1 Guest 2 Logon for an AppleTalk Server 3 MyUserName 4 AppleTalk Login Error 5 The server is busy,\nno more logons can occur at this time.\n\nTry again later. 6 The password you have specified is too short. You must change your password now. 7 The specified password has expired. You must change your password now. 8 The specified password has expired. You must change your password now. 9 No AppleTalkServer was found. 10 You have attempted to logon to an obsolete server. 11 Bad user authentication method. 12 The specified user name was incorrect,\nplease try again or cancel. 13 The specified password was incorrect,\nplease try again or cancel. 14 Login did not complete,\nplease try again or cancel. 15 The AppleTalk server you have requested is shutting down. 16 You have already logged on to this server with this user name. 17 Unspecified AppleTalk error. 18 AppleTalk Network Error 19 The password you have saved for this server has expired. You must change your password now. 20 The password you have saved for this server has expired. You must change your password now. 21 The user name you have saved for this server is no longer valid. 22 The password you have saved for this server is no longer valid. 23 The password you typed and its verification did not match. Your password was not changed. Please retry or cancel. 24 The password you have specified is too short. Please retry or cancel. 25 The password you have specified is identical to your old password. The new password must be different from the old password. Please retry or cancel. 26 An unknown type of error has occurred,\n\nYour password was not changed. 27 You have insufficient privilages to change your password. Your password was not changed. Please see your system administrator 28 AppleTalk 29 Please enter your old password, new password\nand retype your new password for verification. 30 Success! 31 Cancelled 32 atpp32.dll 33 Who am I? 34 Logout 35 Login As... 36 Change Password 37 Displays the server and user name for the connection. 38 Allows logoff from the server. 39 Allows logon to the server with alternate user names and passwords. 40 Allows you to change your username and password for the server. 41 Type the username and password that you with to log into the server with. 1052 PC MACLAN AppleTalk AFP Server 1053 PC MACLAN AppleTalk Printer 1054 PC MACLAN AppleTalk Zone 1055 About PC MACLAN 1056 See who's fault all of this AppleTalk stuff is... 1057 License limit exceeded 1058 MACLAN is in demonstration mode and can only connect to one server. To change servers, first log off from the one you are connected to. To upgrade to a full version, contact Miramar Systems, Inc. at www.miramarsys.com or 1-800-8MACLAN. 1059 You cannot connect to the server because you are running MACLAN in demonstration mode - which has timed out. To upgrade to a full version of MACLAN, contact Miramar Systems, Inc. at www.miramarsys.com or 1-800-8MACLAN or 1-805-966-2432 1060 Your combined AppleTalk server and zone names exceed 34 characters. Due to limitations of Window's password services, you password could not be cached. 1061 Password not cached