Patch History: PSERVER.NLM 12-21-93 62726 4.02 1) Printing would stop with jobs still in the queue(s) in an active state. If the print server was unloaded the print jobs in the queue(s) will resume printing. The ECB's were not being released for further use. 04-05-94 66325 4.11 1) Support for some bindery related API's, left out of earlier versions of the 4.x PSERVER.NLM, were added. Some other minor changes are included in this release. NPRINTER.EXE 11-15-93 350606 4.01 1) When NPRINTER was loaded, the form feed (or buffer) indicator at the attached printer would light. This is true only for parallel connected printers. Whatever character happened to be in the parallel port transmit buffer was strobed into the printer's receive buffer during the initialization of NPRINTER. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ