NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: PTF424.TXT DOCUMENT ID: TID250024 DOCUMENT REVISION: B DATE: 19OCT93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF424.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare HostPrint 1.0 ABSTRACT: PTF 424 is the latest Maintenance PTF for NetWare HostPrint 1.0. It contains all current fixes plus files required to make HostPrint 1.0 compatible with NetWare for SAA 1.3. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ SYMPTOM - HostPrint crash - Reconnection problems - SAA Server abends with error message: "Free called with a memory block that has an invalid resource tag" - SAA Runtime server abends with CLIB error. - SAA Runtime server gets "NO NCP CONNECTIONS AVAILABLE". - Incorrect bolding and underlining. - PRCONFIG incorrectly displaying long server names. SOLUTION Install PTF 424 Self-Extracting File Name: PTF424.EXE Files Included Size Date \ PTF424.TXT (This File) CSINSTAL.HLP 2336 03-09-93 *HPU HOSTPRT.001 358 11-23-92 *481 HOSTPRT.NLM 53738 09-02-93 *520 HOSTPRT.NNN 53526 09-02-93 *520 HOSTPRT.RMV 548 11-20-92 *481 HPUPDATE.NLM 4859 03-03-93 *HPU MIB12F 24576 05-15-93 *HPU MIB12F.STR 45056 05-15-93 *HPU PINSTALL.NLM 87963 06-10-93 *HPU PRCONFIG.EXE 48423 03-02-93 *481 PRCONFIG.HLP 19756 03-02-93 *481 PRODUCT.DDD 206 09-01-93 *520 * Novell Internal Control Number Installation Instructions: I. If you want to install HostPrint on a server on which NetWare for SAA 1.3 has already been installed, follow instructions 1, 2, and 3 below. Otherwise, skip to Installation Instruction II. 1. On a DOS workstation, login or attach to the target server as "SUPERVISOR" and map a DOS drive (for example, "n:") to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on the target server. 2. Insert the HostPrint installation diskette (the diskette that came with the NetWare HostPrint product) into a disk drive on the DOS workstation. 3. Issue the following DOS commands: copy a:hostprt.* n: copy a:prconfig.* n: copy a:*.xlt n: (Change the "a:" and "n:" in the above commands to identify the appropriate diskette and network drives, if necessary.) II. Install the PTF NOTE: During the installation of this PTF the NetWare server must be active but NetWare for SAA and COMMEXEC.NLM must not be running. 1. Unload COMMEXEC. 2. If the PTF is on a hard drive, copy it to a diskette. 3. Insert the PTF diskette into a disk drive on the NetWare server. 4. At the NetWare console prompt (":"), enter the command: LOAD A:HPUPDATE (If you placed PTF 424, in a drive other than the "A:" drive, change the "A:" in the above command to identify the appropriate drive.) 5. You will see a series of messages about files being copied, followed by a message that PINSTALL.NLM is being loaded. Then you will asked to confirm that the update/installation process should continue. 6. The installation of the PTF will then be completed automatically. When it is completed press the Escape key to exit from PINSTALL. No reconfiguration is required. NOTE: See "Solution Specifics" below regarding: 1. Using a CLIB.NLM dated before 9/4/92. Patch History: PTF 424 supersedes all prior HostPrint PTFs including PTF 423 and PTF 382 which were the preceding PTFs. Solution Specifics: 1. Logic and NetWare console messages are improved relative to reconnection. 2. HostPrint could crash if a queued job began to print while HostPrint was initializing host sessions during its load process AND if a non-zero timeout parameter TIMEOUT was specified for the session that began printing. 3. Under certain timing conditions, HostPrint could crash was it was unloaded from the NetWare console. 4. When a HostPrint LU3 session sent a print job to the SAA server the SAA server would sometimes abend with the error: "Free called with a memory block that has an invalid resource tag" This was caused by a RU, with a 19h (printer control End of Message {EM}) as the only byte and no real data before it, being received after the bind. HOSTPRT.NLM has been modified to correct the problem. 5. Two separate problems caused Runtime server Abends with a CLIB error. A. If HostPrint is on a Runtime server, CLIB.NLM dated 9/4/92 or later must be used. (CLIB.NLM dated 9/4/92 is supplied on the HostPrint install disk.) B. A "guest" account (without a password) must be active on the Fileserver where the print queue resides. After the installation of this PTF neither problem will cause an abend. Instead the following messages will display: On the Hostprint screen: Unable to login to servername/guest At the CS prompt: LC: unload from Netware console of service: HOSTPRT 6. Runtime SAA servers using multiple Remote Print Servers (PSERVER.EXE), on the network, sometimes received the message "NO NCP connections available" when HostPrint loaded. HostPrint will now only use one NCP connection on the 3.11 file server to make a connection to HostPrint, no matter how many remote print servers (PSERVER.EXE) are in use. 7. LU1 datastreams will no longer sometimes result in incorrect bolding and underlining on the printed page. The problem was caused by the internal column counter resetting after each RU chain was removed. This caused incorrect processing of LU1 datastreams, containing Backspace (BS) control codes, that spanned across two RU chains. 8. The PRCONFIG display has been changed to correct occasional errors in the display of long server, queue, and Printer Definition names in the Print Job objects list. Formerly, "..." (used when the name is too long to display in its entirety) sometimes displayed when it should not have, and vice versa; and garbage characters sometimes displayed after the end of names. 9. A configuration option has been added which allows LU3 sessions to honor a Characters per line value (MPP or Maximum Print Position) that exceeds 132. Previously, the MPP value would default to 132 for LU3 sessions even though set to a higher value. This was because we were adhering to the IBM standard of a maximum MPP of 132 for 3287 printing with LU3. FEATURES ADDED BY THE PTF 1. If the connection to a remote file server, used by HostPrint for an output print queue, is lost it will now be recovered. The recovery attempts will be made once every 60 seconds and a message will be displayed on the NetWare console concerning the success or failure of each attempt. The recovery process will also be initiated for each remote file server that is not available during HostPrint initialization. Therefore, it will now be possible to bring up the HostPrint NLM even when some of the target remote file servers are not currently active. Note that, as always, the status indicator in the Printer Control Panel for a host session is set to "45" if an attempt is made to print when the target file server/print queue is not_available, and an appropriate Sense Code is returned to the host. With the new recovery support, a LUSTAT will be sent to the host when the target file server/print queue is reconnected, and the status indicator will revert to the "blank" condition. 2. If a "Hard Reset" is sent (from the CSSTATUS utility) to a host printer session being managed by HostPrint, that session will now be re-initialized and an attempt will be made to re-establish the session by means of Search Service/Open Route requests to the COMMEXEC NLM. A message will be displayed on the NetWare console concerning the success or failure of the attempt. Only one attempt to re-establish the session is made for each "Hard Reset" received; a Search Service/Open Route that fails is not retried. Previously, a session that was "Hard Reset" was lost to HostPrint until the HostPrint NLM was brought down and back up again. 3. Printer session output formatting parameters (such as the horizontal tab settings) that are set by the host data stream in an LU1 SCS session are no longer reset at the end of each host print job. This design change was made to more closely emulate the operation of a dedicated IBM 3287 hardware printer. These parameters are now preserved from each host print job to the next host print job. 4. More escape sequences can now be entered in the printer definition, thereby allowing full printer initialization strings. NOTES REGARDING USING HOSTPRINT V1.0 WITH NETWARE FOR SAA V1.3 If used with NetWare for SAA 1.3, HostPrint NetWare for SAA v1.3 works as described in the HostPrint documentation except for three minor differences. 1. Issue the command to load HostPrint from the NetWare ":" prompt (the "CS>" prompt does not exist under NetWare for SAA v1.3). The command is "load hostprt" (NOT "csload hostprt"). 2. Issue the command to unload HostPrint from the NetWare ":" prompt (the "CS>" prompt does not exist under NetWare for SAA v1.3). The command is "unload hostprt" (NOT "csunload hostprt"). 3. The "csdown" command is implemented as a .NCF file. You may want to add an "unload hostprt" command to the CSDOWN.NCF file. NOTES REGARDING USING HOSTPRINT V1.0 WITH NETWARE 4.0x 1. HostPrint cannot be configured to access global print queue objects defined in a NetWare 4.0 directory. HostPrint accesses print queues only by means of a file server name and a print queue name (which must be defined as a bindery object on that file server). THEREFORE, bindery emulation must be implemented on each NetWare 4.0 file server that has print queues which are to be utilized by HostPrint. 2. When HostPrint is configured to print jobs to a queue on a remote file server (that is, a file server other than the one on which HostPrint is running), HostPrint.NLM performs a login as "GUEST" on the remote server. THEREFORE, when the remote file server is running under NetWare 4.0x, you must make sure that a user named "GUEST", with no password, has been defined on the remote server and that the "GUEST" user has access rights to the print queue or queues that are to be used by HostPrint on that server. NOTES REGARDING USING HOSTPRINT V1.0 WITH NETWARE 3 The maximum number of file servers is 32. This limitation does not exist with NetWare 4. ÿ