Windows Sockets Net Watch - Alpha version 21 - 95.05.28 Copyright (C) 1995 John A. Junod. All rights reserved. PLEASE LOOK AT THE UPDATE NOTES AT THE END OF THIS FILE!! PLEASE LOOK AT THE ON LINE HELP FILE! Please also read the additional information in WSWATCH1.TXT written by Colin Seymour (THANKS!). This program in its current version may be freely distributed and may be freely used. This may or may not be true of all future versions. The ONLY restriction is that this version may NOT be SOLD. You can include it on distribution diskettes and cd-rom's provided such is not for the sole purpose of distributing this program. Documentation accompaning such distribution must contain this notice and the statement that WS_WATCH is copyright 1995 John A. Junod. (refer to on-line help) This is strictly an expermental program. Further development is dependant on feedback that I receive and my free time (very minimal at the moment!). This program requires Windows NT or Win32s and a working Windows Sockets DLL. (it works best on Windows NT or Windows 95) The purpose of this program is to make active checks on hosts that are listed in its database file. This program is designed to work on any Winsock DLL in Windows 3.x, however it works much better on one that supports raw sockets (such as Ipswitch's Acadia, FTP PC/TCP, Novell LWP, Trumpet Winsock, Netmanage, etc..). It DOES work on Microsoft's TCP/IP stack for Windows for Workgroups however it uses a completely different method for determining if a host is up or not. (This MAY not work with your Microsoft TCP/IP-32 under your Win32s.) This program reads .DB files created by my EGA Netwatch program (which requires FTP's PC/TCP to work). There is some editing capability built into this program. Session settings are saved in the WS_WATCH.INI file in your WINDOWS or WINNT directory. It is safe to delete this file anytime you want to set things back to default. This program has been tested on: Windows NT 3.5 - Microsoft TCP/IP Windows 95 - Microsoft TCP/IP Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - Ipswitch Acadia 1.0 - Win32s 1.2 Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - SuperTCP - Win32s 1.2 Windows for Workgroups 3.11 - Trumpet 2.0b - Win32s 1.2 Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups Users Before you begin, ensure you are using Win32s. You have a 16-bit operating system and you must have the Win32s software . This software will allow you to run 32-bit applications in Windows 3.1, 3.11 or WfW 3.1, 3.11. Win32s software is available from or from NCSA's ftp site,, in the /Mosaic/Windows directory. (Best thing to do is get Mosaic and install it following their instructions. If Mosaic works, WS_Watch will work. Mosaic is still the best Web browser for Government use.) Windows NT users and Win95 beta-testers Windows NT and Win95 are true a 32-bit operating systems and support is built-in. You will NOT be able to use WS_Watch under this environment if you are NOT using 32 bit network software. If you are trying to run Trumpet for Slip or PPP support, it will not work. Use the built in Slip or PPP in the operating system instead. Hints and Known problems: DON'T EXIT THIS PROGRAM WHILE A CHECK IS IN PROGRESS! If you do, you may have to reboot the system to rerun the program or to remove file concurrency errors on the EXE. Appears to be a bug when running on Win32s on the Microsoft TCP/IP stack. Works on some systems and not on others. Program seems to time-out on all remaining hosts after the first host fails. This MAY be a problem in my timer routines so I'm looking at that. You MAY have to move other lines out of the way before you can reference the line you want. When deleting a line, you need to try to click on an end of the line where no other lines meet it. Traceroute is not working correctly on PC/TCP Onnet 1.2 (no stack to test) Traceroute is not working correctly on SuperTCP (no way to change TTL) 94.10.24 First public alpha release 94.10.25 Hopefully a fix for WFWG 3.11, Win32s 1.15s, MS TCP/IP Hosts are assumed down unless they answer a check. 94.10.26 Fixed yellow color Added background option (grey or desktop) Added show timer option (in title) Increased max time between checks to 60000 seconds 94.10.28 Added ability to edit lines. I'm not trying to write a CAD program here, so please don't blast me on how its done. However, if you have an idea on how it can be done better let me know. (Algoritims are the best help!) Adding, deleting and moving lines is done with the right mouse button. Added simple help to the editor. Changed some defaults. 94.11.04 No longer hits telnet port on check. Accepts command line variable of database name. Default database name can be changed by adding a FILE= parameter to the options section of the INI file. 94.12.06 Fix for long ip addresses Editor changes, may not be better but I'm working on it. 94.12.12 Check out the menu available by RIGHT clicking on a host or the screen. The NETBEUI option is NOT complete, nor is the New->Line menu item. The EDIT mode will eventually disappear. Not all menu items work yet.... Added LOOKUP, FINGER and WHOIS tools. 95.01.14 Added Microsoft ICMP support. If you are running on Windows NT or Windows 95 with Microsoft TCP/IP, turn the "Raw Socket" off and turn "Microsoft ICMP" on. I NEED FEEDBACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IF THIS WORKS ON YOUR CONFIGURATION! This thing is supposed to work correctly regardless of settings but these options allow you to modify the automatic workings of guts. If WS_WATCH uses MS_ICMP, you will have a RTT (round trip time) in the popup window when you hold the left mouse button down on a host. Hosts turn red immediately for all errors except Time-Out. 95.01.15 Modified Microsoft ICMP support where it inaccurately depicted a host's status. Fixed blanking of hosts 95.01.16 Added Traceroute support IF you are using the Microsoft TCP/IP 32 stack. Only tested on Windows NT and Windows 95. Added Ping Tool support IF you are using the Microsoft TCP/IP 32 stack. Only tested on Windows NT and Windows 95. Added a "Fixed font in tools" option Wider CHK button Line below menu 95.02.11 Added support for raw sockets ping and traceroute tools Raw socket Traceroute only works correctly on Trumpet Better checks for stack (still not perfect!) This release is premature but was necessary due to improved SuperTCP support for MIL sites. Support names up to 26 chars long instead of ip addresses (This may cause extended delays if a host can't be resolved, thus the addition of the Abt (abort) button) Added Abt Button (aborts current net operation if one is happening) Added HELP file! Resizable windows in most tools. 95.02.19 Plugged resource leak when minimized. Added object icons and related options. Added color dialog so you can change colors for some items. Note that some items MUST be solid colors. If you use a non-solid color, the nearest solid color is used. Added the ability to move hosts and lines from the main window by holding the SHIFT key down and using the LEFT or RIGHT mouse buttons to drag an item to a new location Added an option of "Disable Auto Check" so WS_Watch will only update the display when you press the CHK button Expanded "hot" zone for detecting mouse clicks on an item Updated HELP File Enabled sound option. This plays the DOWN.WAV file when an item has missed 4 consecutive checks. It continues to play it until you press the Qui button or press the space_bar or ESC or q keys. You can replace the file with whatever you want. Anyone got a siren? If a host does go down, the UP.WAV file is played when all down items become good again. Included WSWATCH1.TXT, additional information written by Colin Seymour 95.02.20 Expanded connect field special characters Updated help file, includes definition of what can be in the connect field in a host definition. Double click of item executes connect program instead of displaying information about the item. DATABASE FORMAT CHANGE!!! Can read old databases but old programs cannot read new format of database. No longer compatible with old NETWATCH.EXE. Default database name is now ws_watch.db. Doubled x density in grid. Line endpoints shifted to center of grid square. 95.03.05 Double click on an item defined as NET attempts to load a file with the name of the item. Thus if an item is named ANS, it will look for a file named ANS.DB. If that isn't found, NET is tacked on the name and tried again, as in ANSNET.DB. Correction for line erase. Changed default options. Auto check is now off by default, icons are on, and size is 640 x 400. [LOAD] no longer needs % at end of name. [HOME] causes a reload of the default database Host database max bumped to 200. Lines reduced to 100. SAMPLE.ZIP included as a sample configuration. Refer to readme.txt. 95.03.11 Fixed mouse select routine under Win32s (GetTextExtentPoint32 is broke!) Database filename is in title. Fixed Abt (abort) button. Fixed multitasking during check. STILL DON'T EXIT DURING A CHECK! 95.05.09 Fixed Ping crash when using ICMP.DLL Fixed Ping statistics 95.05.15 Subwindow for display 95.05.16 Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 test version with Toolbar and Statusbar. 95.05.21 Added popup menu, line add and delete 95.05.28 Added logging support, unique INI files per map, multiple sound levels per host, fixed sound problem Creates an mapname.INI and mapname.LOG file in the directory where mapname.DB is loaded from. This contains unique settings per map (when you save options with NET button) "Edit Popup" is not yet implemented The latest version of this program is PROBABLY on in /pub/msdos. I also update (/pub/pc/win3/winsock) and the CIS:WINCON Winsock Apps area on Compuserve. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- John A. Junod 267 Hillwood Street Martinez GA 30907 <> (706)-860-2671/5308