NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Client Kit for Dos & MS Windows 1.20a README FOR: VLMKT2.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare Client for DOS/MS Windows 1.2 ABSTRACT: This is the complete NetWare Client Kit 1.20 for DOS\MS Windows with the VLMUP3.EXE (VLMS 1.20a) patches applied to it. If you already have VLMUP3.EXE and the Client kit 1.20 you do not need to download these files. The following files must be downloaded in order to have a complete product: VLMKT1.EXE, VLMKT2.EXE, VLMKT3.EXE, VLMKT4.EXE, VLMKT5.EXE, and VLMKT6.EXE. If you want the Client Kit you only need to download VLMKT[1-5].EXE. If you want the TCPIP that shipped with the Client Kit you need to download VLMKT6.EXE ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE: This is the complete NetWare Client Kit 1.20 for DOS\MS Windows with the VLMUP3.EXE (VLMS 1.20a) patches applied to it. If you already have VLMUP3.EXE and the Client kit 1.20 you do not need to download these files. The following files must be downloaded in order to have a complete product: VLMKT1.EXE, VLMKT2.EXE, VLMKT3.EXE, VLMKT4.EXE, VLMKT5.EXE, and VLMKT6.EXE. If you want the Client Kit you only need to download VLMKT[1-5].EXE. If you want the TCPIP that shipped with the Client Kit you need to download VLMKT6.EXE Self-Extracting File Name: vlmkt2.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ VLMKT2.TXT (This file) AUTO.VL_ 3096 6-16-95 12:40:44 pm BIND.VL_ 3416 6-16-95 12:40:28 pm CONN.VL_ 3359 6-16-95 12:40:04 pm DOSNP.EX_ 7936 9-1-94 10:49:16 am FIO.VL_ 8148 6-16-95 12:41:00 pm GENERAL.VL_ 3876 6-16-95 12:41:10 pm HRMIB.EX_ 16519 12-2-93 3:19:34 pm HRMIB.IN_ 319 11-22-93 5:51:26 pm IPXNCP.VL_ 6865 6-16-95 12:40:06 pm IPXODI.CO_ 22279 10-31-94 4:35:20 pm LICENSE.TXT 3854 7-6-95 8:42:56 am LSL.CO_ 11769 4-17-95 10:30:44 am MIB2IF.VL_ 6144 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm MIB2PROT.VL_ 8829 8-2-94 11:42:52 am NDS.VL_ 3860 6-16-95 12:40:20 pm NESL.CO_ 5878 8-10-94 1:43:50 pm NETBIOS.EX_ 13555 8-15-94 5:06:22 pm NETCFG.TXT 14897 12-13-94 12:40:56 pm NETX.VL_ 11534 6-16-95 12:41:00 pm NMR.MS_ 407 6-5-95 1:19:28 pm NMR.VL_ 6542 6-16-95 12:40:32 pm NWP.VL_ 4225 6-16-95 12:40:30 pm NWUNPACK.EXE 38818 6-15-94 8:34:42 am ODINSUP.CO_ 7351 4-6-95 10:29:48 am ODINSUP.DOC 44764 10-4-94 2:24:34 pm PACKET.SIG 3720 1-20-94 10:31:10 am PNW.VL_ 6669 6-16-95 12:40:54 pm PRINT.VL_ 5212 6-16-95 12:40:56 pm REDIR.VL_ 11051 6-16-95 12:40:58 pm ROUTE.CO_ 4014 2-23-95 12:50:14 pm RSA.VL_ 7290 6-16-95 12:41:32 pm RXMONSTK.CO_ 6696 4-6-95 10:35:38 am SECURITY.VL_ 2804 6-16-95 12:40:38 pm STPIPX.CO_ 6572 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm STPUDP.CO_ 6947 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm TRAN.VL_ 1109 6-16-95 12:40:12 pm TSASMS.CO_ 8757 10-6-94 7:52:48 pm VLM.EX_ 16302 6-16-95 12:39:26 pm VLMKT2.TXT 3193 7-24-95 9:49:46 am WSASN1.VL_ 9398 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm WSDOS_2 19896 12-21-94 8:51:06 pm WSDRVPRN.MI_ 1147 5-13-94 1:20:00 pm WSDRVPRN.VL_ 5116 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm WSREG.VL_ 7796 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm WSSNMP.VL_ 11031 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm WSTRAP.VL_ 7876 8-30-94 1:20:00 pm ..\NLS\ ..\NLS\DEUTSCH\ DOSRQSTR.MS_ 4117 10-28-94 7:47:26 am IPXODI.MS_ 2067 10-28-94 7:53:14 am LSL.MS_ 1722 10-28-94 7:55:14 am MIB2IF.MS_ 330 5-13-94 6:02:42 pm MIB2PROT.MS_ 463 11-16-94 4:35:14 pm NESL.MS_ 611 10-28-94 7:57:04 am NMR.MS_ 443 10-28-94 7:47:26 am README.TXT 16042 12-5-94 10:33:00 am RXMONSTK.MS_ 1344 10-28-94 7:45:52 am ..\NLS\ENGLISH\ DOSRQSTR.MS_ 3501 6-5-95 1:14:50 pm IPXODI.MS_ 2013 2-1-95 1:23:06 pm LSL.MS_ 1583 4-17-95 10:29:50 am MIB2IF.MS_ 303 5-13-94 1:20:00 pm MIB2PROT.MS_ 417 8-2-94 11:42:30 am NESL.MS_ 553 6-14-94 10:42:36 am NMR.MS_ 407 3-17-94 3:59:14 pm README.TXT 16198 10-31-94 1:52:40 pm RXMONSTK.MS_ 1272 4-6-95 10:31:20 am ..\NLS\ESPANOL\ DOSRQSTR.MS_ 3888 10-26-94 1:37:12 pm IPXODI.MS_ 2083 10-26-94 12:06:30 pm LSL.MS_ 1734 10-26-94 12:28:32 pm MIB2IF.MS_ 321 5-13-94 6:00:32 pm MIB2PROT.MS_ 440 11-17-94 5:50:08 pm NESL.MS_ 594 10-26-94 12:55:00 pm NMR.MS_ 441 10-26-94 1:37:14 pm README.TXT 17957 12-15-94 4:35:14 pm RXMONSTK.MS_ 1361 10-26-94 1:21:34 pm ..\NLS\FRANCAIS\ DOSRQSTR.MS_ 3897 10-27-94 9:35:28 am IPXODI.MS_ 2098 10-27-94 10:32:48 am LSL.MS_ 1728 10-27-94 10:35:42 am MIB2IF.MS_ 325 5-13-94 5:59:28 pm MIB2PROT.MS_ 460 12-5-94 1:11:44 pm NESL.MS_ 596 8-19-94 9:49:12 am NMR.MS_ 447 10-27-94 9:35:28 am README.TXT 14584 12-7-94 12:42:40 pm RXMONSTK.MS_ 1380 10-27-94 10:39:58 am ..\NLS\ITALIANO\ DOSRQSTR.MS_ 3809 12-21-94 9:02:06 am IPXODI.MS_ 2100 10-25-94 7:51:20 pm LSL.MS_ 1734 10-25-94 7:34:20 pm MIB2IF.MS_ 311 5-13-94 6:01:38 pm MIB2PROT.MS_ 432 12-7-94 1:58:08 pm NESL.MS_ 582 10-25-94 4:22:54 pm NMR.MS_ 429 10-25-94 4:21:40 pm README.TXT 15935 12-5-94 2:15:24 pm RXMONSTK.MS_ 1351 10-25-94 4:06:50 pm ..\RPL\ DOSGEN.EX_ 7774 8-5-93 12:26:22 pm ETHER.RP_ 11167 12-28-93 3:34:00 pm F1ETH.RP_ 8430 12-28-93 3:36:58 pm PCN2L.RP_ 7329 12-28-93 3:41:50 pm RBOOT.RP_ 5482 10-10-94 2:32:14 pm RPL.CO_ 5522 4-29-93 11:33:30 am RPL.NLM 6270 9-22-94 12:44:36 pm RPLFIX.CO_ 1065 6-30-93 10:56:12 pm RPLODI.CO_ 1439 3-21-91 2:24:30 pm TOKEN.RP_ 13208 10-10-94 2:47:48 pm Installation Instructions: The VLMKT[1-6].EXE files are self extracting. NOTE: If you get the error about "invalid drive" during install SEE TID.TXT in the VLMKT1.EXE file. PROCEDURE: UPGRADING THE CLIENT KIT ON A 4.x SERVER: 1. Extract all files into the same directory. Extract the files by typing VLMKT[1-6].EXE [path of directory to extract to] Example: VLMKT1.EXE F:\PUBLIC\CLIENT\DOSWIN UPGRADING THE WORKSTATION FROM THE FILESERVER: 1. Login the workstation and map a drive to the directory that you put the Client Kit in. Next, change to that drive and type INSTALL.EXE. Then follow the instruction in the installation program. MAKING CLIENT DISKETTES: If you desire a set of diskettes, follow the steps below. 1. Attach a label to each formatted ( 3.5", 1.44MB ) diskette and write the following on the corresponding labels. Disk1: NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows Disk1 (VLMKT1.EXE) Disk2: NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows Disk2 (VLMKT2.EXE) Disk3: NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows Disk3 (VLMKT3.EXE) Disk4: NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows Disk4 (VLMKT4.EXE) Disk5: NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows Disk5 (VLMKT5.EXE) Disk6: TCP/IP Transport for DOS V4.12 (VLMKT6.EXE) 2. Extract the files to the formatted ( 3.5", 1.44MB ) floppies, to A: or the drive letter that is the 3.5" floppy. For example: VLMKT1.EXE A: 3. To install using these prepared diskettes, boot the DOS/MS Windows workstation and insert Disk1. Change to the floppy drive and type INSTALL. For example: A: INSTALL Follow the instructions in the installation program. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------