+----------------------------------------------------------+ | * * * * VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION * * * * | +----------------------------------------------------------+ - Please read this file thoroughly before using this demo! - This is a pre-release 'TEST/DEMO'. - This product is NOT officially supported. (Read Below) - This TEST/DEMO contains UNFINISHED ELEMENTS and BUGS like: - SOUND and MUSIC may NOT work in Windows 95! - Un-tuned AI issues. - Unfinished graphics. - Read below for more information!! +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | JetFighter III | | | | Pre-Release Test/Demo | | | | LATEST INFORMATION AND UPDATES | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ If you are viewing this file with a Web Browser, be sure to save it! This contains important instructions! ------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS - INSTALLATION - WELCOME - 'TEST/DEMO' LIMITATIONS - RETAIL VERSION FEATURES - KEYBOARD COMMANDS - NOTES ON THE MISSIONS - ORDERING INFORMATION - KNOWN BUGS / UNFINISHED ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The JetFighter III Pre-Release Test/Demo is compressed and must be de-compressed before it can be run. 1. Create a directory for the JF3 Test/Demo. It should be off the ROOT of a drive: MD JF3DEMO [Enter] 2. Copy JF3TEST.EXE into the new directory you just created. This will be someting like: COPY JF3TEST.EXE C:\JF3DEMO [Enter] 3. Change into the JF3DEMO directory: CD \JF3DEMO [Enter] 4. Extract the demo by typing: JF3TEST -d [Enter] ** NOTE: the "-d" is VERY IMPORTANT! ** This process should create two subdirectories, SIMDATA and CACHE, under C:\JF3DEMO. If this did not happen, please check for available disk space (about 35 Meg) and try again. 5. Run the demo by typing: JF3DEMO [Enter] DO NOT INSTALL THIS VERSION IN A DEEPER SUBDIRECTORY! ------------------------------------------------------------ WELCOME Welcome to the JetFighter III pre-release Test/Demo! This version of JetFighter III is being distributed in order to get some last-minute customer feedback and compatibility testing. Hopefully, it will also wet your appetite for more! This version of the game is NOT SUPPORTED at all by Mission Studios or Interplay, although we do appreciate any feedback you can give us. Of course, full customer support will be available for the retail version of JetFighter III. We hope you enjoy this look at JetFighter III. In fact, we hope you enjoy it so much that you simply MUST go out and buy the retail version when it is available in November. We have been working very hard over the years to make JetFighter III fun, realistic and easy to use. Most of all, we hope it will give you the best 'feeling of flight' you have ever experienced on your computer. SEND FEEDBACK TO: AOL: misstudios COMPUSERVE: 76710,1555 INTERNET: support@missionstudios.com WWW: www.missionstudios.com ------------------------------------------------------------ TEST/DEMO LIMITATIONS This pre-release test version of JetFighter III has several limitations to cut down on the download size, and to keep from giving away too much! - CPU: Test requires a Pentium 90, release will run on a 486/66. - RAM: Test requires 16Meg of RAM, release will run in 8Meg - RESOLUTION: Test/Demo runs in olny 320x200 and 640x400. Retail Version also includes 640x350 and 640x480 resolutions. - SCREEN SIZE: Test/Demo only includes 80% and 60% screen sizes. The Retail Version also runs in full-screen. - TIME: Test version has a limited flight time. Of course, the full Retail Version is unlimited. - SCENERY: The Test/Demo has 1 5x5 degree area of the world. The Retail Version includes over 35 TIMES as much scenery area! - TEXTURES: This Test/Demo does not contain the complete set of textures (to save space). ------------------------------------------------------------ RETAIL VERSION FEATURES WHAT IS JETFIGHTER III? JetFighter has always been a careful blend of: - Ease of Use - Fun - Action - Realism - Feeling Of Flight JetFigher III takes JetFighter into the future with spectacular graphics, more action, more sound, more real- world scenery, and even better Feeling of Flight. EXCITING FEATURES - Over 90 intense combat and training missions. - Over 3.5 million square miles of real-world terrain. - Interactive, cinematic first-person interface. - Improved terrain textures with even more variety. - Multimedia military encyclopedia with over 500 photos and drawings. - Paint your own aircraft insignia! - Choose the F-22N or the F/A-18! - Customize your weapon load for each mission. - Pitching, rolling and moving carrier deck. GEAR-HEAD FEATURES - Real world contiguous and seamless navigation. We model huge areas of the world, not just little 'mission zones'. If you had enough gas (use the unlimited fuel cheat), you could fly thousands of miles and never see any repetition! - Real 'Latitude Compression'. We simulate a spherical world. Try flying to 40,000 feet and look at the horizon! This means that 1 degree of arc at the equator covers more distance than it does down south in Chile! - No 'speed compression'. In most sims, when your airspeed indicator shows 1,400 Kts, you're really only flying 200 MPH. Everything feels like 'slow motion'. Not so in JetFighter III, we don't 'fake' speed or time. You REALLY feel like you're moving FAST! - No 'altitude compression'. Again, most sims 'fake' your altitude. When the altimiter reads 40,000 feet, it still looks like you're at 10,000 feet. JetFighter III does not 'compress' altitudes. - Lots of objects on the ground. Most sims with 3-D terrain don't have many objects on the ground. JetFighter III has many thousands of objects. You can even follow power transmission towers from city to city! - Enemies use countermeasures. You will see flares and puffs of chaff popping out of enemy aircraft. ------------------------------------------------------------ KEYBOARD COMMANDS Here is a quick summary of the simulator keyboard commands: FLIGHT CONTROLS Pull up [Numpad 2] Dive [Numpad 8] Roll right [Numpad 6] Roll left [Numpad 4] Yaw right [Enter] Yaw left [Numpad Ins] Throttle [1] - [0] Fine throttle [+] / [-] Afterburnr 1-5 [+] / [-] Full AB [/] Engine off [~] Landing gear [G] Arrestor hook [A] Wheel brake [B] Airbrake [B] Waypoint [N] and [Shift][N] Altitude ladder [L] Altimeter mode [Alt][A] DISPLAY OPTIONS 320x200 [Shift][F9] 640x350 [Shift][F10] 640x400 [Shift][F11] 640x480 [Shift][F12] Screen size [Alt][5] Clouds [Alt][C] Light shading [Shift][K] Sun wash [W] HUD brightness [H] and [Shift][H] PRE-SET VIEWS Forward view [F1] Look left [F2] Look right [F3] Look behind [F4] Defensive MFD [F5] Horizontal MFD [F6] Offensive MFD [F7] Systems MFD [F8] Tactical view [F9] Missile view [F10] Fly-by-view [F11] Stationary view [F12] Tower view [num *] VIEW CONTROLS Cockpit panel [P] Map view [M] Virtual cockpit joystick btn 1 Switch ext/int [Numpad -] Center view [Numpad 5] Pan up [Numpad 3] Pan down [Numpad Del] Pan left [Numpad 7] Pan right [Numpad 9] Zoom in [>] Zoom out [<] COMBAT Targeting next [T] or [Shift][T] Target nearest [Y] Target center [U] Target Mode [:] all/foe/freind Radar range [R] or [Shift][R] Autorange [Ctrl][R] On-Screen Radar [Alt][R] Air Weapons [Enter] Ground Weapons [Backspace] Fire Weapon [Spacebar] Fire Cannon ["] EC jammer [J] Flares [F] Chaff [C] Eject [Ctrl][E] SPECIAL COMMANDS Pause [Ctrl-P] In-Flight menu [Esc] Time comprsn [Alt][T] Traversal mode [Alt][S] Head movement [Ctrl][H] ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES ON THE MISSIONS MISSION1: THE RAVINE Make an attack on a hidden enemy power generating facility. - Press [Backspace] to arm your Maverick missiles. - Press [Space] to fire at the current target. - Press [T] to select the next target. - Press [0] to speed up to 100% military thrust. - Press [Enter], [Enter] to select Sidewinder missiles. - Press [U] to target the aircraft in front of you. - Press [Space] to fire once you have the 'lock tone'. Watch for SAM launches. They may take you out right away if you're not careful. Use [F] and [C] to launch flare and chaff to spoof the SAMs. If you're having a lot of trouble, press [Esc] and use the 'Cheats' menu to turn on the Invulnerability option! MISSION2: CARRIER TRAPS Practice landing your aircraft on the pitching and rolling deck of the U.N.S. Peacekeeper. - You may want to try the keyboard instead of the joystcik. Many beginners find this easier until they get the hang of it. MISSION3: FURBALL Participate, if you dare, in a monstrous dogfight over the Gulf of Corcovado in Chile. - Try guns only for a real challenge! MISSION4: GRAND TOUR Explore the vast expanse of the Andes mountains in southern Chile. Remember, this is less than 1/30th of the amout of scenery in the Retail Version of JetFighter III! ------------------------------------------------------------ ORDERING INFORMATION Thank you for playing the JetFighter III Test/Demo! The full release version of JetFighter III will be available at your local retail stores in November. For more information about JetFighter III, including new screenshots and updates on features that will be included in the final Retail Version, visit the Mission Studios website: www.missionstudios.com If you want to reserve a copy, you can pre-order JetFighter III by calling 1-800-468-3775. ------------------------------------------------------------ KNOWN BUGS / UNFINISHED ITEMS The following items are known to exist in the Test/Demo. Of course, they will all be addressed in the retail version. - SOUNDS IN WIN95: The sounds in the simulator will not work properly on some machines when running in a Windows 95 DOS box. Shut Down and Restart in MS-DOS mode and the sounds will work fine. (The game will also run faster!) - REPEATED SOUNDS: Some voice messages may play repeatedly, one after another. - TEXTURES: The texture art and placement may be incorrect in some areas of the terrain. This is being updated. - AI: There are some unfinished AI issues with the non-player aircraft. Please let us know if you see strange behavior! - SOUND / VOICE EFFECTS: There are still many placeholders for sound and voice effects. - MUSIC: Music is currently disabled in the simulator pending a compatibility fix. (Sim-heads: you were probably just going to turn it off anyway!) - MISSION RESULTS: There are some errors in the mission result information reported back to the demo menu. ------------------------------------------------------------ END OF FILE