C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1988. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Provo, Utah USA. Available NACS Help 1 of 1 This menu lists the NACS currently on your network. To monitor the activity of any of these servers, highlight its name and press . NACS Password verification HELP 1 of 1 Type the one-character to sixteen- character password of the NACS, then press . The password is not shown on the screen as you type it. This prevents unauthorized users from learning your password. g Available Topics Help 1 of 8 This menu presents the NACS Administrator with the options available through the NACS Console.To choose a option, use the arrow keys to highlight it, then press . The following screens briefly describe each option: NACS Port Information Help 2 of 8 This option allows you to: 1. List the ports on the NACS 2. View the Service Names assigned to the ports 3. View the names of any users connected to the ports 4. View throughput information about the port NACS Server Statistics Help 3 of 8 This option allows you to view the: 1. Number of NACS ports currently in use 2. Number of Command Interpreter (CI) sessions in progress 3. Number of NACSCON sessions in progress on the NACS NACS Server Statistics (cont.) Help 4 of 8 This option allows you to view the: 4. Total number of accesses of the NACS Name Services 5. Total volume of data passed through this NACS NACS Port Configuration Help 5 of 8 This option allows you to: 1. List the ports configured for this NACS 2. View the current configuration of the ports 3. Change the current configuration of the ports NACS Server Configuration Help 6 of 8 This option allows you to change the: 1. Name of this NACS 2. Password of this NACS 3. Text of the NASI prompt which this NACS issues to its NASI clients using its Command Interpreter services NACS File Management Help 7 of 8 This option allows you to: 1. View the record of events which have occurred on this NACS 2. Store a snapshot of this NACS's log file 3. Reset the NACS configuration to defaults Exit NACS Console Help 8 of 8 This option allows you to terminate the NACS Console. Also simply pressing the ESCape key from the main menu will provide the user with the option of exiting the NACS Console. Port Information Help 1 of 3 This window displays information about the NACS ports. To obtain more detailed information about a specific port, use the arrow keys to highlight the row that port is described in and press . Port Information Help 2 of 3 The format of the information displayed in this window is as follows: Port Information Help 3 of 3 This information is interpreted as follows: Port: The number of the port Specific: The port's specific name General: The port's general name State: The port's current state which may be IDLE, CONNECTED, DOWN or ON HOLD. UserID: The NetWare user ID of the port's owner P NACS Statistics Help 1 of 3 This window displays the current statistics for the NACS as follows: PORTS ACTIVE: The number of ports in use ACTIVE COMMAND INTERPRETERS: The number of connected NASI clients using the command interpreter Server Statistics Help 2 of 3 QUERY NAME REQUESTS: The number of query name requests from NASI clients TOTAL CONNECTIONS: The current number of NASI clients CHARACTERS INPUT: Total bytes read since NACS was loaded CHARACTERS OUTPUT: Total bytes written since NACS was loaded Server Statistics Help 3 of 3 PACKETS INPUT: The total number of SPX packets received from NASI clients since NACS was loaded PACKETS OUTPUT: The total number of SPX packets sent to NASI clients since NACS was loaded NACS Configuration Help 1 of 3 The options in this window allow you to change the following: NACS NAME: A one-character to eight-character NACS name. Make sure that you assign a unique NACS name to each NACS on the network. Server Configuration Help 2 of 3 PASSWORD: A one-character to sixteen- character password for the NACS. The first time you start the NACS console, the password is NEWPASS. You should change this password after installing the NACS software. Server Configuration Help 3 of 3 NASI PROMPT: A one-character to eight-character NASI prompt. This prompt displays whenever users start a NASI application. SECURITY: This option enables a system administrator to control access to the NACS ports as specified in the port configurations. Select ON to enable OFF to disable. u Port Configuration Help 1 of 3 This window lists the ports and their current attributes. To invoke an editing window, highlight the targeted row, then press . The format of each line in this window is: <#> The following screens briefly describe each topic: j Port Configuration Help 2 of 3 #: the number of the port State: the port's current state which may be IDLE, CONNECTED, DOWN or ON HOLD Specific: the port's specific name General: the port's general name Baud: the port's baud rate Sz: the port's data character size Parity: the type of parity checking which may be NONE, ODD, EVEN, MARK, or SPACE Port Configuration Help 3 of 3 Stop: the port's current setting for stop bits which can be 1, 1.5, or 2 DTR: the port's current setting for DTR, which can be ON or OFF RTS: the port's current setting for RTS, which can be ON or OFF FCtrl: the port's current type of flow control which can be HARD (hardware flow control), SOFT (software flow control), or NONE NACS Log File Help 1 of 1 This option allows you to browse through the NACS log file. As you use the NACS, The NACS maintains this log file containing messages output by the NACS and by NASI. The log file is maintained in the SYSTEM and is named NACS.LOG. The log file format is as follows: