NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: This is an Older Version of NWIPXSPX.DLL DOCUMENT ID: TID000441 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: WN2DLL.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for DOS/Windows ABSTRACT: The NWIPXSPX.DLL file is an older version of NWIPXSPX.DLL that addresses issues of applications hanging in standard or real mode of Windows. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: WN2DLL.EXE Files Included Size Date Time WN2DLL.TXT (This File) NWIPXSPX.DLL 14386 4-10-91 1:11p README FILE FOR WN2DLL.EXE NWIPXSPX.DLL is an older version of NWIPXSPX.DLL which addresses issues of applications hanging in standard or real mode of Windows. To install this version of NWIPXSPX.DLL 1) Rename your existing NWIPXSPX.DLL to NWIPXSPX.OLD and manually copy this version of NWIPXSPX.DLL to the directory where the NWIPXSPX.OLD exists. (NWIPXSPX.DLL is usually found in your WINDOWS subdirectory on your local hard disk or in the WINDOWS shared directory if your are running WINDOWS from a network drive.) ÿ