The following list contains update information since version v2.1 of BusinessCards. v2.11 fixed sort bug, which sometimes incorrectly handled card attachments. v2.12: allow to run multiple instances of the program. v2.13: added new File/Merge command to merge two or more BusinessCards files together. v2.14: added "last name" sort option in Options/Preferences/General to change default sort sequence. v2.15: expanded number of configurable toolbar buttons for displays with larger screen resolution. v2.16: added error handling when program can't save its settings (BCARDS.INI file on CDROM or write-protected diskette). v2.17: about box now displays version number in separate field; each instance of the program uses different screen location. v2.18: fixed a bug, which caused general protection fault in contents view with cards greater than 512 bytes. v2.20: NEW RELEASE v2.21: fixed minor incompatibility with Adobe Type Manager (ATM). v2.22: some internal changes and improvements (the program became more compact and a little bit faster). v2.23: added 3 new keystrokes: Ctrl/X for Cut, Ctrl/C for Copy and Ctrl/V for Paste. v2.24: fixed a rare bug when you can't exit from Windows without closing BusinessCards first. v2.25: always check file extension before saving the file. If there is no extension provided, add default .BCR extesnion. v2.26: fixed a bug, which crashed the program when one attempted to append/insert a new card after issuing File/New command with initial number of cards equal 0. v2.27: added "Confirm card deletion" option in Preferences/General. v3.00: NEW RELEASE - FINALLY! MOST WANTED FEATURE, REQUESTED BY LOT OF USERS: BusinessDialer and an ability to dial phone numbers.