from sorcha faal.....

jeudi 22 octobre 2009 01 h 00
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...from sorcha faal...
October 21, 2009
Vatican Sends “Shockwave” Around World As NASA Scientist Warns Israel “End Is Near”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
...(...) And to how close these ancient “gods” worshiped by Rome are to returning to our Earth we can glimpse from a GRU report circulating in the Kremlin which states that the United States Space Forces (NASA) have destroyed one of the last remaining “watch stations” for our Planet our most ancient of “protectors” left behind on the Moon to protect us should these “monster gods” ever return again, and which was met, these reports say, by our Sun sending out a number of “sudden impulses” directed towards our Earth.
             These reports go on to say that a NASA scientist named Stewart Nozette [photo 2nd left] became so “alarmed” at what he had seen in NASA’s “bombing” of the Moon Base he sent an “urgent” message to the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. warning them that “the end is near” and when he attempted to reach the Israelis was apprehended by US FBI Forces who promptly arrested him and rushed him into seclusion.

--- En date de : Mer, 21.10.09, Ken-Welch.Com <> a écrit :

De: Ken-Welch.Com <>
Objet: Ken on Radio again - Thursday
Date: mercredi 21 Octobre 2009, 20 h 01

Wednesday, October21, 2009
From Ken-We
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