file that contains menu test. => SLPTRM.C. CUG262.22-SYMDEF.H header Definitions for symbol table manipulation package. CUG262.23-SYMTBL.C source General purpose symbol table function library. => SYMTBL.C. CUG262.24-SYMTBL.FMT doc Nroff style listing commands. => FMT.COM. CUG262.25-SYMTBL.TXT doc Documentation for a general purpose symbol table function library. CUG262.26-WFC.C source Word Frequency Analyzer. This demonstrates use of symbol table library. => SYMTBL.C. [CP/M: Q/C] ============================================================================== CUG263 - ----------- c wndw and c ndx By Roger Stringer. [share2] 2 disks. This windowing library provides pull-down and pop-up menus and color and cursor control within multi-layered windows. It includes input and output functions and file access functions which can manage ASCII, dBase III Plus and hashed random and relational files. Our volume is the shareware release of this package. It requires Quick C 2.0, or Microsoft C 5.x, or Turbo C 2.0. The shareware diskette includes documentation, 10 sample programs and a medium-model library of 114 functions. The complete source code is available from the author for a registration fee. The current version 2.02 includes the c_ndx library that supports multifile and multi-index relational database access to dBase files and B-tree indexes. CUG263.01-COMPILE.MSC batch By Roger Stringer. Compiles, links and runs chosen program from the c_wndw or c_ndx libraries. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC] CUG263.02-COMPILE.TBC batch By Roger Stringer. Compiles, links and runs chosen program from the c_wndw or c_ndx libraries. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.03-C_NDX.H header By Roger Stringer. Definitions and global variables for c_ndx library. => MC_NDX.MSC, MC_NDX.TBC. [MS-DOS] CUG263.04-C_WNDW.H header By Roger Stringer. Definitions and global variables for c_wndw library. => MC_WNDW.MSC, MC_WNDW.TBC. [MS-DOS] CUG263.05-DATETEST.C source By Roger Stringer. Demonstrates use of date facilities. System date is read and can be subsequently modified through the keyboard by the accept() function. Also shows the use of the set_keys() function to activate the "Esc" key. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.06-DATETEST.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for DATETEST.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.07-DATETEST.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for DATETEST.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.08-DBREAD.C source By Roger Stringer. The program reads sequentially through an indexed dBASE file and displays a field from the file. The data file is opened with the fileopen() function, and the index file with the ndxopen() function. The records are read with the ndxread() function, and the field displayed with the dispdbf() function. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.09-DBREAD.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for DBREAD.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.10-DBREAD.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for DBREAD.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.11-DBUPDATE.C source By Roger Stringer. The program opens an indexed dBASE file and allows you to read forwards and backwards through it to view and modify the records. A further option is to add new records to the file. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.12-DBUPDATE.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for DBUPDATE.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.13-DBUPDATE.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for DBUPDATE.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.14-HELLO.C source By Roger Stringer. The classic understanding of a C language environment is a small program to display the message "hello world" to the screen. The HELLO.C program is this small program. It opens a window on the screen and displays the "hello world" message. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.15-HELLO.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for HELLO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.16-HELLO.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for HELLO.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.17-MANUAL doc By Roger Stringer. Summary manual for the c_wndw and c_ndx libraries in three parts: an alphabetical list of the functions in the libraries, a list of the structs and enums defined in the libraries, and a list of the configuration constants and variables. => MC WNDW.MSC, MC WNDW.TBC, MC_NDX.MSC, MC_NDX.TBC, C-WNDW.H, C_NDX.H. [MS-DOS] CUG263.18-MC_NDX.MSC library By Roger Stringer. Library of indexed file functions for dBASE type hashed files and B-tree indexes for Quick C or Microsoft C. => MANUAL. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.19-MC_NDX.TBC library By Roger Stringer. Library of indexed file functions for dBASE type hashed files and B-tree indexes for Turbo C. => MANUAL. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.20-MC_WNDW.MSC library By Roger Stringer. Windowing library functions for medium memory model Quick C or Microsoft C. => MANUAL. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.21-MC_WNDW.TBC library By Roger Stringer. Windowing library functions for medium memory model Turbo C. => MANUAL. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.22-MENU.C source By Roger Stringer. The program shows the use of the menu() function with a simple menu in a floating window. It also shows the use of the flt_wndw() function. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.23-MENU.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for MENU.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.24-MENU.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for MENU.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.25-MESSAGE.C source By Roger Stringer. The program shows the use of message and query windows with the err_wndw() and qry_wndw() functions. It also shows the use of the acptint() function to enter an integer value from the keyboard. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.26-MESSAGE.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for MESSAGE.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.27-MESSAGE.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for MESSAGE.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.28-MONY.C source By Roger Stringer. The program shows the use of the mony functions. The mony type is a variable with two implied decimal places that can contain any value in the range 9,999,999.99- to 9,999,999.99. This allows most monetary values (ex: prices, financial computations) to be figured without the performance and rounding problems of doubles. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.29-MONY.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for MONY.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.30-MONY.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for MONY.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.31-QUICKC.BAT batch By Roger Stringer. Installation batch file for Quick C or Microsoft C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC] CUG263.32-READFILE.C source By Roger Stringer. The program reads the file created by the WRITFILE.C program. The file is read by record number. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.33-READFILE.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for READFILE.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.34-READFILE.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for READFILE.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.35-README doc By Roger Stringer. Registration information, installation instructions, hints and recommendations, and explanations of the 10 sample programs. The libraries require QuickC version 2.0 or equivalent Microsoft C 5.x. The libraries do not work with Microsoft C 4.x or earlier versions. The sample programs will probably compile and work with Quick C 1.0, but with linker errors. The libraries require Turbo C 2.0. If you have 1.0 or 1.5, the sample programs will probably work with linker errors, but 2.0 is strongly recommended. The sample programs should be compiled under the medium memory model. [MS-DOS] CUG263.36-TURBOC.BAT batch By Roger Stringer. Installation batch file for Turbo C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.37-WINDOW.C source By Roger Stringer. The program shows the creation and removal of overlapping windows. If you have a color screen notice the automatic change of colors between windows. The "c_wndw'' library makes and removes windows quickly, and a half second delay is built into the program between each window. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.38-WINDOW.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for WINDOW.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.39-WINDOW.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for WINDOW.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] CUG263.40-WRITFILE.C source By Roger Stringer. The program shows the use of file access functions to create a file with a record size of 61 bytes. You are prompted to enter the records which are written to the end of the field. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0] CUG263.41-WRITFILE.MAK make By Roger Stringer. Make file for WRITFILE.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC2.0] CUG263.42-WRITFILE.PRJ project By Roger Stringer. Project file for WRITFILE.C. [MS-DOS: TC2.0] ============================================================================== CUG264 - ----------- NRO & OTHER PC TOOLS [public] 1 disk. This disk contains contributions from Pat Villani and David MacKenzie. Pat Villani of Woodhaven, NY has ported NRO (originally for BDS C) to MS-DOS under Microsoft v4.0. NRO is a nroff-like text formatter with credible macro definition facilities. Villani claims he has attempted to code the adaptation "as portably as possible," but hasn't tested it in any other environments. David MacKenzie of Bethesda, MD has submitted a suite of filters and other utilities for Aztec C under MS-DOS. Included are cat, cp, du, fmt, Is, mv, rm, touch, tr, wc, and several others. Each program is accompanied by a very brief manual page and full source. In an update of the package, MacKenzie added a number of tools, including chmod (changes a file attribute) and df (reports freedisk space). Enhancements include the use of wildcards on the command line for all programs except tr, a larger copy buffer for cp and mv, and new flags for cp, mv, and rm, and more. CUG264.01-AN NRO macro file. => NRO.DOC. CUG264.02-BYTEFREE.ASM source By David MacKenzie. Returns the number of bytes free on drive. => DF.C. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.03-CAT.C source By David MacKenzie. Contents of argument files are written to standard output. => NRO.DOC. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.04-CAT.COM executable By David MacKenzie. => CAT.C. [MS-DOS] CUG264.05-CAT.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of CAT. CUG264.06-CHMOD.C source By David MacKenzie. Change file modes. a: archive, h: hidden, r: read only, s: system. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.07-CHMOD.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.08-CHMOD.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of CHMOD. CUG264.09-CP.C source By David MacKenzie. Copy files and directories. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.10-CP.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.11-CP.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of CP. => CP.C. CUG264.12-DF.C source By David MacKenzie. Display bytes free on disk. => BYTEFREE.ASM. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.13-DF.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.14-DF.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of DF. => DF.C. CUG264.15-DU.C source By David MacKenzie. Summarize disk usage. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.16-DU.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.17-DU.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of DU. CUG264.18-FMT.C source By David MacKenzie. Simple text formatter. It is useful for formatting mail messages, and can be used to justify a paragraph from within vi with the key sequence s!3fmt. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.19-FMT.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.20-FMT.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of FMT. => FMT.C. CUG264.21-GETDIR.ASM source By David MacKenzie. Call MSDOS to search a file. => GLOBARGS.C. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.22-GETDIR.H header By David MacKenzie. Definitions helpful for use with getdir.asm (find first and next match). => GETDIR.ASM. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.23-GLOBARGS.C source By David MacKenzie. Link with getdir.asm to form a command line argument wildcard expander. => GETDIR.ASM, GETDIR.H. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.24-LS.C source By David MacKenzie. List contents of directory. => GETDIR.H. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.25-LS.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.26-LS.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of LS. => LS.C. CUG264.27-MAKEFILE make By David MacKenzie. make. cat. cp chmod, df, du, fmt, Is, mv, rm, strings, touch, tr, vis, wc. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.28-MAN.DOC doc By Pat Villani. Output file after processed by NRO. => MAN.NRO. CUG264.29-MAN.NRO doc By Pat Villani. Text file with NRO commands. => MAN.DOC. CUG264.30-MV.C source By David MacKenzie. Move files and directories -f:force, -i:interactive, -v:verbose. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.31-MV.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.32-MV.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of MV. => MV.C. CUG264.33-NRO make By Pat Villani. Makefile to create NRO executable image. => NRO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.34-NRO.C source By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. A text processor and formatter based on the design provided in "Softwvare Tools" by Kernighan and Plauger. It uses dot commands. => NRO.H. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.35-NRO.DOC doc By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. Documentation for NRO.C providing a synposis and descriptions of the text processing dot commands. => NRO.H, AN. [MS-DOS: MSCS, MSC4] CUG264.36-NRO.E,YE executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.37-NRO.H header By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. Definitions for NRO program. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.38-NRO.NRO doc NRO documentation with NRO commands. CUG264.39-NROCMD.C source By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. Command processor for NRO. => NRO.H. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.40-NROCOM.C source By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. External common for NRO. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.41-NRODEF.C source By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. External common for NRO. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.42-NROTXT.C source By Pat Villani, Stephen L. Browning. Text processing portion of NRO. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG264.43-READ.ME doc By Pat Villani. Brief users guide for NRO. CUG264.44-READ ME doc By David MacKenzie. Modification history for PC UNIX Tools. CUG264.45-RM.C source By David MacKenzie. Remove files and directories -f:force, -i: interactive, -r: recursively, -v:verbose. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.46-RM.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.47-RM.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of RM. => RM.C. CUG264.48-SKELETON.DOC doc Sample output after processed by NRO. => SKELETON.NRO. CUG264.49-SKELETON.NRO doc Sample text file with NRO commands. => SKELETON.DOC. CUG264.50-STRINGS.C source By David MacKenzie. Find printable strings in binary files. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.51-STRINGS.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.52-STRINGS.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of STRINGS. CUG264.53-TOUCH.C source By David MacKenzie. Set time of files to current time. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.54-TOUCH.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.55-TOUCH.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of TOUCH. => TOUCH.C. CUG264.56-TR.C source By David MacKenzie. Transliterate characters. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.57-TR.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.58-TR.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of TR. CUG264.59-VIS.C source By David MacKenzie. Visual display of files -e: show the end of lines as '$', -t: show tabs as ' ^ 1'. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.60-VIS.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.61-VIS.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of VIS. CUG264.62-WC.C source By David MacKenzie. Word count; -1: number of lines, -w: number of words, -c: number of characters. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] CUG264.63-WC.COM executable [MS-DOS] CUG264.64-WC.DOC doc By David MacKenzie. Description of WC. ============================================================================== CUG265 - ----------- cpio Installation Kit [public] 2 disks. The kit includes two public domain versions of the UNIX archive utility cpio, several sample "raw" loaders, a test pattern disk and instructions for installation. This kit will greatly facilitate the exchange of source code between dissimilar systems. The files to be transferred are concatenated into a single file called an archive. The resulting archive file is a normal file to the native operating system, just as cpio is a normal executable program. A blank disk is formatted using the native format facilities. The archive file is "dumped" to the disk using a special "raw" write facility. This facility bypasses the operating system and writes the archive file on consecutive sectors of the disk, beginning with the first writable sector. Because the operating system is bypassed, there is no directory on the disk. The dump utility must report how many sectors were required by the archive file. T.W. Kalebaugh (KS) has created a loader and dump utility for AT&T 3B1 (UNIX PC, 7300 and Convergent Technologies S-50) so that 3B1 users can read our disks and write disks that we can read. The updated disk includes his new subroutines and makefiles. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG265.01-BIORDSCT.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector read routine for MS-DOS. [MS-DOS: MSC] Only works IBM 360 kb format. CUG265.02-BIOWRSCT.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector write routine for MS-DOS. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG265.03-CCPIO.C source By John Snaider. Public domain CPIO program. CPIO is a UNIX file archive command. It is used for backup or data exchange using disk media. [MS-DOS: TC ECO-C, MSC5, LC3, MSC4] CUG265.04-CP3SCTRD.C source By Tim Prince. Sector read routine for CP/M T.3.X. [CP/M3 x: ECO-C22] CUG265.05-CP3SCTWR.C source By Tim Prince. Sector write routine for CP/M V.3.X. [CP/M3 x: ECO-C22] CUG265.06-CUGCPIO.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Public domain CPIO program. CPIO does file archive and file extraction. Low-level disk read/write utilities are used for the specified system. => SECTRD.C, SECTWR.C. [STARSYS, UNIX MS-DOS: TC, MSC, DLC] Only works IBM 360 kb format. CUG265.07-CUGREAD.C source By Rainer Gerhards. List utility of archive file. => CUGCPIO.C. CUG265.08-ENVIRON.H header By Rainer Gerhards. Header file for cpio program. => CUGCPIO.C. CUG265.09-FILE.DOC doc A brief description of files. CUG265.10-FORMAT.DOC doc By Rainer Gerhards. Documentation about exchange media. CUG265.11-FORMDRAF.DOC doc By Rainer Gerhards. Format draft. CUG265.12-LETTER.DOC doc By Rainer Gerhards. CUG265.13-LETTER.TXT doc By Rainer Gerhards. CUG265.14-LOAD.C source By Robert Ward. Loader for MSDOS customizes defines for drive selection, sectors, blocks, characters, and sector map, to make high level functions conform to the disk format. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG265.15-MAKEFILE make By Rainer Gerhards. Makefile for CUGCPIO. => CUGCPIO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG265.16-MAKEFILE.BIO make By Rainer Gerhards. Makefile for BIOS version of CUGCPIO. => CUGCPIO.C. [MS-DOS: MSC] CUG265.17-MAKEFILE.DOS make By Rainer Gerhards. Makefile for DOS version of CUGCPIO. [MS-DOS: MSC] Uses MASM. CUG265.18-MAKEFILE.OS2 make By Rainer Gerhards. Makefile for OS/2 version of CUGCPIO. => CUGCPIO.C. [OS/2: MSC] CUG265.19-NUMBER.C source Generates test input file for cpio. CUG265.20-NUMBER.EXE executable CUG265.21-NUMBER.OBJ object CUG265.22-OS2RDSCT.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector read routine for OS/2. => CUGCPIO.C. [OS/2: MSC] CUG265.23-OS2WRSCT.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector write routine for OS/2. => CUGCPIO.C. [OS/2] CUG265.24-PORTABLE.DOC doc By Kenji Hino. Portability note describing the compilation of CUGCPIO by Gerhards and CPIO by Snaider. CUG265.25-RDFD525.C source By John E. Van Deusen 111. Loader for UNIX. [UNIX: UNIX Cl CUG265.26-RDSCT.ASM source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector read routine for MSDOS. => CUGCPIO.C. I MASM Assembly source. CUG265.27-RDSCT3B1.C source By T. W. Kalebaugh. Sector read routine for AT&T 3Bl drive.. CUG265.28-SECTRD.C source By Rainer Gerhards. High level sector loader. CUG265.29-SECTWR.C source By Rainer Gerhards. High level sector write utility. CUG265.30-UNXRDSCT.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector read routine for UNIX/XENIX. [UNIX/XENIX] CUG265.31-UNXWRSCT.C source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector write routine for UNIX/XENIX. CUG265.32-WRSCT.ASM source By Rainer Gerhards. Sector write routine for MSDOS. [MS-DOS: MASM] Assembly source. CUG265.33-WRSCT3B1.C source By T. W. Kalebaugh. Sector write routine for AT&T 3B1 drive. ============================================================================== CUG266 - ----------- microPLOX By Robert L. Patton, Jr.. [public] 1 disk. MicroPLOX is an English-like, interpreted chart description language for Epson compatible dot matrix printers. MicroPLOX allows any user to create a variety of chart specifications, change and redraw each at any time. MicroPLOX will produce line, dot, and bar charts in two fonts, draw reference lines and handle numeric and date data (in yymmdd form). It will allow many plots on one chart either overlaid on each other or in separate areas. Originally for CP/M, this version has been converted to compile under MS-DOS with Microsoft C v4.0 and v5.0 and with Mix Power C. The current version 5.0 includes multi-color support for CGA, EGA, and VGA monitors, and allows multiple data file use from one command file. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG266.01-BIKE.DAT data Bar Chart example values for PLOX. => BIKE.PIC. CUG266.02-BIKE.PIC data Bicycle mileage Bar Chart example statement for PLOX. => BIKE.DAT, PLOX.C. CUG266.03-BIKE88.DAT data Bicycle miles ridden bar chart example values for PLOX, illustrating two separate exes for multiple plots in one area. => BIKE88.PIC. CUG266.04-BIKE88.PIC data Bicycle mileage bar chart example statements illustrates plots to separate Y axes (left and right), a word axis, and labeling of plot points. => PLOX.C, BIKE88.DAT. CUG266.05-CONLIB.C source Plox keyword handling modules. => DATLIB.C, DRAWLIB.C, PXLIB.C, WORDLIB.C, PLOX.C. CUG266.06-DATLIB.C source PLOX Data Handling Package, handles conversion of dates and coordinates for file pointers. => PLOX.C, CONLIB.C. CUG266.07-DRAWLIB.C source Front end plotting utilities for PLOX. => PLOX.C, CONLIB.C, MATHLIB.C. CUG266.08-GROWHIST.DAT data PLOX data values example of many small, single plots in one picture. => GROWHIST.PIC. CUG266.09-GROWHIST.PIC data PLOX data statements example of many small, single plots in one picture. => GROWHIST.DAT, PLOX.C. CUG266.10-LINES.DAT data Data for Micro PLOX line types test. PLOX data value sample of line and point types. => LINES.PIC. CUG266.11-LINES.PIC data Display Micro PLOX line and point types. PLOX data statements. Sample of line and point types. => LINES.DAT, PLOX.C. CUG266.12-LPTR.C source Line printer control routines for Epsch ESC* 5 (plotter mode). => PLOX.C. CUG266.13-LPTR2.C source Line printer control routines for Epson ESC K (60 x 72). => PLOX.C. CUG266.14-MATHLIB.C source General math functions library for PLOX. => PLOX.C, CONLIB.C. CUG266.15-MILEFORM.PIC data PLOX data statements example of a simple form. => PLOX.C. CUG266.16-NEINVEST.DAT data PLOX data value example of two line plots in one area with a legend. => NEINVEST.PIC. CUG266.17-NEINVEST.PIC data PLOX data valve example of two line plots in one area with a legend. NEINVEST.DAT, PLOX.C. CUG266.18-PLOTCGA.C source A Quality-Deferred device driver for CGA graphics using the Epson driver as a base, for quick preview image of PLOX charts with unadjusted aspect ratio. => PLOTLIB.C PLOX.C. Uses MIX graphics calls. CUG266.19-PLOTCGA.EXE executable => PLOTCGA.C. CUG266.20-PLOTEGA.C source A Quality-Deferred device driver for EGA graphics using the Epson driver as a base, for quick preview image of PLOX charts with unadjusted aspect ratio. => PLOTLIBE.C, PLOX.C. Uses MIX graphics calls. CUG266.21-PLOTEGA.EXE executable => PLOTEGA.C. CUG266.22-PLOTEPS.C source Reads a file of binary encoded plot commands, creates a memory image of them and then sends the image to the printer. => LPTR.C, PLOTLIB.C, PLOX.C. Requires Epson Esc $5 (plotter mode). CUG266.23-PLOTEPS.EXE executable CUG266.24-PLOTEPS2.C source Reads a file on binary encoded plot commands, creates a memory image of them and then sends the image to the printer. => LPTR2.C, PLOTLIB.C, PLOX.C. Requires Esc K mode with 72 bits per inch vertical and 60 bits per inch horizontal. CUG266.25-PLOTEPS2.EXE executable CUG266.26-PLOTHERC.C source A Quality-Deferred device driver for Hercules graphics using the Epson driver as a base, for quick preview image of PLOX charts with unadjusted aspect ratio. => PLOTLIBH.C, PLOX.C. CUG266.27-PLOTHERC.EXE executable => PLOTHERC.C. CUG266.28-PLOTLIB.C source PLOX library of basic plotting routines for dot-matrix printer. => PLOX.C. CUG266.29-PLOTLIBC.C source PLOX library of basic plotting routines for CGA graphics. => PLOTCGA.C, PLOX.C. CUG266.30-PLOTLIBE.C source PLOX library of basic plotting routines for EGA graphics. => PLOTEGA.C, PLOX.C. CUG266.31-PLOTLIBH.C source PLOX Library of basic plotting routines for Hercules graphics. => PLOTHERC.C, PLOX.C. CUG266.32-PLOX.C source MICRO PLOX. Reads a file of PLOX chart specification statements and executes them as encountered to produce a binary file of plot commands. => CONLIB.C, DATLIB.C, DRAWLIB.C, MATHLIB.C, PXLIB.C, WORDLIB.C, PLOX.H, PLOX.MK, LPTR.C, LPTR2.C, PLOTEPS.C, PLOTEPS2.C, PLOTLIB.C, PLOTLIBH.C, PLOTHERC.C, PLOTLIBE.C, PLOTEGA.C, PLOTLIBC.C, PLOTCGA.C. [CP/M, UNIX, MS-DOS] Requires EPSON FX-80 compatible printer. CUG266.33-PLOX.DOC doc MICRO PLOX. Tutorial on PLOX usage. => PLOX.REF, PLOX.C. Requires EPSON FX-80 compatible printer. CUG266.34-PLOX.EXE executable => PLOX.C. CUG266.35-PLOX.H header Micro PLOX standard header file, global constants and data type definitions. => PLOX.C. CUG266.36-PLOX.MK make Make file for compiling micro PLOX. PLOX.C. CUG266.37-PLOX.REF doc PLOX Specification Outline. => PLOX.DOC, PLOX.C. CUG266.38-PLOXHIST.DOC doc The History and Rationale of micro PLOX. Description of original purpose of PLOX, its evolution and flaws. => PLOX.C. Describes desireable improvements which have not been implemented, application is still limited to EPSON FX-80 compatible printers. CUG266.39-PXLIB.C source front end plot drawing routines for PLOX. => MATHLIB.C, PLOX.C. CUG266.40-READ.ME doc Introduction to PLOX and its available documentation. => READ.ME2, PLOX.C. CUG266.41-READ.ME2 doc Documentation of PLOX enhancements and Quality-Deferred screen graphics drivers. => READ.ME, PLOX.C. CUG266.42-SCATTER.DAT data PLOX data values example of scatter diagram. => SCATTER.PIC. CUG266.43-SCATTER.PIC data PLOX example of scatter diagram data statements. => SCATTER.DAT, PLOX.C. CUG266.44-STAR.DAT data Data for a five pointed star with a 1 inch radius. PLOX example of simple line drawing data values. => STAR.PIC. CUG266.45-STAR.PIC data Draws a five pointed star of 1 inch radius. PLOX example of simple line drawing data statements. => STAR.DAT, PLOX.C. CUG266.46-SUMMARY.DOC doc Micro PLOX summary description. PLOX.C. CUG266.47-UPDATE.TXT doc Porting Microplox to XENIX. Source code segments and extensive documentation of adjustments and difficulties involved in porting Microplox to XENIX, this text is extracted from The C Users Journal volume 7.4 and analyzes implementation methods used in PLOX. => PLOX.C. CUG266.48-WORDAXIS.DAT data PLOX example of data values used to build a word axis. => WORDAXIS.PIC. CUG266.49-WORDAXIS.PIC data PLOX example of data statements used to build a word axis. => WORDAXIS.DAT PLOX.C. CUG266.50-WORDLIB.C source Keyword-value Text Handling Routines. PLOX module for locating keyword-value pairs in PLOX specification statements. => PLOX.C. ============================================================================== CUG267 - ----------- 8085, 2650 & S6 Cross Assemblers By William C. Colley, III. [public] 1 disk. This volume contains cross assemblers for Intel 8080 and 8085, Signetics 2650, and SGS S6 micro processors. The program is written in portable C. All assembler features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. The program has compiled successfully on two UNIX compilers, five MSDOS compilers, and two CP/M compilers. CUG267.01-A26.C source 2650 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Main program and line assembly routines for the assembler. Assembles code for Signetics 2650 microprocessor. Written in Portable C. => A26.H, A26.DOC, A26EVAL.C A26UTIL.C, TEST26.ASM, READ.ME4. [QNIX, PCDOS, HP-UX, CP/M-86, CP/M-80, MS-DOS: AZTEC Cll, AZTEC C86, MSC, ECO-C, LC, QNIX C, C186] A port to BDS C would be extremely difficult. A port to Toolworks C is untried. All assembler features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. CUG267.02-A26.DOC doc Simple header document for A26. => A26.H. CUG267.03-A26.H header This header file contains the global constants and data type definitions for all modules of the A26 cross-assembler, as well as compilation and linkage instructions. => A26.C. CUG267.04-A26EVAL.C source This file contains the A26 assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A26.C. CUG267.05-A26UTIL.C source Contains utility packages for symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, hex file output, and error flagging for the A26 cross-assembler. => A26.C. MSDOS far pointer is NOT compatible with the int type, must use char type. Fatal error occurs if memory cannot hold new symbol for symbol table, if the disk fills up, or if a file opens improperly. CUG267.06-A85.C source 8085 Cross-Assembler (Portable). This program lets you use your computer to assemble code for the Intel 8080 and 8085 microprocessors. The program is written in portable C rather than BDS C. Main program and line assembly routines. => A85.H, A85.DOC, A85UTIL.C, A85EVAL.C, TEST85.ASM, READ.ME4. [PCDOS, HP-UX CP/M-86, CP/M-80, UNIX, MS-DOS: AZTEC CII, AZTEC C86, MSC, ECO-C, LC, QNIX C, C186] All assembler features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. A port to BPS would be extremely difficult. A port to Toolworks C is untried. CUG267.07-A85.DOC doc A simple Header document for A85. => A85.C. CUG267.08-A85.H header Header file containing global constants and data type definitions for all modules of the cross-assembler A85. Also compilation and linkage instructions. => A85.C. CUG267.09-A85EVAL.C source Contains the A85 assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A85.C. CUG267.10-A85UTIL.C source Module containing utility packages for symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, hex file output, and error flagging for the A85 cross-assembler. A85.C. MSDOS far pointer is NOT compatible with the INT type, must use CHAR type. Fatal error occurs if memory cannot hold new symbol for symbol table, if disk fills up, or if a file opens improperly. CUG267.11-AS6.C source S6 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Assembles code for the SGS S6 family of microprocessors. The Program is written in Portable C rather than BDS C. => AS6.DOC, AS6.H, AS6EVAL.C, AS6UTIL.C, TESTS6.ASM, READ.ME4. IQNIX, PCDOS, HP-UX, CP/M-86, CP/M-80, MS-DOS: AZTEC Cll, AZTEC C86, MSC, ECO-C, LC, QNIX C, C186] All assembler features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. A port to BDS C would be extremely difficult. A port to Toolworks C is untried. CUG267.12-AS6.DOC doc Simple header documentation for AS6 cross-assembler. => AS6.C. CUG267.13-AS6.H header Header file containing the global constants and data type definitions for all modules of the AS6 cross-assembler. Also compilation and linkage instructions. => AS6.C. CUG267.14-AS6EVAL.C source AS6 assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => AS6.C. CUG267.15-AS6UTIL.C source Module containing utility packages for symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, key file output, and error flagging for the AS6 cross-assembler. => AS6.C. MSDOS far pointer is NOT compatible with the INT type, must use CHAR type. Fatal error occurs if memory cannot hold new symbol for symbol table, if disk fills up, or if a file opens improperly. CUG267.16-READ.ME4 doc Can't Stop Cross-Assembling (Portably). General introduction for the 8085, 2650, and S6 cross-assemblers. => AS6.C, A26.C, A85.C. CUG267.17-TEST26.ASM source 2650 Cross-Assembler Test Source File. CUG267.18-TEST85.ASM source 8085 Cross-Assembler Test Source File. => A85.C. CUG267.19-TESTS6.ASM source S6 Opcodes Numerical Order to Test S6 Cross-Asmblr. => AS6.C. ============================================================================== CUG268 - ----------- Unicorn Library for Microsoft C By David A. Miller. [public] 2 disks. The Unicorn Library (v4.0), contains over 200 functions written in C and assembly (source code is not provided). The library includes various functions: windows, graphics (points, lines, circles, ellipses, rotations, etc.), turtle (penup, pendown, turnright, etc.), sound, pallette, mouse, joystick, printer controls. Some functions are specific to the Tandy 1000. The manual on the disk describes each function and gives a sample program illustrating its use. CUG268 provides the library for Microsoft C v4.0, CUG269 is for Turbo C. CUG268.01-BORDER.H header Defines several border types that may be used in building window programs. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.02-DEMOIBM.C source Demonstration of some of the features contained in the UC4 library. It uses the 4-color medium resolution mode of the IBM PC and compatibles. => DEMOIBM.EXE, UCTURBO.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG268.03-DEMOIBM.EXE executable => DEMOIBM.C. CUG268.04-DEMOTDY.C source Demonstrates features contained in the Unicorn Library. It uses the 1 6-color medium resolution mode of the Tandy 1000 computer. => DEMOTDY.EXE, UCTUR_TD.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG268.05-DEMOTDY.EXE executable => DEMOTDY.C. CUG268.06-DOSLIB.H header Global constants. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.07-EQUIP.H header This header defines a structure to hold equipment installed data. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.08-KEYDEF.H header Defines internal key codes for special extended keys on IBM and clone computers. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.09-LABEL.C source Prints disk label set for Unicorn Library disks on standard mailing label forms using the IBM graphics printer. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.10-LABEL.EXE executable => LABEL.C. CUG268.11-LABEL.PRJ batch Runs LABEL.C and UCTURBO.LIB. => LABEL.C, UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.12-MANUAL1.DOC doc Unicorn Library Documentation 3.1. Contains registration information, operating instructions, and function references with sample programs. Part 1 of 3 for Unicorn Library 4.0. => UCTURBO.LIB, MANUAL2.DOC. [TC] CUG268.13-MANUAL2.DOC doc Unicorn Library Documentation 3.1. Continuation of MANUAL1.DOC, Part 2 of 3. => UCTURBO.LIB, MANUAL3.DOC. CUG268.14-MANUAL3.DOC doc Unicorn Library Documentation 3.1. Continuation of MANUAL2.DOC, Part 3 of 3. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.15-READ.ME doc General description of the Unicorn Library package and its requirements. => README.1ST, UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.16-README.1ST doc Change of Author's address. => UCTURBO.LIB, READ.ME. CUG268.17-REF.DOC doc Quick Reference in function Prototype Format. => UCTURBO.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG268.18-TESTDX.C source A test of the Unicorn #1 Library with a daisy wheel printer. => UCTURBO.LIB, TESTDX.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG268.19-TESTDX.EXE executable => TESTDX.C. CUG268.20-TESTEQP.C source Reads and displays computer status information (equipment status in decimal and hex, kilobytes of memory installed, model code number in decimal and hex), using functions from the Unicorn #1 Library. => TESTEQP.EXE, UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.21-TESTEQP.EXE executable => TESTEQP.C. CUG268.22-TESTGRPR.C source Test program for IBM Graphics printer and Unicorn #1 Library. => TESTGRPR.EXE UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.23-TESTGRPR.EXE executable => TESTGRPR.C. CUG268.24-TESTSND.C source Sound Testing Program. => TESTSND.EXE, UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.25-TESTSND.EXE executable => TESTSND.C. CUG268.26-UC.H header Unicorn Library Header for Version 4.0. Global constants and data type definitions. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.27-UCBIOS.H header Defines BIOS interrupts and routines and disk routines. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.28-UCLIB4.TXT doc Description of Unicorn Library, its purpose and adaptability. => UCTURBO.LIB UCTUR_TD.LIB. CUG268.29-UCTURBO.LIB library A library of over 200 graphics, sound, screen handling, window, printer, joystick, and mouse functions for IBM PC. => UCLIB4.TXT. [MS-DOS: TC] Source code available to those who register with author. CUG268.30-UCTUR_TD.LIB library A library of over 200 graphics, sound, screen handling, window, printer, joystick, and mouse functions for Tandy 1000. => DEMOTDY.C, UCTURBO.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Source code available to those who register with author. CUG268.31-UCVIDEO.H header Supplies all definitions required to deal with the video state of the machine. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.32-VERSION.DOC doc Header information for the Unicorn Library 4.00. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.33-WINDOW.H header Definitions required for all window functions and programs using window functions. => UCTURBO.LIB. CUG268.34-WTEST.C source Test of Unicorn Library window functions. => UCTURBO.LIB, WTEST.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC] CUG268.35-WTEST.EXE executable WTEST.C. ============================================================================== CUG269 - ----------- Unicorn Library for Turbo C By David A. Miller. [public] 1 disk. See CUG268 for description. CUG269 is for Turbo C. CUG268 provides the library for Microsoft C v4.0. CUG269.01-BORDER.H header Defines several border types that may be used in building window programs. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.02-DEMOIBM.C source A graphics demo program for IBM PC and compatibles with a CGA or equivalent. This uses mode 4 (4-color medium resolution graphics). => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.03-DEMOIBM.EXE executable => DEMOIBM.C. CUG269.04-DOSLIB.H header doslib header. Global definitions. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.05-EQUIP.H header Defines a structure to hold equipment installed data. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.06-KEYDEF.H header Defines internal key codes for special extended keys on IBM and clone computers. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.07-MANUAL1.DOC doc Unicorn Library Documentation 3.1. Contains registration information, operating instructions, and function references with sample programs. Part 1 of 3 for Unicorn Library 4.0. => UNICORN.LIB, MANUAL2.DOC. CUG269.08-MANUAL2.DOC doc Unicorn Library Documentation 3.1. Continuation of MANUAL3.DOC, Part 2 of 3. => UNICORN.LIB, MANUAL3.DOC. CUG269.09-MANUAL3.DOC doc Unicorn 1 Documentation 3.1. Continuation of MANUAL2.DOC, Part 3 of 3. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.10-READ.ME doc Unicorn Library Documentation 4.0. Contains registration information and description of Demo-related files. UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.11-TESTDX.C source Test of Unicorn #1 Library with a daisy-wheel printer. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.12-TESTDX.EXE executable => DEMOIBM.C. CUG269.13-TESTEQP.C source Displays information on equipment status in decimal and hex, kilobytes of memory installed, the model code number in decimal and hex, using Unicorn #1 Library functions. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.14-TESTEQP.EXE executable TESTEQP.C. CUG269.15-TESTGRPR.C source Test program to check the IBM graphics printer and the Unicorn #1 Library. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.16-TESTGRPR.EXE executable => TESTGRPR.C. CUG269.17-TESTSND.C source Sound Testing Program!. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.18-TESTSND.EXE executable => TESTSND.C. CUG269.19-UC.H header Global constants and data type definitions. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.20-UCBIOS.H header Defines BIOS interrupts, routines and disk routines. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.21-UCLIB4.TXT doc Description of Unicorn Library, its purpose and adaptability. => UNICORN.LIB, UCTANDY.LIB. Tandy demo programs (DEMOTDY.C, DEMOTDY.EXE) are not on distribution disk for UCTANDY.LIB. CUG269.22-UCTANDY.LIB library A library of over 200 graphics, sound, screen handling, window, printer, joystick and mouse functions for Tandy 1000. => UNICORN.LIB, UCLIB4.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC4] Source code is available only to users who register with the author. Tandy Demo programs for Unicorn Library (DEMOTDY.C, DEMOTDY.EXE) are no on distribution disk (see UCL1 B4.TXT). CUG269.23-UCVIDEO.H header Supplies all definitions required to deal with the video state of the machine. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.24-UNICORN.LIB library A library of over 200 graphics, sound, screen handling, window, printer, joystick and mouse functions for IBM PC and compatibles. => UCLIB4.TXT. [MS-DOS: MSC4] Source code is available only to users who register with the author. CUG269.25-UNICORN.LST doc A list of functions, associated categories, and associated offset, code and data size. UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.26-WINDOW.H header This header is to be used for all window functions and programs using window functions. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.27-WTEST.C source Test of Unicorn Library Window functions. => UNICORN.LIB. CUG269.28-WTEST.EXE executable => WTEST.C. ============================================================================== CUG270 - ----------- Miscellany X [public] 1 disk. This volume is a collection of small programs submitted by five programmers. Marc Bosser, NY has contributed four video routines: cursoroff(), exwriteM(), fill(), and xy(). These are implemented by using IBM video ROM BIOS calls. Les Aldridge from NJ has submitted EST, a program that searches for the largEST, smallEST, oldEST, or newEST files. This program is specific to MS-DOS and exploits the Microdoft C v5.x run-time library. Scott Holland from NJ has submitted a three dimensional tic-tac-toe player. The human player enters moves as three digit numbers which represent the level, row and column. For portability, the display is generated using standard I/O routines. Code for several additional strategy levels are supplied, allowing the human to play against different machine strategies. Ralf E. Brendler has contributed UNIX-like utilities: diff, delta, and apply. Although they were developed under Microsoft OS/2 v1.0 and v1.1 using MSC v5.1, they use no OS/2 specific calls and should be portable to any ANSI Standard C compiler. Finally, ATOF.C contributed by Dan Schechter is a set of functions including atof() and strod(). Schechter implemented these functions for Aztec C v4.1, which has a bug in atof() (scheduled to be fixed in the next release) and has no strod(). CUG270.01-APPLY.C source By Ralf E. Brendler. Apply a delta script to a text file. A utility which will apply a delta created using DELTA.EXE to a source file. This effectively mimics the operation of UNIX ed's script editing. => DELTA.C APPLY.H, DIFF.DOC. [OS/2: MSC5] Uses only family API calls therefore can be bound to run under MS-DOS 3.X as well as MS-OS/2v1.X. Uses no OS/2 specific calls therefore should be portable to any ANSI standard compiler. CUG270.02-APPLY.EXE executable By Ralf E. Brendler. => APPLY.C. CUG270.03-APPLY.H header By Ralf E. Brendler. Global Constants, Type Definitions, and Function Declarations. => APPLY.C. CUG270.04-ATOF.C source By Dan Schechter. ATOF. A temporary set of functions atof() and strtod() for Aztec CV4.1, which has a bug in atof() (scheduled to be fixed in the next release) and has no strtod(). [MS-DOS: AZTEC C86] Probably causes rounding errors. CUG270.05-AUTOEXEC.BAT batch Introductory batch file displaying README.TXT and running VID_DEMO. CUG270.06-DELTA.C source By Ralf E. Brendler. Delta file creation program. A variation of the DIFF utility which generates files suitable for passing to the UNIX editor ed to generate a new file based on an existing file and a delta file. It can be used to effect a very primitive Source Code Control System, or as a basis for developing a full-featured SCCS. => DIFF.C, APPLY.C, DIFF.DOC. [OS/2: MSC5] Uses only family API calls therefore can be bound to run under MS-DOS 3.X as well as MS-OS/2v1.X. Uses no OS/2 specific calls therefore should be portable to any ANSI standard compiler. CUG270.07-DELTA.EXE executable By Ralf E. Brendler. => DELTA.C. CUG270.08-DIFF.C source By Ralf E. Brendler. File differencing program. Roughly patterned after the UNIX utility of the same name. It has UNIX-style output, and uses the "recursive longest matching sequence" differencing algorithm. => DIFF.DOC, DIFF.H. [OS/2: MSC5] Uses only family API calls therefore can be bound to run under MS-DOS 3.X as well as MS-OS/2v1.X. Uses no OS/2 specific calls therefore should be portable to any ANSI standard compiler. CUG270.09-DIFF.DOC doc By Ralf E. Brendler. File Difference Utilities. Purpose, development, and reference documentation for utilities DIFF, DELTA, and APPLY. => DIFF.C, DELTA.C, APPLY.C. CUG270.10-DIFF.EXE executable By Ralf E. Brendler. => DIFF.C. CUG270.11-DIFF.H header By Ralf E. Brendler. Global constants, data type definitions, and function prototypes. => DIFF.C. CUG270.12-EST.C source By Les Aldridge. Find largest, smallest, oldest, newest files. Lists a largest, smallest, oldest, newest files from a given path specification under MS-DOS. Illustrates use of _makepath,_splitpath, _dos_findfirst and _dos_findnext. => EST.DOC, EST.MK. [MS-DOS: MSC5] Uses library functions specific to Microsoft C5.0. CUG270.13-EST.DOC doc By Les Aldridge. EST: finding the ..est file(s) on your disk. Background on development of EST functions, and their uses of functions from the MSCF run-time library. => EST.C. CUG270.14-EST.EXE executable By Les Aldridge. => EST.C. CUG270.15-EST.MK make By Les Aldridge. => EST.C. CUG270.16-README doc By Dan Schechter. Letter to Robert. CUG270.17-README.TXT doc By Marc Bosser. Description of Submitted Materials. Brief summary of VID_DEMO functions. => VID_DEMO.C. CUG270.18-SUMMARY.TXT doc By Ralf E. Brendler. Brief summary of UNIX-like functions, DIFF, DELTA, and APPLY, and notes on adaptability. => DIFF.C, DELTA.C, APPLY.C. CUG270.19-T3.DOC doc By Scott Holland. Three dimensional tic-tac-toe. Summary description of T3 function modules, background, and adaptibility. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.20-T3COMP.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D computer move subroutine. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.21-T3CONV.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D move conversion subroutines. Two subroutines which converts moves between an external 3-digit coordinate and an internal representation. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.22-T3DISP.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D display subroutine. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.23-T3GLOBAL.H header By Scott Holland. TTT3D Include file. Global type definitions and explanations. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.24-T31NIT.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D initialization subroutine. Initializes variables and turns on diagnostics. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.25-T31NTRO.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D Introduction Subroutine. Presents game rules and entry syntax. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.26-T3MAIN.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D Main Program. Coordinates order of play and display. T3.DOC, T3INIT.C, T3INTRO.C, T3PLAYER.C, T3COMP.C, T3DISP.C, T3CONV.C, T3GLOBAL.H. [MS-DOS3: VANILLA, UNIX/5, MSC4] CUG270.27-T3PLAYER.C source By Scott Holland. TTT3D Player Move Subroutine. Gets the players move and verifies that it is valid. => T3MAIN.C. CUG270.28-VIDEO.H header By Marc Bosser. Video Header File. Global definitions and initialization. => VID_DEMO.C. [MS-DOS] Dependant on ROM BIOS. CUG270.29-VID_DEMO.C source By Marc Bosser. Video Demonstration. Demonstration of various video routines, curseroff(), ewriteM(), fill(), and xy(). => VIDEO.H. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC4] Dependent on ROM BIOS. CUG270.30-VID_DEMO.EXE executable By Marc Bosser. => VID_DEMO.C. CUG270.31-VID_DEMO.OBJ object By Marc Bosser. => VID_DEMO.C. ============================================================================== CUG271 - ----------- Steven's Library for Turbo C v1.5 By Steven E. Margison. [share2] 2 disks. This volume contains the lastest version of Steven's Library, a shareware package. CUG271 is for Turbo C v1.5 and CUG272 is for Datalight C. Each volume contains the small model library (over 100 functions), some sample utilities, and all documentation. The library includes functions for handling communication ports, printer, CRC, video, time, date, sound, error interrupt, keyboard, etc. The library source code plus the other four memory model libraries are available from the author. CUG271.01-AABORT.DOC doc MBORT -- Terminate a program. Describes a function to abort the program after sending the BELL character to stderr. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.02-ARGVAL.DOC doc convert an ASCII numerical string from an argument. Describes a function to parse command line arguments containing numerical values into an integer. => SMTCS.LIB. Numeric values cannot exceed four characters without causing potential damage to the program by overrunning the character storage area. CUG271.03-ASYNC.DOC doc readchar, ready_rev, ready_xmt, setport, writechar. Describes very low level (direct port access) subroutines to enable 1/0 through COM1 through COM4. Only setport() uses BIOS int 14H. => SMTCS.LIB, SMDEFS.H. CUG271.04-BADEXT.DOC doc Describes a function which reports invalid filename extension and exits program. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.05-BASENAME.DOC doc Split a string into path and/or filename. Describes a function which splits a string into path and/or filename. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.06-BLPR.DOC doc Describes two assembly language routines: blpr--write a character to LPT? through BIOS 17H, and blprstat--get LPT? status through BIOS 17H. => SMTCS.LIB. Because of this dependency upon the ROM-BIOS Interrupt 17H, these routines may not work on all compatibles. CUG271.07-CANT.DOC doc report inability to open a file and exit. Describes function which reports inability to open a file and exits program. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.08-CENTER.DOC doc Describes function which centers a string. => SMTCS.LIB. The string MUST NOT BE longer than the size specified, since there is no error checking for this condition and an unusable result will be returned. CUG271.09-CHKASYNC.DOC doc chkded, chkdsr, chkcts, chkring. Describes assembly language functions which provide direct access to the serial communications chips. => SMTCS.LIB, SMDEFS.H. CUG271.10-CLRFIELD.DOC doc Describes functions which handle the problem of clearing a section of a line on the screen without clearing to the end of the line. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.11-CLS.DOC doc Describes a function which clears the screen and homes the cursor. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.12-CRC.DOC doc CRC functions--CRC misc. functions. Describes functions used in CRC calculations mainly for modem programs: crc_clear(), clear crc value; crc update (crc, chr), update crc value; crc finish (crc), finish crc calculation. => SMTCS.LIB. As supplied, the CCITT calculation polynomial is used. The source can be easily changed to CRC 16 if desired. CUG271.13-CURSOR.DOC doc Cursor Style--alter the cursor style. Describes function which allows selection of several predefined cursor styles, or user-specified cursor size. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.14-DAYNUM.DOC doc Describes a function which finds the number of a date within a year. => SMTCS.LIB. Years below 1980 are ignored. CUG271.15-DISPBOX.DOC doc dvid_box. Describes a function which displays a box on the screen. => SMTCS.LIB. Functions may fail if the target system is not a very close compatible since direct memory writing is being used. No error check is done on any value. CUG271.16-DISPLAY.DOC doc direct video functions. Describes functions which use direct video access functions. => SMTCS.LIB. Functions may fail if the target system is not a very close compatible since direct memory writing is being used. CUG271.17-DSTR_I.DOC doc Describes a function which makes an ASCII decimal string into an integer. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.18-DUMP.C source Hex File Dump Utility. Displays a file in hex and character representation in color or monochrome, depending upon type of video card installed. Displays 20 lines per screen and waits for keypress. => SMTCS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Turbo-C Library" version 1.30 or later. CUG271.19-DUMP.EXE executable => DUMP.C. CUG271.20-DVID.DOC doc Direct Video Access Routines. Documentation for routines in DUMP.C and SMTCS.LIB. => DUMP.C, SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.21-D_CLS.DOC doc Describes function which clears current screen. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.22-D_POS.DOC doc Describes function which positions the cursor on a video page. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.23-D_SAY.DOC doc Describes two functions: d_say--display a string at a specific position, and d saypag--same, with page specification. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.24-ENTERDAT.DOC doc Describes two functions: enterdata--enter a string of data from keyboard, and dvid_enterdata--same, use direct video access. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.25-ENTERFN.DOC doc Describes two functions: enterfn--enter a filename from keyboard, and dvid_enterfin--same, use direct video access. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.26-ERAOK.DOC doc Describes a function which asks permission before overwriting an existing file. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.27-ERROR.DOC doc Describes a function which reports a fatal error and exits program. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.28-EXISTS.DOC doc Describes a function which sees if a file exists. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.29-EXIT2DOS.DOC doc Describes a function which asks for permission to exit a program. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.30-EXPARG.DOC doc expand_arg. Describes a function which expands command line wildcard filenames. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.31-EXTTYP.DOC doc Describes a function which checks a filename for a particular extension. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.32-FILLCH.DOC doc Describes a function which fills a string with a character. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.33-FLYER.TXT doc Descriptions of SEM software, its availability and background. => SMTCS.LIB, ORDER.FRM. CUG271.34-FOPENX.DOC doc Describes three functions (fopenp, fopend, fopeng) which allow the opening of a file in other than just the current directory. These functions use file descriptor structures. => SMTCS.LIB, OPENX.DOC. These functions cannot be used to create new files. CUG271.35-GAMEPORT.DOC doc Describes functions which manipulate the game port. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.36-GETCODE.DOC doc get_code_adr--get a function address. Describes a function used to get the absolute segment and offset values for the address of a function within a program. It is useful for installing interrupt handlers and interfacing to assembly language modules. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.37-GETDATA.DOC doc get_data_adr--get a data item address. Describes a function used to get the absolute segment and offset values for the address of a data item within a program. It is useful for installing interrupt handlers and interfacing to assembly language modules. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.38-GETKEY.DOC doc Describes an extended keyboard fetch. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.39-GETPATH.DOC doc Describes a function which retrieves the PATH variable and parses it. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.40-GETPOS.DOC doc Describes function which gets current cursor position. => SMTCS.LIB. Values are in binary. CUG271.41-GTOD.C source Get time of day utility. Various date, time formatting functions. => SMTCS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Turbo-C Library' version 1.30 or later. CUG271.42-GTOD.EXE source => GTOD.C. CUG271.43-GTODFUNC.DOC doc Describes two functions: gtodsub--get time of day to file pointer and, gtodstr--get time of day to a string. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.44-HSTR_I.DOC doc Describes function which makes an ASCII hexadecimal string into an integer. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.45-IBMTYPE.DOC doc Describes function which finds out the type of IBM computer in use. => SMTCS.LIB. Inconsistencies in the byte in ROM at F000:FFFEh reduce the accuracy of this function. CUG271.46-INPATH.C source Inpath Utility. This is a program similar to many "filefind" programs, except that it works like the UNIX "whereis" command. => SMTCS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] As distributed this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Turbo-C Library" version 1.30 or later. CUG271.47-INPATH.EXE executable => INPATH.C. CUG271.48-ISCONS.DOC doc Describe function which checks to see if file descriptor is the console. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.49-ISLEAP.DOC doc Describe function which checks if year is leap year. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.50-I_ISTR.DOC doc Describes function which makes an integer from an ASCII decimal string. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.51-KEYBOARD.DOC doc keyboard functions. Describes functions which manipulate the keyboard status flags at 0000:417 and 0000:418. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.52-KEYS.H header Extra defines for keyboard operations. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.53-LEXCMP.DOC doc Describes function which compares two strings, case independent. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.54-LISTALL data List of files, used by PMAN.COM to generate manual to be printed to PRN. => SMTCS.LIB, PMAN.COM. CUG271.55-LOADSTR.DOC doc Describes function which loads a string with padding. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.56-MKBOX.DOC doc Describes function which makes a box on the screen. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.57-MKTONE.DOC doc Describes function which makes a tone to the speaker. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.58-MODS.131 doc List of modifications made for version 1.31. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.59-MONTHIS.DOC doc Describes function which returns a string pointer to name of month. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.60-NEWEXT.DOC doc Describes a function which changes a filename extension. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.61-OKISET.C source Okidata Printer Setup Utility. => SMTCS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Turbo-C Library", version 1.30 or later. CUG271.62-OKISET.EXE executable => OKISET.C. CUG271.63-OPENX.DOC doc Describes three functions (openp, opend openg) which allow the opening of a file in other than just the current library. => SMTCS.LIB, FOPENX.DOC. These functions cannot be used to create new files. CUG271.64-ORDER.FRM doc Software Registration and Order Form. => SMTCS.LIB, FLYER.TXT. CUG271.65-PMAN.COM executable Utility program provided to print all files specified in LISTALL to PRN: for binding into a manual. => SMTCS.LIB, LISTALL. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG271.66-PRSERIES.DOC doc Describes a series of routines which use the low level functions blpr() and blprstat() to access the LPT? ROM-BIOS drivers directly. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.67-README doc Justification and description of distribution disk general contents for"Steve's Library for Turbo-C' version 1.31. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.68-RELINK.DOC doc Instructions on how to use batch files and library response files to remake libraries. => SMTCS.LIB. Batch files and librarian response files are only supplied with full registration. CUG271.69-REPCHAR.DOC doc repchar--repeat a character n times to fd. Describes function which repeats a character n times to fd. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.70-RMWHITE.DOC doc rmlead, rmtrail, rmallws. Describes functions for removing whitespace from the specified string in place. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.71-SCREEN.H header Extra defines for screen handling operations. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.72-SETASYNC.DOC doc Serial comm. direct access assembly functions. Describes assembly language functions which provide direct access to the serial communications chips. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.73-SMDEFS.H header Extra defines for compiling programs by S. Margison. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.74-SMGRAPH.H header FUNCTION: smgraph.h (formerly graphics.h). Extra defines for IBM Graphics Characters. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.75-SMLIBTC.DOC doc Information for "Steve's Library for Turbo C" version 1.30 regarding documentation, installation, linking, real time interrupt handler, buffering STDOUT, utilities, shareware, warranty and registration. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.76-SMTC.ORD doc Software Registration Form and Order. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.77-SMTC.TOC doc Steve's Turbo-C Library List of Functions. List of functions and one-line descriptions. SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.78-SMTCS.LIB library Steve's Library for Turbo-C. Small memory model library of over 100 functions for Turbo-C (extensively documented - see PMAN.COM). Includes functions for handling direct video access, communications parts, printer, CRC, time, date, sound, error interrupt, keyboard, etc. => DUMP.C, FLYER.TXT, GTOD.C, INPATH.C, OKISET.C, PMAN.COM, SMLIBTC.DOC, SMTC.TOC, TESTEXP.C, TESTINTS.C, WC.C, KEYS.H, SCREEN.H, SMDEFS.H, SMGRAPH.H, SOUND.H, TEXTCOMP.C. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] Compiled for Turbo-C 1.5 only. CUG271.79-SOUND.DOC doc Soundon-turn on speaker; soundoff-turn off speaker. Describes very low level functions to manipulate the speaker port control. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.80-SOUND.H header Defines for IBM speaker control. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.81-STRIP.DOC doc Strip a new line from a string. Describes function which strips a new line from a string. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.82-STUFF.DOC doc Describes function which gets equipment report (high level). => SMTCS.LIB, _STUFF.DOC. CUG271.83-TCSERIAL.NUM doc Serial Number for Steve's Turbo-C Library Version 1.31. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.84-TESTEXP.C source FUNCTION: expand_args function demonstration. This fire will demonstrate the use of the expand args() function. It does nothing more than report all the expanded functions. => SMTCS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG271.85-TESTINTS.C source Test Program for Interrupt Handler Functions. This program demonstrates the installable interrupt service routines contained in the ticker functions. => SMTCS.LIB, TICKER.DOC. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG271.86-TEXTCOMP.C source Text Compare Utility. This short utility compares two text files and shows any line differences. => SMTCS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Turbo-C Library" version 1.30 or later. CUG271.87-TEXTCOMP.EXE executable => TEXTCOMP.C. CUG271.88-TICKER.DOC doc Describes the timer interrupt service routine package. => SMTCS.LIB, TESTINTS.C. CUG271.89-UNTAB.DOC doc Describes function which expands the horizontal tabs to spaces. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.90-VIDCOLOR.DOC doc vid_border-set color; vid_palette-set color palett. Describes functions which manipulate the CGA card, or EGA card in CGA color mode. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.91-VIDPAGE.DOC doc Describes a function which sets a video page as active page. => SMTCS.LIB. This function will have no effect on the monochrome card. CUG271.92-VIDPIXEL.DOC doc vid_wrpix-write to screen; vid_rdpix-read from scr. Describes two functions which manipulate the CGA card, or EGA card in CGA graphics mode. => SMTCS.LIB. These functions do not support the extra modes of the EGA or PGA adapters. CUG271.93-VMODE.DOC doc Describes a function which sets video mode. => SMTCS.LIB, SCREEN.H. CUG271.94-WC.C source Word Count Utility. => SMTCS.LIB. MS-DOS: TCI As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Turbo-C Library" version 1.31 or later. CUG271.95-WC.EXE executable => WC.C. CUG271.96-WEEKDAY.DOC doc Describes function which determines the day of the week from the date. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.97-WKDAYNM.DOC doc Describes a function which returns a pointer to name of day string. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG271.98- GETDI.DOC doc Describes function which gets device information for a file handle. => SMTCS.LIB. File handle, NOT file descriptor is required. CUG271.99- STUFF.DOC doc stuff--get equipment report (low level). Describes function which gets equipment report (low level). => SMTCS.LIB STUFF.DOC. ============================================================================== CUG272 - ----------- Steven's Library for Datalight C By Steven E. Margison. [share2] 1 disk. See CUG271. CUG272.01-AABORT.DOC doc Describes function which terminates program. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.02-ARGVAL.DOC doc Argval--convert an ASCII numerical string from an. Describes a function primarily intended to parse command line arguments containing numerical values into an integer. => SMDLS.LIB. Numeric values cannot exceed four characters without causing potential damage to the program by overrunning the character storage area. CUG272.03-ASYNC.DOC doc Readchar, ready_rev, ready_xmt, setport, writechar. Describes very low level (direct port access) subroutines to enable I/O through COM1 through COM4. Only setport () uses BIOS int 14H. => SMDLS.LIB SMDEFS.H. CUG272.04-BADEXT.DOC doc Describes a function which reports invalid filename extension and exits program. => SMTCS.LIB. CUG272.05-BASENAME.DOC doc Basename--split a string into path and/or filename. Describes a function which splits a string into path and/or filename. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.06-BLPR.DOC doc Describes two assembly language routines,: blpr--write a character to LPT? through BIOS 17H, blpstat--get LPT? status through BIOS 17H. => SMDLS.LIB. Because of this dependency upon the RAM-BIOS internpt 17H, these routines may not work on all compatibles. CUG272.07-CANT.DOC doc Describes function which reports inability to open a file and exits program. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.08-CENTER.DOC doc Describes function which centers a string. => SMDLS.LIB. The string MUST NOT BE longer than the size specified, since there is no error checking for this condition and an unusable result will be returned. CUG272.09-CHKASYNC.DOC doc chkded, chkdsr, chkcts, chkring. Describes assembly language functions which provide direct access to the serial communications chips. => SMDLS.LIB, SMDEFS.H. CUG272.10-CLRFIELD.DOC doc clrfield--clear a screen field through BIOSdisp. Synopsis, description and example of Functions which handle the problem of clearing a section of a line on the screen without clearing to the end of the line. Describes function which reports inability to open a file and exits program. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.11-CLS.DOC doc Describes function which clears the screen and homes the cursor. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.12-COMEXIT.DOX doc common exit. Describes a function which terminates a program. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.13-CRC.DOC doc crc functions--crc misc. functions. Synopsis, description and example of functions used in crc calculations mainly for modem programs: crc clear(), clear crc value; crc update (crc,chr), update crc value; crc finish (crc), finish crc calculation. => SMDLS.LIB. As supplied, the CCITT calculation polynomial is used. The source can be easily changed to CRC16 if desired. CUG272.14-CRITERR.DOC doc Describes a critical error handler installer. 4 SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.15-CTLBRK.DOC doc Describes a control break ( ^ C) interrupt handle. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.16-CURSOR.DOC doc cursor style--alter the cursor style. Synopsis, description and example of function which allows selection of several pre-defined cursor styles, or user-specified cursor size. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.17-DAYNUM.DOC doc Describes a function which finds the number of a date with a year. => SMDLS.LIB. Years below 1980 are ignored. CUG272.18-DISPBOX.DOC doc Describes a function used to display a box on the screen. => SMDLS.LIB. Functions may fail if the target system is not a very close compatible since direct memory writing is being used. No error checking is done on any value. CUG272.19-DISPLAY.DOC doc direct video functions. Synopsis, description and example of functions using the features of Datalight's display package functions. => SMDLS.LIB. Functions may fail if the target system is not a very close compatible since direct memory writing is being used. No error checking is done on any value. CUG272.20-DLSERIAL.NUM doc Serial number for Steve's Datalight C Library version 1.30. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.21-DSTR_I.DOC doc Describes function which makes an ASCII decimal string into an integer. CUG272.22-DUMP.C source Hex File Dump Utility. Displays any file in hex and character representation in color or monochrome depending upon type of video card installed. Displays 20 lines per screen and waits for a keypress. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Datalight Library" version 1.10 later. CUG272.23-DUMP.COM executable => DUMP.C. CUG272.24-DUP.DOC doc Describes function which duplicates a fine handle. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.25-D_CLS.DOC doc Describes function which clears current screen. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.26-D_POS.DOC doc Describes function which positions the cursor on a video page. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.27-D_SAY.DOC doc Describes two functions: d say--display a string at a specific position, d_saypag--same, with page specification. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.28-ENTERDAT.DOC doc Describes two functions: enterdata--enter a string of data from keyboard; disp_enterdata--same, use direct video access. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.29-ENTERFN.DOC doc Describes two functions: enterfn--enter a filename from keyboard; disp_enterfn--same, use direct video access. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.30-ERAOK.DOC doc Describes function which asks permission before overwriting an existing file. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.31-ERROR.DOC doc Describes function which reports a fatal error and exits. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.32-EXISTS.DOC doc Describes a function which checks to see if a specified file exists. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.33-EXIT2DOS.DOC doc Describes a function which asks permission to exit program. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.34-EXTTYP.DOC doc Describes function which checks a filename for a particular extension. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.35-FILLCH.DOC doc Describes a function which fills a string with a chosen character. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.36-FLYER.TXT doc Descriptions of SEM software, its availability and background. => SMDLS.LIB, ORDER.FRM. CUG272.37-FOPENX.DOC doc fopenp, fopend, fopeng. Synposis, description and example of functions which allow the opening of a file in other than just the current directory. These functions use file descripter structures. => SMDLS.LIB, OPENX.DOC. These functions cannot be used to create new files. CUG272.38-GAMEPORT.DOC doc describes functions which manipulate gameport. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.39-GETCODE.DOC doc Synopsis, description and example of a function used to get the absolute segment and offset values for the address of a function within a program. It is useful for installing interrupt handlers and interfacing to assembly language modules. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.40-GETDATA.DOC doc get data adr--get a data item address. Synopsis, description and example of a function used to get the absolute segment and offset values for the address of a data item within a program. It is useful for installing interrupt handlers and interfacing to assembly language modules. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.41-GETFT.DOC doc Describes function which gets file date/time stamp. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.42-GETKEY.DOC doc Description of extended keyboard fetch. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.43-GETPATH.DOC doc Describes function which retrieves PATH variable and parses it. Description of extended keyboard fetch. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.44-GETPOS.DOC doc Describes function which gets current cursor position. => SMDLS.LIB. Values are in binary. CUG272.45-GRAPHICS.H header extra defines for IBM Graphics Characters. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.46-GTOD.C source Get Time of Day Utility. Various date, time formatting functions. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Datalight Library' version 1.10 or later. CUG272.47-GTOD.COM executable => GTOD.C. CUG272.48-GTODFUNC.DOC doc Describes two functions: gtodsub--get time of day to file pointer; gtodstr--get time of day to a string. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.49-HBIT.DOC doc Describes function which checks keyboard (stdin) for character available. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.50-HSTR_I.DOC doc Describes function which makes an ASCI hexadecimal string into an integer. SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.51-IBMTYPE.DOC doc Describes function which determines type of computer in use. => SMDLS.LIB. Inconsistencies in the byte in ROM at F000:FFFEh reduce the accuracy of this function. CUG272.52-INPATH.C doc Inpath Utility. This is a program similar to many "filefind" programs, except that it works like UNIX "whereis" command. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Datalight Library" version 1.10 or later. CUG272.53-INPATH.COM executable => INPATH.C. CUG272.54-IOBNBF.C source Input/Output?. CUG272.55-ISCONS.DOC doc Describes function which checks if file description is the console. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.56-ISLEAP.DOC doc Describes function which checks if year is a leap year. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.57-I_DSTR.DOC doc Describes function which makes an integer from a decimal ASCII string. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.58-KEYBOARD.DOC doc Keyboard functions. Synopsis, description and example of functions which manipulate the keyboard status flags at 0000:417 and 0000:418. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.59-KEYS.H header extra defines for keyboard operations. => SMDLS.LIB CUG272.60-LEXCMP.DOC doc Describes function which performs comparison on two strings, case independent. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.61-LISTALL data List of files, used by PMAN.COM to generate manual to be printed to PRN:. SMDLS.LIB, PMAN.COM. CUG272.62-LOADSTR.DOC doc Describes function which loads a string with padding. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.63-MKBOX.DOC doc Describes function which makes a box on the screen. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.64-MKTONE.DOC doc Describes a function which makes a tone to the speaker. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.65-MONTHIS.DOC doc Describes a function which returns a string pointer to name of month. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.66-NEWEXT.DOC doc Describes function which changes a filename extension. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.67-OKISET.C source Okidata Printer Set up Utility. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Datalight Library" version 1.10 or later. CUG272.68-OKISET.COM executable CUG272.69-ONEXIT.DOC doc Describes a function which installs a common exit routine. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.70-OPENS.DOC doc openp,opend,openg. Synopsis, description and example of functions which allow the opening of a file in other than just the current directory. => SMDLS.LIB, FOPENX.DOC. These files cannot be used to create new files. CUG272.71-ORDER.FRM doc Software Registration and Order Form. => SMDLS.LIB, FLYER.TXT. CUG272.72-PMAN.COM executable utility program provided to print all files specified in LISTALL to PRN: for binding into a manual. => SMDLS.LIB, LISTALL. [MS-DOS: DLC] CUG272.73-PRSERIES.DOC doc Synopsis, description and example for a series of routines which use the low level functions blpr() and blprstat() to access the LPT? ROM-BIOS drives directly. SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.74-README doc Notes on differences and preliminary printouts for "Steve's Library for Datalight C" version 1.30. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.75-RELINK.DOC doc Instructions on how to use batch files and library response files to remake libraries. => SMDLS.LIB. Batch files and librarian response files are only supplied with full registration. CUG272.76-REPCHAR.DOC doc Describes function which repeats a character n times to fd. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.77-RMWHITE.DOC doc rmlead, rmtrail, rmallws. Synopsis, description and example of functions for removing whitespace from the specified string in place. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.78-SCREEN.H header Extra defines for screen handling operations. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.79-SETASYNC.DOC doc setdtr--set state of data terminal ready flag-. Synopsis, description and example of assembly language functions which provide direct access to the serial communications chips. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.80-SMDEFS.H header Extra defines for compiling programs by S. Margison. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.81-SMDL.DOC doc Steve's Datalight Library List of Functions. List of functions and one-line descriptions. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.82-SMDL.ORD doc Software Registration Form and Order. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.83-SMDLS.LIB library Steve's Library for Datalight C. Small memory model library of over 100 functions for handling communication ports, printer, CRC, video, time, date, sound, error interrupt, keyboard, etc. in Datalight C (Extensively documented--see PMAN.COM). => DUMP.C, FLYER.TXT, GRAPHICS.H, GTOD.C, INPATH.C, IOBNBF.C, KEYS.H, OKISET.C, PMAN.COM, SCREEN.H, SMDEFS.H, SMDL.TOC, SOUND.H, TC.C TESTINTS.C, WC.C. [MS-DOS: DLC] CUG272.84-SMLIBDL.DOC doc Information for "Steve's Library for Datalight" regarding documentation, installation linking, real time interrupt handler, video functions, utilities, shareware, warranty and registration. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.85-SOUND.DOC doc soundon--turn on the speaker; soundoff--turn off. Synopsis and description of very low level functions to manipulate the speaker port control. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.86-SOUND.H header defines for IBM speaker control. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.87-STRIP.DOC doc describes a function which strips a newline from a string. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.88-STUFF.DOC doc Describes function which gets equipment report (high level). => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.89-TC.C source Text Compare Utility. This short utility compares two text files and shows any line differences. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Datalight Library' version 1.10 or later. CUG272.90-TC.COM executable => TC.C. CUG272.91-TESTINTS.C source Test Program for Interrupt Handler Functions. This program demonstrates the installable interrupt service routines contained in the ticker functions. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] CUG272.92-TICKER.DOC doc Describes timer interrupt service routine package. => SMDLS.LIB, TESTINTS.C. CUG272.93-VIDCOLOR.DOC doc vid_border--set border color; vid_palette-set. Synopsis, description and example of functions which manipulate the CGA card, or EGA card in CGA color mode. =>SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.94-VIDPAGE.DOC doc describes function which sets a video page as active page. => SMDLS.LIB. This function will have no effect on the monochrome card. CUG272.95-VIDPIXEL.DOC doc vid_wrpix--write a pixel to the screen;vid_rdply a. Synopsis, description and example of functions which manipulate the CGA card, or EGA card in CGA graphics mode. => SMDLS.LIB. These functions do not support the extra modes of the EGA or PGA adapters. CUG272.96-VMODE.DOC doc Describes function which sets video mode. => SMDLS.LIB, SCREEN.H. CUG272.97-WC.C source Word Count Utility. => SMDLS.LIB. [MS-DOS: DLC] As distributed, this program requires (for compilation): "Steve's Datalight Library' version 1.10 later. CUG272.98-WC.COM executable => WC.C. CUG272.99-WEEKDAY.DOC doc Describes function which determines the day of the week from the date. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.100-WKDAYNM.DOC doc Describes a function which returns a pointer to name of day string. => SMDLS.LIB. CUG272.101- GETDI.DOC doc Describes function which gets device information for file handle. => SMDLS.LIB. file handle, NOT file descriptor is required. CUG272.102- STUFF.DOC doc Describes function which gets equipment report (low level). => SMDLS.LIB. ============================================================================== CUG273 - ----------- Turbo C Utilities By James Derr. [share1] 1 disk. This collection of Turbo C Utilities includes 75 functions for generating sound, drawing boxes, manipulating windows, making shadows, controlling video I/O, etc. This volume is a shareware distribution, including all source code as well as the small model library. Inline assembly code is used in some functions. CUG273.01-BEEP.CC source Sounds the speaker using specified pitch and number of ticks. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.02-BOX.CC source Draws a specified box with center and border attributes specified. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.03-CALCTOT.CC source Accepts a valid pathname and returns the total number of bytes occupied by all files in the specified directory. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.04-CCOLOR.CC source This routine will change the color attributes of a column of characters. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.05-CHGTO.CC source Change_to. Changes the current disk drive and directory with one cell. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.06-CLR.CC source Clear the screen using the attribute passed. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.07-CLRAREA.CC source Clears a portion of the screen using the passed attribute. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.08-CLRBOX.CC source Clears the area inside the box built by the BOX function to the specified attribute. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.09-CLREOL.CC source This will clear from the current cursor location the end of the line. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.10-COMPALL.BAT batch Batch file to compile all source code for Turbo C utilities. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.11-CURDN.CC source Moves the cursor down one run. This will wrap the cursor to the top of the screen if the cursor is on the last row. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.12-CURLF.CC source Move the cursor one col to the left. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.13-CURNL.CC source Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next row. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.14-CURRT.CC source Moves the cursor one column to the right. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.15-CURUP.CC source Move the cursor one row up. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.16-FILEXIST.CC source Checks to see if a file exists. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.17-FINDFILE.CC source Searches a disk for a specified file. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.18-FLUSHKEY.CC source Flushes the keyboard buffer. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.19-GETAKEY.CC source Waits until a character in a specified list is pressed. Sets a variable to the upper case value of the key pressed. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.20-GETATTR.CC source Gets the attribute at a specified row and column. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.21-GETCA.CC source get_ca (char *ch, char *scan). Reads a keystroke. ch = character code or zero if extended code, scan = extended code or scan code. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.22-GETCHARS.CC source leng character screen placement. Reads n-length characters from the screen at the location specified by row, col and will place the characters (not the attr bytes) into the string pointed to by *string. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.23-GETCUR.CC source get_cur (int *row, int *col). Returns the current cursor location into row, col. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.24-GETFIELD.CC source Provides for formatted field input capability. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.25-GETFSIZE.CC source Returns the filesize of a file. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.26-GETLDATE.CC source get long date. Gets the current date. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.27-GETLINE.CC source Reads a string from the screen starting at the current cursor position with specified string length, display area length, and display attribute. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.28-GETLINEX.CC source Reads a string from the screen with specified starting location, string length, display area length, destination string, and display attribute. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.29-GETXA.CC source Reads a keystroke. Returns int value of ASCII code or scan code +256 for extended key. => TCUTILS.LIB, TCUTILS.H. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.30-HIDECUR.CC source Turns the cursor off. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.31-INDEX.CC source Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in a specified string, or NULL for no occurence. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.32-LEFTSTR.CC source Places a specified number of leftmost characters from one string into another. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.33-LOCATE.CC source Positions the cursor at a specified location. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.34-MAKEWIND.CC source Makes a window of specified upper left and lower right coordinates, window and border attributes, title, and footer. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.35-MELT.CC source Clears the screen in one of various predefined styles and sets new specified attributes. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.36-MIDSTR.CC source Extracts a specified number of characters from a specified string at a specified starting point and places them in another string. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.37-PARSEFN.CC source Parses and breaks apart a chosen filespec. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.38-PRINTER.CC source Initializes the printer identified by Iptnum. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.39-PUTCA.CC source Puts the specified character and attribute on the screen at the current cursor location. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.40-PUTSA.CC source put_sa (char *ch, int attr). This will put the character string pointer to by *ch on the screen at the current cursor location using attribute attr. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.41-RCOLOR.CC source Changes the color attribute of a row of characters. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.42-RESTSCR.CA source Restores an area of the current screen that was saved via save_scr. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Uses inline Assembly code. CUG273.43-RIGHTSTR.CC source Places a specified number of rightmost character from one string into another. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.44-SAVESCR.CA source Saves an area the current screen into a character array. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Uses inline Assembly code. CUG273.45-SCROLLDN.CC source Scrolls a defined window down x number of lines. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.46-SCROLLLF.CC source Scrolls a defined window left x number of columns. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.47-SCROLLRT.CC source Scrolls a defined window right x number of columns. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.48-SCROLLUP.CC source Scrolls a defined window up x lines. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.49-SETMODE.CC source This will set the video mode to the mode passed. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.50-SHADOW.CC source Creates the illusion of shadow under a specified window. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.51-SHOWCUR.CC source Makes the cursor visible. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.52-SOUNDX.CC source Calculates the soundx code of a string. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.53-SREADA.CA source Reads the attribute at a specified location and applies it to another. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline Assembly code. CUG273.54-SREADC.CA source Takes a character at a specified location and places it into a specified area. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline Assembly code. CUG273.55-SREADCA.CA source Reads the character and attribute at a specified location and places them into a specified string. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline Assembly code. CUG273.56-SSTRLF.CC source Shifts a string left x characters. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.57-SSTRRT.CC source Shifts a string right x characters. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.58-STRIDEL.CC source Deletes a sub string from a string, ignoring case. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.59-STRIP.CC source Strip (char *str, char c). This will string all occurences of char c out of string pointed to by *str. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.60-STRIPRNG.CC source Strip range (char *str, char clo, char chi). This will strip all occurances of the characters that fall between char clo and chi out of the string pointed to by *str. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.61-STRXFORM.CC source Transforms all occurances of a specified character within a string to a chosen replacement character. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.62-SWRITEA.CA source Writes an attribute at a chosen location. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline assembly code. CUG273.63-SWRITEC.CA source Does a direct video write of a character at a chosen location with a chosen attribute. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline assembly code. CUG273.64-SWRITECA.CA source Does a direct video write at a chosen location of the character *area. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline assembly code. CUG273.65-TCMENU.CC source Displays a menu bar at the top of the screen. => TCUTILS.LIB, TCMENU.H. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.66-TCMENU.H header Two menu structure definitions requiring setup for TCMENU. => TCUTILS.LIB, TCMENU.CC. CUG273.67-TCUTIL.DOC doc Background information and brief descriptions of functions and disk contents for Turbo C Utilities. => TCUTILS.LIB. CUG273.68-TCUTIL.H header Header file definitions required by TCUTIL routines. => TCUTILS.LIB. CUG273.69-TCUTILS.LIB library Turbo C Utilities. Small model library of 75 functions for generating sound, drawing boxes, manipulating windows, making shadows, controlling video 1/0, etc. => COMPALL.BAT, TCMENU.H, TCUTIL.DOC TCUTIL.H, *.CA, *.CC. [MS-DOS: TC] Inline assembly code is used in some functions. CUG273.70-TESTNUM.CC source test_numeric (char *str). Tests character string for numeric. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.71-TRIML.CC source Trims all blanks from the left side of a string. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.72-TRIMR.CC source Trims all blanks from the right side of a string. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.73-UPCASE.CC source Converts a string to uppercase. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.74-VALIDATE.CC source This function will validate a character field for valid values. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.75-VIDEOTYP.CC source Determines the video type of the display. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.76-WRITEF.CA source Does a direct video write at a chosen location with specified attributes. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline assembly code. CUG273.77-WRITEFC.CA source Writes a character with chosen attribute. TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline assembly code. CUG273.78-WRITEFN.CA source Writes a string of characters with count character control. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] Includes inline assembly code. CUG273.79-WRITETTY.CC source write_tty (char _ch). This will put the character string pointer to by *ch on the screen at the current cursor location using attribute attr. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG273.80-XPRINTF.CC source Provides for fast formatted output to video screen. => TCUTILS.LIB. [MS-DOS: TC] ============================================================================== CUG274 - ----------- Arrays for C By James P. Cruse. [share1] 1 disk. Arrays for C is a shareware package that facilitates the handling of arrays in C. The package includes a wide variety of routines: filling, adding, subtracting, calling functions on each element, scaling by constants, etc. All are implemented as code macros (#defines), and use a uniform naming convention. The routines are very portable and have been tested with several compilers including Microsoft C v5.0, Turbo C v1.5 and Aztec v3.40b. The disk contains source code, documentation, and sample programs. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG274.01-ARRAY.ART doc Article on Arrays for C. Introduction, overview, usage, and quick summary of "Arrays for C" functions. Also describes example routines and customization options provided. => ARRAY.H. CUG274.02-ARRAY.DOC doc Background, registration information, planned development, breakdown and description of functions in Arrays for C. ARRAY.H. CUG274.03-ARRAY.H header Includes details on compiler dependent options, customization as well as header defines for such. => A_INFO.H, A_BINOP.H, A_FILL.H, A_UNOP.H, A_TESTAL.C, A_TESTF.C, A_TESTI.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5, TC1.5] CUG274.04-ARRAY.SUM doc Summary of Arrays for C. General description of array handling package. => ARRAY.H. CUG274.05-A_BINOP.H header Declares all binary operations. => ARRAY.H. CUG274.06-A_FILL. H header Declares all the various fill operations. ARRAY.H. CUG274.07-A_INFO. H header Declares all information operations: sum, product, minimum, maximum, and minimax. => ARRAY.H. CUG274.08-A_TESTAL.C source Tests all array functions. => ARRAY.H. [MS-DOS: MSC5, TC1.5] CUG274.09-A_TESTF.C source Tests using floating point operations. ARRAY.H. [MS-DOS: MSC5, TC1.5] CUG274.10-A_TESTI.C source Tests using integer operations. => ARRAY.H. [MS-DOS: MSC5, TC1.5] CUG274.11-A_UNOP.H header Declares all unary operations. => ARRAY.H. ============================================================================== CUG275 - ----------- Linear Cellular Automata 11 By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. [public] 2 disks. This volume is a sequel to CUG244 deBruijn, CUG245 Linear Cellular Automata, and CUG246 Cycles. Harold V. McIntosh and Geraldo Cisneros of Puebla, Mexico, continue to explore linear cellular automata building upon ideas from the article "Abstract Mathematical Art" by Kenneth E. Perry (December, '86 Byte). New features include general (not just totalistic) rules, probabilities of groups of cells and graphical presentation of deBruijn diagrams. The disk contains source code for Wizard C, documentation, and executable code. CUG275.01-LCA22.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (2,2) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates two states second neighbors two on each side, five altogether. LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS] CUG275.02-LCA23.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (2,3) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates two states third neighbors three on each side, seven altogether. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS] CUG275.03-LCA32.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (3,2) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates three states second neighbors - two on each side, five altogether. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS] CUG275.04-LCA33.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (3,3) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates three states third neighbors three on each side, seven altogether. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS] CUG275.05-LCA42.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (4,2) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates four states second neighbors two on each side, five altogether. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS] CUG275.06-LCA43.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (4,3) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates four states third neighbors three on each side, seven altogether. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS] CUG275.07-LCAU.DOC doc By Harold McIntosh. Describes this disk supplement to "LCA.C" which was released in 1987. Describes extensive additions and demonstrations, menu options. New features include general (not just totalistic) rules to analyze, cell densities and block probabilities, and graphical presentation of de Bruijn diagrams. => LCAXX.EXE, LCAUXX.C, LCAUXX.EXE, PROBXX.C, RIJNXX.C. [MS-DOS] CUG275.08-LCAU.TEX doc By Harold McIntosh. Essentially same as LCAU.DOC but with additional enumeration. Contains TEX formatting instructions. => LCAU.DOC. CUG275.09-LCAU21.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (2,1 ) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates two states first neighbors one on each side, three altogether. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.10-LCAU21.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCAU21.C. CUG275.11-LCAU22.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (2,2) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates two states; second neighbors two on each side, five altogether; with many memo/editing options. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.12-LCAU22.EXE executable By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCAU22.C. CUG275.13-LCAU31.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (3,1) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates three states; first neighbors one on each side, three altogether; with many memo/editing options. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.14-LCAU31.EXE executable By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCAU31.C. CUG275.15-LCAU41.C source By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. (4,1) Linear Cellular Automaton. Demonstrates four states; first neighbors one on each side, three altogether; with many menu/edit options. => LCAU.DOC. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.16-LCAU41.EXE executable By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. => LCAU41.C. CUG275.17-PROB21.C source By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCAU21 option t. Calculates probabilities related to evolution. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU21.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.18-PROB22.C source By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCA22 option 6. Calculates probabilities related to evolution. LCAU.DOC, LCA22.EXE. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.19-PROB31.C source By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCA31 option t. Calculates probabilities related to evolution. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU31.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.20-PROB41.C source By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCAU41 option t. Calculates probabilities related to evolution. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU41.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.21-READ.ME doc By Harold McIntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Cover page. => LCAU.DOC. CUG275.22-RIJN21.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCAU21 option d. displays de Bruijn diagrams -1st, 2nd & 3rd generation. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU21.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.23-RIJN22.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCAU22 option d. displays de Bruijn diagrams -1st, 2nd & 3rd generation. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU22.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.24-RIJN31.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCA31 option d. displays de Bruijn diagrams -1st, 2nd & 3rd generation. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU31.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] CUG275.25-RIJN41.C source By Harold Mclntosh, Gerardo Cisneros. Program for LCA41 option d. displays de Bruijn diagrams- 1st, 2nd & 3rd generation. => LCAU.DOC, LCAU41.C. [MS-DOS: WIZARDC] ============================================================================== CUG276 - ----------- Z80 and 6804 cross assemblers By William C. Colley, III. [public] 1 disk. Will Colley can't stop cross-assembling portably. He has now submitted cross-assemblers for Zilog Z80 and Motorola 6804 processors. The new disk contains the source code as well as very well-written manuals. The assemblers are written in portable C and will compile under any full-featured C compiler including Aztec C86, Aztec II, CI-C86, Ec0-C88, HP-UX, Lattice C, Microsoft C, and QNIX C. Subset compilers such as Toolworks C and BDS C pose a problem. For reference, here's a list of various cross-assemblers Colley has contributed. | CUG149 Motorola 6800, 6801 | RCA 1802, 1805A | Motorola 6805 Family | CUG219 Intel 8048, 8049 | Rockwell 6502 | Rockwell 65C02 | CUG242 Motorola 68HC11 Family | Hitachi 6301 Family | Intel 8051 | CUG267 Intel 8080, 8085 | Signetics 2650 | STM Microelectronics S6 Family | CUG276 Zilog Z-80 | Motorola 6804 Family. CUG276.01-A16.C source PIC1650 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Assembles code for the General Instruments PIC1650 family microprocessors. => A16.H, A16EVAL.C, A16UTIL.C, TEST16A.ASM. [QNIX, PCDOS, HP-UX, CP/M-86, CP/M-80, MS-DOS: AZTEC Cll, AZTEC C86, MSC, ECO-C, LC, QNIX C, C186] All assembler features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. A port to 13PS C would be extremely difficult. A port to Toolworks C is untried. CUG276.02-A16.DOC doc PIC1650 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Simple header documentation. => A16.C. CUG276.03-A16.H header PIC1650 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Contains global constants and data type definitions for all modules of the cross-assembler. Also compilation and linkage instructions. => A16.C. CUG276.04-A16EVAL.C source PIC1650 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Contains the assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A16.C. CUG276.05-A16UTIL.C source PIC1650 Cross-Assembler (Portable). This module contains utility packages for symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, hex file output, and error flagging. => A16.C. CUG276.06-A684.C source 6804 Cross-Assemble (Portable). Assembles code for the Motorola 6804 family microprocessors. => A684.H, A684UTIL.C, TEST684.ASM, A684EVAL.C. [QNIX, PCDOS, HP-UX, CP/M-86, CP/M-80, MS-DOS: AZTEC Cll, AZTEC C86, MSC, ECO-C, LC, QNIX C, CI86] All assembler features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. Subset compilers such as Toolworks C and BDS C will present substantial difficulties. CUG276.07-A684.DOC doc 6804 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Header documentation. => A684.C. CUG276.08-A684.H header 6804 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Contains global constants and data type definitions for all modules of the cross-assembler. Also compilation and linkage instructions. => A684.C. CUG276.09-A684EVAL.C source 6804 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Contains the assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => A684.C. CUG276.10-A684UTIL.C source 6804 Cross-Assembler (Portable). This module contains utility packages for symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, hex file output, and error flagging. => A684.C. CUG276.11-AZ80.C source Z-80 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Assembles code for the Z-80 and NSC800 families if microprocessors. => AZ80.H, AZ80EVAL.C, AZ80UTIL.C, TESTZ80.ASM. [QNIX, PCDOS, HP-UX, CP/M-86, CP/M-80, MS-DOS: AZTEC Cll, AZTEC C86, MSC, ECO-C, LC, QNIX C, CI86] All assembly features are supported except relocation, linkage, and macros. A port to BDS C would be extremely difficult. A port to Toolworks C is untried. CUG276.12-AZ80.DOC doc Z-80 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Simple header documentation. => AZ80.C. CUG276.13-AZ80.H header Z-80 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Contains global constants and data type definitions for all modules of the cross-assembler. Also compilation and linkage instructions. => AZ80.C. CUG276.14-AZ80EVAL.C source Z-80 Cross-Assembler (Portable). Contains the assembler's expression evaluator and lexical analyzer. => AZ80.C. CUG276.15-AZ80UTIL.C source Z-80 Cross-Assembler (Portable). This module contains utility packages for symbol table building and searching, opcode and operator table searching, listing file output, hex file output, and error flagging. => AZ80.C. CUG276.16-READ.ME5 doc Can't Stop Cross-Assembling Portably. General introduction for the 6804, PIC1650, and Z-80 cross-assemblers. => AZ80.C, A684.C, A16.C. CUG276.17-TEST16A.ASM source This file contains the opcodes of the PIC16C52 CPU in numerical order for testing the portable PIC1650 cross-assember. Part 1 of 3. => A16.C TEST16B.ASM, TEST16C.ASM. CUG276.18-TEST16B.ASM source Continuation of TEST16A.ASM. Part 2 of 3. => A16.C, TEST16A.ASM, TEST16C.ASM. CUG276.19-TEST16C.ASM source Continuation of TEST16A.ASM. Part 3 of 3. => A16.C, TEST16A.ASM, TEST16B.ASM. CUG276.20-TEST684.ASM source Test file containing the MC68HC04's Opcodes in numerical order. => A684.C. CUG276.21-TESTZ80.ASM source Z-80 Opcodes in Alphabetical order. This file is used to test the Z-80 cross-assembler. => AZ80.C. ============================================================================== CUG277 - ----------- HP Plotter Library and Xmodem [mixed] 1 disk. Ronald Florence (CT) has contributed a plotter program and Xmodem program. The plotter program, hp (for Hewlett-Packard), includes features to read and decode Tektronics format files and Accu-Weather maps, as well as the ability to read HPGL files or files of integer or floating point data. The program is written for UNIX/XENIX systems, and includes checks for locks on the serial line, code to lock and condition the serial line, and signal control. The Xmodem program can be compiled as either a standalone program to allow a UNIX/XENIX system to send and receive files using the Xmodem protocol, or as a modification to the cu program for users who have source code licenses. This volume also includes the HPGL-Clib library, a shareware package (source code is included) submitted by TerrAqueous Software. This Libras of C functions for the HPGL Plotter includes support for the IO_tech MICRO488 Bus Controller. Source code included. CUG277.01-BIO doc By Ronald Florence. Capsule biography of author. CUG277.02-DEMO.C source By TerrAqueous Software. Demo for HPGL-Clib. => HPGL.C, DEMO.OBJ, DEMO.EXE. CUG277.03-DEMO.EXE executable By TerrAqueous Software. => DEMO.C. CUG277.04-DEMO.OBJ object By TerrAqueous Software. => DEMO.C. CUG277.05-HP.C source By Ronald Florence. Output driver for HP7470A plotter. Plotter program, including features to read and decode tektronics format files and Accu-weather maps, as well as to read HPGL files or files of integer or floating point data points. => HP.MK. [UNIX/XENIX] CUG277.06-HP.MK make By Ronald Florence. Make file or compiling HP.C. => HP.C. CUG277.07-HPGL.C source By TerrAqueous Software. Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language C Library. Sharewave package including support for the IO-tech MICRO488 Bus Controller. => HPGL.H, DEMO.C, RSIH.COM. [UNIX/XENIX] CUG277.08-HPGL.H header By TerrAqueous Software. defines for HPGL-Clib. => HPGL.C. CUG277.09-MAKEFILE make By Ronald Florence. For compiling XMODEM. => XMODEM.C. CUG277.10-README doc By TerrAqueous Software. Brief explanations of HPGL package files. HPGL.C. CUG277.11-RSIH.COM executable By TerrAqueous Software. A Resident Serial Input Handler for using fgets on the COM1 port. => HPGL.C. CUG277.12-TEK4.H header By Ronald Florence. Global constants and type definitions to used with TEKDECOD.C. => TEKDECOD.C. CUG277.13-TEKDECOD.C source By Ronald Florence. converts TEK 4014 picture files. => TEK.H, HP.C. [UNIX/XENIX] CUG277.14-XMODEM.C source By Ronald Florence. Module written to be compiled with a modified version of CU.C and/or with XR.C, providing XMODEM protocol capabilities to XENIX[UNIX machines. => XMODEM.DOC, XR.C MAKEFILE. [UNIX/XENIX] CUG277.15-XMODEM.DOC doc By Ronald Florence. XMODEM under XENIX[UNIX. Options, instructions and descriptions of XMODEM operations. => XMODEM.C. CUG277.16-XR.C source By Ronald Florence. Remote XMODEM functions for XENIX[UNIX. => XMODEM.C. ============================================================================== CUG278 - ----------- CXL v5.1 By Mike Smedley. [share2] 3 disks. The CXL (C extended function Library) is a shareware package. Our distribution consists of the documentation, demo, header files, and the small model libraries for Turbo C, Microsoft C/Quick C and Zortec C/C++. CXL provides over 260 functions including: multiple and overlapping windows; pop-up, pull-down, and Lotus-style menus; multi-field and formatted data entry; EGA 43 and VGA 50-line modes; DESQview compatibility, mouse functions, EMS functions, keyboard handling, advanced string manipulation, context sensitive help and error handling, date and time formatting, equipment detection, pattern matching, data encryption, printing functions, and sound functions. CUG278.01-CXL.DOC doc By Mike Smedley. The C Programmers Extended Function Library. Info for CXL supplement to standard run-time library. => CXLMSS.LIB, CXLTCS.LIB, CXLZTS.LIB, CXLDEF.H, CXLEMS.H, CXLKEY.H CXLMOU.H, CXLPRN.H, CXKSTR.H CXLUID.H, CXLWIN.H, SFD.EXE, KEYCODE.COM, MAKINDX.COM, CXLQREF.DOC, CXLDEMO.C. [MS-DOS: TC, MSC, QUICKC, ZORTECH C/C++] CUG278.02-CXLDEF.H header By Mike Smedley. Miscellaneous function prototypes and definitions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.03-CXLDEMO.ASC doc By Mike Smedley. CXLDEMO - ASCII source help file. This file contains all the help text used in the CXL demonstration program. => CXL.DOC, CXLDEMO.C. CUG278.04-CXLDEMO.C source By Mike Smedley. CXL Demonstration Program. => CXL.DOC, CXLDEMO.ASC, CXLDEMO.ESE, CXLDEMO.HLP. CUG278.05-CXLDEMO.EXE executable By Mike Smedley. => CXLDEMO.C. CUG278.06-CXLDEMO.HLP data By Mike Smedley. CXLDEMO indexed help file. This file contains all the help text used in the CXL demonstration program. CXLDEMO.C. CUG278.07-CXLEMS.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains prototypes of CXL's Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) functions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.08-CXLKEY.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains function prototypes and definitions for keyboard functions. => CXL.DOC, CXLWIN.H. CUG278.09-CXLMOU.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains function prototypes and definitions for Microsoft compatible mouse functions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.10-CXLMSS.LIB library By Mike Smedley. Small MEMORY Model C extended function Library. => CXL.DOC. [MSC5, QUICKC] CUG278.11-CXLPRN.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains function prototypes and definitions for printer functions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.12-CXLQREF.DOC doc By Mike Smedley. CXL Quick Reference. Two-line synopsis/descriptions of each function, grouped by respective header file. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.13-CXLSTR.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains function prototypes and definitions for string manipulating functions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.14-CXLTCS.LIB library By Mike Smedley. Small MEMORY Model C extended function Library. => CXL.DOC. [TC2.0] CUG278.15-CXLVID.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains function prototypes and definitions for screen/video functions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.16-CXLWIN.H header By Mike Smedley. Contains function prototypes and definitions for windowing functions. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.17-CXLZTS.LIB library By Mike Smedley. Small memory Model C extended function Library. => CXL.DOC. [ ZORTECHC] CUG278.18-HISTORY.DOC doc By Mike Smedley. CXL Revision History. Extensive revision documentation dating back to July 27, 1988 (Initial release of CXL). => CXL.DOC. CUG278.19-KEYCODE.COM executable By Mike Smedley. Utility that gets the keycode of a keypress. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.20-MAKEINDX.COM executable By Mike Smedley. Program used to create indexed help files. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.21-READ.CXL doc By Mike Smedley. Information on two distribution archive files, including detailed breakdown of these archives, compilers used, & systems from which current version of CXL can be downloaded. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.22-READ.SFD doc By Kamran Bayegan. Screen and Form Designer. Manual for SFD, including switches, menu hierarchy & notes, and registration form. => SFD.EXE. CUG278.23-REGISTER.DOC doc By Mike Smedley. CXL Registration Form. => CXL.DOC. CUG278.24-SFD.EXE executable By Kamran Bayegan. Screen and Form Designer. Supplement to CXL to help design compatible screens and forms. Generates C code and ENVironment file. => CXL.DOC, READ.SFD. CUG278.25-UPGRADE.DOC doc By Mike Smedley. CXL Upgrade Form. => CXL.DOC ============================================================================== CUG279 - ----------- CROBOTS By Tom Poindexter. [share2] 1 disk. CROBOTS ("see-robots") is a game based on C language. Unlike arcade games, CROBOTS requires the user to write all game strategy in C language beforehand. The C program controls a robot whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other robots, each running different programs. CROBOTS compiles the C program into memory and displays the battle of the robots. Each robot is equally equipped, and up to four robots may compete at once. CROBOTS is best played among several people, each refining their own robot program, then matching program against program. This volume is distributed as shareware and works only under MSDOS. See the Narrative Descriptions section of this directory for more detail. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG279.01-COUNTER.R source sample CROBOTS program. Strategy: scans in a counter-clockwise direction, moves when hit. => CROBOTS.EXE. [MS-DOS: CROBOTS] CUG279.02-CR-PRINT.BAT batch Prints documentation on printer. => CROBOTS.EXE. CUG279.03-CR-READ.ME doc Introduction to CROBOTS and breakdown of shareware distribution package. => CROBOTS.EXE. CUG279.04-CROBOTS.DOC doc => CROBOTS.EXE. CUG279.05-CROBOTS.EXE executable CROBOTS ("see-robots") is a game based on computer programming. Unlike arcade games, CROBOTS requires the user to write all game strategy in C language beforehand. That program controls a robot whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other robots, each running different programs. Up to four may play. => CROBOTS.DOC, COUNTER.R, RABBIT.R, ROOK.R, SNIPER.R. [MS-DOS: LC2] CUG279.06-RABBIT.R source sample CROBOTS program. Strategy: rabbit runs around the field, randomly, and never fires; use as target. => CROBOTS.EXE. [MS-DOS: CROBOTS] CUG279.07-README.1ST doc Author's address. => CROBOTS.EXE. CUG279.08-ROOK.R source sample CROBOTS program. Strategy: scans the battlefield like a rook, i.e., only 0, 90, 180, 270. Move horizontally only, but looks horizontally and vertically. => CROBOTS.EXE. [MS-DOS: CROBOTS] CUG279.09-SNIPER.R source sample CROBOTS program. Strategy: since a scan of the entire battlefield can be done in 90 degrees from a corner, sniper can scan the field quickly. => CROBOTS.EXE. [MS-DOS: CROBOTS] ============================================================================== CUG280 - ----------- Software Tools Source By Toshiya Ohta, Hakuo Katayose. [public] 1 disk. Toshiya Ohta from Tokyo, Japan has ported the BDS C version of Software Tools (CUG194 - CUG196) to Lattice C v3.1. This package is based upon a book, "Software Tools" written by Kernighan and Plauger and includes a collection of utilities such as sort, search, archive, text formatters, filters, macro processors, etc. This new version converts from BDS to standard I/O routines, fixes some bugs and enhances the error reporting system. CUG280.01-ADDSET.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Adds a character at a time to a specified position of an array and increments the index. It also checks that there's room enough to do so. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, TRANSLIT.C. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.02-ARCHIVE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. ARCHIVE is a library maintainer whose purpose is to collect sets of arbitrary files into one big file and to maintain that file as an "archive". => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.03-ATOI.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. atoi.c of JUGPDS vol.17. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.04-CHANGE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Changes text. Converts target substring into specified modification string. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.05-CINDEX.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Finds character c in string str. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.06-CMPMAIN.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Main Function archive compile instructions for Software Tools Source. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.07-CMPSUBS.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Sub Function Archive compile instructions for Software Tools Source. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.08-COMPARE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Compares two files. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.09-COMPRESS.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Compresses standard input text. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.10-CONCAT0.L source By Toshiya Ohta. Concatenates named files onto standard input. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.11-CONCAT1.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Concatenates named files onto standard input. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.12-COUNT.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Counts characters, lines and words of a file. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.13-CPYMAINS.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Copies main archive functions to chosen destination. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.14-CPYSUBS.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Copies sub archive functions to chosen destination. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.15-CRYPT1.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Encrypts/decrypts a textfile. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.16-CRYPTO.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Encrypts/decrypts a textfile. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] Encrypted file may contain EOF marks. CRYPT1 is recommended as more reliable. CRYPT1 handles binary files and lacks the pipe and I/O redirection facilities of CRYPTO. CUG280.17-DELSUBO.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Deletes Sub Archive object files no longer needed after library is compiled. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.18-DELSUBS.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Deletes Sub Archive object files no longer needed after library is compiled. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.19-DETAB.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Converts tabs to equivalent number of blanks. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.20-DODASH.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Locates dash used as possible shorthand notation between two range delimiters and expands that notation. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, TRANSLIT.C, FILSET.C. [MS-DOS] CUG280.21-ENTAB.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Replaces blanks by tabs and blanks. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.22-ERROR.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Prints call-specified fatal error message and stops. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.23-ERRTOOL.DOC doc By Toshiya Ohta. Error messages for Software Tools. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.24-ESC.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Checks for an escape in command line and returns the appropriate character and the proper index. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.25-EXPAND.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Uncompresses standard input. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.26-FGETLIN.C source By Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.27-FILES.LST doc By Toshiya Ohta. Lists of files contained in archives for Software Tools Source. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. CUG280.28-FILSET.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Builds a translation set, expanding short hand as necessary, out of a TRANSLIT command line. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, TRANSLIT.C. [MS-DOS] CUG280.29-FIND1.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Finds patterns in text. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.30-FINDO.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Finds patterns in text. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.31-FORMAT.C source By Toshiya Ohta. Text formatter. TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.32-FRQNCY.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Produces a word frequency list for a text, sorted into order of decreasing frequency. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.33-GETCCL.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Encodes character classes for TRANSLIT. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, TRANSLIT.C. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.34-GETLIN.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.35-GETPAT.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Converts arguments into patterns. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, TRANSLIT.C. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.36-GETWORD.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.37-GETWRD.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Isolates the next word on the input line, skipping any leading blanks and tabs and returns the word, it's length, and an index to just past the end of the word. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.38-ITOA.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.39-ITOD.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.40-JUGPDS.FRM doc Contribution Form for JUG-CP/M Public Domain. CUG280.41-KWIC.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Makes KeyWord In Context index. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.42-LNKMAIN.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Compiler linkage for main archive. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS] CUG280.43-LOCATE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Looks for a specified character in a chosen character class. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.44-MACRO.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Expands macros with arguments. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.45-MAKPAT.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Converts a patterned argument into its encoded form in the array pat. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.46-MISC.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Miscellaneous functions. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] All functions do not use Lattice C V3.1J. CUG280.47-MSORT.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Sorts ASCII text file in memory. Can handle up to about 2000 lines or 30K bytes. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] Stack size must be specified upon invocation of this command. CUG280.48-OVERSTRK.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Converts backspaces into multiple lines. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.49-QUICK.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Quicksort for character lines. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.50-SORT.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Sorts & merges text. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.51-STCLOS.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Inserts closure entries in patterns. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.52-STRDCMP.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.53-STRDFCMP.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.54-STRFCMP.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.55-STRSAVE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.56-SWAP.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.57-SWTOOLS.DOC doc By Toshiya Ohta. Outlines what's included in this modification of Software Tools for Lattice C, and includes page reference numbers to the text "Software Tools" (Kernighan & Plauger), compilation and linkage instructions, and notes on translating from Ratfor to Lattice C. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. CUG280.58-TEST.ANS doc By Toshiya Ohta. Appropriate results for comparison against results of TEST.M4 of MACRO.C. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, MACRO.C, TEST.M4. CUG280.59-TOOLFUNC.H header By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Header files for Software Tools main routine. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. CUG280.60-TOOLLINK.BAT batch By Toshiya Ohta. Linkage settings for Software Tools. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. CUG280.61-TOOLS.H header By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. stdio.h-Standard I/O Header for Software Tools. Definitions for MS-DOS. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. CUG280.62-TOOLSLBN.LIB library By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Contains the Software Tools library, ported from BDS C. It converts from BDS C to standard l/O routines, fixes some bugs and enhances the error reporting system. => TOOLSLBV.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.63-TOOLSLBV.LIB library By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Same as TOOLSLBN.LIB, but the author feels that 80/86 mode generates object code more efficiently (in terms of memory and speed.). => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.64-TRANSLIT.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Maps standard input characters and transliterates them according to command arguments provided. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.65-TYPE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Determines whether a particular character is a letter, a digit, or something else; it returns LETTER, DIGIT or the character itself. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. CUG280.66-UNIQUE.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Strips adjacent duplicate lines. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.67-UNROT.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Unrotates lines rotated by KWIC. => TOOLSLBN.LIB, KWIC.C. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.68-XINDEX.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. Inverts condition returned by INDEX. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.69- COPY.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] CUG280.70-_ITOA.C source By Hakuo Katayose, Toshiya Ohta. => TOOLSLBN.LIB. [MS-DOS: LC3.1J] ============================================================================== CUG281 - ----------- Unicorn Library v5.1 By David A. Miller. [share2] 2 disks. David A. Miller (WA) has submitted a new Unicorn Library. The earlier Unicorn Library v4.0 (available on CUG268 and CUG269) is graphics oriented. Unlike the earlier product, this shareware release is oriented toward screen-layout and design, windows and data entry forms, and contains over 300 functions. The disk includes header files, a reference guide, demonstration programs, and a linkable small model library compiled under Microsoft C v5.1. CUG281.01-DEM MENU.C source Demo program for menu functions, also spawns the window, data entry and general library demo programs from a menu. => UCLIB.LIB, DEM_MENU.MK. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG281.02-DEM_MENU.EXE executable => DEM_MENU.C. CUG281.03-DEM_MENU.MK make => DEM_MENU.C. CUG281.04-LIB_DEMO.C source Unicorn Library 5.00 Demo Program. => UCLIB.LIB, DEM_MENU.MK. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG281.05-LIB_DEMO.EXE executable => LIB_DEMO.C. CUG281.06-LIB_DEMO.MK make => LIB_DEMO.C. CUG281.07-MN_DEFS.H header Menu type definitions. => UCLIB.LIB, MN GLOB.H, MN_XTRN.H. CUG281.08-MN GLOB.H header Menu function global variables. => UCLIB.LIB, MN DEFS.H. CUG281.09-MN XTRN.H header Menu function global external variables. UCLIB.LIB, MN DEFS.H. CUG281.10-READ.ME doc Unicorn Software. Outline of Unicorn Library's current update status and anticipated development and availability. UCLIB.LIB. CUG281.11-REF_GUID.TXT doc Unicorn Library Reference Guide (UCLIB 5.00). List of overview comments for each function. => UCLIB.LIB. CUG281.12-REGISTER.DOC doc Registration Information. => UCLIB.LIB. CUG281.13-TDATA.C source Test program for data entry functions. Demonstrates some of the data entry functions contained in the Unicorn Library. => UCLIB.LIB, TDATA.MK. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG281.14-TDATA.EXE executable => TDATA.C. CUG281.15-TDATA.MK make => TDATA.C. CUG281.16-UCLIB.LIB library Unicorn Library v 5.1 contains over 300 functions oriented toward screen-layout and design, windows and data entry forms. Includes video control functions, keyboard functions, data entry functions, character control functions, windowing functions, menu functions, timer functions, printer control functions, mathematical functions (including geometric functions and metric-english conversions. This is the linkable small model library. => DEM_MENU.C, LIB_DEMO.C, TDATA.C, WINDOW.C, MN_DEFS.H UC_DEFS.H, WN_DEFS.H, UCLIB.MK. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG281.17-UCLIB.MK make => UCLIB.LIB. CUG281.18-UC_CHK.EXE executable CUG281.19-UC_DEFS.H header Provides the defines required for Unicorn functions. => UCLIB.LIB, UC_GLOB.H, UC_KEY.H, UC_PROTO.H, UC_XTRN.H. CUG281.20-UC_GLOB.H header Globals for Unicorn Library. => UCLIB.LIB, UC DEFS.H. CUG281.21-UC_KEY.H header Defines internal key codes for special extended keys on IBM and clone computers. => UCLIB.LIB, UC DEFS.H. CUG281.22-UC_PROTO.H header Function prototypes for UCLIB.LIB. => UCLIB.LIB, UC_DEFS.H. CUG281.23-UC_XTRN.H header Contains external definitions required for UCLIB.LIB. => UCLIB.LIB, UC DEFS.H. CUG281.24-VERSION.TXT doc Version information for this disk's UCLIB.LIB. => UCLIB.LIB. CUG281.25-WINDOW.C source Demo program for UCLIB.LIB version 5.10 window functions. => UCLIB.LIB, WINDOW.MK. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG281.26-WINDOW.EXE executable => WINDOW.C. CUG281.27-WINDOW.MK make => WINDOW.C. CUG281.28-WN_DEFS.H header Definitions for the Unicorn Window Systems, U.2.0. => UCLIB.LIB WN GLOB.H, WN PROTO.H, WN XTRN H CUG281.29-WN GLOB.H header Globals for Unicorn Windows version 3.0. => UCLIB.LIB, WN DEFS.H. CUG281.30-WN_PROTO.H header Function prototypes for the Unicorn Software window system version 2.0. UCLIB.LIB, WN_DEFS.H. CUG281.31-WN XTRN.H header External header for Unicorn Windows 3.0. => UCLIB.LIB, WN_DEFS.H. ============================================================================== CUG282 - ----------- Quip and Graphics [public] 1 disk. This volume contains a modified QUIP (fortune cookie program) and some graphics programs for the Hercules graphics card. David Bryant (MA) has reworked the QUIP program from CUG182, fixing a number of problems, including partially implemented features (no seeding of the random number generator), incompatibilities with MS-DOS, and non-portable file structures. The resulting version will compile under both MS-DOS and UNIX. The source code and an executable image (compiled under Quick C) are included on the disk. Dan Schecter (ND) has contributed three programs: WALCLOCK, HOD and GEARS. WALCLOCK produces an analog clock face in Hercules graphics. HOD implements the Hodgepodge machine as decribed in Scientific American, also using Hercules graphics. GEARS is a bicycle gear chart calculator in the form of a mini-spreadsheet. All programs include source code and excecutable code compiled under Aztec C. CUG282.01-GEARS.C source By Dan Schechter. Bicycle gear chart calculator. Calculates gears in gear inches, shows percentage change between adjacent chain rings and between adjacent freewheels, and amount of chain slack. Works like a mini-spreadsheet, recalculating entire chart each time an entry is altered. => GEARS.EXE, GEARS.DOC. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] Uses Aztec scr-functions. CUG282.02-GEARS.DOC doc By Dan Schechter. Operating instructions. => GEARS.C. CUG282.03-GEARS.EXE executable By Dan Schechter. => GEARS.C. CUG282.04-HOD.C source By Dan Schechter. Hodgepodge. Makes waves. => HOD.DOC. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] Requires Hercules monochrome graphics. Hard disk recommended. CUG282.05-HOD.DOC doc By Dan Schechter. Operating instructions. => HOD.C. CUG282.06-HOD.EXE executable By Dan Schechter. CUG282.07-INDEX doc By Dan Schechter. Header IDs and brief descriptions for executable files respective to GEARS, HOD and WALCLOCK. => GEARS.C, HOD.C, WALCLOCK.C. CUG282.08-QUIP.C source By David Bryant. Part of a fortune cookie system, this program displays the actual fortune. An optional command line paramenter determines the number of quips displayed. => QUIP.H, QUIPUPDT.C, QUIPADD.C, QUIP.DAT, QUIP.KEY. [UNIX, MS-DOS: QUICKC] CUG282.09-QUIP.DAT data By David Bryant. Fortune text data. => QUIP.C. CUG282.10-QUIP.DOC doc By David Bryant. Operating instructions. => QUIP.C. CUG282.11-QUIP.EXE executable By David Bryant. => GEARS.C. CUG282.12-QUIP.H header By David Bryant. Defines the files for use by the QUIP programs. => QUIP.C. CUG282.13-QUIP.KEY data By David Bryant. Indexes the start of each quip in QUIP.DAT. => QUIP.C, QUIP.DAT. CUG282.14-QUIPADD.C source By David Bryant. This program appends new quips to the end of the quip file QUIP.DAT and updates the index file QUIP.KEY. => QUIP.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: QUICKC] CUG282.15-QUIPADD.EXE executable By David Bryant. => QUIPADD.C. CUG282.16-QUIPUPDT.C source By David Bryant. This program takes the quip file QUIP.DAT and creates a new index file QUIP.KEY from it. => QUIP.C. [UNIX, MS-DOS: QUICKC] CUG282.17-QUIPUPDT.EXE executable By David Bryant. => QUIPUPDT.C. CUG282.18-README doc By Dan Schechter. Explains that INDEX is the table of contents for Dan Schechter's submissions. CUG282.19-SUBMIT.TXT doc By David Bryant. Letter explaining modifications in QUIP programs submitted. => QUIP.C. CUG282.20-WALCLOCK.C source By Dan Schechter. WALL CLOCK. Presents an animated analog clock face with sweep second hand and audible ticking. Includes 12-hour or 24-hour format and options to local time (Australian, Chinese and Reagan) intended for amusement. => WALCLOCK.DAT, WALCLOCK.EXE. [MS-DOS: AZTEC] Requires Hercules monochrome graphics. CUG282.21-WALCLOCK.DAT data By Dan Schechter. Look-up table for WALCLOCK. => WALCLOCK.C. CUG282.22-WALCLOCK.EXE executable By Dan Schechter. => WALCLOCK.C. ============================================================================== CUG283 - ----------- FAFNIR By David C. Oshel. [public] 3 disks. David C. Oshel (IA), the author of CUG239 & CUG240 (P.C. Gammon) has contributed Fafnir, a general-purpose, table-driven forms engine. Fafnir includes support for about a dozen pre-defined field types, including dollar, date, and variable-width text. A Library of screen management functions support one and two page screen forms. An accompanying screen editor (for PC-clones) facilitates screen design. An elaborate set of macro definitions simplify table specification. Source is included for an IBM PC screen driver which writes directly to screen RAM. Demonstration programs exhibit most of the possible tricks and graces. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG283.01-BURLAP make CUG283.02-BURLAP.C source This is a mailing list maintenance program featuring Faircom's c-tree (TM) ISAM file management for speed & convenience. => BURLAP, BURLAP.EXE, BURLAP.H, MACROS.C, PRINTER.C, SELECT.C. [MS-DOS2: MSC5] CUG283.03-BURLAP.CFG data Screen colors and snow flag save/restore file. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.04-BURLAP.DT data Default c-tree (TM) ISAM data, binary file. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.05-BURLAP.EXE executable => BURLAP.C. CUG283.06-BURLAP.H header Global data and function prototypes for BURLAP. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.07-BURLAP.IX data Default c-tree (TM) ISAM index, binary file. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.08-BURLAP.P data Default c-tree (TM) ISAM parameters, text file. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.09-BURLAP.S data default screen image file. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.10-CIAO.H header Declarations for all global data & functions for screen and keyboard 1/0, utilities, Macros. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.11-CLAIROL.H header Module lets users decide screen colors. CIAO.H, KEYS.H. CUG283.12-COUNTIES.C source Scrollbar menu returns IOWA D.O.T. county codes from list. => FAFNIR.C. [MS-DOS2: MSC5, MASM5] CUG283.13-CRC.DOC doc Description of CRC background, function, capabilities, commands, & algorithm notes. CRC.EXE. CUG283.14-CRC.EXE executable CRC for MSDOS & concurrent PC-DOS. This is a disk file CRC checking and generating utility originally written for CP/M-80, CP/M-86, MP/M-86 and Concurrent PC-DOS, now available for MSDOS. CRC will run on systems with as little as 25K of RAM. It may be used to verify the integrity of PC-Blue or SIG/M public domain distribution disks. => CRC.EXE, CRCKLIST.CRC. [MS-DOS2] MSDOS 2.0 or higher required for operation. CUG283.15-CRCKLIST.CRC data Used as look-up table, listing the CRC's of serial files, for integrity checks. => CRC.EXE. CUG283.16-CRYPT.C source Hogg's Code encryption, decryption. CUG283.17-CVIDEO.C source Low-level screen I/O. => VIDEO.H. CUG283.18-DEMO.C source Demonstrates some of the Fafnir library's forms editing routines. => FAFNIR.H, CIAO.H. CUG283.19-DEMO41.EXE executable Demonstrates Fafnir forms I/O, large model. => FAFNIR4L.LIB. CUG283.20-DEMO4S.EXE executable Demonstrates Fafnir forms I/O, small model. => FAFNIR4S.LIB. CUG283.21-DLRCVT.C source Converts dollar long int to dollar formatted string. => CIAO.H. CUG283.22-ES.C source Displays/edits program screens, saves as compilable C source text. => CIAO.H, KEYS.H, FAFNIR.C, BURLAP.C, ES.DOC, ES.EXE. CUG283.23-ES.DOC doc Brief introduction ES.EXE. => ES.EXE. CUG283.24-ES.EXE executable Screen file editor, small model. [MS-DOS2] CUG283.25-FAF1.S data Screen file for DEMO.C - demo, page 1 of 2. => DEMO.C. CUG283.26-FAF2.S data Screen file for DEMO.C - demo, page 2 of 2. => DEMO.C. CUG283.27-FAFNIR make Makes script for compiling Fafnir libraries & programs. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.28-FAFNIR.C source A general-purpose, table-driven forms engine for data entry, with unlimited data types, but standard field types are predefined as Macros: i.e. Text, Dollar, Date, Phone, SSN, Display, Virtual, etc. Source code for Elysian Fields and page editors. => CIAO.H, KEYS.H, FAFNIR.H, CLAIROL.C, COUNTIES.C, CRYPT.C, CVIDEO.C, DEMO.C, DLRCUT.C, ES.C, FAFNIR, FSTATS.C, GOTOXY.C, JULIAN.C, KEYDEFS.C, KEYIN.C, KEYS.ASM, LVIDEO.ASM, JULDAY.C. [MS-DOS2: MSC5, MASM5] CUG283.29-FAFNIR.DOC doc Description, history, improvements, & bugs remaining. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.30-FAFNIR.H header Magic macros for Forms Nivana, plus globals, etc. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.31-FAFNIR4L.LIB library Large model forms engine library, containing all object code for Fafnir files listed on distribution package. => FAFNIR.C, FAFNIR4L.XRF, DEMO4L.EXE, JDEMO4L.EXE. CUG283.32-FAFNIR4L.XRF doc Cross-reference listing of functions and associated source files for FAFNIR4L.LIB. => FAFNIR4L.LIB, FAFNIR.C. CUG283.33-FAFNIR4S.LIB library Small model forms engine library, containing all object code for Fafnir files listed on distribution package. => FAFNIR.C, FAFNIR4S.LIB, DEMO4S.EXE, JDEMO4S.EXE. CUG283.34-FAFNIR4S.XRF doc Cross-reference listing of functions and associated source files for FAFNIR4S.LIB. => FAFNIR4S.LIB, FAFNIR.C. CUG283.35-FSTATS.C source Routine finds MS-DOS file size. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.36-GOTOXY.C source These are functions that directly affect the machine curser, and CIAO's soft curser screen write location. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.37-JDEMO4L.EXE executable Demonstrates MSJ direct video routines, large model. => FAFNIR4L.LIB, FAFNIR.C. CUG283.38-JDEMO4S.EXE executable Demonstrate direct video routines, small model. => FAFNIR4S.LIB, FAFNIR.C. CUG283.39-JULDAY.C source Converts a Julian day number to mm, dd, yyyy, & v.v. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.40-JULIAN.C source Julian Day Number routine. Astronomical version, returns double float, not long. FAFNIR.C. CUG283.41-KEYDEFS.C source Displays a popout window with the ten Fn keys drawn down the middle. The function names are listed in 21 character fields to left and right. Sample arrays of menu strings are shown below, all 10 must be defined even if the string is null. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H, KEYS.H. CUG283.42-KEYIN.C source Waits for a keypress, blanks screen after 8 minutes of inactivity. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H. CUG283.43-KEYS.ASM source ROM-BIOS keyboard services for small-model C programs. Assembler keyin routine for ES.EXE screen editor (small). => ES.C. CUG283.44-KEYS.H header Defines IBM PC extended key codes. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H. These definitions require keyin O from the CIAO library, or another of my own functions. CUG283.45-LVIDEO.ASM source This program handles direct writes to the IBM PC video screen buffer located in RAM. => FAFNIR.C, FAFNIR4L.LIB. CUG283.46-MACROS.C source Macro definitions. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.47-MAKEIT.BAT batch Make file for FAFNIR4x.LlB. => FAFNIR4L.LIB, FAFNIR4S.LIB, FAFNIR.C. Requires installed MSC5.0 (and utils) and MASM 5.0 to start. CUG283.48-MSJDEMO.C source Demo from MicroSoft Systems Journal, Nov. 88 (modified). => FAFNIR.C, VIDEO.H. CUG283.49-OLDEDITS.C source Obsolete line editing functions. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H, KEYS.H. CUG283.50-PRINTER.C source Printer control routines. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.51-README.DOC doc Description of package, starting it up, its requirements and assumptions, files produced after compilation, and files submitted on the distribution disk. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.52-README2.DOC doc Description of BURLAP, distributed files, created files, data files, file structure, background, operations, and non-disclosure notes. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.53-SAVESCRN.C source Saves all aspects of the current window and cursor environment, not screen contents. Returns the value of the save/restored synchronized flag. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.54-SCROLL.C source Direct video, scrolls region up or down one line. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.55-SELECT.C source This exhibits the relationships between a form and the actual storage location(s) of the data collected into the form. => BURLAP.C, FAFNIR.C. CUG283.56-SOUND.C source Standard sound effects and IBM PC tone generation primitives. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H. CUG283.57-SVIDEO.ASM source This program handles direct writes to the IBM PC video screen buffer located in RAM. => FAFNIR.C, FAFNIR4S.LIB. Small model stack bias. Requires MASM 5.0 or MASM 5.1 per documentation. CUG283.58-SWAPSCRN.C source Swaps visible with hidden screen buffer. FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.59-TM.C source Time and date routines, cf-time () and cf-date (), corresponding to C Food Smorgasboard functions with same arguments. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.60-TYPEAFIL.C source Reads a text file and displays it with optional word wrap in a window box. PgUp reviewing included. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H, KEYS.H. CUG283.61-USSTATES.C source Scrollbar menu returns Z-letter U.S. State abbrv. from list. => FAFNIR.C. CUG283.62-VERSION.INF doc Explanations of modifications which resulted in Burlap v 2.1 and Burlap v 2.3. => BURLAP.C. CUG283.63-VIDEO.H header Global data and C function prototypes for LVIDEO and CVIDEO routines. Also macro assembler functions and documentation regarding FAFNIR library's current aspects and the direction of its development. FAFNIR.C. CUG283.64-VIDINIT.C source This is the part of CIAO that contains initialization and deinitialization, plus all global and external data. There are no references to functions other that the C library and the MST low-level I/O functions in here. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.65-VIDINIT.H header => FAFNIR.C, VIDEO.H. CUG283.66-WBOX.C source Draws a box and establishes a window inside it. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.67-WINDOW.C source Window dimension routines. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.68-WINK.C source Window character out, obeys backspace and new line inside window routine. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. CUG283.69-WPRINTF.C source printf formatted string into window, honors all the wputs attribute escape commands. => FAFNIR.C, CIAO.H. CUG283.70-WPUTS.C source Puts string inside a window, uses wink, interprets video attribute escape codes. => FAFNIR.C, VIDINIT.H. ============================================================================== CUG284 - ----------- Portable 8080 System (JUG070) By M. Sekiguchi. [public] 1 disk. M. Sekiguchi, Tokyo, has submitted an 8080 interpreter in C. This interpreter (with a user-supplied object image of CP/M-80) will execute CP/M-80 on non-8080 systems. The interpreter could also be used as a simulator by programmers developing firmware for an embedded 8080 of 8085 processor. The disk includes the 8080 machine code interpreter, written in portable C, and several other utilities. CP/M is not included on the disk, by some tools for porting CP/M to the simulated environment are provided, including a C version of the BIOS routines required by CP/M. (The provided BIOS is for an NEC running MS-DOS and would require adaptation to work in other environments.) The disk also contains some stand-alone programs including Palo Alto Tiny BASIC. The stand-alone programs can be executed under the portable 8080 system without CP/M. Sekiguchi has tested the program on several machines including an MS-DOS PC-clone and UNIX workstation. The program was developed under Turbo C v1.5j (a Japanese variant). CUG284.01-BASIC.ASM source Palo Alto Tiny BASIC. CP/M assembly code for a stand-alone BASIC ported to 18080. Intended for demonstration, emphasizing the speed and memory size of an actual 8080 processor. => BASIC.DOC, BASIC.HEX, 18080.EXE. [CP/M-80: TC1.5] You cannot save a file including BASIC code. The only available memory is 3 K bytes. CUG284.02-BASIC.DOC doc Synopsis & description of Palo Alto Tiny BASIC. => BASIC.ASM, BASIC.HEX. CUG284.03-BASIC.HEX executable => BASIC.DOC, BASIC.ASM. CUG284.04-BIOS.C source CP/M BIOS simulator. This module logically consists of 5 parts: physical dish I/O, direct I/O port simulation, normal (simulated) disk I/O, character I/O, and common initialization routines. => 18080.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] Physical disk support routine calls NEC disk BIOS and cannot run on other hardware. CUG284.05-BIOS.H header BIOS configuration (must match with CP/M). CUG284.06-BIOS20.ASM source fake bios for Portable CP/M system. => 18080.EXE, BIOS20.HEX. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.07-BIOS20.HEX executable assembled 20KB BIOS. => BIOS20.ASM. CUG284.08-CATALOG.070 doc Disk volume catalog of contents. CUG284.09-COMPILE.H header defines for compiler and/or CPU dependent conditions. Offers choices for MSCv3 (8086), Turbo C 1.5 (8086), Lattice Cv2 (8086), Digital Research C (68000), AT&T's 3B2 with UNIX system V. => 18080.EXE. Not all options have been tested. CUG284.10-CONFIG.H header System Configuration. Defines some constants to configure the system. Modifications can be made for work space, file names, and/or operation mode options. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.11-COPYALL.ASM source Stand alone utility to copy virtual CP/M disks. Can copy between virtual and physical disks. => 18080.EXE, COPYALL.DOC, COPYALL.HEX. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] This program does not use SECTRAN function and is intended for standard CP/M format (8"1 s) only. No error checking is performed during execution and program cannot be terminated until it finishes. CUG284.12-COPYALL.DOC doc Virtual disk copy utility manual page. => COPYALL.ASM, COPYALL.HEX. CUG284.13-COPYALL.HEX executable COPYALL.ASM, COPYALL.DOC. CUG284.14-CPM.DOC doc Porting of CP/M for the portable 8080 system. Explains porting procedures centered on copying the real CP/M to the simulated environment. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.15-CPMFILE.C source Virtual disk access utility. => 18080.EXE, CPMFILE.EXE, CPMFILE.DOC. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] Numerous bugs (see CPMFILE.DOC). CUG284.16-CPMFILE.DOC doc Virtual disk access utility manual pages. => CPMFILE.C, CPMFILE.EXE. Numerous bugs listed. CUG284.17-CPMFILE.EXE executable => CPMFILE.C, CPMFILE.DOC. CUG284.18-CRC.EXE executable Checksum program (ver 6.71). => CRCKLIST.070. CUG284.19-CRCKLIST.070 data CRC values of files on this disk. => CRC.EXE. CUG284.20-DEFS.H header Commom definitions. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.21-GETSYS.ASM source Stand-alone utility to extract CP/M operating system from a standard CP/M master floppy disk. => GETSYS.DOC, GETSYS.HEX. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] No error checking during execution. Utility for standard CP/M format (8"1s) only. Other bugs (see GETSYS.DOC). CUG284.22-GETSYS.DOC doc Manual page for utility to extract CP/M system. => GETSYS.ASM, GETSYS.HEX. Bugs listed. CUG284.23-GETSYS.H EX executable => GETSYS.ASM, GETSYS.DOC. CUG284.24-HALT.ASM source A CP/M program to stop 18080 source. => HALT.COM. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.25-HALT.COM executable => HALT.ASM. CUG284.26-18080.DOC doc Manual pages for 8080 simulator. => 18080.EXE, 18080.PRJ. CUG284.27-18080.EXE executable Intel 8080 simulator. Includes machine code interpreter. Designed to run a CP/M-80 system under NCH-8080 micros. Tested on MS-DOS PC and UNIX. Written in Potable C. => 18080.DOC, 18080.PRJ, BASIC.ASM, BIOS.C, BIOS20.ASM, COMPILE.H, CONFIG.H, COPYALL.ASM, CPMFILE.C, DEFS.H, GETSYS.ASM, MAIN.C, MAKEFILE.MAK, MKHEX.C, MONITOR.C, NEWDSK.C, TRACE.C, HALT.ASM, MACHINE.C. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.28-18080.PRJ make Project file of 8080 for Turbo C. 18080.EXE. CUG284.29-JUGPDS.FRM doc Contribution form for JUG-CP/M Public Domain Library. CUG284.30-MACHINE.C source An 8080 machine instruction interpreter. => 18080.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.31-MAIN.C source Main program for virtual CP/M simulator. 18080.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.32-MAKEFILE.MAK make Make file for. portable 8080 engine and virtual CP/M-80 system. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.33-MKHEX.C source Utility to create CP/M boot image file (CPMxx.HEX--xx stands for system size.). 18080.EXE, MKHEX.DOC, MKHEX.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] No error checking is performed. CUG284.34-MKHEX.DOC doc Manual pages for CP/M boot image file creation utility. => MKHEX.EXE, MKHEX.C. CUG284.35-MKHEX.EXE executable => MKHEX.C, MKHEX.DOC. CUG284.36-MON.H header Configuration constants for MONITOR.C virtual environment manager. => MONITOR.C. CUG284.37-MONITOR.C source Virtual Environment Manager. => 18080.EXE, MON.H. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.38-NEWDSK.C source Creates and initializes a virtual disk file for 18080. => 18080.EXE, NEWDSK.DOC, NEWDSK.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.39-NEWDSK.DOC doc Manual page for virtual disk initialization utility. => NEWDSK.C, NEWDSK.EXE. CUG284.40-NEWDSK.EXE executable => NEWDSK.C, NEWDSK.DOC. CUG284.41-PORTING.DOC doc Porting Portable 8080 System to Other Systems. Includes information on the nature of compilers, Low level Input/Output (BIOS), and command line interface and boot file. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.42-PROG.DOC doc Generic information about the 18080 program. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.43-READ-ME.070 object Introduction to the 18080 package. => 18080.EXE. CUG284.44-STAND.DOC object Instructions for creating a stand-alone program. (a program you can execute without CP/M in 18080.). => 18080.EXE. CUG284.45-TRACE.C source 8080 instruction tracer. => 18080.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.46-UTIL.C source General utility routines for monitor. => 18080.EXE, MONITOR.C. [MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG284.47-WARNING.CUG doc => 18080.EXE. Documentation file extensions were changed from .SJD to .DOC when translated to English. CUG284.48-WARNING.DOC doc => 18080.EXE. Notes on BIOS.C and physical disk access routines. These areas require some modification to be ported from NEC PC-9801 series. ============================================================================== CUG285 - ----------- BISON for MS-DOS By Daniel R. Haney. [public] 3 disks. Daniel R. Haney (MA) has ported Bison, a yacc-like parser generator, to the MS-DOS environment. Bison was originally developed by Robert Corbett and Richard Stallman as a part of the Free Software Foundation's GNU. Haney added prototypes for ANSI conformance and adapted the code that depends on MS-DOS filename conventions. Bison compiles under Microsoft C v5.1 and Turbo C v1.5. The original UNIX code remains in the source (commented out). Thus with little modification our distribution can still compile under UNIX/XENIX. The disk contains the complete Bison source code including a Makefile, an extensive set of tutorials and an example program (HOC3 - High Order Calculator from "Unix Programming Environments by Kernighan and Pike). The current update added the OS/2 versions of executable files, and incorporated additional changes and enhancements. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG285.01-ALLOCATE.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Allocate and clear storage for BISON. ALLOCATE.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.02-ALLOCATE.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => ALLOCATE.C. CUG285.03-BISON.1 By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Bison manual in nroff format. => DOSBISON.EXE, BISON.MAN, CHANGES, README, REFERENC, BISON.CLD, BISON.TEX, BISONINF.0, BISONINF.1, BISONINF.2, BISONINF.3. CUG285.04-BISON.H header By Daniel R. Haney. Bison's main header. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.05-BISON.LNK link By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Link file. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.06-BISON.MAK make By Roberto Artigas Jr.. => OS2BISON.EXE. [OS/2] CUG285.07-BISON.MAN doc UNIX programmer's Bison manual. => DOSBISON.EXE, BISON.1. CUG285.08-BISON.TEX doc By Richard Stallman, Charles Donnelly. Bison reference manual. DOSBISON.EXE, BISON.1. CUG285.09-BISONINF.0 doc Contains copyright information and Tab Tables (indirect) for nodes. => DOSBISON.EXE, BISON.MAN, BISONINF.1. CUG285.10-BISONINF.1 doc => BISONINF.0. CUG285.11-BISONINF.2 doc => BISONINF.1. CUG285.12-BISONINF.3 doc BISONINF.2. CUG285.13-CHANGES doc Jan. 1989, port of Gnu Bison to MS-DOS. => BISON.1, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.14-CLOSURE.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Three subroutines for Bison: closure(items,n); initialize_closure(n); and finalize_closure (). => DOSBISON.EXE, CLOSURE.H, LR0.C. CUG285.15-CLOSURE.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => CLOSURE.C. CUG285.16-CONFLICT.C By Daniel R. Haney. Find and resolve or report look-ahead conflicts for Bison. => CONFLICT.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.17-CONFLICT.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => CONFLICT.C. CUG285.18-COPYING doc By Richard Stallman. Bison General Public License. Copyright notice by Free Software Foundation. => BISON.1, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.19-DERIVES.C source By Robert Corbett. Match rules with nonterminals for Bison. => DOSBISON.EXE, DERIVES.H. CUG285.20-DERIVES.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => DERIVES.C. CUG285.21-DOSBISON.EXE executable By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Bison is a general purpose parser generator which converts a grammar description into a C program to parse that grammar. It is upward compatible with Bell Laboratories YACC. => DERIVES.C, OS2BISON.EXE HAIRY.PRS, SIMPLE.PRS, MAKEFILE, BISON.LNK, ALLOCATE.C, CLOSURE.C, CONFLICT.C, FILES.C, GETARGS.C, GETOPT.C, LALR.C, LEX.C, MAIN.C, NULLABLE.C, OUTPUT.C, GRAM.C, LR0.C. [MS-DOS: MSC, TC1.5] CUG285.22-FILELIST doc By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Bison distribution file list. CUG285.23-FILES.C source By Robert Corbett. Open and close files for Bison. => FILES.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.24-FILES.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => FILES.C. CUG285.25-GETARGS.C source By Robert Corbett. Parse command line arguments for Bison. => GETARGS.H DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.26-GETARGS.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => GETARGS.C. CUG285.27-GETOPT.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. This version of getopt appears to the caller like standard UNIX getopt but it behaves differently, since it allows the user to intersperse the options with the other arguments. => GETOPT.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.28-GETOPT.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => GETOPT.C. CUG285.29-GRAM.C source By Roberto Artigas Jr.. Allocate input grammar variables. => GRAM.H DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.30-GRAM.H header By Daniel R. Haney. Data definitions for internal representation of Bison's input. => GRAM.C. CUG285.31-HAIRY.PRS source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Parce Handler. Template for reentrant parser. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.32-HOC.IN By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Sample input file for higher order calculator. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.33-HOC3.H header By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.34-HOC3.Y source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Higher order calculator. => DOSBISON.EXE. HOC3.H, HOCDECL.H, HOC.IN, HOCDEMO.BAT, INIT.C, MATH.C, SYMBOL.C. CUG285.35-HOCDECL.H header By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Definitions for the HOC3.Y calculator. HOC3.Y. CUG285.36-HOCDEMO.BAT batch By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Demonstration of the Higher Order Calculator. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.37-HOCFILES.DOC doc By Daniel R. Haney. Brief description of HOC3 related files. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.38-HOC_IS.DOC doc By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Very brief description of what HOC3 does. => HOC3.DOC. CUG285.39-INIT.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Support functions for the Higher Order Calculator. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.40-LALR.C header By Robert Corbett. Compute look-ahead criteria for Bison. => LALR.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.41-LALR.H header By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. => LALR.C. CUG285.42-LEX.C source By Robert Corbett. Token reader for Bison's input parser. => LEX.H, DOSBISON.1. CUG285.43-LEX.H header By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Token type definitions for Bison's input reader. => LEX.C. CUG285.44-LR0.C source By Robert Corbett. Generate the nondeterministic finite state machine for Bison. => DOSBISON.1, LR0.H. CUG285.45-LR0.H header By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. => LR0.C. CUG285.46-MACHINE.H header By Robert Corbett, Richard Stallman. Define machine dependencies for Bison. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.47-MAIN.C source By Robert Corbett. Top level entry point of Bison. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.48-MAKEFILE make By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Object code dependencies file for MS-DOS. DOSBISON.EXE. [MSC5] CUG285.49-MAKEFILE.HOC make By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.50-MAKEFILE.MS make By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Microsoft C v 5.1 macros definitions.-HOC3.Y. CUG285.51-MATH.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Support functions for the Higher Order Calculator. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.52-NEW.H header By Robert Corbett. Storage allocation interface for Bison. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.53-NULLABLE.C source By Robert Corbett. Part of the Bison parser generator. => NULLABLE.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.54-NULLABLE.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => NULLABLE.C. CUG285.55-OS2BISON.EXE executable By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Bison generates a table driven parser written in C code from a grammar specification. It is upward compatible with Bell Laboratories YACC. => DISBISON.EXE, HAIRY.PRS SIMPLE.PRS, BISON.MAK, BISON.LNK, ALLOCATE.C, CLOSURE.C, CONFLICT.C, DERIVES.C, FILES.C, GETARGS.C, GETOPT.C, GRAM.C, CALR.C, LEX.C, LR0.C, MAIN.C, NULLABLE.C, OUTPUT.C. [OS/2] CUG285.56-OUTPUT.C source By Robert Corbett. Output the generated parsing program for Bison. => DOSBISON.EXE, OUTPUT.H. CUG285.57-OUTPUT.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => OUTPUT.C. CUG285.58-PRINT.C source By Robert Corbett. Print information on generated parser for Bison. DOSBISON.EXE, PRINT.H. CUG285.59-PRINT.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => PRINT.C. CUG285.60-READER.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Read the input specification. => DOSBISON.EXE, READER.H. CUG285.61-READER.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => READER.C. CUG285.62-README doc By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Information on installing Bison. => REFERENC, BISON.CLD. CUG285.63-REFERENC doc By Paul Rubin. Discusses differences between Bison and YACC. => README. CUG285.64-SIMPLE.PRS source By Robert Corbett, Richard Stallman. Template for a simple, non-reentrant parser. This is the parser code that is written into each Bison parser when the %semantic_parser declaration is not specified in the grammar. => HAIRY.PRS, DOSBISON.EXE. There must be only one dollar sign in this file. CUG285.65-STATE.H header By Robert Corbett. Type definitions for nondeterministic finite state machine for Bison. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.66-SYMBOL.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Support functions for the Higher Order Calculator. => HOC3.Y. CUG285.67-SYMTAB.C source By Robert Corbett. Symbol table manager for Bison. => SYMTAB.H, DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.68-SYMTAB.H header By Robert Corbett. Definitions for SYMTAB.C and callers. => SYMTAB.C. CUG285.69-TYPES.H header By Robert Corbett. Define data type for representing Bison's grammar input as it is parsed. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.70-UNIXMAKE.MAK make By Robert Corbett. Original UNIX makefile. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.71-USAGE.DOC doc By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. Brief description of what Bison is and what is required in order to use it. => DOSBISON.EXE. CUG285.72-VMSGTARG.C source By Daniel R. Haney, Robert Corbett. VMS version of getargs(): uses DCL command parsing (argc and argv are ignored). => DOSBISON.EXE, VMSHLP.MAR. CUG285.73-VMSHLP.MAR By Gabor Karsai. Macro help routines for the Bison/VMS program. => DOSBISON.EXE, VMSGTARG.C. CUG285.74-WARSHALL.C source By Robert Corbett. Generate transitive closure of a matrix. => DOSBISON.EXE, WARSHALL.H. CUG285.75-WARSHALL.H header By Daniel R. Harrison. => WARSHALL.C. ============================================================================== CUG286 - ----------- GRAD FOR MSC By Conrad Kwok. [share1] 2 disks. This is a new version (1.2) of the GRAD library. Unlike the earlier release (CUG237 and CUG238), this version includes the complete source. Because this change significantly alters the size of the distribution, we are releasing the update as new volumes instead of updating the original volumes. CUG286 includes the source code for Microsoft C v4.0, v5.0 and v5.1 and CUG287 includes the source code for Turbo C v1.0. The GRAD graphics library is a collection of functions for drawing dots, lines, circles, ellipsis, arcs and also for filling regions, displaying characters, printing, etc. Several useful sample programs such as a sideways print utility, a graphics and text merge utility,, and a graphics command interpreter are provided. GRAD includes support for CGA (640 X 200) and HGA (720 X 348) graphics modes and can be configured to support other graphics adapters. GRAD supports Epson FX-80, Okidata ML192 or compatibles and laser printers using the Jlaser card. The major differences between the GRAD library and other graphics libraries are its superior character display function and versatile printing function. With the GRAD library, less than 200 lines of commented code are required to write a sideways printing program with user definable size, font type, spacing, and top and bottom margins. CUG286.01-AMCSC10.FON data Caps and small caps font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.02-AMR14.FON data Roman font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.03-AMR7.FON data Roman font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.04-AMR7D.FON data Roman Sideways font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.05-AMSL8.FON data Slant font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.06-AMTT8.FON data TeleType font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.07-ARC2.C source Draws an arc (part of a circle). => GRADLIB.LIB, ARCPOINT.C, ARCSUPP.C. CUG286.08-ARCPOINT.C source Gives two endpoints of ARC2 or EARC2. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.09-ARCSUPP.C source Two supplemental routines for ARC2 and EARC2. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.10-BLKCLIP.C source Blockclip is a routine which clips a block against the window. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.11-BLKCOPY.C source Copy a data block between two frames. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.12-BLKLDSV.C source Blockload - load a block from the disk BlockSave - save a block to the disk. GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.13-CALCADDR.ASM source Calculates the word address of a point in bytes. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.14-CCALCADD.OBJ object GRADLIB.LIB, CALCADDR.ASM. CUG286.15-CHARDISP.ASM source Contains character display related functions: _wrtc -- move the pixel pattern from buffer to the current frame _copyfont -- copy the pixel data to buffer for manipulation _ctextL -- clip the left side of the pixel data _ctextR -- clip the right side of the pixel data. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.16-CIRC.ASM source Draws a logical circle. => GRADLIB.LIB, CIRCLE.C. Assembly code. CUG286.17-CIRCLE.C source Contains two external usable routines to draw circle and arc Circle -- draws a logical circle which will look like a circle only on a screen with square pixels. Arc1 -- Draw n/8 of a circle. n can be 0 to 8. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.18-CLINE.C source Line (x1, y1, x2, y2) - draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) inclusively. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.19-COLOR.MAK make Makefile for FTABLE.OBJ, CALCADDR.OBJ, PLOTTYPE.OBJ (parts of CGA driver). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.20-COORD.C source Contains functions for setting origins and window coordinates. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.21-DISPFONT.OBJ source Display font program object file. GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.22-DOSREAD.ASM source DOSREAD of GDS. Contains_dosread, _dosopen,_dosseek, and dosclose. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.23-DRAW.C source Interprets a string of commands for drawing. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.24-EARC2.C source Draws an arc (part of an ellipse). => GRADLIB.LIB, ARCPOINT.C, ARCSUPP.C. CUG286.25-ELLIPSE.C source Three external usable routines to draw ellipse and arc. :> GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.26-ENVIRON.C source Two functions: EnvSave -- saves the environment EnvRsto -- restores the environment. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.27-EQUIV.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.28-ERR.C source Example of using the user error handling features. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.29-EXECFUNC.ASM source Source file for compiling with executable functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.30-EXECFUNC.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, EXECFUNC.ASM. CUG286.31-EXETIME.C source Source file for timing GRAD function. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.32-EXETIME.MAK make Makefile for compiling TIME.C.=> GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.33-FCIRCLE.C source FillCircle -- draw a solid circle FillEllipse -draw a solid ellipse. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.34-FILE11MS.TXT doc Names, lengths and one-line descriptions of some files. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.35-FILEFON.TXT doc Names, lengths and descriptions of some font files. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.36-FILL.C source Solid Fill -- entirely fill a region Pattern fill -fill the area by the pattern specified. =>GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.37-FONT.C source Loadfont -- loads a font file from the disk Removefont -- removes a font from memory. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.38-FRAME.C source Create frame -- creates a new frame Remv frame -- removes a frame from GRAD and releases the memory. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.39-FTABLE.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.40-FTABLE.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, FTABLE.C. CUG286.41-GDS.H header => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.42-GDSLIB.MAK make => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.43-GDSLIB.NAM batch => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.44-GLOBAL.C source Initializes global variables. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.45-GRADARC.H header Header file for ARC1 and EARC1. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.46-GRADEGS.GCM source Command file example for interp and mprint. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.47-GRADENV.H header Header file for using EnvSave and EnvRsto. => GRADLIB.LIB, ENVIRON.C. CUG286.48-GRADEPSN.C source Printer controls for the Epson FX-80. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.49-GRADERR.C source Error handling routine. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.50-GRADFILE.DOC doc Brief description of GRAD archives. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.51-GRADIO.H header Header file for WriteStr, ReadStr, and WriteC. CUG286.52-GRADLIB.LIB library GRAD is a graphics library containing functions for drawing dots, lines, circles, ellipsis, and arcs and functions for region filling, window management, character display, and printing. [MS-DOS: MSC5, MSC4] CUG286.53-GRADOKI.C source Printer controls for Okidata ML192. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.54-GRADPROG.DOC doc GRAD programmer's reference manual. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.55-GRADUSER.DOC doc GRAD Graphics Library User's Manual Version 1.1 for IMB PC/XT/AT or compatibles. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.56-GRADVAR.H header GRAD global variables. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.57-HCALCADD.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, CALCADDR.ASM. CUG286.58-HLCOPY.ASM source Contains Level 1 horizontal line, vertical line drawing, and dot plotting routines. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.59-HLNLMT.ASM source => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.60-INIT.C source Source for GRAD initialization and cleanup functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.61-INSTALL.DOC doc Installation procedure and instructions on using GRAD. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.62-INTERP.C source This program is used to interpret GRAD functions in restricted C syntax of function calls. The method used is recursive descent. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.63-INTERP.MAK make Makefile for compiling INTERP.EXE from INTERP.C and EXECFUNC.ASM. => GRADLIB.LIB, INTERP.C, EXECFUNC.ASM. CUG286.64-JLASER.DOC doc Instructions for using a laser printer with a JLASER card. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.65-LINE.ASM source Level 1 line drawing function. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.66-MISC.ASM source Miscellaneous GDS functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.67-MPRINT.C source Sample program. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.68-MPRINT.MAK make => GRADLIB.LIB, MPRINT.C, EXECFUNC.ASM. CUG286.69-MPRT.GCM data One of the example files for MPRINT. => GRADLIB.LIB, MPRINT.C. CUG286.70-MPRT.TXT doc Another one of the example files for MPRINT. => GRADLIB.LIB, MPRINT.C. CUG286.71-NEXTXY.C source Gives next (x,y) location for ReadStr or WriteStr. => GRADLIB.LIB, MPRINT.C. CUG286.72-OE7.FON data Old English font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.73-OKI.MAK make Makefile for compiling GRADOKI.C with PRTGC.ASM. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.74-PFRAME.C source Printing functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.75-PFRAME.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PFRAME.C. CUG286.76-PLOTTYPE.ASM source This file contains the lowest level routine in writing and accessing the frame memory, and other related routines. => GRADLIB.LIB PLOTTYPE.OBJ. Assembly code. CUG286.77-PLOTTYPE.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PLOTTYPE.ASM. CUG286.78-PRT.ASM source Low level functions for printing, including: prt -- convert an 8 integer array for printing pbflush -- flush everything in buffer to printer rmvO - remove trailing zeros. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.79-PRTCNTL.C source Printer controls. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.80-PRTCNTL.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PRTCNTL.C. CUG286.81-PRTFONT.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.82-PRTFONT.H header => GRADLIB.LIB, PRTFONT.C. CUG286.83-PRTGC.ASM source prtc -- append a character to the buffer. GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.84-PRTGC.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PRTGC.ASM. CUG286.85-README.1ST doc System requirements and reference for execution of GRAD. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.86-README.DOC doc Introduction to GRAD: capabilities with guides to additional documentation. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.87-READSTR.C source Read a line from standard input. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.88-RECT.C source Draws a rectangle. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.89-ROTATE.C source This is a program to rotate the characters in a font file by 90 degrees in anti-clockwise direction. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.90-S16X16.FON data Font file (16 x 16). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.91-S5X6.FON data Font file (5 x 6). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.92-S6X8.FON data Font file (6 x 8). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.93-S6X8D.FON data Font (6 x 8 sideways) file. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.94-S8X8.FON data Font file (8 x 8). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.95-S9X14.FON data Font file (9 x 14). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.96-SELECT.C source Selectfont -- select the current font number. Select frame -- select the current frame. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.97-SINVAL.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.98-SIZE.C source Selects font size. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.99-SPECIAL1.C source Example of using SPACING FUNC. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.100-SWPRT.C source Sideways printing program. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.101-TANVAL.C source Tan value for degree 0, 0.5, 1.5, ... 43.5, 44.5, 45. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.102-TEST.DOC doc Directions for using example files and sample programs to test installation. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.103-TEX2GRAD.C source Program to convert a TEX pixel file (1002 PXL file) to a GRAD font file. GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.104-TIME.MAK make => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.105-VHLINE.C source Dot (x,y) -- write a single dot to a frame HorzLine (x,y,length,width) -- draw a horizontal line VertLine (x,y,length,width) -draw a vertical line. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.106-VHLN.ASM source Level 1 horizontal line, vertical line drawing and dotplotting routines. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG286.107-WARNING.CUG doc Naming conventions for duplicate filenames. CUG286.108-WRITE.C source Two public routines: writec--write a single character to the current frame using currently selected font writeStr--write a character string to the current frame using currently selected font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG286.109-XHLINE.C source Creates a horizontal line extended at both ends. => GRADLIB.LIB. ============================================================================== CUG287 - ----------- GRAD for Turbo C By Conrad Kwok. [share1] 3 disks. See CUG286 CUG287.01-AMCSC10.FON data Caps and small caps font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.02-AMR14.FON data Roman font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.03-AMR7.FON data Roman font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.04-AMR7D.FON data Roman sideways font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.05-AMSL8.FON data Slant font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.06-AMTT8.FON data TeleType font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.07-ARC2.C source Draws an arc (part of a circle). => GRADLIB.LIB, ARCPOINT.C, ARCSUPP.C. CUG287.08-ARCPOINT.C source Gives two endpoints of ARC2 or EARC2. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.09-ARCSUPP.C source Two supplemental routines for ARC2 and EARC2. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.10-BLKCLIP.C source Blockclip is a routine which clips a block against the window. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.11-BLKCOPY.C source Copy a data block between two frames. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.12-BLKLDSV.C source Blockload - load a block from the disk Blocksave - save a block to the disk. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.13-CALCADDR.ASM source Calculates the word address of a point in bytes. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.14-CCALCADD.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, CALCADDR.ASM. CUG287.15-CFTABLE.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB. This file was extracted from archives, originally \COLOR.ARC\FTABLE.OBJ. CUG287.16-CHARDISP.ASM source Contains character display related functions: _wrtc--move the pixel pattern from buffer to the current frame _copyfont--copy the pixel data to buffer for manipulation _ctextL--clip the left side of the pixel data _ctextR--clip the right side of the pixel data. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.17-CIRC.ASM source Draws a logical circle. => GRADLIB.LIB, CIRCLE.C. Assembly code. CUG287.18-CIRCLE.C source Contains two external usable routines to draw circle and arc circle--draws a logical circle which will look like a circle only on a screen with square pixels Arc1--Draw n/8 of a circle. n can be 0 to 8. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.19-CLINE.C source Line (x1, y1, x2, y2) draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) inclusively. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.20-COLOR.MAK make Makefile for FTABLE.OBJ. CALCADDR.OBJ, PLOTTYPE.OBJ (parts of CGA driver). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.21-COORD.C source Contains functions for setting origins and window coordinates. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.22-DISPFONT.OBJ object Display font program object file. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.23-DOSREAD.ASM source DOSREAD of GDS. Contains _dosread, _dosopen, _dosseek, and _dosclose. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.24-DRAW.C source Interprets a string of commands for drawing. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.25-EARC2.C source Draws an arc (part of an ellipse). => GRADLIB.LIB, ARCPOINT.C, ARCSUPP.C. CUG287.26-ELLIPSE.C source Three external usable routines to draw ellipse and arc. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.27-ENVIRON.C source Two functions: EnvSave -- saves the environment; envRsto -- restores the environment. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.28-ERR.C source Example of using the user error handling features. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.29-EXECFUNC.ASM source Source file for compiling with executable functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.30-EXECFUNC.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, EXECFUNC.ASM. CUG287.31-EXETIME.C source Source file for timing GRAD function. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.32-EXETIME.MAK make Makefile for compiling TIME.C. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.33-FCIRCLE.C source FillCircle -- draw a solid circle FillEllipse -draw a solid ellipse. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.34-FILE11MS.TXT doc Names, lengths and one-line descriptions of some files. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.35-FILEFON.TXT doc Names, lengths and descriptions of some font files. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.36-FILL.C source Solid Fill -- entirely fill a region Pattern fill -fill the area by the pattern specified. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.37-FONT.C source Loadfont -- loads a font file from the disk Removefont -- removes a font from memory. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.38-FRAME.C source CreateFrame -- creates a new frame RemvFrame -- removes a frame from GRAD and releases the memory. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.39-FTABLE.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.40-GDS.H header => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.41-GDSLIB.MAK make => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.42-GDSLIB.NAM batch => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.43-GLOBAL.C source Initializes global variables. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.44-GRADARC.H header Header file for ARC1 and EARC1. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.45-GRADEGS.GCM source Command file example for interp and mprint. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.46-GRADENV.H header Header file for using EnvSave and EnvRsto. => GRADLIB.LIB, ENVIRON.C. CUG287.47-GRADEPSN.C source Printer controls for the EPSON FX-80. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.48-GRADERR.C source Error handling routine. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.49-GRADFILE.DOC doc Brief description of GRAD archives. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.50-GRADIO.H header Header file for WriteStr, ReadStr and writec. CUG287.51-GRADLIB.LIB library GRAD is a graphics library containing functions for drawing dots, lines, circles, ellipses and arcs and functions for region filling, window management, character display, and printing. [MS-DOS: TC1.0] CUG287.52-GRADOKI.C source Printer controls for Okidata ML192. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.53-GRADPROG.DOC doc GRAD programmer's reference manual. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.54-GRADUSER.DOC doc GRAD Graphics Library User's Manual Version 1.1 for IBM PC/XT/AT or compatibles. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.55-GRADVAR.H header GRAD global variables. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.56-HCALCADD.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, CALCADDR.ASM. CUG287.57-HFTABLE.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.58-HLCOPY.ASM source Contains Level 1 horizontal line, vertical line drawing, and dot plotting routines. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.59-HLNLMT.ASM source => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.60-INIT.C source Source for GRAD initialization and cleanup functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.61-INSTALL.DOC doc Installation procedure and instructions on using GRAD. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.62-INTERP.C source This program is used to interpret GRAD functions in restricted C syntax of function calls. The method used is recursive descent. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.63-INTERP.MAK make Makefile for compiling INTERP.EXE from INTERP.C and EXECFUNC.ASM. => GRADLIB.LIB, INTERP.C, EXECFUNC.ASM. CUG287.64-JLASER.DOC doc Instructions for using a laser printer with a JLASER card. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.65-LINE.ASM source Level 1 line drawing function. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.66-MISC.ASM source Miscellaneous GDS functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.67-MPRINT.C source Sample program. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.68-MPRINT.MAK make => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.69-MPRT.GCM data One of the example files for MPRINT. => GRADLIB.LIB, MPRINT.C. CUG287.70-MPRT.TXT doc Another one of the example files for MPRINT. => GRADLIB.LIB, MPRINT.C. CUG287.71-NEXTXY.C source Gives next (x,y) location for ReadStr or WriteStr. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.72-OE7.FON data Old English Font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.73-OKI.MAK make Makefile for compiling GRADOKI.C with PRTGC.ASM. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.74-PFRAME.C source Printing functions. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.75-PFRAME.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PFRAME.C. CUG287.76-PLOTTYPE.ASM source This file contains the lowest level routine in writing and accessing the frame memory, and other related routines. => GRADLIB.LIB PLOTTYPE.OBJ. Assembly code. CUG287.77-PLOTTYPE.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PLOTTYPE.ASM. CUG287.78-PRT.ASM source Low level functions for printing, including: prt -- convert an 8 integer array for printing, pbflush -- flush everything in buffer to printer, rmvO -- remove trailing zeroes. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.79-PRTCNTL.C source Printer Controls. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.80-PRTCNTL.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PRTCNTL.C. CUG287.81-PRTFONT.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.82-PRTFONT.H header => GRADLIB.LIB, PRTFONT.C. CUG287.83-PRTGC.ASM source prtc -- append a character to the buffer. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.84-PRTGC.OBJ object => GRADLIB.LIB, PRTGC.ASM. CUG287.85-README.1ST doc System requirements and reference for execution of GRAD. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.86-README.DOC doc Introduction to GRAD: capabilities with guides to additional documentation. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.87-READSTR.C source Read a line from standard input. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.88-RECT.C source Draws a rectangle. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.89-ROTATE.C source This is a program to rotate the characters in a font file by 90 degrees in anti-clockwise direction. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.90-S16X16.FON data Font File (16 x 16). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.91-S5X6.FON data Font file (5 x 6). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.92-S6X8.FON data Font file (6 x 8). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.93-S6X8D.FON data - Font (6 x 8 sideways) file. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.94-S8X8.FON data Font File (8x8). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.95-S9X14.FON data Font File (9x14). => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.96-SELECT.C source Selectfont -- select the current font number Selectframe -- select the current frame. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.97-SINVAL.C source => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.98-SIZE.C source Selects font size. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.99-SPECIAL1.C source Example of using SPACING_FUNC. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.100-STACK.ASM source Level 1 horizontal line, vertical line, drawing, and dot plotting routines. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.101-SWPRT.C source Sideways printing program. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.102-TANVAL.C source Tan value for degree 0, 0.5, 1.5, ... 43.5, 44.5, 45. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.103-TC-INST.DOC doc Installation, procedure and instructions on using GRAD. => GRADLIB.LIB, INSTALL.DOC. CUG287.104-TC-USER.UPD doc Supplement to the GRAD User's Manual (written for MSC) explaining differences in Turbo C operations. => GRADLIB.LIB. [MSC] CUG287.105-TEST.DOC doc Directions for using example files and sample programs to test installation. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.106-TEX2GRAD.C source Program to convert a TEX pixel file (1002 PXL file) to a GRAD font file. => GRADLIB .LIB. CUG287.107-VHLINE.C source Dot (x,y) -- write a single dot to a frame HorzLine (x,y,length,width) -- draw a horizontal line VertLine (x,y,length, width) -draw a vertical line. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.108-VHLN.ASM source Level 1 horizontal line, vertical line drawing and dot plotting routines. => GRADLIB.LIB. Assembly code. CUG287.109-WARNING.CUG doc Naming conventions for duplicate filenames. CUG287.110-WRITE.C source Two public routines: writec -- write a single character to the current frame using currently selected font WriteStr -- write a character string to the current frame using currently selected font. => GRADLIB.LIB. CUG287.111-XHLINE.C source Creates a horizontal line extended at both ends. => GRADLIB.LIB. ============================================================================== CUG288 - ----------- Traveling Salesman, SD and Master Environment Access [public] 1 disk. This volume contains contributions from Kevin E. Knauss (MD), Brain Faquhar (Tokyo, JAPAN) and Scott Robert Ladd. Knauss has contributed a set of programs which illustrate how simple heuristics can produce acceptable solutions to the traveling salesman problem. Faquhar has contributed SD, a replacement for the MS-DOS CD command. SD allows logical names, movement across disk drives, and easy switching between last and current directories. The program requires Microsoft C v5.1 or Quick C. Scott Robert Ladd has contributed a set of functions to access and modify a global master environment. These functions are described in an article that appeared in The C User's Journal, vol. 7.5. The source code will work with most MS-DOS C compilers. It has been tested with Microsoft C v5.1, Quick c v2.0, Turbo C v2.0, and Zortech C v1.07. CUG288.01-10CITY.IN data By Kevin E. Knauss. Input for travel costs between each of ten cities. => TSP.C, 10CITY.MTX. CUG288.02-10CITY.MTX doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Matrix. Tabular representation of 10CITY.IN data. => TSP.C, 10CITY.IN. CUG288.03-20CITY.IN data By Kevin E. Knauss. Input for travel costs between each of 20 cities. => TSP.C, 20CITY.MTX. CUG288.04-20CITY.MTX doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Matrix. Tabular representation of 20CITY.IN data. => TSP.C, 20CITY.IN. CUG288.05-25CITY.IN data By Kevin E. Knauss. Input for travel costs between each of 25 cities. => TSP.C, 25CITY.MTX. CUG288.06-25CITY.MTX doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Matrix. Tabular representation of 25CITY.IN data. => TSP.C, 25CITY.IN. CUG288.07-20PT.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. TwoOpt. 2-Opt Tour Improvement Algorithm. => TSP.C. CUG288.08-33CITY.IN data By Kevin E. Knauss. Input for travel costs between each of 33 cities. => TSP.C, 33CITY.MTX. CUG288.09-33CITY.MTX doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Matrix. Tabular representation of 33CITY.IN data. => TSP.C, 33CITY.IN. CUG288.10-30PT.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. ThreeOpt. 3-Opt Tour Improvement Algorithm. => TSP.C. CUG288.11-42CITY.IN data By Kevin E. Knauss. Input for travel costs between each of 42 cities. => TSP.C, 42CITY.MTX. CUG288.12-42CITY.MTX doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Matrix. Tabular representation of 42CITY.IN data. => TSP.C, 42CITY.IN. CUG288.13-48CITY.IN data By Kevin E. Knauss. Input for travel costs between each of 48 cities. => TSP.C, 48CITY.MTX. CUG288.14-48CITY.MTX doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Matrix. Tabular representation of 48CITY.IN data. => TSP.C, 48CITY.IN. CUG288.15-ARTICLE.TSP doc By Kevin E. Knauss. A Poor Man's Solution to the Traveling Salesman. Statement of problem. Background of difficulties and applications related to it. Terminology and approach used toward it. Implementation, observations and conclusion. => TSP.C. CUG288.16-BLDMTX.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Build Matrix (main), Input Matrix, Output Matrix. Prompts user for data to build distance matrix. => TSP.C. CUG288.17-BOOLEAN.H header By Kevin E. Knauss. Boolean type header file. => TSP.C. CUG288.18-CONTENTS.DOC doc By Kevin E. Knauss, Scott Robert Ladd, Brian Fuguhar. List of authors and their contributions to this volume. CUG288.19-FIGURE1.TSP doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Tour Improvement Techniques. Graphic illustration of a) point proximity, b) chain proximity, c) chain proximity and orientation, and d) chain orientation in place. => TSP.C. CUG288.20-FIGURE2.TSP doc By Kevin E. Knauss. 10, 20, and 25 City Results. Tabulation of tour length, time, amount of improvement, and percentage from optimum for each Tour Improvement Technique under each city model. => TSP.C, FIGURE3.TSP. CUG288.21-FIGURE3.TSP doc By Kevin E. Knauss. 33, 42, and 48 City Results. => TSP.C, FIGURE2.TSP. CUG288.22-FN.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Far Neighbor, High Arc. Farthest Neighbor Tour Building Algorithm. => TSP.C. CUG288.23-HYBRID.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Point Proximity/2-Opt Hybrid tour improvement algorithm. => TSP.C. CUG288.24-KNAUSS.TXT doc By Kevin E. Knauss. A Poor Man's Solution to the Traveling Salesman. Text of ARTICLE.TSP. => TSP.C, ARTICLE.TSP. CUG288.25-MSTR_ENV.C source By Scott Robert Ladd. Master Environment Access. Facilitates access to the Master Environment for information and modification. => MSTR_ENV.TXT. [MS-DOS2, MS-DOS3: MSC5, QUICKC2.0, TC2.0, ZORTECHC] CUG288.26-MSTR_ENV.TXT doc By Scott Robert Ladd. Accessing the Master Environment in MS-DOS. Describes rationale and function of Master Environment Access. => MSTR ENV.C. CUG288.27-NN.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Near Neighbor, Cheap Arc. Nearest Neighbor Tour Building Algorithm. => TSP.C. CUG288.28-NODELIST.H header By Kevin E. Knauss. Node pointer type declaration header file. => TSP.C. CUG288.29-POPT.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Point Opt. Point Proximity Tour Improvement Algorithm. => TSP.C. CUG288.30-PRTMTX.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Print Matrix (main). Prints distance matrix in readable format. TSP.C. CUG288.31-REFERENC.TSP doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Research Bibliography. => TSP.C. CUG288.32-RESULTS.TAB doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Tabulation of tour length, time, amount of improvement and percentage from optimum for each Tour Improvement Technique under each city model. => TSP.C. CUG288.33-RESUME.TSP doc By Kevin E. Knauss. Brief professional biography. => TSP.C. CUG288.34-SD.C source By Brian Fuguhar. Enhanced ChDir Command. SD (Set Directory) is upwardly compatible with CD all options of CD are implemented. SD allows drive specification and changes logged drive, supplies help, toggles between current & last directory, allows use of logical names, and can implement a program at the specified destination. [MS-DOS: MSC5, QUICKC] CUG288.35-TIME.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. Get Time, Elapsed Time. Samples clock counter to find elapsed time. => TSP.C. Function Get Time is MIX.C Compiler Dependent. CUG288.36-TSP.C source By Kevin E. Knauss. TSP (main), ArcCost, Terminate, Print Circuit,. Traveling Salesman Problem Driver. => NN.C, POPT.C HYBRID.L, FN.C, BOOLEAN.H, NODELIST.H, TSP.H, BLDMTX.C, PRTMTX.C, TIME.C, 30PT.C, 20PT.C. [MS-DOS: MIXC] CUG288.37-TSP.H header By Kevin E. Knauss. => TSP.C. ============================================================================== CUG289 - ----------- Othello By Gary Culp, Jonathan Ward. [public] 1 disk. Gary Culp and Jonathan Ward, TX, have submitted the complete source code for their Othello Game. Although the program was compiled under Microsoft C v5.1, it should be reasonably easy to port since it uses only library routines described in The C Programming Language, Second Edition (K&R 2nd). CUG289.01-BDTTY.C source By Jonathan Ward. Contains the board display routines for TTY type terminals. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.02-BD_EVAL.C source By Gary Culp. Calculates a score for a board. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.03-BLDFA.C source By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Separate utility which builds table in FATABL.C.=> OTHELLO.C. CUG289.04-BLDFA.EXE executable By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. => BLDFA.C. CUG289.05-BUILDLVL.C source By Gary Culp. Build the tree of moves down to a given level. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.06-DUMPTREE.C source By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Dump entire move tree (for debugging). => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.07-FATABL.C source By Jonathan Ward. Contains the fa-bits index table for the array of full-axis bits. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.08-GETMOV.C source By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Functions that read the player's move, verify it and display the new screen. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.09-HEADER.C source Comment header template for source-code programs. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.10-L.BAT batch By Jonathan Ward. Executes linkage. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.11-MINIMAX.C source By Jonathan Ward. Tree searching minimax algorithms. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.12-MOVEIT.C source By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Verifies a move, updates and displays the board. OTHELLO.C. CUG289.13-MOVE_GEN.C source By Gary Culp. Move generator. Finds a move and builds a list of affected pieces. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.14-OTHDBM.C source By Jonathan Ward. Database Management routines. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.15-OTHELLO.C source By Jonathan Ward. Main C function: Initializes all sections of the program, determines order of play, sets up initial board configuration, displays board and begins play, determines depth of "look ahead" play. => BDTTY.C, BD_EVAL.C, BUILDLVL.C, BLDFA.C, DUMPTREE.C, FATABL.C, GETMOV.C, L.BAT, MINIMAX.C, MOVE_GEN.C, OTHOBM.C, OTHELLO.H, OTHELLO.LNK, OTHELLO.MAK, PIECE_CT.C, PROTECT.C, TESTDISP.C, MOVEIT.C, TESTDBM.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG289.16-OTHELLO.EXE executable By Jonathan Ward. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.17-OTHELLO.H header By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Global function prototypes, external variable declarations, and manifest constant definitions for the Othello program. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.18-OTHELLO.LNK link By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. OTHELLO.C. CUG289.19-OTHELLO.MAK make By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.20-PIECE_CT.C source By Gary Culp. Count e number of pieces of a given type or types. Check each player's ability to move. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.21-PROTECT.C source By Gary Culp. Algorithm for determining which pieces in a given board configuration are permanent. (Contains extensive documentation.). => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.22-README.DOC doc By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. List of files and descriptions, known bugs, tentative enhancements. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.23-TESTDBM.C source By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Dummy caller for testing database manager. => OTHELLO.C. CUG289.24-TESTDISP.C source By Jonathan Ward, Gary Culp. Dummy caller for testing display routines. => OTHELLO.C. ============================================================================== CUG290 - ----------- FLEX By Daniel R. Haney. [public] 2 disks. Daniel R. Haney (MA) has ported FLEX, a fast lexical analyzer generator, to MS-DOS. FLEX is a rewrite of lex intended to correct some of that tool's deficiencies. In particular, flex generates lexical anaylzers much faster, and the analyzers use smaller tables and run faster. FLEX was developed by Vern Paxson. Haney adapted the code to conform to MS-DOS file naming conventions and added prototype declarations for Microsoft v5.1. The disk contains a complete set of source code documentation, makefile, and a word count program as an example. Haney's implementation of Flex can be compiled under MS-DOS and UNIX. Adam Blum has supplied a fix for a union field bug for compilation under large model. Robert Artigas has added an OS/2 executable. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG290.01-CCL.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Routines for character classes. => MAIN.C, CCL.H. CUG290.02-CCL.H header By Daniel R. Haney. Prototypes, flex project. => MAIN.C. CUG290.03-CHANGES doc By Daniel R. Haney. Differences between DOS, UNIX, and beta-test releases. => MAIN.C. CUG290.04-DFA.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney, Adam Blum. DFA construction routines. => MAIN.C, DFA.H. CUG290.05-DFA.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.06-DOSFLEX.EXE executable By Daniel R. Haney. Fast Lexical analyzer generator. => MAIN.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG290.07-ECS.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Equivalence class routines. => MAIN.C, ECS.H. CUG290.08-ECS.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.09-EXTERNS.DEF header By Daniel R. Haney. Collected external function declarations, for reference. => MAIN.C. CUG290.10-FASTSKEL.C source By Daniel R. Haney. A lexical scanner generated by FLEX. => MAIN.C, FASTSKEL.H. CUG290.11-FASTSKEL.H header By Daniel R. Haney. Macro definitions for fast/full-table C/FTL programs generated by FLEX. => MAIN.C. CUG290.12-FLEX.LNK link By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.13-FLEX.MAK make By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. [ OS/2 1.2 EE, IBM C/2] CUG290.14-FLEX.MAN doc By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. UNIX Programmer's Manual. Preformatted vanilla ascii manual. => MAIN.C. CUG290.15-FLEX.MAP doc By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Map of flex. => MAIN.C. CUG290.16-FLEXDEF.H header By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney, Kevin Gong, Roberto Artigas Jr., Adam Blum. Definitions for FLEX. => MAIN.C. CUG290.17-HAIRY.PRS source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. MAIN.C. CUG290.18-MAIN.C source By Vern Paxson, Kevin Gong, Roberto Artigas Jr., Jef Poskanzer. Main source program for the Fast LEXical analyzer generator. => DOSFLEX.EXE, CCL.C, DFA.C, ECS.C, FASTSKEL.C, MISC.C, NFA.C, PARSE.C, SIMPL.PRS, HAIRY.PRS, PARSE.Y, FLEXDEF.H, MAIN.H, SCAN.C, SCAN.L, WCNT.L, FLEX.LNK, FLEX.MAK, OS2FLEX.EXE. [OS/2, MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG290.19-MAIN.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.20-MAKEFILE.UNX doc By Vern Paxson. UNIX makefile, for documentation. => MAIN.C. CUG290.21-MISC.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Miscellaneous FLEX routines. => MAIN.C MISC.H. CUG290.22-MISC.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.23-NFA.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. NFA construction routines. => MAIN.C, NFA.H. CUG290.24-NFA.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.25-OS2FLEX.EXE executable By Daniel R. Haney. Fast LEXical analyzer generater. => MAIN.C. IOS/21 CUG290.26-PARSE.C source By Roberto Artigas Jr.. A Bison parser, made from PARSE.Y. => MAIN.C, PARSE.H. CUG290.27-PARSE.H header By Roberto Artigas Jr.. => MAIN.C. CUG290.28-PARSE.Y source By Roberto Artigas Jr.. Parser for FLEX input. => MAIN.C. CUG290.29-README doc By Vern Paxson. Notes on the initial FLEX distribution. => MAIN.C. CUG290.30-README.2 doc By Daniel R. Haney. Amendment to README, for DOS version distribution, concerning file naming conventions. => MAIN.C. CUG290.31-SCAN.C source By Roberto Artigas Jr.. A lexical scanner generated by FLEX. => MAIN.C. CUG290.32-SCAN.L source By Roberto Artigas Jr.. Scanner for FLEX input. => MAIN.C. CUG290.33-SEARCH.CMD batch By Daniel R. Haney. Batch file using egrep. => MAIN.C. CUG290.34-SKELCOM.H header By Vern Paxson. Common macro definitions for VFTL programs generated by FLEX. => MAIN.C. CUG290.35-SKELETON.C source By Daniel R. Haney. A lexical scanner generated by FLEX. => MAIN.C, SKELETON.H. CUG290.36-SYM.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Symbol table routines. => MAIN.C, SYM.H. CUG290.37-SYM.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.38-TBLCMP.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Table compression routines. => MAIN.C, TBLCMP.H. CUG290.39-TBLCMP.H header By Daniel R. Haney. => MAIN.C. CUG290.40-TIMINGS doc By Vern Paxson. A brief note comparing timings for FLEX vs LEX. => MAIN.C. CUG290.41-WCNT.L source By Daniel R. Haney. Example word count program. => MAIN.C. CUG290.42-YYLEX.C source By Vern Paxson, Daniel R. Haney. Scanner front-end for FLEX. Scans for a regular expression token. ============================================================================== CUG291 - ----------- JJb for Quick C and Turbo C Programmers By John James Broderick. [share2] disk. JJB 1.2 is a shareware screen functions library for Quick C and Turbo C. This library enables you to program in a high-level environment while maintaining complete low level control over your display and keyboard. For example, you can easily set up pull-down menus without writing hundreds of lines of code. The library also provides an interface for data entry. The disk contains the object module for Quick C and Turbo C, documentation, demo, and five example programs. The library includes functions for character control, keyboard control, array manipulations, video control, windowing, pull down menu customizing, and help functions. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG291.01-JJB-FORM.DOC doc Registration form. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.02-JJB-READ.DOC doc Main documentation. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.03-JJB.EXE executable Introductory Demo. JJB 1.2 is a screen functions library for programming in a high-level environment while maintaining low-level control over keyboard and display. It also provides an interface for data entry. => JJBPRINT.BAT, JJBQC-FI.BAT JJBQC-LI.BAT, JJBQCS1.BAT, JJBREMOV.BAT, JJBTC-FI.BAT, JJBTC-LI.BAT, JJBSHOW1.BAT, JJBKBD.H, JJBSET.H. [MS-DOS: TC, QUICKC] CUG291.04-JJBFILES.DOC doc List of all JJB files. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.05-JJBINSTL.DOC doc How to install JJB for Quick C and Turbo C. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.06-JJBKBD.H header Keyboard definitions and explanation of the importance of the get_ch() function to JJB. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.07-JJBPRINT.BAT batch Prints JJB files with important documentation. => JJB.EXE, JJB-FORM.DOC, JJB-READ.DOC, JJBFILES.DOC, JJBINSTL.DOC. CUG291.08-JJBQC-FI.BAT batch Final installation. => JJBQC-LI.BAT JJBQC.OBJ, JJBQCOOL.OBJ, JJBQCINP.OBJ, JJB.EXE. [ QUICKC] CUG291.09-JJBQC-LI.BAT batch Learning installation. => JJB.EXE, JJBQC-FI.BAT. [ QUICKC] CUG291.10-JJBQC.OBJ object Main object file for Quick C JJB input and enter functions. => JJB.EXE. [ QUICKC] CUG291.11-JJBQCDOL.OBJ object For input dollar functions. => JJB.EXE. [ QUICKC] CUG291.12-JJBQCINP.OBJ object For input and enter functions. => JJB.EXE. [ QUICKC] CUG291.13-JJBQCS1.BAT batch Loads JJBSHOW1 with JJB.QLB. => JJBQCS2.BAT. [ QUICKC] CUG291.14-JJBQCS2.BAT batch Loads JJBSHOW2 with JJB.QLB. => JJBQCS3.BAT. [ QUICKC] CUG291.15-JJBQCS3.BAT batch Loads JJBSHOW3 with JJB.QLB. => JJBQCS4.BAT. [ QUICKC] CUG291.16-JJBQCS4.BAT batch Loads JJBSHOW4 with JJB.QLB. => JJBQCS5.BAT. [ QUICKC] CUG291.17-JJBQCS5.BAT batch Loads JJBSHOW5 with JJB.QLB. => JJB.EXE. [ QUICKC] CUG291.18-JJBREMOV.BAT batch Reverse installation, removes files. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.19-JJBSET.H header GET and SET definitions. => JJB.EXE. CUG291.20-JJBSHOW1.C source Sample program. => JJBSHOW2.C. CUG291.21-JJBSHOW2.C source Sample program. => JJBSHOW3.C. CUG291.22-JJBSHOW3.C source Sample program. => JJBSHOW4.C. CUG291.23-JJBSHOW4.C source Sample program. => JJBSHOW5.C. CUG291.24-JJBSHOW5.C source Sample program. => JJB.EXE, JJBSHOW5.EXE. CUG291.25-JJBSHOW5.EXE executable => JJBSHOW5.C. CUG291.26-JJBTC-FI.BAT batch Final Installation. => JJB.EXE, JJBTC-LI.BAT, JJBTC.OBJ, JJBTCDOL.OBJ, JJBTCINP.OBJ. [ TC] CUG291.27-JJBTC-LI.BAT batch Learning Installation. => JJB.EXE, JJBTC-FI.BAT. [ TC] CUG291.28-JJBTC.OBJ batch Main object file for Turbo C JJB input and enter functions. => JJB.EXE. [ TC] CUG291.29-JJBTCDOL.OBJ object For input dollar functions. => JJB.EXE. [ TC] CUG291.30-JJBTCINP.OBJ object For input and enter functions. => JJB.EXE. [ TC] ============================================================================== CUG292 - ----------- ASxxxx C Cross Assemblers By Alan R. Baldwin. [public] 4 disks. This package is a collection of cross assemblers written in C for the 6800 (6802/6808), 6801 (hd6303), 6804, 6805, 6809, 6811, 8085 (8080), and z80 (hd64180) microprocessors. Each assembler has a device specific section which includes: . device description, byte order, and file extension information, . a table of assembler general directives, special directives, assembler mnemonics and associated operation mnemonics, addressing modes, and special directives. The assemblers provide the following features: alphabetized, formatted symbol table listings; relocatable object modules; global symbols for linking object modules; conditional assembly directives; reusable local symbols; include-file processing. The companion relocation linker AS-LINK is able to: bind multiple object modules into a single memory image; resolve inter-module references; process absolute, relative, concatenated and overlay attributes in data and program sections; perform byte and word program-counter relative (pc or pcr) addressing calculations; define absolute symbol values at link time; define absolute area base address values at link time; produce Intel Hex or Motorola S output files; and produce a map of the linked memory image. The assemblers and linker have been tested using DECUS C under TSX+ and RT-11, and with Turbo C v1.5 under MS-DOS. Complete source code and documentation for the assemblers and linker are included with the distribution. Additionally, test code for each assembler and several microprocessor monitors (ASSIST05 for the 6805, MONDEB and ASSIST09 for the 6809, and BUFFALO 2.5 for the 6811) are included as working examples. The current version 1.5 includes updates to move byte index, directpage mode, and byte PC relative address checking from the assembler to the linker. This update allows byte index offsets with external references resolved at link time, direct page variables externally defined with addresses resolved at link time, and branches may reference external labels or labels in other areas. The assemblers can generate a listing file that flags the data that will be relocated by the linker. The REL file format now has an additional directive for paging information and has additional flags for pageO, page, and unsigned byte formats. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG292.01-6800.H header For 6800 (6802/6808) assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS6800.EXE. CUG292.02-6801.H header For 6801 (hd6303) assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS6801.EXE. CUG292.03-6804.H header For 6804 assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS6804.EXE. CUG292.04-6805.H header For 6805 assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS6805.EXE. CUG292.05-6809.H header For 6809 assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS6809.EXE. CUG292.06-6811.H header For 6811 assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS6811.EXE. CUG292.07-8085.H header For 8085 (8080) assembler, machine-specific definitions. => AS8085.EXE. CUG292.08-85 EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => AS8085.EXE. CUG292.09-85MCH.C source Process machine ops for device mnemonics, addressing modes, and special directives. => AS8085.EXE. CUG292.10-85PST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special directives, assembler mnemonics and associated operation codes. => AS8085.EXE. CUG292.11-ABSTRA.DOC doc Abstract: brief explanation of volume 292's components. CUG292.12-AS6800.BLD make => AS6800.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.13-AS6800.EXE executable 6800 (6802/6808) assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 6800.H, AS6800.BLD, AS6800.LNK, AS6800.PRJ, MOOADR.C, MOOEXT.C, MOOMCH.C, MOOPST.C, T6800.ASM. CUG292.14-AS6800.LNK link RT-11 linkage info for compilation. => AS6800.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.15-AS6800.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS6800.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.16-AS6801.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => AS6801.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.17-AS6801.EXE executable 6801/6803 (hd 6303) assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 6801.H, AS6801.BLD, AS6801.LNK, AS6801.PRJ, M01ADR.C, M01EXT.C, M01MCH.C, M01PST.C, T6801.ASM. CUG292.18-AS6801.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => AS6801.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.19-AS6801.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS6801.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.20-AS6804.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => AS6804.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.21-AS6804.EXE executable 6804 assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 6804.H, AS6804.BLD, AS6804.LNK, AS6804.PRJ, M04ADR.C, M04EXT.C, M04MCH.C, M04PST.C, T6804S.ASM. CUG292.22-AS6804.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => AS6804.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.23-AS6804.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS6804.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.24-AS6805.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => AS6805.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.25-AS6805.EXE executable 6805 assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 6805.H, AS6805.BLD, AS6805.LNK, AS6805.PRJ, M05ADR.C, M05EXT.C, M05PST.C, T6805S.ASM, M05MCH.C. CUG292.26-AS6805.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => AS6805.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.27-AS6805.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS6805.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.28-AS6809.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => AS6809.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.29-AS6809.EXE executable 6809 assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 6809.H, AS6809.BLD, AS6809.LNK, AS6809.PRJ, M09ADR.C, M09EXT.C, M09MCH.C, M09PST.C, T6809.ASM. CUG292.30-AS6809.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => AS6809.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.31-AS6809.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS6809.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.32-AS6811.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => AS6811.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.33-AS6811.EXE executable 6811 assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 6811.H, AS6811.BLD, AS6811.LNK, AS6811.PRJ, M11ADR.C, M11EXT.C, M11MCH.C, M11PST.C, T6811.ASM. CUG292.34-AS6811.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => AS6811.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.35-AS6811.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS6811.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.36-AS8085.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => AS8085.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.37-AS8085.EXE executable 8085 (8080) assembler. => ASMAIN.C, 8085.H, 85EXT.C, 85MCH.C, 85PST.C, AS8085.BLD, AS8085.LNK, AS8085.PRJ, T8085.ASM. CUG292.38-AS8085.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => AS8085.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.39-AS8085.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => AS8085.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.40-ASDATA.C source Device-independent source for all assemblers. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.41-ASEXPR.C source Expression evaluator. Device-independent for all assemblers. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.42-ASLEX.C source Lexical analyzer. Device-independent for all assemblers. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.43-ASLINK.BLD make Native command file for compiling linker. => ASLINK.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.44-ASLINK.EXE executable Relocating linker. => LKMAIN.C, ASLINK.BLD, ASLINK.H, ASLINK.LNK, ASLINK.PRJ. CUG292.45-ASLINK.H header For the relocating linker. => ASLINK.EXE. CUG292.46-ASLINK.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => ASLINK.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.47-ASLINK.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => ASLINK.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.48-ASLIST.C source Copy a block of source and code to the listing file. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.49-ASM.H header Definitions for all machine-independent functions for all assemblers. CUG292.50-ASMAIN.C source Main device-independent source common to all assemblers in this volume. It coordinates file input/output, symbol table generation, program/data areas, expression analysis, and assembler directive processing. => ASDATA.C, ASEXPR.C, ASLEX.C, ASLTST.C, ASM.H, ASOUT.C, ASSUBR.C, ASSYM.C, AS6800.EXE, AS6801.EXE, AS6804.EXE, AS6805.EXE, AS6809.EXE, AS6811.EXE, AS8085.EXE, ASZ80.EXE, LKMAIN.C. [TSX+, RT-11, MS-DOS: TC, DECUS C] CUG292.51-ASMLNK.DOC doc Manual, discussing the ASXXXX assemblers in this volume, source program format, symbols and expressions, general assembler directives, assembler directives, assembler invocation, error-handling, the listing file, symbol table file, and object file. Also discusses ASLINK, and building ASLINK and assemblers. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.52-ASMTST.ASM source Machine Independent Assember Test. Tests directives for memory allocation; boundaries; strings; expression evaluation; IF, ELSE, and ENDIF; local symbols; offset calculations; area definitions; assembler output file; symbol table; and area table. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.53-ASOUT.C source Various machine-independent output functions. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.54-ASSUBR.C source Machine-independent error handler. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.55-ASSYM.C source Device-independent code for all assemblers. Links symbol lists to hashtables, sets up area lists and dca. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.56-AST05.ASM source Monitor for the MC146805EZ Evaluation Board. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.57-ASTO9.ASM source MC6809 Monitor. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.58-ASZ80.BLD make Native command file for compiling assembler. => ASZ80.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.59-ASZ80.EXE executable Z80 (hd64180) assembler. => ASMAIN.C, Z80.H, ASZ80.BLD, ASZ80.LNK, ASZ80.PRJ, Z80ADR.C, Z80EXT.C, Z80MCH.C, Z80PST.C, TZ80.ASM. CUG292.60-ASZ80.LNK link Linkage info for compilation. => ASZ80.EXE. [RT-11: DECUS C] CUG292.61-ASZ80.PRJ make Compiler instructions. => ASZ80.EXE. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG292.62-BUF25.ASM source Buffalo 2.5. Monitor for 6811. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.63-LKAREA.C source Create an area only. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.64-LKDATA.C source => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.65-LKEVAL.C source Evaluate input term. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.66-LKHEAD.C source Create a new header entry. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.67-LKIHX.C source Produce Intel Hex Output file. CUG292.68-LKLEX.C source Linker's lexical analyzer. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.69-LKLIST.C source Increment the count of lines on the page. If the page overflows put out a page skip and linker header. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.70-LKMAIN.C source Main linker module. => ASMAIN.C. [TSX+, RT-11, MS-DOS: TC, DECUS C] CUG292.71-LKRLOC.C source Process relocation operations and call designated output routine. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.72-LKS19.C source Produce Motorola S19 output file. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.73-LKSYM.C source Sets up the symbol hashtable. => LKMAIN.C. CUG292.74-MOOADR.C source Process addressing modes. => AS6800.EXE. CUG292.75-MOOEXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension information. => AS6800.EXE. CUG292.76-MOOMCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => AS6800.EXE. CUG292.77-MOOPST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. AS6800.EXE. CUG292.78-M01ADR.C source Process addressing modes. => AS6801.EXE. CUG292.79-M01EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => AS6801.EXE. CUG292.80-M01MCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => AS6801.EXE. CUG292.81-M01PST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => AS6801.EXE. CUG292.82-M04ADR.C source Process addressing modes. => AS6804.EXE. CUG292.83-M04EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => AS6804.EXE. CUG292.84-M04MCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => AS6804.C. CUG292.85-M04PST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => AS6804.EXE. CUG292.86-M05ADR.C source Process addressing modes. => AS6805.EXE. CUG292.87-M05EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => AS6805.EXE. CUG292.88-M05MCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => AS6805.EXE. CUG292.89-MOSPST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => AS6805.EXE. CUG292.90-M09ADR.C source Process addressing modes. => AS6809.EXE. CUG292.91-M09EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => AS6809.EXE. CUG292.92-M09MCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => AS6809.EXE. CUG292.93-M09PST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => AS6809.EXE. CUG292.94-M11ADR.C source Process addressing modes. => AS6811.EXE. CUG292.95-M11EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => AS6811.EXE. CUG292.96-M11MCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => AS6811.EXE. CUG292.97-M11PST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => AS6811.EXE. CUG292.98-MOND09.ASM source MONDEB09. 6809 monitor/debugger. => AS6809.EXE. CUG292.99-README.ASM doc Typical console input and output routines to write, assemble, and link with MOND09 or AST09. => MOND09.ASM. CUG292.100-T6800.ASM source 6800 assembler test. => AS6800.EXE, T6800E.ASM, T6800S.ASM. CUG292.101-T6800E.ASM source 6800 Assembler Error Check. => T6800.ASM. CUG292.102-T6800S ASM source 6800 sequential test. => T6800.ASM. CUG292.103-T6801.ASM source 6801 Assembler test. => AS6801.EXE, T6801E.ASM, T6801S.ASM. CUG292.104-T6801E.ASM source 6801 Assembler Error check. => T6801.ASM. CUG292.105-T6801S.ASM source 6801 sequential test. => T6801.ASM. CUG292.106-T6804S.ASM source 6804 sequential test. => AS6804.EXE. CUG292.107-T6805S.ASM source 6805 sequential test. => AS6805.EXE. CUG292.108-T6809.ASM source 6809 Assembler test. => AS6809.EXE, T6809E.ASM. CUG292.109-T6809E.ASM source 6809 Error Tests. => T6809.ASM. CUG292.110-T6811.ASM source 6811 assembler test. => AS6811.EXE, T6811E.ASM, T6811 S.ASM. CUG292.111-T6811E.ASM source 6811 assembler error check. => T6811.ASM. CUG292.112-T6811S.ASM source 6811 sequential test. => T6811.ASM. CUG292.113-T8085.ASM source Test of 8085/8080 assembler, all instructions. => AS8085.EXE. CUG292.114-TZ80.ASM source Test of Z80/HD64180 assembler. => ASZ80.EXE. CUG292.115-WARNING.CUG doc Copyrights for Motorola, Inc. restated. => AST05.ASM, BUF25.ASM. CUG292.116-XXXPST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => ASMAIN.C. CUG292.117-Z80.H header Machine specific definitions for Z80 assembler. => ASZ80.EXE. CUG292.118-Z80ADR.C source Process addressing modes. => ASZ80.EXE. CUG292.119-Z80EXT.C source Device description, byte order, and file extension info. => ASZ80.EXE. CUG292.120-Z80MCH.C source Process device mnemonics and special directives. => ASZ80.EXE. CUG292.121-Z80PST.C source Table of assembler general directives, special device directives, and assembler mnemonics with associated operation codes. => ASZ80.EXE. ============================================================================== CUG293 - ----------- 3D Medical Imaging, source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. [public] 2 disks. This set of programs implements three-dimensional surface reconstruction from serial slice images, such as CT scans. For more explanation, see the article in C Users Journal v. 7.6, August, 1989. The code was developed under Microsoft v5.0, but with a few changes (such as file handling calls and huge array declarations), it can be adapted to other compilers. The program generates an output file that contains a set of 8-bit grayscale images. You must supply your own program to convert the images to your frame buffer format (The disk contains a conversion program for an AT&T Targa24 frame buffer board). CUG293 includes all C source code, documentation, and one scan slice file. CUG294 includes seven CT scan slice files. All the CT scan slices were produced by a Siemens Somatom 2 CT scanner. CUG293.01-3-D.BAT batch By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Batch file to create 3-D reconstruction of CT images. [MS-DOS] CUG293.02-3-D.DOC doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction User manual. => CUG294. CUG293.03-ANG.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. This module creates rotated views of the image around the z-axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.04-ANGl.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier, Ake Wallin. A modified version of ANG. => ANG.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.05-ANG2.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Creates rotated views of the image. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.06-ANGPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. This module creates rotated views of the image around the z-axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.07-CTBILD.001 data CT slice. CUG293.08-CTTGA.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Converts a 256 x 256 CT file into a 256 x 256 TARGA-TIPS B/W file. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.09-CTTGA.EXE executable By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. => CTTGA.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.10-CUT.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. creates right lateral (x) views. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.11-DBO.OUT data 3-D surface images 256 x 256 with 8 bits per pixel. CUG293.12-DEB.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.13-DEP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Distance shading program.[MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.14-DEP2.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Distance shading program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.15-DEPPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Distance shading program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.16-DRE.OUT data 3-D surface images 256 x 256 with 8 bits per pixel. CUG293.17-DRL.OUT data 3-D surface images 256 x 256 with 8 bits per pixel. CUG293.18-DUMP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Utility program to inspect a binary file. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.19-DUMP1.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Utility program to inspect a binary file. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.20-DUMP1.EXE executable [MS-DOS] CUG293.21-DUMPPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Utility program to inspect a binary file. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.22-FLIPD.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Flip an image file around the diagonal axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.23-FLIPDPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Flip an image around the diagonal axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.24-FLIPH.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Flip an image around the horizontal axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.25-FLIPHPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Flip an image around the horizontal axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.26-FLIPV.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Flip an image around the vertical axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.27-FLIPVPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Flip an image around the vertical axis. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.28-GIB.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.29-GOR.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.30-GRA.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.31-GRAD.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. This module creates six main axis views from CT files.[MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.32-GRAD1.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier, Ake Wallin. A modified version of GRAD. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.33-GRADPP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.34-GRINT.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.35-GX.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.36-GY.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.37-HEADER.C doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Brief 3-D Reconstruction description. CUG293.38-INTERP.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D Reconstruction Program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.39-MK.BAT batch A batch file for the compilation. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.40-PC-3D.TXT doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Documentation of 3-D medical imaging. The technique of the distant and gradient shading is explained. => CUG294. CUG293.41-PICCONV.BAT batch By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. A batch file for displaying the image. => GRAD.C. [MS-DOS] CUG293.42-PICTGA.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Converts a 256* n B/W picture file into a 256 x 256 TARGA-TIPS B/W or RGB file. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.43-PICTGA.EXE executable => PICTGA.C. [MS-DOS] CUG293.44-PT.BAT batch Executes PICTGA. CUG293.45-README doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Description of sample data files. CUG293.46-README1 doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier, Ake Wallin. Description of the modified version of programs. CUG293.47-README2 doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. A brief document in the disk. CUG293.48-RUNANG.BAT batch A batch file for displaying angled images. CUG293.49-RUNGRAD.BAT batch A batch file for creating images from CT files. => GRAD.C. CUG293.50-SMOOTH.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D reconstruction program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.51-SMOOTH2.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D reconstruction program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.52-T1.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Sets the specified video mode. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.53-T2.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Writes forwards and backwards. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.54-T3.C source Calculates angle. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.55-TGACT.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier, Ake Wallin. Converts a TARGA-TIPS RGB file into a 256 x 256 CT file. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.56-TOFG100.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Sample ITEX program. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG293.57-TOTARGA.C source By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Sample program to convert image files from the reconstruction package to AT&T Targa board format. [MS-DOS: MSC5] ============================================================================== CUG294 - ----------- 3D Medical Imaging, sample Images By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. I public] 4 disks. See CUG293. CUG294.01-CTBILD.001 data Sample CT scan files from a Siemens Somatom 2 CT scanner. It has a header block of 512 bytes, followed by 256 image lines. Each image line has 256 elements (pixels). Each pixel consists of 16 bits. Of these, only the low order 11 bits contain gray scale. CUG294.02-CTBILD.002 data CUG294.03-CTBILD.003 data CUG294.04-CTBILD.004 data CUG294.05-CTBILD.005 data CUG294.06-CTBILD.006 data CUG294.07-CTBILD.007 data CUG294.08-DBO.OUT data By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D surface image obtained from CT scans using GRAD. => README. [MS-DOS] CUG294.09-DRE.OUT data 3-D surface images 256 x 256 with 8 bits per pixel. CUG294.10-DRL.OUT data By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. 3-D surface image detained from CT scans using GRAD. 256 x 256 with 8 bits per pixel. CUG294.11-READ ME doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Explains contents of this data volume, intended for use with Volume #293. => README.CT, CUG293. CUG294.12-README.CT doc By Daniel Geist, Michael Vannier. Explains CT scan slice data files, extends offer for more to users with proper facilities. => README. ============================================================================== CUG295 - ----------- blkio Library volume withdrawn for massive update see CUG358 By Lyle Frost. [public] 1 disk. The blkio library library is a buffered input/output library for C similar to the stdio library but designed for use with structured fields. The LRU (least recently used) replacement algorithm is used for buffering. The disk includes all the source code and a utility program that extract documentation embedded in the source code. The blkio library is a component of cbase, a commercial C database library. THIS VOLUME HAS BEEN UPDATED SUBSTANTIALLY AND RELEASED AS CUG358. ============================================================================== CUG296 - ----------- C to C++ Migrator By Charles D. Havener. [public] 1 disk. This C to C++ Migrator program accepts old style C code as input and generates the new ANSI (or C++) style function prototypes. In the process, the program generates two output files: ed.out and proto.out. ed.out is used by the sed stream editor to edit the original source file. proto.out is used as a header file including extern function declarations. Therefore, the user must have a sed (MKS sed for MS-DOS users). The disk contains the source code for the migrator including complete lex and yacc grammers, the executable code for MS-DOS, and Havener's article describing the package from C User's Journal v. 7.8, October, 1989. Recompiling the migrator program under MS-DOS requires lex and yacc for MS-DOS (FLEX and BISON are available from the CUG library). For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG296.01-CTOCPP.BAT batch Batch command file to convert .c to .cpp files, calls CTOCPP1.BAT to handle files individually. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.02-CTOCPPl.BAT batch Processes a single file for CTOCPP.BAT, invokes MSC compiler with /E option and calls CTOCXX.EXE. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.03-CTOCXX make For the CTOCXX translator. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.04-CTOCXX.C source C to C++ Migrator. Takes the preprocessed source file from CTOCPP1.BAT, and outputs PROTO.OUT and ED.OUT for editing the original source file and placing prototypes in header files. => CTOCPP.BAT, CTOCPP1.BAT, CTOCXX, CTOCXX.H, CTOCXX.L, FLEX.SKE, FLEXCOM.H, FLEXDEF.H, FLEXSDEF.H, GRAM.Y, LITTLE.Y, SUBS.C, SYMTAB.C. [PCDOS] CUG296.05-CTOCXX.EXE executable => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.06-CTOCXX.H header Symbol Table Definitions and boolean definitions for C to C++ conversion tool. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.07-CTOCXX.L data Input file for FLEX. => CTOCXX.C, FLEX.SKE. CUG296.08-ED.OUT data Output file from CTOCXX.EXE, used by SED stream editor to edit the original source code. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.09-FLEX.SKE source A lexical scanner generated by flex. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.10-FLEXCOM.H header Common macro definitions for VFTL programs generated by FLEX. => FLEX.SKE. CUG296.11-FLEXDEF.H header Definitions for FLEX. => FLEX.SKE. CUG296.12-FLEXSDEF.H header Macro definitions for compressed table C/FTL programs generated by flex. => FLEX.SKE. CUG296.13-GRAM.Y data C Grammar, input file for YACC. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.14-HAVENER.TXT doc Rapid Prototyping as a Design Method. Introduction, goals and philosophy, and phase by phase coverage of the rapid prototyping process involved in constructing the migrator tool. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.15-LITTLE.Y data A short version of the C Grammar, it includes mainly the productions that had semantic action code attached for the migrator prototype. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.16-PROTO.OUT data Output file from CTOCXX.EXE, used in header files as required. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.17-README doc Brief description of files intended for distribution, their usage and relationships. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.18-SAMPL.C data Sample input, exhibits various function declaration styles. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.19-SAMPL.CPP data Output file, exhibits various function declaration styles converted to C++ from SAMPL.C. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.20-SAMPL.SED data Edited version of SAMPLE.C. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.21-SUBS.C source Miscellaneous functions used by the C to C++ program. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.22-SYMTAB.C source This module contains functions to init the symbol table and hash, store, find or test a symbol. => CTOCXX.C. CUG296.23-YTAB.H header Created by YACC. => CTOCXX.C. ============================================================================== CUG297 - ----------- Small Prolog By Henri de Feraudy. [public] 1 disk. This Prolog interpreter follows a Cambridge syntax (LISP-like syntax) with advantages for meta-programming and small code. The Small Prolog includes most standard built-ins (predicates) based on Clocksin and Mellish's descriptions in Programming in Prolog, although it can be extended by creating more user defined built-ins. The disk includes C source files, make files, documentation, and many Prolog example files that demonstrate Prolog features for C programmers who may be unfamiliar with Prolog. The source code is very portable and will compile under Turbo C v1.5 and Mark William Let's C v4 on PC clones, Mark William C v3.0 and Megamax Laser C on Atari ST and Sun C compiler on Sun-3. Feraudy has updated his original Small Prolog. The update includes some minor bug fixes, a speed improvement, and better handling of type predicates. It provides more comments in C source code and an improved makefile. For more details see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. CUG297.01-EXAMPL1.SPR data Example file, also contains Prolog background documentation and minor brief instructions for running example. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.02-EXAMPL10.SPR data Briefly, how to use the special predicate findall. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.03-EXAMPL11.SPR data How to use enum and recursive-loop. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.04-EXAMPL12.SPR data Simple declarative program. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.05-EXAMPL13.SPR data Simple parsing of simple sentences. PRMAIN.C. CUG297.06-EXAMPL14.SPR data A graph searching program. CUG297.07-EXAMPL2.SPR data Sophisticated queries and their programming. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.08-EXAMPL3.SPR data Exploring combinations of relations and rules. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.09-EXAMPL4.SPR data Exploring input/output builtins. PRMAIN.C. CUG297.10-EXAMPL5.SPR data Using recursion. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.11-EXAMPL6.SPR data About multiple rules. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.12-EXAMPL7.SPR data Using builtin control structure cut. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.13-EXAMPL8.SPR data handling. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.14-EXAMPL9.SPR data Exploring the assert primitive. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.15-FRMANUAL.TXT doc Guide de Reference Peur L'U Hlisateur de Small. Out of date French translation of PRMANUAL.TXT. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.16-HELP.SPR data Information on predicates. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.17-MAKE.SPR data Unfinished Make utility, requiring builtin definition, meant as an educational application of Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.18-MAKEFILE make For Small Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. [SUN-UNIX: SUN C] CUG297.19-MAKEFILE.TBC make For Small Prolog on PC. => PRMAIN.C. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG297.20-PP.C source Simple Pretty-printer for lisp-like expressions. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.21-PRALLOC.C source Allocates structures. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.22-PRASSERT.C source Implementation of assertz, asserta and clause handling. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.23-PRATARI.C source Atari specific code. => PRMAIN.C. [ ATARI: MWC3] CUG297.24-PRATARI.MAK make For Small Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. [ATARI: MWC3] CUG297.25-PRBLTIN.C source Builtin predicate definitions, functions, routines. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.26-PRBLTIN.H header Include file for PRBLTIN.C. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.27-PRCNSULT.C source Loads a file of clauses. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.28-PRDEBUG.C source Functions for possible source-level debugging. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.29-PRERROR.C source Error message functions. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.30-PRHASH.C source Builds symbol table. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.31-PRIBMPC.C source PC & PC clone-dependent code. => PRMAIN.C. [MS-DOS: TC, MWC4] CUG297.32-PRLEX.H header Used by PRPARSE.C and PRSCAN.C. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.33-PRLUSH.C source Lush resolution algorithm. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.34-PRLUSH.H header Include file for PRLUSH.C. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.35-PRMAIN.C source Small Prolog. Interactive Prolog interpreter with lisp-like syntax. => PR**, HELP.SPR, MAKEFILE, MAKEFILE.TBC, PP.C, SPROLOG. *, TURBO.LNK, VERIF.SPR, XREAD.SPR, ZORTECH.MAK. [SUN-OS, TOS, MS-DOS2: TC1.5, MWC3, MWC4, MEGAMAX LASER C, GCC] Better to compile this with compact model on the PC. CUG297.36-PRMANUAL.TXT doc Small Prolog user guide and reference. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.37-PROLOG.H header Configuration switches. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.38-PRPARSE.C source Recursive descent parser for lisp-like syntax. => PRMAIN.C, PRSCAN.C. CUG297.39-PRPRINT.C source Print functions. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.40-PRSCAN.C source Lexical analysis. :> PRMAIN.C, PRLEX.H. CUG297.41-PRSUN.C source Machine specific code for SUN 3. => PRMAIN.C. [UNIX] CUG297.42-PRTYPES.H header Basic data structures of Small Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.43-PRUNIFY.C source Recursive unification algorithm, dereferencing. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.44-README doc Descriptions of volume 297's components. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.45-SPROLOG.EXE executable => PRMAIN.C. [MS-DOS2: TC1.5] CUG297.46-SPROIOG.INF doc Information on various zone sizes. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.47-SPROLOG.INI data Initialization file loaded at Startup. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.48-SPROLOG.PRJ object Project file for Small Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG297.49-TURBOC.LNK link Linkage info for compilation of small Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. [MS-DOS: TC] CUG297.50-VERIF.SPR data Used for debugging, detects forgotten arguments. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.51-XREAD.SPR data Reads a list & retains variable names, bug finding predicate. => PRMAIN.C. CUG297.52-ZORTECH.MAK make For Small Prolog. => PRMAIN.C. [MS-DOS ZORTECHC] ============================================================================== CUG298 - ----------- PC Curses By Jeffrey S. Dean. [share] 1 disk. This shareware release of PC curses, version 8, is a C window functions library designed to provided compatibility with the UNIX curses package. By fully utilizing the PC features, this package is coded much simpler that the UNIX version. For example, there is no need for cursor motion and screen output optimization on the PC. Currently, there are two major versions of curses database under UNIX; one is termcap, the other terminfo. PC curses derives primarily from termcap, with some features of the terminfo version. Additional routines (not in the original curses package) are provided for the PC user. The distribution disk includes a couple of demo programs, Small and Large model library for Microsoft C v5.0 and Turbo C v1.5 compilers, and documentation that describes all the functions in the library. CUG298.01-!README doc Descriptions of components available for distribution. => MSCURSES.LIB, TSCURSES.LIB. CUG298.02-CURSES.DOC doc Manual for the package. => MSCURSES.LIB TSCURSES.LIB. CUG298.03-CURSES.H header Include file for PC Curses. => MSCURSES.LIB, TSCURSES.LIB. CUG298.04-DEMO.C source Simple demonstration program. => MSCURSES.LIB, TSCURSES.LIB DEMO.DAT, DEMO.EXE, DEMO.HLP. CUG298.05-DEMO.DAT data => DEMO.C. CUG298.06-DEMO.EXE executable => DEMO.C. CUG298.07-DEMO.HLP data Help file. => DEMO.C. CUG298.08-HELLO.C source Simple curses program. => MSCURSES.LIB, TSCURSES.LIB. CUG298.09-MOVEBOX.C source Demo - uses cursor keys to move box around screen. => MSCURSES.LIB, TSCURSES.LIB, MOVEBOX.EXE, MOVEBOX.HLP. CUG298.10-MOVEBOX.EXE executable => MOVEBOX.C. CUG298.11-MOVEBOX.HLP data help file. => MOVEBOX.C. CUG298.12-MSCURSES.LIB library PC Curses. Small model, C window functions designed to provide compatibility with the UNIX curses package. => MOVEBOX.C, UNIX.H, TSCURSES.LIB, MSDCURSE.LIB, CURSES.H, DEMO.C, HELLO.C.[PCDOS, MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG298.13-MSDCURSE.LIB library Small model with debugging (tracing) code. => MSCURSES.LIB. CUG298.14-TSCURSES.LIB library PC Curses. Small model, C window functions designed to provide compatibility with the UNIX curses package. => MSCURSES.LIB, TSDCURSE.LIB, CURSES.H, DEMO.C, HELLO.C, MOVEBOX.C, UNIX.H. [PCDOS, MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG298.15-TSDCURSE.LIB library PC Curses. Small model with debugging (tracing) code. => TSCURSES.LIB.[PCDOS, MS-DOS: TC1.5] CUG298.16-UNIX.H header Definitions for running PC Curses on UNIX. => TSCURSES.LIB, MSCURSES.LIB. ============================================================================== CUG299 - ----------- MEL and BP [public] 1 disk. This volume contains two programs, MEL - Universal Metalanguage Data Processor submitted by George Crews (TN), and BP - Back Propagations for neural networks by Ronald Michaels (TN). Mel provides an I/O interface between a program and the user. It can take input data written in "pseudo-English" and translate it into program variables. It can also translate a program's variables into pseudo-English. (See the article in the C Users Journal vol 8.2, February, 1990.) MEL was originally designed for use with engineering analysis programs. It was written in ANSI C and was developed using Microsoft C v5.1. The disk includes MEL source code, a test example program, sample input and output files, documentation, and the article and listings from vol. 8.2 of the CUJ. Since MEL provides only a processor engine, you need to define your own input and output data format rule (called a dictionary) for your application program in mel.h. For more details on MEL, see the narrative description of this package in Section 2. BP is a simple implementation of the back propagation algorithm as an example of a neural network. The implementation is based upn the article in Nature, "Learning representations by back propogation errors" by Rummelhart, Hinton and Williams. BP employs an adaptive algorithm that converges as a result of learning. BP was developed on an AT clone with a math compressor using Zortech C v1.07. The disk also includes the Hercules graphics version of BP. CUG299.01-BP.C source By Ronald Michaels. Back Propagation Delta Rule Learning Program. Main file for back propagation algorithm as an example of a neural network. => BP.EXE, BP1.DAT, ERROR.C, PLOT.C, PLOT.H, RANDOM.L, XOR.DAT, README.BP, BP2.DAT, BP_H.EXE. [MS-DOS: ECO-C4, ZORTECHC] CUG299.02-BP.EXE executable By Ronald Michaels. Basic program without graphics. => BP.C. CUG299.03-BP1.DAT data By Ronald Michaels. training patterns. => BP.C. CUG299.04-BP2.DAT data By Ronald Michaels. program parameters. => BP.C. CUG299.05-BP_H.EXE executable By Ronald Michaels. Program with Hercules Graphics. => BP.C. CUG299.06-CONVER.C source By George Crews. Calculates and returns the conversion factor required for going from units represented by an input string of characters to units represented by an output string of characters. => MEL.C. CUG299.07-CREWS1.EX doc By George Crews. Example of MEL input for a Hydraulic Analysis Program. => MEL.C CREWS2.EX, CREWS3.EX, CREWS4.EX CREWS5.EX. CUG299.08-CREWS2.EX doc By George Crews. Example of obtaining data from a MEL descriptor. => CREWS1.EX. CUG299.09-CREWS3.EX doc By George Crews. Example of outputting a MEL descriptor. => CREWS1.EX. CUG299.10-CREWS4.EX doc By George Crews. Example of output generated by a Hydraulic Analysis program using MEL (from the input data given in Example 1). => CREWS1.EX. CUG299.11-CREWS5.EX doc By George Crews. Public interface between MEL and any application program using it. => CREWS1.EX. CUG299.12-ERROR.C source By Ronald Michaels. handles error messages for BP.C. => BP.C, ERROR.H. CUG299.13-ERROR. H header By Ronald Michaels. => ERROR.C. CUG299.14-INPUT data By George Crews. Example input for MEL TEST. => MEL_TEST.C. CUG299.15-MEL.ART doc By George Crews. MEL article in CUJ. => MEL.DOC. CUG299.16-MEL.C source By George Crews. MEtaLanguage input/output processor for engineering analysis programs. => CONVER.C CREWS1.EX, MEL.H, MEL.DOC MEL_TEST.C. [MS-DOS: MSC5] CUG299.17-MEL.DOC doc By George Crews. Introduction list of MEL features, steps for using MEL for program I/O. => MEL.C. CUG299.18-MEL.H header By George Crews. Defines the input and output interfaces (called "dictionaries") between MEL and the engineering analysis program it is being used for. Contains example dictionaries. => MEL.C. CUG299.19-MEL.OBJ object By George Crews. => MEL.C. CUG299.20-MEL_TEST.C source By George Crews. Example code for MEL. It may be customized for use as a driver. MEL.C, INPUT, OUTPUT, MEL_TEXT.EXE. CUG299.21-MEL_TEST.EXE executable By George Crews. => MEL_TEST.C. CUG299.22-MEL_TEST.OBJ object By George Crews. => MEL_TEST.C. CUG299.23-OUTPUT data By George Crews. Example output for MEL_TEST. => MEL_TEST.C. CUG299.24-PARITY3.DAT data By Ronald Michaels. Training pattern set to illustrate a more difficult version of the XOR problem. => XOR.DAT. CUG299.25-PARITY4.DAT data By Ronald Michaels. Training pattern set to illustrate an even more difficult version of the XOR problem. => XOR.DAT. CUG299.26-PLOT.C source By Ronald Michaels. Functions to plot error graph for bp learning. => BP.C. CUG299.27-PLOT.H header By Ronald Michaels. For plot functions. => BP.C. CUG299.28-RANDOM.C source By Ronald Michaels. implementation of a pseudo random number generator. => BP.C, RANDOM.H, TEST.C. CUG299.29-RANDOM.H header By Ronald Michaels. => RANDOM.C. CUG299.30-README.BP doc By Ronald Michaels. Description of BP distribution components, program purpose, how it works, compiling, running, and sources of related reading. => BP.C. CUG299.31-README.MEL doc By George Crews. Brief description of MEL distribution components. => MEL.C. CUG299.32-TEST.C source By Ronald Michaels. Test driver for RANDOM.C to test the random number generator for correctness if program is ported to non-80x86 environment. => RANDOM.C. CUG299.33-XOR.DAT data By Ronald Michaels. Training pattern set to illustrate the exclusive OR problem used to prove the limitations of the single-level perception. => PARITY.3, PARITY.4, BP.C.