TITLE: NetWare SFT OS Patches ABSTRACT: This file contains the latest operating system test patches for NetWare SFT. Included with this prerelease are all patches for all user-versions of NetWare SFT. The patches included have been system tested by Novell. The six patches listed below as well as the new MONITOR.NLM are recommended for every 3.11 SFTIII server. All other patches included in this download file should be applied only on an as-needed basis. MIRRFIX.NLM ACTDEVFX.NLM ACTSCRFX.NLM ALLREQFX.NLM GLOCKFIX.NLM CRPROCFIX.NLM ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTDEVFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: Mirroring is not updated after a drive is deactivated or brought up, until entering "Disk Information" in Monitor. This is a problem if the second drive in a mirrored pair is brought up, the mirroring doesn't happen and the first drive then fails. Mirror Status and Install will both show a deactivated drive as being mirrored and apparently OK, until entering "disk information". SOLUTION: Apply ACTDEVFX NLM 967 05-26-94 11:30a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTSCRFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: After loading the Oracle NLM SPXSRV.NLM or higher, NetWare SFT III 3.11 B servers will ABEND with the following message (even when running just one NetWare SFT III 3.11 B server): MESSAGE: ABEND: MSEngine idle process activated OS version: Novell SFT III IOEngine - v3.11 B 1/08/93 Running Process: Screen Saver Process SOLUTION: Apply ACTSCRFX NLM 1,102 02-22-94 4:41p Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. V3.11 SFT III The one known use for ACTSCRFX.NLM is for the following configuration: 1) NetWare SFT III 3.11 B, 2) SPXSRV.NLM or higher from Oracle Corporation. Most users using this version of SPXSRV.NLM are running Oracle v7.0; however, there is a possibility that the user could be running Oracle 6.x. If you are experiencing the same ABEND on your NetWare SFT III 3.11 B servers and NOT running Oracle on your server, apply this patch. Apply the PM311IO.NLM and ACTSCRFX.NLM files to both of your NetWare SFT III 3.11 B servers. You will need to load PM311IO.NLM and ACTSCRFX.NLM files in your IOEngine before loading the SPXSRV.NLM file in your MSEngine. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: IOSTART.NCF 1. Search the DOS partition on both of your NetWare SFT III 3.11 B servers for existence of other, earlier copies of the PM311IO.NLM file and rename earlier copies of the PM311IO.NLM file to PM311IO.OLD. 2. Copy the PM311IO.NLM file (if this is the most current copy of PM311IO.NLM) and ACTSCRFX.NLM file into the directory where you load your MSERVER.EXE file and other LAN and DISK drivers for NetWare SFT III 3.11 B. Be sure to use the included version of PM311IO.NLM (or a later version) with ACTSCRFX.NLM files. This version and later versions of PM311IO.NLM file is and will be backwards compatible with earlier versions of patches for NetWare SFT III 3.11 B. 3. Modify your IOSTART.NCF file (resides on your DOS partition) to load PM311IO.NLM and ACTSCRFX.NLM files (if you modify your IOSTART.NCF to load only the ACTSCRFX.NLM file, the PM311IO.NLM will be automatically loaded). 4. Load the necessary Oracle NLM's including the SPXSRV.NLM file, and verify that your NetWare/Oracle server functions to your satisfaction. 5. Remove the PM311IO.OLD files from your DOS partition. NOTE: NetWare SFT III 3.11 B is the only version of NetWare to which this patch applies. This problem does not occur on NetWare 3.11, NetWare 3.12, or NetWare 4.01. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ADDDSKFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: Several disk related problems have been observed with SFTIII. A few disk controllers and the associated disk drivers exhibit one or more of the following problems: _ Disk drives from both servers appear in INSTALL to be attached to only one of the SFTIII servers. _ When a server switch over occurs, the new primary server displays messages saying that the disk drives on the other server have been deactivated due to server failure, but the new primary server appears to be locked up and will not accept keyboard entries. _ Files cannot be copied to the SYS: volume (SCSI bus reset error messages reported from IOEngine). _ After the MSEngine is activated only drives in the primary server show up in install. SOLUTION: Apply ADDDSKFX NLM 1,032 03-22-94 9:44a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. This patch has been written to be run in the MSEngine before the disk drivers are loaded. It will auto-load another NLM called PATCHMAN.NLM. This will fix a problem that has been discovered with the way certain disk drivers initialize and how the SFTIII system recognizes these disk drivers and their associated devices. Disk controllers known to be affected: Mylex DPT UltraStor Any OEM'd versions of the above controllers (if you are unsure of the controller's origins contact your hardware vendor). The disk drivers need to be loaded after the MSEngine is active. This can be accomplished in the following ways: If SYS: IS NOT on one of the affected controllers do the following: _ Move the affected drivers into the IOAUTO.NCF. _ Copy the ADDDSKFX.NLM and PATCHMAN.NLM into the SYS:SYSTEM subdirectory. _ Load the ADDDSKFX.NLM in the MSAUTO.NCF. If SYS IS on one of the affected controllers do the following: _ Move the affected disk drivers to the IOAUTO.NCF. _ Copy the MSAUTO.NCF to the Boot Partition. _ Add a line to the MSAUTO.NCF to load the ADDDSKFX.NLM. _ Make sure you have copied both the ADDDSKFX.NLM and PATCHMAN.NLM to the Boot Partition. NOTE: When both servers are first brought up the disk driver(s) will have to be loaded manually. All volumes will also have to be mounted manually. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: MSAUTO.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- ALLPLFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: Exceeding maximum alloc short term memory SET parameter. SOLUTION: Apply ALLPLFIX NLM 1,170 03-22-94 9:56a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. ALLPLFIX.NLM (Alloc Pool Fix) will change the upper limit of the set parameter "Maximum Alloc Short Term Memory" from 16mb to 32mb. The Maximum can be reached when Mirroring many very large drives. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- ALLREQFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: ABEND: IOEngine gave the MSEngine more than two outstanding memory allocation requests SOLUTION: Apply ALLREQFX NLM 1,287 03-22-94 9:48a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Rather than ABENDing the Server when the memory allocation fails, the memory allocation will just fail. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: MSAUTO.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- CRPROCFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: "ABEND, ReturnNonMovableMemory called with invalid return segment". SOLUTION: Apply CRPROCFX NLM 1,070 07-26-94 9:43a Apply CRPROCFX.NLM, this patch is loaded in the MSEngine. If CLIB is also being loaded in the MSEngine, be sure the current version (3.12G or later) of CLIB.NLM is being used (usually, the current version is available in NOVLIB 04, LIBUPX.EXE). Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. This happens with the oracle NLM loaded in the MSEngine after a short while of running some internal testing. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: MSSTART.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- DIRSPCFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: Disk space can not be accounted for. SOLUTION: Apply DIRSPCFX NLM 1,219 07-26-94 9:16a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V4.01, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. The DIRSPCFX.NLM file is a fix to the set parameter "Maximum Percent of Volume Used By Directory." The limits of this set parameter are 5 to 50 percent default and the setting is 13 percent. The set parameter "Maximum Percent of Volume Used By Directory" can use double the disk space set. Example; If the Set parameter is 13 percent, the actual space that can be used by Extended Attributes is 26 percent. CAUSE: The Set parameter only searched one of the mirrored tables for extended attributes to verify that the limit had been met, which allows the set parameter to use twice as much space as indicated. The Table for Extended Attributes will grow; however, it will never decrease in size. So, after the space is allocated for the EA table, it can not be used for any thing other than Extended Attributes. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- EADATFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: A problem exists with Extended Attributes when performing a drag and drop COPY of a directory structure from an OS/2 client. Which would cause the Extended Attribute for the new Parent Directory to be corrupt. VREPAIR returned the following error message: Error at extended directory entry xxxx Invalid Data error Invalid Score card error SOLUTION: Apply EADATFIX NLM 1,207 07-26-94 8:51a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V4.01, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. To install the patch, load PATCHMAN for the Operating System which is running and the version of EADATFIX.NLM in the same directory. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- EAREPLFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: The following errors could be seen on a OS/2 Client: 1. "The Drive ";,is not a valid Drive" 2. " " " is either read-only or is being used by another program" This errors would be received if using the drives ICON from the DESKTOP to view a NetWare volume and most often with a CD-ROM mounted volume. Sometimes after receiving these errors the connection to the File Server would be lost. SOLUTION: Apply EAREPLFX NLM 1,055 07-26-94 9:00a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V4.01, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Also it is suggested to use NetWare Requester for OS/2 v2.10 to help correct the problem. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- EASCORFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: A problem exists with Extended Attributes on files that have been deleted. When a file with extended attributes was deleted the Directory Entry was changed to reflect the deleted state of the file. The Extended Directory Entries for the Extended Attributes were not all updated to correctly reflect this deleted state. The following error messages would be seen when running VREPAIR: Error at extended directory entry XXXX Invalid data error Invalid score card error SOLUTION: Apply EASCORFX NLM 1,127 07-26-94 9:07a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V4.01, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Run VREPAIR on all volume to correct all Invalid data errors and Invalid score card errors, then load EASCORFX.NLM. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- EAUNIQFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: A problem exists with Extended Attributes on files that have been deleted. When a file with extended attributes was deleted, the extended directory entry for the file was not updated properly to reflect the deleted status of the file. The following error messages would be seen when running VREPAIR: -Error at file entry XXXX Original Entry - Deleted DOS file entry Name: yyyy Size: zzzz The Extended Attribute / Directory information is Invalid Corrected Entry - Deleted DOS file entry Name: yyyy Size: zzzz SOLUTION: Apply EAUNIQFX NLM 1,180 07-26-94 9:14a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V4.01, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Run VREPAIR on all volume to correct all Invalid data errors and Invalid score card errors, then load EASCORFX.NLM. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- GETNSFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: Server does not respond to Get nearest server if other servers are on the same net. Example: If the SFT3 server has reply to get nearest server set to on and all other servers on the same net have it set to off then the SFT3 server will not respond because it determines that the other servers are closer so they can respond for themselves.. SOLUTION: Apply GETNSFIX NLM 1,182 05-26-94 11:33a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- GLOCKFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: NWScanPhysicalLocksByFile fails if more than 23 locks on a file. NWScanPhysicalLocksByFile is an assembly call. It is making the NCP 23 238. The lanalyzer shows that garbage is returned by this NCP when more than 23 locks are placed on a file. SOLUTION: Apply GLOCKFIX NLM 1,090 03-15-94 2:09p Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- GNSFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: This patch fixes a problem found when re-booting and attempting to get a connection to the file server. If all of the connections are in use, (e.g. 20 for the 20-user version, 50 for the 50-user version, etc.), and one of the users re-boots, the user will not be able to log back in to the server. This problem will only occur if there is only one network. If the user is on an INTERNET, a re-connection will be possible. The problem is that once a user re-boots, his connection is not terminated at the server until a time out limit is reached (usually 15 minutes). SOLUTION: Apply GNSFIX NLM 1,351 03-15-94 2:10p Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. This patch corrects the problem by checking the source node address of the incoming packet to the node address of all workstations the server currently thinks it is attached to. If a match is found the server responds to the workstation, thus re-creating a connection in the same slot the workstation had prior to its reboot. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- IIPXRCFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: A problem has been encountered with the NetWare SFT III operating system that is produced by Running ARCServe 4.0 on one of the mirrored NetWare SFT III servers. If ARCServe is backing up a file to the tape and the secondary server restarts for any reason, upon re-synchronizing the memory the operating system will ABEND with a General Protection Processor Exception (GPPE) error. This error only occurs if a file is being copied to the tape at the time. If ARCServe is loaded but not in the process of copying a file to tape, then the problem is not apparent. CAUSE The problem is that an NCP request is generated that IPX.386 did not handle correctly, causing an invalid fragment count that would bring down the primary server. Because the primary server is being re-mirrored to the secondary server, the secondary server dies as well. SOLUTION: Apply IIPXRCFX NLM 997 02-04-94 9:01a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF The patch needs to be loaded in both the MSEngine and IOEngine. 1. Copy the IIPXRCFX.NLM and PM311IO.NLM files to the NetWare boot directory. 2. Copy the IPXRCVFX.NLM and PATCHMAN.NLM files to the SYS:SYSTEM directory. 3. Edit the IOSTART.NCF file to load the PM311IO.NLM and IIPXRCFX.NLM files. 4. Edit the MSSTART.NCF file to load PATCHMAN.NLM and IPXRCVFX.NLM files. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IOSHIM NLM ============ SYMPTOM: IOSHIM.NLM & MSSHIM.NLM gives functionality of certain API calls and public symbols that are being exported in 3.11 NetWare but were left out of NetWare SFT III 3.11. SOLUTION: Apply IOSHIM NLM 1,981 11-09-93 8:10a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. This README file of EXPORT.EXE accompanies IOSHIM.NLM and MSSHIM.NLM for NetWare SFT III 3.11, revision b. The following files are included for this revision: IOSHIM.NLM In IOEngine directory PM311IO.NLM In IOEngine directory MSSHIM.NLM In MSEngine directory PATCHMAN.NLM In MSEngine directory The purpose of these files is to give the functionality of certain API calls and public symbols that are being exported in NetWare 3.11 but were left out of NetWare SFT III 3.11. IOSHIM and MSSHIM are for the appropriate engine, each with an accompanying PATCHMAN. To install this version of Export: Load PM311IO.NLM, then IOSHIM.NLM in the IOEngine. Load PATCHMAN.NLM, then MSSHIM.NLM in the MSEngine. To implement Export: 1) Include the IOEngine files in the IOSTART.NCF Include the MSEngine files in the MSAUTO.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- IPXRCVFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: These patches fix a problem with receiving a GPPE ABEND because of the generation of an NCP request that IPX.386 did not handle correctly, thus causing an invalid fragment count. A problem has been encountered with the NetWare SFT III operating system that is produced by Running ARCServe 4.0 on one of the mirrored NetWare SFT III servers. If ARCServe is backing up a file to the tape and the secondary server restarts for any reason, upon re-synchronizing the memory the operating system will ABEND with a General Protection Processor Exception (GPPE) error. This error only occurs if a file is being copied to the tape at the time. If ARCServe is loaded but not in the process of copying a file to tape, then the problem is not apparent. CAUSE The problem is that an NCP request is generated that IPX.386 did not handle correctly, causing an invalid fragment count that would bring down the primary server. Because the primary server is being re-mirrored to the secondary server, the secondary server dies as well. SOLUTION: Apply IPXRCVFX NLM 987 03-22-94 9:51a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF The patch needs to be loaded in both the MSEngine and IOEngine. 1. Copy the IIPXRCFX.NLM and PM311IO.NLM files to the NetWare boot directory. 2. Copy the IPXRCVFX.NLM and PATCHMAN.NLM files to the SYS:SYSTEM directory. 3. Edit the IOSTART.NCF file to load the PM311IO.NLM and IIPXRCFX.NLM files. 4. Edit the MSSTART.NCF file to load PATCHMAN.NLM and IPXRCVFX.NLM files. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MIRRFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: The OS would get into a loop of abort/remirror attempts after certain failures involving mirrored drives. SOLUTION: Apply MIRRFIX NLM 1,042 03-22-94 9:49a Made change to CheckMirrorActiveFlag to set the correct partition structures bitmap table to -1's. Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- MPFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: ABEND When loading Multiple Processor Driver. When an attempt is made to load the driver, NetWare ABEND with an Invalid OPCODE Processor Exception. After the ABEND, the MP driver has yet to appear on the Loaded List. It does not show up using the .M command in the debugger. SOLUTION: Apply MPFIX NLM 1,069 11-11-93 3:37p Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- MSSHIM NLM ============ SYMPTOM: IOSHIM.NLM & MSHIM.NLM gives functionality to certain API calls and public symbols that are being exported in 3.11 NetWare but were left out of NetWare SFT III 3.11. SOLUTION: Apply MSSHIM NLM 1,524 11-09-93 8:11a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V4.10, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. The purpose of these files is to give the functionality to certain API calls and public symbols that are being exported in NetWare 3.11 but were left out of NetWare SFT III 3.11. IOSHIM and MSSHIM are for the appropriate engine, each with an accompanying PATCHMAN. To install this version of Export: Load PM311IO.NLM, then IOSHIM.NLM in the IOEngine. Load PATCHMAN.NLM, then MSSHIM.NLM in the MSEngine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- OPCLSFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: Doing DOS opens and closes on the secondary causes memory loss. If an NLM does any opens and closes files on the partition from the MSEngine or the Secondary IOEngine then we leave a 4k buffer on a read ahead buffer list because the file handle has the server number added to it after it is saved in the buffer header structure. This problem will continue to follow the original secondary server even after it becomes the primary server because it keeps the same server number. SOLUTION: Apply OPCLSFIX NLM 1,090 01-18-94 3:09p Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- PATCHMAN NLM ============ SYMPTOM: SOLUTION: Apply PATCHMAN NLM 9,296 03-24-94 10:28a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. This version of PATCHMAN replaces any and all previous versions of PATCHMAN. PATCHMAN can only be used with NetWare v3.11+ (all number-of-user versions). NetWare v3.10a requires PATCHMAN v1.20b. *** PLEASE NOTE THE TECHNICAL BULLETIN ON THE 3.11 OPERATING SYSTEM PATCHES INCLUDED BELOW. PATCHMAN.NLM is the Patch Manager for which tracks and manages all official patches for NetWare 386 v3.10+. Patches for NetWare 386 v3.10+ consist of three types: DYNAMIC -- Dynamic patches are implemented as .NLM files that can be loaded/unloaded while the server is running. Unloading a dynamic patch will restore the Operating System to its original "un-patched" state. SEMI-STATIC -- Semi-static patches can also be loaded while the server is running, but they cannot be unloaded. It is not possible to undo the effects of a semi-static patch without first downing the server and bringing it back up without loading the semi-static patch. STATIC -- A static patch is a DOS executable program that modifies the SERVER.EXE file. This type of patch is applied once and its effects are permanent. It is suggested that a backup of the original SERVER.EXE file be made before applying a static patch. (In other words, do not patch the SERVER.EXE on your original distribution diskette!) Dynamic and semi-static patches modify the Operating System in memory, not on the disk. This means that dynamic and semi-static patches must be loaded each time the Operating System is brought up in order for any 'fixes' to take effect. It is recommended that the command "LOAD " be placed in the file server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file to ensure that the patch is always in effect as soon as the server is brought up. In order to see which patches are currently loaded on the system, type "PATCHES" at the file server command line. The patches will then be grouped and displayed according to their type (i.e. - STATIC, SEMI-STATIC, or DYNAMIC). Typing "MODULES" at the server console will show which dynamic patches have been loaded, but will not show semi-static or static patches. The Patch Manager (PATCHMAN.NLM) must be loaded before any dynamic or semi-static patches can be loaded. If PATCHMAN is not already loaded, the .NLM will attempt to locate PATCHMAN and, if found, will load it automatically. PATCHMAN only needs to be loaded once; all .NLM patches can then be loaded. PATCHMAN cannot be unloaded until all patches that rely on it are first unloaded. NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: Effects of v3.11 Serialization Changes on Patches and Fixes DOCUMENT ID#: TB.P.298 DATE: 4 December 1991 PRODUCT: NetWare PRODUCT REVISION: v3.11 SUPERSEDES: N/A SYMPTOM: Errors, such as "Unexpected code encountered in area to be patched" during implementation of patches and fixes. ISSUE/PROBLEM Because of the unanticipated success of NetWare v3.11, the available serialization range was exhausted. As a result, the v3.11 operating system has been modified to extend that serialization range. This modification has required a corresponding change to all v3.11 operating system patches, including those previously released. It does not affect any patches or fixes other than v3.11 operating system patches. When a user attempts to apply an unmodified NetWare v3.11 operating system patch to a v3.11 operating system with the extended serialization range, he or she may receive an error similar to the one above. SOLUTION The modified NetWare v3.11 operating system patches can be applied to any v3.11 operating system if the PATCHMAN.NLM (v2.20 or later) that accompanies them is loaded at the file server. PATCHMAN.NLM performs the application of a given patch to the v3.11 operating system as it resides in file server memory. Users should be aware of five important points: 1) PATCHMAN.NLM v2.20 (or later) must be loaded. 2) The modified patches, with PATCHMAN.NLM v2.20 (or later), will successfully load on NetWare v3.11 operating systems without the extended serialization range. 3) The re-released patches will not be successfully implemented if PATCHMAN NLM v2.20 (or later) is not loaded. 4) Unmodified v3.11 operating system patches will work successfully only on operating systems without the extended serialization range. They will not work on a newly modified operating system, nor on an operating system also running modified patches or PATCHMAN v2.20 (or later). 5) The re-released NetWare v3.11 operating system patches are dated October 1991 or later. ***************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further, Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software. Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the cost of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party other than you. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any software is installed. Technical support for this software may be provided at the discretion of Novell. ***************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------- PM311IO NLM ============ SYMPTOM: PM311IO.NLM is the Patch Manager which tracks and manages all official patches for NetWare 386 SFT III v3.11 in the IOEngine. SOLUTION: Apply PM311IO NLM 8,335 02-04-94 8:53a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Patches for NetWare 386 SFT III v3.11 consist of three types: DYNAMIC -- Dynamic patches are implemented as .NLM files that can be loaded/unloaded while the server is running. Unloading a dynamic patch will restore the Operating System to its original "un-patched" state. SEMI-STATIC -- Semi-static patches can also be loaded while the server is running, but they cannot be unloaded. It is not possible to undo the effects of a semi-static patch without first downing the server and bringing it back up without loading the semi-static patch. STATIC -- A static patch is a DOS executable program that modifies the MSERVER.EXE file. This type of patch is applied once and its effects are permanent. It is suggested that a backup of the original MSERVER.EXE file be made before applying a static patch. (In other words, do not patch the MSERVER.EXE on your original distribution diskette!) Dynamic and semi-static patches modify the Operating System in memory, not on the disk. This means that dynamic and semi-static patches must be loaded each time the Operating System is brought up in order for any 'fixes' to take effect. It is recommended that the command "LOAD " be placed in the file server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file to ensure that the patch is always in effect as soon as the server is brought up. In order to see which patches are currently loaded on the system, type "PATCHES" at the file server command line. The patches will then be grouped and displayed according to their type (i.e. - STATIC, SEMI-STATIC, or DYNAMIC). Typing "MODULES" at the server console will show which dynamic patches have been loaded, but will not show semi-static or static patches. To install PM311IO.NLM, log into the server as supervisor or supervisor equivalent and copy PM311IO.NLM into the SYS:SYSTEM subdirectory. PM311IO.NLM may need to be copied to the dos partition of each server if any patches need to be loaded in the IOEngine prior to mounting Vol SYS. The Patch Manager (PM311IO.NLM) must be loaded before any dynamic or semi-static patches can be loaded. If PM311IO is not already loaded, the .NLM will attempt to locate PM311IO and, if found, will load it automatically. PM311IO only needs to be loaded once; all NLM patches can then be loaded. PM311IO cannot be unloaded until all patches that rely on it are first unloaded. ----------------------------------------------------------------- PPROCFIX NLM ============ SYMTOM: Mirrored server will hang when running SoftSolutions indexers. SOLUTION: Apply PPROCFIX NLM 962 09-23-94 11:38a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. The customer will have up to three workstations running full text indexing using SoftSolutions v 4.0. After about 10 minutes of indexing, the server will hang to the point that there is no keyboard function except that they can break in to the debugger. The workstations will get network errors. After several hours the server will eventually produce the abend "Primary Server AddFSEvent detected a MSEngine input queue overrun". the problem only occurs when they have the data files flagged transactional. The software seems to run fine using netware 3.12 and 3.11. Wrote patch PProcFix (Polling Procedure Fix) to allow FSPollingProcedure to return when Case73, a write, jumps to label SpecialWriteHoldOffCase in server.386. The patch does nothing to FSPollingProcedure but modifies a rare code path in Case73 and does not put the ECB back on the list pointed to by ReceiveBufferListHead. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPLYFIX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: NCOPY drops the users connection. When a user is logged into a SFT 3 v3.11 server, his connection number is greater than 153, and runs NCOPY.EXE, the user's connection is dropped from the server. The error messages that he gets is server connection no longer valid. SOLUTION: Apply REPLYFIX NLM 1,148 03-22-94 9:42a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF FILE: AUTOEXEC.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- SCRPNDFX NLM ============ SYMPTOM: ABEND:ScreenBufferReleasedRequest was called with a pop up screen pending. SOLUTION: Apply SCRPNDFX NLM 1,283 06-22-94 1:44p Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. When a MSEngine screen is active and a NLM calls EndPopUpScreen the server will ABEND. This is caused by the PendingActiveScreen flag not being set before the EndPopUpScreen is called. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SPXNSSFT NLM ============ SYMPTOM: If the session did not exist, SPX failed to interpret terminate ACKs as system packets. SOLUTION: Apply SPXNSSFT NLM 2,266 05-26-94 9:15a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. When an application errors out because the session does not exist, SPX posts the system buffer to the socket rather than returning it to the Link Support Layer (LSL). The SPXNSSFT.NLM for NetWare 3.11-SFT3 fixes the way that SPX handles the Terminate Acknowledgment packets on sessions that do not exist. Installation Instructions: NCF File: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- SPXSFT1 NLM ============ SYMPTOM: After SPX terminated a connection, the following ABEND message was displayed: "MS Engine was handed an ECB it did not own" CAUSE: A race condition and error exit path existed. SOLUTION: Apply SPXSFT1 NLM 3,003 11-23-93 9:31a Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Make sure the terminate ack was being returned to the LSL through IPX, rather than being posted to the application socket. Installation Instructions: NCF File: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- SPXSFT2 NLM ============ SYMPTOM: When SPX was terminating a connection, it was failing with an 0xEC rather than 0xED status. SOLUTION: Apply SPXSFT2 NLM 3,115 06-22-94 8:27a Make sure the state check to toss data packets coming into a terminating connection did not toss the ACK. Solution Specifics: Different versions of this patch are available for the following NetWare Operating System's: V3.11, V3.11 SFT III Example: v3.11 is in 311ITx.EXE or 311PTx.EXE, v3.12 is in 312ITx.EXE or 312PTx.EXE, v4.01 is in 401ITx.EXE or 401PTx.EXE, v4.02 is in 402ITx.EXE or 402PTx.EXE. v4.10 is in 410ITx.EXE or 410PTx.EXE. v3.11 SFT is in SFTITx.EXE. Installation Instructions: NCF File: STARTUP.NCF ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNCTIME NLM ============ SYMPTOM: The file server may gain or loose time, after a operating for a while. CAUSE: The FileServer time is by default taken from the software clock which is subject to lost timer ticks which may cause the server to loose time. SOLUTION: Apply SYNCTIME NLM 1,948 05-03-94 5:03p The SYNCTIME.NLM file in the SYNC3XFT.EXE patch file causes the server to update its' time periodically from the hardware clock. Installation Instructions: 1. Copy the SYNCTIME.NLM file to the SYSTEM directory or the NetWare boot directory. 2. The appropriate PATCHMAN must first be loaded. (PM312.NLM of v3.11 PATCHMAN.NLM for 3.11 and PMIO311.NLM for 3.11 SFT3). 3 Then load the patch from the console for NetWare 3.11 and 3.12 or from the IOENGINE screen for 3.11 SFT3 NetWare, by entering the following command: LOAD SYNCTIME 4. You may also load the file in the IOSTART.NCF for 3.11 SFT3 or in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file for NetWare 3.11 and 3.12. ACTDEVFX NLM 967 05-26-94 11:30a ACTSCRFX NLM 1,102 02-22-94 4:41p ADDDSKFX NLM 1,032 03-22-94 9:44a ALLPLFIX NLM 1,170 03-22-94 9:56a ALLREQFX NLM 1,287 03-22-94 9:48a CRPROCFX NLM 1,070 07-26-94 9:43a DIRSPCFX NLM 1,219 07-26-94 9:16a EADATFIX NLM 1,207 07-26-94 8:51a EAREPLFX NLM 1,055 07-26-94 9:00a EASCORFX NLM 1,127 07-26-94 9:07a EAUNIQFX NLM 1,180 07-26-94 9:14a GETNSFIX NLM 1,182 05-26-94 11:33a GLOCKFIX NLM 1,090 03-15-94 2:09p GNSFIX NLM 1,351 03-15-94 2:10p IIPXRCFX NLM 997 02-04-94 9:01a IOS NCF 518 05-05-95 10:58a IOSHIM NLM 1,981 11-09-93 8:10a IPXRCVFX NLM 987 03-22-94 9:51a LSLENH3 NLM 10,500 06-02-93 11:34a MIRRFIX NLM 1,042 03-22-94 9:49a MPFIX NLM 1,069 11-11-93 3:37p MSA NCF 744 05-05-95 11:01a MSSHIM NLM 1,524 11-09-93 8:11a OPCLSFIX NLM 1,090 01-18-94 3:09p PATCHMAN NLM 9,296 03-24-94 10:28a PM311IO NLM 8,335 02-04-94 8:53a PPROCFIX NLM 962 09-23-94 11:38a REPLYFIX NLM 1,148 03-22-94 9:42a SCRPNDFX NLM 1,283 06-22-94 1:44p SPXNSSFT NLM 2,266 05-26-94 9:15a SPXSFT1 NLM 3,003 11-23-93 9:31a SPXSFT2 NLM 3,115 06-22-94 8:27a SYNCTIME NLM 1,948 05-03-94 5:03p