Here it is... the almighty VPD 5.o READ THIS IMPORTANT - If your not on a CL and you attemp to use this after its installed, it will give you the classic "without host access you cant view this" error. To fix this, I had the vpd.tol modified and added to this .zip for you guys. All you need to do is replace this with the vpd.tol thats in your C:\America Online 5.o\tool. When you do this make sure AOL is not running, you will get an error and it wont let you do it cause its a shared file. Okay, thats all you'll need to know. You can download some other .amps from my dir also that are in there. THe old amps that we thought didnt work ACTUALLY DO (some). Im talking about the form not avaliable ones on rainman4.o - they work on this one- so upload to your DIRs all you got. Mike The Creater, KeY aka MiX