FEATURES.TXT 19SEP94 1. Configuring Static Subnet Routing ------------------------------------ If you require static routes, indicate the static routes in SYS:\ETC\GATEWAYS and then load IPCONFIG NLM after you load TCPIP NLM and bind IP. It is possible to do static routing as well as static subnet routing with this version of IPCONFIG.NLM (v2.02) along with TCPIP (v2.02). 2. Format of SYS:ETC\GATEWAYS ----------------------------- Each line in SYS:ETC\GATEWAYS has the following format: { NET network_name | {network_number[/network_mask]} | HOST host} GATEWAY gateway [METRIC cost] [ {ACTIVE | PASSIVE } ] where: The network_name is the name of a network in SYS:ETC\NETWORKS. The network_number/network_mask is the IP network address and its subnet mask; the subnet mask is optional. If the network_mask is not specified, the subnet mask is derived from the network number, excluding all trailing zeros. The host is the IP address of a host or the name of a host in SYS:ETC\HOSTS. The gateway is the IP address of a gateway on a locally connected network or the name of such a gateway in SYS:ETC\HOSTS. The cost, or measure of expense, is a value greater than or equal to 1 but less than or equal to 15. The active or passive indicates the type of route for routing information. For example: NET GATEWAY HOST GATEWAY PASSIVE NET GATEWAY PASSIVE 3. Loading IPCONFIG NLM ----------------------- To add the static routes in SYS:ETC\GATEWAYS to the routing database, you must load IPCONFIG NLM. This can be done by entering the LOAD IPCONFIG command at the system console. Normally, you place this command in your SYS:SYSTEM\AUTOEXEC.NCF after loading TCPIP and binding IP to interfaces so that the static routes are added each time the system is loaded. The command is: LOAD IPCONFIG NOTE: If you do not have any static routes to configure, you do not need to load IPCONFIG. IPCONFIG reads SYS:ETC\GATEWAYS, places each route into the routing database, and then exits. While you are "debugging" your GATEWAYS file, problems in the file may cause IPCONFIG to print diagnostic messages. For each route IPCONFIG finds in SYS:ETC\GATEWAYS, IPCONFIG adds a routing entry for the host or network indicated. The first hop in the new routing entry is the provided gateway and the metric is the given cost. If no metric is given, a cost of 1 is used. IPCONFIG will support a static subnet route if the subnet mask is associated with the subnetwork number in /etc/gateway. Placing the, keyword, active on the line indicates that the route is maintained by the indicated gateway using normal RIP updates. Active routes are subject to normal RIP rules. They may be replaced by routes with lower metric values and they time out and disappear if no RIP updates are received for them. The keyword, "passive", which is the default if neither active nor passive is specified, indicates a route for which no RIP information will ever be available. Such routes never time out and IP ignores RIP information for them. They can be deleted or modified using TCPCON. SNMP Agent v2.1 --------------- TCP188.EXE contains an extensible SNMP Agent which is an upgrade to the SNMP Agent that is part of NetWare v3.11, and is also an upgrade to the SNMP Agent that in the NetWare v3.11 SNMP Agent Upgrade Version 2.0. SNMP Agent 2.1 is backward compatible. Refer to the "Novell NetWare TCP/IP Transport Supervisor's Guide" for command-line options and reference material. Additional configuration can be accomplished through: SYS:ETC\SNMP.CFG SYS:ETC\TRAPTARG.CFG Use SYS:ETC\SNMP.CFG to configure the following MIB-II parameters: sysName System Name sysLocation System Location sysContact System Administrator/Contact The format of the file is described in comments within the file. Use SYS:ETC\TRAPTARG.CFG to configure trap destinations. Trap destinations are Internet hosts that receive traps generated by this system. Traps can be sent over both TCP/IP and IPX. The format of the file is described in comments within the file.