Q&A Systems Certifications Programs Q. Why are you changing the program? A. We recognize that what is appropriate in one situation may not be appropriate for another. For this reason, Novell Education constantly evaluates and evolves its programs and products. While the current program model has served Novell's customer base well, business and market environments have changed, as have customer expectations of Novell's CNE force. The new program reflects the overall importance of Novell's key technologies and builds the support infrastructure needed to serve an increasingly sophisticated technology base. The new program provides a more easily identifiable focus. This allows CNEs to better differentiate their skills, making them more competitive. And it allows CNE employers to immediately identify a CNE's area of expertise. The new program serves to further strengthen the CNE certification, making it even more robust and ensuring that it remains relevant as technology changes. Q. Why are you changing the ECNE name? A. We are not changing the name--the ECNE program will continue to exist along side the Master CNE program, though we will not allow anyone to start into the ECNE program after September 30, 1995. As part of our research for the new Master CNE program, however, it became clear that though the term "enterprise" is appropriate for technical installations and technical environments, as part of a certification program name, it does not adequately convey the purpose and direction of what an advanced program should be. This research also showed the need to focus our advanced program more. Thus, when we created the Master CNE program, we wanted to address both of these issues . . . and the term "Master CNE" best conveyed both the advanced content and advanced focus of the new program. Q. The CNE program now has an application track. I thought the program was specifically for operating systems. A. Sophisticated network applications (like the GroupWare suite) require support on a par with that required for network operating systems. Armed with broad network understanding and specific network applications knowledge, CNEs specializing in the GroupWare track will be capable of supporting this product within a networking environment. Q. Why are you eliminating Operating System tests from elective pools? A. Each track of the new CNE program is carefully designed to include technical information that creates a thread of knowledge that begins at fundamental supporting technology, moves through multi-user, client-server and/or advanced network application technologies and culminates with a look at advanced enabling technology. Allowing "targets" to also fulfill elective credits ultimately dilutes the program by allowing the use of redundant credits to fulfill requirements. While we encourage broad exposures to similar technologies, the CNE program requires robust focus that fully prepares CNEs to serve Novell customers in an increasingly sophisticated technical environment. Q. I noticed that the DOS/Micro Hardware exam has been removed from the new CNE Progress Chart. Isn't this test part of the program? A. No. We removed the DOS/Micro Hardware test in order to better focus on each "major's" specific curriculum. We continue to consider DOS/Micro knowledge a very valuable prerequisite to CNE or Master CNE certification. We cannot over stress how important it is for all CNE candidates to have mastery over DOS and Micro-computer concepts before they enter the CNE program. (DOS/Micro Hardware may be used by certification candidates entering the old CNE program prior to September 30, 1995. Candidates wishing to certify under this program must complete the old program including this year's Continuing CNE Certification Requirement (CCR) by June 30, 1996. Candidates entering the new CNE program or candidates transitioning to the new CNE program may not count the DOS/Micro Hardware exam.) Q. What if I have already taken DOS? A. CNE candidates who have already taken DOS have two options. They may choose to continue in the old CNE program, completing all requirements including the CCR by June 30, 1996. Or, they may transition into the new CNE program. CNE candidates choosing the latter option may not count the DOS/Micro Hardware exam. Q. What is the Continuing CNE Certification Requirement for 1995? A. CNEs who have tested on NetWare can choose to recertify by taking either the NetWare 3 to NetWare 4.1 Update test or the NetWare 4.1 Administration test. CNEs who have tested on UnixWare are required to take the new UnixWare System Administration (UnixWare 2.0) exam. Q. If I have already taken the NetWare 3.11 to 4.0 Update exam, can I count this in place of the NetWare 3 to NetWare 4.1 Update exam? A. Yes. This year's Continuing CNE Certification Requirement is designed to assure NetWare users that the CNE force is knowledgeable in Novell's newest technologies. Those technologies are offered in NetWare 4 and in UnixWare 2.0. The goal of pervasive computing relies on the understanding of key new technologies such as NDS. The credibility of every Novell CNE is enhanced having been tested on key technologies in NetWare 4. You've demonstrated this knowledge already and will not have to retest on NetWare 4. Wherever you see a NetWare 4.1 exam on the new progress chart, the corresponding NetWare 4.0 exam can be used in its place e.g., NetWare 4.0 Advanced Administration in place of NetWare 4.1 Advanced Administration. Q. If I have already taken the UnixWare System Administration exam, can I use this in place of the UnixWare 2.0 continuing requirement? A. No. The Continuing CNE Certification Requirement for CNEs who have tested on UnixWare specifically requires understanding of the new UnixWare 2.0 environment. Q. For individuals who have certified using OS tests such as NetWare 2.2, 2.15 or NetWare 3.1, what is the most appropriate Continuing CNE Certification Requirement test to take? A. Individuals certified using older operating system credits (2.15 or 2.2) are encouraged to become thoroughly familiar with NetWare 4.x by understanding concepts discussed in NetWare 4.1 Administration. Individuals competent in NetWare 3.x are encouraged to learn concepts presented in Novell's NetWare 3 to NetWare 4 update course. Q. I don't work with NetWare 4 and don't foresee that I will. Why are you forcing me to test on it? A. Novell intends to expand the network computing industry significantly before the turn of the century. Central to this effort is NetWare Directory Services (NDS). Though CNEs may not foresee immediate use of NDS knowledge, in the long run virtually everyone associated with support of Novell networks (as well as their customers/employers) will benefit from a clear understanding of this technology, a key feature inherent in NetWare 4. Novell's customers have come to rely on the CNE population for network service, network support and networking advice. Fluency in NetWare 4 and NetWare Directory Services allows CNEs to fulfill the IT industry customer's expectations, and builds a necessary foundation for each CNE's future growth. Q. What are the deadlines involved? A. We've tried to design this transition with as few dates to remember as possible. Here they are: Last day to start taking tests in old CNE or ECNE program - September 30, 1995. Last day to take DOS/Micro for CNE credit - September 30, 1995. Last day to complete CNE or ECNE requirements including CCR (Continuing CNE Certification Requirement) under old program guidelines - June 30, 1996. Decertification of all existing CNEs failing to complete the CCR - June 30, 1996. Q. If I am pending in the old CNE program, where do I go now? A. You've got two options. Option one is to transfer applicable credits to the new CNE program. Option two is to complete the old CNE program and complete the Continuing CNE Certification Requirement by June 30, 1996. Keep in mind that you have until September 30, 1995, to complete the DOS/Micro Hardware exam as it will no longer be available after that date. Please note that any candidate not completing the old program (including Continuing CNE Certification Requirement for 1995) by June 30, 1996, will automatically be transferred into the new CNE program and subject to new program requirements. Q. What are the benefits of moving to the new program vs. certifying in the old program? A. The new CNE program defines the Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) certification into specialities that immediately differentiate a CNE's focus, giving CNEs competitive advantage and clarifying areas of specialty for employers. Novell will brand the newly specified CNE program as its service and support certification program for the future. CNEs moving to the new program will earn specific CNE certification(s) that will position them as specialists in specific "threads" of a Novell technology. Novell will target certificants within threads for special promotions, benefits and the like. Q. What benefits will I be receiving in the new CNE program? A. In addition to providing CNEs with an even more powerful certification, Novell Education is enhancing its post-CNE certification benefits program. Key to the enhanced benefits is providing more technical information to CNEs and Master CNEs, giving them day-to-day reference material as well as insights into new technologies as they emerge. Benefits include: Enhanced Welcome Aboard kits to include software from Novell product groups and promotional offers. Promotional mailings conducted with Novell Yes and OEM partners. Dedicated communication to CNEs through the NetWare Connection Magazine, a bi-monthly publication sponsored by NetWare Users International (NUI). Specialized CNE conference tracks at NUI's 40-plus conferences around the world. CNE discounts to NUI conferences. Novell speakers to address CNEs at NUI conferences and local monthly group meetings. Q. If I am pending in the old CNE program but want to certify in the new program, how will my credits apply toward the new program? A. You will receive credit toward the new CNE program for any exam that you have taken which appears on the new progress chart. You'll note that each new CNE track requires candidates to fulfill Core, Target and Elective credits. If you are pursuing the NetWare 3, NetWare 4 or UnixWare certifications, eligible electives must be chosen from either the Network Management or the Infrastructure and Advanced Access Master CNE elective pools. If you are pursuing your GroupWare certification, electives must be chosen from the GroupWare Integration Master CNE elective pool. Novell Education tests not placed in an elective pool yield no elective credit in the new CNE or Master CNE certification programs. Q. Will I be converted over to the new CNE program if I am already certified? A. If you've taken all tests required for any one track, you'll be automatically certified in that track. If you have taken tests that appear in the new program and tests that do not, only those that you have taken which appear in the new program can be counted toward one of the new areas of specialization. Q. I have been certified for quite some time and notice that none of the tests I have taken appear on the new progress chart. Is there any test(s) that I have taken that will count toward certification in the new program? A. Yes. If you are currently certified as a CNE and have passed Introduction to Data Communications (test 50-07) or the previous release of Networking Technologies (50-80), you may use these credits in place of the existing Networking Technologies (50-147) exam. Also if you are currently certified as a CNE and have passed any of the previous releases of Service and Support including test numbers 50-06, 50-08, 50-46 or 50-118, you may use these credits in place of the new Service and Support 50-153. Q. If I am automatically certified as a CNE in the new program because of tests I have taken, will I get confirmation from Novell? A. Yes. Novell will be sending you a confirmation letter and a track specific certificate(s) soon after the programs are officially opened, which is September 30, 1995. Q. As an existing CNE will I get a new certificate, logo sheets, lapel pin, name badge etc. due to Novell changing the name from Certified NetWare Engineer to Certified Novell Engineer? A. CNEs fulfilling Novell's Continuing CNE Certification Requirement for '95 will receive recertification acknowledgment as well as a recertification packet from Novell including certificate, logo sheets, lapel pin and a name badge request form. Q. If I certify in more than one of the new areas of specialization, will I receive a Welcome Aboard Kit for each one? A. CNEs who achieve multiple certifications receive a full Welcome Aboard Kit for their first certification followed by a confirmation letter and certificate for additional CNE certifications achieved. The same is true for CNEs who achieve multiple certifications in the Master CNE program. Q. Will the 3.11 exams count toward certification in the new program? A. Yes. A CNE specializing in NetWare 3 may use the 3.11 System Manager or 3.11 Advanced System Manager in place of the 3.1x Administration or 3.1x Advanced Administration respectively. Q. Can I cross a 4.0 exam with a 4.1 exam? For example, if I have already taken 4.0 Administration, can I take the 4.1 Advanced Administration and the 4.1 Install and Configuration plus the other qualifying exams to certify as a NetWare 4 CNE? A. Yes. Q. Can I use the old UnixWare exams with the new UnixWare exams the same as I can use the 3.11 System Manager with the 3.1x Advanced Administration and the 4.0 Administration with the 4.1 Advanced Administration? A. Yes. Although you can certify as a CNE with the old UnixWare exams, in order to maintain your status as a UnixWare CNE, you must complete the Continuing CNE Certification Requirement for CNEs who have tested on UnixWare, which is the UnixWare System Administration (for UnixWare 2.0) exam. Q. If I am a CNE and I took the old Service and Support without an install exam and the 3.1x Administration, 3.1x Advanced Administration and 3.11 to 4.0 Update, will I be certified as a NetWare 3 CNE in the new program automatically? A. No. Although the old Service and Support did not require an install exam, in order to upgrade to the NetWare 3 specialty, you will need to have passed the NetWare 3.1x Installation and Configuration exam. You'll also need to be sure that you've passed a valid elective test in accordance with the new CNE progress chart. Q. With the exams listed in the previous question, can I take the Install and Configuration exam without taking the new Service and Support exam and still certify as a NetWare 3 CNE as long as I have a valid elective? A. Yes. We're not asking you to upgrade your service and support skills. We are saying that if you want to say you're a CNE with a major in NetWare 3, you will need to be assessed in the entire specialty. Q. Can I choose electives from any of the three pools to complete my NetWare 3 CNE certification? A. No. If you are pursuing any of the network operating system certifications (NetWare 3, NetWare 4 or UnixWare), you must choose an elective from either the Network Management or Infrastructure and Advanced Access CNE/Master CNE elective pools. If you are pursuing the GroupWare certification, you must choose an elective from the GroupWare Integration elective pool. Q. If I have taken the old Service and Support exam, can I use those credits in place of the new Service and Support in the new program? A. Yes. You will still need to complete all other exams in the track you are pursuing. In the case of the NetWare 3 CNE specialty, you will still need to complete the appropriate install exam, even though this was not required with the old Service and Support exam. Q. If I have taken a 2.2 test, will that apply toward electives in the new program? A. No. A number of electives in the old program will not count toward certification under the newly defined CNE program. Candidates may choose whether to complete old program requirements or migrate to the new program. While Novell Education will not mandate migration to the new CNE program, this program will become the cornerstone of service and support for Novell and Novell's customers. We will promote the new CNE program as such to these groups. Q. As Dial-In/Dial-Out was replaced with NetWare Connect, if I have taken the Dial-In/Dial-Out exam and want to certify under one of the new areas of specialization, will I receive credit for this exam? A. You can use the credits for this exam in place of NetWare Connect for certification in the new or old program until October 7, 1995, one year from the date the exam was removed. The same is true for any other exam which has not yet expired. You may use the credits toward certification up until the expiration date. If you have not certified by this date, you will need to replace the expired credits with current ones. Q. Since tests count toward certification from one-year of the removal date, can DOS/Micro count until September 30, 1996? A. No. DOS/Micro is not part of the new CNE program. It has been Novell's policy that a test removed from the program counts for one-year from the date of removal. However, since the old CNE program expires June 30, 1996, any test that has been omitted from the new CNE progress chart that does not currently have an expiration date now has an expiration date of June 30, 1996. (Note if a test you have passed was replaced with a test that is on the current progress chart, the one-year time limit on that test remains in effect. See previous question.) Q. Is there a Continuing Certification Requirement for ECNEs as well? A. No. ECNEs have already demonstrated knowledge on NDS and NetWare 4 as part of the requirements for becoming ECNEs. Q. What happens if I have started taking tests or plan to take tests toward ECNE certification? A. All ECNE candidates are encouraged to migrate to the new Master CNE Program. Candidates wishing to certify in either Network Management or Infrastructure and Advanced Access Master CNE specializations must first complete one of the new network operating system CNE tracks (NetWare 3, NetWare 4 or UnixWare). Candidates wishing to certify in the GroupWare Master CNE specialization must first complete the GroupWare CNE certification. The candidate can then go on to complete the Master CNE track they have chosen. Candidates wishing to certify under the old program guidelines must do so by June 30, 1996. Q. If I am certified as a NetWare 4 CNE, can I move on to certify as a GroupWare Integration Master CNE without being certified as a GroupWare CNE? A. No. The GroupWare Integration Master CNE track requires that you must first become a GroupWare CNE; likewise the Network Management or Infrastructure and Advanced Access Master CNE tracks require that you must first become a network operating system CNE. If you are exclusively certified in the network operating system area(s), you can only pursue the Network Management or Infrastructure and Advanced Access Master CNE specialties. If you are exclusively certified as a GroupWare CNE, you can only pursue the GroupWare Integration Master CNE. Q. How will ECNEs be converted over to the new program? A. ECNE candidates having taken tests that appear on the Master CNE Progress Chart will receive full credit for those tests. Novell Education will not mandate migration to the Master CNE program. Existing ECNEs are encouraged to migrate to the Master CNE program in order to take advantage of this new emphasis. Q. What are the benefits of becoming a Master CNE? A. Enhanced Welcome Aboard Kit, six-month subscription to AppNotes, Novell Press discounts, user conferences, regular communication through NetWare Connection, promotions throughout the year. Q. What happens to decertified CNEs or ECNEs who want to recertify? A. CNE certification is a prerequisite to ECNE certification. Consequently, any decertified CNE who was an ECNE is also a decertified ECNE. In order to recertify CNEs/ECNEs must complete program requirements in accordance with the new CNE and Master CNE programs. Valid tests completed that appear on the new CNE progress chart will count toward recertification.