Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP This menu lists the topics that you can examine or change while using SYSCON. To choose a topic, use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to highlight it; then press the SELECT key. The following help screens describe each topic briefly. While you are in help, you may use the PAGEDOWN and PAGEUP keys to change the current page. You may press the HELP key a second time to list the keys that can be used in SYSCON, along with where they are located on the keyboard of the machine you are using. To exit help and return to the menu of available topics, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 7n AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP ACCOUNTING The "Accounting" option to allow the file server to charge users for their use of file server resources. Only high-end versions of Advanced NetWare will support accounting. The accounting option allows you to 1) Install accounting on a file server that supports it. (You must have supervisor rights.) 2) See what file server services are being charged for and the amount that is being charged. If you have supervisor rights, you can change what services are being charged for and the amount. 3) See who is allowed to charge for file services. If you have supervisor rights, you can specify who can charge for services. This allows external objects such as print servers to charge users for services. Page 2 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP CHANGE CURRENT SERVER You may use the "Change Current Server" option to 1) List the servers you are logged in to. 2) Log in to additional servers. 3) Log out from additional servers*. 4) Select the current server. (The server and your username will appear in the header at the top of the screen). 5) Change to a different user on a server that you are logged in to*. * You cannot log out from the server you were using when you ran the SYSCON program or change to a different user on that server. Page 3 of 7V AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP FILE SERVER INFORMATION You may use the "File Server Information" option to 1) List the file servers that are attached to your network. 2) View information about the configuration of any file server in the list. 3) View the number of users currently attached to any file server in the list. 4) See what version of Advanced NetWare any file server in the list is running. Page 4 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP GROUP INFORMATION You may use the "Group Information" option to 1) List the groups that exist on the selected file server. 2) Examine information about each of these groups. 3) Change the group information (ONLY if you have supervisor privileges). Page 5 of 7G AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP SUPERVISOR OPTIONS This brings up a menu of options that are available ONLY if you have supervisor privileges. The options that are available will depend on what level of Advanced NetWare the selected file server is running. Page 6 of 7 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP USER INFORMATION You may use the "User Information" option to 1) List all users on the selected file server. 2) View information about each user. 3) Change the user information (ONLY if you have supervisor privileges). Page 7 of 7 KNOWN NETWARE SERVERS HELP This menu lists the file servers currently on your network. To obtain information about any of these file servers, highlight its name and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP This screen shows information about the highlighted file server. A description of this information follows. SERVER NAME The name that the file server is known by on the network. NETWARE VERSION The version of Advanced NetWare the file server is using. SYSTEM FAULT TOLERANCE The level of SFT that the server is running. This information will not appear for file servers that are running a version prior to Advanced NetWare v2.10. Page 1 of 4< FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP TRANSACTION TRACKING This entry shows if the file server has support for TTS recovery for database files in the event of failure by the file server, workstation, or network. This entry will not appear if the file server is running a version prior to Advanced NetWare v2.10. CONNECTIONS SUPPORTED The maximum number of users that can be logged in to the file server at once. Page 2 of 48 FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP CONNECTIONS IN USE The number of users currently logged in to the file server. VOLUMES SUPPORTED The maximum number of disk volumes the file server can support. NETWORK ADDRESS The address of the network on which the file server is located. NODE ADDRESS The address of the node within the network where the file server resides. Page 3 of 4 FILE SERVER INFORMATION HELP If you are a SUPERVISOR on the selected file server, you will also see the following: SERIAL NUMBER The serial number of the file server. APPLICATION NUMBER The application number of the file server. When you buy serialized software for your file server, your vendor may ask for both the serial number and the application number. Page 4 of 4 USER NAMES HELP This menu lists the users defined on the current file server. To view information about any of these users, highlight the desired user's name and press the SELECT key. If you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you can change the list of usernames. See the next screen for a list of your options. Page 1 of 3 USER NAMES HELP If you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you also have the following options: INSERT Add a new user. DELETE Remove the highlighted user. To delete several users all at once, highlight them with the MARK key and press the DELETE key. MODIFY Rename a user. Page 2 of 3 USER NAMES HELP Some information can be changed for several users at the same time. To change information for more than one user, mark each user that you want changed using the MARK key; then press the SELECT Page 3 of 3 DELETE USER HELP To delete the highlighted user from the current file server, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 USER INFORMATION HELP This menu lists all the information you can obtain about this user. To view the information, highlight the desired option and press the SELECT key. A brief description of each option that may appear is given below. The actual options that will appear depend on what rights you have, what user you are examining, and what features the file server supports. ACCOUNT_BALANCE Shows the user's current account balance and credit limit. This option appears if the file server supports accounting and you have supervisor privileges or you are logged in as the selected user. Page 1 of 7;' USER INFORMATION HELP ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS Shows restrictions that have been placed on the user's account. This option will appear if you have supervisor privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as. CHANGE PASSWORD Allows you to change the password that is used when logging in. The "Change Password" option appears if you have supervisor privileges or you are logged in as the selected user and your account restrictions have the "Allow User To Change Password" option set to YES. Page 2 of 7N) USER INFORMATION HELP FULL NAME Shows the user's full name. This option always appears. GROUPS BELONGED TO Lists all the groups that the user is a member of. This option always appears. INTRUDER LOCKOUT STATUS Shows the intruder lockout status for this user's account. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges and the intruder detection option has been enabled. Page 3 of 7 USER INFORMATION HELP LOGIN SCRIPT Allows you to view and edit the user's login script. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges or if the selected user is the user that you are logged in as, and if your account restrictions have the "Allow User To Change Password" option set to YES. Page 4 of 7 USER INFORMATION HELP OTHER INFORMATION Shows additional information about the selected user including the last time the user logged in, the amount of disk space the user is using, the user's bindery ID number, etc. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges or you are logged as the selected user. SECURITY EQUIVALENCES Lists all other users and groups to which the selected user is security equivalent. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges or you are logged in as the selected user. Page 5 of 7 USER INFORMATION HELP STATION RESTRICTIONS Shows what network addresses this user is allowed to log in from. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges or you are logged in as the selected user. Page 6 of 7 USER INFORMATION HELP TIME RESTRICTIONS Shows the times during the week when the selected user is allowed to be logged in to the file server. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges or you are logged in as the selected user. TRUSTEE DIRECTORY ASSIGNMENTS Lists all directories where the user's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. This option appears only if you have supervisor privileges or you are logged in as the selected user. page 7 of 7 WORKGROUP MANAGERS HELP This is a list of all users that are currently workgroup managers. Workgroup managers have the right to create new user accounts, groups, and queues. Workgroup managers are automatically granted manager rights over the users, groups and queues that they create. Use the DELETE key to remove users from the list or the INSERT key to add users to the list. Page 1 of 1 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP DEFAULT ACCOUNT BALANCE/RESTRICTIONS This option will appear if the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the new security restrictions. This option allows you to 1) View the security restriction defaults for a newly created user. 2) Change the security restriction defaults. Note: Changing the security restriction defaults will not affect any existing users. 3) If the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the accounting features and accounting has been installed on the file server, you can also view and change the default account balance for new users. Page 1 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP DEFAULT TIME RESTRICTIONS This option will appear if the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the new security restrictions. This option allows you to 1) View the default times when a new user will be able to log in. 2) Change the default login time restrictions. Note: Changing the default login time restrictions will not change the login time restrictions of any user account that has already been created. Page 2 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP EDIT SYSTEM AUTOEXEC FILE The system AUTOEXEC file is a file which contains console commands that the file server should "automatically execute" when it is first brought up. This option allows you to 1) View the system AUTOEXEC file. 2) Add or delete console commands from the AUTOEXEC file. Page 3 of 7L= SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATORS This option will only appear if the level of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the file server virtual console features. This option allows you to 1) View what users and groups have been authorized to run the file server console from a workstation they are logged in to. 2) Authorize or revoke a user or group's rights to run the file server console. Page 4 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT This option will appear only if the version of Advanced NetWare that the file server is running supports the new security restrictions. This option allows you to 1) See if the file server is tracking when an intruder trys to break in to an account. 2) Specify the criteria for the file server to determine how many incorrect login attempts constitute an intruder. 3) Specify if the file server should lock an account if it detects an intruder. Page 5 of 7PB SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP SYSTEM LOGIN SCRIPT The system login script is a script that is run for all users when they log in to the file server before the user's individual login script is run. The system login script is an ideal place to put messages that all users should see when they log in, or enter login script commands that every user should execute when logging in. This option allows you to 1) View the system login script. 2) Change the commands in the system login script. Page 6 of 7 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP VIEW FILE SERVER ERROR LOG The file server error log is a file where all serious errors that occur while the file server is running are recorded. This option allows you to 1) View the errors that are recorded in the error log. 2) Clear the error log. Page 7 of 7+G ACCOUNTING HELP This menu gives you the following options: ACCOUNTING SERVERS This option shows you who is authorized to charge for their services. If you have supervisor privileges, you can use this option to give a new server the right to charge or to remove a server's right to charge. BLOCKS READ CHARGE RATES This option shows you if the file server is charging for the amount of data read from the file server and if the file server is charging for reading, the amount being charged is shown. If you have supervisor privileges you can change when and how much the file server charges for reading data from the disk. Page 1 of 3&J ACCOUNTING HELP BLOCKS WRITTEN CHARGE RATES This option shows you if the file server is charging for writing information to the disk and the amount that is being charged. If you have supervisor privileges, you can change when and how much the file server charges for writing to the disk. CONNECT TIME CHARGE RATES This option will show you if the file server is charging for the amount of time that someone is connected to it and the amount that is being charged. If you have supervisor privileges, you can change when and how much the file server charges for connect time. Page 2 of 3 ACCOUNTING HELP DISK STORAGE CHARGE RATES This option shows you if the file server is charging for the amount of data that is stored on its disk drives and that amount is being charged. If you have supervisor privileges you can change when and how much the file server charges for disk storage. SERVICE REQUESTS CHARGE RATES This option shows if the file server is charging for the number of requests sent to it from a workstation and the amount that is being charged. If you have supervisor privileges, you can change when and how much the file server charges for requests. Page 3 of 3 SELECT ACCOUNT SERVER TYPE HELP Different types of servers can provide services on a network. You should highlight the type of the server that you want to authorize to charge, and then press the SELECT key. Press the ESCAPE key to return to the list of authorized servers without adding a new server. Page 1 of 1 FULL NAME HELP Type the full name of the user or group; then press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If the user or group already has a full name, use the BACKSPACE key to delete it; then type the new name. If you changed the full name but do not want to save the changed name, press the CANCEL key to restore the original name. Page 1 of 1 INSERT NEW USER NAME HELP Enter the name of the new user. Page 1 of 1 USER NAME HELP Use the BACKSPACE key to delete the user's old name. Type the user's new name and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 FULL NAME HELP This inset shows the full name of the user or group. To return to the previous menu, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1SV OTHER INFORMATION HELP This screen shows other information about the selected user or group. Each field that may appear on this screen is described below. LAST LOGIN This information will appear only when you are getting information about a user. The last date that the user logged in to the file server is shown. If the user has not logged into the file server since his account was created, the message "Unknown" will be shown. FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATOR This information will appear only if the level of Advanced NetWare v2.1 that the file server is running supports the file server console features. It displays whether the user or group has been given authorization to perform file server console functions from a workstation. Page 1 of 2 OTHER INFORMATION HELP MAXIMUM DISK SPACE This option will appear only if you are getting information about a user and the file server is enforcing disk space limitations. The maximum amount of disk space that the user can use will be shown in kilobytes (1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes). If the user does not have a maximum restriction, the entry will show "Unrestricted." DISK SPACE IN USE This option will appear only if you are getting information about a user. The amount of disk space that is being used by files owned by the selected user is shown in kilobytes (1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes). USER ID (or GROUP ID) This option shows the bindery ID number of the selected user or group. Page 2 of 2 SET MULTIPLE USER INFORMATION HELP This menu allows you to change information for all the users that are marked. Each option is described below. ACCOUNT BALANCE Lets you change the account balance and credit limit for all the marked users. ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS Lets you change the account restrictions of all the marked users. Page 1 of 2 SET MULTIPLE USER INFORMATION HELP STATION RESTRICITONS Lets you specify what stations all the marked users can log in to. TIME RESTRICTIONS Lets you change the times of the week when the marked users can be logged in. Page 2 of 2 LOG OUT FROM SERVER HELP To log out from the highlighted file server, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CHARGE RATE HELP Highlight the charge rate that you want to apply during the selected time period and press the SELECT key. If the charge rate that you want to apply during the selected time period is not shown, select the "Other Charge Rate" option and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the charge rate, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 LOGIN TIME MUST BE ALLOWED HELP You have set the time restrictions so the the user cannot be logged in at any time during the week. If you do not want the user to log in, you should disable the account. Since time restrictions are enforced on the supervisor's account, SYSCON tries to protect you from making a mistake and locking the supervisor (or any other user) out of his account by not allowing any time periods in which he can be logged Mark some time periods when the user should be able to log in with an asterisk (*). Page 1 of 1 NO STATION RESTRICTIONS HELP No station restrictions have been placed on this account. This user can log in from any workstation on the internetwork. Only the supervisor can restrict what stations a user can log in from. Page 1 of 1 STATION RESTRICTIONS HELP This list shows network addresses where the selected user is allowed to log in from. If the list is empty, the user can log in from any workstation. If the list is not empty, the user can only log in from workstations whose address is included in the list. Addresses are shown as a network number and a node number. You can also allow the user to log in from any node on a specified network. Page 1 of 1 INVALID NETWORD ADDRESS HELP Network addresses must be with in the range from 1 to FFFFFFFE. You have entered a number outside this range. Check the address of the workstation where you want to allow this user to log in and re-enter the correct network portion of the address. Page 1 of 1 SECURITY EQUIVALENCES HELP This menu lists the users and groups that the selected user is security equivalent to. (The selected user has all the rights of the users and groups to which he is security equivalent, in addition to the rights explicitly granted him or her as a user.) Page 1 of 1 OTHER USERS AND GROUPS HELP This menu lists the users and groups that the selected user is not security equivalent to. To make the user security equivalent to a user or group, highlight the desired user or group and press the SELECT key. To make the user security equivalent to more than one user or group, highlight the desired users and groups with the MARK key; then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 GROUPS BELONGED TO HELP This menu lists the groups to which the selected user belongs. Page 1 of 1 OTHER GROUPS HELP This menu lists the groups that the current user is not yet a member of. To add the selected user to a group, highlight the group and press the SELECT key. To add the user to several groups, highlight the desired groups with the MARK key; then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE DIRECTORY ASSIGNMENTS HELP This menu lists the directories in which the highlighted user or group's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. (Trustee rights extend to each subdirectory of the directory in which they are declared, unless they are specifically changed in the subdirectory.) Page 1 of 1 GRANTED TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This menu lists the rights currently granted to the user or group in the highlighted directory. You have the following options: INSERT Grant additional rights. DELETE Revoke the highlighted right. To revoke several rights simultaneously, highlight the rights with the MARK key and press the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 OTHER TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This menu lists the rights that have not been granted to the user or group in the highlighted directory. To grant any of these rights, highlight the right and press the SELECT key. To grant several rights, highlight them with the MARK key and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 ALL NODES ARE ALREADY ALLOWED HELP You have already specified that the user can log in from all nodes on this network. If you want to limit the user to specific nodes on the network, you must delete the entry that allows all nodes first. Page 1 of 1 EXISTING SUBDIRECTORIES HELP This menu lists the subdirectories of the volume or directory you have specified. Highlight the subdirectory which is part of the directory path leading to the directory in which you wish to make the user or group a trustee. Then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 DUPLICATE STATION RESTRICTION HELP The address you have just entered is already in the list of addresses that the user is allowed to log in from. You cannot enter the same address into the list more than once. Page 1 of 1 GROUP NAMES HELP This menu lists the groups on the current file server. To learn more about any of these groups, highlight that group and press the SELECT key. If you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you can also modify the groups shown. For a description of available options, see the next screen. Page 1 of 2 EXISTING GROUPS HELP If you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you also have the following options: INSERT Add a new group. DELETE Delete the highlighted group. To delete several groups simultaneously, highlight them with the MARK key and press the DELETE key. MODIFY Rename the highlighted group. Page 2 of 2 GROUP NAME HELP Type the name of the group you wish to create on the current file server and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 GROUP NAME HELP Use the BACKSPACE key to erase the group's old name. Then type the group's new name and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1d| GROUP INFORMATION HELP This menu shows information about the selected group. To view the information, highlight the desired option and press the SELECT key. A brief description of each option follows. FULL NAME Displays the group's full name. MEMBER LIST Lists the users on the current file server that belong to this group. Page 1 of 3<~ GROUP INFORMATION HELP The following option is displayed ONLY if you belong to the group selected or have supervisor privileges on the current file server. OTHER INFORMATION Shows the group ID number. If the current file server supports the virtual console features, shows whether the group has been given console operator rights. Page 2 of 3 GROUP INFORMATION HELP TRUSTEE DIRECTORY ASSIGNMENTS Lists the directories (on the current file server) in which the group has trustee rights, along with the rights granted in each directory. page 3 of 3 GROUP MEMBERS HELP This list shows the users that belong to the selected group. Page 1 of 1 OTHER USERS HELP This menu lists the users on the file server that are not members of the highlighted group. To add a user to the group, highlight the user and press the SELECT key. To add more than one user to the group, highlight them with the MARK key and press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE GROUP HELP To delete the highlighted group(s) from this file server, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE USER FROM GROUP HELP To remove the highlighted users from the selected group, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press ESCAPE. Page 1 of 1 DELETE TRUSTEE FROM DIRECTORY HELP To delete the highlighted trustee from the highlighted directory, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. When a trustee is deleted from a directory, the trustee's rights revert to the rights the trustee has in the parent directory. Thus, if no trustee rights were declared in the parent directory, the trustee will no longer have any rights. Page 1 of 1 DELETE USER FROM GROUP HELP To delete the current user from the highlighted group(s), answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE SECURITY EQUIVALENCES HELP To delete the current user's security equivalences with the highlighted user(s) and group(s), answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 BAD NODE ADDRESS HELP Node addresses must be within the range from 0 to FFFFFFFFFFFE. You have entered a number outside this range. Check the address of the workstation that you want to allow this user to log in from and re-enter the correct node address. Page 1 of 1 SUPERVISOR STATION RESTRICTION HELP Station restrictions are enforced on the supervisor account. If you accidently list invalid addresses in the list of addresses where the supervisor is allowed to log in from, the supervisor could never log in again. To help prevent you from making this mistake, SYSCON has checked to see that you can at least log in from the station that you are on right now. Check the addresses that you entered to make sure they are correct. If they are incorrect, delete the incorrect entries and re-enter them. If they are correct but this station is not included, you must either delete all the entries or add this station temporarily; then go to one of the stations that you are going to allow the supervisor to log in from and correct the list. Page 1 of 1 FULL NAME HELP No full name has been defined for the selected user or group. (Only the supervisor can define a full name.) Page 1 of 1 USER ALREADY EXISTS HELP The user was not added because a user by that name already exists on the file server. Each user on the file server must have a unique name. Z THE SUPERVISOR CANNOT BE DELETED HELP The SUPERVISOR is a special user who cannot be deleted. Page 1 of 1 THE SUPERVISOR CANNOT BE RENAMED HELP The SUPERVISOR is a special user who cannot be renamed. Page 1 of 1 LOG IN TO SERVER HELP You cannot log in to an additional file server because your station is already attached to eight servers. (A station cannot be logged in to more than eight servers simultaneously.) You must log out from one of the servers to which you are currently logged in before you can log in to any other servers. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNTING NOT SUPPORTED HELP The version of Advanced NetWare that is running on this file server does not support the accounting features. If you need to use accounting features on this server you should upgrade to a version of Advanced NetWare that supports these features. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNTING WRONG VERSION This version of SYSCON does not support the version of accounting that this file server is running. You have probably run an incorrect version of SYSCON. Check to make sure that you ran the version of SYSCON that came with your file server software. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNTING NOT INSTALLED HELP Accounting has not been installed on this file server. A user must have supervisor privileges to install accounting. Page 1 of 1 FILE SERVER CAN NOT CHARGE HELP The file server has been removed from the list of authorized accounting servers. It cannot charge users for any file service or disk storage service unless its name appears in the list of authorized accounting servers. If you want to authorize the file server to charge for a service, select the "Accounting Servers" option and press INSERT. Page 1 of 1 USER IS ALREADY A TRUSTEE HELP You were unable to add the selected user or group as a trustee in the directory, because the user or group is already a trustee in the directory. You may, however, change the user or group's trustee rights in the directory. To do so, highlight the name of the directory in which the user or group is a trustee and press the MODIFY Page 1 of 1 THE SPECIFIED VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST HELP The trustee was not added because a nonexistent volume was specified in the directory path. To list the file server's existing volumes, use the BACKSPACE key to erase the directory path; then press the INSERT key. Page 1 of 1 ADD TRUSTEE HELP The file server will not allow you to add the trustee to the directory because you entered an incorrect directory path. A directory path consists of a volume name, followed by a colon, followed by a list of directory names. Directory names must be separated by a slash (/) or a backslash (\), and may be up to 14 characters long. An example of a valid directory path is WORK:JOHN/DOCUMENTS. Press the INSERT key to list all the subdirectories of the path that you have entered. Page 1 of 1 CREATE NEW USER HELP Normally when users are created, they are automatically added to the group EVERYONE. An error occurred while attempting to add the new user to the group EVERYONE. This error probably occurred because the group EVERYONE has been deleted. Page 1 of 1 ADD GROUP HELP The group was not added because a group by that name already exists on the file server. Each group on a file server must have a unique name. Page 1 of 1 READ LOGIN SCRIPT FOR USER HELP Because you have supervisor privileges, you can read the login script of users other than the currently selected user. To access another user's login script, use the BACKSPACE key to delete the current user's name then either type the name of the user whose login script you wish to view, or press the INSERT key to list the available users and select one from the list. Page 1 of 1; USER LOGIN SCRIPT HELP The user login script specifies the actions that will occur when the current user logs in. The commands in the user login script are executed after the commands in the system login script. A default login script is run for users who do not have a login script created specifically for their usernames. WHEN YOU SAVE A LOGIN SCRIPT IN SYSCON, IT OVERRIDES YOUR DEFAULT SCRIPT. DO NOT SAVE AN INCORRECT LOGIN SCRIPT IN SYSCON, OR YOUR STATION WILL NOT HAVE SEARCH DRIVES MAPPED CORRECTLY WHEN YOU LOG IN TO THE SYSTEM. If you delete the entire login script and save it (spaces and carriage returns must all be deleted also), the default login script will be used again. For a detailed explanation of how to create and modify your own login script, see Appendix A of the Menu Utilities manual. Page 1 of 6 USER LOGIN SCRIPT HELP You can use the following keys to edit the user login script. Press the ESCAPE key when you are finished. (For a description of what physical key to use on your particular machine and an explanation of what the key does, press the HELP key a second time.) PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, SPECIAL UP, SPECIAL DOWN, SPECIAL RIGHT, SPECIAL LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, FIELD RIGHT (WORD RIGHT), FIELD LEFT (WORD LEFT), DELETE, BACKSPACE, and CANCEL. Page 2 of 6 USER LOGIN SCRIPT HELP To delete a block of text, press the MARK key and use the UP- and DOWN-arrow keys to highlight the text and press the DELETE key. To move a block of text, delete it as explained above, position the cursor where you wish to insert the text and press the INSERT key. Page 3 of 6 LOGIN SCRIPT COMMANDS Each login script command must be written on its own line. Blank lines will be ignored by LOGIN. The following commands may be used in a login script: MAP WRITE EXIT DRIVE IF... THEN BREAK DOS BREAK # (EXEC) REMARK COMSPEC= INCLUDE DISPLAY FDISPLAY PAUSE MACHINE NAME= DOS SET See Appendix A of the Menu Utilities manual for an explanation of how to execute the above commands. Page 4 of 6 EXPLANATION OF LOGIN SCRIPT IDENTIFIERS Identifiers are predefined symbols recognized by LOGIN. They represent textual information that is variable. For example, the identifier DAY_OF_WEEK represents the literal string "Monday," "Tuesday," or whatever the current day is. Identifiers may be displayed (see WRITE command) or may be used in comparisons (see IF...THEN command). Identifiers preceded by a percent (%) sign will be replaced by their corresponding text value. They may appear anywhere in the login script, like command-line parameters. Notice that identifiers MUST be in ALL CAPITALS. See the following screen for a list of identifiers. Page 5 of 6 LOGIN SCRIPT IDENTIFIERS Identifier Text Value Identifier Text Value HOUR 1 to 12 LOGIN_NAME User's login name HOUR24 00 to 23 FULL_NAME User's full name MINUTE 00 to 59 STATION Station number SECOND 00 TO 59 GREETING_TIME Morning, Afternoon, or Evening AM_PM am or pm NEW_MAIL Yes or No MONTH 01 to 12 OS MSDOS MONTH_NAME June, May, etc. OS_VERSION V2.11 or V3.00 DAY 01 TO 31 MACHINE IBM PC,Victor9000,etc. YEAR 1983, 2016, etc. SHELL_TYPE Shell type number SHORT_YEAR 83, 16, etc. P_STATION Physical station number DAY_OF_WEEK Monday, Tuesday,etc. SMACHINE Short machine name NDAY_OF_WEEK 1 to 7 (1=Monday) MEMBER OF No text value Page 6 of 6 LOGIN SCRIPT HELP This menu lists the file server users. Highlight the name of the user whose login script you want to access and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to select a user, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 READ LOGIN SCRIPT FOR USER HELP Because you have supervisor privileges, you can assign the highlighted user's login script to another user. To do so, use the BACKSPACE key to delete the highlighted user's name from the "Read Login Script for User" entry box. To assign the login script to another user, either type that user's name or press the INSERT key to list the file server users and select one from the list. Page 1 of 1 SYSTEM LOGIN SCRIPT HELP The system login script specifies actions that will occur for all users when they log in. The commands in the system login script are executed before the commands in the individual user's login script. A default login script is run for users who do not have a login script created specifically for their usernames. For a detailed explanation of how to create and modify your own login script, see Appendix A of the Menu Utilities manual. Page 1 of 6 SYSTEM LOGIN SCRIPT HELP You can use the following keys to edit the system login script. Press the ESCAPE key when you are finished. (For a description of the physical key to use on your particular machine and an explanation of the key's function, press the HELP key a second time.) PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, SPECIAL UP, SPECIAL DOWN, SPECIAL RIGHT, SPECIAL LEFT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, FIELD RIGHT (WORD RIGHT), FIELD LEFT (WORD LEFT), DELETE, BACKSPACE, and CANCEL. Page 2 of 6N SYSTEM LOGIN SCRIPT HELP To delete a block of text, press the MARK key and use the UP-and DOWN-ARROW keys to highlight the text; then press the DELETE key. To move a block of text, delete it as explained above and position the cursor where you wish to insert the text; then press the INSERT key. Page 3 of 6 LOGIN SCRIPT COMMANDS Each login script command must be written on its own line. Blank lines will be ignored by LOGIN. The following commands may be used in a login script: MAP WRITE EXIT DRIVE IF...THEN BREAK DOS BREAK # (EXEC) REMARK COMSPEC= INCLUDE DISPLAY FDISPLAY PAUSE MACHINE NAME= DOS SET See Appendix A of the Menu Utilities manual for an explanation of how to execute the above commands. Page 4 of 6 EXPLANATION OF LOGIN SCRIPT IDENTIFIERS Identifiers are predefined symbols recognized by LOGIN. They represent textual information that is variable. For example, the identifier DAY_OF_WEEK represents the literal string "Monday," "Tuesday," or whatever the current day is. Identifiers may be displayed (see WRITE command) or may be used in comparisons (see IF...THEN command). The MEMBER OF identifier may only be used in comparisons. It has no test value. (IF (NOT) MEMBER OF GroupName THEN ....) Identifiers preceded by a percent (%) sign will be replaced by their corresponding text value. They may appear anywhere in the login script, like command-line parameters. Notice that identifiers MUST be in ALL CAPITALS. Page 5 of 6 LOGIN SCRIPT IDENTIFIERS Identifier Text Value Identifier Text Value HOUR 1 to 12 LOGIN_NAME User's login name HOUR24 00 to 23 FULL_NAME User's full name MINUTE 00 to 59 STATION Station number SECOND 00 TO 59 GREETING_TIME Morning, Afternoon, or Evening AM_PM am or pm NEW_MAIL Yes or No MONTH 01 to 12 OS MSDOS MONTH_NAME June, May, etc. OS_VERSION V2.11 or V3.00 DAY 01 TO 31 MACHINE IBM PC,Victor9000,etc. YEAR 1983, 2016, etc. SHELL_TYPE Shell type number SHORT_YEAR 83, 16, etc. P_STATION Physical station number DAY_OF_WEEK Monday, Tuesday,etc. SMACHINE Short machine name NDAY_OF_WEEK 1 to 7 (1=Monday) MEMBER OF No text value Page 6 of 6 SUPERVISOR OPTIONS HELP Only users with supervisor rights can use this option. You do not have supervisor rights on the currently selected file server. Page 1 of 1 GROUPS BELONGED TO HELP This menu lists the groups to which the selected user belongs. Because you are a supervisor, you may modify the user's group membership using the following keys: INSERT Add the user to more groups. DELETE Delete the user from the currently highlighted group. To delete the user from several groups simultaneously, highlight the desired groups with the MARK key; then press the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 SECURITY EQUIVALENCES HELP (supervisor) This menu lists the users and groups that the highlighted user is security equivalent to. (The selected user has all the rights of the users and groups to which he is security equivalent, in addition to the rights explicitly granted him or her as a user.) Page 1 of 2 SECURITY EQUIVALENCES HELP (SUPERVISOR) Because you have supervisor privileges, you can modify any user's security equivalences by using the following keys: INSERT Make the user security equivalent to additional users and groups. DELETE Delete the user's security equivalence to highlighted users and groups. To remove several security equivalences simultaneously, use the MARK key to highlight the desired user(s) and group(s); then press the DELETE key. page 2 of 2 GROUP MEMBERS HELP This menu lists the users that belong to the selected group. Because you have supervisor privileges on the current file server, you can do the following: INSERT Add additional users to the selected group. DELETE Delete the highlighted user(s) from the group. To delete several users simultaneously, highlight them with the MARK key and press the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1^ TRUSTEE DIRECTORY ASSIGNMENTS HELP This menu lists the directories in which the highlighted user or group's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. (Trustee rights extend to each subdirectory of the directory in which they are declared, unless they are specifically changed in the subdirectory.) Page 1 of 2 TRUSTEE DIRECTORY ASSIGNMENTS HELP Because you have supervisor privileges, you can modify trustee assignments by using the following keys: INSERT Explicitly declare the user or group's trustee rights in a directory. DELETE Remove the highlighted trustee rights declaration. To remove several declarations simultaneously, highlight them with the MARK key press the DELETE key. SELECT Change the rights explicitly granted or revoked in the highlighted directory. Page 2 of 2 REVOKE TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP If you want all of the marked trustee rights to be revoked in this directory for the selected user, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CREATE NEW DIRECTORY HELP The directory you have specified does not exist. If you have misspelled the directory name, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key, and then correct the spelling. If you want to give the selected user trustee rights to a directory that did not previously exist, answer YES. If you answer YES, the directory will be created and the selected user will be given trustee rights in that directory. Page 1 of 1e DEFAULT TIME RESTRICTIONS HELP This window allows you to specify the default time restrictions that will be used when new user accounts are created. The default time restrictions specify what times of the day a user is allowed to be logged in to the file server. The week is divided into half-hour time blocks. If the user is allowed to be logged in during the half-hour block, the block should be marked with an astrick (*). If the user is not allowed to be logged in, the half-hour block should be marked with a blank space ( ). Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT TIME RESTRICTIONS HELP The following keys can be used to change whether a user can be logged in. INSERT key or the astrick (*) key Specify that the user is allowed to log in. DELETE key or the space ( ) key Specify that the user is not allowed to log in. SELECT key Reverses the current setting(s). A large block of time can be changed by positioning the cursor at one corner of the time block, pressing the MARK key, and then moving the cursor to the other corner of the time block before pressing one of the keys listed above. Page 2 of 2 VIEW ERROR LOG HELP This file shows all the errors that have been logged since the last time the error log file was cleared. Each time an error occurs while the file server is running, the error is shown on the system console. In addition, the error is logged in the error log file. You can use the following keys to examine the errors recorded in the error log file: UP-arrow, DOWN-arrow, PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN, SPECIAL UP, and SPECIAL DOWN. Page 1 of 1 WORKGROUP MANAGER CANDIDATES LIST This is a list of all workgroup managers. Press the SELECT key to add one of the users as a workgroup manager, or use the MARK and SELECT keys to add several users as workgroup managers. Page 1 of 1 DELETE WORKGROUP MANAGERS HELP If you want to revoke the highlighted user or group's rights to create new user accounts, groups, and queues, highlight YES and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to revoke their rights, highlight NO and press the SELECT key, or the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE WORKGROUP MANAGERS HELP If you want to revoke the highlighted user or group's rights to create new user accounts, groups, and queues, highlight YES and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to revoke their rights, highlight NO and press the SELECT key, or the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 MANAGERS HELP This is a list of all users and groups that are workgroup managers of the selected user or group. Workgroup managers have the necessary "supervisor" rights to modify and/or delete the selected user or group's account. If you are the network supervisor, you can change the list of workgroup managers. Use the DELETE key to remove users from the list, or the INSERT key to add users to the list. Page 1 of 1 INSUFFICIENT RIGHTS HELP Although you have supervisor privileges over some users and groups because you are a workgroup manager, you do not have supervisor privileges over all users and groups. You have just attempted to add or delete a user or group over which you are not a workgroup manager. If you need to have workgroup manager rights over this user or group, ask the system supervisor to grant you the necessary workgroup manager rights. Page 1 of 1 MANAGED USERS AND GROUPS HELP This list shows users and groups that are managed by the selected user or group. This means that the selected user or group has "supervisor" rights over the users and groups shown in this list. These supervisor rights include modifying the user's name, password, account restrictions, account balance, groups, security equivalences, and login script, as well as deleting the user or group. If you have supervisor rights over the selected user or group, you can add to or delete from this list by using the INSERT or DELETE keys. You can delete several users by using the MARK key to mark each user and pressing the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 REVOKE RIGHT TO MANAGE USER HELP If you no longer want the selected user or group to manage the highlighted users and/or groups, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 GRANT RIGHT TO MANAGE USERS HELP This list shows users and groups that are not managed by the selected user or group. To grant the right to manage a user or group, highlight the user or group and press the SELECT key. If you want to grant the right to manage several users or groups, user the MARK key to mark each user or groups name; press the SELECT key. If you do not want to grant the right to manage any of these users or groups; press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 NO OTHER ACCOUNTING SERVERS HELP In order for a server to be authorized to charge for its services, it must have an account on the file server that it logs in to. SYSCON knows about server accounts for Job Servers, Gateways, Print Servers, Archive Servers, SNA Gateways, and Remote Bridges. There are no accounts for any of these servers that have not been given authorization to charge for their services. Page 1 of 1 MORE THAN 20 CHARGE CHANGES HELP The method that the file server uses to store what amounts are being charged during what time of the day allows a maximum of 20 times when the charge rate changes. One entry can change the rate to a new value for one or more days. For instance, one entry can change the charge for connection time to 1/30 at 8:00am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It takes another entry to change the rate to 1/50 at 8:00am on Tuesday. Each time of the day that a rate change occurs uses at least one entry, and it will use more than one entry if there is a change for more than one day and the charge rate is not the same. Consolidate the rate changes you have made so that it does not take more than 20 entries to store the rate changes. Page 1 of 1 MORE THAN 20 DISK CHARGE ENTRIES HELP The method that the file server uses to store when disk storage space should be charged for and the rate that should be used allows a maximum of 20 entries when disk storage space can be charged for. One entry can charge a specific rate at a certain time on one or more days. For instance, one entry can charge for 1/50 per block-day of disk storage space at 2:00am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It takes another entry to change the rate to 1/50 at 2:00am on Tuesday. Each time of the day that a change occurs uses at least one entry, and it will use more than one entry if there is a different charge rate for the same time period on other days of the week. Consolidate the times and rates that are being charged for disk storage so that it does not take more than 20 entries to store the charge times. Page 1 of 1 ERROR LOG IS EMPTY No errors have been recorded in the file server error log file since the last time the error log was cleared. Page 1 of 1 LOGOUT FROM SERVER HELP You pressed the DELETE key which allows you to log out from the marked file servers. However, a local drive was marked, and it is not possible to log out from local drives. If you want to log out from a file server, highlight that file server's name before pressing the MODIFY key. It is possible to log out of multiple file servers by marking each of them with the MARK key before pressing the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE RIGHTS DIRECTORY SPECIFICATION HELP Only directories on the file server where the user account exists can be used. Specify the directory path beginning with the volume name. If you do not remember the path, press the INSERT key to view a list of existing directories. Page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE RIGHTS DIRECTORY SPECIFICATION HELP Drive letters cannot be used when specifying the directories where a user has trustee rights. Only directories on the file server where the user account exists can be used. Specify the directory path beginning with the volume name. If you do not remember the path, press the INSERT key to view a list of existing directories. Page 1 of 1 INVALID DRIVE HELP The drive you specified is not currently valid. Press the INSERT key to interactively select a directory. Page 1 of 1 Create Directory Error The name of the directory you are trying to create is in use by a file. page 1 of 1 USER DOES NOT EXIST HELP There is no user account with the specified name. If you do not remember the user's name, press the INSERT key to get a list of all usernames. Page 1 of 1 INVALID INTEGER VALUE HELP The number that you entered is not in the allowed range of numbers. Enter a number that is in the specified range, or if you do not want to change this field, press the CANCEL key to restore the original setting. Page 1 of 1 STATION RESTRICTIONS HELP This list shows network addresses where the selected user is allowed to log in. If the list is empty, the user can log in from any workstation. If the list is not empty, the user can only log in from workstations whose address is included in the list. Addresses are shown as a network number and a node number; it is also possible to specify that the user can log in from any node on a specified network. You can change the allowed login addresses using the following keys: INSERT Add an address to the list of allowed login addresses. DELETE Remove an address from the list of allowed login addresses. You can remove several addresses by marking each one with the MARK key before pressing the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNTING SERVERS HELP This list shows all servers that are authorized to charge for their services. If a server does not appear in this list, it will be unable to charge for services it performs (although an audit note indicating that it attempted to charge will still be placed in the audit file). The file server must appear in this list if it is to charge for any file services. You can change this list by using the following options: INSERT Authorize another server to charge for its services DELETE Revoke a servers rights to charge for its services. You can also revoke several servers rights at once my marking each server with the MARK key before pressing DELETE. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNTING SERVERS HELP This list shows all servers that are authorized to charge for their services. If a server does not appear in this list, it will be unable to charge for services it performs (although an audit note indicating that it attempted to charge will still be placed in the audit file). The file server must appear in this list if it is to charge for any file services. Page 1 of 1 SERVERS NOT AUTHORIZED TO CHARGE This list shows all servers of the selected type that are not currently authorized to charge for their services. If the list is empty, there are no servers of this type that are not authorized to charge. Select the server that you want to authorize to charge and press the SELECT key. You can authorize several servers at the same time by marking each server with the MARK key before pressing the SELECT key. If you do not want to authorize a server to charge, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATORS HELP This list shows all the users and groups that have been authorized to run the file server console from any workstation where they are logged in. In addition, any users that are security equivalent to a user or group in this list will also be able to run the file server console from any workstation. You have the following options: INSERT Authorize new users or groups to run the file server console from their workstation. DELETE Revoke a user or group's right to run the file server console. You can revoke several users' or groups' rights by marking each user or group with the MARK key before pressing the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE CONSOLE OPERATOR HELP If you want to revoke the highlighted user or group's rights to run the virtual console from a workstation, highlight YES and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to revoke their rights, highlight NO and press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 ADD FILE SERVER CONSOLE OPERATOR HELP This list shows all users and groups that have not been explicitly granted the right to run the file server console from any workstation. To give a user or group the right to run the file server console, highlight the user or group's name and press the SELECT key. To give several users or groups the right to run the file server console, mark each name using the MARK key and then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to give anyone else the right to run the file server console, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE MARKED STATION RESTRICTIONS HELP If you want to remove all the highlighted station restrictions from the list of addresses where this user can log in from then answer YES, otherwise answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Note that deleting all addresses from the list will allow the user to log in from any address. Page 1 of 1 REMOVE ACCOUNTING SERVER HELP If you want the marked servers' right to charge users for their services to be revoked, answer YES. If you want the servers to continue to be authorized to charge for services, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CONNECT CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each minute of connect time (time that a user is logged in to the file server). The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. In addition, the amount that is charged during different time periods of the week can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. Page 1 of 1Z CONNECT CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each minute of connect time (time that a user is logged in to the file server). The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. In addition, the amount that is charged during different time periods of the week can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half hour period. You can change the charge during a single half-hour by positioning the cursor on the half-hour and pressing the SELECT key. Page 1 of 2 CONNECT CHARGE RATES HELP You can change the charge during a larger time block by positioning the cursor at the beginning or end of the time block, pressing the MARK key, moving the cursor to the other end of the time block, and then pressing the SELECT key. To not charge during a time period, change the charge rate during that time period to "No Charge" (charge multiplier of 0). Page 2 of 2 DISK STORAGE CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each block (a block is 4K or 4096 bytes) that is stored on a disk for one day. The time when disk storage will be charged for is shown, as well as the amount that will be charged per block-day. Disk storage will be charged for at the specified half-hour and will charge for all disk storage since the last time that disk storage was charged for. Page 1 of 1 DISK STORAGE CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each block (a block is 4K or 4096 bytes) that is stored on a disk for one day. The time when disk storage will be charged for is shown, as well as the amount that will be charged per block-day. Disk storage will be charged for at the specified half-hour and will charge for all disk storage since the last time that disk storage was charged for. You can specify a charge time for a single half-hour by positioning the cursor on the half-hour and pressing the SELECT key. You can specify a charge time of a larger block by positioning the cursor at the beginning or end of the block, pressing the MARK key, moving the cursor to the other end of the block, and then pressing the SELECT key. To not charge during a time period, change the charge rate during that time period to "No Charge." Page 1 of 1 SERVICE REQUESTS CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each request that is made by a workstation. The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. The amount that is charged during different time periods of the week can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. Page 1 of 11& SERVICE REQUESTS CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each request that is made by a workstation. The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. The amount that is charged during different time periods can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. You can change the charge during a single half-hour by positioning the cursor on the half-hour and pressing the SELECT key. Page 1 of 2 SERVICE REQUESTS CHARGE RATES HELP You can change the charge during a larger time block by positioning the cursor at the beginning or end of the time block, pressing the MARK key, moving the cursor to the other end of the time block, and then pressing the SELECT key. To not charge during a time period, change the charge rate during that time period to "No Charge" (charge multiplier of 0). Page 2 of 2 DISK READ CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each block (a block is 4K or 4096 bytes) that is read from the disk. The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during other time periods. The amount that is charged during different time periods of the week can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. Page 1 of 1 DISK READ CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each block (a block is 4K or 4096 bytes) that is read from the disk. The charge is shown for each half hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. The amount that is charged during different time periods can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. You can change the charge during a single half-hour by positioning the cursor on the half-hour and pressing the SELECT key. You can change the charge during a larger time block by positioning the cursor at the beginning or end of the time block, pressing the MARK key, moving the cursor to the other end of the time block, and pressing SELECT. To not charge during a time period change, the charge rate during that time period to "No Charge" (charge multiplier of 0). Page 1 of 1 DISK WRITE CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each block (a block is 4K or 4096 bytes) that is written to the disk. The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. The amount that is charged during different time periods of the week can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. Page 1 of 1 DISK WRITE CHARGE RATES HELP This screen shows how much the file server will charge for each block (a block is 4K or 4096 bytes) that is written to the disk. The charge is shown for each half-hour during the week. The file server may charge during some time periods and not charge during others. The amount that is charged during different time periods of the week can be varied. Each half-hour is marked by the charge rate that applies during that half-hour period. You can change the charge during a single half- hour by positioning the cursor on the half-hour and pressing the SELECT key. Page 1 of 2 DISK WRITE CHARGE RATES HELP You can change the charge during a larger time block by positioning the cursor at the beginning or end of the time block, pressing the MARK key, moving the cursor to the other end of the time block, and pressing the SELECT key. To not charge during a time period, change the charge rate during that time period to "No Charge" (charge multiplier of 0). Page 2 of 2 ALLOWED LOGIN TIMES HELP This window allows you to specify the times during the week when this user is allowed to be logged in to the file server. The week is divided into half-hour time blocks. If the user is allowed to be logged in during the half- hour block, the block should be marked with an asterisk (*). If the user is not allowed to be logged in, the half- hour block should be marked with a blank space ( ). Page 1 of 2 ALLOWED LOGIN TIMES HELP The following keys can be used to change whether a user can be logged in. INSERT key or the asterisk (*) key Specify that the user is allowed to log in. DELETE key or blank space ( ) Specify that the user is not allowed to log in. SELECT key Reverse the current setting(s). A large block of time can be changed by positioning the cursor at one corner of the time block, pressing the MARK key, and then moving the cursor to the other corner of the time block before pressing one of the keys listed above. Page 2 of 2 ALLOWED LOGIN TIMES HELP This window shows the times during the week when this user is allowed to be logged into the file server. The week is divided up into half-hour time blocks. If the user is allowed to be logged in during the half-hour block, the block is marked with an asterisk (*). If the user is not allowed to be logged in, the half-hour block is marked with a blank space ( ). Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT ACCOUNT EXPIRATION HELP Set this field to YES if you want new accounts to be created as temporary accounts that will automatically expire at a specified future date. Set this field to NO if new accounts should be created as permanent accounts. After entering the desired option, press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you do not want to change this field, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 FIELD EXIT HELP You have changed the contents of this field. If you do not want to save the changes you made, select NO. If you want to save the changes, select YES. If you want to continue editing the field, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT ACCOUNT EXPIRATION DATE Enter the date that should be the default account expiration date for any new user accounts that are created. The account will be automatically disabled by the file server after the expiration date is past. After you have entered the date, press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you have changed the date but do not want to save the changed date, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT LIMIT CONNECTIONS HELP If you want new user accounts to be created with the limit connections restriction set to yes, enter YES. If you do not want the connections to be limited, enter NO. When you have finished, press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you do not want to change this field, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If the limit connections option is set to YES, you can enter a value for the maximum number of workstations that a user can be logged in to at the same time. Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT MAXIMUM CONNECTIONS HELP Enter the number that you want to be the default maximum number of connections for new user accounts that are created. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to save any changes you have made then, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. The maximum connections limit is the maximum number of workstations that a user can be logged in to at the same time. Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT "Require Password" HELP If you want the default for new user accounts that are created to require the account to have a password, enter YES, otherwise enter NO. When you have finished, press the SELECT key or ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this setting that you do not want saved, press the CANCEL key before pressing the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT "Require Password" HELP If a password is required and the user does not have a password of the minimum required length, the user will be told his password has expired when he logs in. In addition, if the "Limit Grace Logins" option is set to YES, the user will be locked out of his account if he has not assigned a password to his account within the grace login period. Page 2 of 2 DEFAULT MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH Enter the default minimum password length that should be used when new user accounts are created. After you have entered the length, press the SELECT or ESCAPE keys. If you have made changes to the length that you do not want to save, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH If a password is required and the user does not have a password of the minimum required length, the user will be told his password has expired when he logs in. In addition, if the "Limit Grace Logins" option is set to YES, the user will be locked out of his account if he has not assigned a password to his account within the grace login period. Page 2 of 2 DEFAULT FORCE PASSWORD CHANGES HELP If you want the default for new users that are created to be that they must change their passwords at regular intervals, enter YES; otherwise, enter NO. When you have entered your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this entry that you do not want to save, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If this option is set to YES; you can enter the number of days after which the user's password will expire. Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT PASSWORD EXPIRATION INTERVAL Enter the default number of days that a user can use the same password. After you have entered the number of days, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT PASSWORD EXPIRATION INTERVAL When a user has used his password for the specified number of days, he will be told that the password is expired and should be changed. In addition, if the "Limit Grace Logins" option is set to YES, the user will not be allowed to log in again if the password is not changed within the specified number of grace logins. Page 2 of 2 DEFAULT LIMIT GRACE LOGINS HELP If you want the default for new user accounts that are created to limit the number of times that they can log in with an expired password, set this option to YES. If the user should be able to log in with an expired password forever, set this option to NO. After you have made your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT LIMIT GRACE LOGINS HELP If this option is set to YES, you can enter the number of times that the user can continue to log in with the expired password. If the user does not change the password within the specified number of logins, he will not be allowed to log in again until the supervisor grants the user additional grace logins or changes the user's password expiration date to a date that is not past. Page 2 of 2.X DEFAULT GRACE LOGINS HELP Enter the number of grace logins that should be the default for new user accounts that are created. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT GRACE LOGINS HELP After a user's password has expired, the user will be given the specified number of grace logins using the expired password. Each time the user logs in, he will be informed that the password is expired and will be asked to change it. If the password is not changed before the grace logins are used up, the user will not be able to log in again until the SUPERVISOR gives him additional grace logins or sets the password expiration date to a date that is not past. Page 2 of 2 DEFAULT REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS If you want the default for new user accounts that are created to be that they are required to use a new password each time they change their password, set this option to YES. Otherwise, set this option to NO. When you have made your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save the change, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE Page 1 of 2 DEFAULT REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS If a user is required to have unique passwords, the file server will remember the user's previous passwords. The user will not be allowed to change his password to a password that he used previously. A user can change the password several times on the same day without the file server remembering the new passwords as passwords that the user has previously used. This keeps passwords that the user has not really used from being locked out as previous passwords by the file server. It also keeps users who do not want to change their passwords from cycling through a large number of passwords until the file server forgets the password they were just using and allows them to use it again. Page 2 of 2 LIMIT DISK SPACE HELP If you want the default for new user accounts that are created to limit the amount of disk space they can use, enter YES. If you do not want the default amount of disk space they can use to be limited, enter NO. When you have made your entry, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save the change, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 MAXIMUM DISK SPACE HELP Enter the maximum disk space that a user should be able to use on the file server. Enter the amount of disk space in kilobytes (1K is 1024 bytes). Since disk space is allocated in 4K blocks, the amount of space you entered will be rounded up to a 4K boundary. Files are allocated in 4K blocks also, so the actual disk space that a file is using is usually larger that the file size shown by a directory listing size must be rounded up to the next 4K boundary). When you have entered the disk space limit, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this limit and do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP This form lets you select the default restrictions that a new user will have when his account is first created. The entries are explained below: ACCOUNT HAS EXPIRATION DATE If this option is set to YES, it indicates that the account is only a temporary account. Temporary accounts are disabled automatically at a specified date and cannot be used after that date unless the supervisor reenables the account. If this option is set to NO, the account is permanent and does not have an expiration date. DATE ACCOUNT EXPIRES If the field "Account has Expiration" date is set to YES, this field contains the date the account expires. Page 1 of 8 DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT CONCURRENT CONNECTIONS If this field is set to YES, it indicates that the user is limited as to the number of workstations where he can be logged in at the same time. If this field is set to NO, the user is not limited, and can log in from as many stations as the server supports. MAXIMUM CONNECTIONS If the "Limit Concurrent Connections" field is set to YES, this field specifies how many stations the user can log in from at the same time. Page 2 of 8 DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP REQUIRE PASSWORD If this option is set to YES, the user is required to have a password on his account. If this option is set to NO, the user is not required to have a password. If the user is not required to have a password, he can choose whether he wants a password on his account. Note that a password must be required in order to require the user to change the password. MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH If the "Require Password" field is set to YES, this field contains the minimum length of the required password. This length can be between 1 and 20 characters. Page 3 of 8ip DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP FORCE PERIODIC PASSWORD CHANGES If the "Require Password" field was set to YES, this field indicates if the user is required to change his password at regular intervals. If this field is set to YES, the user's password will expire periodically and he will be asked to change the password. If this field is set to NO, the user's password will never expire. DAYS BETWEEN FORCED CHANGES If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field contains the number of days the user can use a password before the password expires. Page 4 of 8gt DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT GRACE LOGINS If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field indicates whether the user is forced to change the password, or if an expired password is simply a reminder to change to a new password. If this field is set to YES, the user has a limited number of chances to change the password. If the user does not change the password within the specified limit, he will no longer be able to log in. If this field is set to NO, the user will not be required to change the password when it expires. GRACE LOGINS ALLOWED If the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, this field indicates the number of chances the user gets to change his password when it is expired. If the user does not change the password within the specified number of logins, he will not be allowed to log in. Page 5 of 8 DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS If the "Require Password" field is set to YES, this field indicates whether the user should be forced to use a different password each time the password is changed. If this option is set to NO, the user can change the password to any password, even if it is a password he has used previously. If this option is set to YES, the user will not be allowed to change the password to a password he has used previously. Page 6 of 8 DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP ACCOUNT BALANCE If accounting is supported by the selected file server, this field will specify the account balance that should be given to a new user when his account is first created. ALLOW UNLIMITED CREDIT If accounting is supported by the selected file server, this field indicates whether a new user will be given unlimited credit when his account is first created. If this field is set to YES, the user will never be denied services because of insufficient account funds. If it is set to NO, the user will be denied services if his account balance drops below the low balance limit. Page 7 of 8 DEFAULT RESTRICTIONS HELP LOW BALANCE LIMIT If accounting is supported by the selected file server and "Allow Unlimited Credit" is set to NO, this field indicates the lowest balance the user can have and still receive services that are being charged for. If the user's account balance drops below the low balance limit, the user will be denied any additional services that are being charged for. Page 8 of 8\ ACCOUNT BALANCE HELP This form shows the user's current account balance and the user's credit limit. The account balance is the amount of funds that the user currently has. Each time the user is charged for a service, his account balance is decremented. The credit limit determines how low the user's account balance can drop before he will no longer receive services that are being charged for. If the user is given unlimited credit, he will always be given services and the account balance will only serve as an indicator of how much service the user is receiving. If the user has limited credit, then when the account balance falls below the specified credit limit, the user will no longer receive services that are being charged for. Page 1 of 2 ACCOUNT BALANCE HELP A credit limit of zero means the user cannot receive any further services when his account balance drops below zero. A negative credit limit means the user's account is allowed to go in the hole until it reaches the credit limit. A positiive credit limit means the user is required to have specified amount of funds in his account at all times. Page 2 of 2 CHANGE MULTIPLE USERS ACCOUNT BALANCE HELP If you want all the marked users account balance and credit limits to be set to these values, select YES; if you do not want them set to these values select NO. If you want to edit the values again, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNT BALANCE HELP Enter the desired account balance amount. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. The account balance is the user's current balance on the file server. The account balance will be decremented each time the user is charged for a service. The account balance should be incremented by the supervisor when the user account needs to be given additional funds. Page 1 of 1 ALLOW UNLIMITED CREDIT HELP If you want the user to be given unlimited credit on the file server, set this option to YES; otherwise, set this option to NO. When you have made your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this setting and do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If a user account is given unlimited credit, the user will continue to receive services no matter how low his account balance falls. If a user does not have unlimited credit, then specify the exact amount of credit that the user should be given. If the users' account balance drops below the defined credit limit, the user will no longer receive services for which there is a charge. Page 1 of 1 CREDIT LIMIT HELP Enter the credit limit for the user. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. The credit limit specifies the lowest balance the user can have in his account balance and still receive services that are being charged for. If the credit limit is set to zero, the user will not be able to receive additional services when his account balance drops to zero. Page 1 of 2 CREDIT LIMIT HELP If the credit limit is set to a negative amount, the user is allowed to "charge" additional services after his account balance falls below zero, until the account balance reaches the credit limit. If the credit limit is a positive amount, the user will not be able to use all of his account balance, but will be required to have some minimum amount of funds in his account at all times. Page 2 of 2 DETECT INTRUDERS HELP Enter YES in this field if you want the file server to detect when someone is trying to break in to an account. If you do not want the file server to detect when someone is trying to break in to an account, enter NO. When you have entered your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE If you have made changes to this setting that you do not want saved, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 INCORRECT LOGIN ATTEMPTS HELP Enter the number of successive incorrect login attempts at which the file server should detect that an intruder is trying to break into an account. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 BAD LOGIN COUNT RETENTION TIME HELP The BAD LOGIN COUNT RETENTION TIME is used to clear the bad login count if no additional incorrect attempts have been made to log in to the account for the specified length of time. Enter the days, hours, and minutes that bad login attempts should be remembered. When you have entered the number, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this field and do not want to save them, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 LOCK ACCOUNT AFTER DETECTION HELP If you want an account to be locked when an intruder is detected, set this option to YES. If you do not want the account to be locked set this option to NO. After you have entered your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1k INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT HELP Intruder detection and lockout allow you to specify whether attempts to log in to the file server with invalid passwords will be detected and recorded. In addition, it allows you to optionally lock an account that an intruder is trying to break in to. Each entry is described below. DETECT INTRUDERS If this option is set to YES, the file server will record repeated attempts to log in to an account with an invalid password. If this option is set to NO, the file server will not detect intruders. Page 1 of 5 INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT HELP INCORRECT LOGIN ATTEMPTS This entry is used by the file server to determine when an intruder is attempting to break in to an account and when a user mistyped his password. The file server tracks the number of incorrect login attempts that occur for each user account. It resets the number of incorrect logins for an account whenever the user successfully logs in to the file server or when the "Bad Login Count Retention Time" has past since the last bad login. If the number of incorrect logins for a user reaches the number entered in the "Incorrect Login Attempts" field, the file server will "detect" an intruder. When an intruder is detected, an entry is placed in the audit file and the file server error log file indicating the address of the intruder and the account he was attempting to log in to. In addition, the account the intruder was attempting to log in to can be locked. Page 2 of 5b INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT HELP BAD LOGIN COUNT RETENTION TIME This field indicates the amount of time, after an incorrect login attempt occurred, that must pass before the bad login attempt is forgotten by the file server. Bad login attempts are immediately forgotten if the user logs in successfully. Otherwise, the number of bad login counts is remembered until it reaches the limit specified in the "Incorrect Login Attempts" field, or the amount of time specified in the "Bad Login Count Retention" field has past. Page 3 of 5 INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT HELP LOCK ACCOUNT AFTER DETECTION This field allows you to specify if the file server should lock an account that an intruder is attempting to log in to. If this field is set to YES, the file server will lock the account when an intruder is detected; the file server will also generate a note in the audit file and in the system error log file. If this field is set to NO, a note indicating that an intruder was detected will be generated, but the account will not be locked. If an account is locked, no one can log in to the account for the length of time specified in the "Length of Account Lockout" field. This is intended to make it impossible to log in by trying to guess a password. Anyone with SUPERVISOR privileges can use SYSCON to unlock the account before the specified time has passed. In addition, the SUPERVISOR'S account can be unlocked from the file server console by typing ENABLE LOGIN. Page 4 of 5 INTRUDER DETECTION/LOCKOUT HELP LENGTH OF ACCOUNT LOCKOUT If the "Lock Account After Detection" option is set to YES, this field specifies the amount of time that the account should be locked. Page 5 of 5 INTRUDER LOCKOUT STATUS HELP This form shows the intruder lockout status of the selected user's account. Each field is described below. ACCOUNT LOCKED This field shows if the account is currently locked because an intruder was detected. If the account is locked, you can unlock it by changing this entry to NO. INCORRECT LOGIN COUNT This field shows the current incorrect login count for the selected count. This count is automatically reset to zero each time the user logs in successfully or when the ACCOUNT RESET TIME is reached. Page 1 of 3 INTRUDER LOCKOUT STATUS HELP ACCOUNT RESET TIME If the account is currently locked, this field shows the time when the account will be unlocked. If the account is unlocked, but the "Incorrect Login Count" is non-zero, this field shows the time when the incorrect login count will be reset to zero. Otherwise, this field is blank. TIME UNTIL RESET If the account is currently locked, this field shows how much longer the account will be locked. If the account is unlocked, but the "Incorrect Login Count" is non-zero, this field shows how much longer before the incorrect login count will be reset to zero. Otherwise this field is blank. Page 2 of 3 INTRUDER LOCKOUT STATUS HELP LAST INTRUDER ADDRESS If the account is locked, this field shows the address of the workstation of the "intruder" that caused that account to be locked. Otherwise, this field shows the address of the last workstation that attempted to log in with an incorrect password. Page 3 of 3 ACCOUNT LOCKED HELP If you want to allow users to log in to this account, enter NO. If you want users to be prevented from logging in to this account then enter YES. After you have made your selection press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE If you have changed this field but do not want to save the change, press the CANCEL key. Note that you can unlock an account that has been locked because of intruder detection, but you cannot lock an account that is not currently locked. Page 1 of 1 EDIT CHARGE MULTIPLIER HELP Enter the number that you want to use for the charge rate multiplier and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the number, press the ESCAPE key. The charge rate multiplier is used to determine how much will be charged for usage of a resource as follows: AmountUsed * Multiplier / Divisor = ChargeAmount Normally the multiplier should be much smaller than the divisor, since the "AmountUsed" is usually larger than the desired "ChargeAmount." The amount that should be charged will depend on your particular setup and the value that you assign to each unit of money. Page 1 of 1 EDIT CHARGE DIVISOR HELP Enter the number that you want to use for the charge rate divisor and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the number, press the ESCAPE key. The charge rate divisor is used to determine how much will be charged for usage of a resource as follows: AmountUsed * Multiplier / Divisor = ChargeAmount Normally the divisor should be much larger than the multiplier, since the "AmountUsed" is usually larger than the desired "ChargeAmount." The amount that should be charged will depend on your particular setup and the value that you assign to each unit of money. Page 1 of 1d ENTER CHARGE RATE HELP This form allows you to enter a new charge rate. A charge rate consists of a multiplier and a divisor that are used to change the amount of resource being charged for into a charge for the resources usage as follows: AmountUsed * Multiplier / Divisor = ChargeAmount Normally the amount of resource used is much larger than the amount that should be charged, so the amount entered for the divisor should be much larger than the amount entered for the multiplier. The amount that should be charged will depend on your particular setup and the value that you assign to each unit of money. Page 1 of 2 ENTER CHARGE RATE HELP To change the charge rate amount, highlight the number to be changed and type in the new number. To edit the number that is already entered, highlight the number to be edited and press the SELECT key. To set the charge amount to "No Charge", enter 0 as the multiplier. When you have set the charge rate that you want, press the ESCAPE key. Page 2 of 2 ACCOUNT DISABLED HELP If you do not want this account to be used, but do not want to delete the account then enter YES. If you want the user to be able to use this account then enter NO. When you have finished then press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. Note that if the account will never be used again you should delete the account rather than disable it. If you have made changes to this setting but do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNT EXPIRES HELP Set this field to YES if this account is a temporary account that should automatically expire at a specified future date. Set this field to NO if this account is a permanent account. After entering the desired option, press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you do not want to change this field, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNT EXPIRATION DATE Enter the date that this account should expire. This account will be disabled automatically by the file server after the expiration date is past. After you have entered the date, press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you have changed the date but do not want to save the changed date, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 LIMIT CONNECTIONS HELP If you want the number of workstations where this user can be simultaneously logged in to be limited, enter YES. If you do not want the connections to be limited, enter NO. When you have finished press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you do not want to change this field, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. If the "Limit Connections" option is set to YES, you can enter a value for the maximum number of workstations that a user can be logged in to at the same time. Page 1 of 1 MAX CONNECTIONS HELP Enter the maximum number of simultaneous connections this user can have. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to save any changes you have made, then press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. The maximum connections limit is the maximum number of workstations that the user can be logged in to at the same time. Page 1 of 1 ALLOW USER TO CHANGE PASSWORD HELP If the user should be able to change his own password, enter YES. If this account will be used by several people and they should not be able to change the password, enter NO. When you have entered your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this setting that you do not want to save, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 REQUIRE PASSWORD HELP If you want to require this user to have a password on his account, enter YES. Otherwise, enter NO. When you have finished, press the SELECT or ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this setting that you do not want saved, press the CANCEL key before pressing the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 REQUIRE PASSWORD HELP If a password is required and the user does not have a password of the minimum required length, he will be told his password has expired when he logs in. If the "Limit Grace Logins" option is set to YES, the user will be locked out of his account if he has not assigned a password to his account within the grace login period. Page 2 of 2$ MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH HELP Enter the minimum required length of the user's password. After you have entered the length, press the SELECT or ESCAPE keys. If you have made changes to the length that you do not want to save, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH HELP If a password is required and the user does not have a password of the minimum required length, the user will be told his password has expired when he logs in. In addition if the "Limit Grace Logins" option is set to YES, the user will be locked out of his account if he has not assigned a password to his account within the grace login period. Page 2 of 2 FORCE PERIODIC PASSWORD CHANGES HELP If you want this user to change his password at regular intervals, enter YES; otherwise, enter NO. When you have entered your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE If you have made changes to this entry that you do not want to save, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE If this option is set to YES, you can enter the number of days after which the user's password will expire. Page 1 of 1 DAYS BETWEEN FORCED CHANGES HELP Enter the number of days that the user can use the same password. After you have entered the number of days, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. After the specified number of days, the user will be informed that his password has expired when he logs in to the file server. Page 1 of 1 DATE PASSWORD EXPIRES HELP Enter the next date when this user's password should expire. If you enter a date too far in the future, the date will be changed to the current date plus the number of "Days Between Forced Changes" when this user's restrictions are saved. When you have entered the password expiration date, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this date but do not want to save the change, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Note that this date will be automatically recalculated by the file server each time the user changes the password. Page 1 of 1 LIMIT GRACE LOGINS HELP If you want to limit the number of times that this user can log in with an expired password, set this option to YES. If the user should always be able to log in with an expired password, set this option to NO. After you have made your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 LIMIT GRACE LOGINS HELP If this option is set to YES, you can enter the number of times that the user can continue to log in with the expired password. If the user does not change the password within the specified number of logins, he will not be allowed to log in again until the SUPERVISOR grants the user additional grace logins or changes the user's password expiration date to a date that is not past. Page 2 of 2` GRACE LOGINS ALLOWED HELP Enter the number of grace logins that the user should be allowed after his password has expired. When you are finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save your changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 GRACE LOGINS ALLOWED HELP After a user's password has expired, the user will be given the specified number of grace logins using the expired password. Each time the user logs in, he will be informed that the password is expired and will be asked to change it. If the password is not changed before the grace logins are used up, the user will not be able to log in again until the SUPERVISOR gives him additional grace logins or sets the password expiration date to a date that is not passed. When the user changes the password, the "Grace Login Allowed" value is used to reset the "Remaining Grace Logins" field. Page 2 of 2 REMAINING GRACE LOGINS HELP This field shows the number of remaining grace logins that the user has. Each time the user logs in while his password is expired, the file server decrements this number. When this number reaches zero, the user will not be allowed to log in. The file server will reset this number to the value in "Grace Logins Allowed" each time the user changes his password. Set the number of remaining grace logins to the number of times that the user can log in with an expired password and press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this number but do not want to save it, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS HELP If you want to require this user to use a new password each time he changes his password, set this option to YES. Otherwise, set this option to NO. When you have made your selection, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save the change, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS HELP If a user is required to have unique passwords, the file server will remember the user's previous passwords. The user will not be allowed to change his password to a password that he has previously used. A user can change the password several times on the same day without the file server remembering the new passwords as passwords that the user has previously used. This keeps passwords that the user has not really used from being locked out as previous passwords by the file server. It also keeps users who do not want to change their passwords from cycling through a large number of passwords until the file server forgets the password they were just using and allows them to use it again. Page 2 of 2 LIMIT DISK SPACE HELP If you want to limit the amount of disk space this user can use, enter YES. If you do not want to limit the amount of disk space he can use, enter NO. When you have finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this setting and do not want to save the change, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 MAXIMUM DISK SPACE HELP Enter the maximum disk space that this user should be able to use on the file server. Enter the amount of disk space in kilobytes (1K is 1024 bytes). Since disk space is allocated in 4K blocks, the amount of space you entered will be rounded up to a 4K boundary. Files are allocated in 4K blocks also, so the actual disk space that a file is using is usually larger than the file size shown by a directory listing (the size must be rounded up to the next 4K boundary). When you have entered the disk space limit, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have changed this limit and do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1{ SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP This form shows restrictions that can be placed on the marked users' accounts. Each field on this form is described below. Note that the fields associated with limiting disk space will not appear if that option was not selected during the file server installation. ACCOUNT DISABLED If this field is set to YES, the user's account is disabled. The user cannot log in to the file server again until the "Account Disabled" field is set to NO. Page 1 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP ACCOUNT HAS EXPIRATION DATE If this option is set to YES, it indicates that the account is only a temporary account. Temporary accounts are automatically disabled at a specified date and cannot be used after that date unless the SUPERVISOR reenables the account. If this option is set to NO, the account is permanent and does not have an expiration date. DATE ACCOUNT EXPIRES If the field "Account Has Expiration" date is set to YES, this field contains the date the account expires. Page 2 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS LIMIT CONCURRENT CONNECTIONS If this field is set to YES, it indicates that the user is limited as to the number of workstations he can be logged in at the same time. If this field is set to NO, the user is not limited, and can log in to as many stations as the server supports. MAXIMUM CONNECTIONS If the "Limit Concurrent Connections" field is set to YES, this field specifies the maximum number of stations that the user can log in to at the same time. Page 3 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP ALLOW USER TO CHANGE PASSWORD If this field is set to YES, the user can change the password associated with his account. If this field is set to NO, the user cannot change his own password. Only a user with supervisor privileges can change the password. This option is intended to be used with accounts that many people will share, such as the GUEST account. On these types of accounts a user who knows the password should not be able to change the password and lock out other users. If this option is set to NO, the user cannot change the password. In addition SYSCON will not allow the user to edit the login script for the account. Page 4 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP REQUIRE PASSWORD If this option is set to YES, the user is required to have a password on his account. If this option is set to NO, the user is not required to have a password. If the user is not required to have a password, he can choose for himself whether he wants a password on his account. A password must be required in order to require the user to change the password. MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH If the "Require Password" field is set to YES, this field contains the minimum length of the required password. This length can be between 1 and 20 characters. Page 5 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP FORCE PERIODIC PASSWORD CHANGES If the "Require Password" field was set to YES and the "Allow User To Change Password" field was set to YES, this field indicates whether the user is required to change his password at regular intervals. If this field is set to YES, the user's password will expire periodically and he will be asked to change the password. If this field is set to NO, the user's password will never expire. DAYS BETWEEN FORCED CHANGES If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field contains the number of days the user can use a password before the password expires. Page 6 of 11( SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP DATE PASSWORD EXPIRES If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field indicates the next date on which the user's password expires. After this date is past, the file server will inform the user that his password has expired each time the user logs in to the file server. If the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, the file server will not allow a user to log in if the expired password has not been changed within the specified number of grace logins. Each time the user changes his password, the file server will automatically set the next password expiration date. If the SUPERVISOR changes a user's password, the file server will mark the password as expired. This will force the user to select a new password (except in the case where the user is not allowed to change the password). Page 7 of 11+ SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT GRACE LOGINS If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field indicates whether the user is forced to change the password, or if an expired password is simply a reminder to change to a new password. If this field is set to YES, the user has a limited number of chances to change the password. If the user does not change the password within the specified limit, he will no longer be able to log in. If this field is set to NO, the user will not be required to change the password when it expires. GRACE LOGINS ALLOWED If the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, this field indicates the number of chances the user gets to change his password when it is expired. If the user does not change the password within the specified number of logins, he will not be allowed to log in. Page 8 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP REMAINING GRACE LOGINS If the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, this field shows the remaining number of times the user can log in using an expired password. When this number reaches zero, the user will not be allowed to log in again until the SUPERVISOR gives the user more grace logins, or changes the password expiration date so that the password is not expired. This field is automatically reset to the value in "Grace Logins Allowed" each time the password is changed. Page 9 of 11 ) SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS If the "Require Password" field is set to YES, this field indicates whether the user should be forced to use a different password each time the password is changed. If this option is set to NO, the user can change the password to any password, even if it is a password used previously. If this option is set to YES, the user will not be allowed to change the password to a password that was used previously. Page 10 of 11 SET MULTIPLE USERS RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT DISK SPACE This option will appear only if the option to track the amount of disk space a user is using was selected during the file server installation. If this field is set to NO, the user can use as much disk space as there is available. If this option is set to YES, the "Maximum Disk Space" field specifies the maximum amount of disk space that the user can use on the file server. MAXIMUM DISK SPACE If the "Limit Disk Space Option" is set to YES, this field specifies the maximum amount of disk space the user can use. Since disk space is allocated in blocks of 4K (4096 bytes), this field is used to specify how many blocks a user can allocate. A file's size must be rounded up to the next 4K boundary when determining the amount of disk space it is using. Page 11 of 11 SAVE RESTRICTIONS FOR MULTIPLE USERS HELP If you want all the marked users'restrictions to be set to these restrictions, select YES. If you do not want them set to these restrictions select NO. If you want to edit the restrictions again, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP This form shows restrictions that have been placed on the selected users account. Each field on this form is described below. Note that the fields associated with limiting disk space will not appear if that option was not selected during the file server installation. ACCOUNT DISABLED If this field is set to YES, the user's account is disabled. The user cannot log in to the file server again until the "Account Disabled" field is set to NO. Page 1 of 11M ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP ACCOUNT HAS EXPIRATION DATE If this option is set to YES, it indicates that the account is only a temporary account. Temporary accounts are automatically disabled at a specified date and cannot be used after that date unless the supervisor reenables the account. If this option is set to NO, the account is permanent and does not have an expiration date. DATE ACCOUNT EXPIRES If the field "Account has Expiration" date is set to YES, this field contains the date the the account expires. Page 2 of 11 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT CONCURRENT CONNECTIONS If this field is set to YES, it indicates that the user is limited to the number of workstations where he can be logged in at the same time. If this field is set to NO, the user is not limited, and can log in from as many stations as the server supports. MAXIMUM CONNECTIONS If the "Limit Concurrent Connections" field is set to YES, this field specifies the maximum number of stations that the user can log in from at the same time. Page 3 of 11 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP ALLOW USER TO CHANGE PASSWORD If this field is set to YES, the user can change the password associated with his account. If this field is set to NO, the user cannot change his own password. Only a user with supervisor privileges can change the password. This option is intended to be used with accounts that many people will share, such as the GUEST account. On these types of accounts a user who knows the password should not be able to change the password and lock out other users. If this option is set to NO, the user cannot change the password. In addition, SYSCON will not allow the user to edit the login script for the account. Page 4 of 11 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP REQUIRE PASSWORD If this option is set to YES, the user is required to have a password on his account. If this option is set to NO, the user is not required to have a password. If the user is not required to have a password, he can choose for himself whether he wants a password on his account. Note that a password must be required in order to require the user to change the password. MINIMUM PASSWORD LENGTH If the "Require Password" field is set to YES, this field contains the minimum length of the required password. This length can be between 1 and 20 characters. Page 5 of 116 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP FORCE PERIODIC PASSWORD CHANGES If the "Require Password" field was set to YES, and the "Allow User to Change Password" field was set to YES, this field indicates if the user is required to change his password at regular intervals. If this field is set to YES, the user's password will expire periodically and he will be asked to change the password. If this field is set to NO, the user's password will never expire. DAYS BETWEEN FORCED CHANGES If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field contains the number of days the user can use a password before the password expires. Page 6 of 11F ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP DATE PASSWORD EXPIRES If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field indicates the next date on which the user's password expires. After this date is past, the file server will inform the user that his password has expired each time the user logs into the file server. In addition, if the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, the file server will not allow a user to login if the expired password has not been changed within the specified number of grace logins. Each time the user changes his password, the file server will set the next password expiration date automatically. If the SUPERVISOR changes a user's password, then the file server will mark the password as expired, forcing the user to select a new password (except in the case where the user is not allowed to change the password). Page 7 of 11J# ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT GRACE LOGINS If the "Force Periodic Password Changes" field is set to YES, this field indicates whether the user is forced to change the password, or if an expired password is simply a reminder to change to a new password. If this field is set to YES, the user has a limited number of chances to change the password. If the user does not change the password within the specified limit he will no longer be able to login. If this field is set to NO then the user will not be required to change the password when it expires. GRACE LOGINS ALLOWED If the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, this field indicates the number of chances the user gets to change his password when it is expired. If the user does not change the password within the specified number of logins then he will not be allowed to log in. Page 8 of 11 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP REMAINING GRACE LOGINS If the "Limit Grace Logins" field is set to YES, this field shows the remaining number of time that the user can log in using an expired password. When this number reaches zero the user will not be allowed to log in again until the supervisor gives the user more grace logins, or changes the password expiration date so that the password is not expired. This field is automatically reset to the value in "Grace Logins Allowed" each time the password is changed. Page 9 of 11 ?( ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP REQUIRE UNIQUE PASSWORDS If the "Require Password" field is set to YES, this field indicates whether the user should be forced to use a different password each time the password is changed. If this option is set to NO, the user can change the password to any password, even if it is a password he has previosly used. If this option is set to YES, the user will not be allowed to change the password to a password he has used previously. Page 10 of 11 ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS HELP LIMIT DISK SPACE This option will appear only if the option to track the amount of disk space a user is using was selected during the file server installation. If this field is set to NO, the user can use as much disk space as there is available. If this option is set to YES, the "Maximum Disk Space" field specifies the maximum amount of disk space that the user can use on the file server. MAXIMUM DISK SPACE If the "Limit Disk Space Option" is set to YES, this field specifies the maximum amount of disk space the user can use. Since disk space is allocated in blocks of 4K (4096 bytes), this field is used to specify how many blocks a user can allocate. Note that a file size must be rounded up to the next 4K boundary when determining the amount of disk space it is using. Page 11 of 11 LENGTH OF ACCOUNT LOCKOUT HELP The "Length of Account Lockout" field is used to specify how long an account should be locked if an intruder is trying to break into the account. The intent of locking an account is to make the amount of time needed to guess a password by randomly trying passwords so long that it is impractical. Enter the days, hours, and minutes that an account should remain locked after an intruder is detected trying to break into the account. When you have finished, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this field and do not want to save the changes press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1{2 ACCOUNT BALANCE HELP This form shows the user's current account balance and the user's credit limit. The account balance is the amount of funds that the user currently has. Each time the user is charged for a service, his account balance is decremented. The credit limit determines how low the user's account balance can drop before he will no longer receive services that are being charged for. If the user is given unlimited credit, he will always be given services and the account balance will only serve as an indicator of how much service the user is receiving. If the user has limited credit, then when the account balance falls below the specified credit limit, the user will no longer receive services that are being charged for. Page 1 of 2 ACCOUNT BALANCE HELP A credit limit of zero means the user cannot receive any further services when his account balance drops below zero. A negative credit limit means the user's account is allowed to go in the hole, until it reaches the credit limit. A positive credit limit means the user is required to have specified amount of funds in his account at all times. Page 2 of 2 OTHER USERS AND GROUPS HELP This menu lists the users and groups that do not manage the selected user or group. To allow one of these users or groups manage the selected user or group, highlight the desired user or group, then press the SELECT key. To make several of these users or groups manage the selected user or group, highlight each of the desired users and groups with the MARK key, then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 OTHER USERS AND GROUPS HELP This menu lists the users and groups that do not have workgroup managers rights. To make one of these users or groups a workgroup manager, highlight the desired user or group and press the SELECT key. To make several of these users or groups a workgroup manager, highlight the desired users and groups with the MARK key; then press the SELECT key. Page 1 of 1 NETWORK ADDRESS HELP You must know the address of the workstation where you want this user to be able to log in. If you do not know the address, log in to the workstation and type "userlist /a." The entry marked with an asterisk (*) will show the address of the workstation. Enter the network portion of the address in this edit box. (The network portion is the 8-digit hex number.) When you have entered the address, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to enter an address, press the CANCEL key or use the BACKSPACE key to delete all input; then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 NODE ADDRESS HELP You must know the address of the workstation where you want this user to be able to log in. If you do not know the address, log in to the workstation and type "userlist /a." The entry marked with an asterisk (*) will show the address of the workstation. You should have entered the network portion of this address already. If you did not, delete any entry you have made in this field and then press the ESCAPE key. Otherwise, enter the node portion of the address in this edit box. (The node portion is the 12-digit hex number.) When you have entered the address, press the SELECT key or the ESCAPE key. If you do not want to enter an address, press the CANCEL key or use the BACKSPACE key to delete all input; then press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 INSTALL ACCOUNTING HELP Accounting has not been installed on this file server. You should install accounting if you want to track when users log in and log out from the file server or if you want to set up account balances for users and charge them for services that they receive. If you do not want to do these things, do not install accounting. If you want to install accounting, select YES; otherwise, select NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CANCEL TIME CHANGES HELP If you want all the changes you have made to the time restrictions to be undone, answer YES; otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you answer YES, the time restrictions will be restored to the original restrictions before you started to edit them. Page 1 of 1 CHANGE STATION RESTRICTIONS FOR MULTIPLE USERS HELP If you want all the marked users to be restricted so that they can only log in from the listed workstation addresses, select YES. If you do not want the marked users station restrictions to be changed, select NO. If you want to edit the station restrictions again, press the ESCAPE key. Note that setting a user's station restriction list to have no addresses listed will mean that the user can log in from anywhere. Page 1 of 1 ALLOW LOGIN FROM ALL NODES HELP If the selected user should be able to log in from any workstation on the specified network, highlight YES. If you want to specifically list the node addresses that the user is allowed to log in from, highlight NO. When you have made your selection, press the SELECT key. If you do not want to allow log in from any workstation with the network address that you entered, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 SAVE TIME RESTRICTIONS FOR ALL MARKED USERS HELP If you want all the marked users' time restrictions to be changed to these restrictions, select YES. If you do not want their time restrictions to be changed, answer NO. If you want to continue editing the time restrictions, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CANCEL CHARGE CHANGES HELP If you want all the changes that you have made to these charge rates to be undone, select YES; otherwise, select NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you select YES, all the charge rates will be restored to the values they had when you first started editing them. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM CLEAR ERROR LOG HELP If you are finished looking at the errors recorded in the error log and want to clear them from the log, select YES. If you will want to look at these same errors again at a later date, select NO. If you want to continue looking at the error log right now, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1yM EDIT SYSTEM AUTOEXEC FILE HELP The autoexec file contains commands that the file server should automatically execute when it is first brought up. Any commands that can be typed at the file server console can be entered in this file (with the exception of the DOWN command). Enter the commands exactly as you would at the file server console, one command per line. When you are finished press the ESCAPE key. If you have made changes to this file and do not want to save the changes, press the CANCEL key and then the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 2 EDIT SYSTEM AUTOEXEC FILE HELP One of the main uses of the system autoexec file is to set up printing on the file server. A sample system autoexec file is shown below. Spool 0 to Queue LaserJet Spool 1 to Queue LinePrinter Spool 2 to Queue Management Printer 0 add Queue LaserJet at Priority 5 Printer 0 add Queue Management at Priority 1 Printer 1 add Queue LinePrinter at Priority 1 For a complete description of all commands that can be used in the system autoexec file, see the "Console Reference" manual. Page 2 of 2 NO RIGHTS TO RENAME HELP You do not have the necessary supervisor or workgroup manager rights to rename the specified user or group. Page 1 of 1 INSUFFICIENT RIGHTS TO ADD TRUSTEE HELP You do not have Parental rights in the specified directory. In order to grant or revoke rights to a user or group in a directory, you must have Parental rights in that directory. Page 1 of 1 SET MULTIPLE DIRECTORIES TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This list shows the rights that will be assigned to the selected user in each of the marked directories. You have the following options: INSERT Grant additional rights. DELETE Revoke the highlighted right. To revoke several rights simultaneously, highlight the rights with the MARK key; then press the DELETE key. When the rights you want to assign are listed, press the ESCAPE key to assign the rights. Page 1 of 1 NO RIGHTS TO ALTER TRUSTEE ASSIGNMENTS HELP You do not have rights to alter trustee assignments in the specified directory. You must have the Parental right in that directory in order to alter trustee assignments. You have supervisor rights over the selected user/group because you are a workgroup manager of the user/group. The rights given to you as a workgroup manager do not include any special rights to directories. If you need to be able to alter trustee rights in the specified directory, ask the network supervisor to grant you Parental rights in that directory. Page 1 of 1 SELECT FILE HELP Enter a filename or press INSERT to select from a list of existing files. page 1 of 1 VOLUME SPACE RESTRICTIONS Enter the number of 4K blocks of disk space the selected user will be allowed to use on the selected volume. page 1 of 1 USER DISK VOLUME RESTRICTIONS If you wish to limit the amount of space that a user may have on a volume, type "Y" at the "Limit Volume Space?" prompt. If you wish to remove the space restriction on a volume type "N" at the "Limit Volume Space?" prompt. "Volume Space Limit" is the maximum number of blocks the user can use on the selected volume. "Volume Space In Use" is the number of blocks in use by the user on the volume. Enter a new "Volume Space Limit", and press the select key. page 1 of 1 USER DISK VOLUME RESTRICTIONS "Volume Space Limit" is the maximum number of blocks the selected user can use on the selected volume. "Volume Space In Use" is the actual number of blocks in use. page 1 of 1 SELECT A VOLUME Highlight a volume to select and press the SELECT key. page 1 of 1 SELECT FILES HELP Enter a filename or press INSERT to select a file from a list. page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE FILE ASSIGNMENTS HELP This menu lists the files in the selected directory and its subdirectories for which the highlighted user or group's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. Page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE FILE ASSIGNMENTS HELP This menu lists the files in the selected directory and its subdirectories in which the highlighted user's or group's trustee rights have been explicitly granted or revoked. Page 1 of 2 TRUSTEE FILE ASSIGNMENTS HELP Because you have supervisor privileges, you can modify trustee assignments by using the following keys: INSERT Explicitly declare the user or group's trustee rights for a file. DELETE Remove the highlighted trustee rights declaration. To remove several declarations simultaneously, highlight them with the MARK key and press the DELETE key. SELECT Change the rights explicitly granted or revoked for the highlighted file. Page 2 of 2 Browse Files Help Highlight a filename, and press the SELECT key to select that file. The filename will then be inserted into the edit buffer on the screen. page 1 of 1