TUXEDO(r) System Release 4.2 Update 1 Release Notes ==================================================== These release notes describe the first update release for TUXEDO System Release 4.2 ("Red Box 1"). There are two versions of Update 1--one for the TUXEDO Runtime product and another for the TUXEDO Development Environment product. You must have TUXEDO 4.2 installed on your system before installing Update 1. Topics addressed by these release notes include - contents of the update package - pre-installation procedures - installation instructions - post-installation procedures - fixes provided in Update 1 If you have difficulty installing Update 1, please contact Novell Customer Support at 800-NETWARE or by e-mail at devtux@novell.com. Package Names and Contents ========================== For UNIX(r) systems, Update 1 is packaged as a separate tar file per UNIX platform and TUXEDO product. On UNIX systems these files are named as follows: tux001.tar - TUXEDO Runtime for UnixWare(tm) 1.0 on Intel 386/486(tm) tux002.tar - TUXEDO Runtime for SVR4 on NCR 34xx tux003.tar - TUXEDO Runtime for Solaris(tm) 2.2 on Sparc tux004.tar - TUXEDO Runtime for AIX(tm) 3.2 on RS/6000 tux005.tar - TUXEDO Runtime for HP-UX(tm) 9.0 on HP 9000/800 tux006.tar - TUXEDO Development Environment for UnixWare 1.0 tux007.tar - TUXEDO Development Environment for NCR SVR4 tux008.tar - TUXEDO Development Environment for Solaris 2.2 tux009.tar - TUXEDO Development Environment for AIX 3.2 tux010.tar - TUXEDO Development Environment for HP-UX 9.0 Each tar file contains several files, some of which are compressed. For DOS, Windows(tm), and OS/2(tm), Update 1 is packaged as a separate self-extracting executable file per platform and TUXEDO product. The files are named as follows: tux011.exe - TUXEDO Runtime for DOS or Windows(tm) with LAN WorkPlace tux012.exe - TUXEDO Runtime for Windows with Winsock tux013.exe - TUXEDO Runtime for OS/2(tm) tux014.exe - TUXEDO Development Environment for DOS or Windows with LAN WorkPlace tux015.exe - TUXEDO Development Environment for Windows with Winsock tux016.exe - TUXEDO Development Environment for OS/2 Pre-Installation Procedures =========================== Your existing TUXEDO system must be a Novell "Red Box" product running Release 4.2. To verify this on UNIX systems, execute tmadmin -v which should report a line like this on the first line of output INFO: TUXEDO(r) System Release 4.2.2 V1 where is uw, ncr, ibm, sun, or hp. If, instead, tmadmin reports an "Invalid option" message or another release number, you are not running the TUXEDO Red Box product--do not install the Update! Because the Update 1 installation procedure updates your existing TUXEDO 4.2 system in place by replacing selected files, we strongly recommend that you back up your TUXEDO 4.2 system--by copying all files under your root directory (ROOTDIR)--before installing Update 1. Also, before installing Update 1, shut down all TUXEDO applications running on the system to be updated. Installing Update 1 on a UNIX System ==================================== To install Update 1 on a UNIX system, do this: 1. Copy the appropriate tar file into an empty directory on the system where the TUXEDO 4.2 installation resides. The tar files are named as described above. Make sure that you have enough free space for the tar file and that you have permission to create a file of that size. For example, to retrieve Release 4.2 Update 1 for the TUXEDO Development Environment on UnixWare, execute mkdir cd # Check for space df -k . # Invoke ftp to retrieve the update ftp ftp.summit.novell.com Name: anonymous Password: ftp> cd tuxedo/rel42upd1 ftp> binary ftp> ls ftp> get tux006.tar ftp> quit 2. Extract all files from the tar file. On AIX, make sure that you extract the files into a directory on a local file system so that file ownership is set properly. For example, if you are installing Update 1 for the TUXEDO Development Environment on UnixWare, execute tar xvf tux006.tar One of the extracted files is named INSTALL. 3. Using the login id of the owner of the files in the existing TUXEDO 4.2 system, invoke the installation script: sh INSTALL INSTALL will prompt you for the root directory (ROOTDIR) of your existing TUXEDO 4.2 system. INSTALL will also ask whether you want to install the complete TUXEDO system or only the /WS client software. Your existing TUXEDO 4.2 system must be licensed in order for INSTALL to succeed. Installing Update 1 on a DOS, Windows, or OS/2 Workstation ========================================================== To install Update 1 on a DOS, Windows, or OS/2 workstation, do this: 1. Copy the appropriate self-extracting file (.exe file) into the root directory (ROOTDIR) of your existing TUXEDO 4.2 system. The .exe files are named as described above. Make sure that you have enough free space for the .exe file. 2. Change directory to ROOTDIR. Extract all files, making sure to overwrite existing files. For example, if ROOTDIR is \tuxedo and you are installing Update 1 for the TUXEDO Runtime on DOS, invoke c:\> cd \tuxedo c:\tuxedo> tux011 Post-Installation Procedures ============================ After installing Update 1, we recommend that you verify the installation by configuring and running the sample application Simpapp located in $ROOTDIR/apps/simpapp. Follow the instructions in $ROOTDIR/apps/simpapp/README. After verifying the installation, you must rebuild all application clients and servers before rebooting your TUXEDO applications. To retrieve the version information for Update 1, invoke tmadmin -v which should now report (first line only) INFO: TUXEDO(r) System Release 4.2.2 V2 Fixes Provided by Update 1 ========================== The following faults have been fixed in Update 1: * An AUTOTRAN service that invoked tpforward() did not propagate the transaction information correctly. The caller of the original service got a good return back, but the commit failed, and the AUTOTRAN transaction timed out. * Tmshutdown core dumped if it was invoked when there were dead servers that had not yet been cleaned up by the BBL. * The tpurcode variable was not being set in /WS clients when calling conversational services. * COBOL servers could not be built on the platforms without shared libraries, i.e. HP-UX and AIX. * The tx_open() function did not work in native client programs. Thus, the tx interface itself was not usable in clients. * A global transaction that was begun and then aborted, without ever having called a service, was never cleaned up in the bulletin board's Global Transaction Table. * If a SHM-mode TUXCONFIG file was unloaded and a NETWORK section was added to it, the file could not be reloaded. * The Frealloc() function sometimes caused a core dump if it was used to shrink the buffer. * The child process that tmadmin forks to run the pager command invoked tpterm() when it exited. Because this process never invoked tpinit(), but nevertheless carried state information from its parent, it caused unusual userlog errors to be reported from tmadmin. * The /Q functions were not exported from the TUXEDO Windows DLL, and could not be used. * A tpcall() or tpacall() to a service that was suspended returned TPESYSTEM instead of TPENOENT. Although the return code for the function under these conditions was never defined clearly, TPESYSTEM was certainly not appropriate. * A /WS tpgetrply() with TPNOBLOCK was sometimes unnecessarily slow, due to a race condition between the client layer and the network layer of software. * A server that received a message for a timed-out transaction went into an infinite loop. * The tmadmin loadtlog command sometimes overwrote existing TLOG records when it recovered a TLOG from a dead machine onto an active machine. * A tpdequeue() done by message-id or correlation-id did not work. * View32 buffers could not be sent between machine types (or from /WS clients) because the typed buffer encode/decode function did not work properly. [@(#)relnotes.txt 1.8]