Listing 1 Private Sub Form_Load() Dim SampleEmployee As New Employee Dim SampleCustomer As New Customer Dim SampleProduct As New Product Set Database = _ OpenDatabase(App.Path & _ "\MyDB.MDB") ' retrieve the appropriate rows from the ' Employee Table and instantiate ' Employee objects SmallBusiness.Employees._ InstantiateFromDatabase _ Parent:=SmallBusiness, _ SampleObject:=SampleEmployee, _ Database:=Database ' set the datEmployees.RecordSet to the ' RecordSet created within the ' DataAwareCollection Set datEmployees.RecordSet = _ SmallBusiness.Employees.RecordSet SmallBusiness.Customers._ InstantiateFromDatabase _ Parent:=SmallBusiness, _ SampleObject:=SampleCustomer, _ Database:=Database Set datCustomers.RecordSet = _ SmallBusiness.Customers.RecordSet SmallBusiness.Products._ InstantiateFromDatabase _ Parent:=SmallBusiness, _ SampleObject:=SampleProduct, _ Database:=Database Set datProducts.RecordSet = _ SmallBusiness.Products.RecordSet End Sub