Caligari Pioneer Pro Bug Report Date: Bug Report #: Name: Company: Phone: E-mail address: Caligari Pioneer Pro Beta Version: System Configuration (This information should reflect your system at the time you experienced the problem [i.e. if you were using 8 bit graphics even though your card does 24 bit, enter 8 bit]): CPU (Model, type, speed): RAM (MB): Graphics Card: Colors (8/16/24 bit): Operating System: Version: Winsock vendor/version: Type of net connection: HTML Browser: Version: Other system software extensions and hardware: Bug severity (select one): [] cosmetic [] inconvenience [] incorrect behavior [] crash [] suggestion [] other: Bug occurs in what part of Caligari Crusader: [] modeling/editing [] realtime 3DR rendering [] wireframe rendering [] file import/export [] navigation [] HTML Browser link [] net navigation interface [] VRML support [] other: BRIEF description of problem: Detailed description (bug generation procedure, etc): (If possible, please attach full example to reproduce including object or scene files, textures, etc.) ---------------- do not type below this line ------------------------- [] duplicate of bug #: Date: Internal #: [] bug fixed: Date: [] bug not reproducible: Date: [] not a bug/user misunderstanding: Date: Explanation: [] md [] mp [] ps Date: