Subject: Quoting illegal characters Problem: Some characters on the MAC or other AFP Server are illegal characters in Windows 95 for a particular language. When the PC attempts to access shared items with illegal characters in the folder, computer, or zone name, it encounters illegal characters and the Win95 function called fails. For example logging in, mapping a drive, accessing a particular folder or file. Get messages indicating access denied, when you know that correct privileges are granted for the current user. Solution: In version 6.01 of PC Maclan or later, you can add registry keys that specify certain illegal characters to be QUOTED out of all Appletalk related functions. This means that if you can't simply change the name of the zone, computer, volume, folder, or file to not include these illegal characters, then you can quote the characters and they will appear on the Win95 computer as numbers instead of illegal characters. For example, ASCII character 128 is an €, which in some fonts/character sets is a Swedish A. Instead of seeing a volume named '€ll Drives' the quoted Win95 with version 6.01 or later will see '[128]ll Drives'. Note that this approach adds overhead. Every character that is quoted will be replaced by up to four extra characters. But this approach solves many of these type of problems and may be worth doing if you can't just rename the computer, volume, folder, or file. Below is the procedure for quoting illegal characters with version 6.01 or later. See the attached Quote.reg file that contains some default quoted characters. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Explorer, 1. Select quote.reg with right mouse button to bring up context menu. 2. Select Merge. 3. Select OK to close the window that says regisrty items have been merged. 4. Select Start button and Run option. 5. Type regedit.exe and select OK to open Registry Editor. 6. Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key by double clicking on its folder 7. Continue opening the following keys SOFTWARE Miramar Systems, Inc. FileClient 8. In the right pane of the window you should see 3 values two string values and a binary value. Double click on the binary value (with the icon showing 011) called QuoteChars. 9. Review the list of characters to see if any of the default characters are ones that should definitely NOT be quoted. If any of the characters should be removed, highlight the character on right side or the hex value in the middle and press delete. 10. Then position the cursor at the end of the list and type the character or hex value (ASCII) for each illegal character that is causing problems. 11. Select OK button. 12. Close Registry Editor, and restart Win95. WARNING: Miramar Systems will not be held responsible for any damages to the Windows based operating system wherein the system registry has been manually modified by users of our software. Please understand that the use of REGEDIT may effect the operation and stability of your Windows based system. Although we make every effort to give as complete and accurate information as possible, the ultimate impact on your system may involve registry keys not within the scope of our product and control. Miramar Systems recommends that you have a complete backup before you undertake any modifications to any system's operating system. This can be accomplished by making a backup of system files by using Export Registry File Option within the File Menu of Regedit or by copying the system files (system.dat and user.dat both are system, hidden, read-only) located in the Windows directory before running REGEDIT.