NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: CSM V1.1 Maintenance DOCUMENT ID: TID000344 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 01JUL93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PTF378.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Communications Services Manager 1.1 ABSTRACT: A PTF for CSM V1.1 (Communication Services Manager) which: 1. Changes installation so that an existing SYSTEM.INI will not be overwritten. 2. Allows NMS 1.1 (NetWare Management System) users to launch CSM from the NMS Tools menu. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ Self-Extracting File Name: PTF378.EXE Files Included Size Date Time PTF378.TXT (This File) N-NWCSM.INI 75 2-02-93 9:48a N-NWCSM.OLF 577 2-02-93 9:48a SETUP.EXE 48640 4-15-93 5:37p README PTF378.EXE June 2, 1993 SUMMARY A PTF for CSM V1.1 (Communication Services Manager) which: 1. Changes installation so that an existing SYSTEM.INI will not be overwritten. 2. Allows NMS 1.1 (NetWare Management System) users to launch CSM from the NMS Tools menu. SYMPTOM Window's "Check Hardware" error message WARNINGS 1. If CSM has already been launched, launching CSM a second time generates the error message "Problem executing CSM: [ERR16]". 2. For additional updates to the CSM 1.1 documentation, refer to the ReadMe file on installation Disk 1 of CSM. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Copy the new SETUP.EXE over the exiting one on the installation disk. 2. Copy N-NWCSM.OLF to the \NMS\OLF directory. This directory should contain the OLF files. 3. Copy N-NWCSM.INI the \WINDOWS directory. This directory should contain the NMS.INI file. 4. Add name "N-NWCSM" to the end of the "Modules=[module names]" entry in the NMS.INI [MAP] section; For example, change "Modules=NMM, NMS" to "Modules=NMM, NMS, N-NWCSM" 5. Copy all the CSM files to the \NMS\BIN directory. A. If you are installing CSM for the first time, you can use the installation options to install the CSM files in the \NMS\BIN directory. B. If CSM is already installed, see the installation section of the CSM Guide for a complete list of the CSM files to ensure all files are copied. 6. Restart NMS. 7. Select the NMS Tools menu 8. Choose CSM. The CSM Application Window appears and you are ready to use CSM. PROBLEM DISCUSSION Installation of CSM creates a SYSTEM.INI file. If one already existed it was overwritten. This sometimes resulted in the loss of configuration information required by other programs. CSM's SETUP will no longer overwrite an existing SYSTEM.INI. HISTORY PTF 378 supersedes PTF 363 which was the first PTF for CSM. ÿ