......................................................RMN - JimStoneFL - Tom H. - SorchaFaal - Neil Keenan - N.News  - WCNN - ( personal notes) -

MARCH 11, 2014. Ben Fulford (March 10, 2014 in Japan) ~ Nazis and Zionists Are Simultaneously Suing for Peace, and Making New Threats.  ** http://benjaminfulford.net/ **      The fighting between American Academi (formerly Blackwater) mercenaries and Russian special forces in the Ukraine, and the downing of a Malaysian airline last week, are but a background to ongoing high stakes negotiations about the future of this planet. These violent incidents are also a backlash against a snowballing purge of Nazi/Zionist zealots, that has now extended to Saudi Arabia and other gulf oil kingdoms, after they banned the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood. Since they have already been purged from Egypt, this means their last base in the Middle East, and last source of oil money, is Qatar, home to the Al Jazeera propaganda network. The threats to cause terrorist attacks around China to ΓÇ£sky rocket,ΓÇ¥ made before the Malaysian air disaster, .... came from a source, using the 215 Philadelphia area code. This is the same source that predicted in advance, the turmoil in the Ukraine. Philadelphia is the base of Fethullah Gulen, a senior proponent of the cabalΓÇÖs planned ΓÇ£one world religion.ΓÇ¥ Since Gulen is involved in sending Tartar activists, to contribute to the turmoil in the Ukraine, his organization is suspected of being somehow involved in the latest attack. Turkey is the original home of the Sabbatean mafia, that created the Thule society and Nazism.
According to American Defense Intelligence Agency and MI5 sources, there is a Nazi submarine base in New Guinea,( north of Australia ),disguised as a gold mine,. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papua_New_Guinea **
                    http://www.islandsbusiness.com/news/switzerland/4798/vanuatu-calls-for-action-from-un-on-west-papua-sit/ ** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Guinea **
  This is one of secret Asian operations bases,used to stage the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, three years ago tomorrow. It may well be where the attack on the Malaysian airlines flight originated.
In any case, the troubles in the Ukraine and Malaysia and probably soon elsewhere too, are just a back-drop, to ongoing negotiations between several large factions. A representative of the military industrial complex contacted the White Dragon Society last week, and laid out several conditions, including a threat to wage all-out war, if oil is made obsolete by free energy technology,.... and a request by the NSA types, to be allowed to continue with their program of all-out surveillance. The WDS said that free energy technology would only be allowed at first, for projects, the current oil business model cannot carry out, such as turning deserts green, with desalinated sea water, and heating up the arctic and Antarctic. Oil would then be phased out gradually, as the oil industry shifted to... the business of creating new eco-systems. The oil industry people asked that they be allowed to continue expanding their hydrocarbon business, using natural gas, and this was considered a viable option.    The NSA types were told they should at least stay out of peopleΓÇÖs bedrooms, since government has no role in the bedrooms of the nation. They were also told that some things will always remain secret, no matter how hard they try to find out.         The Nazis for their part, insisted on eugenics policies. They were told that any type of eugenics that involved killing, sterilizing or otherwise culling ΓÇ£useless eatersΓÇ¥, was not going to be allowed. However, the current taboo on using genetic engineering, to remove hereditary diseases, and give people enhanced abilities,.... would be lifted, according to a source involved in the negotiations.            In any case, until a final deal is implemented, pressure will be increased, until the cabal behind the US dollar and Euro debt slavery systems,.... free the human race from bondage.           The pressure is most visible in the energy sector, where cabalists have lost control of most of the Middle East, and may be losing control of their recently acquired fiefdom in Libya. News reports of a North Korean tanker loading up with oil in a rebel held port in Libya, are a clear indication of this loss of control.
              The most obvious sign of the decline in power of the cabal that controls the regime in Washington D.C. though, can be seen.... in the reaction to their calls for sanctions against Russia, over the Ukraine.
In this case, Germany, France and the UK have all rejected any sanctions, for many good reasons. The biggest is economic, in that these countries rely on Russian and Middle-Eastern energy and investment. Any sanctions would hurt them, far more than they would Russia.      The other is moral, in that a democratically-elected regime, was ousted by violent foreign mercenaries, actively espousing a Nazi ideology. Any European countries supporting the usurper regime, would be breaking international law. The fact is, it is the corporate government of the United States, that no longer has many friends, and is itself being hit hard by sanctions. The Russians, Chinese and others have been selling US government bonds, banning the import of US agricultural goods, and threatening to dump all of their US dollar holdings.
In these circumstances .... the Pentagon and the bulk of the US armed forces and intelligence services, are aligning themselves, with the White Dragon Society and their allies.          One good sign has been a purge of Bush Nazi allies, from the US nuclear command structure. According to Gordon Duff of the Adamus group:  ΓÇ£the Bush family is tied to Dominionism, a heretical Judeo-Christian death cult, that deeply infiltrated the military service academies, and eventually took over AmericaΓÇÖs nuclear command structure. It is the removal of these ΓÇÿDominionistsΓÇÖ, that we hear about as ....ΓÇÿdiscipline failuresΓÇÖ among every rank of AmericaΓÇÖs nuclear forces.ΓÇ¥           http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/03/07/gladio-the-gift-that-keeps-on-giving/ **  http://www.tunnelsofmoosejaw.com/uploads/pics/Dominion_of_Canada_Map.jpg ** http://etc.usf.edu/maps/pages/10200/10294/10294.jpg ** http://www.wellandantiquemaps.co.uk/lg_images/DOMINION-OF-CANADA-by-Rev-T-Milner-c-1890.jpg ** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominionism ** http://www.religioustolerance.org/reconstr.htm **http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/01/5-facts-about-dominionism_n_945601.html **         However, the threat of nuclear war, still hangs over the negotiations. The gnostic illuminati still possess rogue nukes, and are now threatening to annihilate London and Jerusalem. So, efforts are being made to create as much of a win-win situation as is possible under the circumstances, by trying to bring all the various factions towards a consensus. Changing the direction of the planet, is difficult and requires patience. We keep hearing about events planned for the rest of this month, notably the middle of March, but, so many dates have come and gone, that we do not give these latest predictions, much credence. However, a Federal Reserve Board negotiating team, will be meeting with the WDS in early April, for talks, and that could be the venue for a breakthrough. In the meantime everybody must do what they can, to help and not just spectate.  http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/03/11/ben-fulford-march-10-2014-nazis-and-zionists-are-simultaneously-suing-for-peace-and-making-new-threats/ **                 http://www.shiftfrequency.com/ben-fulford-march-10-2014-nazis-and-zionists-are-simultaneously-suing-for-peace-and-making-new-threats/ **
'YATSENYUK IS FACE OF ILLEGAL SEIZURE OF POWER'. Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail] Date: Thursday, 13-Mar-2014 17:31:48  Text by Eric Draitser.  Coup-installed Ukrainian PM Arseny Yatsenyuk, is being used by US, to legitimize austerity and economic warfare against the people of Ukraine, and to whitewash the illegal seizure of power,..... independent geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser told RT.
RT: President Obama has said that the people of Ukraine have the right to choose their direction for the future. Do you think he also meant those in the south and east of the country, who actually disagree with Kiev's policies?                 Eric Draitser: This is all part of the US attempt to whitewash what happened, and the forces that brought Yatsenyuk and the other coup leaders, into power. Moreover, it is an attempt to legitimize what the US is doing US policy, in terms of recognizing what is an undoubtedly an illegal government. And of course it is interesting that Yatsenyuk comes to Washington as the voice of Ukraine as the voice of the people of Ukraine, and most importantly as the legitimate voice of the people of Ukraine, considering its completely out of keeping with not only international law but with events on the ground.
We of course know that Yatsenyuk was brought to power by a particular forces in the West, such as we saw with the Victoria Nuland phone calls and other elements that we have seen, brought into power on a wave of an illegal putsch. And now coming to Washington, Obama and his advisers are trying to legitimize that putsch, and trying to whitewash the fact that it is clearly illegal. Of course Putin and the Russian government are not accepting this, and this is really the heart of the matter. //                           RT: Obama praised Yatsenyuk for upholding the best possible non-violence over the recent months. Do you think that indeed adds up to how the events were unwinding on Maidan?             ED: Certainly not, what Obama means when he says the people of Ukraine, it is euphemisms for US foreign policy. US foreign policy dictates whatever the people of Ukraine or any other country, might believe. This is what we have seen with the so-called, the people of Libya, the people of Syria, the people of Yemen, the people of Pakistan,... and we can go on and on and on. Every time the US government refers to the people what they really mean is their people, their chosen interest, their political puppet and so forth, and Yatsenyuk is really a representative of that. When he talks about the people, I wonder if he is also referring to the Nazis that have also seized power, the Right, Yarosh, Paruby, and all those individuals who have seized power, by force illegally, are they part of the so-called people? This would be the question, if I had the opportunity, I would ask President Obama.  //                             RT: Speaking at the Atlantic Council, Yatsenyuk mentioned the economic and military challenges, Ukraine faces. We have heard a lot about the financial aid agreements, so far. But what military help, can he expect?                ED: In terms of the military help, this is probably out of the question. For one, there is no treaty under which Western powers could actually provide military assistance to Ukraine. Although NATO has tried to expand its influence and hegemony into Ukraine, Ukraine is not a NATO partner. It is not officially part of NATO, therefore there is no relevant treaty under which they could be protected militarily. And I think that it is very important to note that the military of Ukraine itself, is not necessarily behind Yatsenyuk and the putsch government in Kiev. We saw recently an attempt to mobilize the military, and only a tiny fraction of the military actually showed up, for duty in loyalty of the so-called government in Kiev. We have seen high level defection, with the leadership of military bureaucracy. We have seen countless individuals, high ranking individuals, who have sworn loyalty, either to Crimea or their respective regions, or either refused to swear loyalty to Kiev. So the question, ....when Yatsenyuk talks about military resistance, resisting the so-called Russian aggression, .... [is] who exactly is he referring to? And quite frankly I would also add what Russian aggression, is he referring to? Because what we last week, Yatsenyuk making the outlandish claim, regarding tanks on the streets, tanks which do not exist, for which there is no evidence showing, outside the treaty, the Sevastopol base. So again, when we talk about Yatsenyuk and his statements, what we are really talking about, are the statements of the US and the State Department, those who brought Yatsenyuk into power.//
                   RT: Yatsenyuk has said that he stands for a peaceful solution of the Crimean situation, but also added that he will not surrender. How would you break that down?          ED: It is still difficult to say because it looks like the Crimean government which has already moved toward de facto independence from Ukraine, and possibly moving towards, certainly closer to the Russian Federation. It remains to see what course this is going to be taken, because of course the US and the NATO powers already established the historical precedent, not only with Kosovo, but also with South Sudan, and in number of instances, where the US, when it serves their agenda, supports self-determination, and is not particularly interested in the sovereignty of nations, that oppose its policies. However in the case of Crimea, of course, Washington has already dismissed out of hand the notion that Crimea has the right for self-determination, that Crimea has the right for independence. So it correct to say that there is certainly a certain conflict, not only with the international also, but also with the precedent that has been established by the US and the Western powers.  And of course it is utter hypocrisy for Obama and Washington, to deny the right of the Crimean people to determine their future, while having vociferously argued to favor the right of KosovoΓÇÖs Albanians, to determine their future, of the people of South Sudan, to determine their future. Again this comes back to the question, is the US truly interested in democracy, or does the US only use democracy as convenient pretext, further their geopolitical agenda. Certainly, I would argue the latter.  //                          RT: Yatsenyuk has said that he stands for a peaceful solution of the Crimean situation, but also added that he will not surrender. How would you break that down?          ED: It is unclear what Yatsenyuk means, when he talks about nor surrendering. For one, it is unclear because who exactly Yatsenyuk is in charge of. We know that the Nazi elements from the Right Sector and from Svoboda and others, have occupied key positions in security forces. If he is referring to them, then certainly thereΓÇÖs some validity that they wonΓÇÖt be surrendering. But to what extent does Yatsenyuk have the support in Ukraine? This remains certainly an open question. So when he talks about not surrendering, then what he means is that he will not surrender the legitimacy that has been conferred upon him, by external forces, by the US and the NATO powers. Of course, Yatsenyuk is not the legitimate leader, in the eyes of the international law. Yatsenyuk is certainly not legitimate, in the eyes of the eyes of the Russian government. So it is this question of legitimacy, which is built in to this notion of not surrendering. Who exactly does Yatsenyuk command the authority over? //                 RT: Obama also thanked Yatsenyuk for the great work, he has done so far. What accomplishments is he referring to exactly?           ED: Yatsenyuk accomplishments, are many. Yatsenyuk is the face of the illegal seizure of power. That is to say, he is a Western, liberal-minded face, that is an attempt to sell the illegal seizure of power to the Western news consumer, and to the Western public more broadly. In terms of his accomplishments, number one would be, occupying the PM position, but also the accomplishment of being able to sell them, the austerity to the people of Ukraine, ....to sell them the notion that the IMF is going to rescue them, that the Western powers, that the EU and the US, are somehow going to preserve and protect an economic future Ukraine. This is absolutely key, because the Association Agreement which was rejected by Yanukovich, which has precipitated this crisis ΓÇô this was part of the economic future in tandem with a Russian proposal, to also provide them with economic assistance. Now when Yatsenyuk gets up and says that the West is going to provide economic security for Ukraine, it is unclear exactly what he means, because all we have heard from the west so far, is this notion of loan guarantees, not money, not hard money to be used to pay down the debt, to be used to fund the government, but loan guarantees. And as we all know, these loan guarantees come with very excruciatingly painful conditionalities. Conditionality of austerity, the driving down of wages, the slashing of social benefits, the attacks on pensioners. All of this, which is already began in earnest, under Yatsenyuk, who just a few days ago, announced that the pensioners are going to have their pensions slashed by up to 50 percent. Yatsenyuk major accomplishment is being able to legitimize austerity and economic warfare against the people of Ukraine, within the maelstrom within this illegal seizure of power. //The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column, are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of RT.  LINK: http://rt.com/op-edge/yatsenyuk-obama-meeting-policy-462/   **47 comments ** // Eric Draitser is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City, and the founder of StopImperialism.com. //              ** http://stopimperialism.org/mr-yatsenyuk-goes-washington/ **        (( http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/yatsenyuk-is-face-of-illegal-seizure-of.html ))
............................................................................ Jim Stone Free Lance..................................
........monday......march10th............. Mail log FINALLY updated. Mail is again obviously very badly censored, as of March 6. If you have been trying to contact me and things seem fishy, check THIS PAGE, .... http://jimstonefreelance.com/mails2014feb11.html ......  and see if you ever got a message to me at all. UPDATE: New log going back 1 month posted March 6.  Donations for March needed. As you may know, reporting the whole truth on this web site, caused me to be jailed twice, and my business to be wrecked by police. I am only here, because I made it to Mexico, where I can pretty much post with impunity. Donations are the only way, I get by.            The enemy gets unlimited funding, to bring you lies.  I only need a small amount to get by, in Mexico, and run this site, which has ended up becoming very influential. This is not a parrot site, what you find here, cannot be found anywhere else, and that makes this web site very valuable, and highly targeted by those who are YOUR direct enemy. Please help me, protect your future with the truth. To donate, contact me at james@jimstonefreelance.com. Your offer should show up on the mail log page, and below.
Bryce made an un specified offer of help via the Jimstonefreelance mail box, thanks! Reply sent, awaiting response.
A musician with a new scale, made an offer to send $100 via Paypal, thanks! Reply sent, awaiting response.
I received $50 AUD from Pierre un-announced via the jimstonefreelance mail box, Thanks!     I may have missed posting a donation of $100 from Jacques (Claudia may have transferred this, without my knowing but it was showing as "pending" in Paypal, thanks! UPDATE: this came in this morning (10th), and a screen capture was also sent. Thanks!
Aquarius made a donation offer of $100, via the gamuzziusa mailbox, as a thank you for the Fukushima report, and may I return thanks!
Anonymous1 made an unspecified offer of help, via the forum messaging sytem, thanks!. Reply sent, awaiting response
Uncensored magazine made an unspecified offer of help, via the Jimstonefreelance mailbox, Thanks! Reply sent, MTCN received, thanks!
The web is not likely to survive forever, preserve the truth in print. Uncensored magazine is perfect for this:....(....)
            March 10 2013. Aquarius sent the following. This is a VERY interesting mail recieved via a box, not listed on this site -
Dear James and Claudia, Thank you very much as ever, for your scientific account of the critical issues. In mourning the victims of the 311 and Fukushima catastrophe in its 3rd year, I would like to donate 100 USD as a humble token of my thanks, to your courageous probe into the truth. I will remit 100 USD via PayPal, as soon as you confirm this, on your blog's front page.
I agree with your analysis of the Malaysian airline crash. The circumstances are very similar to the mysterious crash of Japan Airline Flight 123 in August 1985.
"The Truth of JAL123"           Reportedly, there were 17 top engineers of TRON, OS system, indigenously developed by a professor of Tokyo University. It is said that TRON.... at that time,.... was so advanced (comparable to current Google Chrome) and free, that the entire Japanese public sector, was to adopt TRON OS. Then the entire echelon of TRON engineers, were killed by the JAL 123 crash, and Microsoft instead took over, and dominated the Japanese OS market thereafter.           Many thanks again, and God bless you both.  All the very best wishes,   Aquarius. ///                  My response The 8086 and 80286 processors, if allowed to run to their capacity, with a legitimate O.S. no doubt could have run an OS, as capable as chrome. I have no doubt an OS as you have described TRON to be, could have been done at that time. All the modern mainstream operating systems, force the processor to run everything encrypted, so that the user has no idea what the processor is really doing in the background, and that destroys resources, I would estimate that fewer than 2 percent of clock cycles on modern processors running Microsoft, are actually allowed to do work, the rest are used to make good and sure, the users never realize they are getting their secrets robbed and raped. When people talk open source, it means they can at least analyze what is happening in the background. Even at that, "open source" Linux is, at present, an over bloated badly hobbled piece of garbage, which despite this, still runs better than any microsoft O.S. .....because at least it is not trying to hide it's actions.            I never heard of this TRON os, but I can say this - I saw 386 processors run FULL SCREEN FULL MOTION VIDEO, before Microsoft cornered the market , and screwed everyone out of their processors, and forced them to wait, until 500 MHZ pentiums and athlons were released, to accomplish the same thing, with the 2 percent of processor resources, users were allowed to have, after Microsoft wasted the rest, almost a decade later. The Amiga with the video toaster, laid the Microsoft scam waste with ancient processors running, and processing full screen full motion video in real time, long before Apple, and a full 10 years before any Microsoft based system, would - processors that don't even rate as calculators now. When microsoft shows you, you have 90 percent processor, that's 90 percent of 2 percent, literally, so much goes into the scam of microsoft's encryption, to hide everything from the user, that we don't actually ever see, even a shadow of what modern processors are really capable of.                       Chrome in 1985? You bet, but from what I know about the history of processors, it would have taken the year 1989, to get people up to the performance of a modest modern tablet. The 286 ran Unix just great, but it took a 386 level processor, to do glitch free video, in the non microsoft world. Microsoft has definitely pegged our computers to a bench mark 15 years latent. And I think it was their job, to do so.   ** http://www.amigaos.net/** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRON_Project ** http://www.tron.org/index-e.html **
              Amiga os, is still out there, fully capable,.... and if it ever makes a comeback .... Microsoft, Apple, and Linux and even Chrome.... will look absolutely stupid. But the NSA can't hack Amiga OS. And even if they found a way, since the applications all run in their own little world, the NSA would then, have to hack every single app, one at a time. Microsoft just hands it all to them on a silver platter, without hacks. I'd say the NSA had as much to do with the burial of the Amiga, as anything else. Tron is obviously gone forever, probably compliments of the same old kikedom, that screwed everything else, just so they could rob and rape everything from us, while giving us, a multi colored Microsoft flag of "progress", in return. But those startup sounds, are cool, RIGHT?  ((  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmigaOS_4.1#AmigaOS_4.1 ))
(( http://mobile.osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=15183 .... http://programz.webnode.com/news/tron-os-one-of-the-most-widely-use-os/   ..... http://programz.webnode.com/sitemap/ ....
http://www.t-engine.org/tron-project ** http://computers.interactiva.org/Software/Operating_Systems/Realtime/TRON/  ... http://www.japanese-greatest.com/technology/market-share/tron.html .... ))

It`s official, Fluoride is NOT what we have been told.The Lancet, which is the world's leading peer reviewed medical journal, just published that Fluoride is a key component of all the new designer behavioral problems such as ADD, that are happening in our schools now. Show this, to your dentist, or any idiot who says you are a conspiratard, and don the tinfoil hat of wisdom, with pride. You can't argue with this, if it is in the Lancet, the fact that fluoride is NOT for teeth, is now official.       I cannot even begin to tell you how important this is. This will be THE END of fluoride.... in toothpaste, drinking water, and many other products, if it is used by the truth movement, to push issues at a local level, in the correct way. Lancet officially recognized Fluoride as a neurotoxicant, that is causing behavioral and cognitive disorders. In this study, fluoride is included with 10 other toxicants, that affect the nervous system. I suggest you print out THIS PDF from the lancet ....link...... which I have also cached on this web site, in a hidden location, to prevent it from vanishing off the web. This one is too important to let go of, like the Fuku report I will check this on the Lancet, to make sure it remains intact.
This is one of the best studies of environmental toxins, ever done, and it is written in language many people should be able to understand -UNLESS- They are a doped up vaccine damaged, heavily fluoridated anti-conspiritard, that can't tell the palm of their hand, from a hole in the ground, if someone you show this report to, does not "get it", ..... give up, they are not worth saving anyway.

About the Malaysian airline downing         UPDATE: There are too many reports to ignore now, of various passenger's cell phones ringing, when called. The only way this could happen, is if the plane was either stolen or crashed on the ground, within reach of a cell tower. One phone got picked up and hung up quickly, before anything was said. The cell phone ringing story, is NOT B.S.  ** http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/missing-malaysia-airlines-eerie-moment-3222919 **            My guess? The plane is intact, forced to land by a government or entity, probably under American or Israeli control, to be used in an "Islamic terror attack" later. The fact that there were 20 alternative energy people aboard, from Freescale Semiconductor, would probably also make a good reason, to take this exact plane, for this purpose, kill two birds with one stone. At this point I'd be surprised by a confirmed debris trail in the ocean, but not by a crash on land.                There were employees from an alternative energy firm aboard, who could have something to do with this "crash". I am not going to call it, a bombing or a missile yet. But I will say that it was Israeli Mossad, ALL THE WAY, and that it was not done by a band of rag tag Muslims.  Here is what I think we can rule out, though this may change: There were no fake passports associated with this flight, or anyone on it. This is a cover story that is always used by the Mossad.
There were no suicide bombers on this flight, and it was not taken down by explosives, that were on the plane. That is a cover story, that is ALWAYS used by the Mossad.
            MOST LIKELY There were inconvienient people aboard, and it was simply shot down.... by a missile or directed energy weapon. There is so much crap out there circulating regarding this, that it will take time to dig through it all, and reach a conclusion. But the passengers were mostly Muslim, none of them Jewish or Israelis, and Muslims don't just kill themselves off, let alone like this. Someone on that plane "needed" a one way ticket out of here, and that is all there is to it. As far as exactly who and why, I am figuring that out now. Updates to come.
               And this is the last thing,  I wanted to have to look into.             UPDATE: HERE IS THE REASON Austin-based high-tech eco-friendly company Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE:FSL), has confirmed that 20 of its employees, were confirmed passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, en route from Kuala Lumpur, to Beijing. Twelve are from Malaysia, and eight are from China. The companyΓÇÖs key product solutions, include those for electric vehicles.          SO, we have energy interests involved here, WHO PROFITS MOST, FROM GASOLINE?      We can root out the culprits in this crash, pretty easy, with that little tidbit of info, and expose the entire energy control grid, running behind the scenes. Since we have "fake passports" and the attempt to frame up Muslims, with a fake bomb plot in this story, it is fairly easy to conclude the Mossad is part of global energy policy enforcement. Islamic countries may have oil, but they no longer set the prices or make the profits, after Iraq and Libya were destroyed. WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM BLOWING A PLANELOAD OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PEOPLE, OUT OF THE SKY? YOU GUESS. More to come.

A GREAT message from Farganne.    Farganne sent you a message.    I hate to bark at you, but I have to say this.   For you to say "I am not an anti-semite, and I proved it, via thus and thus".... is the same as saying "I am a human!" They're not exactly the same, but they're commensurate. They're tantamount.              I think you should take the "anti-semite" disclaimer off your front page, and call the bullshit on it, for what it is. Noxious bullshit. There are no "anti-semites". Never have been, and never will be.////          MY RESPONSE You are right. I am NOT an anti-semite. I am merely an Anti child destroying hater, of slave traders who blow reactor guts everywhere, and trigger false flag terror attacks, in the name of the environment and arabs, for the purpose of running a totally corrupt NSA spy grid, which intercepts legitimate non jewish secrets, and hands them all over to the Jews, so they can gut non Jewish societies, and rob them of all cultural and economic worth, so that mass criminals can run the world. So since all I am guilty of, is hating people who live to destroy others, I am actually anti-evil, not an anti-semite; thank you for pointing that out.

Aangirfan nailed the issue in Ukraine.                                         ** http://aangirfan.blogspot.ca/2014/03/nato-troops-shot-both-sides-in-ukraine.html **
Anngirfan at Blogspot has driven more hits to the Fukushima report, than anyone else. And Aangirfan's report on the issue in Ukraine, absolutely nails it ALL, THIS is a MUST READ, Right on Aangirfan.

March 7 2013. MEN BEHAVING BADLY? Most of my readers, know I will not usually post work from other writers. The following was good enough for me, to get direct permission from Shirley Edwards to post it.
By Shirley Edwards February 28, 2014 Original Source    These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country, has changed over 50 years......(.....)
......... tuesday.....3/11/14. .  ************  3/11/14. Yes I know it's the anniversary of Fuku, but What more can I say? ** http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/fukushima1.html ** /// Well, I could also say THIS ... http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/blackmail.html ..... or THIS...http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/busted.html .... or THIS... http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/explosives.html .... OR THIS... http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/ventpipe.html.... or THIS .... http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/mails.html .....and where is that mammon spider report? That would be a good one for today.  

AWACS HIJACK PROVEN. There is a lot of new stuff below this, don't miss it! Malaysian airlines flight 377, has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below.
BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: FAKE PASSPORT GUYS, WERE PHOTOSHOPPED. Take a look at their legs. HA HA HA - that's a bad screw up. Here is the original article, this picture appeared in.   Needless to say, I preserved this one. ** http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/se-asia/story/missing-malaysia-airlines-plane-one-passengers-stolen-passport-19-year-o ** Caption below original photo: "A Malaysian police official displays photographs of the two men who boarded the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight, using stolen European passports, to the media at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, on March 11, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP" Now that's an absolute LAUGH. That's as bad as the blood spatters going the wrong way, at the bat man shooting.  Get, while the getting is good, they are going to "fix this", ASAP.    Too late, this entire article including comments below, is now preserved and will post tomorrow in it's full glory on this web site, so you can just save it as a Jpeg, tomorrow. That way the black hole of censorship, won't suck this one beyond the event horizon.                         UPDATE: The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour, after it "vanished (B.S.)from civilian "radar" (B.S.)....  radar is radar, and they can eat dog poo.
ANYWAY, the plane did a u-turn, and was "last spotted" on the other side of Malaysia. They made the mistake of saying it was "flying low", when it was still at 29,500 feet, far higher than needed to show on radar, to deceive people, into believing THAT is why it "vanished" from radar. A whole bunch of lies were hatched about.. how it disappeared from civilian radar, because "the transponder was switched off", but RADAR IS RADAR, AND PRIVATE PLANES DO NOT HAVE TRANSPONDERS. Radar is there to prevent private planes from hitting commercial ones, among other things. So you can take the transponder lies, and trash them.
But the plane DID disappear from civilian radar, even though military radar tracked it, for a now admitted full hour longer.         What could make a plane disappear from civilian radar, yet still be visible on military radar? ONE THING, and it sort of looks like a UFO (as some have speculated) ... only it's attached to a boeing jet - the antenna on a U.S. Air Force AWACS plane. The fact that this missing jet vanished from civilian radar, yet remained visible on more robust military radars, proves well enough for me, that this indeed was an AWACS hijacking, just like we saw on 9/11, where AWACS planes were seen on video, observing the crashes into the twin towers.   In this scenario, we now have: The plane did a u-turn, and flew the other way, for a now admitted full hour. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Obvious fake photoshopping of "terrorists". THAT supports the Awacs story. Cell phones still ringing, which would only be possible with a safe landing. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Missing black boxes. THAT supports the Awacs story (the plane is obviously intact). A reason to electronically hijack the airplane - 20 top people from a semiconductor firm, that works defense, with employees working for countries that are not allies, yet VERY powerful - THAT supports the Awacs story     And I'd have to say the CIA's obvious pushing of B.S. regarding this, supports the Awacs story as well; If this plane shows up somewhere in pieces now, it was electronically hijacked by an AWACS plane - the same type seen on 9/11, and the people were offloaded and questioned (engineers probably waterboarded, for defense secrets). IF that plane shows up in pieces now, it happened last night, not three days ago, FINAL ANSWER.                                      My final word on Malaysia airlines  At least until the plane is found.   Freescale semiconductor, is actually a large company with many divisions. The most credible information out there, points to two possibilities, with one central binding theme -  The central binding theme, is that these employees did not work in the energy sector, they worked with advanced military technologies. One branch was for data security, and may have been attempting to circumvent the NSA, and the other branch worked in cloaking technology for stealth applications.                  When I was at the NSA, they very clearly stated that the best engineering teams out there, consisted of 4 or 5 people, and NO MORE. So the plane obviously would not have all people from freescale, working on the same team. There would have been, with 20 employees, 4 or 5 separate engineering teams aboard, assigned to different tasks. This could be why there are so many different explanations for what all the employees actually did, and you know they had to at least be engineers, because Freescale would not load floor sweepers or assemblers, onto a jet.             My best guess is that the people worked in defense. And I have a pretty good reason for thinking so - Malaysia is an amazingly advanced country. You might not think so, because you have never been told, but Malaysia is in fact so advanced a country, that ever since the early 90's Malaysia has made many and at times ALL.... processors for both Intel and AMD. How much higher than that, can you get?          So here we have two countries, Malaysia and China, with a top flight electronics engineering firm, Freescale semiconductor,.... and 20 missing engineers on a vanished plane. I'd say this was probably a military takedown by the United States. And I'd bet the plane was remote hijacked, and flown to a runway somewhere. THAT is why the cell phones still ring, and you can bet the black op NSA, knows exactly where they are. All the modern planes can be taken over, via remote, they all have back doors now, .... and the NSA is there, only to rape and rob you, they are NOT your friends,..... you will NOT be told, where this plane is.     The plane vanishing from radar, had nothing to do with the plane's electronics, going dead,.... it most likely had a LOT more to do with an AWACS plane, making it vanish from radar, and taking it over. AWACS can do that. And if the plane's electronics went dead, that would NOT make it vanish from radar, I don't know where all the stupidity on this topic evolved, MYLAR BALLOONS HAVE NO ELECTRONICS, AND THEY SHOW UP ON RADAR, CLEAR AS DAY. AIRPLANES DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A TRANSPONDER, FOR RADAR TO WORK AT ALL. THE TRANSPONDER IS ONLY FOR TELLING GROUND CONTROL THE NAME OF THE AIRPLANE. DEAD ELECTRONICS ON A PLANE, HAVE NOTHING TO DO.... WITH IT BEING ON RADAR. if you read an article saying the plane vanished because it's transponder switched off, run from the writer as fast as your brain can move, that writer is either too stupid to pay attention to, or fake.         SO, we have a plane that vanished from radar, while at altitude. No tracking pieces falling, no descent into the sea, NADA, it just VANISHED. PIECES OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN, AND IT WAS INSTEAD AWACS , AND AN ELECTRONIC HIJACKING FOR MILITARY PURPOSES. Until this plane turns up in the jungle, it's in once piece, on a runway somewhere, probably an American runway on one of the many bases America has everywhere, and the engineers are being debriefed and told about the new life they are going to have, their families are going to have, or they are dead.  And the punch line? If this is what really happened, the Zioclan just got a free plane, they can use, to hit the Sears Tower. NEVER FORGET THAT.

This is good,  Crisis actor FAIL,     We all know Aurora, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing, were fakes. Even though this is well established fact, in the aware crowd, the following video is too good to skip, even with the issue in Ukraine, the anniversary of Fuku and a missing jet. This dredge of history, is too good to miss.       In this video of the "aftermath" of the bat man shooting, a crisis actor forgets to play his part, and thrashes his "injured" arm around, while having fun talking about getting shot in the arm, the day after the shooting. It's such a huge blunder, I wonder how on earth this ever got missed, the first time around. This was obviously pulled from a recording, done by someone who just hits record when major news breaks, to capture it all and was found on review of history. If there is anything out there, that can prove Aurora to be fake, THIS IS IT - I just sat and laughed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW9w8szNlys#t=71 * Forgot to Fake - Crisis Actor Forgets to Fake Injury - Aurora Theater Hoax. ////  I know about the libyan oil tanker, and don't know what to make of it.   /////                          March 10 2014. Aquarius sent the following. This is a VERY interesting mail, received via a box not listed on this site - Dear James and Claudia, Thank you very much as ever, for your scientific account of the critical issues. In mourning the victims of the 311 and Fukushima catastrophe, in its 3rd year, I would like to donate 100 USD, as a humble token of my thanks, to your courageous probe into the truth. I will remit 100 USD via PayPal, as soon as you confirm this on your blog's front page. I agree with your analysis of the Malaysian airline crash.  The circumstances are very similar to the mysterious crash of Japan Airline Flight 123 in August 1985. "The Truth of JAL123" .....(....)
......  wed..12th......  Yes I know it's the anniversary of Fuku, but What more can I say? Well, I could also say THIS or THIS or THIS OR THIS or THIS ...
.... and where is that mammon spider report? That would be a good one for today. ///
        UPDATE: They are now censoring the passport fake frameup picture, from the waist down, in many places. HERE IS THE ORIGINAL: ....... http://jimstonefreelance.com/passportscrewup.jpg .......). ***
  ******************** UPDATE: Here is a post worthy mail, that is completely un verified. Discern for yourself. I have my doubts, but people should probably get onto this one, anyway.
Someone just sent me this ΓÇô I donΓÇÖt know the source, so I canΓÇÖt link it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rothschild, Freescale, Patent, Murder and a missing plane, what do all have in common? Jacob Rothschild, Murderer. This is how the elites get richer and richer, by any means available, including murder. This is a story about greed, wealth, power and world domination. Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370, to Beijing China ?? If not, here are your missing pieces. Patents Patents Patents, and the wealth they bring.                 [link to ... http://www.4-traders.com/ .....
           Four days after a missing flight, a patent is approved by the Patent Office, for maximizing dies on a wafer. 4 of the 5 Patent holders, are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%), Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%), Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%), Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%), Freescale Semiconductor (20%).  If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased, if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder, is Freescale Semiconductor.   Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ?? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone, who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent, were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally, by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so, until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent, once Patent holders declared deceased. Rothschild, you are an evil bastard.
                 My comment: A little semiconductor manufacturing background - Chips are made 100 or so at a time, on a wafer of silicon. Each individual area, a chip is made within, is called a die. Silicon suitable for advanced chips, is very expensive. To maximize dies on a wafer, means that a way was discovered and patented, to get more chips out of a wafer, and anything additional, is pure profit. SO it would have been a money making patent. I think the above is something to consider, but I don't think that is all there is, to this story.      //////////////////////////////////////
              CLICK HERE FOR JAPANESE   CLICK HERE FOR JAPANESE AND ENGLISH   Click here for German,   2 new mirrors of this site 1 and 2, are now working. Thanks to Paul Short and Judge Dredd, for setting these up. Those who believe in a great global conspiracy will be awarded a tinfoil hat. . . . . Those who do not will receive a dunce cap.  ......and...... E-mails From Japan. Readers in Japan are WELL AWARE the quake was not a 9.0 and the tsunami was artificial. My comments are in italics, writers comments are in bold.    http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/mails.html ***        3/12/14. There will be very few updates today, because the AWACS article is getting hit too hard, to bury by posting above it. I have heard all the arguments, and NONE actually address what is here, it's staying up.       (( MORE BELOW THE LINKS   ))
......... thursday13th.......  The mail log will be updated tomorrow March 14. Since the phones got disconnected over the AWACS report (the phone company said one of the numbers got deleted from the system, and they don't know how that happened, ....while the other phone remains dead, for no apparent reason at all,).....  you can safely bet that if you tried to mail me, it got censored EVEN IF YOU GOT A RESPONSE. This will be possible to confirm, tomorrow./////// Permalink: http://jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html   MAILS COMPLETELY CENSORED. PHONES DISCONNECTED. WEB SITE SAVED ONLY BY A HUGELY READ ARTICLE, AT BEFORE-IT'S NEWS.... THAT I COULD EDIT, TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT HAPPENED, WHEN IT VANISHED. BUT WHAT CAN I SAY? READ IT, AND WEEP YOU, NSA BASTARDS.
    GET THIS, IT'S A HOOT!     The engines on flight 377, remained connected to satellites, as part of a Boeing maintenance routine, and Boeing has confirmed the aircraft remained flying for five full hours, after it ΓÇ£vanishedΓÇ¥ from radar. Obviously the Malaysian military really did track this plane, as they originally stated. Someone forced them to back down, only to have Boeing blow it wide open, once and for all. And THIS is probably why the Malaysian military forgot all about how they tracked it, to the strait of Malacca.  ** http://jimstonefreelance.com/blackmail.html **  Too late, the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE.
** The Strait of Malacca or Straits of Malacca....  is a narrow, 805 km (500 mi) stretch of water between the Malay Peninsula (Peninsular Malaysia) and the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strait_Malacca ** /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia ** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand ** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia ** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore *
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indochina * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southeast_Asia * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodia *
                       AWACS HIJACK PROVEN    Permalink: http://jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html          There is a lot of new stuff below this, don't miss it!
Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below.
               UPDATE:    The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military radar, after it "vanished from civilian radar, because "the transponders were switched off" (B.S.) ....radar is radar, it does not need a "transponder" to track a plane, and they can eat dog poo. And Awacs would have shut down any transponder for a plane kidnapping anyway, it took no terrorist to do it.    ANYWAY, the plane did a u-turn and was "last spotted" on the other side of Malaysia. They made the mistake of saying it was "flying low" when it was still at 29,500 feet, far higher than needed to show on radar, to deceive people into believing THAT is why it "vanished" from radar. A whole bunch of lies were hatched about how it disappeared from civilian radar because "the transponder was switched off" but RADAR IS RADAR AND ONLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS, PRIVATE PLANES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS. Radar is there to prevent private planes that have no transponders from hitting commercial ones among other things, and if radar can see a private plane that has no transponder it certainly can see a huge jumbo jet. So you can take the transponder lies and trash them.
              But the plane DID disappear from civilian radar even though military radar tracked it for a now admitted full hour longer.      What could make a plane disappear from civilian radar while at 36,000 feet yet still be visible on military radar? ONE THING, and it looks like a UFO (as some have speculated) only it's attached to a boeing jet - the antenna on a U.S. Air Force AWACS plane. The fact that this missing jet vanished from civilian radar yet remained visible on more robust military radars proves well enough for me that this indeed was an AWACS hijacking, just like we saw on 9/11 where AWACS planes were seen on video observing if not controlling the crashes into the twin towers. Once the plane flew far enough West, Awacs was obviously enough to jam both civilian and military radars, probably because they entered a zone where the angle of both incoming signals allowed for their simultaneous cancellation. That is where the plane finally "vanished" forever, an hour after the "official" vanishing act. The final vanish happened while at 29,500 feet. Though AWACS was originally released as a radar platform there are many variants of awacs type planes now that serve many types of radio oriented missions including jamming and takeover, and they all have the same antenna dome.             In this scenario, we now have: The plane did a u-turn and flew the other way, for a now admitted full hour.         UPDATE: FIVE hours. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Obvious fake photoshopping of "terrorists". THAT supports the Awacs story.         Cell phones still ringing, which would only be possible with a safe landing. THAT supports the Awacs story.       Missing black boxes. THAT supports the Awacs story (the plane is obviously intact).     A reason to electronically hijack the airplane - 20 top people from a semiconductor firm, that works defense, with employees working for countries that are not allies yet VERY powerful - THAT supports the Awacs story.             And the GRAND FINALE: PLANE DISAPPEARS FROM CIVILIAN RADARS, WHILE REMAINING VISIBLE ON MILITARY RADARS. THAT supports the Awacs story, and pushes it to the forefront of logic like a tsunami on a beach umbrella, if THAT does not raise a few eyebrows, people are sleeping.        And I'd have to say the CIA's obvious pushing of B.S. regarding this, supports the Awacs story as well; If this plane shows up somewhere in pieces now, it was electronically hijacked by an AWACS plane - the same type seen on 9/11, and the people were offloaded and questioned (engineers probably waterboarded, for defense secrets). IF that plane shows up in pieces now, it happened last night, not three days ago FINAL ANSWER.                     
               UPDATE: Exact logic sequence for proving the U.S. air force hijacked the Malaysian airlines flight.    1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all.      2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type systems, but would not try to frame up Iran in a terror plot with a fake passport story supported by idiotically faked photos. Russia did not do this.    3. China and Malaysia also have Awacs type systems. Since it was a Malaysian plane flying with Chinese engineers, it is safe to rationalize out that neither China nor Malaysia did this.
4. Though the engineers on the plane also worked with stealth technologies such as Awacs, it takes a huge UFO shaped antenna to make such systems work, and Malaysian passenger jets do not have them as a standard feature. This was not a stunt played by Freescale Semiconductors.              5. Israel wants war with Iran, and the CIA hatching a terror plot with horribly faked photos stands in the evidence pool against the U.S. air force, which is their sex slave.              6. The obvious motive was military, and a real tie in was the fact that the plane disappeared from civilian radar while at full cruising altitude, but not the military radars. In this case the air force had to choose which radar they would spoof with Awacs (there is extreme difficulty with spoofing more than one system simultaneously unless there is a lucky alignment of signals) and they just hoped the military would not catch on. ONE PROBLEM, the Malaysian military was not as inept as the Air Force thought. PLAN FAILURE.
7. The Iranian terror plot fits the logic tree well. Since the photos were obviously faked, WHO WOULD DO THAT? WHO WANTS WAR WITH IRAN? No brainer there.
8. The cell phones are ringing, and the only organization in the world that can say where they are is the NSA. WHY THE SILENCE?           ............logic sequence output: Because the plane was hijacked electronically by those who keep the NSA funded and the NSA has been told to SHUT UP. If those phones were in lost baggage, the NSA would have said so RIGHT AWAY, and even the airline company would have figured it out by now, found the bags, heard the phones ringing and said, OH, WE KNOW WHY THEY RING. And the phones are not dead ringing as can happen with some american carriers, because on one occasion one of the phones was picked up and hung up without anything being said. But NOPE, NOTHING on this from the NSA, which means those phones are ringing on a runway somewhere, and the NSA knows EXACTLY WHERE. Yet they still support the CIA, which is doing it's best to hatch a B.S. terror plot about a couple Iranians with fake photos and THERE IS YOUR ANSWER, AMERICA HAS THAT PLANE AND IS PROBABLY WATERBOARDING THE FREESCALE ENGINEERS RIGHT NOW, EXTRACTING CHINESE MILITARY SECRETS. If the plane is now "found" in pieces it will mean "they" gave up on the B.S. story line and decided to ditch it somewhere rather than use it on the Petronas towers or the Sears tower.      The hijacking story won't work now that we know the Malaysian military was able to track the plane because a hijacker cannot switch off a radar system 500 miles away and cannot prevent the plane from being found on radar wherever it went to, ONLY AWACS COULD.
               UPDATE: The shills are panicking, trying to prop up and support the "transponder" lie. Here is a response I posted, to a shill, that pretty much says it all:    I don't care WHAT some idiot says, to fool people, I myself have been interested in aircraft, and usually only the big ones, have transponders. To say they all do, is a load of crap. And WHO CARES, I clearly stated that the original Awacs was for radar, but that was 30 years ago. Now the Awacs type planes, have multiple electronic warfare capabilities, and even among the original, jamming was one so basic, that only an idiot would overlook it. THE ORIGINAL HAD JAMMERS.
That same A-hole posted to the Beforeitsnews article, and he is a damn SHILL.               Tell him to explain how Boeing kept in touch with the plane, via the engine maintenance satellite uplink, for five full hours and NO ONE KNOWS WHERE IT WENT, NO ONE SAW IT AFTER MALAYSIA LOST IT.         What we have here, is a shill, trying to create a straw man and there is none, I clearly stated that it was an electronic hijack, and I could care less how it was done, BOTTOM LINE IS THE PLANE VANISHED FROM RADAR, ACTIVE RADAR, FLEW FOR FIVE HOURS, AND WAS NOT SEEN ON ANY RADAR, AFTER MALAYSIA LOST THEM. ALL NATIONS HAVE OUTWARD LOOKING DEFENSE RADAR, AND FOR THE RECORD, MILITARY AIRCRAFT DO NOT ADVERTISE WHERE THEY ARE WITH "TRANSPONDERS", COUNTRIES HAVE TO FIND THEM, AND THE BOEING WOULD HAVE BEEN A FLYING TURKEY, ABSENT JAMMING. NO "TERRORIST" HIJACKER COULD HAVE DONE THAT. ONLY AN ELECTRONIC WARFARE TYPE ESCORT, COULD.            TELL THE ROTTEN ROTHCHILD BLOWING SHILL, TO EXPLAIN THAT.
        Here is a better tempered response, to a shill:        I am not unaware of the situation with private aircraft. I have seen at least a dozen, and NOT A SINGLE ONE had a transponder. Your claim that most private aircraft have transponders, is a lie. There was no "primary" or "secondary" radar. The transponder only identifies the craft, that is being reflected on active radar.   I believe you told the most plausible lie, people would ever believe, but you forgot something, I am former NSA and can call bullshit, on practically anything.     You cannot tell me that the airport did not have primary active radar systems in Malaysia, we are not talking LaPaz Bolivia even, and even La Paz has active radar. Any city in America with a population over 50,000.... will have an airport with active radar. You are implying that a 777 jet took off from an airstrip in an advanced country,..... that was laid out on a dirt path intersecting goat trails, and therefore had to transmit back, to tell the airport where it was. What a load of B.S.
       FOR THE RECORD: THE PLANE VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR. THE FACT THAT THE TRANSPONDER SWITCHED OFF AT THE SAME TIME IT VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR, PROVES AWACS EVEN MORE, I KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT AWACS CAN'T JAM A TRANSPONDER, BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY WORK DEFENSE YOURSELF, BUT TRUTH BE TOLD, THAT OUTCOME IS AN OBVIOUS ONE,.... and to the other shills, AWACS type planes have many functions, and one of them is JAMMING EVERYTHING. AWACS planes have amazing signal jamming capabilities, this is so well established fact, that you are going to have to shill even Pakistani agricultural web sites, to front the lie, that AWACS is not used for jamming. Give up on that one, even goat herders are not that stupid.   Permalink: http://jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html     //////                    BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: FAKE PASSPORT GUYS WERE PHOTOSHOPPED. Take a look at their legs. HA HA HA - that's a bad screw up. Here is the original article this picture appeared in, Needless to say, I preserved this one. .....(.....)
..............................................................................................................and........... the rest of article........   ( http://jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html  ) .....   this is so well established fact that you are going to have to shill even Pakistani agricultural web sites to front the lie that AWACS is not used for jamming. Give up on that one, even goat herders are not that stupid.
                BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: FAKE PASSPORT GUYS WERE PHOTOSHOPPED. Take a look at their legs. HA HA HA - that's a bad screw up. Here is the original article this picture appeared in, Needless to say, I preserved this one. Caption below original photo: "A Malaysian police official displays photographs of the two men who boarded the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight using stolen European passports to the media at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 11, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP" Now that's an absolute LAUGH. That's as bad as the blood spatters going the wrong way at the bat man shooting.
Get while the getting is good, they are going to "fix this" ASAP. Too late, this entire article including comments below is now preserved and will post tomorrow in it's full glory on this web site so you can just save it as a Jpeg tomorrow. That way the black hole of censorship won't suck this one beyond the event horizon.
            My final word on Malaysia airlines. At least until the plane is found.     Freescale semiconductor is actually a large company with many divisions. The most credible information out there points to two possibilities with one central binding theme - The central binding theme is that these employees did not work in the energy sector, they worked with advanced military technologies. One branch was for data security and may have been attempting to circumvent the NSA, and the other branch worked in cloaking technology for stealth applications.          When I was at the NSA, they very clearly stated that the best engineering teams out there consisted of 4 or 5 people and NO MORE. So the plane obviously would not have all people from freescale working on the same team. There would have been, with 20 employees, 4 or 5 separate engineering teams aboard assigned to different tasks. This could be why there are so many different explanations for what all the employees actually did, and you know they had to at least be engineers because Freescale would not load floor sweepers or assemblers onto a jet.           My best guess is that the people worked in defense. And I have a pretty good reason for thinking so - Malaysia is an amazingly advanced country. You might not think so because you have never been told but Malaysia is in fact so advanced a country that ever since the early 90's Malaysia has made many and at times ALL processors for both Intel and AMD. How much higher than that can you get?             So here we have two countries, Malaysia and China, with a top flight electronics engineering firm, Freescale semiconductor, and 20 missing engineers on a vanished plane. I'd say this was probably a military takedown by the United States. And I'd bet the plane was remote hijacked and flown to a runway somewhere. THAT is why the cell phones still ring and you can bet the black op NSA knows exactly where they are. All the modern planes can be taken over via remote, they all have back doors now and the NSA is there only to rape and rob you, they are NOT your friends, you will NOT be told where this plane is.                      The plane vanishing from radar had nothing to do with the plane's electronics going dead, it most likely had a LOT more to do with an AWACS plane making it vanish from radar and taking it over. AWACS can do that. And if the plane's electronics went dead that would NOT make it vanish from radar, I don't know where all the stupidity on this topic evolved, MYLAR BALLOONS HAVE NO ELECTRONICS, AND THEY SHOW UP ON RADAR CLEAR AS DAY. AIRPLANES DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A TRANSPONDER FOR RADAR TO WORK AT ALL. THE TRANSPONDER IS ONLY FOR TELLING GROUND CONTROL THE NAME OF THE AIRPLANE. DEAD ELECTRONICS ON A PLANE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BEING ON RADAR. if you read an article saying the plane vanished because it's transponder switched off, run from the writer as fast as your brain can move, that writer is either too stupid to pay attention to or fake.
             SO, we have a plane that vanished from radar while at altitude. No tracking pieces falling, no descent into the sea, NADA, it just VANISHED. PIECES OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN AND IT WAS INSTEAD AWACS AND AN ELECTRONIC HIJACKING FOR MILITARY PURPOSES. Until this plane turns up in the jungle it's in once piece on a runway somewhere, probably an American runway on one of the many bases America has everywhere and the engineers are being debriefed and told about the new life they are going to have, their families are going to have, or they are dead.
And the punch line? If this is what really happened, the Zioclan just got a free plane they can use to hit the Sears Tower. NEVER FORGET THAT.      http://jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html
....... friday.... March 14 2014. Exploring the theories regarding flight 370. "HERE IS THE ANSWER: CHINESE ENGINEERES WERE KIDNAPPED, SO SECRETS COULD BE EXTRACTED, BEFORE THE U.S. KICKED OFF WORLD WAR 3. WE ARE LOOKING AT THE RUN UP TO WORLD WAR 3. EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S COMING, AND NOW WE KNOW THE PENTAGON FEARS CHINA, MORE THAN RUSSIA."                The following are the most common bogus "theories", surrounding the dissapearance of flight 370, followed by what is obviously, the real answer.
1. Flight 370 was shot down an hour after it took off by the U.S. navy. This is proven false, by the fact that the plane's engines remained logged in to a maintenance monitoring program via satellite uplink, for five full hours afterward, and this alone, trashes theory 1. Anyone following the story about the guy on the oil rig, who claims he saw it go down, is out of the loop, that one is completely spurious. ///
2. A couple of Iranians OR the pilots OR other passengers on the plane, switched off the transonder and flew it to wherever - This is proven false by the fact that the plane vanished from active radars and never showed up on radar anywhere again, despite having flown through at least one and probably many nation's radars, AND proven by the fact that the plane eventually landed where cell phones could connect and be subsequently rung. IF the plane went to ANYWHERE a cell phone could connect,.... it flew through active radar, to get there, END OF DISCUSSION. ///  ** http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Kfc296VbqyE/UHRmK5kyYzI/AAAAAAAAApo/hxa02xOqvGg/s1600/military+base.jpg **                3. The plane kept flying EAST and landed at a secret base in Viet Nam, somwhere in the Phillipines. This is easily proven false, by the Malaysian's own military, tracking it turning West. I agree that the most probable initial destination for flight 370, was Diego Garcia. But it's repainted now, and is probably sitting out in the Mojave desert, to be used in a future "terror attack". Anyone in Mojave or Barstow? Heck, EVEN L.A.? Go look for it, at that mothballed jet parking lot, near the wind farm, that is in the city of Mojave. A 777 should not be there. ////
4. The plane got hit by a missile, the pilots sent a distress call from a shattered cockpit that got picked up by Singapore, and the plane crashed in the ocean - This is easily proven false, by the fact that the 777 is a full fly by wire aircraft which turned around and flew a direction, opposite it's originally programmed autopilot route, which would not have happened, if the cockpit got blown open. That would have disabled the pilots, and the autopilot would not have turned the plane around by itself, it would have simply dead flown the plane to China, and automatically landed it. All modern jumbo jets have fully automated take off, fly to destination and land without pilot intervention, but pilots will sometimes opt to land a plane manually, to keep in practice. Autopilot alone makes theory 4 improbable,.... and makes electronic hijacking very probable. ///
5. Almost too ridiculous to mention - Freescale employees cloaked the aircraft and stole it, and / or aliens took it. That theory was good for a joke about how an AWACS antenna looks. ///
Theory 6 - Awacs type planes can't jam radar or transponders, and once you switch a transponder off, an airplane vanishes from radar FOREVER. // This one really pisses me off, and preys on the most stupid people out there, who have absolutely zero understanding of the technical side, of how things actually work. Do I really need to discuss this? Perhaps on two points. The first, which I have been shilled the most over, is the transponder. TRUE, many planes have them. FALSE - ALL PLANES HAVE THEM. FACT: If you took every aircraft flying every jungle every corn field or every weed patch in every place on earth, and mixed them in with commercial and/or high class airplanes, the majority of what is out there, the average, would NOT have a transponder. THIS IS MY POINT, ACTIVE RADAR IS TO ALERT LARGER PLANES, THAT HILLBILLY CROP DUSTING JOE, IS THERE. And active radar works. AND when flight 370 disappeared, it was STILL on, AND VANISHED FROM active radar. THAT would NOT be possible, absent jamming.
            The second point I need to be perfectly clear on (I GUESS) is that jamming is... world war 1 type old school. And ALL awacs from day one, could jam. It's an essential part of having a jumbo jet do a mission. Awacs planes jam radar, to keep even the fighter planes that are along with them, safe. That's a cold hard fact. The only reason why fighter planes don't have really good jammers, is because they can't have a UFO shaped antenna pod on them, and still fly decent. Whatever numbskull out there, who insists that Awacs is nothing but a radar platform, and that it can't jam, is hoping people are so stupid they don't realize that ANY MILITARY SYSTEM THAT HAS A PRIMARY FUNCTION, HAS ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS SUPPORTING IT, THAT PLAY SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS. AND THE ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS ARE OFTEN VERY CAPABLE ALL BY THEMSELVES, AND GET USED, EVEN WHEN THE PRIMARY FUNCTION IS NOT BEING USED. Yeah, Awacs is a radar platform. TRUE. BUT THAT ANTENNA POD CAN HOLD ANYTHING, and WHAT better thing could you have to jam a radar system, than another radar system that can be custom tailored, to spoof radar with the full power of a radar system? The only problem is how many signals you can spoof, and send a false response for, which is why flight 370 stayed visible on at least one Malaysian radar system.              NOW LET'S GET TO REALITY AND MOTIVES
FACT: Flight 370 stayed logged into satellites, which cannot be jammed without blacking out the whole portion of the world they cover (which would be obvious). True, if you thought of it you could jam the receiver on the jet quite easily, but that won't prevent the jet itself from maintaining an outbound transmission to the satellite, which if jammed, would freak out the satellite, because you would have to point a jamming signal at the satellite and overwhelm it so badly, all the other planes would lose their connections at the same time. If you want your plane theft, to be as secret as possible, you can't jam the sattelite.
One thing with the satellite, is that it cannot tell where the plane actually is, it will only know it got signal. You would need three separate satellites all logged into the same plane, to figure out where the plane was, and Boeing uses only one log in, for obvious economic reasons. Boeing cannot find that plane, they can only say it was in fact alive.           FACT: The plane survived and landed somewhere. AND THE NSA KNOWS EXACTLY WHERE, BECAUSE THE CELL PHONES RANG, AND IT WAS NOT DEAD RINGING, BECAUSE ONE PICKED UP. Ditto for the cell carriers, all of them which are no doubt owned by Kikedom, and will keep their mouths shut. WE KNOW WHO DID THIS "FAILURE", TO LOCATE THOSE PHONES, PROVES WHO DID THIS, WITH A SINGLE FACT.
FACT: The entire arab hijacker meme, is so worn out and provably CIA, that we know that fake passport story, belongs in the trash. Add the faked photos, for an additional laugh. Why did they push this line? Just like Awacs, all military systems have multiple purposes. When the military system is in the information spectrum, in the form of a psy op, they are going to get as much use out of any situation, as they possibly can. So while they waterboard those chinese military experts, probably as a precursor to getting military secrets, before the waterboarders and their controllers launch world war 3,..... they decided it would be useful to try to frame up IRAN, and blame the plane's dissapearance on them, and use THAT, as a reason to start the war they seeked to get an advantage in, by kidnapping flight 370 and stealing the Chinese engineers.
FACT: The first thing to go with jamming, would be the transponder. Jamming would also keep the pilots from radioing out. Jamming would have a harder time spoofing all radars, and THAT is the part of the plan that did not go perfect, as it would be expected. And I would guess that the plane was taken to a location, most likely Afghanistan, where NO ONE would say a peep about it being there, and it would not matter if it was on radar or not.              In fact, once the plane was actually stolen, it would be possible to only jam it's communications, stop spoofing radar, and identify the plane as something else, via a fake beacon on the Awacs plane to get it through another nation's radar shield, without anyone knowing what it was. THAT is what probably really happened.             And if I was not right about this, why kill my phones? Why take the web site down - a little word on that - Here is what happened - The server did NOT go down. What they did, was take the web site off the DNS server, any time a request was made for a file that contained text. Pictures still worked, and they kept that part working, because thousands of web sites still use the photography section for their background photos, and vanishing that portion was not necessary to take the information part of the web site down. They minimized impact. If it was a legitimate site crash, EVERYTHING would have stopped. The fact that photos were still issued, proves it all.           SO WHY WOULD I BE CENSORED? HERE IS THE ANSWER: CHINESE ENGINEERES WERE KIDNAPPED, SO SECRETS COULD BE EXTRACTED, BEFORE THE U.S. KICKED OFF WORLD WAR 3. WE ARE LOOKING AT THE RUN UP TO WORLD WAR 3. EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S COMING, AND NOW WE KNOW THE PENTAGON FEARS CHINA, MORE THAN RUSSIA.
To contact Jim Stone (good luck with the censors) try james@jimstonefreelance.com To see if your mail made it, Click here
This web site is almost 100 percent reader supported. To donate, please contact james@jimstonefreelance.com. This mail also now works for paypal donations, thanks! The donation log is far down the page, because the AWACS story is too important, and needs to occupy the top spot. Check it, to make sure your donation made it. Thanks!
                Chavez | chiapas earthquake | CIA | Codex Alimentarius | Compartmentalization | contractors | web control | Corevpro | Al Rasheed bombed on purpose!| Rockefeller crack head intellect | Banker Bailout | Main Benghazi Report | supplemental benghazi | Bickering Jews | Nuclear Blackmail | Agenda 21 | BUSTED! | Hacked ECM's | stuxnet cartoon | Cells | cells addendum | CRR busted by Congress | Nibiru | How to deal with tyranny | Debka Psy Op | Deep Water Horizon | They are desperate! | SKP | Separate disinfo | Chinese invasion | Ecuador Snowden | Electronic Intefada | snowden 2 | civilization | Explosives in nuke plant! | Wag the Quake | Farganne snail | Fluoxitil | Fukushima Sabotage click here for updated PDF | NSA KEY | Kokesh CIA | Power grid tampering will end an era | Iranian consulate | gun control | Jenin comments | why I don't link corbett | Digital Stepping in the Aurora Borealis | Hastings | Zombie Apocalypse | 3 watt 3G | 50 plus mpg | Mike Phillips speaks | another antidepressant story | Aboud Church | Jenin bulldozed | antidepressants | Assange | Web site attack | Aurora | Russ Clarke explains 911 for the children | FED GETS THE MESSAGE | 70 MPG | Sandy Hook original coverage | "human" | Substation Attack | INTERCEPTED!! | The Real Iran | Iran bombed | Syria Nuked | FBI whistleblower | Jenin | Jewish Community | FAKE MANIFESTO!! | Masataka Shimizu | Libraries destroyed | Links | Luciferian | Mails from Japan - the real perspective | The main core | Pornshackles | McCaffee SCAM | Mexico | Micro Nukes | Off the air | A Mexican speaks out | Letter to the Mossad | Fertilizer plant | Uri Avnery | New antidepressant mails | Gas explosion | NO EMT? | NSA Edward | NSA not God | Occupy L.A.! | Pizza shop video FAKE | Stories from Jenin | Executive Order bans tech. | Election stolen | PERPS!! | Persia | Bacteriophages | Photograph the CIA! | Predator Drone | NSA competition | Sydney riots | Syria psy op BUSTED! | PUPPY THROW - arent you proud? | Shaken Baby SCAM! | Meet Rachael Corrie (watch this to the end) | Radar anomaly | Railroaded! | Boston Whistleblower | rigged elections | Nuclear Rogue | Russia playing Snowden games | Sandy Bridge (old version) | Senator Wyden | Here's a good one! | Snowden is the litmus test | V4BL | Tainted Nightmare | Joe did not stack up. | Israel destroys records | Did the U.S. down Sukhoi Superjet? | Real good SHTF advice | Taxation without representation | The Hack | Tomato Freakout | I said this before Snowden! | Joe Vialls 1 | Joe Vialls 2 | Violence? | Meet Nick Vogt | 250 plus! | Mossad nailed! | Nailed again! | COME ON NOW! | Open letter to NSA | When all is lost 40 percent! | Amish Allergies | Benghasi psyop fail | Spamhaus weponized | ConEdison thermite | Google Arrogance | No Hesitation | Indianapolis bombing | Mossad caught blowing up Mexican congress! | Oklahoma City | PressTV | Psyapocalypse | Russian comeback | Rockefeller narratives | Haarp and hurricane Sandy | Security tips 3,2,and1 | A shill screws up | Smart Meters, (tip4) | Springfield Bombing| Youtube rigging>| Contractor earthquake testimony |
                              Those who believe in a great global conspiracy will be awarded a tinfoil hat. . . . . Those who do not will receive a dunce cap.
             March 15 2014. I am not doing significant updates today, because the article below already nails it. ONLY AWACS and supporting systems can vanish a non stealth plane from radar, cut it's communications, and fly it via remote. With all subsequent reports elsewhere, this is obviously what happened. Drudge used the word "terror". He needs to wake up. It is fairly obvious given the passengers aboard and disappearance from all radars that this plane was stolen by the Air force for the purpose of capturing the Chinese military engineers aboard alive. And THAT would be done before World War 3, so America can get a few not so "ancient Chinese secrets". Putin is probably not going to back down, and America probably knows it. If Putin does not, we will have a massive war on our hands and the theft of this plane is, at least to me, an obvious precursor. Main report below

The following are the most common bogus "theories" surrounding the dissapearance of flight 370, followed by what is obviously the real answer......(....)
....sun...... 16th..... To contact Jim Stone (good luck with the censors) try    james@jimstonefreelance.com To see if your mail made it, Click here: http://jimstonefreelance.com/mails2014feb11.html
CHECK THE LOG PAGE, EVEN IF YOU GOT A "RESPONSE" FROM ME,. It is possible that hundreds got intercepted, and false replies sent. This is war, and dirty tricks, will be played. Make sure the log page link is not redirected, your browser should say you are accessing page www.jimstonefreelance.com/mails2014feb11.html ......with nothing before it, inserted into it,  or after it.
This web site is almost 100 percent reader supported. To donate, please contact james@jimstonefreelance.com. This mail also now works for paypal donations, thanks! The donation log, is far down the page, because the AWACS story is too important, and needs to occupy the top spot. Check it, to make sure your donation made it. Thanks!
The AWACS report is below the links. // Chavez | chiapas earthquake | CIA | .....(....)| Contractor earthquake testimony | //
Those who believe in a great global conspiracy, will be awarded a tinfoil hat. . . . . Those who do not, will receive a dunce cap. // Scroll down for the Awacs report, the updates are short.

MAILS HEAVILY CENSORED. PHONES DISCONNECTED. WEB SITE SAVED ONLY BY A HUGELY READ ARTICLE AT BEFORE-IT'S NEWS,THAT I COULD EDIT, TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THIS SITE VANISHED. ....BUT WHAT CAN I SAY? READ IT AND WEEP YOU NSA BASTARDS. - -           March 16 2014. Mails are still HEAVILY CENSORED, with well known people, failing to get through. There has been no new information to change my position on flight 370, BUT, I will add these points, that people made in the mails, that did make it:
A man from Germany, made an obvious point - the transponder is what tells foreign countries, that an approaching aircraft is not hostile, and in ALL CASES, even in total third world countries, such as Bolivia, fighter jets will scramble to intercept an aircraft that is not identified by a transponder. GOOD POINT, THAT is what a transponder is really for, with regard to radar, the transponder does not do anything. So if this plane flew for up to 7 hours, absent being cloaked, SOMEONE WOULD HAVE SCRAMBLED. Only an electronic warfare oriented "escort" craft, could have gotten flight 370 to wherever it went, via a falsified transponder beacon or outright radar jamming.    Second really good point was that ...Tucson Arizona is another good place to look for this airplane. There were other comments regarding this plane really going to Viet Nam, and other places. As far as I see it, that's the same as ...arguing whether a plane hit the Pentagon or if thermate was used, or directed energy weapons were used, it's all at that level, irrelevant. The important thing to know is that this plane could not have vanished according to the official story, this all happened as an act of war, and those chinese engineers are now in U.S. custody, and it does not matter if they are in Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, or heavily drugged, and eating at In-N-Out in Bakersfield, as they learn just how "great" America is, and how well they will be paid, for giving up Chinese secrets.
The plane will probably be used in a future "terror attack", if the story line goes well enough for them to not be forced to blow it up over the ocean, to provide "proof" of what happened to it. And the ziopress is pushing the hijacking line really hard as they laugh about rocket attacks from Gaza, that are OBVIOUSLY JUST DUMPED OVER WHEELBARROWS FULL OF CONSTRUCTION WASTE, OR A JACK HAMMERED SIDEWALK.** http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/03/gaza-rocket-barrage-strikes-southern-israel-201431215281805347.html **  Seriously - look at them laughing in the photo at the pile of "rocket debris" that was obviously just dumped there, and not the result of any blast, we can't get the truth in ANYTHING from zion, including via British originated, now run from Quatar Rothchild psy op Al Jazeera.  HOLD YOUR BREATH, tomorrow (Monday March 17) could be big, I still maintain that flight 370 was hijacked as a precursor to world war 3, let's just hope it does not go the way the bankers want, if it all gets started,... and the world finally breaks free of their death grip, they have gambled an awful lot in a nuclear armed world, let's hope Russia "gets it" and chooses the correct targets. And even if not, let's hope the bankers one way or another, totally lose it. It's high time for them to lose from war, rather than gain.

March 15 2014. I am not doing significant updates today, because the article below already nails it. ONLY AWACS and supporting systems can vanish a non stealth plane from radar, cut it's communications, and fly it via remote. With all subsequent reports elsewhere, this is obviously what happened. Drudge used the word "terror". He needs to wake up. It is fairly obvious given the passengers aboard, and disappearance from all radars, that this plane was stolen by the Air force, for the purpose of capturing the Chinese military engineers aboard alive......(.....)

.................................................................. Tom H. ..................
Wednesday   March 12, 2014.  IT IS TIME!  by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert. /source  source /     UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the secret FISA Court (United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) overseeing the Nazi Paperclip right-wing Jew NSA, has declared that the NSA illegal, totally UN-Constitutional espionage against the American People, completely violates the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. /source /       Note: This opinion by the FISA Court, has been directly communicated to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Nazi Jew U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, neo-Nazi Bush Family stooge Mike Rogers, R-MI, alleged U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, and, finally, corrupt U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. The FISA Court is also in possession of new evidence fingering the Nazi Paperclip U.S. NSA and the Central Bank of Japan, that have been hacking in to Chinese banks, in regards to the derivative spreads tied to the European Central Bank (ECB), the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the Nazi German Deutsche Bank, on a nightly basis.     Note: At this hour the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen currency derivatives spreads, are ass-backwards with Nazi German Deutsche Bank as a counter party.         P.S. Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin now has overwhelming evidence, tying the Obama Administration and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, and their NSA stooges, in staging a NAZI coup in the nation of the Ukraine, in order for the criminal U.S. and European bankers, to use the Ukrainian banking system, to disguise worthless Nazi German Deutsche Bank derivatives, and destabilize the Russian currency, as to finance their latest ponzi scheme. P.P.S. In closing, remember that the United States at this hour remains occupied with bank stooge Obama, taking direct orders from the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, and their international terrorist banking cabal.    It is time for the U.S. Military to pivot, and use the U.S. Constitution as a predicate, to declare a national emergency, and immediately remove and decapitate this Nazi Paperclip-Zionist occupation (enabled by the Nazi Paperclip controlled U.S. media).           http://www.tomheneghanbriefings.com/IT-IS-TIME__03-12-2014.html
Thursday   March 13, 2014. CHINESE BOX EXPOSED, by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert. /Chinese Politburo /source /           UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported  that elements of the Chinese military, are set to decapitate the current Chinese government aka their Politburo.    Elements of the Chinese military have evidence, linking the current Communist Chinese Politburo, to a major financial ponzi scheme, involving the Central Bank of Japan, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the European Central Bank (ECB).       /Chinese yuan and Japanese yen /SOURCE /   The current Chinese Politburo has sacrificed, Chinese treasury funds (using a stooge CIA proprietary account, named Hampton Lampoon, with a link to HSBC of Hong Kong).   The current Chinese Politburo has stolen and put into their pockets, massive proceeds from manipulation, in concert with the Central Bank of Japan, and U.S. banking giant JPMorgan, in the aforementioned manipulation of both the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan, for the purpose of keeping the German Nazi Deutsche Bank-ECB euro denominated derivatives, solvent.  /Malaysian Airline flight /source /         P.S. We can now report that the Malaysian aircraft that had as its final destination Beijing, China, did turn around, and actually land in the nation of India. It was the heroic Vietnamese Air Traffic Control and their Air Force, that communicated directly with the mystery flight out of Malaysia, and told them that if they did not turn around, the Chinese Air Force would shoot the plane down.                     FACT: The recent attempt by the Chinese Politburo, CNN cable news network, and the U.S. Nazi Paperclip NSA, to put out disinformation aka false evidence ....about the Malaysian flight crashing in the China Sea, confirms that the Chinese Politburo and the U.S. Nazi Paperclip NSA, were preparing to shoot the Malaysian aircraft out of the air, and commit massive genocide. We can now divulge that three (3) members of the highest level of the Chinese military, were on the flight bound for Beijing.
FACT: When the Malaysian aircraft separately turned off their transponders, that was an attempt by the Malaysian aircraft pilot, to disguise the aircraft from Chinese radar, and accordingly safeguard the passengers from the criminal, crooked worldwide bank-controlled Chinese government. It should also be noted that on the day of 9/11.... aka George W. BushFRAUD and neo-Nazi Dick Cheney's Nazi Paperclip Reichstag fire, the transponders on the 9/11 Boston-based flight, was also turned off, with the aircraft being diverted to Nova Scotia, Canada, which then allowed the "U.S.-Canadian Red-Blue War Games" to be used, as a disguise, with a "stand down" order given to the U.S. Military, given by Cheney, to allow scalar technology and holograms to be used, to attack the World Trade Center.
This information has been confirmed to me by Canadian Air Force officials, ..... and former Toronto, Canada, talk show host and former Canadian Air Force pilot, Nelson Thall aka Lenny Bloom.
Item: Thall aka Bloom, who is Jewish, eventually distanced himself from this reporter, and did so, on the orders of Israel Mossad agent and NSA stooge Eric Jon Phelps, who actually ordered the assassination of former Chicago-based electronic journalist and judge buster, the legendary Sherman Skolnick.               P.P.S. The Chinese economy, which is now in a massive depression, thanks to the relationship with criminal U.S., European and Japanese banks, is set for total collapse, ....with the U.S. and European Union and their massive worldwide criminal banking ponzi scheme, .....being totally exposed.             P.P.P.S. At this hour Russian President Vladimir Putin has told mashed potato face aka U.S. Secretary of State "skull and bonesman" George W. Bushfraud's 3rd cousin, John Kerry Cohen, ....that he will not tolerate under any conditions, ponzi schemes being run out of Ukrainian and Hungarian banks, that are designed to attack the Russian ruble currency, in order to 'bail out' the margin deficiencies, of financial terrorist George Soros' derivative holdings, in the Nazi German Deutsche Bank.       In closing, we urge patriot members of the U.S. Military that still believe in the Constitution, to PIVOT and use whatever methods are necessary, to immediately restore the U.S. Constitution, as the Supreme Law of our Land! The U.S. Military PIVOT, will start with the shut down and decapitation of the NAZI Paperclip NSA controlled media outlets.... like CNN, FOX News and MSNBC.          It would be nice to put Erin Burnett, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Chris Matthews and Bill O'Reilly...... on an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
The island can be named "Conspiracy Theory Island".                        http://www.tomheneghanbriefings.com/CHINESE-BOX-EXPOSED__03-13-2014.html
Saturday   March 15, 2014. CHINESE BOX NOW TOTALLY UNRAVELS - by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert. /SOURCE   SOURCE /    UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that, along with three (3) members of the Chinese Military, a U.S. CIA agent, as well as an IBM employee, ..... were all passengers on the mystery Malaysian flight, that eventually landed in the nation of India.
Note: We are withholding the names of the IBM employee and U.S. CIA agent for 48 hours, in regards to an ongoing U.S. Military and Vietnamese government investigation, that has already concluded that the U.S. NSA and the Communist government of China, planned to shoot down the Malaysian aircraft. Reference: India hates the Chinese, because of their dealings with Pakistan. The IBM employee aka the U.S. CIA agent, along with the government of India, are now in possession of evidence, linking the U.S. Nazi-Zionist Paperclip NSA, along with the Communist government of China, in engaging in a worldwide espionage dragnet versus all U.S. citizens, but also, along with the Israeli Mossad, enabling worldwide criminal banks, to get as much as a 30-second lead time on all worldwide financial foreign currency transactions.
Reference: This evidence has been available to Nazi jew U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-CA,.... and Bush Crime Family stooge neo-Nazi Mike Rogers, R-MI,.... for over two (2) years.
The question now is why is traitor Feinstein, attacking the U.S. CIA? The CIA now has overwhelming evidence that Nazi jew Senator Feinstein, along with Nazi jew Senator Joe Lieberman (soon to be retired I-CT), have been taking direct orders from ....Nazi jew and 9/11 co-conspirator, illegally installed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The U.S. CIA and patriotic elements of the U.S. Military, have also been cooperating in an investigation fingering the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family Syndicate, along with their benefactors the criminal U.S. banks,.... in not only massive LIBOR rate rigging, but the use of illegal mortgage-backed securities (tied to Henry 'Hank' Paulson and Timothy Geithner), ....that not only looted the U.S. Treasury, but destroyed the entire U.S. and world economy.
            WANTA-REAGAN-MITTERRAND PROTOCOLS, Ambassador Leo Wanta (left pic), French President Francois Mitterrand  and American President Ronald Reagan /source   source   source /
P.S. At this hour patriotic U.S. CIA Director John Brennan, has been cooperating with the U.S. Military grand jury in Charlotte, North Carolina, in regards to the Bank of America attempt, to delay the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, that would return $27.5 TRILLION.... to both the U.S. and French Treasuries.  It is now the patriot CIA    vs     the Nazi Paperclip NSA.
In closing, stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, in which we will detail new evidence, linking Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush, and his wife (6th degree witch) Barbara Bush aka the bookkeeper, along with Bank of America and the Hollywood Nazi jew mafia,... in financing the UN-Constitutional violent overthrow coup d'├⌐tat, against the duly elected President of the Ukraine, and illegally installing a European Central Bank-Citibank-Nazi German Deutsche Bank stooge, that would use the Ukranian banking system, to roll over worthless Nazi Deutsche Bank derivatives, tied to neo-Nazi Communist financial terrorist George Soros.       Item: Recently sociopath and Bush Crime Family puppet Bill Clinton, held a personal fund raiser, for his crooked foundation in Hollywood, California.
When Nazi Paperclip NSA Bush Crime Family stooge Clinton, described the neo-Nazi NSA scripted Ukrainians rebels, as patriots.       The Ukrainian rebels were all financed by Citibank, in which Bill and Hillary and their former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, have major cross-collateralized derivative holdings.      Message to Bill Clinton: You are a major piece of shit, scumbag and coward, that your former Vice President Albert Gore Jr. helped elect you, on two occasions. This is financial World War III, that was started, when Bush Crime Family crony stooge Bill Clinton, signed legislation in 1999, to get rid of the the Depression Era Glass-Steagall Act, that kept U.S. banks from.... becoming Las Vegas-style casinos.  //Albert Gore Jr  - Year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States /source/ **
The U.S. CIA Director John Brennan now has complete evidence, tying the U.S. NSA, along with British Intelligence, using the Isle of Man, to the encrypted NSA overthrow of the year 2000 presidential election, which allowed George W. BushFRAUD (enabling the destruction of the U.S. Republic), to illegally take office in 2001.  The patriotic U.S. Military and CIA, now have evidence linking former British Prime Minister-U.S. NSA asset and neo-Nazi Anthony Blair, as a major enabler of this TREASON versus the American People, on behalf of Barclays Bank of England. Direct message to punk Blair: Over 55% of the American People are of Irish ancestry. So, accordingly, Blair, your ass is grass.     Note: Blair, along with his neo-Nazi partner BushFRAUD, orchestrated an illegal, UN-Constitutional war in Iraq, helped blow out $7.3 trillion in U.S. Treasury funds, with BushFRAUD transferring the funds and converting them to Iraqi dinar, along with the Central Bank of Iraq and the Bank of England.

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Posted here Sunday   March 16, 2014. Financial Terrorist George Soros, Totally Fingered, in Nazi Paperclip Ukrainian Coup, by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert. - UNITED States of America  - 
ΓÇï[color highlights added]  http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/17843-george-soros-s-giant-globalist-footprint-in-ukraine-s-turmoil  **Friday, 14 March 2014 17:00 George SorosΓÇÖ Giant Globalist Footprint in UkraineΓÇÖs Turmoil. Written by William F. Jasper.  /Photo of George Soros: AP Image /  ALSO: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/17812-ukraine-behind-the-headlines-disinformation-manipulation-propaganda **    Billionaire investor/activist George Soros has a giant footprint in Ukraine. Similar to his operations in dozens of other nations, he has, over the past couple of decades, poured tens of millions of dollars into Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), ostensibly to assist them, in transforming their country, into a more ΓÇ£openΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£democraticΓÇ¥ society.   Many of the participants in KievΓÇÖs ΓÇ£EuroMaidanΓÇ¥ demonstrations, were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs, in the many workshops and conferences sponsored by SorosΓÇÖ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open Society institutes and foundations. The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that it has given ΓÇ£more than any other donor organizationΓÇ¥ to ΓÇ£democratic transformationΓÇ¥ of Ukraine. The International Renaissance FoundationΓÇÖs Annual Report for 2012, the latest available, states that, ΓÇ£IRF provided UAH 63 million, in funding to civil society organizations - more than any other donor organization working in this field, in Ukraine.ΓÇ¥ The ΓÇ£UAHΓÇ¥ reference used above, refers to the Ukraine Hryvnia, UkraineΓÇÖs currency, which is worth about 0.11 $US, or eleven cents in U.S. currency. That translates into, roughly, $6.7 million that IRF provided to Ukrainian groups, in 2012; not a huge sum, by comparison to many other political and social campaigns, but more than merely ΓÇ£significant.ΓÇ¥ In the cash-starved Ukraine, SorosΓÇÖs dollars go a long way, toward seducing and co-opting all legitimate political opposition, into the Soros-approved ΓÇ£progressiveΓÇ¥ camp.
According to the IRFΓÇÖs own website, this one Soros conduit, has funneled over $100 million into Ukrainian NGOs, over the years:  Over the period from 1990 to 2010 the International Renaissance Foundation provided more than $100 million, in support to numerous Ukrainian non-government organizations (NGOs), community groups, academic and cultural institutions, publishing houses, etc.
The IRF website and annual reports, make clear that the Soros funds, are targeted at promoting Ukrainian ΓÇ£partnershipΓÇ¥ with, ...and ΓÇ£integrationΓÇ¥ into, the EU. Soros has provided many millions more through his other ΓÇ£philanthropicΓÇ¥ spigots. However, SorosΓÇÖ influence in Ukraine, extends far beyond the traceable funding he provides to activist Ukrainian NGOs, academics and think tanks. Equally, if not more, important is the influence he exerts on global opinion, through his massive propaganda network (including Project Syndicate, and other Soros megaphones) and his direct personal contacts with presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, central bankers, media executives, and Wall Street titans. In a February 26 column he penned for Project Syndicate, that was carried by hundreds of newspapers and websites, Soros argued that the EU and the IMF must initiate a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine, meaning, of course, transfers of money from EU and U.S. taxpayers, to the politicians, organizations, and institutions approved by the globalist/socialist/corporatist operatives, running the EU and IMF. Perhaps the key point in SorosΓÇÖ essay, entitled, ΓÇ£Sustaining UkraineΓÇÖs Breakthrough,ΓÇ¥ is this: ΓÇ£Ukraine will need outside assistance, that only the EU can provide: management expertise.ΓÇ¥ George Soros is all about management by ΓÇ£experts,ΓÇ¥ i.e., central planning, the hallmark of every socialist, fascist, or communist regime. In fact, he is one of the planetΓÇÖs premier advocates of global central planning and control. Hence, he is a longtime fervent supporter of the United Nations, the IMF/World Bank, the WTO, global population control, through the WHO and UNFPA, and virtually every other internationalist endeavor, to subvert national sovereignty and advance the building of an omnipotent world government.         His fetish with internationalism, includes, especially, further enlarging and empowering the EU, which has been the prime subject of concern in books and essays by Soros, as well as many of his speeches and media interviews. Soros is a full-blown proponent of total political and economic ΓÇ£integrationΓÇ¥ of the EU, meaning a complete annihilation of any residual independence of the EU member states, and the transfer of all substantive legislative, executive, and judicial powers, to EU politicians and administrators in Brussels. Over the past several years Soros has been particularly emphatic in pushing for a central EU Treasury, or European Fiscal Authority (EFA), which he says is ΓÇ£the missing ingredient, that is needed, to make the euro a full-fledged currency with a genuine lender of last resort.ΓÇ¥ The European Central Bank (ECB), says Soros, has insufficient powers to do what is needed, even though he admits it has illegally usurped powers ΓÇö which he applauds.         When European Central Bank President Mario Draghi (a former Goldman Sachs vice chairman and managing director) announced on August 1, 2012, that the ECB would ΓÇ£do whatever it takes, to preserve the euro as a stable currency,ΓÇ¥ German Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann objected, pointing out that the ECBΓÇÖs powers, are limited by statute. Nevertheless, Draghi forged ahead, promising that the ECB would make unlimited purchases of government bonds, of indebted EU members ΓÇö provided they put their countries under the control of executors, from ΓÇ£the TroikaΓÇ¥ ΓÇö the EU Commis-
sion, ECB and IMF
. This is the same Troika that devastated the citizens of Cyprus last year, raiding their bank accounts, to pay off the bonds that socialist politicians and Goldman Sachs had saddled them with. But Soros, whose many ΓÇ£human rightsΓÇ¥ fronts, extol the ΓÇ£rule of law,ΓÇ¥ "accountability," and ΓÇ£transparency,ΓÇ¥ says that the lawless and unaccountable Troika, does not have enough power! It must be complimented by an EFA, says he, which should exercise power, over all fiscal matters. The IMFΓÇÖs Managing Director Christine Lagarde, and EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso (a ΓÇ£formerΓÇ¥ Maoist Communist), have already lined up a multi-billion package for Ukraine. However, many Ukrainians, all across the political spectrum, are leery of coming under the TroikaΓÇÖs control, and rightfully so. They do not want to trade the corruption and oppression of YanukovychΓÇÖs pro-Kremlin regime, for another dictated by the EU and IMF. As we pointed out recently, even the poll commissioned by the U.S. State Department, found that only 37 percent of Ukrai-
nians favored joining the EU.     Economist Michael Roberts describes himself on his blogsite, as ΓÇ£a Marxist economist.ΓÇ¥ Nevertheless, Roberts is on the mark, in his February 27 column, in stating: ΓÇ£The people of Ukraine are left with HobsonΓÇÖs choice: either go with KGB-led crony capitalism from Russia, or go with equally corrupt pro-European ΓÇÿdemocratsΓÇÖ.ΓÇ¥ He is also correct, in asserting that UkraineΓÇÖs foreign debt will soon double, if it takes IMF loans, and that the Ukrainian people will burdened with crushing debt, for a generation. He writes:   Ukraine could still stage, a financial meltdown and a banking collapse. More likely, the new government will be helped, over the next few months with bridging loans, until the IMF deal is struck. Then the hardship for the people, will really begin in earnest. UkraineΓÇÖs foreign debt is about to double, as it takes on new debt from the IMF, and the cost of existing dollar and euro debt, jumps as the hyrvnia is devalued. This burden will be on shoulders of Ukrainians, for a generation.        Only it could double several times over, and it could burden Ukrainians for much longer than a generation; it could fasten them with debt bondage, in perpetuity. Bosnian writer Andrej Nikolaidis warns Ukrainians, that massive debt and grinding poverty under Troika-managed regime, are to be expected. ΓÇ£It hardly comes as a surprise to us, in former Yugoslavia,ΓÇ¥ writes Nikolaidis. ΓÇ£At the beginning of its dissolution, the Yugoslav foreign debt, was ┬ú9.5bn; today, after all the ΓÇÿhelpΓÇÖ we got from the troika, it's more than ┬ú107bn.ΓÇ¥ He continues:  Bosnia today is a poor and divided country, even more so than it was back in 1992. Former soldiers, hungry and sick, are gathering and protesting. "While we were bleeding, they were stealing," says oneΓǪ Some Bosnians saw their future under the Bosnian and EU flag, others under the Croatian and EU flag, and others still under the flag of The Great Serbia. Lots of flags, but only one poverty, for all.                But why must Ukraine formally join either the EU or the Kremlin-sponsored Customs Union? Are those, the only options? Is it not possible for Ukraine to adopt a neutral position of independence and peaceful trade, with both sides? Would not such a position be best for all concerned? From the available polling, it seems that may be the view of a plurality, if not a majority, of Ukrainians. UkraineΓÇÖs huge network of natural gas pipelines, not only supply much-needed Russian-produced gas, to EU countries, but also is the source of vital revenues to Russia, from that energy delivery system. The peoples of Russia, Ukraine and the EU, benefit from a stable, peaceful, neutral Ukraine; ....forcing Ukrainians into choosing one or the other camp, benefits no one ΓÇö except the power-mad rulers of Russia and the EU, and their globalist confreres. Why then, should Americans take direction from George Soros, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, John McCain, and other internationalist voices, who insist it is Ukraine, that must ΓÇ£chooseΓÇ¥ ΓǪ but the only choice considered acceptable and legitimate to the globalist choir, is for Ukraine to join the EU?  Soros and his huge stable of ΓÇ£public intellectualsΓÇ¥ at Project Syndicate, have been flooding the global media with propaganda, to that purpose. As weΓÇÖve reported previously, Project Syndicate is a project of George SorosΓÇÖ Open Society Foundation, that has sprouted into a network of nearly 500 newspapers in more than 150 countries, with worldwide circulation of over 70 million copies. According to the syndicateΓÇÖs web site, it is the largest syndication of independent commentators in the world. However, his great wealth, foundations, media presence and network of activist NGOs notwithstanding, George SorosΓÇÖ power and influence ΓÇö in Ukraine and elsewhere ΓÇö stem not so much from these oft-cited trappings of power, but from the fact that he is a player, an Insider, in the top rank of globalists, who are pushing and shoving ΓÇ£global governanceΓÇ¥, upon the entire planet. This was formally recognized in November 2010, when Soros received the ΓÇ£Globalist of the Year AwardΓÇ¥ from the Canadian International Council (CIC). Soros' real heft, derives from the fact that he is a member of the globalist power elite. First and foremost, he is a member of (and leader in and major financial supporter of) the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the premier globalist brain trust, that has become the de facto governing force, within the executive branch of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve System, as well as Democrat and Republican parties, for most of the past century. His Soros Fund Management, is a PresidentΓÇÖs Circle Corporate Member of the CFR, and Soros himself served as a director of the CFR for a decade (1995-2004). In addition, he has been a key participant in many CFR events, including serving as presider at the CFRΓÇÖs 2000 conference, ΓÇ£Latin America: Sustaining Economic & Political Reform,ΓÇ¥ a major sendoff promoting the Free Trade Area of the AmericaΓÇÖs (FTAA).                Further, he has been an activist participant with, and sometime funder of, important globalist organizations,.... such as the Brookings Institution, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the World Policy Conference, the World Economic Forum, the International Crisis Group, the Clinton Global Initiative, the Bilderberg Group, the U.S. State Department, the Gorbachev Foundation, the United Nations, and The Good Club (an exclusive billionaire club ΓÇö whose members include Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, and Oprah Winfrey ΓÇö with the singular purpose, of pushing global population control). Per the UN, Soros has served on a number of boards and advisory groups, promoting a global ΓÇ£Tobin TaxΓÇ¥ on financial transactions, global controls on CO2 to stop ΓÇ£Climate Change,ΓÇ¥ dramatically expanding the powers and funding of the International Monetary Fund, and massive global wealth redistribution, through the UNΓÇÖs Millennium Development Goals.            Many of SorosΓÇÖ critics on both the Left and the Right, ignore these facts, and treat Soros as if he is a singular earthshaking force, all on his own. Focusing solely on his grant distributions, political donations, NGO networks, etc., .... they greatly exaggerate his importance, which can act as a diversion, to distract liberty-minded advocates, from focusing on the bigger picture. Taken in isolation, without his tie-ins to the CFR-globalist network of power, SorosΓÇÖ global impact ...would be, not insignificant, but marginal. It is precisely because he is one of many super-wealthy globalists (albeit , he is far more visible and vocal than most) acting in concert, that his impact is so remarkable. Especially noteworthy in relation to Ukraine, is his key involvement in the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee (AUAC).       The Ukrainian Weekly of December 10, 1995, reported:  The American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee met in New York on November 17-18 [1995], and reiterated its strong conviction, that a resilient Ukraine is in the interest of European stability, and thus also American security."      Among other things, the AUAC called upon the U.S. Congress, USAID, the IMF, the World Bank, and the EU... to shower the Ukrainian government (then run by ΓÇ£formerΓÇ¥ Communist Leonid Kuchma). It also encouraged the Ukrainian government to hasten ΓÇ£privatizationΓÇ¥, by selling ΓÇ£blocks of equity to private investors.ΓÇ¥ Kuchma followed their advice and, as in the former Soviet Union, his false ΓÇ£privatizationΓÇ¥ scheme,transferred enormous state assets, into the hands of select Communist Party members, creating instant billionaire oligarchs, who have dominated Ukraine ever since. Sitting on the UAUC with Soros, were one-world CFR heavyweights Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Frank Carlucci, and Richard Burt. The same one-worlders, are pushing the same agenda today, two decades later.            Oligarchs R Us.  One of the billionaire oligarchs who benefitted from the UkraineΓÇÖs crony privatization program, is Victor Pinchuk, with whom Soros has been very active. SorosΓÇÖs foundations and The Victor Pinchuk Foundation collaborate on funding many NGOs and projects, in Ukraine and elsewhere. And Soros is a participant in PinchukΓÇÖs Yalta European Strategy (YES) conferences, annual extravaganzas held in the Crimea, at Livadia Palace, a summer retreat of Russian czars, on the Black Sea. The YES confabs, feature current and former presidents, prime ministers, potentates, financiers, corporate execs and celebrities.    Besides Soros, U.S. participants have included Bill Clinton, William Daley (ObamaΓÇÖs White House Chief of Staff), Robert Zoellick (BushΓÇÖs Trade representative, then president of the World Bank), Newt Gingrich, and Condoleezza Rice, to name a few ΓÇö Democrats and Republicans, CFR globalists all.        Pinchuk, a pal and funder of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, not only has generously supported BillΓÇÖs Clinton Global Initiative, but also has poured more than $13 million into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Another close tie is Douglas E. Schoen (CFR), a longtime Clinton operative and political consultant, whom, according to the New York Times, Mr. Pinchuk hired as an adviser in 2000 ΓÇö and to whom the oligarch has been paying a tidy retainer of $40,000 per month ever since. One of the important ventures that Soros and Pinchuk are financing is the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center (CMC), a collaboration of Ukrainian public relations corporations and journalists that is headquartered in KievΓÇÖs Hotel Ukraine. Ostensibly, it was created to counter the propaganda onslaught of PutinΓÇÖs Russian media cartel.           
             Much of the ΓÇ£independent newsΓÇ¥ we receive from Ukraine, is produced by the CMC, and stamped with the Pinchuk/Soros-approved brand of propaganda. That includes cheering on or papering over the fact that the ΓÇ£newΓÇ¥ government in Kiev, is simply the latest rotation of musical chairs, and it has ended with PinchukΓÇÖs fellow oligarchs (virtually all of which are ΓÇ£formerΓÇ¥ communists) and their parliamentary blocs and political parties occupying the most important chairs (as we reported here). Pinchuk is a member of the Board of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and sits on the International Advisory Council of the Brookings Institution, both of which Soros has long been associated with. Another very important Soros-Pinchuk tie, is their mutual connection to the famous (or infamous, as you prefer) Rothschild banking dynasty.
In 2011, George C. Karlweis, adviser to Baron Edmond de Rothschild and his Banque Privee, revealed that it was Rothschild, who provided Soros, with the startup money ΓÇö and, undoubtedly much (illegal) insider trading intelligence ΓÇö for Soros' fabulously successful Quantum Fund.  The full extent of PinchukΓÇÖs connections to the RothschildΓÇÖs global private empire, would require a similar revelation from an insider. That could be Jean-Pierre Saltiel, who sits on the board of PinchukΓÇÖs Yalta European Strategy, as well as the oligarchΓÇÖs global steel and metallurgy conglomerate, Interpipe, Inc. He is also a longtime adviser to the Rothschilds and the past president of Rothschild Conseil International, one of the fabled familyΓÇÖs major bank holding companies. Interestingly (but not so surprising), Rothschild agent Saltiel, also sits on the board of PIK Group, RussiaΓÇÖs largest residential real estate developer, founded by Russian oligarchs Yuri Zhukov, and Kirill Pisaerev (and still run by Pisaraev). Like Soros and the Rothschilds, Ukrainian oligarch Pinchuk, works with and partners with a number of Russian oligarchs. And his YES summits, regularly feature Putin-allied Russian oligarchs, as well as Putin-appointed Russian politicians and apparatchiks. Alfa Bank, RussiaΓÇÖs largest private bank, for example, is a YES sponsor. And Alfa Bank chairman, Mikhail Fridman, a Putin ally and one of RussiaΓÇÖs richest billionaires, ..sits on the CFRΓÇÖs International Advisory Board and provided the funds to create the CFRΓÇÖs ΓÇ£Russia and Russian-American Relations LectureΓÇ¥ program. Similarly, Rinat Akhmetov, UkraineΓÇÖs richest oligarch, a former Putin-Yanukovych supporter and ally, is now a member of the new government. He is also, along with Fridman and Soros, a YES sponsor, and a business partner with Russian, EU and U.S. Insiders.       What these and dozens of other similar examples indicate, is that there is much more to all of the Sturm und Drang over the Ukraine-Russia-EU ΓÇ£crisisΓÇ¥, than meets the eye.  Soros gave a strong clue, as to what the scripted outcome of the scenario, would likely be. His solution would see Russia as a ΓÇ£partnerΓÇ¥, and Angela Merkel (the "former" Communist from East Germany, who now runs the unified Germany) would be the broker.  ΓÇ£Germany should take the lead,ΓÇ¥ Soros said, in his February 26 Project Syndicate column, cited above. ΓÇ£Chancellor Angela Merkel must reach out to President Vladimir Putin, to ensure that Russia is a partner, not an opponent, in the Ukrainian renaissance.ΓÇ¥           Putin as Prod for "Convergence". Merkel appears to be doing just the opposite, threatening Putin with sanctions, including freezing of Russian bank accounts, and restrictions on travel in the EU, unless Putin ΓÇ£deescalatesΓÇ¥ the situation, and comes to the bargaining table. But, in reality, she is ΓÇ£reaching outΓÇ¥ to Putin, and he, after providing what is deemed an appropriate level of drama, will likely come to the table, and deescalate. Contrary to the RussiaΓÇÖs current bellicose posturing, it is in the KremlinΓÇÖs interests, to offload Ukraine onto the taxpayers of the EU and the United States, and it fits perfectly with their long-term strategy of ΓÇ£convergenceΓÇ¥ with the EU and the United States.   
            Anatoliy Golitsyn, arguably the most important KGB defector to escape to the West, exposed the top-secret Soviet convergence strategy, in his books New Lies for Old, and The Perestroika Deception. (See here, here, and here.) Mikhail Gorbachev was making oblique reference to the ongoing reality of the convergence process, when he described the EU as ΓÇ£the new European Soviet.ΓÇ¥ As in the transmutation described in OrwellΓÇÖs Animal Farm, when it became almost impossible to tell the pigs from the men, it is now becoming all but impossible, to detect any substantive differences between the ruling elites of Russia, China, the EU and the United States. And, as the EU and the United States adopt more socialist policies, and police-state measures, there is less and less distinction between our societies, and the one ruled over by Putin and his Kremlin cronies. Soros, Pinchuk, Putin, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Fridman, Zhukov, Pisaerev, Akhmetov, and their ilk, see themselves as the Caesars or Pharaohs, in their long-schemed-for ΓÇ£new world order,ΓÇ¥ a term that Soros used several times, in a television interview (see here) to describe his vision for the future.              Employing the indispensible insight and analysis provided by Golitsyn and the detailed information in his books, it is difficult to view the orchestrated chaos that has been unfolding in Ukraine, without recognizing unmistakable evidence, that it is being directed along a pre-planned path toward EU-U.S.-Ukraine-Russian convergence. PutinΓÇÖs role is to rattle the sabers menacingly enough, to frighten reluctant Ukraine to join the EU, while also convincing American and EU taxpayers, to be forthcoming with the foreign aid and IMF funding, that will ΓÇ£rescueΓÇ¥ Ukraine, and avert a war. And, after things settle down, we will look around, to find Putin and his oligarchs carrying on business as usual, with the new Ukraine government and its oligarchs, as well as with the Obama administration and ΓÇ£ourΓÇ¥ oligarchs, including, of course, George Soros.           We have seen this play, many times before. In their book, The Wise Men, a hagiographic portrait of six CFR luminaries, authors Walter Isaacson (CFR) and Evan Thomas record a conversation, in which top CFR insider and Marshall Plan architect John J. McCloy, explained how he and fellow internationalists, sold the scheme to Americans, by pretending it was needed to fight Soviet Communism. Isaacson and Thomas, quote McCloy:  "People sat up and listened, when the Soviet threat was mentioned," he later said. It taught him a valuable lesson: One way to assure that a viewpoint gets noticed, is to cast it, in terms of resisting the spread of Communism."  And McCloy was far from the only one. Dean Acheson, another of the CFR ΓÇ£Wise Men,ΓÇ¥... did likewise. "Acheson," Isaacson and Thomas note, "concluded that the anti-Communist rhetoric was necessary, to win support for the British package."             Now, the point is not that there was no Soviet Communist threat, at the time; the threat was definitely real. The point is that McCloy, Acheson, and their CFR cohorts, had no intention of fighting communism, and they knew that the Marshall Plan was certainly no anti-Com-munist program. In fact, it transferred billions of dollars from American taxpayers, into the coffers of EuropeΓÇÖs socialist parties and politicians, ...and especially into the movements to create the European Coal and Steel Community, the nascent seed of the European Union. Far from being anti-Communists,...... McCloy, Acheson, Averill Harriman, Charles Bohlen, Robert Lovett, and other CFR engineers, of the Marshall Plan, were ardent anti-anti-Communists, who orchestrated vicious campaigns, against genuine anti-Communists such as Chiang Kai-Shek, Gen. George S. Patton, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Sen. Robert Taft, and Robert Welch.            And, all the while McCloy and company were promoting and deploying the Marshall Plan ΓÇö ostensibly to combat Communism ΓÇö they were also continuing the longstanding policies of previous CFR-dominated administrations, of providing enormous financial and technological aid to the Soviet Union,... as this publication and the detailed books of Prof. Antony Sutton (The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, National Suicide, and his three-volume Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development) thoroughly exposed.    But, no matter, the CFR ΓÇ£Wise MenΓÇ¥ knew that the vast majority of Americans were anti-Communist, and if they wanted to sell their program to Americans, theyΓÇÖd have to fraudulently package it, as an anti-Communist one. It is not mere coincidence that George Soros and other globalists, are invoking the Marshall Plan and Cold War rhetoric today, and citing PutinΓÇÖs revived Soviet-style militarism, to sell their latest EU-IMF convergence gambit. It has worked for them, many times in the past. So, for weeks we have been treated to the incredibly odd spectacle of George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Ivo Daalder, et al, and the denizens of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and PBS .....vying for the honor of claiming Joe McCarthyΓÇÖs mantle.  Will we fall for it again? Americans would be wise to call a halt to this orchestrated rush, to push Ukraine into the arms of Manuel Barroso, Mario Draghi and Christine Lagarde ΓÇö and to stick us, and the Ukrainian people, with the bill.              /Photo of George Soros: AP Images / http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/itemlist/user/53-williamfjasper **
................................................................. sorcha...........
March 14, 2014. Russia ΓÇ£PuzzledΓÇ¥ Over Malaysia Airlines ΓÇ£CaptureΓÇ¥, By US Navy. By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1753.htm
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU), states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts, remain ΓÇ£puzzledΓÇ¥ as to why the United States Navy ΓÇ£captured and then divertedΓÇ¥ a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft, from its intended flight-path, to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base, located on the Diego Garcia atoll.
According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748, through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft ΓÇ£disappearedΓÇ¥ in flight with 227 passengers on board, from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.
Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU ΓÇ£surveillanceΓÇ¥, after it received a ΓÇ£highly suspiciousΓÇ¥ cargo load, that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this ΓÇ£highly suspiciousΓÇ¥ cargo load, bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, .... the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead, under ΓÇ£suspicious circumstances.ΓÇ¥ Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group, which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEALΓÇÖs) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers, and has long been known by the GRU, to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials, throughout the world.   Upon GRU ΓÇ£assestsΓÇ¥ confirming that this ΓÇ£highly suspiciousΓÇ¥ cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified ChinaΓÇÖs Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns, and received ΓÇ£assurancesΓÇ¥ that ΓÇ£all measuresΓÇ¥ would be taken, as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden, when this aircraft entered into their airspace.
However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370, from its scheduled destination of Beijing, to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island). Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea, known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 ΓÇ£significantly deviatedΓÇ¥ from its flight course, and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region, and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.  Critical to note about Flight 370ΓÇÖs flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile, were being jammed. China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011, so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area, would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.       As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely, as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system, that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface, allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.
However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems, which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.      What remains ΓÇ£perplexingΓÇ¥ about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime, the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions, as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia, like no other seas in the world, due to its vital shipping and air lanes.
Most sadly, this report concludes, the US is actually able to conceal the reason(s) for the ΓÇ£disappearanceΓÇ¥ of Flight 370, as they have already done so, after the events of 11 September 2001, when the then Bush regime ΓÇ£disappearedΓÇ¥ American Airlines Flight 77 and its 64 passengers and crew, after falsely claiming it hit the Pentagon, but which was confirmed by the CNN News Service [see video HERE] not to have happened.
           Note: Additional articles to read explaining the Crisis In Ukraine include: Putin In ΓÇ£FuryΓÇ¥ After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization,    Russia Warns Of American Deaths As Ukraine Crisis Spirals Out Of Control,    Putin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears Accelerate,    Putin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War,     800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March,    Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is ΓÇ£UnstableΓÇ¥,    Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed Fascists,    Ukrainian Mob Call To ΓÇ£Kill All JewsΓÇ¥ Horrifies Russia,    Putin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of War,     Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime, US In ΓÇ£Shock And TurmoilΓÇ¥ After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials.   March 14, 2014 ┬⌐ EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1753.htm
March 16, 2014. Malaysia Airlines Mystery Deepens After Top Disease Experts Rushed To Indian Ocean. By: Sorcha Faal,... to her Western Subscribers. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1754.htm
A grim report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU), on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, is stating today that within 24-hours of this aircrafts ΓÇ£diversionΓÇ¥ to the highly secretive Indian Ocean US military base located on the Diego Garcia atoll, no less than four flights, within the past week, containing top American and Chinese disease scientists and experts, have, likewise, been flown to there.  According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748, through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft ΓÇ£disappearedΓÇ¥ in flight, with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members. As we had previously noted in our report ΓÇ£Russia ΓÇ£PuzzledΓÇ¥ Over Malaysia Airlines ΓÇ£CaptureΓÇ¥ By US Navy,ΓÇ¥.... the GRU had previously notified ChinaΓÇÖs Ministry of State Security (MSS) of its suspicions, regarding this flight, due its containing a ΓÇ£highly suspiciousΓÇ¥ cargo, that had been offloaded in the Republic of Seychelles, from the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama. First arousing the GRUΓÇÖs concerns regarding this ΓÇ£highly suspiciousΓÇ¥ cargo, this report continues, was that after its unloading from the MV Maersk Alabama on 17 February, its then transfer to Seychelles International Airport, where it was loaded on an Emirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai, the two highly trained US Navy SEALS who were guarding it, were found dead. The two US Navy SEALS protecting this ΓÇ£highly suspiciousΓÇ¥ cargo, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead, under ΓÇ£suspicious circumstancesΓÇ¥ aboard the MV Maersk Alabama, this report says, further raising Russian intelligence suspicions, as they were both employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group, which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEALΓÇÖs) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers, and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials, throughout the world. Upon Flight 370ΓÇÖs departure from Malaysia on 8 March, this report continues, the GRU was notified by the MSS, that they were going to divert it from its scheduled destination of Beijing, to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island). Prior to this planes entering into People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea, known as the Spratly Islands, however, this report continues, Flight 370 ΓÇ£significantly deviatedΓÇ¥ from its flight course, and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar, flying into the Indian Ocean region, and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia. In a confirmation of the GRUΓÇÖs assertion that Flight 370 was, indeed, flown to Diego Garcia, this report says, satellite transmission data analyzed by US investigators, showed that this planes most likely last-known position, was in a zone about 1,609 kilo-
meters (1,000 miles) west of Perth, Australia, in the Indian Ocean.    Most troubling to the GRU about Flight 370ΓÇÖs ΓÇ£diversionΓÇ¥ to Diego Garcia, this report says, was that it was ΓÇ£nearly immediatelyΓÇ¥ followed by some of the top disease scientists and experts from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDCP) embarking to Diego Garcia, on at least four flights.     As to why both American and Chinese disease experts were taken to Diego Garcia, where Flight 370 is now known to be, this report says, has as yet not been answered, by either of these governments, after repeated Foreign Ministry requests, for ΓÇ£explanations and clarification.ΓÇ¥ What is to be known, this report says, is that as Malaysia has been forced to admit Flight 370 was, indeed, ΓÇ£divertedΓÇ¥ from its flight path, as the GRU had previously reported, and as at least 25 nations are now involved in searching for it, ...it remains a mystery, as to what is actually occurring.  Also known, this report concludes, is that Diego Garcia as a designated ETOPS emergency landing site, for flight planning purposes of commercial airliners transversing the Indian Ocean, and as one of 33 emergency landing sites worldwide, for the NASA Space Shuttle, it is ΓÇ£inconceivableΓÇ¥ that any type of aircraft, let alone Flight 370, can fly anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere, without being tracked, monitored and recorded in totality.
        Note: Additional articles to read explaining the Crisis In Ukraine include: Putin In ΓÇ£FuryΓÇ¥ After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization,    Russia Warns Of American Deaths As Ukraine Crisis Spirals Out Of Control,    Putin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears Accelerate,     Putin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War,    800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March,    Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is ΓÇ£UnstableΓÇ¥,    Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed Fascists,    Ukrainian Mob Call To ΓÇ£Kill All JewsΓÇ¥ Horrifies Russia,    Putin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of War,    Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama Regime,
US In ΓÇ£Shock And TurmoilΓÇ¥ After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials.    March 16, 2014 ┬⌐ EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com  http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1754.htm
................................................ Neil KEENAN..............
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Sparks Are Flying; WeΓÇÖre Almost There: Historical Meetings Of Top Global Account Stakeholders, Underway.  MARCH 16, 2014 / KEENAN TEAM / 22 COMMENTS
Video Highlights:         They got me again!  But IΓÇÖm already back, and will be 100% soon, thanks to Dr. Group.   Karen Hudes ΓÇô the jumping jack of the Asian cons.
There is no financial reset of the West, without the Dragon Family and Asia, because they own the only global assets, that can finance a reset.  I believe they are willing to finance Western assistance, but not until we move to get rid of the Nazi Zionists and Khazar bums, killing us and the rest of the planet with their land, air, and sea poisons.  DonΓÇÖt worry.  WeΓÇÖll find a way to get rid of them.
George Soros is crapping his pants, because the EU is falling apart with England turning its back, and Ireland moving in the same direction, thanks to the likes of Nigel Farage and Clare Daly.  Soros threatens to take his corporate toys, and go home.  Good luck, George.  Your time has come and gone.  YouΓÇÖre becoming irrelevant, and youΓÇÖve just exposed the cabal.
Jean ΓÇô while mistakes were made, nobody has more integrity than you.  But this isnΓÇÖt about integrity; itΓÇÖs about control. My criticisms of the militia, was not directed at Rick Light, because he is not in charge of the militia.  There are many militias.  The Eastern US militia, is ready.  Some Western militias are not.  If we are going to wait for laws to authorize, or worry about laws that violate, our natural rights, we would wait until hell freezes over.     Taking down the EU, is easy.  And weΓÇÖre going to do it.     Bill Gates ΓÇô soon you will be run down in the street, and done unto, as you are doing unto others.  No one will save you, when the people come for you.  George Soros and the Rothschilds are stirring up trouble in Ukraine, in hopes of raping and pillaging it.  Putin is too strong, and will not allow it.
Indonesia is standing its ground, against the cabal.  ThatΓÇÖs why they have suffered the threats and the facts of cabal-engineered disasters, in that part of the world.
My historical meetings with the top six Global Account stakeholders, have been underway for several days, and are progressing well.  We are at the precipice of opening the Global Accounts, that have been diverted from helping the peoples of the world, for the last eighty years.  That is about to change soon.  This will benefit Asia, immediately.  But the Global Accounts will not be used to help the cabal.  Funding will not go to cabal-controlled Western institutions.  The Western secret societies, are ruled out.  We have to do our part in getting rid of our cabal leaders, before Asia will do their part, in financing a new era.
               Video 1 of 2:                          Video 2 of 2:
Copyright ┬⌐ 2014, GROUP K, Ltd.   - Uncategorized - PREVIOUS POST: NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Peter Interviews Nelu At The Jakarta Prison /// ...22 Comments.....
Dave MARCH 16, 2014 AT 8:34 PM IΓÇÖm wondering if the American spring that is to be launched May 16, 2014 will bring a spot-light to all Americans that the time to get rid of this Zionist government in NOW.

Monday, March 10, 2014. Tony -   Everything is in position, and the announcement can come at any moment.  There are some final things, being changed, i's dotted and t's being crossed. Christine Legarde is feeling the pressure. She wants to make sure when it happens, it can't come back on her.  The 800's have been released to the banks, and have had them for a week.  UST has released and the rates locked...we should be eligible for higher rates.  [When do you think this is gonna happen?]  It should happen before Saturday, but could be this afternoon.  [You have mentioned the RV ....24-48 hours before the GCR.  Is that still in place?]  The answer is no, it can happen at any time. Everything we are hearing, is good...any moment one person could make that decision, that will change our lives forever...we just don't know when she'll do it.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:12 PM  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/tony.html
Monday, March 10, 2014. The Announcements Begin~ All Is a Go, Its Showtime - https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MSxYs1--0Mk **
Published on Mar 4, 2014, Graduation Announcements, If You Would Like Information about Graduating this Year into 5D, You can Email Us at .... MotherGod1111111@gmail.com
Website to contact us and for more Information ( https://www.youtube.com/user/GalacticCentral )
We Love You!!!!! Welcome Home Into Heaven ON Earth In Process of Manifesting ( - - - *)
Love The First Contact Ground Crew Team   Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:10 PM  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/the-announcements-begin-all-is-go-its.html
Monday, March 10, 2014. Cobra Update.  I have a new important update on my blog. Please post it on your blogs and share it, if you feel so guided:
http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/03/quarantine-earth-endgame.html            Victory of the Light, Cobra  
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:20 PM   .... 5 comments: ..... Anonymous March 10, 2014 at 11:17 PM please start removing them now. //            Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 12:07 AM Does anyone know who Cobra is? Why would anyone send information about their overunity device or their connection to the resistance, to an unknown?  Cloaked ships and other advanced technologies, donΓÇÖt need our overunity devices.
Anyone working with the resistance if it exists, does not have to come forward, they are already known. Why does one more person have to die, as a result of Blackwater/Academi mercenary actions in Ukraine, before action is taken?  IΓÇÖm not buying this bridge. //          Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 12:10 AM  Next Monday fer sure. I feel it in my bones. //         Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 9:30 AM     anon 12:07 you need to do some research on Cobra's site.What I can tell you, is that is that in the past, when others were convinced the Event was about to happen, he would confidently state that it was not time yet, and people would get mad and call him disinfo, but he was right every time. Now he is saying that it is very close and all the pieces are coming together, and if you do your homework, you can see that we are close. Everyone seems to be getting the same intel now. He works with the Resistance Movement, and has Pleidian contacts. //        Anonymous  March 11, 2014 at 8:20 PM
Cobra is an angel on Earth!  Thank you Cobra for keeping us in the know! sky    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/cobra-update_10.html
Like a bottle of vintage wine - be ready, when it is ready. LOL!   Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:21 PM  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/nesara-new-site-planning-to-be-released.html
Thursday, March 13, 2014. Beginning Signoff GLOBAL FINANCIAL CHANGES -  ** 11th March 2014 ΓÇô Indonesia. The gathering of tribal elders and diplomats has cemented by wet ink signature the SEMAR SUPER SEMAR ΓÇô a historic day for Indonesia and the world. This most recent Semar Super Semar event and signing in Indonesia on 11th March 2014 was hosted by H.R.H. Mr. A1.SINO.AS.SΓÇ¥2ΓÇ│.IR.SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO.ST,Chairman of the United Nations Organisation, who signed into history the launch of Payment Order 1-11, beginning with the global financial system changes.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:38 AM ...3 comments:...AnonymousMarch 13, 2014 at 11:55 AM Look closely at the "notes" they're signing. If that isn't an uncut sheet of $1.00 USD Federal Reserve Notes I'll eat my hat. Swissindo??? Aren't they connected with the cabal, according to Neal Keenan? Looks to me like this "event" deserves much closer scrutiny! //AnonymousMarch 13, 2014 at 3:15 PM
Waging peace ... not war    Please give it your best thought   http://www.godskyearth.org/swissindo.html  ** //Anonymous March 13, 2014 at 6:42 PM
Turning Point for Humanity       http://nova-gaia.com/turning-point-for-humanity/                    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/beginning-signoff-global-financial.html
FREEING OF HUMANITY - NOW    http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/3112014-freeing-of-humanity-must-watch.html
SEND THIS TO EVERYONE!   http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/op-american-spring-send-this-to-everyone.html
............ sun 16th........ INTEL HISTORY Last week It was posted on this blog ΓÇ£BE EXPECTANT MONDAY & TUESDAYΓÇ¥. Nothing happened right --- Wrong.   Final review and negotiations and signatures for the release of the worldΓÇÖs gold, took place. They were all signed on the 11th of March. See http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/3112014-freeing-of-humanity-must-watch.html * The Galactics and Higher Dimensional Guides were asked on the 10th & 11th, to assist the removals of the Bad Hombres. They have been arriving by millions, via the portals. They are here now, and will be seen after First Contact. Hmmmm ΓÇô Guess something did happen on Monday & Tuesday.   The Galactics informed us that they actively took part in the rescue of the Malaysian Missing Airliner . See http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/regarding-et-rescue-of-malaysian-flight.html   **          INTEL RUMORS We are hearing the RV and Gold Backed Currency announcements ΓÇ£MAYΓÇ¥ happen on Sunday & Monday. All this is to occur by St. PatrickΓÇÖs Day.    St Patrick chased the snakes (bankers), out of Ireland.  We are also hearing the public exchange banking, shall start on Tuesday. Read the warnings, posted on this blog ΓÇô be careful and discreet folks on exchanging.
NEW BLOG  I have decided to delay the release the NEW NESARA NETWORK... in the new world after the RV. We may be celebrating our freedom, next week!
FREEING OF HUMANITY - NOW  http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/3112014-freeing-of-humanity-must-watch.html
SEND THIS TO EVERYONE!  http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/op-american-spring-send-this-to-everyone.html

Tuesday, March 11, 2014. NESARA NEWS NEW SITE - UPDATE. An email shall be sent out to all those that applied for authorship tomorrow, Wednesday, March 12.
We are getting closer and closer to launching our new SITE. My son and I are trying to get her launched this weekend.  John & John Glenn MacHaffie
Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:45 PM ....4 comments: .....FBuckley March 11, 2014 at 4:31 PM Keep Up the Great WORK!! We love your fair and balanced most of all. Wish you success! //
Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 4:52 PM   How will we get a link to the new site? // Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 7:10 PM Please John, do let us know where you are moving the site to. We need you! //
Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 7:11 PM    Thank you for all of your work - How can we find your new site ?         http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/nesara-news-new-site-update.html
Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Where we are - & GCR is ...at least 3 step process. [[[ ... ]]]   - -  1. Bond movement.  Already happened, and Tony implied this, by his last CC having seen billions in movement. Stage3 also confirmed.     2. IMF then to give authorization of Two step RV > private and at upper levels of banking and CB > then down to teller/street level > becoming public RV.   Reason for the banks needing some time previously.    3. GCR can now take place.    It is my feeling we are at #1, and closing in on #2 beginning stages with visible RV soon to follow.  It has been stipulated that public RV has to happen, before the GCR but the time in between has been a guess at best.   Could be immediately following.   Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:15 PM   ...2 comments:   ...... Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 1:32 PM This is bogus information. You had better hope that the GCR happens before the RV, or the RV will be in fiat currencies backed by nothing. When the GCR happens, all currencies, world wide, will be backed by precious metals or some other valuable commodity. Until then, all the currencies are still junk, just with a different value, if the RV happens before GCR. //Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 4:41 PM You are so right Anon 2014.........I have been reading bogus information for several years, knowing for sure that it is bogus. I read for entertainment, and think poor smucks - how ignorant can they be...................they need to stop showing their lack of education, sit down and shut up. Who cares what they think, when we know it is wrong.                  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/where-we-are-gcr-is-at-least-3-step.html
Tues, March 11, 3-10-2014 Intel Guru TerryK. BIG THING I'M HEARING IS THAT WE ARE TO SEE THIS, WITHIN A FEW DAYS, BEFORE THE 15TH...AGAIN ANOTHER DATE...TREAT WITH RUMOR.  Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:42 AM  ...1 comment:.... A. March 11, at 11:20 AM Gee! Seems to me it's been nothing but rumor for years. http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/3-10-2014-intel-guru-terryk.html
Tuesday, March 11, DEEP SOURCES POST UPDATE, 11 MARCH. - Deep Source #1: Gold-backed currency will be in the banks this week, in preparation to CE. Next week will be a busy week. <><><>< Deep Source #2: Expecting it to happen anytime now, between tonight, through tomorrow night. There are things being taken care of. Gold-backed currency rumored to already be in the banks. Its finishing up, prepare to CE.  Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 7:42 PM  http://dinaresgurus.blogspot.ca/2014/03/deep-sources-post-update-11-march.html ** Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:37 AM   .....1 comment:....Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 11:22 AM Oh, my! Deep sources. Don't forget folks. It's supposed to happen by tomorrow night. Wanna bet! //    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/deep-sources-post-update-11-march.html
Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Warning Per Adsense and Google. - Beware of any business agreement with Adsense and Google. You are not guaranteed payment.... on ads already accredited.
Based on my own personal experience with this NesaraNews blog. They stole thru FRAUD $12000 of my google adsense earnings. No explanation and they closed out my adsense account.
I am in contact with California Attorney General office and other federal agencies, on this matter.        IN THE MEANWHILE - READERS ---- BEWARE OF ADSENSE and Google!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:13 AM  .....7 comments:.... bz  March 11, 2014 at 10:21 AM Looks like cabals evil corporate government winning after allΓǪ for some useless bushing and fear mongeringΓǪ //
Teemu Ranta-Pere   March 11, 2014 at 10:40 AM  Google ├¡s corrupted and so are almost every big Corporation, and they are trying every single useless tactic, to stop this earth liberation but they will fail and deserve to be slapped in the face 10000 times, for being morons. But they think it that way that you must have made some huge difference, if they are trying to close you down :)..../// Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 11:40 AM
John, I thought I would contact AdSense/Google and ask why some folks payments are being held up, and just sort of rattle their cage. No luck. Going to their web site, is like being on a train track, you can only go where the track goes. I found no "contact us" link, and in order to comment, I would have to sign in with a username and password. I have a gmail account but stopped using it some time ago, when I began to hear troubling things about Google. I try not to use any Google service at all, but do use Google Earth occasionally. Like most large corporations, Google does not care about the average American, other than to extract money. Fuck 'em. //Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 12:00 PM    $12,000??? How much are you making on this blog? //Anonymous March 11, 2014 at 12:29 PM You've been a good guy, Johnny. I look at your site 20 times a day, full of good stuff. Fuck google, I despise them, nothing but a sheenie spyware engine. I'm looking for another email, but I think it's safe to say, you can't escape the Cabal at present. I look forward to your next site. I hope I can find it.  From another Mick, TYJM frj //              Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 1:21 AM John Mac, here are two excellent private safe email opportunities, for your readers:
StartPage email: https://beta.startmail.com/    MyMail email: https://www.mymail.com/     Check out these two excellent email providers. You will be thoroughly pleased.
Also, StartPage has an excellent privacy protector search engine: https://startpage.com/eng/ ** AnonymousMarch 12, 2014 at 5:24 AM
If you want a new email, look into www.unseen.is If you want top security on your account you'll have to pay a one time fee, but will change to monthly probably when the beta is finished. Otherwise there is a free account you can try out. Also is supposed to substitute for FB, Skype and something else, forgot what it is, but I haven't tried those yet.  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/warning-per-adsense-and-google.html

Wednesday, March 12, 2014. Attn Authors for New Nesara Site. Those wishing to be authors on the NEW Nesara site. Look for an email this evening.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:34 PM                          http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/attn-authors-for-new-nesara-site.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014. Attn Authors for New Nesara Site. Those wishing to be authors on the NEW Nesara site. .  The Email was sent out about an hr ago. Look for it and respond. John.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:28 PM   http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/attn-authors-for-new-nesara-site_12.html
( BLOG GOING DOWN. THIS BLOG IS BEING TAKEN DOWN BY NSA/GOOGLE.   BE SURE TO COPY ARTICLES BEFORE IT GOES OFF LINE. ) http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/op-american-spring-send-this-to-everyone.html *   http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/weekly-news-from-operation-american.html  * http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/03/oathkeeper-america-youtube-operation.html   *

Wednesday, March 12, 2014.     Portal 2012 ===== Quarantine Earth Endgame. - Greetings: The link below is an update from COBRA who represents the Resistance Movement on Earth and this update should explain much of what has and is going on that was kept secret from we the Earth public. Some of this may read like a fiction novel but then even a fiction novel bears a measurable amount of truth!  For those of you who do not know what the EVENT is, it involves an upward shift in Earths dimension; the full activation of 12 dormant DNA strands and a rise in consciousness! D~
     Blog: Portal 2012   Post: Quarantine Earth Endgame    Link:     http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2014/03/quarantine-earth-endgame.html
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:31 AM  ...2 comments:   .... AnonymousMarch 12, 2014 at 10:30 AM Oh my, Cobra is as demon possessed as D and company. Puleeeesssse. They are going to find out what quarantine really is, when they are in hell.  Come on people, the earth is not what these people are claiming. //A nonymousMarch 12, 2014 at 12:05 PM
THE EVENT ALSO CULMINATES IN THE LANDINGS OF THE SHIPS ON MOTHER EARTH.  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/portal-2012-quarantine-earth-endgame.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014. MISSING PLANES, PORTALS & A NEW PARADIGM.   Good read today. Hope you can share!!!
      JaniceMarie - What you think, is what you get! Happiness is received, as it is spread! Karma comes back, as it is given!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:28 AM  .....1 comment:   ..... Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 10:26 AM   What lies. All these people thinking they are going to get uber technology and upgrades in their bodies! At what cost.... your soul and spirit for sure.  I knew these new agers would jump on the missing plane, and make foolish claims. Whoever is responsible for the plane, is having a hayday with you guys.
Karma is for the unsaved and heathen. I does not apply to those who are in Christ Jesus! Janice Marie is on a pathway to hell, while she thinks otherwise. Oh well. They just make fun of those who won't buy into the new age lie. So be it. The choice is yours.                                          http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/missing-planes-portals-new-paradigm.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014. The planned global currency reset -- IMPORTANT FOR UNDERSTANDING.   - This is important for understanding the planned global currency reset.  Countries agree to re-value their currencies to within 5% of each other.  No more currency wars, but it is planned to facilitate the implementation on the NWO. The reset is not the global collapse. That is when the Banks close, and you cannot withdraw your funds.  That will happen early 2015, some time after Obamacare has been implemented  .... this according to Lindsey William's 'elite' informants.
This taken from Prophecy Club's website, promoting his book:   "The greatest event in the financial word, in the past 1,000 years, is about to take place. Two hundred and four nations have agreed with the IMF, (International Monetary Fund) to reset their currency. Christine Lagarde is the new financial head of the IMF. If she and the 'Elite' have their way, this event will take place, within the next ninety days (three months).
The 'Elite' have prepared you for this event,with an Electric Smart Meter which has been installed on almost every house in America. Only from my 'Elite' friend,will you ever know what has been done to you." [smart meters were installed to dumb you down]           http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTWcGA3XfPE      Part 1 Lindsey Williams             http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9tYA76J6IM       Part 2 Lindsey Williams
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qORbWxjJ_A      Part 3 Lindsey Williams                       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok8kXdUlYt4        Part 4 Lindsey Williams
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZwTrxxwquE      Steve Quayle and Greg Everson                           Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:28 PM   ....2 comments:..... Dan March 12, 2014 at 3:40 PM  Everyone wants to believe in what Lindsey Williams has to say, as he gets it directly from the Cabal, but if We The People are in Control, then that timing of what Lindsey Williams says, is going to happen..... is Utterly False. //Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 4:56 PM  GCR will take place within next 90 days....... FROM WHEN??? Since this post has no date attached to it, the possibility is that it could already be 2 months old.  Forget smart meters, a lot of these posts have the same (dumb down) effect.              http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/the-planned-global-currency-reset.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014.  Spring Is Coming --- Beautiful, ENJOY!      http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=4731633353359&source=jl999&utm_medium=internal_email&utm_source=pickup&utm_campaign=receivercontent  ** Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:26 PM    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/spring-is-coming-beautiful-enjoy.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014. BUSTED!! The Secret Criminal Gold/Silver Rigger, Trying to Cash-Out, Right Before the CRASH!!! - - To: "V.K. Durham"  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:54:32 PM
The curtain is being withdrawn from the banking cabal, in public now...but many of us have known about them, for YEARS! The Public is just finally waking up.   A great example of this, can be found in the latest financial news, that a company called Virtu Financial, is trying to go public. Not many people know it, but Virtu Financial was once called EWT, LLC ..... and I wrote extensively about this Gold and Silver RIGGER, way back in January 2008...     Road to Roota III:Who's the Little Man Behind the Curtain?    http://www.24hgold.com/english/contributor.aspx?article=1584045874G10020&contributor=Bix+Weir **
               "For years gold and silver investors have witnessed and analyzed the rigging of the gold and silver markets, in plain view. This market rigging has always had the characteristics of a computer based trading program, yet proof has been sparse. Mike Bolser has probably come the closest to proving the manipulation, with his DIVG analysis, but the ever elusive evidence always seemed to fall short of proving who was behind the market rigging. Was it JP Morgan as agent for the US government, ....was it a cabal of global bankers, ....was it an evil band of one world government types, run by the Rockefellers or Rothschilds or Illuminati? At the end of the day, the WHO part of the mystery, was fairly elusive. Personally, I think it is all of the above, but unfortunately I too do not have the proof. Having said that, I have come across a very suspicious company, that I believe coordinates the computer manipulation of the gold and silver markets, and is directly connected to the iShares silver ETF, as well as the StreetTracks Gold ETF."
            "This company is not public, has few employees, is fairly invisible, and has only been in operation since 2002. Yet somehow, it has amassed a computer based trading platform so vast and far reaching, that in just 5 years, it boasts of being a "leading market maker" on 25 exchanges and market centers globally." So how did a startup trading company build such a large and powerful trading network, so fast?"  END.
There is more, to the story...MUCH more.  I have laid out my latest analysis for Private Road Members, in this week's Friday Road Trip, which I am releasing early...
Friday Road Trip: Special Report on a Market Rigger                      http://www.roadtoroota.com/members/1344.cfm
Gold and silver are "acting" like they are about to be SET FREE,.....  so make sure you are positioned properly...metal in your hands ONLY.
All else will get washed away, in the collapse of the Banking Cabal! May the Road you choose, be the Right Road.  Bix Weir   www.RoadtoRoota.com
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:15 PM                             http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/busted-secret-criminal-goldsilver.html
Wed, March 12, 2014. Dinar+RV+Influence+-+GCR+Set -  Thanks. Note the 2 Sites below are different. Be sure to watch them. ( http://www.morningliberty.com/ .... http://www.morningliberty.com/about/ ....
God Bless... RJ Hender. )    Sent: Tuesday, March 11,  11:35:12 PM   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znlDCkVlkGw   Dinar RV Influence - GCR Set for Feb 15th //       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4797lrz6D04 -   Debt Games -- All NWo Roads, Lead to Vatican.   - march 7th  2014 **          Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:32 PM    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/dinarrvinfluence-gcrset.html
As explorers came to the Americas, a Vatican representative placed a Flag in the Ground and declared the land as the property of the Holy See. You can call a horse a pig again and again and again, but that doesn't turn the horse into a pig. As the American Colonies fought for their so-called independence, the King in England operated in behalf of the Holy See, for the ownership of the Americas. Even as the Treaty of Paris was signed, supposedly establishing a peace between Old England and New England, Ben Franklin agreed that the Colonies would pay their War Debt back to French and English Banks, but with interest payments only. By contract, the Americas remain as supposed Colonies to The Crown, to the Holy See. Imagine, the Pope operates as the head of the Catholic Religion, but also as the head of a Nation -- the Vatican. Even today, all roads lead to Rome. During the Abe Lincoln years, the Banks demanded new collateral for America's War Debt. The southern states were promised as the new collateral for the next 70yr Bankruptcy Agreement. The southern colonies got wind of this new War Debt Agreement, and they declared -- Hell No, and they went to war to protect their property from a new Land Grab by the Vatican.
During the 1930's every American was promised as the new collateral for this War Debt. A system of promises and contracts have placed you and me as the so-called collateral for the Bankrupt UNITED STATES of AMERICA company. Just about every one of us were not informed of these Terms and Conditions of our Voluntary Slavery, therefore these Bankrupt Conditions are null and void, as far as we are concerned. The same owners of these banks, are the owners of the press, the owners of the military, are the owners of congress, are the owners of the IRS, are the owners of the companies that masquerade as government. A financial Tug-of-War has been underway for several. At question is.... who will be in charge, as a whole new, financial system is put in place in the Americas, but for the rest of the world. It is true, The Powers That Were are falling into the financial pit, that they have dug for us and for themselves. The Powers That Were have built a House of Cards, and it is coming down. Greenspan and Bernanke have been doing their best to hide the collapse that is already underway.        Over a hundred years ago Major China and Indonesia Families came to the aid of the Federal Reserve. Several ships that were loaded with gold were sent from Asia to the Federal Reserve, with a promise from the Fed that the gold would be returned. Well, the Fed has not kept their promise. On my radio show, I have had guests who have spelled out several aspects of these political/financial arrangements.       Go ahead and google the name Soekorno who was born in 1900. Go ahead and google the Heritage Bonds. Go ahead and google the Plum Blossom Society. There are vast amounts of Gold -- that have been stashed away for us. As the owners of the Federal Reserve have proven themselves to be liars and thieves, these same Asian Families have Vast Amounts of Gold, that are about to be placed as collateral, to bring us out of Insolvency. Imagine that, we are about to come out of a Bankrupt Condition, into Solvency. This is about to occur for every one of us, every man, woman and child on the planet. Most of The Powers that Were would be forced to lose their power, as this Financial Event take place. A couple of these thugs are ready to walk across the street, and join the Good Guys. If you go back and find my Friday Radio Interviews, you'll discover more details on these events. Some voices claim that The Powers That Were may not lie down and take their medicine. We may have to Shut the Whole Thing Down, in order to complete the transition. Many of us are not ready for this transition, from insolvency to solvency. Who will control the New Financial System? For decades we have heard that a One World Government is coming with a One World Currency and a One World Religion. Force represents the Dark Side. Free Agency represents the Light. As Presidents and Prime Ministers and Kings and Popes show up on the scene, in the coming decades and through the centuries before us, we must examine the intentions and actions of these people and examine their style of service. They work for us. Some of these people think that we are supposed to work for them. I look forward to a new Beginning, for all of us. God Bless... RJ Hender          from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4797lrz6D04  http://www.youtube.com/user/befreepilgrim   ...for more.....
Tuesday, March 11, 2014.  WE ARE NO CLOSER TO FINDING MH 370. - - The mystery of flight MH370: How on earth, with all our technology, do we lose a giant plane? (Updated)
By Sebastian Anthony on March 11, 2014 at 4:50 pm     Updated @ 16:35 March 11:  The fourth day of the MH370 search-and-rescue mission has come to a close, and weΓÇÖre still no closer to finding the missing plane. The search area has been expanded from 50 nautical miles (57 miles; 93km) to 100 nautical miles.  It has also come to light that MH370ΓÇ▓s co-pilot, Fariq Abdul Hamid, was extremely unprofessional during a flight in 2011. On a flight from Phuket to Kuala Lumpur, Hamid invited two South African teenagers into the cockpit, where they remained for the entirety of the flight, while he and the pilot smoked cigarettes while flying the plane. Whether this new finding has any bearing on the fate of MH370, weΓÇÖll have to wait and see. Read on for previous updates and the original story.
              Updated @ 08:40 March 11: As the Malaysia Airlines MH370 search-and-rescue mission enters its fourth day, we still know almost nothing about the fate of the plane and the 239 people on board. Two passengers were travelling with stolen passports, but Interpol says they werenΓÇÖt terrorist threats. According to Malaysian military radar, it now seems likely that MH370 turned back after its last contact with air traffic control, possibly crashing into the Strait of Malacca. We still have no idea why it turned back, or where the plane ended up.
Updated @ 19:30 March 10: Very little new information has come to light since this story was first published this morning. Despite some oil slicks and debris being found in the South China Sea, authorities have confirmed that they didn’t originate from the MH370. Numerous experts have attested to the Boeing 777′s excellent reliability and safety record, and puzzlement at how it could vanish from the skies. We still have no idea how or why the plane disappeared, nor where it crashed. There are very, very few reasons for a modern plane to suddenly disappear. Read on for the original story.
Three days ago, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished from radar off the south coast of Vietnam in the South China Sea. 239 people were on board ΓÇö and at this point, it is presumed that they have all perished in some kind of disaster. A massive search and rescue effort involving 40 ships and 34 aircraft from nine different nations has yet to discover any sign of the missing aircraft. For me, this is almost incomprehensible: Despite all of the awesome technology that mankind has developed, itΓÇÖs still possible for a Boeing 777-200 with 239 people on board to vanish. For me, itΓÇÖs mind blowing that all we have to go on is the planeΓÇÖs radar signature ΓÇö and even then, that last radar reading was so poor that the search area is thousands of square miles of open water. Surely, given the fact that we can track a damn smartphone anywhere on Earth down to a few meters, thereΓÇÖs a better way of keeping track of missing aircraft?    In the words of MalaysiaΓÇÖs civil aviation chief, the fate of MH370 is ΓÇ£a mystery.ΓÇ¥ The Boeing 777 took off from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia en route to Beijing, was cruising normally at 35,000 feetΓǪ and then disappeared. There was no distress call. The weather was fine. The planeΓÇÖs last known position, via radar, was just south of Vietnam in the South China Sea ΓÇö which is where search efforts have been focused so far ΓÇö but one theory suggests that the plane turned back just after the last radar ping, meaning the plane could be hundreds of miles away in the Strait of Malacca. In the absence of any other information, there is speculation that the plane was target of a terrorist attack.
                                                                                             Flight path and search area for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 [Image credit: BBC]
For me, the most shocking aspect of the MH370 disaster is that we wonΓÇÖt know what fate befell those 239 souls until we find MH370ΓÇ▓s Flight Data Recorder (FDR), aka the black box. Except for that last radar reading, we have absolutely no knowledge of the flight at all until we find that FDR. We have no clue what was said in the cockpit by the captain and first officer ΓÇö though, seemingly, if something did go wrong, they didnΓÇÖt even have time to send a mayday message. We have no clue if the plane hit a patch of bad weather, or whether it was hijacked. It really will be one huge mystery until the FDR is recovered ΓÇö and thereΓÇÖs a good chance, if MH370 did crash into the ocean, that the FDR will never be recovered. In the case of Air France flight AF447, which disappeared off the coast of Brazil, it took two months to locate the wreckage, and almost two years to find the the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and FDR.          The FDR has an underwater locator beacon (ULB) that will ping for at least 30 days, and can be detected up to around two miles away, but when youΓÇÖre talking about a search area consisting of thousands of square miles, and waters that are almost a mile deep on average, finding the black box will be no mean feat. (Read: Worried about black boxes snooping on you? One is in your car already.).  Do we live in the stone age or something?   Inside a modern, solid-state Cockpit Voice Recorder. The Flight Data Recorder is very similar.
So, think about this for a moment. We live in a day and age where GPS (and other radio triangulation methods) can track your smartphone to within a few meters, almost anywhere on Earth. With dedicated, land-based tracking networks, vehicles and devices can be tracked to within a few centimeters. Even in the absence of GPS or radio tracking, inertial guidance (dead reckoning) has been accurate enough since the ΓÇÖ60s to accurately land a nuclear ICBM on the other side of the planet, or put the Apollo mission into space. (Read: Think GPS is cool? IPS will blow your mind.)
And then thereΓÇÖs connectivity. On land, there are networks (both commercial and governmental) that provide data connectivity almost everywhere. Over water is definitely harder, but satellites do provide pretty good coverage ΓÇö and yes, that particular region of Asia is very well covered by communications satellites. Finally, even if an aircraft is out of satellite/radio coverage, there is absolutely nothing preventing the airplane from transmitting a really juicy low-frequency radio signal that could be picked up thousands of miles away. This is how they communicate with air traffic control, after all.
Why, then, does a plane like the MH370 keep all of its secrets locked up in a black box? Why donΓÇÖt planes constantly transmit all of their black box data, so that we know their exact location, bearing, altitude, and other important factors, at all times?  The short answer is, thereΓÇÖs no good reason.    The long answer is, an aircraft generates a lot of data, and no one has bothered to work out a way of transmitting, receiving, and storing that data in a sensible fashion. The fact that disasters like MH370 are incredibly rare is probably one reason that the airline industry hasnΓÇÖt got around to figuring it out. In 2013, there were around 36 million flights, with 281 total fatalities ΓÇö and only 105 of those were on commercial jetliners. Compare this to car accidents, where in the US alone 34,080 people died in 2012.
Even so, it is hard to believe that in 2014, aircraft donΓÇÖt transmit their location and bearing every few milliseconds. There is more than enough bandwidth on the lower radio frequencies for an airplane to transmit this data to the nearest land-based receiving station. Some planes, as IΓÇÖm sure youΓÇÖve heard, even provide WiFi internet access to passengers. ItΓÇÖs hard to believe that the same network couldnΓÇÖt be used to beam real-time flight data back to air traffic control.   Flightradar24 does a good job of tracking aircraft using the new ADS-B transponder tech, but only over land. ADS-B, which is set to
replace radar for aircraft tracking in the next 10 years, will help matters ΓÇö but itΓÇÖs not a complete solution.
Perhaps, much like how your smartphone waits for a WiFi connection before downloading or uploading large amounts of data, the plane could scale up how much data it sends: It could transmit basic flight data at all times via VHF, and then a full stream of data from the FDR when thereΓÇÖs a communications satellite overhead. Ultimately, even though FDRs might record more than 100 variables and diagnostics, weΓÇÖre still only talking about a maximum bandwidth requirement of a few megabits; realistically, a few hundred kilobits per second would probably be more than enough.
With the hunt for the AF447 FDR taking almost two years, and now the very high profile disaster of MH370, I wouldnΓÇÖt be surprised if the airline industry finally takes a serious look at mid-flight aircraft monitoring.
                http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/178156-the-mystery-of-flight-mh370-how-can-we-track-a-smartphone-anywhere-on-earth-but-a-giant-plane-can-go-missing/2 ..........
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:42 PM   ..... 3 comments: ..... Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 12:40 AM  Commander Ashtar already announced that the Galactic Federation has all of the passengers, and there safe and happy, so why are you worried?  He said, "You may also have heard about the airliner which vanished in Malaysia.  Flight 370 was just off the eastern coast over shallow water, when it wavered in the air, then suddenly dropped from 35,000 feet to 0, and disappeared.  At the same time, radar showed a "plane" which suddenly accelerated to 4 or 5 times the speed of any other craft, hovered in one place, then suddenly vanished from the radar screen, seconds before the airliner also disappeared.  I am very pleased to tell you all that the passengers and crew of the airliner are safe and happy in a secret location.  There were several ships, in the area, and the maneuver was carried out effortlessly.  It is very serendipitous that the airplane carried a large number of Lightworkers from many countries, who are delighted and very enthusiastic about the proposal we have made to them, that they be used as "hostages", to expedite the following demands:
Their release will be contingent upon an immediate global agreement, that all countries now in possession of any weapons of mass destruction, relinquish them, to be evaporated forthwith.
1. NESARA law will be presented for signature, to all the world's leaders -   representatives of every country on the U.N. charter - and will be immediately enacted.  We anticipate that President Barack Obama will be first signatory on the document.             2. There will be declared a Global Celebration of Peace, for every person on the planet, regardless of race, religion or nationality, to be marked by one month of singing, dancing and public performances, in every village, town, and city on Earth. All expenses are to be underwritten with the funds which would have been allocated for military expenditures.
3. All military personnel will be paid full salary for three months, after they turn in all weapons and uniforms, and return to rebuild their own families and communities.  After that, no expenditure by any individual or nation will be permitted, for any military activity or equipment whatsoever.  This will free governing bodies to use their resources, for infrastructure, water and sanitary systems, sustainable agriculture, and educational and social programs, to elevate the conditions for all their citizens." //                Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 1:57 AM  It OBVIOUS to me that that plane was "Abducted" and the passengers and crew are SAFE and Sound and being treated with utmost kindness by OUR "Cosmic Family", waiting by the BILLIONS to celebrate OUR "Ascension" to a higher dimension!...This "Planned event" blew up, in the cabal's face!...THEY had hoped that they were getting rid of people, that are "Light Workers" that were aboard that plane...only to have the "Galactic Federation of Planets" PHUCKED up their plans, and rescued those fine people, aboard that plane...They can also count on their OTHER plans for world domination, to BLOW THE PHUCK-UP TOO...Ukraine ...Syria...S. America...Africa...EVERYWHERE they have their Maggot ridden fingers, on...THEY already KNOW that their days a DONE..They saw that over the weekend in the Ukraine....by the presence of the 3000+ ft long "Starship"..."The New Jerusalem"...GET READY TO CELEBRATE!!!  //                            Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 2:27 AM   '' Dear friends:  An unusual and still mysterious event has occurred with an airliner, which perceptually vanished over S.E. Asia. From the information that I received, The One intervened directly in order to avoid a potential tragic dangerous situation, which could have badly affected our world, because of what was intended. I will not go into more details, as I myself have not received many. Suffice it to say that, in the message I received today, The One says that It decided, for the first time in many thousands of years, to openly intervene, to stop a serious situation and let this open intervention stand, as a symbol to the way by which the Godliness will operate from now on, at all levels of Creation, and towards each entity or structure that foolishly challenges The Oneness, intensely. This is the real explanation. Please integrate the fact, that our world will never operate anymore as it used to before, as the One if now fully and openly engaged. Do not take this lightly, and try to realize fully the implications. Please read the message slowly, and let it sink in. It is a message of Love, from Love manifest, and see the intervention in the Light of Infinite-Love, and Its Care for all of humanity and all life. " Read More:  http://probablefuture.com/Be-or-Not-Be.htm  ***                                      http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/we-are-no-closer-to-finding-mh-370.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014.      6 Health foods that arenΓÇÖt healthy.  -    Holistic Blends Inc.  Ph.:US/CANADA 1-888-724-4366    Ph: INTERNATIONAL 315-295-1236  Watch us, Tweet us, Like us, Pin us:     
 Hi John    No matter where I go, if people find out that IΓÇÖm in the nutrition field, they suddenly flock to me to tell me about their dietary challenges or ask me food questions.
A Jet Blue employee at my local airport still remembers a conversation we had over 2 years ago as she was checking me in.  She asked me about bottled salad dressings and I blurted out a quick recipe for a delicious homemade versionΓǪand every time she sees me to this day she tells me sheΓÇÖs still loving that dressing!  Now, one of the most common responses I get when I ask people about their diet is, ΓÇ£Oh, I eat healthy.ΓÇ¥
Sorry to say, but I brace myself when I ask specifically what does that mean…because what many people think is “healthy” is anything BUT.
Now, itΓÇÖs not that these people donΓÇÖt have good intentionsΓÇöthe problem is many foods are marketed to appear healthy simply to drive up sales. And theyΓÇÖre about as good for you as eating shredded cardboard and drinking motor oil. LetΓÇÖs take a look at some of the common offendersΓÇöhere are 6 ΓÇ£healthΓÇ¥ foods (and drinks) that are far from healthy:
(Un)healthy food #1: Sports drinks     ......(....) The bottom line: Close to Nature is always best If your mind is boggled right now by seeing how unhealthy (and downright harmful) many foods you thought were healthy are, I understand. And I have good news for you.  Because it's easier than you think to avoid getting misled by marketing claims of food companies, and help your body bounce back from any harmful effects from them in the past.  The key is to stay as close to nature as possible. Here are 4 ways that can be easy, affordable and taste really good too:
1) Avoid processed foods    There's no chance of getting misled about how unhealthy packaged foods really are if you don't buy boxed or packaged stuff to begin with.
2) Buy organic whenever you can       If you must get packaged foods, at least stick to the 100% organic varieties.  By their very nature they do not contain hidden GMO ingredients.
Organic meats, poultry, eggs and dairy are good choices too, since the animals are not treated with hormones and antibiotics.
And organic produce is the only way to guarantee youΓÇÖre not getting a dose of herbicides and/or pesticides in your food.
I realize it can be more expensive, but there are ways to help control the cost like shopping local farmer's markets or participating in CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs.  I've been doing CSA shares for years and I love it--believe me, there IS a taste difference!
To locate a CSA farm near you, go here and enter your US zip code in the "Find CSA Farms" section:     - http://www.localharvest.org/csa/
If you're on a tight budget and can't afford to go 100% organic, here are the items which have the largest amounts of pesticide residue and are most important to buy organic:
Celery  Peaches   Strawberries    Apples    Blueberries    Nectarines    Bell Peppers    Spinach    Cherries    Kale/Collard Greens    Potatoes    Grapes (Imported)   
3)  Eat real foods and educate yourself         Follow a reliable program that will educate you on the dangers of processed foods, show you how to structure healthy, easier to digest meals and guide you on making REAL foods that are positively scrumptious. And that, my friend, is what Great Taste No Pain will do for you.               - http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
The Great Taste No Pain manuals will teach you the ins and out of why processed foods are so harmful to your health.
They'll also show you what foods you should eat together to help encourage more efficient digestion.  When your digestion can be accomplished more thoroughly, that can mean fewer GI problems like gas, bloating and constipation, as well as more energy!   And the recipe book is loaded with delicious dishes featuring REAL foods that will nourish your body and make your taste buds dance.
Now, if youΓÇÖve got gluten issues, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead.            - http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
4) Help your intestinal flora recover from "healthy food abuse"   The sugar, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides from so-called ΓÇ£healthy foodsΓÇ¥ are not only harmful to you, but also to your little gut inhabitants, otherwise known as your intestinal flora. And since this is where 70% of your immune system is located,  having imbalanced gut flora is putting out the welcome mat for a whole slew of bugs, viruses, infections and even diseases. Having a diet of real foods like I mentioned above can help a LOT, but for many people (especially those who have eaten lots of processed so-called healthy food and/or been exposed to environmental chemicals) it may not be enough. That's why probiotic supplementation is such a great idea for so many people. Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is up to this important task.
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com/product/pross.asp             Super Shield has been formulated with a variety of probiotic strains to help keep your population of friendly bacteria strong and ready for whatever dangerous viruses, infections or toxins come your way.      Plus it helps your beneficial bacteria compete with the harmful bacteria for "parking spaces" along your intestinal wall, crowding the bad guys out so they can be swept away with your bowel movements. Remember this, my friend.  ΓÇ£Truly healthyΓÇ¥ means as close to Nature as possible.
Experience the power of nourishing your body with truly healthy real foods and maintaining a sound intestinal flora balance and I'm certain you'll see a dramatic difference in how you feel VERY soon.
And when you do, write and tell me (like Charly did below).  I'd love to hear from you.  To your health,  Sherry Brescia
PS: In case youΓÇÖre wondering, here is the salad dressing recipe the Jet Blue employee loves so much:
Delicious vinaigrette          1 cup extra-virgin olive oil           1/3 cup apple cider vinegar          1 teaspoon sugar          1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano (or 1/2 teaspoon dried)     1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon sea salt    1 clove garlic, crushed         Blend all ingredients and serve over mixed greens.      PPS:  CharlyΓÇÖs sure seeing the difference!  // Sherry: Thank you so much for all of your hard work.
I have been on the GTNP way of eating for about 6 months.  I feel so good that I ordered 3 more plans for my daughters.
I have not had to take antacids, stool softeners, extra fiber stuff, since I started. My allergies are much better too.
I have been taking your Super Shield Probiotics for about a year now....everybody in my office has been sick this year so far at least twice - except me!
Love your products and would not be without them.  Thanks,  Charly G.   .....(.....)                http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/6-health-foods-that-arent-healthy.html
Wednesday, March 12, 2014. Did Ukraine Just Airlift Its Entire Gold Hoard To The U.S. Fed?   -   WARNING: This has not been verified....  Google shows only this version ...Vin.
King World News Blog   March 11, 2014.   Today an outspoken hedge fund manager out of Hong Kong, stunned King  World News, when he said that the entire Ukrainian gold hoard, may have
just secretly been flown from Ukraine to the United States.  William  Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions,  also spoke about the incredible implications of this astonishing
development.  Below is what Kaye had to say, in this powerful interview.            Kaye:  ΓÇ£There are now reports coming from Ukraine, that all of the Ukrainian gold has been airlifted, at 2 AM Ukrainian time, out of the main airport, Boryspil Airport, in Kiev, and is being  flown to New York -- the presumable destination being the New York  Fed....     ΓÇ£Now thatΓÇÖs 33 tons of gold, which is worth somewhere between $1.5 billion - $2 billion.  That would amount to a very nice down payment, to the $5 billion that Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland boasted, that the United States has already spent, in their efforts to destabilize Ukraine, and put in place their own unelected  government.ΓÇ¥                    Eric King:  ΓÇ£Whether the United States is taking down Saddam Hussein in Iraq, or Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, there always seems to be gold at the end of the rainbow, which the U.S. then appropriates.ΓÇ¥            Kaye:  ΓÇ£ThatΓÇÖs a good point, Eric.  The United States installed a former banker in Ukraine, who is very friendly to the West.  He is also a guy with central bank experience.  This would have been his first major decision, to transport that gold out of Ukraine to the United States. You may recall that allegedly the logistical requirements, prevented the New
York Fed from returning the 300 tons of gold the United States stores for Germany, back to Germany.  After a year of waiting, the New York Fed only sent Germany 5 tons of gold.  So only 5 tons of gold was sent from the Fed to Germany, and it wasnΓÇÖt even the 5 tons that had been originally stored with the Fed.            Even the Bundesbank has admitted that the gold sent to them by the New York Fed, had to be melted down and tested for purity, because it wasnΓÇÖt GermanyΓÇÖs original bars.  So how is it, since logistical requirements are supposedly such a major issue, that in one airlift, assuming this report is accurate, all the gold Ukraine possessed in their vault, was taken out of Ukraine and delivered to the New York Fed?            I think anybody with any active brain cells, knows that just like Germany, Ukraine will have to wait a very long time, and very likely will never see that gold again.  Meaning, that gold is gone.ΓÇ¥        http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2014/3/10_Did_Ukraine_Just_Airlift_Its_Entire_Gold_Hoard_To_The_U.S._Fed.html         "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality" -Dante Alighieri  - - They who watch, while our elected officials are ravaging our country, should consider that...Vin     --  Join The Fight - Expose Globalism and The New World Order   Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:16 PM  ....1 comment:  .... Anonymous March 12, 2014 at 3:47 PM Not if they're smarter than a third grader!  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/did-ukraine-just-airlift-its-entire.html
Friday, March 14, 2014. Judicial Watch Announces List of WashingtonΓÇÖs ΓÇ£Ten Most Wanted Corrupt PoliticiansΓÇ¥ for 2013.  March 13, 2014 by 2012thebigpicture. //  Thanks, Drake. From the Judicial Watch pressroom.  Maybe this is DrakeΓÇÖs housekeeping listΓǪ  ~ BP // (Washington, DC) ΓÇô Judicial Watch today released its 2013 list of WashingtonΓÇÖs ΓÇ£Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.ΓÇ¥ The list,in alphabetical order, includes:          Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH)       CIA Director John Brennan.    Senator Saxby Chambliss.      Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.    Attorney General Eric Holder.
Former IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller / Former IRS Official Lois Lerner.   Former DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.   President Barack Obama.    Senator Harry Reid (D-NV).  Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
         Dishonorable Mentions for 2013 include:     Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.    Outgoing Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) / Incoming Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D).
Former Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ).        National Security Adviser Susan Rice.   Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH):     House Speaker John Boehner has apparently become a master at what Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer calls the ΓÇ£Tollbooth Strategy.ΓÇ¥ As Schweizer explains in his new book, Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets:ΓÇ£You pay money at a tollbooth, in order to use a road or bridge. The methodology in Washington, is similar: if someone wants a bill passed, charge them money, to allow the bill to move down the legislative highway.ΓÇ¥  According to Schweizer, Boehner apparently used the Tollbooth Strategy, to collect more than $200,000 in political donations from executives, just days before holding votes on bills critically important to their industries.      The first bill was the Wireless Tax Fairness Act. Strongly supported by big phone companies like AT&T and Verizon, it sailed through the House Judiciary Committee, and was expected to immediately come to the floor for a full House vote. Instead of scheduling the bill for a vote, however, Boehner allowed it to languish on the calendar for the next three months. What finally prompted Boehner to bring the bill to a vote? As Schweizer explains it: ΓÇ£The day before the vote, BoehnerΓÇÖs campaign collected the toll: thirty-three checks, from wireless industry executives, totaling almost $40,000.ΓÇ¥
         According to Schweizer, two more bills on which Boehner employed the Tollbooth Strategy, were the Access to Capital for Job Creators Act, and the Small Company Capital Formation Act. Brokers and venture capitalists and investment firms, strongly supported the proposed law. Explains Schweizer in Extortion: ΓÇ£The Speaker of the House took in $91,000 in the forty-eight hours of October 30 and 31,from investment banks and private equity firms, two days before the vote.  During the same time period, he took in $46,500 from self-described ΓÇÿinvestorsΓÇÖ, and another $32,450 from bank holding companies. With the tolls paid, the votes took place on the full House floor. Both passed easily.ΓÇ¥       CIA Director John Brennan:  In mid-December 2013, Judicial Watch obtained and released the full transcript of a May 7, 2012, teleconference, between then- -White House top counterterror adviser (now CIA Director) John Brennan, and various TV terrorism consultants, in which Brennen revealed that the U.S. and its allies had ΓÇ£inside control over any plotΓÇ¥ in its efforts to thwart a May 2012 terrorism bomb plot, thus blowing the cover on undercover agents within al Qaeda.  The Brennan revelation of ΓÇ£inside controlΓÇ¥ ΓÇô an intelligence community euphemism for spies within an enemy operation ΓÇô reportedly helped lead to the disclosure of a previously well-kept secret, at the heart of a joint U.S.-British-Saudi undercover terrorism operation, inside Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). According to a Reuters May 18, 2012, report:         The next dayΓÇÖs headlines were filled with news of a U.S. spy, planted inside Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), who had acquired the latest, non-metallic model of the underwear bomb, and handed it over to U.S. authorities.  At stake was an operation that could not have been more sensitive ΓÇö the successful penetration by Western spies, of AQAP, al QaedaΓÇÖs most creative and lethal affiliate. As a result of leaks, the undercover operation, had to be shut down.        In the transcript obtained by Judicial Watch, Brennan led the teleconference, where he addressed the top terror consultants for ABC, NBC, CNN, and CBS, including Caitlin Hayden, Frances Townsend, Richard Clarke, Roger Cressey, and Juan Zarate. In an apparent attempt to soft-peddle the thwarted terrorist attack, Brennan twice exposed the covert operation; first at the outset of the call, then, as the conference drew to a close:        BRENNAN: The device itself, as I think the FBI statement said quite clearly, never posed a threat to the American public or the public ΓǪ Well, as we, well know, Al Qaeda has tried to carry out simultaneous types of attacks, and so, we were confident that we had inside control over the ΓÇô any plot that might have been associated with this device.         CLARKE: If it gets asked. There was no active threat, because we had insider control ΓǪ         BRENNAN: I would not disagree with the way you put that, at all.
It should also be noted that records obtained by Judicial Watch in May 2012, through a Freedom of Information lawsuit, indicate that Brennan helped orchestrate the administrationΓÇÖs attempt to influence, the storyline of the movie ΓÇ£Zero Dark Thirty.ΓÇ¥ A transcript of a July 14, 2011, meeting between Defense Department officials, including Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers, and filmmakers Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal, reveals that Boal met directly with White House officials, on at least two occasions, regarding the film: ΓÇ£I took your guidance and spoke to the WH, and had a good meeting with Brennan and McDonough, and I plan to follow up with them; and they were forward leaning and interested in sharing their point of view; command and control; so that was great, thank you,ΓÇ¥ Boal said according to the transcript. During BrennanΓÇÖs February 2013 CIA confirmation hearings, he confirmed he had met with Boal, ΓÇ£on how White House officials viewed the opportunities and risks, associated with a film about the raid that killed bin Laden.ΓÇ¥   Brennan, of course, was not the only Obama administration official who attempted to curry favor, with ΓÇ£Zero Dark ThirtyΓÇ¥ filmmakers. In early December Judicial Watch released more than 200 pages of documents from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including a previously unreleased CIA internal report, confirming that former CIA Director Leon Panetta, revealed classified information at a June 24, 2011, bin Laden assault awards ceremony, attended by filmmaker Mark Boal. Significantly, the entire transcript of the Panetta speech, provided to Judicial Watch by the CIA, was classified ΓÇ£Top Secret.ΓÇ¥  More than 90 lines are redacted for security reasons, further confirming that significant portions of the speech, should not have been made in front of the filmmaker who lacked top security clearance.   This goes on, and on, so please see the remainder at the press room.                     Share this:   http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/judicial-watch-announces-list-of-washingtons-ten-most-wanted-corrupt-politicians-for-2013/ **
                Lynda   8:25 AM (8 minutes ago)    to me    July 15, 2013 by 2012thebigpicture    ObamaΓÇÖs Cabinet Got a Good Cleaning & LuxembourgΓÇöAll Gone! ...&..... Janet Napolitano Resigns from DHS
Check out the list here on whoΓÇÖs staying with Obama and whoΓÇÖs going:   ThereΓÇÖs some major housecleaning going on in Luxembourg, as wellΓÇöthe entire government! And youΓÇÖll never guess whyΓǪ
(thanks Patrick)   What a colourful time to be alive!     Entire Government of Luxembourg Resigns, after Spying and Corruption Scandal, Forces its Prime Minister to Quit
 Jean-Claude Juncker was EuropeΓÇÖs longest-serving leader, with 18 years as Prime Minister       He was secretly record by his own spy chief, Marco Mille. The Luxembourg government today resigned, brought down by a spying and corruption scandal, that shook the tiny country better known for wealthy bankers, than political intrigue.  Jean-Claude Juncker, prime minister since 1995 and the European UnionΓÇÖs longest serving government chief, tendered his resignation to Grand Duke Henri, the royal head of state, who himself has been implicated in media reports of espionage. The government was forced to resign after junior coalition partners, withdrew their support in protest at JunckerΓÇÖs apparent failure, to rein in a secret service spiralling out of control. Juncker has proposed holding a general election in October, seven months ahead of schedule.
                       Accused: Grand Duke Henri (left) was implicated in espionage reports that led to the downfall of Juncker (right).     The catalyst for the resignation was a parliamentary inquiry published last week, that said LuxembourgΓÇÖs security agency, illegally bugged politicians and members of the public, purchased cars for private use, and took payments and favours in exchange for access to influential officials.
In a scene reminiscent of a spy novel, former security chief Marco Mille recorded a conversation with Juncker in 2008, using a microphone in his watch.
Mille told Juncker he had reliable reports that Grand Duke Henri was in constant contact with BritainΓÇÖs secret services, according to one newspaper. The Grand DukeΓÇÖs office, has denied the allegation.
The government was already under pressure, due to renewed interest in a mysterious series of sabotage bomb attacks, in the 1980s, known as the Bommeleeer affair, whose targets included electricity pylons, and an airport radar system, as well as a newspaper office. Two former members of a special police force, went on trial for the attacks, at the start of this year.
Last month, the government and Finance Minister Luc Frieden, survived twin votes of no-confidence in parliament, over accusations that the minister had put pressure on investigators, to close their inquiry into the bombings. Juncker, for almost two decades the personification of Luxembourg on the international stage, chairing ΓÇ£EurogroupΓÇ¥ meetings of euro zone finance ministers from 2005 to 2013, may well return to lead the Grand Duchy, after the snap election. He remains a popular figure, and has no obvious successor in his centre-right CSV party, particularly as the former finance minister has been tarnished, according to Philippe Poirier, politics lecturer at the University of Luxembourg. Frieden, once touted as a possible future prime minister, has also come under fire, over the re-purchase of a stake in Cargolux, from Qatar Airways in January,.... and European Union pressure to end LuxembourgΓÇÖs system of bank secrecy.  ΓÇ£The CSV crown prince for many years, Luc Frieden, is himself involved in the telephone tapping, and Bommeleeer affairs,ΓÇ¥ Poirier said. ΓÇ£Jean Claude Juncker is the electoral locomotive of his party. ItΓÇÖs not the CSV, itΓÇÖs the Juncker party.ΓÇ¥ /Source /               As for Janet NapolitanoΓǪ  we donΓÇÖt know if the details around the shufflings above and below, are the true reasons or not. WeΓÇÖll have to see. Some of these folks, are going to be arrested, if they havenΓÇÖt already been thrown in the slammer. TheyΓÇÖre keeping some things under wraps, until ΓÇ£The EventΓÇ¥ and they can tell the truth about everything. Maybe UC wants someone who will put metal detectors and body scanners, at the University.                 DHS Chief Janet Napolitano Resigns.   ΓÇ£ΓǪthe U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, has resigned her post. Napolitano entered the office at the beginning of President ObamaΓÇÖs first term, and she was only the third person to hold the position, since it was created, in response to the September 11th attacks. In a statement, she said the Department of Homeland Security ΓÇ£has improved the safety of travelers; implemented smart steps that make our immigration system more fair and focused, while deploying record resources to protect our nationΓÇÖs borders; worked with states, to build resiliency, and make our nationΓÇÖs emergency and disaster response capabilities, more robust; and partnered with the private sector to improve our cybersecurity.ΓÇ¥ Napolitano will be taking over the presidency of the University of CaliforniaΓÇÖs 10-campus education system. ΓÇ£UC officials believe that her Cabinet experiences ΓÇô- which include helping to lead responses to hurricanes and tornadoes, and overseeing some anti-terrorism measures ΓÇö will help UC, administer its federal energy and nuclear weapons labs, and aid its federally funded research, in medicine and other areas.ΓÇ¥               And hereΓÇÖs a comment following the aboveΓǪ (definitely some ΓÇ£awakeΓÇ¥ people, out there.)
In this case, UC is currently paying their president $600K.... and will probably pay her. Which is odd, because last I heard, the UC system was still cutting scholarships, teachers, and classes, due to budget problems.
But IΓÇÖm sure that money is well spent: I mean, if Napolitano can bring the same magic to the UC system, that she did to DHS, then maybe the UC system will be safe from imaginary threats from Al Quaeda. And isnΓÇÖt that more important, than students getting an education? We decided it was more important than the constitution, so yes, the answer is yes, whether you like it or not.
This is idiotic. Why is a taxpayer supported institution, wasting money like sheΓÇÖs a CEO?  / Source Share this: / http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/obamas-cabinet-got-a-good-cleaning-luxembourg-all-gone-janet-napolitano-resigns-from-dhs/?relatedposts_hit=1&relatedposts_origin=17424&relatedposts_position=0 **   Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:35 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2014.  Eagle 1. - After some urging by folks who are concerned over some recent blog posts, by certain unnamed individuals, let me address some spurious claims, that are being made.
One allegation is that when you go to the bank with your currency to exchange it, you will be required to have your purchase receipt(s), or the bank will refuse to exchange it for you.
I addressed this allegation with our personal banker at WF some time back when it first began to crop up. She said that having the receipt is not a bank requirement. The bank does not care when you purchased the currency. What they are interested in is authenticating it. Although our local WF branch does not yet have a De La Rue machine, the personal banker said she can authenticate the currency easily with some simple procedures she has been taught. She did ask that if we are going to do a very large exchange with a lot of currency that we either make a specific appointment, or find a branch with a De La Rue machine where it can be processed quickly.  One private WF banker who is in the midst of getting a new De La Rue machine installed said that this is a programmable machine (large and verrry spendy!) that will accept multiple currencies and bills of different sizes.  Some branches will use the smaller desktop machines which are pre-programmed and sized for either Dinar, or Dong, or Rupiah, or whatever currency.  To get back to the question of the purchase receipts, it is advisable for you to hang onto your receipts, but you will only need them if you need to prove to the IRS when the currency was purchased for possible tax purposes.
What I've been told by a US Treasury employee is that at the moment there are no taxes on currency exchanges, but that there are several bills which have been proposed which could become retroactive.
You could pay anywhere from 15 to 20% in taxes (and one rumor has it at 23.8%). For that reason, I have recommended to folks that they set aside anywhere from 15 - 25% of their exchange in a separate account and hold onto it until we all see where this tax issue shakes out.  Della and I regularly travel back and forth to Canada, and when we do we exchange USD for CAD (usually before we leave). When we return and exchange back into USD, the bank does not ask us for a receipt.  By the same token if we do an exchange from USD to CAD at the Royal Bank of Canada, for example, the RBC teller does not ask us for a receipt of where we got our USD; and similarly when we return, if we obtained our currency in Canada, the local bank does not ask for a receipt of purchase for our CAD, no matter how much we exchange!
The same holds true for friends who travel abroad, to Israel, for example. All the bank has to do is authenticate the currency to ensure that it is not counterfeit. Much has been bandied about concerning FINCEN Form 104. There are conflicting reports concerning whether it will be necessary to fill out one of these forms when we do our exchanges. If you take your currency to Ali, for example, at Dinar Trade, he has said (in times past anyway) that you must fill out one of these forms. I would suggest that if you do your exchange with a broker, you should be prepared to fill out one of these forms.
If you exchange at the bank, our personal banker says that she is not aware of any requirement for either her or us to fill out one of these forms.
My best guess here is that if you have a relationship with the bank and/or a personal banker that is fairly well established, and there are no questions about your activities or personal character, no requirement will be made to fill out a form.  If, on the other hand, you are a stranger to the bank or institution where you want to exchange, you probably should be prepared to fill out the FINCEN Form 104 (or whatever new form the IRS has to replace it).                        Let me change subjects for a minute. Based on multiple reports, it appears that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will be making an announcement either late Sunday or early Monday concerning the new "gold-backed" USD.  Unless I miss my guess, the focus of this announcement will be on the asset-backing of the USD with a heavy focus on gold despite the fact that our new dollar will only be fractionally backed by gold. Much, if not most, of the backing will be in the form of other metals, minerals and natural resources such as oil and natural gas; and this will be pursuant to an announcement made by Christine Lagarde at the IMF a few weeks ago in which she noted that countries could use in-ground reserves of natural resources, along with gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals as the asset-support for their currencies. I will be surprised if there is any mention of the fact that the USD is due to take a 30% hit in its value against the basket of currencies on Monday. This devaluation has already been being factored in by other countries, and most of you (I'm sure) have already seen and experienced this factoring-in when you have gone to the grocery store or purchased goods manufactured or imported from other countries.
In any case, prepare to see an increase in the weeks to come in the cost of goods purchased from other countries -- especially those countries whose currencies have revalued against the USD.
My personal assessment (as well as that of a number of economists) is that the sudden 30% hit against the USD will cause investors who are holding USD-denominated assets (such as treasuries and bonds) to dump those assets, further devaluing the US Dollar.  That could result in an additional loss of 20% or more before the panic subsides and folks regain their confidence in the dollar. If you have the ability to do so, watch for the USD to bottom out and then re-invest in it. You could do quite well for yourself.
That said, I continue to encourage folks to hold onto as much of your IQD as possible until we see where this devaluation shakes out and where the IQD, the VND and the IDR stand against the USD.
The IQD is the only fully gold-backed currency in the world. It will hold its own against the dollar, and increase as the dollar drops. That's my nickel's worth for the day.
Blessings on you. Eagle1. Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:13 PM ....3 comments:.... Awake and MAD March 14, 2014 at 7:36 AM
My guess is ....if Iraq Dinar becomes the ONLY gold backed currency, then it SHOULD become the new World Reserve Currency that replaces the USA Petro Dollar.... //
Awake and MADMarch 14, 2014 at 7:50 AM If the new USA Dollar is using oil reserves as a major part in backing the NEW TRN ... It now makes sense why all of a sudden all the capped oil wells in the USA are now being FRACKED to restart production at this time. Also, the revelation of the MASSIVE previously unknown oil reserves in the heartland of this country.... Now it all makes sense.... //
AnonymousMarch 14, 2014 at 8:00 AM     Definitely going to happen Monday. How could anyone have any doubts ?
Friday, March 14, 2014. Missing 777 or Flying Bomb? - Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services43 - VT Working Group Says ΓÇ£Plane is on the GroundΓÇ¥
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor              The group assigned to discovering the fate of Malaysian Airlines flight 370 has concluded that the flight was hijacked.  Our first direction was ΓÇ£crash.ΓÇ¥  Within minutes of the disappearance, we discovered the plane had been damaged while on the ground in Shanghai.  I can see the plane being crashed into a military facility in the Ukraine, to be blamed on Russia.  This is me, not the group.  Whatever the scenario and we have run many, the plane is slated, in our estimation, to be used in a terror attack.
Our group includes senior FBI (retired) and airline security personnel, mostly former US Air Force with background in special operations.
We looked at the pilots, found problems there, a tendency to keep the cockpit door open, too much ΓÇ£socializingΓÇ¥ with female crew members, things like that.
We then looked at the plane, particularly the aeronautics bay, how many hijackers could hide there.
Actual attack map used by US Army personnel in Kiev embassy
For those who donΓÇÖt know, it is a ΓÇ£crew party zoneΓÇ¥ with heat and air conditioning that runs all the way to the cargo bay.
We were told there was a cargo onboard worth $400m.  I list that as unconfirmed.
We then compared how to get in and out of the aeronautics bay.  Some planes, you come out in First Class, others open more toward the front than that.
Our first guesses toward range put the plane down in Southeast Asia.  Then we looked at the fuel loadout and we ended up with 5 hours of flight time at 550 mph.  As our members tend to think of terrorism conventionally, their guess was Somalia. I will not speculate about passengers. I was asked to write this because there is speculation that this plane could be used in a terror attack.  Israel was mentioned.
I see no reason to assume that. With todayΓÇÖs revelations from Anonymous Ukraine that the US is actively involved in planning terror attacks against air facilities in the Ukraine and planning to blame it on Russia, having a ΓÇ£flying bombΓÇ¥ with this kind of capability simply disappear is even more suspicious.             For those unware of the hacked emails, this is the text from one of them:
             Oleg , an urgent need poshumity on behalf of Russians at the airport in Melitopol. This should be done by March 15 . Sam understands why.
First of all you must contact Pasha Tarasenko. You must know him , he is a local Liberty and has a theme.
Before you arrive 10-12 boys from the Centre. Top fighters Trident . Chief Mike there , you should know it too . Details will know him. We need people to meet and provide everything you need.
Proceed with caution. Speak only Russian. 25 team is executing combat missions , so do not do them much damage to aircraft . There is a lot of scrap metal, with it you can do anything . Damaged aircraft you specify. It is essential that all was as real attack neighborΓÇÖs Special Forces. But without corpses. Give me again your account. The money will come in time, do not worry.
See the appendix . This is an example of action. Decisions are made in person. Here is another:
Basil , you must quickly carry out proactive in Melitopol. ThereΓÇÖs 25 aviation brigade . Must zamaraty our sworn friends and good neighbors. I think you understand me.
Just proceed carefully and cautiously. 25 brigade combat mission out , so do not do them much damage to aircraft . There is already damaged aircraft , that He can do everything. Yihny board numbers you give. Remember , you need everything to be as real attack of the Russian Special Forces. Brigade commander there is a reasonable man . Details of know he will not, but in extreme cases it can turn to. We did come.
And one more: Ihor, Events are moving rapidly in Crimea. Our friends in Washington expect more decisive actions from your network.
I think itΓÇÖs time to implement the plan we discussed lately. Your job is to cause some problems to the transport hubs in the south-east in order to frame-up the neighbor.
It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon and the Company to act. Do not waste time, my friend. Respectfully,      JP                      Jason P. Gresh  Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Assistant Army Attach├⌐ U.S. Embassy, Kyiv  Tankova 4, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112       (380-44) 521 ΓÇô 5444 | Fax (380-44) 521 ΓÇô 5636
- COL Igor PROTSYK  Chief, Bilateral Military Cooperation Division  Main Directorate for Military Cooperation and PKO  General Staff, Armed Forces of Ukraine
tel +38044 481-5407  Cell +38067 407 97 40  e-mail: i.v.protsyk @ mil.gov.ua    e-mail: protsyk@ukr.net
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Posted by Gordon Duff on Mar 13 2014, With 4977 Reads, Filed under Editor, WarZone. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.                  COMMENTS  To post, we ask that you login using Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail in the box below. Don't have a social network account? Register and Login direct with VT and post. Before you post, read our Comment Policy - Feedback                   45 Comments for ΓÇ£Missing 777 or Flying Bomb?ΓÇ¥
molecule March 14, 2014 - 12:38 pm   The MSM-Pentagon-Israel-Gladio -all tails on the same dog- doesnΓÇÖt need a real plane to cook up some video terrorism, to wit, 911 (If the 911 planes werenΓÇÖt virtual, they sure werenΓÇÖt flown by any human pilots, hitting perfect bullseyes in fixed x-y-z coordinate space in a 35 knot crosswind, while executing 400 knot J-turns with Jumbos at 30 degree wing banks. Top Gun boys donΓÇÖt try that in a little sportster. Imagine swinging a tailhook onto a fixed space xyz flight deck, at 400 knots, pulling a 30-degree bank turn, in a 35 mph crosswind. Real planes not needed for terrorism.)
MPIG has ability to make a plane disappear. Flight 370 is a smokescreen, with China as victim (beneficiary). The MossadΓÇÖs (PentagonΓÇÖs) job (two tails, same read more ... Log in to Reply
Ann March 14, 2014 - 11:55 am That punk Gresh has all the qualifications to run with the psychos. Or at least he did until his creepy emails ran wild like rats. You can forget about your Flying Monkey wings, Jason! The little squirt thinks heΓÇÖs playing nintendo with other peopleΓÇÖs lives. He should be slapped all the way back to West Pointless from whence he came.
Hey, JasΓÇôI bet they made you think you really count for something, right? YouΓÇÖre so smart! ItΓÇÖs not like theyΓÇÖd ever use you for a stooge or anything. But being that youΓÇÖre so smart and all, donΓÇÖt you know theyΓÇÖre all screwballs and flip out without warning? Did you really think that normal people would plan disasters? Now you let all those emails out and you put a crimp in the plans. And whatΓÇÖs that
read more ... Log in to Reply   ////                bmcks March 14, 2014 - 11:41 am IΓÇÖve been accused of being a conspiracy theorist, to which I plead guilty. The irony of MA370 is that I just visited Singapore & KL in February. I was amazed at the polite and through security checks at both airports. I also found out Singapore has one of the largest gold vaults in the world, and a thriving jewel market. The airline seems strangely silent about its cargo dockets. Maybe just my hope all passengers & crew are safe in some hanger, awaiting the precious cargo to be safely dispersed. Log in to Reply /////              Excalibur March 14, 2014 - 11:07 am Knowing how the cabal have taken out whole passenger airplanes in time past to kill one inconvenient person ΓÇô my first thought was to look closely at the passenger list. Were there any key people or key dissidents to the gangster establishment on board? Very soon a scenario that compliments the false media narrative will be put forward anyway ΓÇô regardless of any facts being unearthed..
The days of properly getting to the bottom of events like this are now long gone. Fact merges with fiction to create the daily global illusions ΓÇô and the massed population victims of these deceptions ΓÇô lap it up with their soap operas and drugs. Log in to Reply  ////         John March 14, 2014 - 10:11 am Gordon, should I start making plans to find someplace to crawl into and wait for the big bang? Jebus! This does not bode well. To think even those within the U.S. military are planning to start a major war, for what purpose? NWO? WTF! Whatever happens and it appears to be getting out of control on the part of D.C., the most we can do is sit by watch events unfold as they will. No politician in D.C. is going to do anything to stop it and we all know the reason why. Just read that PutinΓÇÖs approval rating is over 71% and OblunderΓÇÖs at 41% probably even lower than that. Log in to Reply ///           franktalk March 14, 2014 - 9:30 am JimStone had a plausable explaination for how it went missing. If history is any indicator, Rothschild and the neocons wonΓÇÖt be far behind the story. http //thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/03/14/the-malaysian-airliner-is-not-missing-much-more/     Log in to Reply  ////            stephanaugust March 14, 2014 - 12:19 pm  Jim Stone suspects the setup of WWIII against China.  Log in to Reply ////            stephanaugust March 14, 2014 - 9:29 am  On March 26, 2013, Anonymous made this headline  ΓÇÿAnonymousΓÇÖ hacks Mossad website, gains access to data of 30,000 spies  Log in to Reply ///               LC March 14, 2014 - 7:34 am  WasnΓÇÖt Malayia the sponsor & forum of the international criminal tribunal which prosecuted & convicted the Bush crime cabal & then issued their arrest warrants?  Log in to Reply /////            Raptor March 14, 2014 - 7:34 am  Look at the wiki page for this eventΓǪ..already 156 referencesΓǪ.So take it for what itΓÇÖs worth but this looks to be a massive effort put forth by the usual suspects. jmho Raptor, Log in to Reply /////           CoJonesGrandes March 14, 2014 - 7:32 am This guy thinks itΓÇÖs connected with the new global currency reset and all those ΓÇÿsuicidedΓÇÖ bankers
***http //philosophyofmetrics.com/2014/03/13/the-algorithmic-central-bankers/***  Quote  ΓÇ£As we are obviously getting closer to the implementation of this multilateral system, I would question the significance and coincidence of 20 employees of the company Freescale Semiconductor being on the Malaysian Airlines flight that is now missing. Additionally, most, if not all of the banker ΓÇ£suicidesΓÇ¥ which have been taking place over the last few months have involved individuals who were directly involved in IT departments or other algorithmic points of contact within their respective banks.ΓÇ¥ Log in to Reply //////
CoJonesGrandes  March 14, 2014 - 7:27 am  DonΓÇÖt dismiss the woo-woo. This could be one of those ΓÇÿBermuda triangleΓÇÖ missing planes, except it happened in Asia. ****http //psychicfocus.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/malaysia-airline-mh370.html****  Log in to Reply ////////             Not Clueless March 14, 2014 - 10:45 am  Duff probably has it pegged ΓÇô BUT Secret Space Govmt knows ΓÇÿfactsΓÇÖ? > Star Wars> missing Trillions? Fiction or Fact? Utilizing antimatter by creating an EM field, which destabilizes the gravity wave, allows antimatter to unite with matter, creating a portal through which space/time can be bent, or traveled through via this ΓÇ£bending.ΓÇ¥ In other words, producing an EM field, bringing in the antimatter, IS the bending of space/time? Is that it?  - Yes    - With proper technology you can create a portal where desired. There are unlimited options. Proper technology. ΓǪ is it in the antimatter universe that all this traveling back and forth is done by aliens when they abduct people? - Close. They transport through  read more ...  Log in to Reply /////
            Raptor March 14, 2014 - 7:25 am  Gordon,  Now some very smart people are reporting that the ΓÇ¥ un-named sources ΓÇ¥ have liedΓǪboth covered by the WSJ and Wash. PostΓǪ..so this is looking more ΓÇ¥ logically ΓÇ¥ like an accidental shoot down and someone is desperate to keep this from being found outΓǪ..NowΓǪmost passengers were Chinese, some have said to have been Computer associated genius typesΓǪΓǪwho will suffer from any reprisals if this is found to be the caseΓǪΓǪDid this plane continue to fly? One source of evidence has proved to be false, so another was quickly establishedΓǪ..all the while it evaded high tech military radarΓǪ..sorry IΓÇÖm calling BSΓǪ..with all due respect of course. This looks like an obvious dog and pony show made for TV. I respect your work and look read more ... Log in to Reply  ///////
stephanaugust March 14, 2014 - 7:13 am  I donΓÇÖt know ΓǪ this hacked emails look like the 9/11 calls from the hijacked planes. Log in to Reply ///// ???? March 14, 2014 - 6:30 am  About a month ago two navy seals were found dead on a ship. Two the same day on the same ship from the same cause? Would that have had anything to do with the plane? http //www.cnn.com/2014/02/25/world/asia/seychelles-maersk-deaths/  Log in to Reply /////                Raptor March 14, 2014 - 5:06 am If this plane is parked some place and being prepped for a terror attackΓǪ.just htf are they gonna pull it off? New tail #ΓÇÖs, fresh paint, new cords for identification ΓǪyou know satts, radar, radio for air space ΓǪNow this will be the caper of all timeΓǪ.Jesus Christ peopleΓǪ.My old man is rolling over in his grave and it ainΓÇÖt from angst ΓǪ.
Boeings who fail to respond on radio, or have clearance for air space, soon have escorts, no response results in shoot down..Again this takes far more than a few man teamΓǪ.. Raptor,  Log in to Reply /////
Gordon Duff   March 14, 2014 - 5:44 am  ....all of the above, not so hard to do. Our team says it has all been done already.   Log in to Reply /////Guitargirl March 14, 2014 - 6:14 am  I sincerely hope Mr. Duff that your team is better than ΓÇ£theirΓÇ¥ team. And that your team will kick ass and save us all from a new false flag. My thoughts are with you and your team in solving this! Regina  Log in to Reply //////
       LightSaber March 14, 2014 - 6:10 am  Why this plane, when ΓÇ£theyΓÇ¥ have access to other, older models?  Under what flag it will be flown? If an ΓÇ£unknownΓÇ¥ airplane appears anywhere on the radar it will be intercepted soon. The only possible scenario is switching planes during flight (like 9/11, to remotely controlled drones) ΓÇô only possible in the countries from the Rothschild Commonwealth. It has to be transported to the airspace which ΓÇ£theyΓÇ¥ can have access to, control of ΓÇô how to do it without being detected? Most probably the target is in the US (west coast?), and the plane will be a nuclear missileΓǪ  Log in to Reply /////
dirtus napus  March 14, 2014 - 8:33 am  Not if itΓÇÖs Diego Garcia or even Coco Island. Simple. And IΓÇÖm sure the Russian sats watched Diego and a few other places very quickly after the Mallacan turn. Chess. Seven moves ahead at all times. This has USSG all over it ΓÇ£shadowΓÇ¥ΓǪfor the slower.  Log in to Reply ////          LightSaber March 14, 2014 - 3:47 am Yep, sounds very plausible to me http://www.cabaltimes.com/2014/03/12/ma370-redirected-to-diego-garcia/  Log in to Reply ////              frog March 14, 2014 - 1:19 am  If TPTB wanted a countries aircraft, all the neo con zionist had to do was to remote control the aircraft, block any comms, and fly it over Russian air space to get the Russians to shoot it down, like the old Soviet days. And to use one from the ex PM of Malaysias home country, that evil anti semetic holocaust denier whos name I canΓÇÖt remember. Ask Dov Zacheim, he knows about remote a/c.  Log in to Reply //////          stephanaugust  March 14, 2014 - 12:47 am  Are there any interviews with concerned relatives? Log in to Reply
Bente March 14, 2014 - 12:22 am  and where are the passengers? All killed? or in one of the dark prison US is running ? ΓǪ.outside USA maybe Poland !! as the seems to lend a willing hand to the USA in all sort of dark undertakingsΓǪ sharing same hatred for Russia as their own Brzezinsky ΓǪ Tanks for the dataΓǪ.  Log in to Reply /////       sweetliberty  March 13, 2014 - 10:23 pm Thank you for this Mr. DuffΓǪ and for all you do.  Log in to Reply ////           ProtectUSA1st   March 13, 2014 - 10:22 pm   ΓÇöΓÇöΓÇö-ΓÇ¥Israel was mentioned.ΓÇ¥ ΓÇöΓÇöΓÇö-Why? Because ΓÇö-ΓÇ¥Israel Is The Evil EmpireΓÇ¥ & its Self Distractive Bomb Is Ticking. ΓÇöΓÇöΓÇöAmong all itΓÇÖs ΓÇ£Evil DeedsΓÇ¥,ΓÇöΓÇö1950ΓÇ▓s Israel was ΓÇ£The First Country in the World to Hijacked a Commercial Airline,ΓÇ¥ Ironically it was a Syrian Airline. ΓÇöΓÇôIn 2010 Israel Mossad ΓÇ£hit squadΓÇ¥ stolen 11 passports from Australia all the way to Europe (Ireland, UK, Germany, Hungary, etc.,) to murdered Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mahbouh in Dubai. The hit squad stalking the Hamas commander in his hotel before he was killed. Dubai Police Chief Dhahi Khalfan Tamim asked Interpol to issue an arrest warrant against the Head of Mossad. And told Israel he wouldnΓÇÖt be able to travel to any Arabic country.  Log in to Reply
maca001  March 13, 2014 - 9:56 pm  Communications satellites picked up faint electronic pulses ΓÇ£pingsΓÇ¥ from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 after it went missing on Saturday. The ΓÇ£pingsΓÇ¥ indicated that the aircraftΓÇÖs maintenance troubleshooting systems were switched on and ready to communicate with satellites as needed if the airline had subscribed to that level of maintenance, which it hadnΓÇÖt. The system transmits such ΓÇ£pingsΓÇ¥ about once an hour. US aviation investigators and national security officials believed the Boeing 777 flew for a total of ΓÇ£fiveΓÇ¥ hours, based on that data automatically downloaded and ΓÇÿsent to the groundΓÇÖ from its engines as part of this standard maintenance monitoring program. The range of 777ΓÇÖs is approximately 14,000 klms to 17,000 klms. Big  read more ... Log in to Reply //////                maxbilney March 13, 2014 - 9:00 pm  The idiot pilotting the plane was known to be in control with nubile Western chicks on his knee! As in Flying High, his co-pilot was a blow-up dummy. I wouldnΓÇÖt be surprised if when he again joined ΓÇ£the mile high clubΓÇ¥, his zipper got caught in the go-stick and they plunged at full speed into the sea. Mark my words Wreckage will be found! ΓǪ And the poor pilot will be found with his new-found lady friend, in a Pompeii like love embrace. ΓǪ It is all so sad! Log in to Reply /////              Cold Wind March 13, 2014 - 7:28 pm  I suppose, given the escalating possibilities for miscalculation and with Dempsey playing the belligerent fool, if the war in the Ukraine breaks out in the next several days, the missing plane loses its relevance to the Olympians and it is ΓÇÿdiscoveredΓÇÖ or we discover its role in precipitating the first engagement starting WWIII. Log in to Reply //////             Curmudgeon March 13, 2014 - 7:15 pm  Recall those nagging stories about UAL 93 landing in Cleveland? The psychos use the same plays until they are stopped. With the technology developed in the last dozen years, disabling the radio, transponder, or other electronics used to locate an airplane, without affecting the flight controls or engine. In fact, I suspect it would be possible to ΓÇ£cloakΓÇ¥ an airplane by jamming radar and/or satellites,    Log in to Reply /////              jack March 13, 2014 - 7:13 pm  It seems that Flight 370 taken out by Navy laser! Leuren Moret Flight 370 was US weapons demo for Putin; Payback for Tribunal vs Israel, US/UK  - http //www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aUgWhUkkzr4    Log in to Reply /////            stephanaugust  March 14, 2014 - 12:54 am  If I were Putin I would use a laser against the U.S. for stealing UkraineΓÇÖs gold.  Log in to Reply //////            molecule March 13, 2014 - 6:56 pm  Perhaps the Pentagon could use a theoretically ΓÇ£lost planeΓÇ¥ to orchestrate an act of revenge terrorism between China and Japan? A ΓÇ£warΓÇ¥ between China and Japan would make a nice smokescreen to take our eyes off of the Ukrainian crisis. From the gitgo, the goal of the four-star bedwetters who run the Pentagon has been deindustrialization and destruction of the United States. If the US wants to go to war, it should first build a steel mill. To rrun a steel mill, you need a stable labor force. If Pentagon brass (gold is in China) can get the US and Russia to go at it, China will be the victor ΓÇô the moral superman and industrial giant for the 21st century. Any thoughts as to why is China being kept off the radar screens? According to the reports that  read more ... Log in to Reply  /////               Raptor March 13, 2014 - 7:13 pm  Bullshit. Period. The majority of the passengers aboard were ChineseΓǪmost of whom still use outhousesΓǪ..this stuff is getting old, getting old very very quicklyΓǪ I said it once and will say it one last timeΓǪAll of this stinks of desperationΓǪΓǪΓǪΓǪΓǪtop to bottomΓǪ.and they are counting on everyone rolling on over and eating one more jelly donutΓǪ( sic ) >).. Too fat too lazy and way way too f,ing fat to do a damn thing about any of itΓǪ..flat out sucks.  Raptor  Log in to Reply  /// Grampah March 14, 2014 - 8:18 am  Good work, molecule. The world is NEVER as presented. The Mao, Vietnam, Cambodian scene never rang true in my mind. US forces were poisoned so they wouldnΓÇÖt live long enough to have a serious impact on US policy.  We were fighting ΓÇ£the communistsΓÇ¥ then, replaced by ΓÇ£terroristsΓÇ¥ since 9/11 false flag, bogeyman excuses for the basis of all wars, economic gain for some, loses for others. Log in to Reply              ///    Preston James, Ph.D    March 13, 2014 - 6:55 pm   Gordon Duff always comes through with the best info. And this one is one of his best yet. This is a stunning revelation that should come as no real surprise to most avid VT readers. It is what we might expect from a govt run by Banksters who are nearly out of options, except a major new war.  Reality is closing in fast and desperate criminal psychopaths are capable of many serious crimes like false-flags, even some nuclear in a major city. Who knows what this bunch of criminally insane perps are capable of? Log in to Reply   /////          Raptor March 13, 2014 - 6:46 pm  The only purpose this plane has now is to be found. The chances of it being used for anything other than that are 1 billion to 1. Raptor Log in to Reply ///             Chandler March 13, 2014 - 5:56 pm  Interesting! I await the updates. Why I read VT, and why it makes many stop and think of the possible scenarios. I wouldnΓÇÖt be surprised if this plane wasnΓÇÖt hijacked to be used later. Not something the 5 30 news is going to headline is it? Unless of course they need another reason, real of false for war. Great work. Log in to Reply ////         splitter March 13, 2014 - 5:43 pm  I wonder about KSA ΓÇô they are closing borders with Qatar ΓÇô something is cooking up thereΓǪ  Log in to Reply
splitter March 13, 2014 - 5:51 pm  Uh they were mentioning two Iranians with stolen passports ΓÇô maybe they want to crash plane in KSA and to blame IranΓǪ ( .. Log in to Reply
splitter March 13, 2014 - 6:10 pm  And with that Russian-Iranan-Chinese alliance wold be jeopardised due to large number of Chinese passengers? Log in to Reply /////              LightSaber March 13, 2014 - 5:18 pm  ΓÇ£Within minutes of the disappearance, we discovered the plane had been damaged while on the ground in Shanghai. ΓÇ¥ ΓÇô is it really physically possible? My bet is on the scenario aimed at China to enforce ΓÇ£properΓÇ¥ voting during the coming UNSC session passengers are hostages somewhere. Re attack on the military facility in Ukraine ΓÇô those AWACS in Romania and Poland are there for a reasonΓǪ  Log in to Reply //////
LightSaber March 13, 2014 - 5:23 pm  And Gen. Dempsey in Bloomberg shown as a sable-rattling war monger ΓÇô that must be a ΓÇ£coverΓÇ¥ for some operation too, right? Log in to Reply // wolf March 14, 2014 - 10:37 am Exactly right. General Dempsey is a member of the Knights of Malta. He may as well be a ΓÇÿdual-citizenΓÇÖ because his primary loyalty is to the ΓÇÿhead of the snakeΓÇÖΓǪin the Vatikan. Log in to Reply ************
You must be logged in to post a comment Login             Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:47 PM                    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/missing-777-or-flying-bomb.html
Friday, March 14, 2014. Stage3Alpha. - CURRENCY REVALUATION PROCESS . - Posted by ARCTURIAN on March 14, at 9:02am   - Thu, Mar 13, at 11:24AM    Further to our Notice of Redemptions, the US Treasury, China Treasury, IMF, World Bank and others have, as of yesterday, agreed on the timings of the release of all funds in respect of the historic bond redemptions and the RV of the Dinar and Vietnamese dong.
 The global reset (GR) is directly tied to these events, and because of the proximity of the GR which is scheduled for this month after March 17, 2014, all USD wire transfers and transactions are on hold, inclusive of all Project funding's that were scheduled for this week.  This decision is based very simply on the advent of the US Treasury Reserve Note (new symbol TRN, or the new US Dollar) which is replacing the USD (the Federal Reserve Note (FRN)). The announcement of the new US TRN and its exchange rate is scheduled for after March 17.  All funds and transfers in USD have been effectively frozen globally for this reason, and the transfers will continue after March 17 in the new US TRNs. All completed transactions, and pending transactions are affected by this decision. No USD money transfers will be allowed at this time until the changeover. All historic bond transactions, whether straight redemptions or through the private placement programs with the Tier 1 traders, are similarly affected.
 While this news is not the best news for many that were expecting their payments this week, the GR and the payments in the new US dollar were known to be coming this month, and the global freeze on such payments will ultimately be for the benefit of our Humanity when payments are made in the new Basel III compliant currency.
 The GR signals the deployment and implementation of the new financial system that is Basel III compliant, and will be the new standard globally. All delays are temporary at this time.
New pricing for the historic bonds will be posted shortly as the IMF and the Chinese Family are going over these items at the moment.  **********
                   SD:   It is my understanding that the RV of the Dinar must happen before the GR.  Is that true according to your information? And... if so, that would leave only today and this weekend as the window for the Dinar RV.  Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:15 AM ...2 comments: .....Anonymous March 14, 2014 at 10:49 AM   The fact that the N in UTN stands for "NOTE" and they are calling it a "NOTE" doesn't sound like the system (fractional/fiat) has changed since a NOTE is still considered a DEBT Instrument. Is it the same face with a new mask???? HMMMMMMM.......
And what of the republic, nesara, PP's, collateral accts- where's the news/announcements on that?    I hope that the can isn't being kicked down the road and that the cabal are not the ones hiding in the shadows, pulling the strings, duping all the desperate and impatient, & waiting to swoop in like the vultures that they have proven to be.
More info. clarification for better discernment required. // Dan March 14, 2014 at 11:48 AM
So the World will Allow the Jesuits to STILL be IN Charge of the IMF and CONTROL ALL THE MONEY OF THE WORLD?  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/stage3alpha.html
Friday, March 14, 2014. Bluwolf - - Written, 03/13/14 Bluwolf: I see how the serpent has hypnotized all with its fork tongue. I see how many are being deceived and falling for yet another invented rate a market rate, I also see a new tax law that has not been signed by the president or has not been discussed by congress or senate nor has it been voted on nor has it been placed into play for the last 6 month, but then you are all catatonic absorbing and taking in all this stuff, just like the bug who follows the lightbulb and you know how they finish off ( burnt ). If you follow the original plan you will be honored as planned. The rates are contemplated the same, it seems that everyday someone comes out with a new name for a rate which brings me laughter for I have never heard none of them being mentioned by bank folks at my end.
My thoughts as always we have been alerted and we are on standby for our exchange and this can happen at any second, we have no knowledge of any delays, banks abroad are waiting for your Washington folks to get it rolling, last word out is that it is now in motion. Here is where all is at. Period Bluwolf     Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:14 AM  http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/bluwolf_14.html
Friday, March 14, 2014.  The Reinforcements have Arrived: ET Fleet Caught by ISS Camera March 10th [video] - - -  March 13, 2014 by 2012thebigpicture  Thanks, Extraterrestrials.ning.com.
Well, Cobra said they were amassing in our atmosphere in preparation. This looks to be at least some of themΓÇöright on schedule for the rescue effort. Woo-hoo!!!  Disclosure may be just around the corner!  ~ BP
Incredible fleet of unknown objects caught by the ISS on March10th, 2014. Objects seem to appear out of thin air, possibly a portal or wormhole of some kind…. Share this:
http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/the-reinforcements-have-arrived-et-fleet-caught-by-iss-camera-march-10th-video/ **   Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:37 AM ...1 comment:.... Anonymous March 14, 2014 at 1:44 PM The ISS camera is pointed toward Earth. Half of the screen is taken up by the side of the space station. At night, all is black until lights from the ground emerge from behind the ISS.
Thursday, March 13, 2014. MORE RESEARCH ON MICHELLE OBAMA IS A MAN...JUST DOES NOT WANT TO GO AWAY - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVAXqKugXkg
Optimist Creed  ==== Hi, I sent this to my 2 Republican Ohio Federal Congressmen.   Irvin.           John Boehner & Rob Portman; Below is shocking News, that Michell is a man. Now I know that you can get proof of this being TRUE or FALSE, just by getting two or three persons to check her/him out !!!!!!     Then if true, have  President Obama Impeached!!   If you can not open the Video, send me an Email address, so I can send this to you. I will save it for you.     Irvin Neargarder              This is a very in depth analysis, video runs about  1/2 hr   Subject: michelle obama is A MAN. -- Click below. (Michelle is a Man - LINK )          Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:22 PM   ...7 comments:...              Anonymous March 13, 2014 at 12:37 PM  There's always the hermaphrodite theory. // Anonymous March 13, 2014 at 1:56 PM WHEN are you people going to understand - research it for yourself - you CAN NOT IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT OF A PRIVATE CORPORATION - YOU CANNOT IMPEACH BOZO ('impeachment' of Clinton, Bush, etc accomplished absolutely NOTHING  as they, too, were appointed OFFICERS OF THE PRIVATE CORPORATION OPERATING AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - YOU HAVE NO 'VOTE' PEOPLE!!!) - any more than you can impeach the president of McDonalds, Halliburton, Blackwater, or any other private corporation. The ONLY recourse is to ARREST THE TRAITORS AND PROSECUTE EACH TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW - IN A COMMON LAW COURT  WHERE JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED - NOT IN THE CORPORATE COURTS  THAT SERVE THE SAME SLAVE MASTERS AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE FEDERAL RESERVE, THE BANKSTERS, ET AL.......... //             Anonymous March 13, 2014 at 3:24 PM  All the things for which Obama is impeachable: Social Security #s, Birth Certificates, sealed college transcripts showing foreign aid, Fast and Furious, Libya, JPMorgan fraud, NSA, NDAA, IRS scandal, Obamacare, unilateral changes to Obamacare, and youre gonna go after the "Michelle is a man" angle?! FFS. You dont see how you completely ruin any shred of credibility with this crap? With all the REAL issues we face  at this late date, WTF cares if Michelle is a man?! In whose world is that impeachable?! FFS, John you can do better. Don't lose it man. //                 AnonymousMarch 13, 2014 at 3:56 PM  She may be a man but somebody tell me how one of the girls looks just like her. I don't know daughter by name but one of them has that ugly jaw and bottom lip like Michelle. I didn't know men could have babies. If they could, childbirth would cease. //              Anonymous  March 13, 2014 at 4:31 PM Right on Bubba!  //               AnonymousMarch 13, 2014 at 11:03 PM i HEARD THAT BOTH OF THE GIRLS, WERE ADOPTED . //               Anonymous March 13, 2014 at 6:58 PM
newly discovered Mitchell should go JV with AMAZON without further disguise further either sex or non-sex gender ... lol - -    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/more-research-on-michelle-obama-is.html
Saturday, March 15, 2014. AWACS Hijack Proven    Jimstonefreelance.com - The new root of truth. http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html
AWACS Hijack Proven   Malaysian military BACKED DOWN, BUT  GET THIS, IT'S A HOOT!
The engines on flight 377 remained connected to satellites as part of a Boeing maintenance routine, and Boeing has confirmed the aircraft remained flying for five full hours after it ΓÇ£vanishedΓÇ¥ from radar. Obviously the Malaysian military really did track this plane as they originally stated. Someone forced them to back down, only to have Boeing blow it wide open once and for all. And THIS is probably why the Malaysian military forgot all about how they tracked it to the strait of Malacca. Too late, the genie is OUT OF THE BOTTLE.
AWACS HIJACK PROVEN  Permalink              There is a lot of new stuff below this, don't miss it!
Malaysian airlines flight 377 has been provably hijacked by an AWACS plane. This is outlined in the updates below.  UPDATE:  UPDATE:
The Malaysian military tracked this plane for a full hour with military radar after it "vanished from civilian radar because "the transponders were switched off" (B.S.) radar is radar, it does not need a "transponder" to track a plane and they can eat dog poo. And Awacs would have shut down any transponder for a plane kidnapping anyway, it took no terrorist to do it.  ANYWAY, the plane did a u-turn and was "last spotted" on the other side of Malaysia. They made the mistake of saying it was "flying low" when it was still at 29,500 feet, far higher than needed to show on radar, to deceive people into believing THAT is why it "vanished" from radar. A whole bunch of lies were hatched about how it disappeared from civilian radar because "the transponder was switched off" but RADAR IS RADAR AND ONLY COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS, PRIVATE PLANES ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE TRANSPONDERS. Radar is there to prevent private planes that have no transponders from hitting commercial ones among other things, and if radar can see a private plane that has no transponder it certainly can see a huge jumbo jet. So you can take the transponder lies and trash them.
But the plane DID disappear from civilian radar even though military radar tracked it for a now admitted full hour longer.
What could make a plane disappear from civilian radar while at 36,000 feet yet still be visible on military radar? ONE THING, and it looks like a UFO (as some have speculated) only it's attached to a boeing jet - the antenna on a U.S. Air Force AWACS plane. The fact that this missing jet vanished from civilian radar yet remained visible on more robust military radars proves well enough for me that this indeed was an AWACS hijacking, just like we saw on 9/11 where AWACS planes were seen on video observing if not controlling the crashes into the twin towers. Once the plane flew far enough West, Awacs was obviously enough to jam both civilian and military radars, probably because they entered a zone where the angle of both incoming signals allowed for their simultaneous cancellation. That is where the plane finally "vanished" forever, an hour after the "official" vanishing act. The final vanish happened while at 29,500 feet. Though AWACS was originally released as a radar platform there are many variants of awacs type planes now that serve many types of radio oriented missions including jamming and takeover, and they all have the same antenna dome.
In this scenario, we now have: The plane did a u-turn and flew the other way for a now admitted full hour UPDATE: FIVE hours. THAT supports the Awacs story.
Obvious fake photoshopping of "terrorists". THAT supports the Awacs story.
Cell phones still ringing, which would only be possible with a safe landing. THAT supports the Awacs story
Missing black boxes. THAT supports the Awacs story (the plane is obviously intact)     A reason to electronically hijack the airplane - 20 top people from a semiconductor firm that works defense, with employees working for countries that are not allies yet VERY powerful - THAT supports the Awacs story
And the GRAND FINALE: PLANE DISAPPEARS FROM CIVILIAN RADARS WHILE REMAINING VISIBLE ON MILITARY RADARS. THAT supports the Awacs story and pushes it to the forefront of logic like a tsunami on a beach umbrella, if THAT does not raise a few eyebrows people are sleeping. And I'd have to say the CIA's obvious pushing of B.S. regarding this supports the Awacs story as well; If this plane shows up somewhere in pieces now, it was electronically hijacked by an AWACS plane - the same type seen on 9/11, and the people were offloaded and questioned (engineers probably waterboarded for defense secrets). IF that plane shows up in pieces now it happened last night, not three days ago FINAL ANSWER.
              UPDATE: Exact logic sequence for proving the U.S. air force hijacked the Malaysian airlines flight.
1. Absent an awacs type system which can precisely monitor a received signal and spoof a return signal (or phase cancel it) you cannot disappear a non stealth aluminum skinned plane from ANY radar system. After vanishing from civilian radars, it remained on military radars that would work better against AWACS. That pretty much says it all.
2. Iran is an ally of Russia. Russia has Awacs type systems, but would not try to frame up Iran in a terror plot with a fake passport story supported by idiotically faked photos. Russia did not do this.
3. China and Malaysia also have Awacs type systems. Since it was a Malaysian plane flying with Chinese engineers, it is safe to rationalize out that neither China nor Malaysia did this.
4. Though the engineers on the plane also worked with stealth technologies such as Awacs, it takes a huge UFO shaped antenna to make such systems work, and Malaysian passenger jets do not have them as a standard feature. This was not a stunt played by Freescale Semiconductors.
5. Israel wants war with Iran, and the CIA hatching a terror plot with horribly faked photos stands in the evidence pool against the U.S. air force, which is their sex slave.
6. The obvious motive was military, and a real tie in was the fact that the plane disappeared from civilian radar while at full cruising altitude, but not the military radars. In this case the air force had to choose which radar they would spoof with Awacs (there is extreme difficulty with spoofing more than one system simultaneously unless there is a lucky alignment of signals) and they just hoped the military would not catch on. ONE PROBLEM, the Malaysian military was not as inept as the Air Force thought. PLAN FAILURE.
7. The Iranian terror plot fits the logic tree well. Since the photos were obviously faked, WHO WOULD DO THAT? WHO WANTS WAR WITH IRAN? No brainer there.
8. The cell phones are ringing, and the only organization in the world that can say where they are is the NSA. WHY THE SILENCE?
logic sequence output: Because the plane was hijacked electronically by those who keep the NSA funded and the NSA has been told to SHUT UP. If those phones were in lost baggage, the NSA would have said so RIGHT AWAY, and even the airline company would have figured it out by now, found the bags, heard the phones ringing and said, OH, WE KNOW WHY THEY RING. And the phones are not dead ringing as can happen with some american carriers, because on one occasion one of the phones was picked up and hung up without anything being said. But NOPE, NOTHING on this from the NSA, which means those phones are ringing on a runway somewhere, and the NSA knows EXACTLY WHERE. Yet they still support the CIA, which is doing it's best to hatch a B.S. terror plot about a couple Iranians with fake photos and THERE IS YOUR ANSWER, AMERICA HAS THAT PLANE AND IS PROBABLY WATERBOARDING THE FREESCALE ENGINEERS RIGHT NOW, EXTRACTING CHINESE MILITARY SECRETS. If the plane is now "found" in pieces it will mean "they" gave up on the B.S. story line and decided to ditch it somewhere rather than use it on the Petronas towers or the Sears tower.
The hijacking story won't work now that we know the Malaysian military was able to track the plane because a hijacker cannot switch off a radar system 500 miles away and cannot prevent the plane from being found on radar wherever it went to, ONLY AWACS COULD.
                    UPDATE: The shills are panicking trying to prop up and support the "transponder" lie. Here is a response I posted to a shill that pretty much says it all:
I am not unaware of the situation with private aircraft. I have seen at least a dozen and NOT A SINGLE ONE had a transponder. Your claim that most private aircraft have transponders is a lie.
There was no "primary" or "secondary" radar. The transponder only identifies the craft that is being reflected on active radar.
I believe you told the most plausible lie people would ever believe, but you forgot something, I am former NSA and can call bullshit on practically anything.
You cannot tell me that the airport did not have primary active radar systems in Malaysia, we are not talking La Paz Bolivia even, and even La Paz has active radar. Any city in America with a population over 50,000 will have an airport with active radar. You are implying that a 777 jet took off from an airstrip in an advanced country that was laid out on a dirt path intersecting goat trails and therefore had to transmit back to tell the airport where it was. What a load of B.S.    FOR THE RECORD: THE PLANE VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR. THE FACT THAT THE TRANSPONDER SWITCHED OFF AT THE SAME TIME IT VANISHED FROM ACTIVE AIRPORT RADAR PROVES AWACS EVEN MORE, I KNOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT AWACS CAN'T JAM A TRANSPONDER BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY WORK DEFENSE YOURSELF BUT TRUTH BE TOLD, THAT OUTCOME IS AN OBVIOUS ONE and to the other shills, AWACS type planes have many functions and one of them is JAMMING EVERYTHING. AWACS planes have amazing signal jamming capabilities, this is [a] so well established fact that you are going to have to shill even Pakistani agricultural web sites to front the lie that AWACS is not used for jamming. Give up on that one, even goat herders are not that stupid.                       Blockbuster UPDATE:   BLOCKBUSTER UPDATE: FAKE PASSPORT GUYS WERE PHOTOSHOPPED. Take a look at their legs. HA HA HA - that's a bad screw up. Here is the original article this picture appeared in, Needless to say, I preserved this one.
Caption below original photo: "A Malaysian police official displays photographs of the two men who boarded the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight using stolen European passports to the media at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 11, 2014. -- PHOTO: AFP"
Now that's an absolute LAUGH. That's as bad as the blood spatters going the wrong way at the bat man shooting.
Get while the getting is good, they are going to "fix this" ASAP. Too late, this entire article including comments below is now preserved and will post tomorrow in it's full glory on this web site so you can just save it as a Jpeg tomorrow. That way the black hole of censorship won't suck this one beyond the event horizon.
               My final word on Malaysia airlines  At least until the plane is found.   Freescale semiconductor is actually a large company with many divisions. The most credible information out there points to two possibilities with one central binding theme -  The central binding theme is that these employees did not work in the energy sector, they worked with advanced military technologies. One branch was for data security and may have been attempting to circumvent the NSA, and the other branch worked in cloaking technology for stealth applications.
When I was at the NSA, they very clearly stated that the best engineering teams out there consisted of 4 or 5 people and NO MORE. So the plane obviously would not have all people from freescale working on the same team. There would have been, with 20 employees, 4 or 5 separate engineering teams aboard assigned to different tasks. This could be why there are so many different explanations for what all the employees actually did, and you know they had to at least be engineers because Freescale would not load floor sweepers or assemblers onto a jet.
My best guess is that the people worked in defense. And I have a pretty good reason for thinking so - Malaysia is an amazingly advanced country. You might not think so because you have never been told but Malaysia is in fact so advanced a country that ever since the early 90's Malaysia has made many and at times ALL processors for both Intel and AMD. How much higher than that can you get?
So here we have two countries, Malaysia and China, with a top flight electronics engineering firm, Freescale semiconductor, and 20 missing engineers on a vanished plane. I'd say this was probably a military takedown by the United States. And I'd bet the plane was remote hijacked and flown to a runway somewhere. THAT is why the cell phones still ring and you can bet the black op NSA knows exactly where they are. All the modern planes can be taken over via remote, they all have back doors now and the NSA is there only to rape and rob you, they are NOT your friends, you will NOT be told where this plane is.
The plane vanishing from radar had nothing to do with the plane's electronics going dead, it most likely had a LOT more to do with an AWACS plane making it vanish from radar and taking it over. AWACS can do that. And if the plane's electronics went dead that would NOT make it vanish from radar, I don't know where all the stupidity on this topic evolved, MYLAR BALLOONS HAVE NO ELECTRONICS, AND THEY SHOW UP ON RADAR CLEAR AS DAY. AIRPLANES DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A TRANSPONDER FOR RADAR TO WORK AT ALL. THE TRANSPONDER IS ONLY FOR TELLING GROUND CONTROL THE NAME OF THE AIRPLANE. DEAD ELECTRONICS ON A PLANE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BEING ON RADAR. if you read an article saying the plane vanished because it's transponder switched off, run from the writer as fast as your brain can move, that writer is either too stupid to pay attention to or fake.
SO, we have a plane that vanished from radar while at altitude. No tracking pieces falling, no descent into the sea, NADA, it just VANISHED. PIECES OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN AND IT WAS INSTEAD AWACS AND AN ELECTRONIC HIJACKING FOR MILITARY PURPOSES. Until this plane turns up in the jungle it's in once piece on a runway somewhere, probably an American runway on one of the many bases America has everywhere and the engineers are being debriefed and told about the new life they are going to have, their families are going to have, or they are dead.
And the punch line? If this is what really happened, the Zioclan just got a free plane they can use to hit the Sears Tower. NEVER FORGET THAT.  Source: http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/awacs.html
                     FORWARDED BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA - MARCH 15, 2014.  The disappearance of this plane, sounded suspiciously like a plane hyjacking from a James Bond movie! Maybe that is where they got their basic idea, for this "disappearance" of this plane!      Have interesting report on my website of "MALNUTRITION CAUSES DISEASES!" I think corruption in the medical field has gone far enough, and time now to start a new school of medicine, with total legal accreditation. Prevention medicine showing natural nutrients to keep patients healthy. New version doctors are paid to prevent deadly sicknesses, not fight them, or try to cure them! When our proposed Omni Law is passed as shown on our website, then American citizens will have effective access to alternative medicine, if they want this. Freedom of choice in national health! Wash.D.C. has heavily blocked this, and Obamacare is intended to tighten the medical field to a narrow range allowed of ways to cure the sick, and many will die in the name of "politically correct" medicine of corrupt Wash.D.C.           My website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com My email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com Our mailing address for orders sent in by mail instead of through the website, is NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI, and give us your shipping address, etc. We use products we sell to help finance our Omni Law Drive.        Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for an American who believes that the American people should have freedom of choice in medicine, not only medicine approved of by the corrupt running Wash.D.C. And I believe in freedom of the press, so forwarding this report on how the plane disappared, that the regular press would not carry, because it potentially steps on toes in Wash.D.C.!)        P.S. Pass this report along! Two experts in secrets of the computers showed me electronic tricks designed, so they of Wash.D.C. spy on you, without ever stopping and you don't know that! They are full of hidden tricks, and will be investigated in depth once the Omni Law is passed!               Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:06 PM                                                    http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/awacs-hijack-proven.html
MY NOTE:   Quinine WAS the "thing" to cure many ailments ( which it actually DID - during the '40's thru '60's) Came in the form of "tablets"  THEN they removed it from the "over the counter" market and made sure we could never get it again... NO ONE in my family was HOOKED on ANY KIND of medicine.. but when something DID crop up.. Quinine "always" worked.
There were NO side effects that were visible etc.                         They also got rid of IODINE and the BLUE STUFF in a bottle ( both over the counter ) which "cured" shingles...HOWEVER I discovered LAST year that by buying ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that was a DEEP BLUE color ( eyeliner, blue popcycles, any kind of BLUE ointment, ) that I could cure my mothers shingles which attacked her "on her scalp"  I drew
a BLUE line around the location of the shingles, blue ointment on the scalp and fed her BLUE popcicles.. I found out it had "something" to do with the BLUE DYE ( that specific color) and it WORKED.   SHE DID LOOK RATHER "STRANGE"   FOR ABOUT 2-3 DAYS WITH THE BLUE MARKINGS ON HER HEAD, NECK ETC..     WE ALL DESPERATELY NEED "IODINE"  THE ENTIRE POPULATION ( 95%) IS IODINE DEFICIENT.. IF you go to Amazon and get books on IODINE you will soon learn HOW many AILMENTS  AND BIRTH PROBLEMS ARE A RESULT OF "NO IODINE" IN YOUR BODY...
MY 2 CENTS; JBS ///                       WHY OUR GREAT GRANDPARENTS  WERE SO MUCH HAPPIER THAN WE ARE. I've never heard of these oldies but the labels look right.
I believe the tooth ache drops are still available?  Have you ever wondered why our great grandparents all had such fond memories of their youth?
Well... I'm surprised they remembered anything at all !!! Forget Tums & Tylenol, Aleve & Benadryl.  Look at the cool stuff they had back then! A bottle of Bayer's 'Heroin'.
Between 1890 and 1910 heroin was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine. It was also used to treat children suffering with a strong cough.
Coca Wine, anyone? Metcalf's Coca Wine was one of a  huge variety of wines with cocaine on the market. Everybody used to say that it would make you happy and it would also work as a medicinal  treatment.
Mariani Wine. Mariani wine (1875) was the most  famousCoca wine of its time. Pope Leo XIII used to carry one bottle with him all the time. He awarded Angelo Mariani (the producer) with a Vatican gold medal.
Maltine. Produced by the Maltine Manufacturing Company of New York . It was suggested that you should take a full glass with or after every meal. Children should only take half a glass.
A paperweight: A paperweight promoting C.F. Boehringer & Soehne (Mannheim, Germany). They were proud of being the biggest producers in the world of products containing Quinine and Cocaine.
Opium for  Asthma: At 40% alcohol plus 3 grams of opium per tablet. It didn't cure you... but you didn't care!
Cocaine Tablets  (1900). All stage actors, singers, teachers and preachers had to have them for a maximum performance. Great to 'smooth' the voice. Cocaine drops for toothache.
Very popular for children in 1885. Not only did they relieve the pain, they made the children very happy!
Opium for newborns. I'm sure this would make them sleep well.  (not only the Opium, but also the 46% alcohol)
It's no wonder they were called, "The Good Old Days".  From cradle to grave... ......everyone was STONED!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:25 PM               http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/why-our-great-grandparents-were-so-much.html

Saturday, March 15, 2014.         3/11/2014: The Freeing Of Humanity - MUST WATCH.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRbb_f_8VMg&feature=youtu.be ** Published on Mar 13, 2014
Supporting Links:
http://giftoftruth.wordpress.com/2014...                   http://giftoftruth.wordpress.com/2014/03/12/swissindo-trust-breaking-news-2014-03-11/
http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.co...                   http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/swissindo-trust-announcements-gaining-favour-amid-suspicion/
http://nova-gaia.com/turning-point-fo...                     http://nova-gaia.com/turning-point-for-humanity/
http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2...                  http://lucas2012infos.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/press-release-swiss-indo-13-march-2014/        ....PDF....
http://angellucci.wordpress.com/2014/...                   http://angellucci.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/ron-van-dyke-swissindo-payments-1-11-released-on-march-11/
https://www.facebook.com/CBS/posts/60...               https://www.facebook.com/CBS/posts/605618132856086?stream_ref=10        Jackie McGinnisΓÇÄ - CBS
http://fengshuiserenity.blogspot.com/...                     http://fengshuiserenity.blogspot.ca/2014/03/global-currancy-reset-commences-not-sure.html
http://www.starseeds.net/forum/topics...                 http://www.starseeds.net/forum/topics/global-reset-signed-and-in-motion-debt-forgiveness-for-all?page=1&commentId=2312030%3AComment%3A2840430&x=1#2312030Comment2840430  ***
Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:22 AM                         http://nesaranews.blogspot.ca/2014/03/3112014-freeing-of-humanity-must-watch.html
3/11/2014: The Freeing Of Humanity : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRbb_f_8VMg&list=UUSQJwLIjE3Knm4xRQzZ4ldw **  from: https://www.youtube.com/user/LogicBeforeAuthority **
http://giftoftruth.wordpress.com/2014/03/14/the-freeing-of-humanity/   ...and..... http://angellucci.wordpress.com/2014/03/14/the-freeing-of-humanity/
ALSO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3dq6he5eqQ&list=UUSQJwLIjE3Knm4xRQzZ4ldw ** TURNING POINT FOR HUMANITY !!! It is DONE!!! **
MORE DETAILS COMING SOON!! This is REAL and IS/HAS happened. Here is what is happening now: With the main program :   1 . Master Plan    2 . Key Master Plan    3 . Human Obligations     4 . Quota Payment for 253 Countries World.    5 . State Debt Elimination.    6 . Debt Elimination each person on earth. (All Debts Removed). Moment March 11, 2014 was a very important moment for humanity and for the happiness in the world. This moment abolished human enslavement and liberated basic human rights. This is the realization of the promise of God as the almighty creator. Being compassionate to honor and glory to his fellow man. Here is more info:   http://nova-gaia.com/turning-point-for-humanity/ **
Additional Note: The term "New World Order" on the link above, was a term co-oped by the Zionist Jew Bankers, and is not implied on the link the way you or I would assume it to be implied. I will update you soon. I have so much more info to share with you all VERY soon! I HAVE SO MUCH TO SHARE! *************

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  ???????????
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVeES2VTBiM  ???????????   ┼áovakar :) - Par visu p─ür─ôjo - Forums - Cosmopolitan             cosmo.lv/forums/topic/140334-sovakar    Msn muzik─ülais atkl─üjums         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVeES2VTBiM&list=FLdvScSpAPDBDbX0__gEvHUw         Tre┼ídien, par godu manai ┼áovakar :) -               Msn muzik─ülais atkl─üjums       


Nest Gems - Industrial Wind and the Wall Street Cap and Trade Fraud - Part 2.   SARTRE -- Mon, 08:41 a.m. EDT
Reader D: "The US knows how to taunt a bear. Some plan, eh?"                      Lion -- Mon, 05:45 a.m. EDT
THE EVENT - Explained (Audio)                                                           Mr.Ed -- Mon, 04:47 a.m. EDT
OBAMA GOES UP IN FLAMES - VID                                              The_Fox -- Mon, 04:34 a.m. EDT
White Hat Update                                                                           Mr.Ed -- Mon, 04:26 a.m. EDT
Message from Montague Keen - March 16, 2014                          Mr.Ed -- Mon, 04:16 a.m. EDT
1998 - USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir, "HYMN OF THE CHERUBIM" by Tchaikovsky (beautiful images, 7-1/2 mins)   hobie -- Mon, 04:07 a.m. EDT
1975 - CARPENTERS, "I CAN DREAM, CAN'T I?"                                                  hobie -- Mon, 03:57 a.m. EDT
(undated) - JO STAFFORD, "HOW CAN WE SAY GOODBYE?"                               hobie -- Mon, 03:55 a.m. EDT
Groundbreaking Chinese Study Finds 42% of Drug Reactions Are Vaccine Related    Lymerick -- Mon, 02:56 a.m. EDT
Neil Keenan Update: Sparks are Flying as Historical Meetings Take Place [Videos]    Mr.Ed -- Mon, 02:51 a.m. EDT
MIT Scientists Attempt to Create Nano-Bionic Plants                                            Lymerick -- Mon, 02:43 a.m. EDT
Nope, no chemtrails here - looking towards London - Oxford 6 a.m.                      FreePlanet -- Mon, 02:28 a.m. EDT
Leuren Moret: Flight 370 was US demo for Putin; Patent scam; Payback for Tribunal vs Israel, US/UK-MAJOR INFO   Lymerick -- Mon, 02:00 a.m. EDT
Reader: Element 115 (the stuff from Area51) could explain everything here.                                                                                Susoni    --   Sun, 11:57 pm EDT
hobie wonders, "Would that same thing work for Shingles?"                                                                                                        hobie     --    Sun, 11:15 pm EDT
OOPPSSSSSSSSSSS - FORGOT THE LINK                                                                                                                              Seawitch -- Sun, 11:13 pm EDT
The Rumored Incredible Power Of The Eighteen Ancient Siddhars, Priests Of Shiva..                                                                   Watchman--Sun,10:49 pm EDT
Yes, some of Jerry's expressions are "falling-off-the-chair" funny                                                                                          Infoeditor -- Sun, 10:44  EDT
Reader sends - loved those two!                                                                                                                                  Infoeditor --Sun, 10:40  EDT
Individual Freedom vs. National Interest                                                                                                               LibertyLady-Sun,10:21 EDT
Guess We Will See Tomorrow When Kerry's Deadline Passes                                                                             Watchman-Sun,10:19  EDT
Re: Trident = Shiva the Destroyer = Neptune = Poseidon = Enki - PIC                                                     JediShaman--Sun,9:56 EDT
Video: Russian Bear - Will the West Swallow Crimean Referendum Results or Retaliate                         Lion -- Sun, 9:56  pm EDT
How Stupid Can You Be To Poke at a Sleeping Bear That Is 5 Times Your Size?                              Lion -- Sun,  9:16 pm EDT
Video:Jim Sinclair: Russia Can Collapse US Economy, Gold Update, Silver is Gold on Steroids        Lion -- Sun, 9:09 pm. EDT
Darwin's Bugs And Other Raptures: The Smartest Hamster Is Still A Hamster---                          Watchman -- Sun, 8:44 pm
Dr Death Claims "Common Core Not a Federal Takeover of Schools"                                         Lion --   Sun, 8:44 pm. EDT
Reader: Remember the Cargo and the Two Navy Seals.                                                             Susoni -- Sun, 8:42 p.m. EDT
Reader: The 'war on terror'. This has been ongoing since 1933                                                    Susoni -- Sun, 8:41 p.m. EDT
Trident = Shiva the Destroyer = Neptune = Poseidon = Enki - PIC                                                 Susoni --  Sun, 8:28 pm. EDT
Reader: "A Possible Cure for Dengue Fever"                                                                                     hobie -- Sun, 8:27 p.m. EDT
CGI's HotCoffee: Two websites devoted completely to real expiration dates of foods                              Susoni -- Sun, 8:12 pm EDT
Reader Tom wonders: "What have the printing presses been working on ..."                                         hobie -- Sun, 8:11 p.m. EDT
2 Huge Tridents Put Up Across From Where Twin Towers Fell!                                                       Susoni -- Sun, 8:10 pm. EDT
U.S. Training Program In Ukraine Is Called 'Rapid Trident'                                                            Susoni --  Sun, 8:09 pm. EDT
Reader G: "Correction: The show was HANGAR1 ..."                                                                 hobie  --   Sun, 8:08 pm EDT
Reader:Where is the paternal line? Well, it turns out they tracked that too                                     Susoni --  Sun, 8:05 pm EDT
Reader sends another link on Malaysian airliner                                                                        MrFusion--Sun,8:05 pm EDT
...about the Poofness newsletter...                                                                                          hobie  --  Sun, 8:03 p.m. EDT
Reader: Lucy in the sky                                                                                                           Susoni -- Sun, 7:52 p.m. EDT
Michael Bolton - When a Man Loves a Woman -To Love Somebody-Gavin Degraw Sweeter -           Susoni --  Sun, 7:49 p.m. EDT
Astrophysicists Plan To Announce A "Major Discovery" Tomorrow                                                    Jordon  -- Sun, 7:46 p.m. EDT
Reader sends link: "Final Words From Jet Came After Systems Shutdown "                                              MrFusion -- Sun, 7:44 pm EDT
OK--Up Off'nThe Couch And Grab Your Sweetie...Percy Sledge "When A Man Loves A Woman"                  Watchman -- Sun, 7:03 pm EDT
* Please CONTRIBUTE - another $335 will bring us to the halfway mark *                                                       hobie   --   Sun, 6:49 p.m. EDT
Reader requests advice for Mac users to get the Keshe data                                                                                  MrFusion -- Sun, 6:35 pm EDT
WEEKEND MOVIES LIST & RELATED VIDEOS WRAP-UP - Sunday, March 16, 2014                                            Infoeditor -- Sun, 6:34 pm EDT
7.0M EQ - Offshore Tarapaca, Chile                                                                                                                          Gaian   --   Sun, 6:31 p.m. EDT
Scared Stiff -FULL MOVIE- Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Lizabeth Scott, Dorothy Malone, Carmen Miranda-Comedy               Infoeditor --Sun,6:24 pm EDT
Reader: "Keshe (to my surprise) was targeted as the Iranian scientist that brought down our drone in Iran ..."                           hobie   --    Sun, 6:23 pm EDT
Famous Birthdays March 16 - Jerry Lewis - Birthday Greetings & FULL MOVIE - At War With The Army                                 Infoeditor -- Sun,6:22 pm EDT
1978 - LITTLE RIVER BAND, "LADY" (music video)                                                                                                             hobie   --    Sun, 6:07 pm EDT
1978 - LITTLE RIVER BAND, "REMINISCING" (music video)                                                                                                  hobie    --   Sun, 6:00 pm EDT
When I think of organ donation, I think of Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life"                                                                           MrFusion -- Sun,5:58 pm EDT
1979 - LITTLE RIVER BAND, "COOL CHANGE"                                                                                                                         hobie   --   Sun, 5:52 p.m. EDT
Keshe Files Emergency - Easy download link, ISO file, burn to DVD disk..                                                                                         billym  --  Sun, 5:46 p.m. EDT
From Lame Cherry: "Fly By Wire: The Missing Malaysian Flight 370 "                                                                                                  MrFusion -- Sun,5:46 pm EDT
Reader sends links on Malaysian airliner                                                                                                                                              MrFusion -- Sun,5:42 pm EDT
2012 - ARTHUR JUSSEN & orchestra, Beethoven "PIANO CONCERTO No. 2 in B-flat major, Op. 19" (40 mins with encore)                     hobie   --    Sun, 5:21 pm EDT
Crimea To Switch To Russian Ruble On April 1st                                                                                                                                   NaturalWisdom--Sun,5:17 EDT
Crimea Will Formally Apply To Join Russia Tomorrow After 95.5% Support Referendum; US, UK, EU Reject Results                                    NaturalWisdom- Sun, 5:08 EDT
Reader: Per Dr. Joel Wallach - "If you have had your appendix or gallbladder removed you are probably ..."                                                    hobie    --     Sun, 4:52 pm EDT
Reader: We were tracking too In like A lion PI Day                                       RumorMail - Sun,3:27 pm EDT
Reader: Operation paperclip? Wasn't that about Germans fleeing to the USA?     Maryhrt -- Sun, 3:20 p.m. EDT
Zen Gardner: US Hands Internet Control to NWO                                              Susoni  --  Sun, 3:11 p.m. EDT
INTEL UPDATE                                                                                                 Mr.Ed -- Sun, 3:03 p.m. EDT
Reader: Dr. Walter Brown on the springs of the great deep 6 min vid                             Susoni -- Sun, 3:02 p.m. EDT
New Mexico Town and County Settle Notorious Cavity Search Case For $1.8 Million         Maryhrt -- Sun, 2:58 p.m. EDT
Massive UFO Fleet Heading Towards Earth - Massive UFO Fleet Caught by ISS (Video)           Mr.Ed -- Sun, 2:38 p.m. EDT
Warts: Treating Them with Homeopathic Remedies and Homeopathy                                            LilliHart -- Sun, 2:32 p.m. EDT
The Malaysian Airliner Is NOT Missing                                                                                           Maryhrt   --    Sun, 2:28 pm EDT
Reader sends better way to open the .ai files                                                                                             MrFusion -- Sun, 1:54 p.m. EDT
Reader: Genesis 7:11 Refers to the fountains of the deep                                                                                     Susoni   --   Sun, 1:31 p.m. EDT
THE TRACING OF THE ILLUMINATI NOBILITY DISCOVERED!                                                                           RumorMail -- Sun, 1:23 p.m. EDT
CGI's Morgan: The Infinite and Complex Symphony of Shiva's Drum.--Dog Poet                                                               CGI_admin -- Sun, 1:13 pm EDT
Video: David Icke - Credo Mutwa on the Reptilian Agenda (FULL)                                                                                         Lion    --   Sun, 12:56 p.m. EDT
Re: Subject Should Be: Polychronic People Travel Without A Watch.                                                                                         FreePlanet--Sun,12:12 pm EDT
Reader V: "This has been going on for more than 30 years, and all the while no one has had a clue. "                                             Lion   -- Sun, 12:04 p.m. EDT
Improve Circulation, Lower Blood Pressure, Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System with Proven Herbs and Natural Supplement   LilliHart -- Sun,11:37 am EDT
Detox with diatomaceous earth to remove allergies, mercury, chemicals, GMOs, parasites                                                          LilliHart -- Sun, 11:35 am EDT
Doomsday Seed Vault In The Arctic-Bill Gates, Rockefeler And GMO Giants Monsanto, Syngenta Know Something We DonΓÇÖt   LilliHart -- Sun,11:32 am EDT
What You Lose When You Sign That Organ Donor Card -- Shocking!                                                                                LilliHart -- Sun, 11:30 am EDT
THAT MEANS THAT SORCHA FAAL AND THE WALL STREET JOURNAL AGREE                                                    food4tought--Sun,10:12 am EDT
Video and Text: Sorcha Faal Weighs In On Flight 37                                                                                                 Lion    --     Sun, 09:53 a.m. EDT
I DON'T WATCH THEM FOR NEWS . .                                                                                                            food4thought -- Sun, 9:28 am EDT
Subject Should Be: Polychronic People Travel Without A Watch.                                                                       EarthGrid -- Sun, 09:22 a.m. EDT
Look For EA-Free Products, Not Just BPA-Free!                                                                                         EarthGrid -- Sun, 09:19 am  EDT
Reader: "I believe that this would be.... an ELE.."                                                                                      Jordon   --  Sun, 07:09 a.m. EDT
Readers send help..                                                                                                                             Jordon   --   Sun, 06:55 am. EDT
Re: There's an Ocean. Deep Inside the Earth - Pic                                                                               FreePlanet -- Sun,6:12 am EDT
Free Planet - first ever LIVE... remote viewing session.                                                                     FreePlanet-- Sun,5:39 am EDT
- KILL THEM ALL -                                                                                                                   The_Fox -- Sun, 4:56 am EDT
Abel Danger - Malaysian flight MH 370 - PATENT PROFIT WARS                                           FreePlanet--Sun,4:26 am EDT
2012 - GRIMETHORPE COLLIERY BAND, "THE DAY THOU GAVEST"                                      hobie --  Sun, 04:26 a.m. EDT       
1950 - ERROLL GARNER, "NO MOON (Young Love)"                                                                hobie --  Sun, 04:19 a.m. EDT
2008 - DAVID CHILDS, euphonium, "A LITTLE PRAYER"                                                             hobie --  Sun, 04:02 a.m. EDT
Reader: "This condition, like most bowel issues, including diverticulitis, can be traced to poor diet."        hobie --   Sun, 03:46 a.m. EDT
Reader, link to mp3: "Keshe Interview, on Mike Harris Show, March 14"                                                hobie  --   Sun, 03:04 a.m. EDT
I have made a 943MB 7-zip file.... of the Keshe material                                                                          MrFusion  --  Sun,1:30 am EDT
I Have Them All Downloaded, And Am Extracting Now (No Message Inside) *NM*                                    Gaian    --  Sun, 00:59 am EDT
Same here. It didn't work for me, until I had all the parts. I will try to upload a single zip file somewhere           MrFusion --Sun,0:56 am EDT
Re: Must Have WinRar AND...                                                                                                                     Gaian -- Sun, 00:28 a.m. EDT
I finally got them all, and unpacked them                                                                                                        MrFusion --Sun,0:27 am EDT
Must Have WinRar, AND...                                                                                                                           Gaian -- Sun, 00:06 a.m. EDT
}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}          Dimanche  16  mars        
They aren't zip files, they are RAR files. You need WinRAR or 7zip, or something equivalent, to unpack them    MrFusion- Sat,11:45 pm EDT
I'm having trouble downloading, parts 9 and 12, but have the others                                                            MrFusion -- Sat,11:29 pm EDT
I've been trying for 2 hours, can't get them, open                                                                                   Jordon   --  Sat, 11:21 p.m. EDT
Corrected link, for Contents of USB Stick                                                                                            MrFusion -- Sat, 10:11 pm EDT
There's an Ocean Deep Inside the Earth - Pic                                                                                Susoni   --   Sat, 9:30 p.m. EDT
Planet Shaken By Spasm of Moderate Earthquakes, Over Last 24 Hours                                               RumorMail -- Sat, 9:21 pm EDT
M6.2 off coast of Peru, and another M6.3 about an hr ago                                                                  RumorMail -- Sat, 9:17 pm EDT
Reader sends link: "Vanished Without A Trace - 5 Other Flights.... That Disappeared"                             MrFusion -- Sat, 8:55 pm EDT
Keshe Under Threat! - Taiwanese Group Releases.... Full Contents of USB Stick                                 Jordon -- Sat, 8:46 p.m. EDT
Reader, 1-1/2 hour video: "John McAfee, on Alex Jones Show - Thursday March 13, 2014"                     hobie -- Sat, 8:21 p.m. EDT
THERE'S A REALLY GOOD WIKI, ON DIEGO GARCIA                                                                     food4thought--Sat,8:14 pm
THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, ARE GOING NUTS                                                                                food4thought -Sat,8:09 pm
Reader.H: "Beware the military - industrial complex"                                                                                  Lion -- Sat, 7:37 pm EDT
Reader.J:"Our governors are all fakes, pretending to care about the states, and people who elected them"          Lion -- Sat, 7:18 pm EDT
Cheney - Incredible                                                                                                                                    Lion -- Sat, 7:01 pm EDT
Reader M: "It would seem that the whole world has been deceived, into believing this gold is money, crap."            Lion -- Sat, 6:26 pm EDT
THX READER-SHAME on you, mr. brown                                                                                                         Lymerick -- Sat, 6:14 pm
Gone Too Far - Crossed His Own 'Red Line'                                                                                                        Lion -- Sat, 5:56 pm EDT
Article From RT, Also Saying "US Power Grid, Could Be Knocked Out"                                                                         Jordon -- Sat, 5:49 pm EDT
THX READER-What, then, is implied in a government's resting on consent?                                                                       Lymerick --Sat, 5:27 pm EDT
ALERT! Dick Cheney Warns of EMP Attack on U.S. ....and End of Civilization -vid                                                              Jordon -- Sat, 5:19 pm EDT
Reader B, fwd: Messages from Ann & the Angels - 03/15/2014                                                                                                     hobie -- Sat, 5:04 p.m. EDT
SNOPES WEIGHS IN.                                                                                                                                                                  food4thought -Sat, 5:04 pm
SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!! THANKS READER                                                                                                                           Lymerick  --  Sat, 5:00 pm
THX READER-Wow wow, and WOW!                                                                                                                                                     Lymerick  --  Sat, 4:50 pm
Reader B, fwd: Heavenletter #4859, This Projected Life in the World , March 15, 2014                                                                                         hobie -- Sat, 4:46 pm EDT
THX READER-AND NO, I'M NOT GETTING A KICKBACK!                                                                                                                            Lymerick --Sat,4:45 pm EDT
THX READER-What a disappointing, and anti-climatic ending                                                                                                                                   Lymerick --Sat,4:37 pm EDT
I was just reading the reader replies.. RMNR'S EMAIL                                                                                                                                               Nemesis -- Sat,4:35 pm EDT
Malaysian Airlines Flight 370                                                                                                                                                                                       RodneyStich -Sat, 3:34 pm
Son of former head of Goldman Sachs, and MF Global (Also Gov NJ) Jon Corzine, found dead (suicide ?? in Mexico)                                                     Susoni -- Sat, 2:44 pm EDT
DID I MISS ANYTHING? - 3 rmnr's emails                                                                                                                                                         Nemesis --Sat, 2:41 pm EDT
FLIGHT MH370 CAN BE TRACKED HERE                                                                                                                                                   The_Fox -- Sat,2:09 pm EDT
CGI's berlingravell: "I AM Awakening Academy"                                                                                                                                          Susoni -- Sat, 1:35 p.m. EDT
CHINA URGES MALAYSIA THOROUGH, CORRECT INFORMATION, ON FLIGHT MH370                                                                    IZAKOVIC -- Sat, 1:32 p.m
Reader: Former Glassboro Banker, Sentenced, for $3 Million Bank Fraud Scheme                                                                                    Susoni -- Sat, 1:31 p.m. EDT
Swiss ex-banker, pleads guilty, to $3B tax evasion scheme                                                                                                                Susoni -- Sat, 1:30 p.m. EDT
Reader: Look what's finally on an MSM article's map... DIEGO GARCIA!!!!                                                                                Susoni -- Sat, 1:24 p.m. EDT
Reader: Japan will be ruined, if public doesnΓÇÖt realize.... theyΓÇÖre being exposed to Fukushima radiation ΓÇö ΓÇ£99.99% of the peo....     Susoni -- Sat, 1:08 p.m. EDT
White House Threatens to Veto Bills, that Aim to Keep Executive Power, in Check                                                               Susoni -- Sat, 1:01 p.m. EDT
Reader: "The Company" in the Jason Gresh e-mail ....refers to the CIA                                                                         Susoni -- Sat, 12:56 p.m. EDT
Looming Clouds and Ominous Portents ΓÇô FATCA, MH370, Crimea, and a Spooky 'Something'                                     Susoni -- Sat, 12:42 p.m. EDT
Hemp Can Remediate Radiation                                                                                                                     Susoni -- Sat, 12:39 p.m. EDT
S.C. State Senate, Unanimously Nullifies.... Federal Hemp Ban                                                                          Susoni -- Sat, 12:36 p.m. EDT
Promise Language: Does this, solve monetary science?                                                                                   RumorMail -- Sat, 12:35 EDT
Datura: Psychotropic Drug or Miracle Cure?                                                                                         LilliHart -- Sat, 12:15 pm. EDT
Manage Fibromyalgia Pain: 7 Steps You Can Take, to Kill the Pain                                                              LilliHart -- Sat, 12:13 p.m. EDT
Detox with Zeolite Supplements, to Remove Heavy Metals, Radiation, and Protect Your Liver                  LilliHart  -- Sat, 12:12 p.m. EDT
$175M tax break for Marathon refinery, buys Detroiters, only 15 jobs                                                     RumorMail -- Sat,12:11 pm EDT
Survival Training Ideas: 4 Life Saving Skills, That DonΓÇÖt Require A Formal Class                                     LilliHart  --  Sat, 12:11 p.m. EDT
The Amazing Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide and its Many Uses, for Better Health and Daily Living          LilliHart   --   Sat, 12:08 pm. EDT
Reader: ....                                                                                                                                             RumorMail -- Sat, 11:54 am EDT
FOUR PASSENGERS DID NOT BOARD THE PLANE                                                                                  food4thought--Sat,11:28 am EDT
CGI's Morgan: Sirius Bidness, in Times of Material Darkness - Dog Poet                                                             Susoni   --   Sat, 11:09 a.m EDT
WERE ANY OF THE PATENT HOLDERS, AMONG THE GROUP OF FOLKS . . .                                                food4thought -- Sat,10:56. EDT
SMOKING GUN?                                                                                                                                                food4thought -- Sat,10:40  EDT
COULD THERE BE A POLITICAL ASPECT, TO FLIGHT 370?                                                                                 food4thought -- Sat,10:30 EDT
DID I MISS ANYTHING?                                                                                                                                        Nemesis -- Sat, 10:26 a.m. EDT
RETIRED - rmnr-email                                                                                                                                              Nemesis -- Sat, 09:36 a.m. EDT
WAS A DECOY PLANE USED, TO CREATE A FALSE FLIGHT PATH?                                                                          food4thought -- Sat, 09:30 a.m.
WAS FLIGHT 370 A DECOY, FOR FINDING SOMETHING ELSE?                                                                                food4thought--Sat,09:27 53-27
I Will Thank The US Military, When They Arrest and Detain the Political Criminals and Banksters, in their Own Back Yard    Lion  --  Sat, 05:53 a.m. EDT
Officials Now Calling Malaysia Airlines Jet Mystery, a Hijacking                                                                                  Arleigh --  Sat, 05:43 am EDT
WHY DID CHINA APPEAR TO THROW OUT .....COUNTERMEASURES?                                                           food4thought -- Sat,05:41 EDT
WHAT TECHNICAL INDICATOR IS THERE, FOR THE SOUTHERNMOST FLIGHT PATH?                             foo4thought--Sat,5:36am EDT
In A New York Minute                                                                                                                              Lion  --  Sat, 05:32 am. EDT
** HELP KEEP RMN ON THE 'NET - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE **                                                            hobie -- Sat, 04:50 a.m. EDT
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / Okie_Oil_Man                                                                        hobie -- Sat, 04:47 a.m. EDT
Why The Bankers Might Want Ukraine.                                                                                           FreePlanet -- Sat, 04:26  EDT
1982 - The MANHATTAN TRANSFER, "A NIGHTINGALE SANG IN BERKELEY SQUARE"                    hobie -- Sat, 04:25 a.m. EDT
1993 - TOMMY EMMANUEL, "HELLOS & GOODBYES" (easy listening)                                                   hobie -- Sat, 04:19 a.m. EDT
1996 - DAVE GRUSIN, "TWO FOR THE ROAD"                                                                                        hobie -- Sat, 04:17 a.m. EDT
THE FARSIGHT ANNOUNCEMENT                                                                                                           Lymerick -- Sat,4:08 am EDT
Missing Malaysia Airlines flight, systems disabled, PM says. Breaking news                                                        IZAKOVIC --Sat, 03:27 EDT
Reader, link: The Guardian - "Norfolk helicopter crash, kills Northern Ireland's richest man, and three others"    hobie -- Sat, 03:16 a.m. EDT
GreenMedInfo, link to short video: "Woman Cures Colitis, with Green Smoothies"                                     hobie -- Sat, 03:02 a.m. EDT
PART 2 - Ron Van Dyke - SWISSINDO PAYMENTS RELEASED (Video)                                         Mr.Ed -- Sat, 02:52 a.m. EDT
The Freeing Of Humanity - Who Is This "MOST IMPORTANT" Man??? (Video)                           Mr.Ed -- Sat, 02:12 am. EDT
It looks like we will be needing .....an Office of Mayhem Evaluation                                              MrFusion  --  Sat, 02:09 am
IMPORTANT: WingMakers Changes, to WingMakers Website                                              Lymerick   --   Sat, 1:54 am
Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet, Intended for Use, in a False Flag?                                               Arleigh--Sat,1:21 am49-21
High Death Rate, of Our Gang Actors                                                                                   Arleigh   --  Sat, 00:49 am
Another perspective on..... possible Galactic Intervention of Flight 370 (pdf)                               Mr.Ed   --   Sat, 00:46 am
World Science University, wants to teach you physics, for free                                                        RumorMail -- Sat, 0:45 am
Investment Banker, shot dead in Queens                                                                                             RumorMail -- Sat, 0:44 am
}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}   Samedi    15  mars   2014  ...........
OR                                                                                                                                                          Nemesis  --  Fri, 11:34 p.m.
Until It Dont                                                                                                                                                    Watchman  --  Fri, 11:17 p.m.
Cabal Attack on Flight 370, was about Patents & Greed               /JimStone/                                                            RumorMail   --  Fri, 11:14 p.m
Reader: What if ALL the radiation.... is not from Fukushima?                                                                                          Susoni   --   Fri, 11:11 p.m. EDT
WHAT HAPPENS, IN THE MATRIX, STAYS, IN THE MATRIX                                                                                         Nemesis   --   Fri, 11:09 p.m. EDT
Those Feelings Of Foreboding? It's The Fourth Turning..It Has Begun.....The Struggle Of The People, Against Big Brother..         Watchman   --  F ri, 11:07 p.m. EDT
Why I'm burning ...my last bridge ....with Obama [VIDEO]                                                                                                        NaturalWisdom -- Fri,10:49 pm EDT
The Ones That Are In The Know, Have Been Buying Gold...Beware the Ides Of March.. (Monday)...                                                Watchman  --   Fri, 10:49 p.m. EDT
The Reality -There Are No More Tricks In The Magic Hat---Russia's T-Bill Dump, Is The Torpedo Amidships For The US Economy      Watchman -- Fri, 10:33 pm  08-33
The worst president, in American history, .....re-elected, by the stupidest electorate, in American history                                               MrFusion -- Fri, 10:08 pm EDT
73 cents per share, "smart gun" company offers a cool $ Billion, to buy Freedom Group, Owner of Remington (and many more).        Watchman -- Fri, 9:48 pm EDT
Video: Breaking - Russia Fires Economic Attack, Dumps U.S. Debt                                                                                        Lion   --    Fri, 9:44 p.m. EDT
High Noon, in outer space - "Outland" - Sean Connery, Frances Sternhagen, Peter Boyle (1981).                                            MrFusion -- Fri, 9:29 p.m. EDT
I guess Europe can kiss their (natural g)as goodbye, if they participate in sanctions                                                     MrFusion -- Fri, 9:20 p.m. EDT
One Of the Truest Moments, In Oration History...Great Speech *NM*                                                                       Lion   --   Fri, 9:09 p.m. EDT
Video: Josie The Outlaw, On Supporting The Troops..                                                                                           Watchman -- Fri, 8:53 pm EDT
WEEKEND MOVIES UPDATE - Friday March 14, 2014 - 4 Features and Videos                                                   Infoeditor -- Fri, 8:52 pm EDT
Ahhhh.. She Is SUCH A Cutie....OregonΓÇÖs Youngest Medical Cannabis Patient, Is Now Cancer Free..                 Watchman -- Fri, 8:38 pm EDT
Video; Larkin Rose: Tell Me Again, Slowly----Thank A Veteran, For Exactly What?                                              Watchman  -- Fri, 8:30 pm EDT
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TerryK, TNT Tony                                                                              hobie    --    Fri, 8:30 pm EDT
China Warns of ΓÇ£Retaliatory ActionΓÇ¥, and ΓÇ£Unforeseeable ConsequencesΓÇ¥, Over U.S. Monday Deadline                Watchman -- Fri, 8:09 pm EDT
THX Readers-And more insights, Into Beyonce                                                                                                 Lymerick -- Fri, 8:08 pm EDT
The Wild Wild West - 'The Night ....Dr. Loveless Died' - Robert Conrad, Ross Martin - COLOR - Michael Dunn       Infoeditor-- Fri,8:06 pm EDT
The Rebranding Of SOPA: Now Called 'Notice And Staydown'                                                                          NaturalWisdom-Fri,7:53 EDT
Reader, link: Cosmic Awareness - March 13, 2014 The Mystery of the Missing Airliner                                            hobie  --  Fri, 7:49 pm. EDT
Reader, link: "Man's most beautiful creation, the steam locomotive. ..."                                                                    hobie  --  Fri, 7:13 p.m. EDT
THX READER- Keystone XL pipeline builder, failed to meet federal rules, audit confirms                                  Lymerick   --  Fri, 7:11  EDT
Reader, link to video: "'Supermom' Speaks Out ......Against Indefinite Detention"                                                        hobie -- Fri, 7:06 p m 22-06
IMHO, THE NORTHERNMOST FLIGHT PATH ....IS MOST LIKELY A HOAX                                                         food4thought--Fri,6:22 EDT
2003 - JOHN FARNHAM, live, "THAT'S FREEDOM"                                                                                                 hobie -- Fri, 6:19 p.m. EDT
2003 - JOHN FARNHAM, live, "BURN FOR YOU"                                                                                                      hobie -- Fri, 6:07 p.m. EDT
1996 - JOHN FARNHAM, "A SIMPLE LIFE" (music video)                                                                                          hobie -- Fri, 5:57 p.m. EDT
1986 - JOHN FARNHAM, "REASONS"                                                                                                                        hobie -- Fri, 5:53 p.m. EDT
Reader B, fwd: Heavenletter #4858, The Silent Vast Constant Domain of Love , March 14, 2014                                           hobie -- Fri, 5:44 p.m. EDT
Reader Candace: "Utter Garbage, Hobie, not going to happen"                                                                                             hobie -- Fri, 5:37 p.m. EDT
Reader: "I tried circumin in capsules, and as an NSAID , it did exactly the same problems to me, as Advil and Meclomen"        hobie  --  Fri, 5:35 pm EDT
Canadian TV: ΓÇ£Breaking newsΓǪ a confirmed leakΓÇ¥  :Workers: Container of nuclear material ΓÇ£dropped and broke open'     NaturalWisdom-Fri,5:21 EDT
Free Planet - this planet is not ....ours to own - it's ours to protect from ourselves.                                                               FreePlanet -Fri, 4:56 pm EDT
Film review - Ender's Game - five stars, from me.                                                                                                            FreePlanet -Fri, 4:35 pm.EDT
Can People Can Draw Energy From Other People, The Same Way Plants Do- Psychic Vampires, are real !                            Susoni   --   Fri, 4:23 pm EDT
CHINA                                                                                                                                                                      food4thought-Fri,4:15 pm EDT
Dave Hodges: The Malaysian airplane, is not missing. It is exactly where somebody has designed it.... to be.                        NaturalWisdom --Fri, 4:09 EDT
Heneghan says MH370 landed in India? They're keeping it secret? Preventing passengers from contacting relatives?         MrFusion -- Fri, 3:52 pm. EDT
Reader: Symbols frequently have ....multiple interpretations                                                                                             Susoni   --  Fri, 3:49 p.m. EDT
The Defense Department's.... Laser Weapon System [VIDEO]                                                                                         NaturalWisdom--Fri,3:27  EDT
Celery Seed, and Devil's Claw -- Two Powerful Herbal Remedies, for Gout                                                                       LilliHart --  Fri, 3:13 p.m. EDT
Digestive Enzymes, Eliminate Gas, Bloating and Heartburn                                                                                               LilliHart --  Fri, 3:11 p.m. EDT
Sleep better and conquer insomnia, with these 10 home remedies, from your favorite foods                                                LilliHart -- Fri, 3:10 p.m. EDT
The 5 best herbal antibiotics and anti-virals.... that kill deadly MRSA, flesh-eating bacteria, superbugs, and a host of othe..     LilliHart -- Fri, 3:08 p.m. EDT
"Chariot" Film, possible Malaysia Flight Pre-program? [VIDEO]                                                                                        NaturalWisdom--Fri,2:56 EDT
I find myself thinking of the short lived series Last Resort, about a nuke sub crew, balking at starting WW III.                     MrFusion -- Fri, 2:53 pm EDT
Family Trusted Cop, To Watch Their Baby ΓÇô He Raped It                                                                                                  RumorMail-- Fri, 2:52 pm EDT
Troubled waters: Nuclear radiation found in B.C. may pose health concerns                                                                      Susoni    --   Fri,2:37 p.m. EDT
Video: Detroit Police Chief, Tells People... Don't Wait for The Police.... Shoot Those Thugs....                                                Watchman --  Fri, 2:30 pm EDT
Michelle Obama Supports Campaign ....to Ban ΓÇÿSexistΓÇÖ Words                                                                                               Susoni   --    Fri, 2:30 p.m. EDT  
READER ESSIE - LET US NOT FORGET                                                                                                                            The_Fox  --   Fri, 2:25 pm. EDT
Seven Drugs, Whose Dangerous Risks Emerged..... Only After Big Pharma Made Its Money                                                       Watchman --  Fri, 2:21 p.m. EDT
UrbanSurvival.com: Satellites confirm the aircraft is stationary & possibly in ΓÇÿdeep waterΓÇÖ with no suspected survivors               NaturalWisdom --  Fri, 2:18  EDT
I imagine that Many Guv's have a similar feeling about Obozo--By the smell, he obviously Needs changed and powdered                       Watchman  --   Fri, 2:08 pm. EDT
RUSSIA "PUZZLED" OVER MALAYSIA AIRLINES "CAPTURE", AND THEN DIVERTED, BY U.S. NAVY                                            Seawitch   --   Fri, 1:56 pm EDT
Singing the Praises of .....Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme                                                                                                                  LuellaMay    --    Fri, 1:52 EDT
Reader: Rand Paul is a Zionist shill, to the core                                                                                                                                              Basil   --     Fri,1:48 pm EDT
CHILLING: Obama Threatens Several Governors - 'I Do Not Trust You' vid                                                                                                    RumorMail--Fri,1:41pm31-41
New zombie medical drug..... to hit the streets                                                                                                                                            RumorMail -- Fri,1:31pm EDT
CGI's Morgan: 'No whites allowed, at College Teachers Diversity event' (Vid) Dog Poet                                                                             CGI_admin -- Fri, 1:17 pm EDT
The Mirror Reports That The Clown-In-Chiefs' Carney Barker, Is Jumping Out Of the Ring                                                                 Watchman -- Fri, 1:13 pm. EDT
CGI's berlingravell: COURTNEY BROWN? PEDESTALS? AND FLUFFY PUFFY STUFF                                                               CGI_admin -- Fri, 1:10 pm. EDT
READER EDWARD 'S THOUGHTS                                                                                                                                        The_Fox  --  Fri, 1:05 p.m. EDT
California Cops, Using "StingRay" Cellphone Intercept Surveillance Technology - Link                                                                Gaian  --  Fri, 12:27 p.m. 06-10
Pages 3-6 of booklet: ΓÇ£You Might Be A Cry-Baby, If...ΓÇ¥                                                                                                       Nemesis -- Fri, 12:10 p.m. EDT
THE ONLY EXPLANATION, I WILL ACCEPT, IS . . .                                                                                                  food4thought -- Fri, 11:13  EDT
Washington Post article, preparing us, for a Diego Garcia scenario?                                                                          MrFusion -- Fri, 11:06 am. EDT
Shifting Paradigms, by WingMakers                                                                                                                   Lymerick -- Fri, 11:00 a.m. EDT
Today's Healthy Recipe - Gluten-Free, Moist and Delicious Apple Pineapple Cake                                                 Dquixote1217 -- Fri, 10:57  EDT
IF BY CHANCE...                                                                                                                                     The_Fox -- Fri, 10:57 a.m. EDT
Why there is no mainstream cure in sight.... for cancer                                                                              LuellaMay -- Fri, 10:12 am. EDT
SUPPOSE WE *DO*.... HAVE THAT PLANE . . .                                                                                  food4thought -- Fri, 10:08 56-08
YOU MIGHT BE A CRY-BABY, IF....                                                                                                 Nemesis   --  Fri, 9:56 am EDT
WAS FLIGHT 370 ....REDIRECTED TO DIEGO GARCIA?                                                              food4thought -- Fri, 09:49 EDT
PICTURE OF THE DAY                                                                                                               The_Fox -- Fri, 09:34 a.m. EDT
TOM HENEGHAN: CHINESE BOX EXPOSED                                                                             Seawitch -- Fri, 08:48 am. EDT
Nest Gems - Wall Street Reaps Big Bucks, from the Wind                                                                SARTRE -- Fri, 08:25 am. EDT
MIKE IN KOREA: U.S. ARMY KOREA -- ALERT!                                                                        Seawitch -- Fri, 08:24 am EDT
HERE'S WHAT PUTIN HAS TO SAY, ABOUT JOHN KERRY - VID                                                  The_Fox -- Fri, 05:47 am EDT
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / An announcement Sunday...?                                              hobie   --   Fri, 05:01 am. EDT
2008 - LIBERA, "IN PARADISUM"                                                                                                     hobie   --   Fri, 04:48 am EDT
2007 - lyricist ALAN BERGMAN sings "WHAT MATTERS MOST"                                                          hobie   --   Fri, 04:45 am EDT
2012 - DELICATE JAZZ TEAM, "IN YOUR OWN SWEET WAY" (Farewell to Iola Brubeck)                        hobie  --    Fri, 4:31 am. 09-31
GreenMedInfo, link: "Research: A Tsp. of Aloe Daily, Reverses Signs of Skin Aging"                                       hobie   --   Fri, 03:09 am. EDT
GreenMedInfo, link: "How Turmeric Can Save the Aging Brain,.... From Dementia and Premature Death"             hobie    --    Fri, 3:03 am. EDT
Electric Clouds, The Black Line In The Sky ( video )                                                                                           Dave404 -- Fri, 02:58 am. EDT
UFO (ORB) Fires Its Gun, into Chemtrail!! Twice!! ( video )                                                                                 Dave404 -- Fri, 02:55 am. EDT
Ginger Rogers - A Class Act, & Outstanding Beauty, Among Timeless American Faces - Good Photo Links                      Infoeditor-- Fri, 02:32 am. EDT
Reader Mike: "The sirens were wailing all over the Korean Peninsula, a few minutes ago."                                                hobie   -   - Fri, 01:47 a.m. EDT
Dionne Warwick sings 'Alfie' - Bacharach's Best - VIDEO                                                                                                   Infoeditor -- Fri, 01:39 am EDT
Famous Birthday(s) March 14 - Sir Michael Caine, & 2 VIDEOS                                                                                            Infoeditor -- Fri, 01:35 am. EDT
The Thirteenth Guest - FULL MOVIE - Ginger Rogers, Lyle Talbot - Comedy                                                                           Infoeditor -- Fri, 01:13 a.m. EDT
HEARTBEAT - FULL MOVIE - Ginger Rogers - Adolphe Menjou - Basil Rathbone                                                                        Infoeditor -- Fri, 01:09 a.m EDT
WEEKEND MOVIES, A BIT EARLY - Sanford and Son - 'The Piano Movers' - Redd Foxx, Demond Wilson - Comedy - COLOR       Infoeditor -- Fri,01:04 am EDT
Shortcut to health-amazing results-..... takes less than 5 seconds a day-pic-rmnr email                                                                   Nemesis -- Fri, 00:52 am. EDT
Urging Everyone, to View the Video, Four Postings Below                                                                                                       CapnGriff -- Fri, 00:46 am EDT
Re: Homegrown Jihad- The Terrorist Camps, Around The U.S. (video)                                                                               atomMan -- Fri, 00:03 a.m. EDT
}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}==============Vendredi 14 mars......
Washington Times: Islamic extremists invade U.S., join sleeper cells - operating in 40 states                                           RumorMail -- Thu, 11:49  EDT
U.S. intel, reportedly indicates, MH370 may have "crashed in the Indian Ocean", reviving the Diego Garcia theory       MrFusion  --   Thu, 11:36 EDT
ABC News: Home> ABC News: Terror Training Camp, in Ala.                                                                          RumorMail -- Thu, 11:36  EDT
Declassified FBI Docs, Reveal Presence Of Jihadist Training Camps, In Texas: Fox News vid                         RumorMail -- Thu, 11:30  EDT
CGI's BoldFenianMan: Banker Deaths Resuming?                                                                                   Susoni  --  Thu, 11:17 p.m. EDT
Galactic Intervention ??? Flight 370 - Remote Viewing                                                                     Mr.Ed  --  Thu, 10:59 p.m. EDT
WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE.... OF POSTING THIS BLATANT RACIST PROPAGA.....                      atomMan  --  Thu, 10:40  EDT
Message from Ron Van Dyke - SWISSINDO PAYMENTS, RELEASED (Video)                                Mr.Ed -- Thu, 10:10 p.m. EDT
BILLYM - THANK YOU! *NM*                                                                                                      Seawitch -- Thu, 9:29 pm EDT
Video: Brief #2: The Freeing of Humanity?                                                                                          Lion   --    Thu, 8:48 p.m. EDT
UK leak, indicates limits of EU action, on Ukraine                                                                                   NaturalWisdom --Thu, 8:08 EDT
Besides Freescale Semiconductor and IBM, three Chinese firms, should be included with this list                   NaturalWisdom --Thu,8:00 EDT
(Message Deleted by Poster) ...                                                                                                                Jordon --     Thu, 7:48 p.m. EDT
Leuren Moret:Flight 370, was US weapons demo for Putin; Payback for Tribunal vs Israel, US/UK [video]        NaturalWisdom --Thu,7:47 EDT
Video: Ma Barker Sen. Feinstein, Accuses the CIA of Spying on Congress : - )...                                                 Lion    --   Thu, 7:45 p.m. EDT
- LINKS -                                                                                                                                                     The_Fox  --Thu, 7:18 pm 48-18
1987 - PAT METHENY GROUP, "LAST TRAIN HOME" (railway version, 9+ mins)                                                 hobie  - -  Thu, 6:48 p.m. EDT
Son of Goldman Sachs Chairman Jon Corzine, Found Dead                                                                                      Jordon   -- Thu, 6:44 p.m EDT
Hmmm...Guess That Means... The NSA Has To Be Shut Down Too?                                                                           Lion    --   Thu, 6:24 p.m. EDT
Reader, link: Zen Gardner - "Sky Yellow, And The Warning Bell"                                                                                     hobie    --   Thu, 6:21 pm. EDT
Wouldn't It ....Be Great...                                                                                                                                               Lion    --   Thu, 6:13 pm. EDT
AND ONE MORE QUESTION . . .                                                                                                                                  food4thought -- Thu,5:56  EDT
SO A LOGICAL QUESTION MIGHT BE . . .                                                                                                                      food4thought -- Thu, 5:52 EDT
Reader, link: TheGuardian - "Snowden Accuses Senate Intelligence Chair, of Hypocrisy, Over CIA Disclosures"                             hobie  --    Thu, 5:43 p.m. EDT
'YATSENYUK IS FACE OF ....ILLEGAL SEIZURE OF POWER'                                                                                                Seawitch -- Thu, 5:31 p.m. EDT
KERRY CAN GO ....                                                                                                                                                                 The_Fox -- Thu, 5:29 p.m. EDT
1995 - PAT METHENY GROUP, live, "LAST TRAIN HOME" (6+ mins)                                                                                             hobie    --  Thu, 5:15 p.m. EDT
2006 - JOE SAMPLE TRIO & RANDY CRAWFORD, live, "ONE DAY I'LL FLY AWAY"                                                                       hobie   --   Thu, 5:11 p.m. EDT
2007 - LIBERA, live, "I AM THE DAY" (7 mins inc. lead-in and closing bows and credits)                                                                       hobie   --   Thu, 5:08 p.m. EDT
The Drumbeats of War, Beckon: John Kerry says Russia has until Monday, to reverse course in Ukraine                                               NaturalWisdom--Thu,4:51 EDT
As the Cookie Crumbles: Dow drops 231 pts, while Dollar fails to attract.... safe haven buyers                                                           NaturalWisdom--Thu,4:43 EDT
6.3M EQ 13km N of Kunisaki-shi, Japan - Link                                                                                                                   Gaian   --  Thu, 4:38 p.m. EDT
Reader B, fwd: Heavenletter #4857, A Song of Good Will, March 13, 2014                                                                   hobie   --   Thu, 4:34 p.m. EDT
Reader: 5.1 earthquake reported, 250 miles off Oregon coast                                                                               Susoni   --  Thu, 4:17 p.m. EDT
Rand Paul, Neocon                                                                                                                                   Basil     --    Thu, 4:02 p.m. EDT
Reader Dee:The truth could be right in front of us, every night, just staring us right in the face                         Susoni    --   Thu, 4:00 p.m. EDT
Reader: Gold Falls From Six-Month High, on Job, Retail-Sales Gains                                                             RumorMail -- Thu, 3:56 p.m. EDT
Reader: Deluded Currency Cultists, Believe The Dollar Is Invincible                                                               RumorMail -- Thu, 3:53 p.m. EDT
Salton Sea (California) ....A New Bio Weapon, made by Man (map)                                                                RumorMail -- Thu, 3:52 p.m. EDT
NOT infinity..... rmnreader email                                                                                                                   Nemesis   --   Thu, 3:45 p.m. EDT
Why Is Google Building ....A Robot Army?                                                                                                        RumorMail -- Thu, 3:43 pm EDT
Homegrown Jihad- The Terrorist Camps, Around The U.S. (video)                                                                         RumorMail--Thu,3:42 pm EDT
THE STRANGE FEAR OF SYMBOLS                                                                                                                      Susoni -- Thu, 3:40 p.m. EDT
David Talbot Electric Universe.. Red Ice radio                                                                                                             Susoni -- Thu, 3:37 pm. EDT
Judge Gags Reporter's "Whistle Video": Whistleblower Burton Case, Official Calls Case "Agenda 21 Land Grab"             Susoni -- Thu, 3:29 pm. EDT
Video: Preston Nichols - Montauk, Time Travel, A.I. and the Galactic Center Suspicions, Confirmed - 2014 Interview       Lion    --   Thu, 3:17 p.m. EDT
T- MINUS DAYS AND COUNTING tick tock...                                                                                                          The_Fox   --   Thu, 3:15 pm EDT
It's the Halo Ring affect .. Not Jupiter.. OR.. (Pic) .                                                                                                   Susoni   --    Thu, 3:05 p.m. EDT
Zero Hedge: Another Analysis, Of What is Known...                                                                                                    Watchman  -- Thu, 2:37 pm EDT
Absolute Proof that the Zionists are Behind..... the Malaysian Airlines Crash Scam                                                           NaturalWisdom -- Thu,2:14 pm
WHAT'S WRONG, WITH THIS PICTURE?                                                                                                                 food4thought -- Thu,2 :10 pm
Fake Family and Girlfriend, Detected in Malaysian Airlines Hoax [VIDEO]                                                                        NatralWisdom--Thu,1:56 pm
OMG!.. Jupiter Turned Blue? .. WTF? -vid                                                                                                                 Jordon--Thu,1:53pm 27-53
Dogs and Cats - Natural remedies overcome.... fear of loud noises, thunder and fireworks                                                   LilliHart  --  Thu, 1:27 pm
More Fear Porn, A New Theory: The Missing Aircraft Is To Be Used For A Stealth EMP Attack.... On The US                     Watchman --Thu,1:18 pm
AtomMan's TUESDAY NEWS BYTES - SPECIAL: UKRAINE - RUSSIAN TROOP MOVEMENTS                                     atomMan --Thu, 1:14 pm
Re: Remember Lorena Bobbit? Well, There is this Chinese Woman, Who Learned the Lesson Well....                                   LilliHart -- Thu, 1:10 pm
Home remedies help restore your health..... after eating GMO foods                                                                             LilliHart -- Thu, 1:08 pm
Remember Lorena Bobbit? Well, There is this Chinese Woman, Who Learned the Lesson Well....                                     Watchman --Thu, 1:07 pm
Pineapples aren't just for Pina Coladas! Reap the health benefits, and relieve... gout, arthritis, osteoporosis, acid reflux     LilliHart  -- Thu, 1:06 pm
Use Natural Neem Oil, for Flea and Tick Protection, on Dogs                                                                                   LilliHart  -- Thu, 1:04 pm
Missing Malaysian Plane: Relatives of Chinese Passengers, Subjected to State Censorship [VIDEO]                            NatralWsdom-Thu,1:02 pm
Homeopathic Remedies, Can Stop a Heart Attack, in Its Tracks                                                                             LilliHart   --  Thu, 1:02 pm
Death, Not Yet Warmed Over, But Heating Up , In The Salton Sea Rift Of Commiefornia                                        Watchman --  Thu, 1:00 pm
This is So Cool... :) .....                                                                                                                                   Jordon   --    Thu, 1:00 p.m
Karen Hudes is Finally EXPOSED, as a Marxist Jew!                                                                                       Jordon   --    Thu,12:49 pm
SANDYHOAX: THE MONEY TRAIL                                                                                                                food4thought-Thu,12:40pm
FROM THE PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT US .... 'OPERATION PEARL'                                                                   food4thought-Thu,12:10pm
THE NEW GREAT (THREAT) GAME, IN EURASIA                                                                                              IZAKOVIC --Thu,12:09pm
Astonishing Advice, from a Leading Cancer Doctor                                                                                                  Dqixote1217-Thu,12:05pm
Where Did We Come From?                                                                                                                                        Lion   --    Thu, 11:54  am
CBS Reporter, Atkisson, leaves over stonewalling-Tried to report on Benghazi. Fast & Furious-A Straight Shooter's B....       Infoeditor --Thu, 11:53 am
WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON?                                                                                                                                    IZAKOVIC--Thu, 11:41 am
GardasilΓÇÖs trail of deception, hides the true scope of deaths and injuries                                                                                  LuellaMay-- Thu, 11:39 am
TOM HENEGHAN: IT IS TIME!                                                                                                                                        Seawitch -- Thu, 11:36 am
Reverse Osteoporosis, with Prunes                                                                                                                                       LuellaMay-- Thu, 11:25 am
You must be right...                                                                                                                                                              Nemesis   --  Thu, 11:02  am
THE LATEST TAKE: IT MAY HAVE BEEN COMMANDEERED                                                                                               food4thought --Thu,10:53 am
THERE'S A SIMPLER EXPLANATION                                                                                                                                  food4thought --Thu,10:48 am
Dipstick: THE THEORY OF CREATION, in one paragraph                                                                                                         Nemesis-Thu,10:39am 38-39
Malaysia denies Chinese rumors.... the Malaysian air force shot down MH370, etc.                                                                      MrFusion -- Thu, 10:38 EDT
State-run Chinese paper, asks whether the Malaysian military is "hiding anything on purpose."                                                      MrFusion --Thu, 10:30 EDT
Video; Former NSA Head Scumbag Michael Aquino - Proud Satanist Long Range Takeover, & Satellite Microwave Mind Control   Lion  -- Thu, 10:21 am EDT
Video;Former? NSA Head Scumbag Michael Aquino- Proud Satanist Long Range Takeover, & Satellite Microwave Mind Control   Lion -- Thu, 10:13 am. EDT
Today's Healthy Recipe - Asparagus Frittata                                                                                                                        Dqixote1217--Thu,10:09 am.
Gordon Duff - Operation Ukraine - "God How I Love the Smell of Psyops, in the Morning"                                                 Lion -- Thu, 09:46 a.m. EDT
Abel Danger issues an updated version.... of their post on MH370                                                                                MrFusion  -- Thu, 09:41 EDT
Reformatted here, for readability ...                                                                                                                        billym   --  Thu,9:30 am EDT
5 PASSENGERS CHECKED IN, BUT DID NOT BOARD                                                                                    food4tought -- Thu,9:27 EDT
Reader and Me, too                                                                                                                                       Susoni  --  Thu, 9:11am EDT
Nest Gems - Special Privileges, For Feds                                                                                                     SARTRE -- Thu,  09:08  a.m
CRITICAL: Who is behind ...Article V Con-Con?                                                                                        Basil  --  Thu, 09:05 am EDT
VITAL info: LEFTIST Move to Amend Supports Con Con!!! Efforts underway in CA & W                           Basil  --   Thu, 09:02 am EDT
Vid: 'Gnat' Shooting... RC Planes, And Shotguns                                                                                         Watchman  --  Thu, 09:01 a.m.
Vid: A Compilation Of Cops... Serving The H---- Out Of Folks                                                                       Watchman -- Thu, 08:55 25-55
Reader: Genghis Khan Used cats and Oil                                                                                                        Susoni -- Thu, 08:25 am EDT
CGI's Morgan: How to Bypass.... a Directed Darkness                                                                                       CGI_admin -- Thu, 08:21 a.m
CGI's Morgan: EVER SEE 'CHEKIST'?                                                                                                              CGI_admin -- Thu, 08:19 a.m
CGI's FengShuiSerenity: Global Currancy Reset ....Commences...? Not Sure                                                            CGI_admin -- Thu, 08:15 a.m
CGI's CHasVoice: Secret CIA Prisons, around the World, on Cusp of Being Exposed                                                     Susoni -- Thu, 08:13 am EDT
Reader: Goodbye Electricity                                                                                                                                      Susoni -- Thu, 08:11 am EDT
Reader: Mexico ΓÇô El Chicon volcano, shows signs of awakening                                                                                      Susoni -- Thu, 08:08 am EDT
Reader: USA ΓÇô Coldest 6 months, since 1912                                                                                                                    Susoni -- Thu, 08:07 am EDT
CGI's Morgan: Worcester City, Eliza Carthy                                                                                                                       Susoni -- Thu, 08:03 am EDT
Ancient History: Did a Drone Just Discover Ancient Petroglyphs, in Utah? vid                                                                           Susoni -- Thu, 08:01 am EDT
Times: A potent threat of monster quake and tsunami, off California's northern coast                                                                   Susoni -- Thu, 07:57 am EDT
Sheriff Joe Mulls, Run to Replace Retiring Gov Jan Brewer                                                                                                         RumorMail-- Thu,07:54 EDT
Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache, in Ukraine ΓÇô For False Flags to occur, so U.S. can take military action against Russia......      RumorMail--Thu,07:50  EDT
The Moon is Not ....What You Think -vid                                                                                                                                  Jordon --  Thu, 7:24 am ?????? 18-24??????
2008 - LIBERA, "SANCTE"                                                                                                                                                     hobie  -- Thu, 04:18 am. EDT
1979 - DAVE GRUSIN, "Main theme, from 'The CHAMP'"                                                                                                         hobie  -- Thu, 04:16 am. EDT
** Please keep the Contributions, coming **                                                                                                                            hobie  -- Thu, 04:14 am. EDT
** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / Mnt Goat, TNT Tony                                                                                                   hobie  --  Thu, 04:08 am  EDT
Ukraine Operation - news and perspectives - spreading Democracy .... means Regime Change?                                                 FreePlanet--Thu,3:57 am EDT
Reader, link: 'NYT (Breaking) Snowden Docs: "Raw Take," Rampant Sharing of Domestic, "Unminimized" Wiretap Content'       hobie  --   Thu, 03:57 am EDT
MH370 shot down by Malaysian Air Force?? Chinese news report, cited on social media                                                        MrFusion-- Thu,3:45 am EDT
PROOF US STAGING FALSE FLAG, FOR WW3 KICKOFF WITH RUSSIA (VIDEO)                                                   Seawitch -- Thu,1:37 am EDT
Oil rig worker, claims to have seen MH370 burning on fire, in one piece                                                                             NatralWisdom--Thu,1:01 EDT
IRREFUTABLE PROOF, THAT MICHELLE OBAMA IS A MAN, 24/7.                                                                            Seawitch -- Thu, 0:52 am EDT
WORLDWIDE HOLOCAUST                                                                                                                                     Nemesis  --  Thu, 0:35 am EDT
Wall Street trader, commits suicide, jumping in front of an incoming train                                                                        NaturalWisdom-- Thu,0:15 EDT
┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒ Jeudi 13mars..............
Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told - Vid (10:36)                                                                                              pax    --   Wed, 11:39 p.m. EDT
Because of the Rockefellers and the FDA, there will Never be a Cure for Cancer (Video)                                                    Mr.Ed  --  Wed, 10:47 pm EDT
Video: "Moment March 11, 2014, was a very important moment for humanity and for the happiness, in the world."               Lion   --  Wed, 10:27 pm EDT
Arizona Governor Brewer, Steps Down                                                                                                                          Jordon -- Wed,10:08pm EDT
More about the FBI's eagerness to deport, or otherwise silence, everyone who knew the "Boston bombers"                          MrFusion  --  Wed,9:24 EDT
DONΓÇÖT WATCH THIS, BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP! ALIEN CONTACT 2014, COMING!                                            Seawitch -- Wed, 8:53  EDT
OPEN LETTER TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, BY LYNDON H. LAROUCHE                                  Seawitch -- Wed, 8:38  EDT
Reader: "I saw and felt the lifting of this nasty negative energy, at the end of February. We already won."                         hobie  --   Wed,7:55 pm EDT
Video: Gerald Celente - NATO Installed Bankster Gangster, In Ukraine - Oligarchy Continues Proxy War, Against Putin    Lion   --   Wed, 7:52 pm EDT
Reader: "Holding collective hands..."                                                                                                                      hobie   --   Wed, 7:40 pm EDT
Reader: "I intend that this time line, or whatever this manifestation, is for the betterment of Mother Earth and ..."         hobie   --    Wed, 7:37 pm EDT
Today's Healthy Recipe - Raw Chocolate Caramel Cups                                                                                         Dqixote1217 -- Wed, 7:33 EDT
Reader speculates, on the fate of the flight, and the possibility of ....simulated radar returns                                       MrFusion -- Wed,6:52 pm EDT
Reader: "Last night was a real waste of bed time for me, as well."                                                                            hobie   --   Wed, 6:42 pm EDT
Olymic ring- AMERICA-malfunction? - pick, and link                                                                                             Nemesis -- Wed, 6:29 pm EDT
Reader, link: BeforeItsNews - "Proof US Staging False Flag, For WW3 Kickoff With Russia (Video)"                            hobie    --  Wed,6:18 pm EDT
New Zealander on an oil rig, reported seeing a plane...                                                                                                atomMan -- Wed, 6:17   EDT
Satellite looking into missing Malaysia flight.... detects 'suspected crash area'                                                                 atomMan -- Wed, 6:05  EDT
Please shoot me! - EMAIL                                                                                                                                         Nemesis -- Wed,  6:05  EDT
Reader: "I took a 15 minute walk, to the post office, and in that time, I counted 20 planes."                                               hobie -- Wed,5:59 pm 56-59
Reader Nanuq: "I too have been under a depressive cloud, for the past three days"                                                             hobie -- Wed, 5:56 pm  EDT
FWIW, I think Earth.... up-shifted.... last night                                                                                                              hobie  -- Wed, 5:53 pm  EDT
Reader Mike: "Oh my word...I have the same thing here, in Korea"                                                                                  hobie  --  Wed, 5:47 pm EDT
2004 - PRIDE OF LIONS, "LIGHT FROM A DISTANT SHORE"                                                                                  hobie   --  Wed, 5:41 pm EDT
2004 - PRIDE OF LIONS, "INTERRUPTED MELODY"                                                                                               hobie   --   Wed, 5:37 pm EDT
2012 - PRIDE OF LIONS, "DELUSIONAL" (official video)                                                                                           hobie   --   Wed, 5:33 pm. EDT
2012 - WALK OFF THE EARTH, "LITTLE BOXES"                                                                                                      hobie   --   Wed, 5:17 pm. EDT
Reader B, fwd: Heavenletter #4856, A Time Will Come, March 12, 2014                                                                            hobie   --   Wed, 5:06 pm. EDT
Retraction/Correction: "Hoverboards + Boeing + UFOs + MSM = A whole lot of questions!"                                               hobie   --   Wed, 5:04 pm. EDT
Reader: "I have an uneasy feeling, in the chest." (Anyone else?)                                                                                           hobie    --   Wed, 5:01 pm. EDT
The Trident...                                                                                                                                                                  Jordon   --  Wed, 4:10 pm. EDT
DipStick: WHO SAID YOU CANΓÇÖT MAKE FUN, OF BELIEFS?                                                                                            Nemesis  -- Wed, 3:58 pm. EDT
A Reader reminds us...                                                                                                                                                       atomMan -- Wed, 3:56 pm. EDT
Re: Thank you atomMan, for your contributions here, and PICS                                                                                             atomMan -- Wed, 3:55 pm. EDT
Should Tucker Carlson Be Tried For "High Treason", Over The 9/11 Cover-Up? -vid                                                              Jordon  --   Wed, 3:55 pm. EDT
MILITARY SOURCE (Troops on standby, to deploy to Russia) + CURRENT NEWS - CONFIRM RECENT SYMBOLISM         NeverSurrender-- Wed,3:53 pm
MAYBE SOMEONE.... WANTS THE PLANE . . .                                                                                                               food4thought--Wed,3:48 22-48
So The Obozocare Fallout, Begins: First '14 Election Sinks Dem Hopeful, In Spite Of Clinton Push...                                     Watchman--Wed,3:22 pm EDT
Cat wearing Jetpack in 16th century, drawing baffles historians (You know I included a Pic!)                                                  Susoni -- Wed, 3:07 p.m. EDT
Proof For Moon Hologram - Energy Pulse, & Giant 75 Mile Wide UFO ΓÇôvid                                                                        Jordon -- Wed, 3:06 p.m. EDT
Video: How To Handle ...Road Ragers                                                                                                                                 Watchman--Wed ,3:01pm EDT
Bill ClintonΓÇÖs photo with Nevada 'Bunny Ranch' Prostitutes, Results in Different stories- Pic                                                      Susoni --  Wed, 2:49 p.m. EDT
LOL... Obozo And His Executive Orders, Has Nullified His Obozocare Scam....                                                                        Watchman--Wed, 2:44 pm EDT
PUTIN ORDERS MASSIVE WAR MOVES, TO PROTECT IRAQ, AFTER SAUDI THREATS        //sorcha //                             Seawitch -- Wed, 2:37 pm EDT
Thank you atomMan, for your contributions here, and PICS                                                                                                      Nemesis --  Wed, 2:12 pm EDT
More Speculation / Comment, On Missing Airliner                                                                                                                     Watchman - Wed, 2:12 pm EDT
Cop Punches Woman in The Face, 3 Times, Drags Her By The Hair, Caught on CCTV                                                                    Jordon  --   Wed, 2:08 pm EDT
Seniors can literally shake their way, to better bone health, preventing..... hip and other dangerous fractures                                        LuellaMay--Wed,2:02 pm EDT
EMAIL: Lick your nose                                                                                                                                                               Nemesis -- Wed, 2:01 pm EDT
WOTE: Red Hands - Walk off the Earth (Big Guitar Version!)                                                                                                            Gaian  --   Wed, 2:00 pm EDT
WOTE: Somebody I Used To Know - 5 vs 1 Guitar (Gotye Acoustic Cover) - Music Video                                                                   Gaian  --   Wed, 1:55 pm EDT
WOTE (Walk Off The Earth) - Royals (Lorde Cover) - Music Video                                                                                                  Gaian   --   Wed,1:50 pm EDT
Strontium can be a vital tool, for reversing bone loss and building healthy bones                                                                                     LuellaMay    --   Wed, 1:48 pm
DrRobin Falkov"What They Don't Want U 2 Know" w/Jerome Glenn-Millenium Project, GershAvery-Cannabis Heals, Jason Burks         DrRobinFalkov --Wed,1:41 pm
Reader Essie:                                                                                                                                                                                Susoni     --   Wed,1:34 pm EDT
Rifle Magazine Turn In Deadline Passes With ZERO Compliance In Commiefornia                                                                              Watchman  --  Wed,1:31 pm EDT
Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones                                                                                                                              LuellaMay --  Wed,1:28 pm EDT
Natural Help for Osteoporosis                                                                                                                                                       LuellaMay --  Wed,1:20 pm EDT
Fluoride in Water Has Now Been Designated as a Neurotoxin                                                                                                           Dqixote1217--Wed,1:19pm  EDT
THEY'RE DODGING THE QUESTIONS ABOUT TRIANGULATING THE PHONES                                                                         food4tought--Wed, 1:17pm EDT
atomMan's WEDNESDAY NEWS BYTES - SPECIAL: UKRAINE                                                                                                      atomMan  -  Wed,1:09pm09-09
Video: Marine Speaks Truth to Power... Explains The Purpose Of Obozo's Army                                                                                   Watchman -- Wed,1:09pm EDT
YOUTUBE POST: PROOF US STAGING FALSE FLAG FOR WW3                                                                                                      IZAKOVIC -- Wed, 12:46 EDT
MORE FROM THE SOURCE                                                                                                                                                              IZAKOVIC -- Wed, 12:38 EDT
Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Man Claims Seeing Plane Plunging into Sea                                                                                   IZAKOVIC --Wed, 12:36 EDT
The Causes, Prevention and Solutions for Gum Disease                                                                                                                             LuellaMay -- Wed, 12:34 EDT
Five Herbs for the Heart                                                                                                                                                                          LuellaMay -- Wed, 12:32 EDT
AMAZING! UFO Captured on Film Shooting Something Into Chemtrails!                                                                                                     Jordon -- Wed, 12:22pm EDT
US Accused Of Hijacking Plane.... Just May Be Valid. 777 Is "fly by wire" and FAA Rule Proves Takeover Possibility                                        Watchman  -- Wed, 2:20  pm
IRAN NEWS WITH PHOTO                                                                                                                                                                  IZAKOVIC -- Wed, 12:06pm
Warmer, Warmer.....US, West, Now Rattling War Sabres Over Ukraine, Crimea                                                                                         Watchman -- Wed, 12:04 pm
HAS VANISHED AIRPLANE SUDDENLY CHANGED IT'S COURSE                                                                                                IZAKOVIC -- Wed, 11:58 am
Explosion in Manhattan, 2 Buildings Collapse - Link                                                                                                                    Gaian --  Wed, 11:45 am EDT
Remember the Polish Ruling Party Murdered: The Grand Chess Board of World War III                                                              Susoni  -- Wed, 11:04 am EDT
Recent U.S. snowstorms found to contain elements of entomological warfare                                                                         RumorMail -- Wed, 10:58 EDT
Progressive Insurance... Not really progess                                                                                                                       RumorMail -- Wed, 10:51  EDT
The Course of World War III - Between the BRIC NATIONS AND USA ALLIES                                                                RumorMail -- Wed, 10:45  EDT
Notre Dame chemists discover new class of antibiotics                                                                                                    Susoni  --  Wed, 10:41 am EDT
China begins openly using drones to spray chemtrails!                                                                                                     RumorMail-Wed,10:39 am EDT
Reader: 350,000 gun owners suddenly felons Fight over weapons confiscation gets hot                                                      RumorMai -Wed,10:31 am EDT
Reader: Globalists in Panic Mode as Pro-Gun Movement Rises                                                                                          RumrMail-Wed,10:30am 23-30
No militia means more intrusive law enforcement                                                                                                               Basil   --    Wed,10:23 am EDT
CGI's Morgan: Down the Liars Highway to Hell at Turbo Speed - Dog Poet                                                                            Susoni    --    Wed,  10:09   am      
Dipstick: GET YOUR HEALTH BACK and FEEL LIKE THE ENERGIZER BUNNY IN 3 DAYS                                                   Nemesis   --  Wed,  09:46   am
Video: Charlie Daniels' Uneasy Rider                                                                                                                                        Watchman -- Wed , 09:13 EDT
Hello brother Tom,                                                                                                                                                                  Nemesis  --  Wed,  09:01 EDT
10 WORLD'S BEST DESTROYERS IN OPERATION OR SOON TO BECOME SUCH                                                                   IZAKOVIC--Wed,  08:01 EDT
Does a 100 Trillion Debt Total Matter?                                                                                                                                         SARTRE  -- Wed, 07:58  EDT
Nest Gems - Nuke Countdown Starts                                                                                                                                          SARTRE  --  Wed, 7:57  36-57
PRINCE CHARLES, KYBER PASS, CUP OF TEA, AND DS4 RIGHTS                                                                                          IZAKOVIC --Wed, 7:15 EDT
CRIMEA DECLARES INDEPENDENCE, AHEAD OF POPULAR VOTE ON SECESSION                                                          IZAKOVIC--Wed,6:37 EDT
1945 - BENNY GOODMAN, "OOMPH FAH FAH"                                                                                                            hobie    --    Wed, 04:05  EDT
late 1930s - BENNY GOODMAN, "SHIVERS"                                                                                                         hobie    -- Wed, 03:59 am EDT
late 1930s - BENNY GOODMAN, "OPUS 1/2"                                                                                                  hobie   --  Wed, 03:52 am EDT
Third night results!!!                                                                                                                                FreePlanet  --  Wed, 02:38  EDT
So much disinformation, in this post                                                                                                    Tholidor  --  Wed, 02:19 am. EDT
Is Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight, at Utapao, Thailand?                                                                  NaturalWisdom -- Wed, 02:16 EDT
Reader, link to short video: "FAA: The Chemtrail Code"                                                                  hobie     --      Wed, 01:47 am. EDT
For Disciplined Doctors Crime & Misconduct, Pay Very Well at Big Pharma                                    Dquixote1217 -- Wed, 0:59 am. EDT
ΓÇ£Manufacturing DissentΓÇ¥: The Anti-globalization Movement, is Funded by the Corporate Elites            RumorMail  --   Wed, 00:53 am EDT
Grocery Manufacturers, are Seeking to Label Genetically Modified Foods, as "Natural"                     Dquixote1217 -- Wed, 00:47 am EDT
When Interest Rates, Rise ΓÇô ItΓÇÖs Game Over                                                                                        RumorMail -- Wed, 00:47 a.m. EDT
Stay Healthy While Traveling, with Immune-Boosting Spices                                                                  Dquixote1217 -- Wed, 0:43 am EDT
Yellowstone volcano.... 2.5 times larger than previously thought                                                                    RumorMail -- Wed, 00:33 am EDT
M6.4 - East of the South Sandwich Islands                                                                                                     RumorMail -- Wed, 0:31 am EDT
Reader: "Two issues, with this article off the top: ..."                                                                                            hobie   --   Wed, 00:11 am. EDT
Raw Milk, is Healthy; Find Ways to Get It, and Use It                                                                                              Dquixote1217--Wed,  00:07 am
Re: Video: Bases 35 - Messin' With Sasquatch, In Real Time - Highly Intelligent, Telepathic Trans-dimensional Beings        atomMan  -- Wed,  00:04  EDT
Reader: "Turning off a transponder, does NOT make an aircraft invisible to radar ..."                                                         hobie  --   Wed, 00:02 am. EDT
======================================================================================= ==========================  Mercredi      12   mars       
Personal to the Reader WHO ASKED ABOUT.... THE WEEPING ICONS                                                                            hobie   --  Tue, 11:59 p.m. EDT
Map for possible hijack, to Diego Garcia                                                                                                                            MrFusion   --   Tue, 11:44  EDT
Reader: 1998 - JESSE COOK, "BREATHING BELOW SURFACE"                                                                                        hobie    --   Tue, 11:37 pm. EDT
Echoes of Enoch - Biblical Research of the Paranormal - May interest believers - just a link to website (from an email)        Nemesis -- Tue, 11:27 p.m. EDT
RIGHT ON MR. ...STICK - RMNREADERS                                                                                                                    Nemesis -- Tue, 11:25 p.m. EDT
OMG - I bet they flew it.... to Diego Garcia!                                                                                                                    MrFusion -- Tue, 11:20 pm EDT
Thanks for the $140, you 3. :) Another $195, and we're there, for the moment. (no message inside this post) *NM*              hobie   --   Tue, 11:19 p.m. EDT
CRIMEA NOW COMPLETELY UNDER RUSSIAN CONTROL                                                                                   Seawitch --  Tue,10:45 pm EDT
TWO AMERICAN DRONES, REPORTEDLY SHOT DOWN, IN CRIMEA (VIDEO)                                                       Seawitch -- Tue, 10:40 pm EDT
Video: Will P Wilson - Stew Web - Dr Preston James - Alien Agenda III                                                                         Lion    --     Tue, 10:31 pm EDT
Video: Disclosure, and What is Reality - Extreme Cold - Created Weather Event                                                             Lion     --    Tue, 10:04 pm EDT
Video: Bases 35 - Messin' With Sasquatch, In Real Time - Highly Intelligent, Telepathic Trans-dimensional Beings           Lion      --    Tue, 9:18 pm EDT
FINALLY THE MONEY IS HERE (notso-humorous)                                                                                               Nemesis  --  Tue, 9:12 pm.EDT
Instructions For A Bad Day, VIDEO. You Need This                                                                                               Lymerick  --  Tue, 8:55 pm EDT
Today's Healthy Recipe - Refreshing and Versatile Homemade Natural Limeade                                                        Dquxote1217--Tue,8:32pm EDT
Parallel Universe Beatles, Never Broke Up - A Hoax                                                                                               Arleigh    --  Tue, 8:14 pm EDT
The Door                                                                                                                                                          Watchman - Tue, 8:13 pm EDT
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Galactic Federation 3/11/2014                                        Mr.Ed   -- Tue, 7:35 p.m. EDT
RTS, link: "Hoverboards + Boeing + UFOs + MSM = A whole lot of questions!"                                                       hobie   --  Tue, 6:21 pm  14-21
(Thanks, you 4. :) ** ANOTHER $335 WILL REACH THE $1000 MARK THAT'S NEEDED NOW **                        hobie   --    Tue, 6:14 pm EDT
Reader: "Heard an interesting theory about missing plane yesterday. ..."                                                                      hobie   --    Tue, 6:07 pm EDT
Reader, link: "Vladimir Putin answered journalistsΓÇÖ questions on the situation in Ukraine"                                               hobie   --    Tue, 5:55 pm EDT
1999 - PHIL COLLINS, "YOU'LL BE IN MY HEART"                                                                                              hobie   --    Tue, 5:40 pm EDT
1997 - ERIC CLAPTON, live, "THIRD DEGREE" (slow blues, 7 mins)                                                                       hobie   --    Tue, 5:36 pm EDT
Jim Stone: "Passport Guys were Photoshopped. The plane vanished from radar because an AWACS plane took it over"     NaturalWisdom-Tue,5:31 EDT
1987 - JOHN FARNHAM, "TOUCH OF PARADISE"                                                                                                  hobie   --    Tue, 5:25 pm EDT
Reader B, fwd: Heavenletter #4855 Spun by God through the Universe, March 11, 2014                                                 hobie   --   Tue, 5:06 pm  EDT
CGI's ChasVoice: Connecticut Says ΓÇ£NO!ΓÇ¥ to Hitler *video*                                                                                       Susoni   --  Tue, 4:50 pm  EDT
CGI's Morgan: THE MAKING OF HOT DOGS                                                                                                        Susoni  --  Tue, 4:46 p.m. EDT
CNN: Watchdog group's report says $1B in government subsidies (Taxpayer funded) have aided Walmarts expansion     Susoni   --  Tue, 4:26 pm. EDT
Reader: Is Wal-Mart Evil? 20 Shocking Facts                                                                                                         Susoni   --  Tue, 4:24 pm. EDT
PHOTOSHOPPED?                                                                                                                                           atomMan -- Tue, 4:23 pm EDT
Reader: This stuff get me steamed every time I see it.                                                                                          Susoni  --  Tue, 4:16 p.m. EDT
Reader: Walmart is not just a Coporation, it's a Monopoly                                                                                    Susoni  --  Tue, 4:14 pm   EDT
Reader: No Walmart on the Island of Ocracoke                                                                                                 Susoni  --  Tue, 4:04 pm.  EDT
The Men Who Boarded Malaysia Airlines Using Stolen Passports were PHOTOSHOPPED!!                                 Jordon   --   Tue, 3:33 pm  EDT
Abel Danger's latest commentary and analysis about the "Plane That Never Was"                                                  NaturalWisdom  -- Tue, 2:46 pm
PUTIN IN "FURY" AFTER SAUDIS BRAND OBAMA REGIME TERRORIST ORGANIZATION                           Seawitch  -- Tue, 2:36 p.m. EDT
Joe Rogan - The American War Machine                                                                                                             atomMan   --  Tue, 2:21 pm EDT
HAHAHAHAHA!! (No Message Inside) *NM*                                                                                                      Gaian     --     Tue, 2:11  pm EDT
BREAKING - Malaysia Airlines live: military says last tracked plane hundreds of miles off course                                NaturalWisdom -- Tue, 2:04 EDT
Hopefully, they're kidding, but it sounds like a satanic parody of the Eucharist                                                             MrFusion  --  Tue, 2:04 pm EDT
Sounds like circular logic to me                                                                                                                               MrFusion  -- Tue, 1:55 pm EDT
The article contains an error - Einstein's cosmological constant was to prevent contraction, not expansion                      MrFusion --Tue, 1:46 pm 25-46
11 Uses For A Survival Bracelet                                                                                                                            LilliHart--   Tue, 1:15 pm EDT
Ten Reasons to Become Self-Sufficient and Ten Ways to Get There                                                                        LilliHart --   Tue,1:13 pm EDT
AT THIS TIME SEARCH ON GOOGLE FOR http://www.deepspace4.com RETURNS LINKS SUCH AS:                IZAKOVIC   -- Tue, 1:09  EDT
10 Of The Best Bartering Items If The Grid Goes Down And SHTF                                                                      LilliHart    --  Tue,  1:06   pm
We Are Very Close To The Major Announcement That Will Happen March 15, 2014                                               Jordon       --  Tue,  12:51 pm
atomMan's TUESDAY NEWS BYTES - SPECIAL: UKRAINE                                                                              atomMan  --   Tue,  12:37 pm
Reader: Cops: Florida Family Was Hospitalized After Eating LSD-Laced Steak Bought At Walmart                            Susoni     --   Tue,  12:12 pm
Ellen DeGeneres salami? One company's quest to make meat from celebrity tissue samples                                     Susoni    --    Tue,  12:10 pm
Why Will 3/14/15 Be EPIC?                                                                                                                              Gaian --Tue,12:08 pm  07-08
EWW! New Company wants to Make Bio Meat from Celebrity Tissues- Soylent Green "ItΓÇÖs made out of people!"    Susoni -- Tue,12:07 pm EDT
SENIOR MOMENTS (HMM)                                                                                                                         CliffR -- Tue, 12:05 pm. EDT
EinsteinΓÇÖs Lost Theory Describes a Universe Without a Big Bang                                                                        Susoni -- Tue, 12:02 pm. EDT
Reader: There is a reason the CIA had 'Operation MockingBird'                                                                         Susoni -- Tue, 11:48 a.m. EDT
Reader: How Cell Phones are Killing Birds                                                                                                        Susoni -- Tue, 11:42 a.m. EDT
Reader: Birds, BeesΓǪ.Now, Study Shows Negative Effects of Wi-Fi in Trees                                                       Susoni -- Tue, 11:38 a.m. EDT
LOL Danish TV take the piss right out of Obama short vid clip                                                                             Susoni  --  Tue,11:32 am  EDT
INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE? ENERGY WARS?                                                                                                   food4thought- Tue,11:13 EDT
IMF: "Income Redistribution (Socialism) good for Growth!"                                                                                     RumorMail -- Tue,11:07 EDT
Hillary Clinton & IMF's Head Christine Lagarde Team Up at Women in the World                                                          RumorMail -- Tue,11:04 EDT
LOL "George Soros blasts 'Parasite' banks"                                                                                                                 RumorMail-- Tue,11:02 EDT
Billionaire George Soros' Top 3 Energy Company Stock Picks- Want to Know who They are?                                           RumorMail-- Tue,10:54 EDT
America Has Entered the Silly Season, Destruction to Follow?                                                                                         RumorMail --Tue,10:50 EDT
Reader:These antennae & cellphone towers is the potential to use a patented "thing" called SILENT SOUND SPECTRUM     Susoni -- Tue, 10:43 am EDT
CGI's freeman4: What is the truth?                                                                                                                              CGIadmin -- Tue, 10:34 EDT
Carrion Fowl Fighting Over Spoils                                                                                                                             LibertyLady -- Tue,10:32 EDT
CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Out of the Shadows and into the World's of Light                                                                 Susoni -- Tue, 10:32 am. EDT
HMN: A Senior Moment--                                                                                                                                     Watchman  --  Tue, 09:39 am
The State Department's New World Order Agenda                                                                                                SARTRE     --   Tue, 9:38 am
HMN: Say What?                                                                                                                                            Watchman  --   Tue, 9:37 am
Nest Gems - Defense                                                                                                                                    SARTRE   --  Tue, 7:38 EDT
NEW DEBRIS FIELD SIGHTED                                                                                                                  food4thougt--Tue, 6:41 EDT
THOSE 'WORKING' PHONES                                                                                                                    food4thougt --Tu, 6:21 EDT
Reader H: "The Birth of the New 3rd World Dollar"                                                                                        Lion  --   Tue, 5:35 am EDT
"Users Online:" figure is now accurate                                                                                                           hobie   -- Tue, 5:01 am EDT
** PLEASE CONTRIBUTE - WE NEED TO REACH $1000 AS SOON AS WE CAN **                                     hobie   --  Tue, 4:47 am EDT
** Iraqi dinar, recently being said ** / Okie_Oil_Man et al.                                                                                 hobie   --   Tue, 4:42 am EDT
1963 - BILL PURSELL, "OUR WINTER LOVE"                                                                                                hobie   --    Tue, 4:32 am EDT
2011 - Professional band, "HE'S GONE AWAY" by Rick Kirby                                                                               hobie   --    Tue, 4:21 am EDT
(undated) JO STAFFORD, "I'M ALWAYS CHASING RAINBOWS"                                                                         hobie   --   Tue, 4:14 am EDT
Reader, link: 'Ashtar: BREAKING NEWS! SIRIUS "UFO" ....BRINGS WORLD PEACE!'                                             hobie  --   Tue, 3:37 am EDT
Reader, link: DailyMail - "Did Missing Malaysia flight, DISINTEGRATE at 35,000 feet? Search team find ..."                   hobie  --  Tue, 3:30 am EDT
We assist individuals who need to take prescription medications                                                                                    Lymerck-Tue,3:04 am EDT
Reader: Dahboo7 - Radar Updated or Manipulated 24 hours later (?)                                                                                hobie --Tue,2:09 am EDT
Reader, link to blog entry: "MISSING PLANES, PORTALS & A NEW PARADIGM"                                                          hobie   --  Tue, 1:44  am
Former UK banker facing prison over illegal deals                                                                                                            Susoni  -- Tue, 1:31 am
Watch The Spread of Walmart Across The Country In One Horrifying Animated Pic                                                            Susoni  -- Tue, 1:28 am
Missouri Teachers Object to Being Shot, During Active Shooter Drills                                                                                Susoni  --  Tue,1:25 am
Reader:ADS-B is great, but planes DON'T transmit their GPS coordinates most of the time.They DO transmit their altitud....  RmorMail -Tue,1:22 am
Situational awareness..Know What is in The air around you- A cheap ADSB receiver, displays local air traffic on a Laptop    Watchman-Tue, 0:38 EDT
Video: Predicting The Future Of Connecticut                                                                                                               Watchman--Tu,0:11am EDT
============================================================================================================ MARDI 11mars.......
Reader: The rise of the libertarians ΓÇö and what it means, for politics                                                                         RumorMail-Mon,11:57pm EDT
Antennasearch.com - Free Online search for Cell Towers and Antennas                                                                   RumorMail - Mon, 11:54 pm EDT
HAARP, EMF Technology: MUCH WORSE.... Than We Thought! Video                                                                RumorMail --  Mon,  11:53 pm EDT
CGI's Morgan: The Cornucopia of Grace, and Holocaust Porn                                                                             CGIadmin  --    Mon,  11:39 pm 11-39
"NEW" Update from Cobra - Quarantine Earth Endgame                                                                                    Mr.  Ed      ---    Mon,   11:11   pm EDT
Connecticut overreaches on Guns...They are between the Proverbial "Hard Place" and the jawbone of an ass        Watchman   ----    Mon,   11:10   pm EDT
6,000-year-old crown found in Dead Sea cave to be displayed in New York.                                                     Watchman    ---    Mon,   10:39  pm  EDT
CT Cop Who Wants to Kick in Doors & Confiscate Guns Suspended -- But Not Before Spilling The Beans...        Watchman   --     Mon,  10:24  pm  EDT
The Shuffle And Redeal... When Your Cost-Of-Living Quadruples......                                                                Watchman   --   Mon,  10:20 pm. EDT
Video: Some Things We Know, And Some We Don't Know, About The Missing Malasian Aircraft....                        Watchman  --  Mon, 10:16 pm. EDT
Ukrainian gold reserves, loaded on a transport aircraft in KievΓÇÖs Borispol airport, and flown to Uncle SamΓÇÖs Vault...  Watchman  - Mon,10:11 pm 01-11
Did Ukraine Just Airlift Its Entire Gold Hoard.... To The U.S. Fed?                                                                   NaturalWisdom-Mon,10:01 EDT
Re: Reader: Mike Adams.... is NOT an Idiot!                                                                                                        atomMan --  Mon, 9:27 pm EDT
One for ....the Rabbit Hole of Disbelief: Mystery fake-passport holders, on flight MH370, were Iranian                      NaturalWisdom - Mon,8:47 EDT
Let's Not Forget the Difference .....Between a 'Federal Reserve Note' .... and a 'dollar'.                                           Lion   --     Mon, 8:47 p.m. EDT
Politically Incorrect History                                                                                                                               RobertS  -- Mon, 8:17 pm EDT
Is Karen Hudes..... really a whistleblower?                                                                                                          NaturalWsdom-Mon,7:10 EDT
Reader: 20 Top MIcrochip Engineers, On Missing Jet                                                                                              Susoni -- Mon, 6:41 pm. EDT
GreenMedInfo: 'Natural Herbal HPV "Cure"..... Discovered'                                                                                        hobie -- Mon,6:40 pm 37-40
Reader sends us photos :-)......                                                                                                                                  Susoni    - -   Mon, 6:37 pm
Reader: Mike Adams is NOT an Idiot!                                                                                                                           RumorMail -- Mon,6:30 pm
Thanks for the $110, you 5. :) Another $496 ....will let Raye pay the bills. (no message in this post) *NM*                            hobie    --    Mon, 6:27 pm
1963 - JIMMY SMITH QUARTET, "PORK CHOP" (8 mins - slow blues)                                                                             hobie     --   Mon, 6:24 pm
1974 - SERGIO MENDES & BRASIL '77, "WATERS OF MARCH" by Antonio Carlos Jobim                                                    hobie    --    Mon 6:22 pm
Reader:Just a thought, on a pattern I have noticed, with these planes dropping into the drink                                                        RumorMail-Mon 6:20 pm
1962 - LAMBERT, HENDRICKS & ROSS, "GIMME THAT WINE"                                                                                            hobie   --   Mon, 6:19 pm                               
Reader:EARTHQUAKE SWARM, GOING ON OFF CALIFORNIA COAST, 23- SO FAR-LARGEST 6.9                                        RumorMail--Mon ,6:15pm
Logo The Jesuit Elephant, in the Room                                                                                                                                     RumorMail --Mon, 6:13pm
Reader: Irish skies, lit up, by ΓÇÿextremely brightΓÇÖ fireball                                                                                                          Susoni - Mon, 6:11 pm EDT
The Announcements Begin ~ All Is a Go ~ It's Showtime (Video)                                                                                               Mr.Ed -- Mon, 5:45 p.m. EDT
Reader B, fwd: Heavenletter #4854, If You Were Not Attached, Why Would You Mourn?, March 10, 2014                                    hobie   --   Mon, 5:18 p.m. EDT
Freesale Semiconductor products, are used to secure data centers & cloud computing services, & by the US defense industry         NaturalWisdom--Mon, 4:22 EDT
Adding Real Meaning, To Talking To your Sweetie: How's About..... Sugar Powered Cell Phones?                                             Watchman --Mon, 4:12 pm EDT
THE PLANE THAT VANISHED, LOST IN SPACE - VIDEO                                                                                                      The_Fox -- Mon, 3:49 pm EDT
Mike Adams.... is an idiot                                                                                                                                                        atomMan -- Mon,3:41 pm EDT
I Bet A Poll, Would Show That 99% Of The Rest, Are Sorry, That Anyone Voted For Obozo *NM*                                              Watchman  --   Mon, 3:05 EDT
Fred On Everything: -- Down Dixie Way, Well, -- There Are Real Women...                                                                               Watchman   --  Mon, 3:01 EDT
Video: White House Official: "We Are Going To Kill The USD" - ONE Of The Charades In Ukraine, And Yet To Come, Georgia     Watchman   --  Mon, 2:42 EDT
Watch Their Other Hand, On Ukraine---The Elite Magicians Have Created This Deception, To Kill The World Economy...       Watchman   --  Mon, 2:32 EDT
USA passenger Philip Wood, & the Freescale Semiconductor Managers: Both involved, in the latest hi-tech solutions                  NaturalWisdom-Mon,2:27 EDT
The airliner, that disappeared over Miami                                                                                                                             MrFusion   --  Mon, 2:22 EDT
When Honey Crystallizes, It Just Means It Is Real, and Not Manufactured By Man.                                                         Watchman   --  Mon, 2:20 EDT
I ALSO WONDER IF THEY'VE LOOKED.... FOR ANY OTHER 'WORKING' PHONES                                                        food4thought --Mon,2:10 EDT
CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO..... OF THE 'ALTERED' FLIGHT PATH                                                                                    food4thought --Mon,2:03 EDT
Six important facts you're not being told, about lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370                                                                     RumorMail   -- Mon, 1:54 EDT
Malaysia Airlines shares tumble, as much as 18% after jet vanishes. Boeing & Freescale Semi Shares Drop, Also                       NaturalWisdom -Mon,1:53 EDT
71% of Obama voters, ΓÇÿregretΓÇÖ voting for his reelection: Poll                                                                                                 Susoni  --  Mon, 1:52 p.m. EDT
5.8-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Southern Mexico                                                                                                             Susoni    --   Mon, 1:36 pm EDT
15 DIY Uses For Borax, The Miracle Mineral - Detox Fluoride From Water, Kill Mycoplasma, Insecticide, Laundry Soap          LilliHart   --  Mon, 1:24 pm EDT
Did a UFO suddenly materialize, just before Malaysia Airlines MH370 disappeared from the radar screen? [VIDEO]                    NaturalWisdom -Mon, 1:24 EDT
atomMan's MONDAY NEWS BYTES - SPECIAL: UKRAINE                                                                                               atomMan -- Mon, 1:23 pm. EDT
Pastor James D. Manning...... Calls For Revolution NOW!! -vid                                                                                        Jordon  --   Mon, 1:21 pm. EDT
DIY Oven & Fridge, That Runs Free On Natural Resources, With n0 Power-Never Do Without Alternative Cooking & Refri    LilliHart --  Mon, 1:20 pm EDT
CT Cop, to Gun Owning Patriot John Cinque: ΓÇ£I Cannot Wait to Get the Order, to Kick Your Door InΓÇ¥                                RumorMail - Mon, 1:16 pm EDT
6.9 OFFSHORE, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA                                                                                                                   Susoni    --   Mon, 1:12 pm EDT
Reader:I was once a helo instructor, with my student flying back, from a short cross country flight.                                    Susoni    --   Mon, 1:08 pm EDT
Reader: Uzbekistan.... should be on the list                                                                                                                        Susoni   --    Mon, 1:03 pm EDT
The Many Health Benefits of .....Dark Grapes                                                                                                                    LuellaMay -- Mon, 1:01 pm EDT
Boost Your Body and Mind, with Magnesium                                                                                                                    LuellaMay -- Mon,12:48pm EDT
Re: Reader: Have any of you noticed this, with Mockingbirds? What's your mockingbird singing?                                            Dqixote127-Mon,12:24 pm EDT
THE WOMAN BEHIND CLINTON, IS NOT HILLARY- Makes Madonna look like ---- well, a virgin!!                                      RumorMail- Mon,12:06 pm EDT
Fulford Blurb: Ongoing High Stakes Negotiations, About The Future of This Planet..                                                             Jordon  --  Mon, 12:04 pm. EDT
Hitler Was a British Agent - Bill Clinton.... born in Britain                                                                                                         RumorMail -Mon,11:49 am EDT
While no one's watching, Comcast is building..... a nationwide wi-fi network                                                                             RumorMail-Mon, 11:47 am EDT
Reader: Have any of you, noticed this, with Mockingbirds? What's your mockingbird singing?                                                  Susoni   --  Mon, 11:44 am EDT
Reader: I saw some numeric symbolism, related to the missing airliner. Considering the weirdness, maybe it's a clue?                        Susoni   --  Mon, 11:42 am EDT
THE GOVERNMENT OF UKRAINE, IS READY TO EXPAND THE POWERS OF CRIMEA                                                          IZAKOVIC--Mon,11:39 am EDT
Common Herbal Tinctures, Offer Natural Hemorrhoid Relief, without Laser Surgery or Banding                                                         LilliHart -- Mon, 11:37 a.m. EDT
DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer, Using Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E, & Castile Soap                                                                             LilliHart -- Mon, 11:35 a.m. EDT
Home Remedies and Alternative Treatments, for Diabetic Foot Pain and Peripheral Neuropathy                                                            LilliHart -- Mon, 11:30 a.m. EDT
Homeopathic Remedies, Treat Eczema Relieving Pain, Itching and Inflammation                                                                                 LilliHart -- Mon, 11:28 a m. EDT
UKRAINE:... IS ABOUT IT'S NATURAL GAS RESERVES - DEUTSCHE WELLE 02-25-2013                                                         IZAKOVIC --Mon,11:20 am EDT
UFO Filmed At The Moon, For Over 1 Minute                                                                                                                        Jordon   --   Mon, 11:18 am. EDT
Today's Healthy Recipe - Green Mashed Potatoes, for Saint Patrick's Day                                                                              Dquxote1217-Mon,11:09 am EDT
This Week's Laughter, is the Best Medicine Feature: The Computer Password                                                                    Dquxote1217-Mon,11:06 am EDT
Video: Know ....How Disinformation Works....                                                                                                            Watchman -- Mon, 10:51 am EDT
Readers Comment...                                                                                                                                            Jordon   --  Mon, 10:48 a.m. EDT
CGI's CManynames: Fireball explodes over Yellowknife, Canada, PIC                                                              Susoni   --   Mon, 10:45 am. EDT
Nest Gems - Religious Meaning, as the Art of the Existential Experience                                                              SARTRE --   Mon, 10:34 am EDT
Audio Of Natures' Music: Heres How A Thin Tree Ring Slice Sounds, When Played On A Turntable...                Watchman -- Mon, 10:17 am EDT
Reader W: REPTILIANS???                                                                                                                      Dave404 -- Mon, 07:23 am. EDT
Reader H: In Jordan's post, titled "What Is Going On, With This Fake Malaysian "Missing Airliner?"              Dave404 -- Mon, 07:18 am. EDT

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - - Personal notes - -
......................... ordi cuisine............


Fix a Frozen System with the Magic SysRq Keys        September 8, 2007        Avatar for jacob        Jacob        Peddicord        76 Comment(s)
You finally got your Linux environment to crash. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace does nothing, nor do the F-keys. You know you shouldn't have installed that bad driver, but you did it anyway.
So you reach for the power button. Stop.      Mashing in the power button to reboot could cause a problem if your hard drive is still being written to, and usually causes more problems than it solves. The Linux kernel includes a secret method of restarting your PC should it ever stop doing its job.       Hold down the Alt and SysRq (Print Screen) keys.
    While holding those down, type the following in order. Nothing will appear to happen until the last letter is pressed: REISUB      Watch your computer reboot magically.
What the individual keys do in that sequence are not as important as what it does as a whole: stops all programs, unmounts all drives, and reboots. A lot safer than just cutting the power.
Here it is again: REISUB. Remember that, as it will save you a lot of time when you are configuring a system and something gets messed up. Need a mnemonic? Try Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring.
As an aside, don't try this if you just want to reboot. A normal reboot, if it can be done, should always be used instead of the REISUB keys. R-E-I-S-U-B.
Le top des astuces pour booster Windows 7              http://www.tomsguide.fr/actualite/windows7-meilleurs-trucs-astuces,40673.html
http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/n/ntldr.htm   - -  http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000465.htm - -
