NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: PTF426.TXT DOCUMENT ID: TID250026 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 18OCT93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF426.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Asynchronous Communication Services (NACS) 3.0 ABSTRACT: PTF 426 is the latest Maintenance PTF for NACS 3 with COMMEXEC 1.03 (the one that ships with NetWare for SAA). Upgrades NACS3 to 3.03K and NASI3 to 3.03K. Corrects all known NACS 3 problems including problems with "Basic NASI" applications including Reflections, and VS-Com. It is vital that you read the installation instructions. AICOMX V2.00 (which was not in PTF 421) is provided for users that do not already have it. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ SYMPTOM 1. Wrong NACS Version displayed. 2. Blank screen on Console. 3. Failure to reconnect to port. 4. Port locking and/or disconnect. 5. File transfers failing. 6. NASI not finding nearest server. 7. Running out of FCBs. 8. Connected BASIC NASI application not returning to the NASI prompt. 9. Problems connecting across a bridge. 10. Time-out problems. 11. Spasmodic screen paints. 12. Procomm Plus LAN Version 2.0 problems. 13. Problems using "Basic NASI" applications from an Access Server session. 14. Slow transmittal of keystrokes. NOTE: Most of the symptoms are experienced in only some unusual environments. SOLUTION Apply PTF 426 Self-Extracting File Name: PTF426.EXE Files Included Size Date \ PTF426.TXT (This File) AIOCOMX.NLM 16609 07-22-92 MONIFACE.HLP 23078 02-26-92 *514 NASI3.EXE 37926 08-16-93 *514 PATCHER.NLM 78776 08-13-93 *514 STAT012C.NLM 35405 08-13-93 *514 *Novell internal control number Installation Instructions: 1. This PTF is only for installations with Communications Executive V1.03. Do not use this PTF if you have Communications Executive 1.02, which ships with NetWare for SAA. (If you have Version 1.02 you will see a "CS" prompt). Use PTF 420 instead if you have COMMEXEC 1.02. 2. You must already have NACS3. This PTF will NOT work with NACS version 2x. 3. Load PATCHER only once. If you feel the need to load it again, down the server first. 4. There have been reports of SPXFIX1 causing NetWare 3.11 servers to abend. You may wish to download STRTLI.EXE from NOVLIB Library 4. STRTLI.EXE contains SPXFIX2 and ancillary files to be used as a substitute. 5. Make a back up copy of your existing NACS software in case an application which is important to you is incompatible with the new version. 6. Copy MONIFACE.HLP, PATCHER, and STAT012C to the system directory of the NACS server. 7. Copy the new NASI3.EXE over the old one. 8. Exit NACS console. 9. Unload your NACS by typing CSUNLOAD NACS at the CS prompt. 10. At the server console UNLOAD COMMEXEC. 11. At the server console LOAD PATCHER to upgrade the files. 12. LOAD COMMEXEC 13. CSLOAD NACS. AIOCOMX INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (to be followed only if a comm port will be used) 1. Copy over the existing AIOCOMX.NLM (if present). 2. Reconfigure AIOCOMX. Optional Special Load Instructions 1. Enter "LOAD AIOCOMX" to cause COM1 (port=3f8, int=4) to be loaded if a COM port is available. 2A. Enter "LOAD AIOCOMX", again, to cause COM2 (port=2f8, int=3) to be loaded if a second COM port is available. OR 2B. Enter "LOAD AIOCOMX {optional parameters}" to allow the user to customize the driver according to the options described in the help screen. Most users will deem special loading unnecessary. Patch History: PTF 426 replaces all prior PTFs for NACS 3 with COMMEXEC1.03. The prior PTF is PTF 421 which did not include AIOCOMX. Solution Specifics: 1. The version number displayed on NACS console will now be correct. 2. If an early revision was used a blank screen appeared on the server console when NACS loaded. 3. A "NASI Basic" application will now be able to reconnect to a port after a NASI program issues a CTRL Request Disconnect . 4. A disconnect problem was solved by adding a new state to NASI. 5. NASI's processing of ECBs was corrected. File transfers will no longer fail due to this problem. 6. The way NASI connects to a Command Interpreter was changed. NASI now looks for the nearest server. 7. In rare instances, NASI ran out of FCBs. The way NASI allocates FCBs was corrected. 8. A "PORT RESET" command from NACSCON will now cause a connected BASIC NASI application to go back to the NASI prompt. 9. A number of problems in connecting to a Command Interpreter across a bridge were corrected. 10. The Network module will no longer mishandle a time-out condition. 11. NACS will no longer read from the AIO port until it is possible to send a packet of data to the NASI workstation. This will "smooth" the appearance of data on the workstation screen when using some applications. 12. NACS is now compatible with Procomm Plus LAN Version 2.0. 13. NASI compatible applications using the Basic Functions (rather than the Extended Functions) caused NASI and NACS to get out of sync in managing NASI's read buffer. To the user, it looked like NASI was not responding. For example, when a user would disconnect, and then attempt to reconnect, NASI would stop responding. 14. NASI buffers now write requests to minimize slow transmittal of keystrokes delayed response. 15. Applications using the NASI V3.00 Command Interpreter locked during DOS INT 21 calls. This prevented applications using "basic NASI" from being be able to connect to NACS ports from within a NetWare Access Server Session. 16. NACS V3 allows applications to issue their own Break Off. However, Communications applications written for NACS V2 assume that the NACS will almost immediately respond to a Break On with a Break Off. As the assumption was not correct for NACS 3, a permanent Break Off could result. The PTF modifies NACS so that if a Break Signal from a terminal lasts for more than a 1/2 second, NACS will issue a Break Off. 17. AIOCOMX V2 provides the following enhancements: A. Enhanced performance is available if a 16550 UART is present. If the port to be used has a 16550 UART, communications performance will be significantly enhanced. The driver automatically configures itself to run in enhanced (FIFO) mode if it detects a 16550 UART. The receiver data threshold and transmit data queues for the FIFOs can be changed by the user if this mode is allowed, but the default values are probably optimal. If a 16550 UART is not present the user is prohibited from attempting to place the driver in enhanced mode. B. Driver rated at 19,200bps for 16550 UART. C. Driver rated at 2,400bps for 8250/16450 UARTs. D. Only ONE port is loaded for each installation of the driver. E. Board numbering: - is directly related to hardware configuration, as required by AIO driver specification. - can be overridden to accommodate AIO.NLM bug which requires that boards or a particular driver be loaded in board number sequential order. F. More command line options are available at driver load time. G. Driver command line load information is available to the user by entering "LOAD AIOCOMX ?" at server prompt. (Note: the driver will not be loaded) AIOCOMX NOTES 1. AIOCOMX is only utilized only if you are using comm ports. It has no role if you are using only multiport adapter ports. 2. If the comm port (or internal modem) does do not have a 16550 UART speeds above 2400 are definitely not recommended. 3. UARTs other than 16550, 16450, and 8250 are not supported. ie, a 8250A is not supported. 4. AIOCOMX ports must not share an interrupt. NOVELL, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO ANY NETWARE SOFTWARE, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DISTRIBUTION OF ANY NETWARE SOFTWARE IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOVELL, INC. FURTHER, NOVELL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE DISTRIBUTION OF ANY NETWARE SOFTWARE. NOVELL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE OF THE SOFTWARE, LOSS OF DATA, COSTS OF RECREATING LOST DATA, THE COST OF ANY SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT OR PROGRAM, OR CLAIMS BY ANY PARTY OTHER THAN YOU. NOVELL STRONGLY RECOMMENDS A BACKUP BE MADE BEFORE ANY SOFTWARE IS INSTALLED. TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE PROVIDED AT THE DISCRETION OF NOVELL. ÿ