C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. Select Server To Copy From From this list you can select the server that has the profile that you want copied. Press this key if you want to attach to the highlighted server. Press this key if you want to exit this list. Main Copy Profiles Select this option to copy profiles from one server to another. Exit SAACOPY Select this option to exit SAACOPY. Configure Server Description Select this option if you want to display or modify details about the server or communication services. For the server, you can modify the server's serial number and model number. For communication services, you can set the the supported protocol stacks. Select this option if you want to display information about the server, such as the date when the server was installed. You can also enter information about the server installation location, the server itself, and the host connection. Page 2 of 2 Logout From Server No Select this option if you want to remain logged on to the current server. Yes Select this option if you want to log out from the current server. Press this key if you want to remain logged on to the current server.! Select SAA Service Profiles From this list you can select one or more profiles to be copied Press this key to exit this menu. If the key was not used to select profiles, the highlighted profile will be marked for copying. If the key was used to select profiles, those profiles will be marked for copying. Press this key to select the profiles to be copied. Page 1 of 2 Press this key if you want to exit this list. Page 2 or 2 Configure Communication Services From this list you can select a type of communication service to configure. Press this key if you want to configure the highlighted services. Press this key if you want to exit this list. SNA Token Ring Configuration Token Ring Destination Node Address Enter the Destination Node (Controller) address as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Token Ring Destination Service Access Point Enter the two-digit hexadecimal Destination Service Access Point as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Token Ring Source Service Access Point Enter the two-digit hexadecimal Source Service Access Point (SAP) as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 1 of 4 Token Ring Adapter Type Press on this field to get a list of adapter types: Primary and Alternate. Select the type of adapter you are using for the host connection by pressing again. Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. PUID for Token Ring Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 2 of 4 Maximum Frame Size to Transmit Inbound Press on this field to get a list of frame sizes: 265, 521, 1033, 2057, and 4105. Select your option by pressing again. This is the number of bytes to be included in frames being sent to the host. Allocate Active LUs Only Enter Yes if sessions for this service profile are to be allocated for use only if they have been activated by the host. Page 3 of 4 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. The default name is llc8022. Page 4 of 4 Delete Service Profile No Select this option if you want to keep the highlighted service profile(s). Yes Select this option if you want to remove the highlighted service profile(s). Press this key if you want to keep the highlighted service profile(s). Exit SAACOPY No Select this option if you want to remain on SAACOPY. Yes Select this option if you want to exit SAACOPY. Press this key if you want to remain on SAACOPY. Configure SAA Service Profile Configure Host Connection Select this option if you want to specify SNA network information and parameters for the SDLC or token ring connection. Configure Sessions Select this option if you want to configure SAA sessions (LUs). Display Profile Configuration Select this option if you want to view the profile configuration. Page 1 of 2 Print Profile Configuration Select this option if you want to copy the profile configuration to a file. Service Profile Description Select this option if you want to display information about the service profile, such as profile creation date. You may also enter information about the installation location and the service profile itself. Page 2 of 2 Host Connection Configuration SNA Network ID Enter the name for the entire SNA network. You can obtain this information from the host system administrator. Peripheral Node Control Point Name Enter the name of the peripheral node control point (PNCP). You can obtain this information from the host system administrator. In SNA terms, the server is a peripheral node. A peripheral node contains a software entity called a Control Point that controls the resources of the SNA peripheral node. Page 1 of 3 Number Dependent Sessions Supported Enter the number of dependent LUs for this host connection. You can obtain this information from the host system administrator. Number Independent Sessions Supported Enter the maximum number of independent LU 6.2 sessions that are to be supported by this profile. This parameter limits the combined total of all independent sessions. The total consists of sessions whose targets can include a host, AS/400s, or other 2.1 nodes, and sessions between workstations. Page 2 of 3 Offline Test Mode Desired Enter Yes if you want to set the offline test mode. The offline test checks the LAN connection by simulating activity between the server and workstations. Host Attachment Press on this field to get the list of host connection options: Token Ring, Ethernet, SDLC, QLLC and Custom defined adapter. Select your option by pressing again. Page 3 of 3 SNA SDLC Configuration SDLC Control Unit Address Enter the two-digit hexadecimal address as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. This address is sometimes known as the PU address. C1 is the standard address for 3x74 configurations. (This number corresponds to the ADDR= field in the NCP customization of the host.) SDLC Adapter Type Press on this field to get a list of SDLC Adapter types: Primary and Alternate. Press again to select the setting that corresponds to the adapter type setting you chose when installing the adapter and driver. Page 1 of 6B' SDLC Encoding Option for Interface Board Press on this field to get a list of options: NRZ and NRZI. Select the SDLC encoding option as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet by pressing again. Connection Type Press on this field to get a list of connection types: Non-Switched and Switched. Select the appropriate line type by pressing again. A switched line is usually a standard telephone line going through a phone switch. A non-switched line is a dedicated leased line. Page 2 of 6B) Hold Request to Send (RTS) Continuously Enter Yes if you want the SDLC driver to hold the RTS signal high all the time to provide faster communication between the server and the remote host. (SDLC uses the RTS signal to determine who is allowed to send data next.) Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal SDLC block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 3 of 6 PUID for SDLC Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. This number is required for switched lines. Maximum Frame Size to Transmit Inbound (for Node Type PU 2.0) Press on this field to get a list of frame sizes: 265 and 521. Select your option by pressing again. This is the number of bytes to be included in frames being sent to the host. Page 4 of 6 PU 2.1 Link Station Role (for Node Type PU 2.1) Press on this field to get a list of options: Negotiable and Secondary. Select your option by pressing again. This field specifies the SDLC link station role relative to the host link. Allocate Active LUs Only Enter Yes if sessions for this service profile are to be allocated for use only if they have been activated by the host. Page 5 of 6 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. The default name is sdlcs. Page 6 of 6 Create Service Profile No Select this option if you want to exit the New Service Profile screen without creating a new service profile. Yes Select this option if you want to create the new service profile as specified and exit the New Service Profile screen. Press this key if you want to remain on the New Service Profile screen. Select Authorized Users From this list you can select one or more user or group that must have access to the service profile you are configuring. Press this key if you want to give the highlighted user(s) or group(s) access to the current service profile. Press this key if you do not want to select any user or group before exiting this list. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one user or group from the list. Press after the selection. LU Pool Names From this list you can configure, create, or rename an LU pool. You can also delete one or more LU pools from the list. Press this key if you want to configure the highlighted LU pool. Press this key if you want to create a new LU pool. Press this key if you want to delete the highlighted LU pool(s). Page 1 of 2 Press this key if you want to exit this list. Press this key if you want to rename the highlighted LU pool. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one LU pools to delete by pressing later. Page 2 of 2 New LU Pool Name Enter a name if you want to create a new LU pool. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Press if you do not want to create a new LU pool. Delete LU Pool No Select this option if you want to keep the highlighted LU pool(s). Yes Select this option if you want to remove the highlighted LU pool(s). Press this key if you want to keep the highlighted LU pool(s). LU Pool Configuration Pool Name This field displays the name of LU pool you are configuring. LU Address Press if you want to display the Start/End (ranges of session) list. On this list you can modify, add, or delete the range (or ranges) of the sessions in this LU pool. Start/End Press this key if you want to modify the highlighted range. Press this key if you want to add a new range. Press this key if you want to delete the highlighted range(s). Press this key if you want to exit this list. Page 1 of 5 \@ Start/End (continued) Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one range to delete by later. VTAM LU Name Press if you want to display the LU Address/VTAM LU Name list. On this list you can modify any VTAM LU name in this LU pool. For LU 6.2, the VTAM LU name is required in order to establish a session with another LU. For LU 1, 2, or 3, the name is for informational purposes only. The name can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. LU Address/VTAM LU Name Press this key if you want to modify the highlighted VTAM LU name. Press this key if you want to exit this list. Page 2 of 5gC Authorized Users You can add users to this list so that they have access to the LU. You can also delete one or more users from the list. If this entire field is highlighted, press before you can work on the following options: Press this key if you want to add user(s) to the list. Press this key if you want to delete user(s) from the list. Press this key to highlight the entire field, if you want to exit the field. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one user to delete by later. Page 3 of 5 Session Attributes Select Traceable if you want the LU session to be traceable. Select Locked if you want to lock the session to ensure that no one will use it if the LU has a problem. If this entire field is highlighted, press first to make the list selectable. Press to select an option (a checkmark appears) or to remove the option selected earlier (the checkmark disppears). Press to exit the selection list. Logical Unit Type Press on this field to get a list of LU types: Printer (LU Type 1 or 3), Display (LU Type 2), and APPC (LU Type 6.2). Select a type from the list by pressing again. Page 4 of 5 Model Number Press on this field to get a list of display models: Model 2 (24x80), Model 3 (32x80), Model 4 (43x80), and Model 5 (27x132). Select a display model from the list by pressing again. Preserve Host Session after An Abort Enter Yes if you want a host session preserved for a user when an emulation session ends unexpectedly. When this option is set to Yes, any user who obtains the LU corresponding to the preserved host session will see the preserved screen. Page 5 of 5 Configure SAA Service Profile Configure Host Connection Select this option if you want to specify SNA network information and parameters for the SDLC or token ring connection. Display Profile Configuration Select this option if you want to look at the profile configuration. Page 1 of 2 Print Profile Configuration Select this option if you want to copy the profile configuration to a file. Service Profile Description Select this option if you want to display information about the service profile, such as profile creation date. You can also enter information about the installation location and the service profile itself. Page 2 of 2 LU Range Starting LU Address Enter the starting LU address you want to include in the LU pool you are configuring. This address cannot be greater than the Ending LU Address. Ending LU Address Enter the ending LU address you want to include in the LU pool you are configuring. This address cannot be less than the Starting LU Address. New Service Profile New Profile Name Enter the name. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only printable characters. The name cannot include spaces or the following special characters: slash (/), backslash (\), colon (:), semicolon (;), comma (,), asterisk (*), question mark (?), double quotes ("), less than (<), greater than (>), brackets ([ or ]), period (.), equal (=), and plus (+). The first character of the name cannot be a period (.). Page 1 of 3=T Node Type Press on this field to get a list of support types: PU 2.0 and PU 2.1. Select a type by pressing again. A PU 2.0 node (dependent LU) can set up a session only with the help of a Host System Services Control Point (SSCP) and does not support multiple simultaneous sessions with the same remote node. An example of a PU 2.0 node is an SNA cluster controller. A PU 2.1 node (independent LU) can establish sessions with other PU 2.1 nodes without the mediation of an SSCP, and can support multiple simultaneous sessions as well as parallel sessions. Page 2 of 3 Copy from Existing Profile Enter No if you want to create a new service profile with the default information. Enter Yes if you want to create a new service profile based on an existing one, that has the same node type. If the field is set to Yes, CSCON dispalys a list of existing profiles for you to select to copy. Copy from Profile This field appears if you set Copy from Existing Profile option to Yes. The field displays the profile name, from which you want to copy to the new profile. Page 3 of 3 Range of Public LUs Configuration LU Address Press if you want to display the Start/End (ranges of session) list. On this list you can modify, add, or delete the range (or ranges) of the public LU sessions. Start/End Press this key if you want to modify the highlighted range. Press this key if you want to add a new range. Press this key if you want to delete the highlighted range(s). Press this key if you want to exit this list. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one range to delete by later. Page 1 of 5 ] VTAM LU Name Press if you want to display the LU Address/VTAM LU Name list. On this list you can modify any VTAM LU name in the specified LU address range. For LU 6.2, the VTAM LU name is required in order to establish a session with another LU. For LU 1, 2, or 3, the name is for informational purposes only. The name can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. LU Address/VTAM LU Name Press this key if you want to modify the highlighted VTAM LU name. Press this key if you want to exit this list. Page 2 of 5 Authorized Users You can add users to this list so that they have access to the LU. You can also delete one or more users from the list. If this entire field is highlighted, press before you can work on the following options: Press this key if you want to add user(s) to the list. Press this key if you want to delete user(s) from the list. Press this key to highlight the entire field if you want to exit the field. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one user to delete by later. Page 3 of 5.c Session Attributes Select Traceable if you want the LU session to be traceable. Select Locked if you want to lock the session to ensure that no one will use it if the LU has a problem. If this entire field is highlighted, press first to make the list selectable. Press to select an option (a checkmark appears) or to remove the option selected earlier (the checkmark disppears). Press to exit the selection list. Logical Unit Type Press on this field to get a list of LU types: Printer (LU Type 1 or 3), Display (LU Type 2), and APPC (LU Type 6.2). Select a type from the list by pressing again. Page 4 of 5 Model Number Press on this field to get a list of display models: Model 2 (24x80), Model 3 (32x80), Model 4 (43x80), and Model 5 (27x132). Select a display model from the list by pressing again. Preserve Host Session after An Abort Enter Yes if you want a host session preserved for a user when an emulation session ends unexpectedly. When this option is set to Yes, any user who obtains the LU corresponding to the preserved host session will see the preserved screen. Page 5 of 5 Dedicated LU Configuration Dedicated LU Name This field displays the name of the Dedicated LU you are configuring. LU Address This field displays the LU address you are configuring. VTAM LU Name Enter a name. VTAM LU name is for informational purposes only. The name can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Page 1 of 4 Authorized Users You can add users to this list so that they have access to the LU. You can also delete one or more users from the list. If this entire field is highlighted, press before you can work on the following options: Press this key if you want to add user(s) to the list. Press this key if you want to delete user(s) from the list. Press this key to highlight the entire field if you want to exit the field. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one user to delete by later. Page 2 of 4 Session Attributes Select Traceable if you want the LU session to be traceable. Select Locked if you want to lock the session to ensure that no one will use it if the LU has a problem. If this entire field is highlighted, press first to make the list selectable. Press to select an option (a checkmark appears) or to remove the option selected earlier (the checkmark disppears). Press to exit the selection list. Logical Unit Type Press on this field to get a list of LU types: Printer (LU Type 1 or 3) and Display (LU Type 2). Select a type from the list by pressing again. Page 3 of 4 Model Number Press on this field to get a list of display models: Model 2 (24x80), Model 3 (32x80), Model 4 (43x80), and Model 5 (27x132). Select a display model from the list by pressing again. Preserve Host Session after An Abort Enter Yes if you want a host session preserved for a user when an emulation session ends unexpectedly. When this option is set to Yes, any user who obtains the LU corresponding to the preserved host session will see the preserved screen. Page 4 of 4 LU Address Enter a decimal number in the valid range of LU sessions. Press if you do not want to configure an LU session. Service Profile Description Profile Name This field displays the name of the service profile you are configuring. Profile Type This field displays the type of the services you are configuring. Profile ID This field displays the current service profile ID, which the server uses to send messages between processes. Page 1 of 3 Profile Creation Date This field displays the date the current service profile was created. Profile Creation Time This field displays the time the current service profile was created. Installation Location This field is optional. You may display or describe where the current service profile is being used. Page 2 of 3 Profile Description This field is optional. You may display or enter a description of the service profile. Version/SubVersion/Revision These fields display the version/revision information about the services you are configuring. Page 3 of 3 Delete LU Specification No Select this option if you want to keep the highlighted range(s) in the LU pool. Yes Select this option if you want to remove the highlighted LU range(s) from the LU pool you are configuring. Press this key if you want to keep the highlighted range(s) in the LU pool. Host Connection Configuration SNA Network ID Enter the name for the entire SNA network. You can obtain this information from the host system administrator. Peripheral Node Control Point Name Enter the name of the peripheral node control point (PNCP). You can obtain this information from the host system administrator. In SNA terms, the server is a peripheral node. A peripheral node contains a software entity called a Control Point that controls the resources of the SNA peripheral node. Page 1 of 2 Number Independent Sessions Supported Enter the maximum number of independent LU 6.2 sessions that are to be supported by this profile. This parameter limits the combined total of all independent sessions. The total consists of sessions whose targets can include a host, AS/400s, or other 2.1 nodes, and sessions between workstations. Host Attachment Press on this field to get the list of host connection options: Token Ring, Ethernet, SDLC, QLLC and Custom defined adapter. Select your option by pressing again. Page 2 of 2 SNA Token Ring Configuration Token Ring Source Service Access Point Enter the two-digit hexadecimal Source Service Access Point (SAP) as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Token Ring Adapter Type Press on this field to get a list of adapter types: Primary and Alternate. Select the type of adapter you are using for the host connection by pressing again. Page 1 of 3n Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. PUID for Token Ring Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 2 of 3 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. The default name is llc8022. Page 3 of 3 Server Description Server Name This field displays the name of the server you are configuring. Installation Date This field displays the date the current server was installed. Installation Time This field displays the time the current server was installed. Page 1 of 4 ) Model Number of Server Machine This field is optional. Enter the server's model number if you are configuring the server to support NetView and want the server to be identified when reporting events to NetView. If the server is NOT an IBM machine, you need to enter a compatible model number of an IBM machine. Serial Number of Server Machine This field is optional. Enter the server's serial number if you are configuring the server to support NetView and want the server to be identified when reporting events to NetView. If the server is NOT an IBM machine, you need to enter a compatible serial number of an IBM machine. Page 2 of 4 Protocol Stacks Supported Select the option from the protocol stack list. If this entire field is highlighted, press first to make the list selectable. Press to select an option (a checkmark appears) or to remove the option selected before (the checkmark disppears). Press to exit the selection list. Installation Location This field is optional. You may display or enter the location where the server you are configuring was installed. Page 3 of 4 Server Description This field is optional. You may display or enter a description of the server that you are configuring. Miscellaneous Information This field is optional. You may display or enter any helpful information about the server, such as available printing services, a person to contact, or titles of applicable manuals and worksheets. Version/SubVersion/Revision These fields display the version/revision information about the server that you are configuring. Page 4 of 4 Network Management Audit Trail Enter Yes if you want the server to save an audit trail of user actions; otherwise enter No. When this option is set to Yes, the audit trail information is saved in a database file on the server. Users of the Communication Services Manager and the CSStatus program can view the information. Specifically, the audit trail records when a user logs in and logs out, and when a user starts and stops sessions. Trace Enter Yes if you want to use the CSSTART TRACE and CSSTOP TRACE commands at the communication services console. Page 1 of 6; Security Enter Yes if you want to set the NetWare Communication Services security. If this option is set to Yes, users must be valid NetWare users with permission to use the session they have requested -- that is, their names must appear on the list of authorized user associated with the session they have selected. If this option is set No, any user can use any session. Local Event Logging Enter Yes if you want the server to save network event alerts (such as a token ring "beaconing" message) in a log. The information is stored in a database file on the server. Users of the Communication Services Manager and the CSStatus program can view this log information. Page 2 of 6 NetView Management Enter Yes if you want to have NetView support; otherwise enter No. When this option is set to Yes, you can configure the additional NetView parameters: Generate Alerts, Process Commands, NetView Security, and Upstream Management Node. Generate Alerts Enter Yes if you want to have NetView alert support; otherwise enter No. When this option is set to Yes, the communication server sends alerts to the IBM NetView facility. Page 3 of 6 Process Commands Enter Yes if you want to have NetView command support; otherwise enter No. When this option is set to Yes, the communication server accepts commands from the IBM NetView facility. NetView Security Enter Yes if you want to enable NetView command security; otherwise enter No. If this option is set to Yes, a valid NetWare user must be specified with the OP= keyword in the NetView command. Page 4 of 6 Upstream Management Node Press on this field to get a list of Upstream Management Node types: NetView Host and NetView Collection Point. Select a type from the list by pressing again. NetView Host should be selected if the communication server has a connection to an IBM NetView Host. NetView Collection Point should be selected if the communication server uses a NetView Collection Point to communicate with the IBM NetView Host. SAA Service Name If you set Upstream Management Node to NetView Host, enter either the SAA Service name or *. Enter * to select the first SAA Service Profile loaded. This service name is used to forward alerts to the IBM NetView facility. Page 5 of 6 Collection Point Server Name If you set Upstream Management Node to NetView Collection Point, enter the Collection Point Server name Page 6 of 6 File Already Exists Append to Existing File Select this option if you want to append the service profile information to the old file. Overwrite of Existing File Select this option if you want to delete the old file and replace it with the service profile information. LU Address/VTAM LU Name LU Address This field displays the LU address. VTAM LU Name Enter a VTAM LU name. For LU 6.2, the name is required in order to establish a session with another LU. For LU 1, 2, or 3, the name is for informational purposes only. The name can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Use to blank out the name if the name is not required. Delete Dedicated LU No Select this option if you want to keep the highlighted Dedicated LU(s). Yes Select this option if you want to remove the highlighted Dedicated LU(s). Press this key if you want to keep the highlighted Dedicated LU(s). Dedicated LU Names From this list you can configure, create, or rename a Dedicated LU. You can also delete one or more Dedicated LUs from the list. Press this key if you want to configure the highlighted Dedicated LU. Press this key if you want to create a new Dedicated LU. Press this key if you want to delete the highlighted Dedicated LU(s). Page 1 of 2 Press this key if you want to exit this list. Press this key if you want to rename the highlighted Dedicated LU. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one Dedicated LU to delete by pressing later. Page 2 of 2 New Dedicated LU Dedicated LU Name Enter a name if you want to create a new Dedicated LU. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. LU Address Enter the address of a Dedicated LU. Rename Dedicated LU Name To Enter a name if you want to rename the highlighted Dedicated LU. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Press if you want to keep the existing Dedicated LU Name. Create Dedicated LU No Select this option if you want to exit the New Dedicated LU screen without creating a new Dedicated LU. Yes Select this option if you want to create the new Dedicated LU as specified and exit the New Dedicated LU screen. Press this key if you want to remain on the New Dedicated LU screen. Output File Name Enter the name of the file where you want the output copied, and then press . Press if you want to abort the Print option. Delete User From List No Select this option if you want to keep the highlighted user(s) on the Authorized Users list. Yes Select this option if you want to remove the highlighted user(s) from the Authorized Users list. Press this key if you want to keep the highlighted user(s) on the Authorized Users list. This list displays the selected service profile configuration. LU - LU id Type - LU type Mod - Model number Category - LU category: POOLED, DEDICATED, PUBLIC Pool Name - LU pool name if category is POOLED Ded. LU Name - Dedicated LU name if category is DEDICATED VTAM LU Name - VTAM LU name Security - 'Y' if Authorized Users are specified Term - 'Y' if Host session is preserved after Abort Press this key if you want to see the list of authorized users for the selected LU. Press these keys if you want to scroll through the list of LUs configured for this profile. Press these keys if you want to scroll through the list of LUs configured for this profile. Press this key if you want to exit this list. Authorized Users This list displays all the Authorized Users for this LU. Press these keys if you want to scroll through the list. Press this key if you want to exit the list. QLLC Configuration Call Support Layer Target Name Enter the Call Support Layer Target Name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. PUID for QLLC Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. This number is required for switched lines. Page 1 of 4 Maximum Frame Size to Transmit Inbound (for Node Type PU 2.0) Press on this field to get a list of frame sizes: 265, 521 and 1033. Select your option by pressing again. This is the number of bytes to be included in frames being sent to the host. PU 2.1 Link Station Role (for Node Type PU 2.1) Press on this field to get a list of options: Negotiable and Secondary. Select your option by pressing again. This field specifies the QLLC link station role relative to the host link. Page 2 of 4 Activate Host on Active WS Only (for Node Type PU 2.0) Enter Yes if the host is to be activated only when a workstation is requesting a connection. Note that this option and the Alllocate Active LUs Only are mutually exclusive. Selecting Yes for either automatically forces the other to No. Allocate Active LUs Only Enter Yes if sessions for this service profile are to be allocated for use only if they have been activated by the host. Page 3 of 4 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. The default name is "qllcs". Page 4 of 4 Downstream PU Names From this list you can configure, create, or rename a downstream PU. You can also delete one or more downstream PUs from the list. Press this key if you want to configure the highlighted downstream PU. Press this key if you want to create a new downstream PU. Press this key if you want to delete the highlighted downstream PU(s). Page 1 of 2 Press this key if you want to exit this list. Press this key if you want to rename the highlighted LU pool. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one LU pools to delete by pressing later. Page 2 of 2 Delete Downstream PU No Select this option if you want to keep the highlighted downstream PU(s). Yes Select this option if you want to remove the highlighted downstream PU(s). Press this key if you want to keep the highlighted downstream PU(s).A New Downstream PU Name Enter a name if you want to create a new downstream PU. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Press if you do not want to create a new downstream PU. Rename Downstream PU Name To Enter a name if you want to rename the highlighted downstream PU. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Press if you want to keep the existing name of downstream PU. Downstream PU (DPU) Configuration DPU Name This field displays the name of downstream PU you are configuring. LU Address Press if you want to display the Start/End (ranges of session) list. On this list you can modify, add, or delete the range (or ranges) of the sessions in this downstream PU. Start/End Press this key if you want to modify the highlighted range. Press this key if you want to add a new range. Press this key if you want to delete the highlighted range(s). Press this key if you want to exit this list. Page 1 of 5 Start/End (continued) Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one range to delete by later. VTAM LU Name Press if you want to display the LU Address/VTAM LU Name list. On this list you can modify any VTAM LU name in this downstream PU. The name is optional and is for informational purposes only. The name can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. LU Address/VTAM LU Name Press this key if you want to modify the highlighted VTAM LU name. Press this key if you want to exit this list. Page 2 of 5 Authorized Users You can add users to this list so that they have access to the LU. You can also delete one or more users from the list. If this entire field is highlighted, press before you can work on the following options: Press this key if you want to add user(s) to the list. Press this key if you want to delete user(s) from the list. Press this key to highlight the entire field, if you want to exit the field. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one user to delete by later. Page 3 of 5` DPU Attachment Press on this field to get the list of downstream PU's connection options: Token Ring, Ethernet, and QLLC adapter. Select your option by pressing again. Destination Node Address of DPU If you set DPU Attachment to Token Ring or Ethernet, enter the Destination Node (Controller) address in hex number. Destination Service Access Point If you set DPU Attachment to Token Ring or Ethernet, enter the two-digit hexadecimal Destination Service Access Point. Page 4 of 5 Call Support Layer Target Name of DPU If you set DPU Attachment to QLLC, enter the Call Support Layer Target Name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Maximum Frame Size to Transmit Inbound Press on this field to get a list of frame sizes. For Token Ring, the available sizes are 265, 521, 1033, 2057, and 4105. The available sizes for QLLC are 265, 521, and 1033. Select your option by pressing again. This is the number of bytes to be included in frames being sent to the downstream PU. Page 5 of 5 SNA Ethernet Configuration Ethernet Destination Node Address Enter the Destination Node (Controller) address as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Ethernet Destination Service Access Point Enter the two-digit hexadecimal Destination Service Access Point as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Ehternet Source Service Access Point Enter the two-digit hexadecimal Source Service Access Point (SAP) as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 1 of 4 Ethernet Adapter Type Press on this field to get a list of adapter types: Primary and Alternate. Select the type of adapter you are using for the host connection by pressing again. Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. PUID for Ethernet Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 2 of 4 Maximum Frame Size to Transmit Inbound Press on this field to get a list of frame sizes: 265, 521, 1033, and 1289. Select your option by pressing again. This is the number of bytes to be included in frames being sent to the host. Allocate Active LUs Only Enter Yes if sessions for this service profile are to be allocated for use only if they have been activated by the host. Page 3 of 4 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. The default name is llc8022. Page 4 of 4 Server/User Name From this list you can configure a communication server or attach to a new server. You can also detach from the communication server to which you are currently attached. Press this key if you want to configure the highlighted server. Press this key if you want to attach to a new server. Press this key if you want to detach the highlighted server. Press this key if you want to exit the current menu. Session Configuration Configure Dedicated LUs Select this option if you want to configure Dedicated LUs. Dedicated LUs are typically used to restrict access to a particular application or to guarantee that a particular user will always be allocated a specific LU. The Dedicated LU specified using this option must not be previously configured as a Dedicated LU or included as part of an LU Pool. Dedicated LUs are specified with the Dedicated LU name. Page 1 of 3 Configure Downstream PUs Select this option if you want to configure downstream PUs. A downstream PU contains a collection of downstream LUs. The LUs specified as part of the downstream PU must not be previously configured as Dedicated LUs or included as part of another LU Pool or downstream PU. Page 1 of 3 Configure LU Pools Select this option if you want to configure LU Pools. An LU Pool is a collection of LUs that have been grouped together under a common name. The LUs in an LU Pool must all be of the same type (1, 2, or 3) and can be non-contiguous. LU Pools are typically used to allocate a collection of LUs for use by a particular group -- for example, marketing. LU Pools can be secured so that only the members of a specified group can access the LUs in a Pool. The LUs specified as part of the LU Pool must not be previously configured as Dedicated LUs or included as part of another LU Pool. The LU Pool is specified with the LU Pool name, and the LUs in the Pool are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Page 2 of 3 Configure Range of Public LUs Select this option if you want to configure a range of Public LUs. Public LUs are typically unsecured LUs that can be used by any user. The LUs specified in the range must all be of the same type (1, 2, or 3) and can be non-contiguous. Configure Single Public LU Select this option if you want to configure a single Public LU. Public LUs are typically unsecured LUs that can be used by any user. Page 3 of 3 SNA Ethernet Configuration Ethernet Source Service Access Point Enter the two-digit hexadecimal Source Service Access Point (SAP) as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Ethernet Adapter Type Press on this field to get a list of adapter types: Primary and Alternate. Select the type of adapter you are using for the host connection by pressing again. Page 1 of 38 Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. PUID for Ethernet Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 2 of 3 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. The default name is llc8022. Page 3 of 3 Other Servers From this list you can select a communication server to attach to. Press this key if you want to attach to the highlighted server. Press this key if you want to exit this list without selecting any server. Existing Service Profiles From this list you can select a service profile to copy to the new service profile you want to create. Press this key if you want to copy the highlighted profile to the new service profile. Press this key if you want to exit this list without selecting any profile to copy. User Name Enter your valid NetWare user name. To copy profiles in SAACOPY, you must log in as SUPERVISOR or SUPERVISOR equivalent. Password Enter the password that is valid for the user name you have just entered. Save Changes No Select this option if you want to exit the screen you were on without saving the changes you have just made. Yes Select this option if you want to save the changes you have just made and exit the screen you were on. Press this key if you want to return to the screen you were on.y SNA Custom Configuration Link Type Name Enter the name. The name will appear on the Host Attachment option list in the Host Connection Configuration panel. Data Link Custom Data (for Node Type PU 2.0) Enter any ASCII string for this field. The field is used for any purpose required by the Data Link. Adapter Type Press on this field to get a list of adapter types: Primary and Alternate. Select the type of adapter you are using for the host connection by pressing again. Page 1 of 5 Multiple Logical Link Support Enter Yes if Multiple Logical Link is suppported. Otherwise, enter No. Balanced Type of Protocol Enter Yes for balanced type of protocol. Otherwise, enter No. Block ID Enter the three-digit hexadecimal block ID as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Page 2 of 5 PUID for Token Ring Connection Enter the five-digit hexadecimal Physical Unit ID (PUID) number as specified on the Host System Configuration Worksheet. Maximum Frame Size to Transmit Inbound (for Node Type PU 2.0) Press on this field to get a list of frame sizes: 265, 521, 777, 1033, 1289, 1545, 1801, 2057, 2313, 2569, 2825, 3061, 3337, 3593, 3849, and 4105. Select your option by pressing again. This is the number of bytes to be included in frames being sent to the host. Page 3 of 5 Activate Host on Active WS Only (for Node Type PU 2.0) Enter Yes if the host is to be activated only when a workstation is requesting a connection. Note that this option and the Alllocate Active LUs Only are mutually exclusive. Selecting Yes for either automatically forces the other to No. Allocate Active LUs Only (for Node Type PU 2.0) Enter Yes if sessions for this service profile are to be allocated for use only if they have been activated by the host. Page 4 of 5 Logical Adapter Name Enter the Logical Adapter name. The name can include any alphabet, numeric and special characters. Protocol Stack Stream Device Name Enter the name. This is the name that Protocol Stack Driver registers its stream device name with streams. The name can include any alphabet, numeric, and special characters. The name is case sensitive. Page 5 of 5 Q Single Public LU Configuration LU Address This field displays the LU address you are configuring. VTAM LU Name Enter a name. For LU 6.2, the VTAM LU name is required in order to establish a session with another LU. For LU 1, 2, or 3, the name is for informational purposes only. The name can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Page 1 of 5W Authorized Users You can add users to this list so that they have access to the LU. You can also delete one or more users from the list. If this entire field is highlighted, press before you can work on the following options: Press this key if you want to add user(s) to the list. Press this key if you want to delete user(s) from the list. Press this key to highlight the entire field if you want to exit the field. Press this key if you want to select (highlight) more than one user to delete by later. Page 2 of 5 Session Attributes Select Traceable if you want the LU session to be traceable. Select Locked if you want to lock the session to ensure that no one will use it if the LU has a problem. If this entire field is highlighted, press first to make the list selectable. Press to select an option (a checkmark appears) or to remove the option selected earlier (the checkmark disppears). Press to exit the selection list. Page 3 of 5 Logical Unit Type Press on this field to get a list of LU types: Printer (LU Type 1 or 3), Display (LU Type 2), and APPC (LU Type 6.2). Select a type from the list by pressing again. Model Number Press on this field to get a list of display models: Model 2 (24x80), Model 3 (32x80), Model 4 (43x80), and Model 5 (27x132). Select a display model from the list by pressing again. Page 4 of 5 Preserve Host Session after An Abort Enter Yes if you want a host session preserved for a user when an emulation session ends unexpectedly. When this option is set to Yes, any user who obtains the LU corresponding to the preserved host session will see the preserved screen. Press this key if you want to configure the next public LU. Press this key if you want to configure the previous public LU. Page 5 of 5 Select Destination Servers From this list you can select the destination servers for the copy of the profile(s). Press this key to begin the copying of the profile(s). Press this key if you want to exit this list. Press this key to select the highlighted server. You may select more than one. Rename Service Profile To Enter a name if you want to rename the highlighted service profile. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only printable characters. The name cannot include spaces or the following special characters: slash (/), backslash (\), colon (:), semicolon (;), comma (,), asterisk (*), question mark (?), double quotes ("), less than (<), greater than (>), brackets ([ or ]), period (.), equal (=), and plus (+). The first character of the name cannot be a period (.). Press if you want to keep the existing service profile name. Rename LU Pool Name To Enter a name if you want to rename the highlighted LU pool. The name can be from 1 to 8 characters long and can contain only characters from A-Z and 0-9. The first character of the name must be a character from A-Z. Press if you want to keep the existing name of LU pool.