. V. <>
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 -
Confessions of a former Swiss, who EXPOSES satanic
banking system - From the Valley of the 7 - - This
is Confessions of a Swiss Banker, and he is
exposing how satanic, the system is. He is setting
up interest free banks under the Social Credit
system, in countries all over the world. He says
that you cannot be a Christian, and be a banker. I
highly recommend, that everybody watch the video.
The guy is very intelligent!! Please circulate
this, far and wide! EDUCATE YOURSELF OR
VIDEO.... From The Valley of The 7:
Confessions of a Former Swiss Banker - Former
Swiss Banker Francois Siebenthal, discusses his
experiences at the highest levels of International
banking, while attending an annual conference with
The ... // ..
-** Posted by Popeye at 9:34 PM ....1
comment:..... AnonymousDec. 2, 2015 at
11:58 PM
** I'm not inclined to agree
with the guy above. Again, do I believe banking
is evil, well for sure I do. Yet I
don't agree that it can't be a force for
positive change, when in the hands of A.I.
versus human. That is basically
what the BRICS is, a positive force for change
and a multi polar banking system. I do not agree
that it does not have the best interests of
everyone in sight ,because it appears that it
does. The SDR will do a lot of good in the
world, we have not seen. At the
same time since the elites are doing their own
thing, with a cashless society aka no cash, I
highly doubt the SDR currencies will stay a
positive force for change. We can recognize that
right away, given the extreme lengths they are
going to, in order that all things are
cashless...obviously. But if you
can avoid those parts, I think the early days of
the SDR, will be a great thing for everyone. It
might as well be welcomed, since probably at the
great awakening/second arrival, the BRICS will
be the best one. ((
................... The ΓÇ£MichaelΓÇ¥ Journal is
published 5 times a year, with 16 pages or more,
and is published in four languages: English
(ΓÇ£MichaelΓÇ¥), French (ΓÇ£Vers DemainΓÇ¥), Polish
(ΓÇ£MichaelΓÇ¥) and Spanish (ΓÇ£San MiguelΓÇ¥).
................."Michael" Journal - P.O.
Box 86 - South Deerfield, MA 01373 - Tel.
888-858-2163 - - - Canada:1 (450)
469-2209 ΓÇô // See also: What is Social
Credit? Practical Christianity. Geoffrey Dobbs -
- A study of Social Credit by nine theologians
- Social Credit and the teachings of the
Popes. A. Pilote -
The Money Myth Exploded. Louis Even -
Social Credit puts money in its proper place.
Louis Even - About Clifford Hugh Douglas -
Social Credit, for a healthy economy. Louis Even
- The Government must create its own money. A.
Pilote - For a better
understanding of Social Credit. A. Pilote -
.... ***** *
....... South -East of Montreal....... (
rougemont= RedMount ... lots of apple trees
there) -ΓÇ£MichaelΓÇ¥ Journal, 1101 Principale St.,
Rougemont, QC, Canada J0L 1M0)-
Here are excerpts from a booklet
published in 1981, written by Geoffrey Dobbs, of
England, an early follower of the late Clifford
Hugh Douglas, who was the first to explain the
Social Credit Philosophy: Please explain in
simple terms, ΓÇ£what is Social Credit?ΓÇ¥...
Couldn't I sum up the gist of it in a single
sentence? Certainly I could ΓÇö even in two words:
practical Christianity!... But let me expand it
a little. Social Credit is a name given to a
certain movement of the human mind and spirit
(not an organisation) which stems originally
from the mind and writings of a man of great
insight and genius, the late Clifford Hugh
Douglas. Its aim is to ΓÇ£bind back to realityΓÇ¥ or
ΓÇ£express in practical termsΓÇ¥ in the current
world, especially the world of politics and
economics, those beliefs about the nature of God
and man and the Universe, which constitute the
Christian Faith, as delivered to us, from our
forefathers, and NOT as altered and perverted,
to suit current politics or economics, which
stem from a non-Christian source. .... This
article was published in the
May-June-July, 2002 issue of ΓÇ£MichaelΓÇ¥, and is
also available in the form of an 8-page leaflet
(with the articles ΓÇ£It is urgent to put an end
to the scandal of povertyΓÇ¥, by Alain Pilote,
ΓÇ£Social Credit is the application of the Social
Doctrine of the ChurchΓÇ¥, by Bishop Frankowski of
Poland, ΓÇ£and two articles of Louis Even, ΓÇ£Money,
an instrument of distributionΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£To solve the
problem of povertyΓÇ¥).
......... /// A journal
of Catholic patriots, For the
Social Credit monetary reform, Through the
education of the population, And not
through politicial parties // ...............
Major Clifford Hugh "C. H." Douglas MIMechE,
MIEE (20 January 1879 ΓÇô 29 September 1952), was
a British engineer and developer of the Social
Credit economic reform proposal..... Between
1916 and 1920, he developed his economic ideas,
publishing two books during 1920, Economic
Democracy and Credit-Power and Democracy,
followed during 1924 by Social Credit. Freeing
workers from this system by bringing purchasing
power in line with production, became the basis
of Douglas's reform ideas that became known as
Social Credit. There were two main elements to
Douglas's reform program: a National Dividend to
distribute money (debt-free credit) equally to
all citizens, over and above their earnings, to
help end the difference between purchasing power
and prices; also a price adjustment mechanism,
termed the Just Price, which would forestall any
possibility of inflation. ... At the end of
World War I, Douglas retired from engineering,
to promote his reform ideas full-time, which he
would do for the rest of his life. His ideas
inspired the Canadian social credit movement
(which obtained control of Alberta's provincial
government during 1935) .....(....)
An interview with a
former Swiss banker -François de
Siebenthal ...pic.... Here is an interview
hosted by one of our representatives from the
United States, Mr. Yves Jacques. He recently
spoke to Francois de Siebenthal, who is a former
banker from Switzerland, on the crisis in the
financial world today and what solutions he
would suggest to correct the chaos that is
YJ: Francois, you are from Switzerland, trained
as a professional banker and economist, is that
correct? FS: Yes. // YJ: And youΓÇÖve
been an economist for how many years? FS: For
more than twenty-five years.
YJ: Some textbooks and other sources mislead
people by saying that banks lend from the
depositors savings. Can you tell us what really
happens? FS: The truth is that credit makes
deposits, and not the other way around. This
means that, for example, more than 90% of the
money in circulation was created out of thin
air. We can estimate that 99.99% of the United
States dollar was created out of nothing. We
call that Fiat Money, or Ex Nihilo.(= from
nothing) The problem is that, on the whole, they
have been using the credit system to sustain the
growth of the United States, to conserve the
American economy at the cost of the poor of the
world. Recently the financiers even used the
real estate market of the United States, to
uphold the credit industry. They have created
massive amounts of credit (Ex Nihilo) as loans
for real estate, and then sold the American
mortgages to investors, such as Fanny Mae and
Freddie Mac at huge profits. They then used the
massive import of funds and savings from all
over the world, to tell the American people that
the value of the American industry is rising all
the time. But now we have reached a limit in
credibility and it (the American dollar) is
starting to downslide. It has lost 60% of its
value already, since the beginning of the Iraq
war. The entire system is a lie, and it is
causing a massive lack of confidence, and of
faith… When credit is created only to sustain
the virtual growth of the economy, there are
various ways to get out of it. One of them would
be to create a general war, with millions of
victims, or a bloody revolution, or even a
credit crunch, such as Japan experienced with
its liquidity trap and massive depopulation, or
then again, a general collapse of the economy,
such as what happened in 1929.
YJ: So, this is
their solution? FS: Yes, from my point of view
the International Bankers are planning new wars
and revolutions. I think that the best solution
would be to do as the poor people of the United
States did in 1929; establish local banks with
6,000 local currency systems. We can improve all
those local systems and coordinate them, like a
franchising chain of free and open local banks,
sharing the same values, that are open to all
people of good will. You can find such a
proposition at ....with all the
details on how to function with this local
system, as they are already doing in some poor
countries. The dollar will collapse for sure,
and you need to persuade everyone to start local
systems, improved LETS (Local exchange systems)
with dividends and compensated discounts (see
social credit on the internet).... The Patriot
Act is a method of dictatorship, and they
suddenly wanted to change all the notes, and put
RFID devices in all the currency.....
Already I have information from Japan that they
are pushing to establish euthanasia. You know
the situation is really a war, a war against the
weakest in society. They are buying a lot of
robots, to cope with this trend. The truth is
that they want a massive reduction in the
population; by the billions… Julian Simon said
in his book "The Ultimate Resource 1" that he
was paid by those people, to prove that the
earth was overpopulated,..... however he
wrote books and articles, proving exactly the
opposite. The Ultimate Resource (now The
Ultimate Resource 2) and Population Matters,
discuss trends in the United States and the
world, with respect to resources, environment,
population, and the interactions between
them. .... The last book about this type
of manipulation, is by Steve Mosher. The book is
entitled Population Control, and it does not
simply outline the problems; it proposes a
solution as well. Mosher dedicates his final
chapter, to possible ways that developed nations
can avoid the demographic disaster that now
threatens. Small tax credits and paltry child
subsidies, are not nearly enough. Young couples,
he argues, need to be sheltered from taxes
altogether. And population control programs,
need to be discontinued as soon as possible.
Mosher ends by quoting the late Julian Simon:
"Human beings are the ultimate resource." We
need everybody to find good solutions. (For more
information see .... The
members of those Clubs, hate poor people. Most
of these wealthy New World Order people, are
racists, in fact they are racists of the worst
kind. They condition people to believe that our
earth is overpopulated. And so the poor are
corralled like cattle into big cities such as
Mexico, just to control them, and prove that
they are right. But in fact, the rest of the
earth, is empty. The world is huge, and we can
feed more people. ... // On June 4, 1963,
he signed Executive Order number 111 110, that
repealed the Act and Executive Order number
10,289, calling the production of banknotes into
the hands of the state, and depriving the cartel
of private banks of a large part of their power.
After $4 billion of US dollars in small
denominations called "United States Notes" had
already been put into circulation, and while the
state was preparing to deliver even larger cuts
of Fed currency, Kennedy was assassinated on
November 22, 1963. This happened 100 years after
LincolnΓÇÖs death. He had created debt-free
"Greenback" notes for the United States as well,
and he was murdered by a sniper.....
Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House
Committee on Banking and Currency from 1920-21,
accused the Federal Reserve of deliberately
causing the Great Depression. In several
speeches made shortly after he lost the
chairmanship of the Committee, McFadden claimed
that the Federal Reserve was run by Wall Street
banks and their affiliated European banking
McFadden said: Mr. Chairman, we have in this
country one of the most corrupt institutions the
world has ever known. I refer to the Federal
Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The
Federal Reserve Board, which is a Government
board, has cheated the Government of the United
States out of enough money to pay the national
debt. The twelve credit monopolies that were
deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this
country by the bankers who came here from Europe
and repaid us for our hospitality by undermining
our American institutions… The people have a
valid claim against the Federal Reserve Board
and the Federal Reserve banks. For the text of
his entire speech, see this website:
McFadden was
killed in the same way as Kennedy and Lincoln,
and many other opponents to those who control
this system of usury.... FS: It is better to
fight this way, and create a credit club or a
local system with coupons free of interest, as
we wrote about in the "Michael Journal" with the
example of Madagascar and the Philippines, than
to take out your gun, and fight a war! ......
How to apply Social Credit locally A simple
system to exchange goods and services How
you can open a local debt-free bank with the use
of simple cards /
français/french/ by François
de Siebenthal
The following is a lecture given by Mr. François
de Siebenthal ΓÇö an economist and Consul General
of the Philippines in Switzerland ΓÇö at our
headquarters in Rougemont, Quebec, Canada, on
March 2005. Mr. de Siebenthal demonstrated to
those present how easy it is to open a local
bank, with just the use of simple cards. Mr. de
Siebenthal has gone to several countries to
explain this system, to various interested
audiences. In fact, Social Credit is no longer
only a theory, but is put into practice in these
countries, with local debt-free banks
multiplying. In an age where the use of the
microchip is becoming a real threat, this is
certainly a way in which one could exchange
goods and services , without having to bow down
to the use of this microchip. Why not read and
study what Mr. de Siebenthal has on this
subject. It could prove to be very useful in the
future! A simple bank -I will now just to
teach you how to open a local bank using Social
Credit principles. It is very easy to do and
everyone can do it.
Already in
past history, small, local banks in Switzerland
were established by farmers. The banker is a
farmer, the bank is in a farm house, the
customers are farmers, and the owners of the
bank, were and are farmers. These little banks,
put together in Switzerland, make up the third
largest Swiss bank actually in operation, with
the best ratio and the best management because
the costs are very low. Since the banks are very
small and in small houses, and because you do
not need big armoured cars and security
personal, these banks are very efficient. These
little banks can also be found in Austria and
some other countries. ..... There are fish
in the sea, you can fish. With the earth, you
can till, and the earth is very generous. You
know that the earth could feed many times the
world's population. It is not a problem of food,
but a problem of distribution. Then it is
important to remember how the earth is generous,
and that there is enough room for everybody, on
this earth. In Switzerland, as I
told you, this system of small banks, is
working. There is also another system in place:
a parallel money called ΓÇ£wirΓÇ¥, the German noun,
signifying ΓÇ£weΓÇ¥ in English. This involves a
notion of community. This money has bee in
existence since the 1933, created during the
crisis, and it is working very well. It is
parallel money. ... The first
amount written down on your card, will be an
effective implementation of Social Credit: a
social dividend, given periodically (once a
month) to every member of the community,
representing their common heritage in the wealth
of the community (progress, life in society,
natural resources). This amount is to be
determined by the community, and must cover the
basic necessities of life. And on
the last column, money in, $100 is inscribed.
The bank has given you a dividend of $100
....... Now on the second line, let us suppose
that Tom Smith wants to buy from Paul Jones, 50
kilos of apples, for a cost of $50.... Now, let
us suppose Paul Jones has a chair that needs to
be fixed. He knows that Tom Smith is a
carpenter. He goes to see him, and Tom Smith
agrees to do the job for $10...... You buy
and you sell. And you will see that you have now
in your hand, the same money-creation system
that the banks have; they do the same in
computers and ledger books in accounts in banks,
but it is without interest, that you do your
transactions. ,,, Your community will
never lack money. This system you have now
used is the same system that the banks use to
create money, but you control it! And you
control it without interest! It is very cheap.
It is efficient. You can create any amount of
money, according to the available production and
services. You can exchange any number or kind of
goods and services. And you are in control. You
own the money-creation system. ...
To be the bank manager of the local bank, is
very easy: your only task is to be in charge of
the bank ledger. There is no need for a safe,
bullet-proof windows, armoured trucks nor armed
bodyguards, to carry the money, etc. The only
thing you have to keep in your house, is the
bank ledger..... This article was
published in the June-July, 2005 issue of
ΓÇ£MichaelΓÇ¥. ...... YJ: We thank you
for this interview with us, Mr. De Siebenthal;
you are included in our prayers and our support
for you and your family. FS: You
are welcome, be assured of our prayers as well,
and all the best to you. If you need any further
information, please do not hesitate to ask me.
You may email me at:
*** ( video) ***
Gathering Discusses
Breaking Bankers' Hold on World - rss202
-By Mark Anderson - - ROUGEMONT, Quebec, Canada,
Sept. 4 ΓÇô Here at the 70th anniversary of the
Congress of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, near
Montreal, real monetary reform is being
discussed today through Monday, Sept. 7, with
representatives from Poland, Argentina,
Madagascar, AfricaΓÇÖs Ivory Coast, and other
locales telling attendees that the death grip
that private central banks have over nations,
can and must be broken. ΓÇ£CanΓÇ¥ is the operative
word, as attendees see it.
......((2009)) ///
On the weekend of November 13 (
2015) in San Francisco, creatives and innovators
armed with computers and cameras, gathered from
across the world, in one office space. They were
not employees. They were not paid to work through
their weekend. They met (many if not most for the
first time) to brainstorm and pursue ideas for the
acceleration of the idea of Universal Basic Income
in the national consciousness of the United
States. The results can be found below across the
eight separate projects, which emerged from the
hands of the sixty fully self-motivated supporters
of Universal Basic Income in the US.
If sixty people can accomplish this work in a
matter of hours, just imagine what the entire
country can accomplish, with their entire lives
freed to pursue the projects they are most
passionate about…
** Why Basic Income?
........... ////// Then SWISS NATIONAL
BANK 3.0, Positive Money 3.0, Vollgeld 3.0,
Monnaie pleine 3.0 - - Positive Money and the
Chicago Plan - by Anthony Migchels, on February
25, 2014 Positive Money is undoubtedly one of
the leading monetary reform organizations in the
world. Their analysis of our monetary problems
and proposed solutions, are basically the
Chicago Plan. But the Chicago Plan does not
address Usury. Positive Money, headed by Ben
Dyson, is based in the UK and is a spin off of
theNew Economy Foundation. ItΓÇÖs a not-for-profit
corporation and is financed by a number of
social justice foundations and grassroots
supporters. Total income last year was 135,000
pounds. They have a powerful presence on the