catalog.txt Walnut Creek CDROM electronic catalog index.txt Index file of all of the files on the disc capsule.txt Capsule descriptions of each file in Volumes 100-382. catalog.txt Catalog of each CUG Library volume, Vol 100-411. cat_v100.txt Catalog of each CUG Library volume, Vol 100-199. cat_v200.txt Catalog of each CUG Library volume, Vol 200-299. cat_v300.txt Catalog of each CUG Library volume, Vol 300-399. cat_v400.txt Catalog of each CUG Library volume, Vol 400-411. cug_info.txt Info about the C Users Group. cap_v100.txt Capsule descriptions of files in Volume 100 cap_v200.txt Capsule descriptions of files in Volume 200 cap_v300.txt Capsule descriptions of files in Volume 300 ZIPPED version of capsule.txt