NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: TCP188.EXE; TCPIP.NLM Update DOCUMENT ID: TID251012 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 20SEP94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: TCP188.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: TCP/IP 2.x ABSTRACT: TCP188.EXE contains TCPIP.NLM v2.02M, which supersedes TCPIP.NLM v2.02L. It provides improved TCP connection stability and resolves a problem with TCP connections closing before data transfers complete. It also includes new features including new API support for setting the TCP Keep Alive timer. Read the full installation instructions before installing. Do not just copy this patch in!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM 1. Loss of TCP connections on networks with a high rate of successive packet loss. 2. A TCP connection would close before all data had been received, which resulted in zero length file transfers. 3. If there were duplicate segments, under certain conditions, TCP connections timed out before completing a file transfer. 4. NetWare 3.11 server abending when the hardware platform was a Compaq ProSignia and the LAN card a NetFlex with TCPIP v1.0 or v1.01 loaded. 5. Incompatibility with implementations that do not accept FFFFh interchangeably with 0h in the checksum field. 6. When using the TLI interface, if an application tried to initiate a connection to a node on a remote network for which there was no route, the connection request waited forever. 7. TCP/IP incorrectly forwarded directed broadcasts between (sub) networks on the same media segment. 8. Packet Receive Buffers allocated by applications using the TLI interface to TCPIP were not always freed in process context. This caused abends with error messages indicating TCP or the TLI detected an improper connection state or sequence number. 9. Failure to connect through translation bridges. New Features A. Users will now be able to configure static subnet routing using the /etc/gateways file. (See FEATURE.TXT) B. ARP packets transmitted on FDDI LANS will now be sent with Ethernet hardware type (1) instead of LLC 802.2 hardware type (6). ARP packets will be accepted from FDDI LANs with either hardware type. C. API has been added so that developers will now be able to set the value of the TCP Keep Alive Timer through the BSD Socket ot TLI API. (See SDK.TXT) SOLUTION Apply TCP188.EXE Self-Extracting File Name: TCP188.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ TCP188.TXT (This File) PIN.DAT 43577 05-07-93 6:07p SDK.TXT 5307 09-20-94 10:07a SNMP.CFG 1057 09-11-92 11:34a SNMP.NLM 57660 04-06-93 3:44p INSTALL.TXT 2077 10-11-94 12:44p AFTER311.NLM 11738 01-26-93 4:45p FEATURES.TXT 4256 09-19-94 1:21p FILEDATA.DAT 1851 05-12-93 2:42p PINSTALL.NLM 10344 05-07-93 6:07p RELNOTES.TXT 1690 09-19-94 1:06p TRAPTARG.CFG 1697 03-17-93 8:50a \TCPIP\ TCPIP.MSG 11126 09-09-94 2:50p TCPIP.NLM 194163 09-09-94 2:50p IPCONFIG.NLM 8439 02-22-93 12:35p Installation Instructions: 1. *DANGER* Do not install TCP188.EXE over TCPIP 2.02w or higher. Only install TCP188.EXE if you are currently using TCPIP version 1.0, 1.01, 2.02, 2.02h, 2.02i, 2.02j, or 2.02l. 2. *DANGER* Do NOT install new TCP/IP NLM, IPCONFIG NLM, SNMP NLM, or AFTER311 NLM from TCP188.EXE, to a system on which MultiProtocol Router, WAN Links, or MultiProtocol Router Plus has been installed. Novell's MultiProtocol Router, WAN Links, and MultiProtocol Router Plus products already contain coordinated versions of TCP/IP, IPCONFIG, SNMP, and AFTER311 NLMs. Installing TCP188.EXE, will overwrite the existing MultiProtocol Router and WAN Links NLMs, and will disable the routing. 3. Follow the instructions in INSTALL.TXT and then read FEATURES.TXT. Solution Specifics: TCP188.EXE corrects all of the listed symptoms. Specific notes follow. Symptom #1. Ability improved. Symptom #6. The connection request will now return immediately with the appropriate error code. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ