Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 906: The Unicode files cannot be found. 709: The program cannot read the login script file. 707: The program cannot read the login script file. File name: %s 220: An error occurred during UIMPORT's attempt to create the context. 100: The control file cannot be found. **** Updating %s **** Creating user 720: The user does not exist. You cannot create this user with the Update Only import mode. User: %s 110: The specified data file cannot be found. 120: The control file contains an invalid section header: 130: The "Import Control" section contains an invalid statement: 300: An error occurred when the shell name context was read. Error code: %X. 132: The "Fields" section contains an invalid field definition: 141: You did not specify a field for "Name". 991: An error occurred in NWDSGetAttrCount. Error code: %X. 142: You did not specify a field for "Last Name". 900: An internal application error has occurred. Error code: %X. 800: This utility cannot allocate sufficient memory for the Directory Services buffer. 920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory. >>> Enter = More C = Continuous Esc = Cancel 150: More fields were expected in this record. Number expected: %d Number found: %d VeRsIoN=4.08 973: The Unicode table files can't be found in the NLS directory or in the search drives. Code Page: %03d Country: %03d The UIMPORT utility has been halted by the user. 151: There are more fields in this record than expected. The remaining fields will be ignored. IMPORT CONTROL General Help Screen\hPurpose: Import user objects from an ASCII file. Syntax: UIMPORT [controlFileName] [dataFileName] | [[/VER] | [[/?] [ALL] | [ATTR]]\h controlFileName is the name of the control File. dataFileName is the name of the ASCII inport data file.\hFor help on: Use: This help screen /? Control file format and attribute names /? Attr\hFor Example, to: Type: Control file name 'import.ctl' Data file name 'import.dat' UIMPORT import.ctl import.dat Show all attribute names and format of the control file. UIMPORT /? Attr Display version information UIMPORT /VER SEPARATOR QUOTE NAME CONTEXT REPLACE VALUE USER TEMPLATE 215: The context %s is invalid. 260: An internal system error occurred during UIMPORT's attempt to canonicalize the context. Error code: %X. IMPORT MODE DELETE PROPERTY FIELDS 907: The %s file can't be found. Attribute and Control File Help (continued) Purpose: This help shows the valid key words, default values and property names that can be used in the control file. 991: An error occurred in NWDSSetContext. Error code: %X. 822: An error occurred in NWDSPutAttrVal. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSModifyObject. Error code: %X. User: %s Attribute: %s Value: %s 403: Cannot add a duplicate value to this user. NWDSModifyObject error: %d. User: %s Attribute: %s Value: %s 991: An error occurred in NWDSGetAttrName. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSComputeAttrValSize. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSGetAttrVAl. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSInitBuf. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSPutAttrName. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSAbbreviateName. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSPutChange. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSGenerateObjectKeyPair. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSModifyObject. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSAddObject. Error code: %X. (%s). 991: An error occurred in NWDSOpenStream. The login script cannot be opened. Error code: %X. 708: The program cannot read the login script. 710: The program cannot add the Login Script property. Error code: %X. 712: The program cannot write the Login Script. 718: The program cannot copy the USER_TEMPLATE to a new user. Error code: %X. 722: The user already exists. You cannot update the user with the Create Only import mode. User: %s 724: You cannot update an object that is not a user. Object name: %s *** Done Copying Template User Adding User Generating key pair Adding to group everyone 312: There is not enough memory to update the mailbox information. User: %s Mailbox location: %s Mailbox ID: %s 313: The mailbox location can't be set for user %s since messaging server %s is either: 1. Not a messaging server 2. Is not found. 3. Does not have a messaging database location property. Import context: %s 726: The user you selected to remove does not exist. User: %s. Removing user %s This program is about to remove user objects. Is this what you want to do? (Y/N) CREATE HOME DIRECTORY HOME DIRECTORY PATH HOME DIRECTORY VOLUME 991: An error occurred in NWGetFileServerInformation. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSMapNameToID. This may mean that the skulker has not put object %s on server %s yet. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in DSReadObjectAttributes. Error code: %X. 728: The home directory path name specified contains illegal characters. 991: An error occurred in NWGetConnectionID. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWGetBinderyAccessLevel. Error code: %X. 975: The Unicode table files can't be opened because there are already too many open files. Close some files or modify your CONFIG.SYS file. 991: An error occurred in DSLocalToUnicodeStricmp. Error code: %X. 730: Directory %s already exists. 732: This utility was unable to create the new path %s. DOS error code: %d. 734: You do not have sufficient rights to create the directory. 736: The specified volume does not exist: %s. 738: You do not have sufficient rights to modify this user. 740: This utility cannot change the membership list. Error code: %X. 740: An error occurred while adding the user name to the Group member property. Error code: %X. 744: This utility could not create all properties associated with this user. 991: An error occurred in DSGetObjConnID. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWGetConnectionStatus. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSCanonicalizeName. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in DSGetServerConnID. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWDSGetServerDN. Error code: %X. 991: An error occurred in NWAddTrusteeToDirectory. Error code: %X. 826: The VLMs are not loaded. 972: Access to Unicode table files was denied. 974: The Unicode table files are corrupt. 971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the Unicode table files. 970: The attempt to open the Unicode table files failed. CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1992,1993 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. 750: You must be supervisor equivalent to modify volume space restrictions on volume %s. 760: An error occurred attempting to modify the volume restrictions. Error code: %X 770: Volume %s on server %s is not in your DS tree. You can't set volume restrictions with this utility on a pre-4.0 server. 780: This utility can't attach to the server associated with volume %s. 790: An error occurred in NWDSWhoAmI. Error code: %X 765: An error occurred attempting to get your effective rights for object %s. Error code: %X 775: Volume %s is not on server %s. 785: An error occurred attempting to get the volume number for volume %s on server %s. Error code: %X You must enter a colon in the volume restrictions. You entered %s. The format is Volume Name:Restriction Amount. You can't delete the volume restrictions with the Delete Property string. In order to delete volume restrictions, you need to enter the volume name with a -1 for the restriction amount. The entry for a boolean (Yes/No) field was not valid. The valid entries are Y/1 for Yes or N/0 for No. You entered %c for object %s. 314: The Foreign Email Address is incorrect. The format is tttt:aaaaa where t is the type, and a is the address. The incorrect Email Address value is: %s 727: User %s was not removed. Error code: %X 909: The %s file is an incorrect version. Version %s is required. 908: The %s file is an incorrect format and can't be used. 404: An error occurred attempting to write the path property. The volume object may not exist. Volume: %s 301: Volume %s has no host resource property and can't be used. 302: Path %s does not exist. 303: You don't have acess to path %s. Error code: %d 304: An error occurred trying to determine your access level to path %s. Error code: %d. 305: The utility can't create path %s. Error code: %X 306: The utility can't delete path %s. Error code: %X The mailbox for user %s has been moved. Old mailbox location: %s Old mailbox ID: %s New mailbox location: %s New mailbox ID: %s The mailbox files for user %s were deleted. The volume was: %s The path was: %s 307: Path %s on volume %s for user %s can't be created. 308: This utility can't grant rights to path %s for user %s. 309: This utility can't modify object %s Error code: %X 310: The utility can't create the mailbox directories for user %s and mailbox ID %s. 311: Home and mail directories can't be on a server in the current tree. Server Name: %s 745: Error modifying the group membership property for user %s. Group %s may not exist. DELETE MAILBOX DIRS The mailbox files for user %s were not deleted. Old volume: %s Old path: %s 315: You can't modify the password of user %s. You can't delete the password with the Delete Property string. Enter blank for the password to remove it. MAXIMUM DIRECTORY RETRIES 314: The Foreign Email Alias in incorrect. The format is tttt:aaaaa where t is the type and a is the address. The incorrect alias is %s 828: You have added a value for the password expiration interval which is less than 1 or greater than 365. This may cause login problems when the password expiration time expires. A value of 40 has been added to the password expiration interval property.