2 LOGO.BMP 3 PC MACLAN 4 PC MACLAN 5 PC MACLAN 6 Starting Install of PC MACLAN 7 PC MACLAN Installer 8 PC MACLAN 9 Install PC MACLAN File Server 10 Install PC MACLAN Print Services 11 Install AppleTalk drivers 12 Copying PC MACLAN files 13 Decompressing PC MACLAN files 14 on the bottom of the box and on disk #1. 15 \MACLAN6 16 MACLAN6 17 Personal MACLAN 18 FILES.LST 19 atinstal.log 20 PC MACLAN Console 21 PC MACLAN Print Server 22 Network Identity 23 PC MACLAN Client 24 PC MACLAN Network 25 APPLETALK 26 Decompressing Print Redirector... 27 Personal MACLAN Connect v5.52 28 none 29 Decompressing Print Redirector VxD 30 none 31 none 32 none 33 Decompressing Chooser Utilities... 34 Miramar Systems' PC MACLAN 35 ResultPath 36 ProgramGroup 37 Software\Miramar Systems, Inc.\AppleTalk 38 Decompressing Chooser VxDs... 39 none 40 AppleTalk Messenger 41 Gator Pro 42 Decompressing File Server... 43 none 44 Decompressing File Server DLLs... 45 none 46 Select a folder 47 Insert the next disk 48 Sorry, you are not authorized to install this version of PC MACLAN. Please contact Miramar Systems for more information. 49 File Server 50 Decompressing Print Server... 51 none 52 *.FNT 53 none 54 none 55 none 56 Print Server 57 Decompressing Windows DLLs... 58 Decompressing AppleTalk VxDs... 59 Decompressing Network VxDs... 60 Read Me 61 Windows for Workgroups v3.1 Info 62 Decompressing ODI Files 63 none 64 This software requires DOS 5.0+ to operate.\nPlease upgrade your version of DOS. 65 This version of PC MACLAN will not run on your version of Windows.\n\nWindows95 is required. 66 Please insert disk 1. 67 Please insert disk 2. 68 Continue 69 Back 70 The Installer has detected the presence of previously installed network adapter drivers. 71 Use Previously installed adapter drivers 72 Install new adapter drivers 73 Starting Install of PC MACLAN 74 Installation Options 75 Welcome to the PC MACLAN Installer!\nThis program can install and remove PC MACLAN and all required networking software. Please choose an installation option:\n 76 Standard Installation 77 Custom Installation 78 Uninstall 79 The Installer cannot be run while virtual DOS boxes are open. Please close all open DOS boxes prior to running the Installer. 80 Open DOS Boxes 81 The Installer cannot be run while PC MACLAN is running.\nPlease stop the program before running the Installer. 82 You can remove PC MACLAN files and the AppleTalk protocol stack, or you may remove PC MACLAN only. If you have other programs which require AppleTalk, you should remove PC MACLAN only. 83 Uninstall Options 84 Remove PC MACLAN Only 85 Remove PC MACLAN and AppleTalk 86 Network Adapter 87 Select a network adapter configuration: 88 Use the default Windows Network Adapter (NDIS) 89 Add an additional Adapter (ODI) 90 Your system is configured with an incompatible AppleTalk protocol stack. You must remove the stack from your system before installing PC MACLAN. Please check the readme file for information about removing incompatible stacks. 91 Could not identify your ODI network software.\n\nPlease enter the directory of NET.CFG 92 PC MACLAN is Running 93 This installer cannot upgrade over the same PC MACLAN folder. You must specify a different path 94 Install AppleTalk Protocol Stack 95 Install Network Transport 96 Select Install Options 97 This installation requires %ld Kb of disk space on drive %s (%ld Kb are available).\n 98 System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\ATALK 99 lw%d.prn 100 Install PC MACLAN on drive %s 101 Choose another destination 102 Install PC MACLAN 103 Please specify a different destination for the PC MACLAN software: 104 Disk Space: Destination 105 ERROR!\n\nInvalid path specified. 106 Invalid Path 107 Installation Component Options 108 Select the programs you want to AutoStart whenever Windows is loaded: 109 AutoStart Print Server 110 AutoStart File Server 111 AutoStart AppleTalk Init 112 Driver Information 113 Support information regarding your selected driver has been copied to: 114 \n\nIf there are any problems with your network connection you may find this information valuable. 115 CONFIG.SYS file backed up to: 116 CONFIG.SYS could not be backed up. 117 Your current LASTDRIVE letter is: 118 \nThis letter needs to be set to M or greater.\nWould you like the Installer to do this now?\n 119 LASTDRIVE Setting? 120 Change LASTDRIVE to M 121 Don't make changes 122 Your LASTDRIVE letter has not been set.\nThis letter needs to be set to M or greater.\nWould you like the Installer to do this now?\n 123 Load Drivers On Startup? 124 Your configuration requires loading a network adapter driver during DOS startup. If you choose not to make any changes now, you will need to modify your Autoexec.bat file manually.\n 125 Make required changes now 126 Don't change 127 Couldn't create a backup of AUTOEXEC.BAT 128 AUTOEXEC.BAT backed up to: 129 Load Drivers On Startup? 130 AUTOEXEC.BAT needs to start AppleTalk drivers.\nThe Installer can add a call to ATDRIVER.BAT\nWould you like this done? 131 Add the call 132 Don't change the file 133 Failed to create target directory. 134 Could not modify C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 135 The AppleTalk protocol requires Enhanced Mode NDIS\ndrivers for Ethernet and Token-Ring networks.\n\nThe drivers must be installed for your adapter using the Network Control Panel.\n\n 136 Network Drivers 137 Windows is configured with a different network product.\nTo install PC MACLAN, the Installer must replace portions of the current network with PC MACLAN.\nThis will disable some functions of the current network.\n 138 Replace parts of the current network with PC MACLAN. 139 Keep existing network as it is. 140 Adapter Configuration 141 Current binding: 142 \nReplace with: 143 Replace existing adapter configuration 144 Keep existing configuration 145 Network Binding 146 No NDIS driver was found.\nInstall NDIS driver using Windows Network Setup then re-install PC MACLAN 147 Enter Serial Number 148 Please enter your serial number: 149 Sorry, but your serial number is not correct, please retry. 150 Cannot Find Program 151 PC MACLAN was not found in the default directory:\n 152 Deleting Program Groups 153 Deleting StartUp Items 154 Updating System Files 155 No Program Directory 156 The PC MACLAN program directory could not be found.\nThis folder may have been accidentally removed by the user or another application.\nIf this is not the case then you may have to remove installed files manually. 157 Deleting Program Directory Items 158 Deleting VxDs, .hlp, .ini files 159 Uninstall completed, exiting 160 Program Group 161 Please specify a program group in which to install PC MACLAN.\n\nIf the group does not exist, it will be created for you. 162 Destination Directory 163 You can specify a new destination directory for PC MACLAN or use the default directory 164 Could not create a backup of WIN.INI\nIt was not modified. 165 WIN.INI was backed up to 166 Installation complete 167 Installer Generated Errors 168 The PC MACLAN Installer encountered errors during the software installation.\nPC MACLAN was not fully installed.\nYou can exit now, or you can start over. 169 Start installation process over again 170 Exit to Windows 171 \n\nChanges have been logged to:\n\n 172 Installation Complete 173 All files have been successfully installed.\n\nPC MACLAN files are located on:\n 174 Install has successfully installed PC MACLAN and will now update your Network configuration to support Miramar's protocol and client. The Network Control Panel will be handled for you, but you must respond to any additional dialogs which appear. 175 Exit Installer 176 Are you sure you want to exit the Installer?\n\nThe installation is not yet complete. 177 PC MACLAN 178 The PC MACLAN installer was interrupted before the software was fully installed.\n\nYou can run the Installer again to install PC MACLAN 179 Installer Encountered Errors 180 Errors were encountered before PC MACLAN was fully removed.\nYou may have to remove files manually. 181 Restart Installer 182 Exit to Windows 183 Uninstall Complete 184 PC MACLAN and AppleTalk have 185 PC MACLAN has 186 been removed.\n\nYou can run the Installer at a later time to reinstall PC MACLAN 187 PC MACLAN 188 The Installer was interrupted before PC MACLAN was fully removed.\n\nExit Installer? 189 Restart Installer 190 Exit to Windows 191 Restore Failed 192 AUTOEXEC.BAT could not be restored...\n 193 CONFIG.SYS could not be restored...\n 194 Install drivers automatically (recommended) 195 I will manually install the network drivers 196 WIN.INI could not be restored...\n 197 From: 198 to: 199 Disk Space 200 This is a summary of PC MACLAN installation and removal efforts. 201 Could not open or create: 202 Created File: 203 Could not log, Log file not open! 204 Deleted File: 205 Could not write to: 206 Added line to file: 207 Deleted line from file: 208 Altered line in file: 209 from: 210 to: 211 Created directory: 212 Deleted directory: 213 Created program group: 214 Deleted program group: 215 Created program group item: 216 Deleted program group item: 217 Date and time: 218 Restored file: 219 Back 220 Cancel 221 Start Over 222 Exit 223 OK 224 Continue 225 Help 226 Yes 227 No 228 File Copy Error 229 Error copying file: 230 \nfrom: 231 \nto: 232 Back Up 233 Error! 234 Could not delete: 235 InstStr.dll was not loaded. 236 Windows was not found.\n\nThe Installer requires Windows 3.1+ to function. 237 Initializing Uninstall... 238 Decompressing driver... 239 Previous Installation Exists 240 A previous installation of PC MACLAN has been detected.\n\nChoose Upgrade to reinstall or Exit to leave the installer. 241 none 242 PC MACLAN Client Help 243 none 244 none 245 Install Log 246 \n\nWould you like to view the changes before exiting? 247 The program group you have selected is invalid.\nPlease select another. 248 \n\nThe preceding reference to an incompatible driver was found in file:\n\n 249 Windows 3.1 allows full access to only one network.\nIf you select Replace, some functions of the existing network will be replaced. 250 Please refer to the README.TXT file for information regarding a custom, partial installation. 251 Two previously existing networks were detected. Windows 3.11 allows full access to two networks. If you select Replace, some functions of the existing second network will be replaced. Do you want to:\n 252 Do partial install 253 Replace Second Network 254 Incompatible Driver 255 Invalid command line 256 A network adapter must be selected to install PC MACLAN.\n\nDo you want to continue the installation? 257 Can't open file '%s' 258 Error 259 Parsing Failed 260 Error opening file %s Select a new file or Cancel 261 Unsupported Adapter 262 Drivers not in the list are unsupported by Miramar Systems, Inc. and may not work with PC MACLAN.\n\nPlease view the README file to properly configure your unsupported adapter.\n\nSelect OK to continue or CANCEL for another driver. 263 Network Adapter Settings 264 Default settings will be used for the selected card. 265 Can't create directory: '%s' 266 # Configuration file for %s\n 267 These are the settings used in NET.CFG. If they are not right for your card, you need to modify it.\n 268 Interrupt (IRQ): 269 Not used 270 \nMemory Address: 271 \nI/O Port: 272 found 273 Error: need a Link Driver section for ETHERNET, TOKEN-RING or LOCALTALK 274 Reinstall the protocol stack and choose to install a non-default adapter\n 275 error: seek error occurred while creating the NET.CFG file\n 276 Warning: couldn't remove 277 Warning: couldn't rename 278 can't open! 279 can't seek! 280 Warning 281 This product requires Windows to be running in Enhanced Mode. 282 CrossPlatform User's Guide 283 UNLISTED 284 I'll do it later 285 [ OTHER ] Unlisted Network Adapter 286 UNLISTED Unlisted Network adapter 287 Unlisted 288 Previous Adapter Drivers Detected 289 Do you really want to install the demo version of PC MACLAN? 290 NetCli3.Inf could not be modified. 291 NetCli3.Inf could not be backed up. 292 NetCli3.Inf backed up to: 293 Updating NetCli3.Inf (Please Wait) 294 Net.cfg backed up to: 295 Could not modify Net.cfg 296 Could not backup Net.cfg 297 NetTrans.Inf could not be modified. 298 NetTrans.Inf could not be backed up. 299 NetTrans.Inf backed up to: 300 Updating NetTrans.Inf (Please Wait) 301 \n\nTo run PC MACLAN, the AppleTalk protocol and client must be added using the Network Control Panel.\n\n 302 The AppleTalk protocol can access LocalTalk networks using the selected ODI driver.\n\nThe ODI LocalTalk driver must be enabled using the Network Control Panel.\n\n 303 Upgrading Your Software 304 Upgrade my software 305 Driver Information 306 Paused 307 Paused...\n\nPress 'Enter' or click 'OK' to continue. 308 Please select the components you wish to install: 309 Microsoft Windows Network 310 Miramar Systems, Inc. 311 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders 312 3.11 313 StartUp 314 You must have at least 4MB available on your Windows startup disk to install PC MACLAN 315 This installation requires a minimum of %dKB of disk space on drive %s (%dKB are available) for Windows system files. Cannot continue. 316 DoPrintClient 317 DoFileClient 318 To prevent Anti-Virus protection from detecting this installation, you should disable it before running this installer. 319 This installer is for Windows 95 only. 320 Failed to reboot Windows...please reboot manually. Remember to remove the installation disks from the floppy drive and replace them after the system boots. 321 Timed-out while waiting for disk cache update...cannot continue 322 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 323 Software\Miramar Systems, Inc. 324 Software\Miramar Systems, Inc.\Install Temp 325 Serial 326 DoFileServer 327 DoPrintServer 328 DisplayName 329 UninstallString 330 AppleTalk 331 File Client 332 File Server 333 Print Client 334 Print Server 335 Please choose the correct Network Adapter for your system\n from the following dialog and press 'RETURN.'\n\nThe default value is highlighed. 336 Please choose the correct Network Protocol for your system\nfrom the following dialog and press 'RETURN.'\n\nThe default value is highlighed. 337 Please choose the correct Network Client for your system\nfrom the following dialog and press 'RETURN.'\n\nThe default value is highlighed. 338 Please choose the correct Network Server for your system\nfrom the following dialog and press 'RETURN.'\n\nThe default value is highlighed. 339 You must remove all AppleTalk components and restart your machine before uninstalling or upgrading. 340 DoAppleStack 341 DoNetwork 342 DoAdvanced 343 DoUninstall 344 DoUpgrade 345 DoFullUninstall 346 Software\Miramar Systems, Inc.\InstallParams 347 BootPath 348 PrgGrp 349 Install path 350 Cannot find "system.ini"...aborting 351 "system.ini" could not be found! 352 "system.ini" could not be modified 353 Could not backup "system.ini"...the file was not modified 354 Network 355 Node 356 Zone 357 Please do not remove the installation disk until you are prompted to restart your machine. 358 PC MACLAN Online Help 359 Miramar Systems' PC MACLAN FS 360 An AppleTalk server (file or print) is currently running. You must close them before running this application. If you have added them to the startup menu, they must be removed. 362 &Serial number (leave blank for demo version): 363 Uninstall drivers automatically (recommended) 364 I will manually uninstall the network drivers 365 The network drivers will be automatically uninstalled. Follow the prompted instructions and Windows will restart this program automatically (remember to reinsert install disk). 366 Uninstalling Network Drivers 367 Demo 368 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce 369 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 370 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices