iSBiSTER Annouces InfoTree -------------------------- Freeform information storage and retrieval solutions are easily implemented using the robust feature set of InfoTree. Take those pages and pages of notes and organize them for fast searching, retrieval, display and printing! Features and Benefits include: *Built-in text editor for the creation and maintenance of your information. ... SPecify fonts (names, sizes, styles an colors), paragraph alignment, etc. *Multilevel structured (Tree) view of your information. ... Organize by subject within folder ... within folder. *Unlimited, user-defined keywords/keyphrases for indexing your information. ... Tag your information anyway you desire. *Comprehensive search facilities to help you find and retrieve your information. ... Text searches, keyword/keyphrase searches and structured browsing. *Multiple databases on a single system or across your LAN. ... Oepn and/or create any number of information databases. *Shared, concurrent access to your information databases by LAN users. ... Implement multiuser knowledge base applications. **************************************************************************** Below is the version history for InfoTree. **************************************************************************** Welcome to InfoTree v2.3 Released March 1995 ---------------------------------------------- We have added the following features to version 2.3 ... Implemented all of the full search screen functions on the main screen, thus reducing InfoTree to a single screen program. Added TOOLS MENU allowing you to launch your favorite applications from InfoTree. Implemented [CTRL] B, I, U, S to toggle Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethru character styles. Implemented a complete button-bar for full editor mode thus allowing quick access to the editor funtions previously accessable only from the Editor Menu. Implemented transparant locking/sharing of the database so that multiple users can have MODIFY access, thus providing for current changes to the Tree structure (i.e., adding Folders/Notes, moving Folders/Notes and deleting Folders/Notes). Implemented combination Text search and Key searches, thus allowing you to get a list of all records that meet both a text search and a key value search combined. The key value search is performed first and then the results of the text search are merged with the key value search results. Implemented cross-reference (hypertext) searches. This allows you to browse the tree structure looking at notes and then highlight text of interest and quickly search the entire database for other occurences of this text. Afterward you return to your tree browse right where you left off. Implemented Directed Moves ... Allows you to move an item (Folder/Note) to a specific place on the tree ... users can now choose to use directed moves instead of sorting their tree structure by title... in this mode, items are added at the bottom of folders as in the default tree configuration; however, moves are based on the direction of the user, (i.e., items can be inserted after any Folder/Note already on the tree). Directed Moves and Sorted are mutually exclusive. InfoTree nows provides insight into the relationship between your current database and your tree structure. When you click on the database title at the top of the tree, InfoTree displays the database title and then displays one or more suffix strings as follows: Displays database title with the suffix - [...Directed Moves] Displays database title with the suffix - [...Sorted] Displays database title with the suffix - [...Exclusive/Modify/Update/Read Only] This lets you know your access mode and control of the database-Tree structure. You can now perform a 'Locate Text' search within a selected portion of the Tree. If you have selected a Folder or Note on the Tree before you click on the Locate Text button, InfoTree will restrict the search to only that portion of the Tree. There is a check box in the search criteria screen that is turned on automatically in this case. You can turn it off if you wish and perform the text search on the entire tree. InfoTree now provides additional help in maintaining the Sorted nature of your Tree. If you change the title of a Folder and/or Note and the database-Tree structure is being sorted by title, InfoTree will prompt you to allow movement of the item to effect the sort change. InfoTree now provides additional flexibility for database backups. You can store the backup location for future use. When you start a backup, InfoTree suggest this last used location (if found) and waits for your OK. You can also ask InfoTree to suggest another location based on knowledge of the database being backed up. In this case InfoTree suggests a subdirectory named BACKUP below the directory containing the current database. You can also override these suggestions by typing in a location of by using the browse capability. InfoTree now also supports backup across multiple diskettes. This allows you to backup an InfoTree database that takes more space than is available on the diskette you start the backup with. The only limitation to this is that no one single file can be spread across multiple diskettes. Thus if any one of your database files exceeds a single diskette you will have to use a different backup utility. ****************************************************************************** Welcome to InfoTree v2.2 Released November 1994 ------------------------------------------------- We have added the following features to version 2.2 ... . Folder/Note titles no longer have to be unique ... the key to the information data base is now a unique InfoTree generated number. . InfoTree will automatically convert your present databases to the v2.2 format ... this is not reversible! . Detail Screen (previously used to add Folders/Notes) has been eliminated. Its functionality is now available in the main screen (Tree view) . QuickView is now called the Editor and provides the full editing capabilities previously found in the Detail Screen. . The Editor now provides tabs for frequently used functions ... Clear, Time Stamp, Fonts, Paragraphs, Copy and Paste . Editor can be configured for a DEFAULT font ... name, size, style, color, etc. . Editor provides for full font control within one dialog box instead of requiring multiple actions to select font name, size, color, underline, etc. . Editor prompts you to save your changes if you forget to Click [Save Edits] button. . The creation/maintenance and use of associated documents is now available from the Tree View screen and from the Full Search screen. . The creation and maintenance of keys is now available from the Tree View screen and from the Full Search screen. . Delete a folder that is not empty (including all of its contents). . Move folders when they are not empty. . Right mouse/Left Mouse implementation of moving folders/notes. . Tree structures can be SORTED by folder/note title (user database). . Export/Import Folders/Notes between InfoTree databases. . Backup/Restore now suggest a DOS subdirectory [Backup] under the currently open InfoTree database ... if the DOS subdirectory does not exist .... [Backup] automatically creates it. . The Close button has been removed from the main screen. . Additional printing features . Print title (or optionally no title) with font from Tree structure ... . Print total content of folder . Print selected text from within editor . Print multiple titles selected in the full search screen . Printer Options and Page Layout now provides for multiple copies. . A user specified Time Stamp Suffix is now available. *************************************************************************** Welcome to InfoTree v2.1 Released July 1994 ----------------------------------------------- We have added the following features to version 2.1 ... * Configurable main screen and 'Structured View'. ... Change the size and/or location of InfoTree's main screen so that you can best utilize your monitor's image space. This is easily done by draging the screen boundaries and Titel Bar. ... Specify your own desired font characteristics and background color for the 'Structured View' on the main screen. This is accessed from the Edit Menu on the Menu Bar of the main screen. InfoTree remembers your screen configuration and restores it each time you start the program. * Quick View of your Folders and/or Notes. ... Review the contents of your folders/notes without going into the 'Detail Screen'. From the 'Structured View' and/or the results list of your database search, you select the item to be viewed. The structured view and search results screens now contain a 'Quick View' window. You can view and/or perform simple edits on the text. You may SAVE your edits on the database. * Print contents of Folders and/or Notes from the structured view and/or search results screen. ... The simple click of a button gets you the hardcopy you need. * Use of Index Tabs to switch to other InfoTree databases. ... The simple click on a tab switches you to one of your existing InfoTree databases. The tabs are labeled for you automatically based on the list of databases you maintain using the File New and File Open capabilities. * Performance enhancements. ... Version 2.1 uses a faster text processor and should retrieve and update your notes records much faster. You will however notice the normal response time as version 2.1 converts your current records, one by one, to the new format. Once a record is converted, you should notice the speed enhancement. ... Version 2.1 provides a more flexible vehicle for maintaining the synchronization of your Structured View and your Notes Database. You can now specify the freguency of this synchronization and thus tailor InfoTree to best suit your operational needs. See the Synchroniztion option under the File menu. ********************************************************************** Welcome to InfoTree v2.0 Released April 1994 -----------------------------------------------