NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: IBM Token-Ring v2.63 Workstation Drivers DOCUMENT ID: TID015502 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 28MAR94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: TOKWS.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for DOS/MS Windows Pre 1.1 ABSTRACT: Novell strongly recommends that ODI drivers be used instead of the drivers included with this file. See DOSUPx.EXE where x is a alphanumeric character (0-F), such as DOSUP7.EXE for latest DOSODI drivers. (DOSUPX.EXE is a distribution file.) TOKWS.EXE contains IBM Token-Ring v2.63 workstation drivers. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SYMPTOM Users need an IPX.COM generated for the IBM Token-Ring v2.63 workstation drivers SOLUTION Apply the files found in the TOKWS.EXE file. Two DIFFERENT IPX.COM files can be generated with the STOKEN and SLANSUP drivers. These two IPX.COM files are described in CASE 1 and CASE 2: CASE 1: IPX.COM (IPX.OBJ generated and linked with SLANSUP.OBJ) This is the LAN Support driver. To work properly, this driver requires the IBM LAN Support drivers, and it will not work without them. This IPX.COM requires that the following IBM LAN Support files to be specified in the workstation's CONFIG.SYS file: device = DXMA0MOD.SYS (5C arbitrator) device = DXMC0MOD.SYS (adapter interface) device = DXMT0MOD.SYS (optional IBM Netbios driver) This IPX.COM driver also supports Remote Program Loading. CASE 2: IPX.COM (IPX.OBJ generated and linked with STOKEN.OBJ) This is the NATIVE Token-Ring driver. It communicates directly to the Token-Ring adapter. This IPX.COM driver works exactly opposite of the IPX.COM file mentioned in CASE 1. This IPX.COM file works without IBM LAN Support drivers being specified in the workstation's CONFIG.SYS. When using this IPX.COM, the workstation's CONFIG.SYS must not include IBM LAN Support driver specifications. This IPX.COM file supports Remote Program Loading. Self-Extracting File Name: TOKWS.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ TOKWS.TXT (This File) STOKEN.LAN 105 10-15-91 12:16p STOKEN.OBJ 6683 08-23-91 9:12a SLANSUP.LAN 122 02-03-92 3:33p SLANSUP.OBJ 6080 10-18-91 6:24a Installation Instructions: ************************************************************* IMPLEMENTATION of SLANSUP.OBJ and STOKEN.OBJ ************************************************************* 1. Determine which IPX.COM to create, LAN Support Token-Ring or Native Token-Ring. 2. Copy the corresponding .lan files to the SHGEN or WSGEN directory or diskette and the corresponding .obj files to the LAN_DRV_001 diskette. 3. Generate the new IPX.COM with SHGEN or WSGEN. 4. Configure the IPX.COM at the command line based on your needs using the following instructions: LAN SUPPORT IPX.COM (IPX.OBJ generated and linked with SLANSUP.OBJ) ======================================================== IPX.COM - This is a Client IPX Driver for the IBM Token-Ring generated with the IBM LAN Support Program. It works with ROUTE.COM when Source Routing is REQUIRED. This version of IPX.COM can be configured by typing the following parameters at the command line (or batch file) when it is loaded: CONFIGURING the DOS Workstation's IPX.COM (LAN Support): ======================================================== - (IPX.obj linked with SLANSUP.obj) can be configured by typing in the following parameters when it is loaded: IPX o,ALT/PRI,ls=nn,mem=xx00,node=xxxxxxxx,ntb=nn,saps=nn,tbz=nnnn where: o (lowercase letter "o") This letter is required to override the SHELL.CFG file. ALT ALT configures the driver as the ALTERNATE adapter. PRI PRI configures the driver as the PRIMARY adapter -- this is the default. ls=nn nn is a DECIMAL number specifying the number of LINK Stations that the driver should allocated when initializing. The DEFAULT is 00. mem=xx00 The xx00 is a HEXADECIMAL address of where shared RAM is located. The default is D800 for PRIMARY and D400 for ALTERNATE. This setting always gets overridden by a Microchannel Reference mem setting; microchannel machines have this ability in the machine reference. However, ISA bus machines must use this driver's setting because there is no other way to specify it except with this driver's "mem=xx00" setting. node=xx The xx is up to a 4 byte (8 hex digits) HEXADECIMAL number specifying a LAA (locally administered node address), which overrides the hardware's default Node Address. The hardware's node address is known as a universally administered address. 4000h will be prefixed to this number to form a 6 byte NODE address: 4000 xxxx xxxx. If a LAA is specified in the CONFIG.SYS as follows: device=dxmc0mod.sys 4000xxxxxxxx device=dxmt0mod.sys o=n, The o=n means do not open adapter and IPX.COM opens the adapter, then this node ID must also be specified with "IPX o,pri,node=xxxxxxxx" when IPX.COM loads. ntb=nn The nn is a DECIMAL number specifying the NUMBER of TRANSMIT BUFFERS to allocate. The default is one. Specifying two may help performance on some of the new IBM Token-Ring Cards. saps=nn The nn is a DECIMAL number specifying the number of SAP stations that the driver should allocated when initializing. The driver will increment nn by one, because NetWare requires 1 SAP. The default is one. tbz=nnnn The nnnn is a DECIMAL number specifying the size of the Transmit buffer. It can be any number between 512 and 4202. The driver will adjust it to the nearest power of two plus 106 bytes of overhead. The default is 1024 (1130). All these parameters are separated by commas or blanks, are optional, are not case sensitive, and may be entered in any order. NATIVE TOKEN-RING IPX.COM (IPX.OBJ generated and linked with STOKEN.OBJ) ======================================================== IPX.COM - This is a native Token-Ring driver for the DOS workstation. It does not require the IBM LAN Support Program. It is faster and smaller than LAN Support IPX.COM. It works with ROUTE.COM if Source Routing is required. Its default Transmit Buffer Size is 4096 (4 KB) for the 16/4 MBps adapters, 2048 for the 8-bit, 4 MBps long card. This version of IPX.COM can be configured by typing the following parameters at the command line (or batch file) when it is loaded: IPX.COM (IPX.OBJ generated and linked with STOKEN.OBJ) can be configured by typing the following parameters when it is loaded: IPX o,ALT/PRI,mem=xx00,node=xxxxxxxx,slot=n,tbz=nnnn where: o (lowercase letter "o") This letter is required to override the SHELL.CFG file. ALT ALT configures the driver as the ALTERNATE adapter. PRI PRI configure the driver as the PRIMARY adapter. PRI is the default. mem=xx00 The xx00 is a HEXADECIMAL address of where shared RAM is located. The default is D800 for PRIMARY and D400 for ALTERNATE. Microchannel machines already set this mem address in the MACHINE REFERENCE, and the machine reference setting always overrides any "IPX o,PRI/ALT,mem=xx00" driver setting. ISA bus adapters must be set with this driver's "mem=xx00" setting because there is no other way. node=xx The xx is HEXADECIMAL Number up to an 4 byte that specifies the Node Address. 4000h will be prefixed to this number to form a 6 byte NODE Address: 4000xxxxxxxx. slot=n The n is a DECIMAL number specifying the MICROCHANNEL slot number where the board is located. It is only valid if on a Microchannel machine. tbz=nnnn The nnnn is a DECIMAL number specifying the size of the Transmit buffer. It can be any number between 512 and 4202. The driver will adjust it to the nearest power of two plus 106 bytes of overhead. The default is 4096 (4202). All parameters are separated by commas or blanks, are optional, are not case sensitive, and may be entered in any order. Patch History: NOTE: Version 2.63 of SLANSUP.OBJ is the latest version that has been through software test. The most common problem with SLANSUP.OBJ version 2.62 is the workstation that will occasionally hang when loading IPX.COM especially when broadcast traffic exists on the ring. 04-29-91 This version contained the initial release of TOKWS.DOC and TOKWS.ZIP. 11-11-91 This version updated the STOKEN.OBJ to version 2.63. It added a note about SLANSUP.OBJ. 05-27-92 This version updated the SLANSUP.OBJ from version 2.62 to version 2.63. (revised note about SLANSUP.OBJ and explained a common problem with 2.62 SLANSUP.OBJ. ÿ