NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: SAA017.EXE; NetWare 2.0 SAA Maintenance README FOR: SAA017.EXE NOVELL PRODUCTS and VERSIONS: NetWare for SAA 2.0 ABSTRACT: SAA017.EXE is half of the current maintenance patch for SAA 2.0. Used together with SAA016.EXE, it upgrades "NetWare for SAA 2.0.22" to "NetWare for SAA 2.0.23". The combination of SAA016.EXE and SAA017.EXE is recommended for SAA 2 sites. Please apply SAA016 and SAA017, before calling Tech Support. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM: Symptoms related to API's 1. Register AH not updated during successful execution. 2. Convert using table G not functioning properly. 3. Application Termination problems. Symptoms related to AS400. 1. If AS400PCS.NLM loaded with security ON and the Netware Client Address started with 0, user did not connect. 2. WSF failure if client was connecting to 3 or more systems. 3. AS400PCS unloading, because Client Access V3R10 would deallocate. Symptoms Related to Data Links. 1. R2SDLC driver loading concurrently with the R3SDLC driver using the same I/O port caused server abends. 2. R3SDLC driver hang with receive overruns. Symptoms Related to NWSAA. 1. RUNCMD with long response, not working for a PU which is not the focal point. 2. LUx secondary return codes intermittently byte swapped. 3. LUx, SLIOPEN verb with secondary initialization with an unformatted LOGON message returned primary return code session failure=0F00, and secondary return code LUx_Sli_Logic_Error=7FD00000. 4. LUx, SLI_OPEN failed after USS MSG 10. 5. Bind without mode name and or PLU name in the user data field. 6. PREPARE_TO_RECEIVE REPORTED conversation failure when partner did SEND_ERROR rather than PROG_ERROR_PURGING. 7. Receive Immediate could fail with large (64K) RU size. Symptoms related to Windows Configurator. 1. Lower case for adapter not allowed. 2. Link Type restricted to A - Z. 3. Setup wiped out existing icons. 4. Local station address accepted more than 2 digits hex. 5. Sorting for the print job name list box was case sensitive. 6. No PU profile remained selected in hot standby. 7. After the PU profile was copied, Focus moved to the PU profile. New Feature 1. APPC and AS400 configuration in the windows configurator. 2. Multi adapter PU2.1 profile for all peer connections. SOLUTION: Apply SAA016 and SAA017. Self-Extracting File Name: saa017.exe Files Included Size Date Time ..\ SAA017.TXT (This file) ..\ADMIN\ README.TX_ 1467 2-10-95 4:56:58 pm SAACFG.EX_ 579421 5-10-95 10:08:04 am SAACFG.HL_ 514520 3-8-95 4:51:10 pm SAADLG.DL_ 20680 5-10-95 10:13:42 am SETUP.EXE 109272 3-29-95 1:50:30 pm SETUP.INI 438 2-10-95 3:44:22 pm S_DLGBK.DL_ 18687 12-1-94 7:34:38 pm S_INTL.DL_ 7705 8-30-94 7:36:14 pm S_TABLE.DL_ 70500 1-6-95 5:42:24 pm TLI_SPX.DL_ 30103 9-15-94 2:26:06 pm TLI_WIN.DL_ 8197 6-8-94 5:28:24 pm Installation Instructions: 1. SAA016 and SAA017 will install only on top of version 2.00.22 of NWSAA!! It will not work on any BETA version of NWSAA 2.0! 2. You must have the latest NIC drivers for your system. They must be ODI 4.0 compliant AND certified for use with SAA 2.0!! 3. Only attempt installation on NetWare 4.1 or NetWare 3.12. 4. CSLOAD/CSUNLOAD commands are no longer supported. 5. If you have not already done so, install the LANDR4.EXE patch. 6. If you have not already done so, install the STRTL3.EXE patch. 7. Make a directory called SAA016, on a hard disk or network drive. Make sure the directory path is available to the server(s) you are updating. 8. Put SAA016.EXE into the SAA016 directory you just made. 9. Unzip SAA016.EXE. SAA016 10. LOAD install 11. Select Product Options. 12. Press . 13. Select the directory path created above ie, SYS:\SAA016\DISK1 or C:\SAA016\DISK1 14. Select the server to update. 15. Press . 16. Wait for the update to complete. 17. Press . You should see NWSAA 2.0.23 18. Put SAA017.exe into a directory ON A CLIENT of your choice. These are not server files. These are the windows configurator (windows cscon) files. 19. Unzip SAA017.EXE. SAA017 20. The admin directory is the Windows configurator portion of install, this is installed through Windows by running File Manager, run, command line C:\ADMIN\SETUP.EXE or A:\ADMIN\SETUP.EXE, this will install the Windows update to the configurator. !! IMPORTANT: Never manually copy COMMEXEC.NLM or NWSAA.NLM into the system. The install scripts must be used! If you copy in manually, the version information will be incorrect. If you have ever applied an ETF that required copying NWSAA.NLM into the system directory manually, please recopy the NWSAA.NLM that was on the system just prior to installing the ETF, and then be sure the version number under Product Options for NWSAA is lower than the one in this patch. If an ETF was applied with an install script, you do not have to recopy NWSAA.NLM (however, be sure the version you have is lower than the one in this patch). If the version number is equal than or greater than the one to be installed by this patch, the install will fail. !!*** 21. Restart the server before loading COMMEXEC, this will activate the new system modules copied over during installation. 22. Run SAAUP.NCF, this will autoload COMMEXEC and NWSAA.NLM. NOTE: The CONFIG.SYS for the workstation from which you run SAACOPY must contain FILES=20 (or greater) and BUFFERS=20 (or greater). Also, you must have a minimum of 550K free base memory to run this SAACOPY. Patch History: The combination of SAA016 and SAA017 is the first maintenance patch for SAA 2.0 Solution Specifics: (for some of the symptoms listed above) Solutions Related to API'S 1. Code modified so that register AH is updated with 0 upon successful execution. 2. CCSCVRT.C code modified so that it will function with table G. 3. Windows APIs modified. Solutions related to AS400 1. AS400PCS.NLM modified so that it will not reject this user. 2. AS400PCS.NLM modified. 3. The second byte of the opcode has been masked to zero. Solutions Related to NWSAA 1. NWSAA.NLM modified. 5. When no Mode Name is specified, a string of eight blanks will be assumed. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. -----------------------------------------------------------------