EuroGeo teaches the user about european countries, their capitals, and their flags. It is intended to be a simple, easy to use program. To Install: Unzip EUGEO20.ZIP into either a temporary directory or onto a floppy disk. On the disk / directory in which it was unzipped, run SETUP.EXE. Make sure no other Visual Basic applications are running during installation, since EuroGeo was written in Visual Basic, and will need access to the VB shared files. SETUP will tell you if you are running any VB applications. EuroGeo is released as Shareware, and is freely distributable as long as no charge is made aside from the customary charge to cover duplication / distribution expenses. EuroGeo was written by John C. von Rosen, who can be reached at "" or at : Advantage Educational Software 10785 Courtland Drive, NE Rockford, MI 49341 USA Our home page on the Internet is at