NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: PTF422 for SAA Services Manager 2.0 DOCUMENT ID: TID250021 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 14OCT93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF422.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare for SAA Services Manager 2.0 ABSTRACT: PTF 422 is the current Maintenance PTF for NetWare Services Manager for SAA. All known problem fixes are included. PTF422.TXT is included which contains important installation instructions. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ SYMPTOM - the trace does not stop - the trace file does not close - server disconnects - conflict warning - Invalid Object message - terminates with a no memory message. - unable to access runtime connection already used by another user SOLUTION Install PTF 422 (also see solution specific #6 below) Self-Extracting File Name: PTF422.EXE Files Included Size Date Time \ PTF422.TXT (This File) CE.MIB 19428 07-28-93 CSM.RES 367659 09-08-93 CSMAUTH.DLL 12800 09-08-93 CSMMIB.DAT 167936 08-17-93 CSMRES.DLL 325120 09-08-93 CSMVPL.DLL 91648 09-08-93 DCSMCAT.EXE 76994 09-07-93 NWSAA20.DLL 30208 09-08-93 NWSAAMGR.EXE 94208 09-08-93 PTF.EXE 8815 09-08-93 SNA.MIB 36411 07-26-93 SSMPATCH.BAT 4905 09-16-93 Installation Instructions: 1. Do not copy these files to the NetWare for SAA Services Manager directory. Instead, create a temporary directory to store these files or copy them to a diskette (do not write protect). 2. Ensure that NetWare for SAA Services Manager is not running and that at least 500K of DOS memory is available. 3. From the DOS prompt, switch to the directory that contains the patch files and type "SSMPATCH". This runs the PTF batch file. This batch file assumes NetWare for SAA Services Manager is in your C:\NWSAAMGR directory and NMS is in your C:\NMS directory. If these applications are in different directories, enter the directory names as parameters. If parameters are used, both parameters are required. For example, if NetWare for SAA Services Manager is in the C:\SSMDIR directory and NMS is in the C:\NMSDIR directory, use the command "SSMPATCH C:\SSMDIR C:\NMSDIR". 4. Integrate the NetWare for SAA alarms with NMS. This will reset all Communication Executive and NetWare for SAA alarm dispositions. A. For NMS (NetWare Management System) 1.15, use the Tools > SNMP Alarm Integrator option on the NMS Menu Bar to integrate the CE.MIB and SNA.MIB files replaced with the patch. B. For NMS 2.0, use the Tools > SNMP MIB Compiler option on the NMS Menu Bar to integrate the CE.MIB and SNA.MIB files. This will reset the NMS 2.0 alarm dispositions for ALL alarm MIBs in the SNMPMIBS\CURRENT subdirectory of NMS including the Communication Executive and NetWare for SAA alarms AND others. 5. If NetWare for SAA Services Manager support for HostPrint was installed prior to this PTF, reinstall the support for HostPrint from the distribution disks. During the NetWare for SAA Services Manager installation program, select the option to install a service. A message will warn you that support for HostPrint is already installed. Continue the installation process and reinstall support for HostPrint. Patch History: This is the first PTF for NetWare for SAA Services Manager 2.0 Solution Specifics: 1. Closing the Trace window did not stop the active trace and close the specified trace file. 2. Double-clicking information in the User Information window could disconnect the related server. 3. Whenever a server being managed is disconnected and then reconnected, all unwarned users received a potential conflict warning. With this PTF, current users no longer receive the warning. 4. Selecting host link statistical attributes when the Reset Attributes check box is checked caused an "Invalid Object" message to appear. 5. Clicking an incorrectly highlighted icon on the Server Status window caused Services Manager to terminate with a no memory message. 6. NetWare Runtime users could not access the RunTime connection already used by another user. This PTF gives administrators the option to solve the problem by choosing to disable shell authentication to all servers being managed by NetWare for SAA Services Manager. To disable shell authentication, add a DisableShellAuthentication parameter to the NetWare for SAA Services Manager section of the NWSAAMGR.INI file in your Windows directory and set it to "1". . DisableShellAuthentication=1 . . NOTE: Setting the parameter to "1" causes clear-text passwords to be sent across the network and may impact your network security. Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to this software program, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Novell's intentions for this software program is to provide a temporary work-around to the anomalies described in this file. Such work-arounds are typically addressed in future releases of the product. Novell will not be responsible for any data loss that may result from implementing this program. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any program is applied. Technical support for this program is provided at the discretion of Novell. ÿ