Crypto! (TM) 2.0 Copyright 1994, 1995 KMR Consulting All rights reserved. Internet: CompuServe: 74034,1441 SHAREWARE VERSION C: COMMERCIAL VERSION REGISTERING Crypto! ------------------- Crypto! is copyrighted software. It is not in the public domain, nor is it distributed for free. The author retains all rights to this software. Crypto! is distributed as Shareware so you can try it out without risk to see if you like it. Play it for a month. If you don't like it, simply delete it and owe nothing. If you continue to use Crypto! after the trial period, you must register your copy. To do this, fill out the form in the file REGISTER.TXT, and send it with your check or money order to: KMR Consulting 3090 Griffin Rd Churchville, NY USA 14428-9512 If you prefer, you may also register via CompuServe. This takes an extra day or two, but it is particularly convenient for users outside of the US because CompuServe takes care of all the currency conversions. Type GO SWREG and enter registration id #2317. The registered version of Crypto! includes over 10,000 quotes and phrases, for years of cryptographic fun! It also includes the utility program cryptocm.exe which allows you to compress quote files that you have created. Registered users of Crypto! are entitled to one year of free technical support, and will automatically receive and be registered for the next major revision of the program free of charge. Anyone is welcome to call, write or e-mail for information on the latest revision, to report bugs, and to make suggestions or other comments about Crypto!. I am particularly interested in your ideas for making Crypto! more fun. The shareware version of Crypto! may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is distributed intact and without any modification. CR:LICENSE TO USE Crypto! CR:---------------------- CR: This program is licensed to the purchaser; it may not be copied or CR:redistributed without written permission from the author. Permission to CR:copy this program ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF BACKUP is granted under this CR:license. CR: CR: When you buy a book, you get one book, and only one person can read CR:it at a time. This license gives you the right to use this program in CR:exactly the same fashion as a book: you may have one copy of it, you may CR:move it from one computer to another, and you may let other people use it. CR:Except for backup purposes, though, you may not make copies of it: your CR:copy of the program may be installed on at most one computer at a time. CR: C: You are entitled to one year of free technical support. If you have C:any problems using Crypto!, contact us at the address shown below and we C:will help you out. If we cannot resolve the problem, or if you are not C:satisfied with Crypto!, fill out and sign the form below, and return it C:and the program diskette to us and we will refund your money. We hope you C:like Crypto!, but if you choose to return it, we want to know what the C:problem was so we might fix it for future customers. CR: CR: KMR Consulting Or try me at home: (716) 293-3241 CR: 3090 Griffin Road Weekdays: 7 pm - 9 pm EDT CR: Churchville, NY 14428-9512 Weekends: 9 am - 5 pm EDT CR: (716) 293-3278 [24 hrs/day] CR: Internet: Compuserve: 74034,1441 DISCLAIMER ---------- Crypto! is supplied as is. The author disclaims any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchant- ability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liabilities for any damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Crypto!. (For heaven's sake, it's only a game!) INSTALLING Crypto! ------------------ Installation is easy. First, you must unpack the archive file containing the distribution (if you're reading this, you have done that already). You should have the following files: crypto.exe executable Windows program crypto.cqt quote/phrase file crypto.cqi quote/phrase index file crypto.txt the file you are reading now register.txt registration form bwcc.dll Borland C++ support routines Copy the files "crypto.exe", "crypto.cqt" and "crypto.cqi" to any directory you wish; they must reside in the same directory. Bwcc.dll may be put in this same directory or the windows\system directory. To start Crypto!, open the File Manager, display the directory containing "crypto.exe". Now double-click your mouse on "crypto.exe", or use File|Run and enter the command "crypto". Should you decide to register Crypto!, you may wish to add it to one of the groups in the Program Manager. Here is how that is done: 1) Open the group to which you have chosen to add Crypto!. 2) Select File|New from the Program Manager. 3) Verify that the box which appears says "New Program Item", and click OK. 4) Enter the following values: Description: Crypto! Command Line: crypto.exe Working Directory: (the directory where you put crypto.exe and crypto.qot) 5) Click the OK button. Now Crypto! can be started merely by double-clicking its icon in the group to which you added it. CR:To install Crypto!, select File|Run from either the Program Manager or the CR:File Manager, and enter "a:\install" (or b:\install if your floppy drive CR:is drive b). Then follow the instructions shown on the screen. You will CR:be asked to select the directory in which Crypto! will be installed, and CR:program items will automatically be added to the Program Manager if you CR:wish. CR: CR:Now Crypto! can be started merely by double-clicking its icon. The other CR:icons access additional puzzle files. The first of these, entitled "Other CR:quotes", contains quotes, sayings, and phrases from all categories and CR:subjects. The next, entitled "Murphy's Laws", contains over 500 humorous CR:but often cunningly accurate "laws" in addition to Murphy's famous ones. CR:The last, "Star Trek", contains quotes from the original television series. CR:To solve quotes from one of the other libraries, simply double-click on the CR:appropriate icon. CR: CR:After installation, you may put the file bwcc.dll in your windows\system CR:directory if you wish; if you have more than one program using this file, CR:they can all share one copy in this manner. If you already have a CR:bwcc.dll in your windows\system directory, compare the dates and sizes of CR:the two files to be sure you are not copying an earlier version of the dll CR:over a more recent version. The installation procedure does not put CR:bwcc.dll in windows\system directly because that would run the risk of CR:destroying your possibly more recent bwcc.dll file without your knowledge. CR:QUOTE FILES CR:----------- C:The commercial version of Crypto! comes with four files of quotes and phrases. CR:These were obtained from public domain sources, and are redistributed as CR:public domain files (though the compression applied to them makes them of CR:little use to other programs). Thank you for trying out Crypto!, and I hope you enjoy it. Remember to register the program if you wish to use it past the trial period! K. Reek, 2/19/95 C: C: C: C:------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C: REQUEST FOR REFUND C: C:To obtain a refund, please answer these questions, then return this form and C:the program diskette to us at the address shown above. C: C:Name__________________________________________________________________________ C: C:Address_______________________________________________________________________ C: C:City________________________________________ State____________ Zip____________ C: C:Phone number (_____)______________ C: C:IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A REFUND, YOU MUST DESTROY ANY AND ALL COPIES YOU HAVE OF C:THIS PROGRAM AND ITS DATA FILES, WHETHER STORED ON HARD DISK, FLOPPY DISK, C:TAPE, OR ANY OTHER MEDIUM, EVEN IF THEY ARE ONLY BACKUP COPIES. POSESSION C:AND/OR USE OF THE PROGRAM AFTER REQUESTING A REFUND IS A VIOLATION OF UNITED C:STATES COPYRIGHT AND OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS. C: C:I CERTIFY WITH MY SIGNATURE THAT I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THIS REQUIREMENT. C: C:Signature_________________________________________ Date_______________________ C: C:Reason for returning Crypto!: C: C:[ ] Did not work on my machine. Before returning Crypto!, give us a call or C: send us e-mail; we'd like to help you out. If we were unable to solve C: the problem, please answer these questions so that we might help other C: customers. C: C: What type of system do you have?______________________ CPU type?________ C: C: What version of DOS and Windows do you use?_____________________________ C: C: What size is your hard disk?_____________ C: C: How much free space did it have before you installed Crypto!?___________ C: C: Please list the devices (e.g. tape backup, network, modem, etc.) that C: are installed in your system: C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C:[ ] I didn't like it. Before returning Crypto!, give us a call or send us C: e-mail; we might be able to help you get past a problem so that you can C: enjoy the game. Many users have suggested modifications to the game; C: we'd love to hear your ideas for improving Crypto!, and add your name to C: the revision list in the Help file. But if you still wish to return C: Crypto!, please describe the problem or the shortcoming of the program C: so we can improve it for future customers. C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C:[ ] Other. You are entitled to one year of free technical support, and we're C: happy to help you solve any problems you might encounter with Crypto!. C: But if you still wish to return it, please explain the reason why so C: that we can correct any problems that might affect future customers. C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________ C: C: ________________________________________________________________________