ABSTRACT: This file contains UPDATEW.BAT which is an automated routine to install the NetWare Client for MS Windows update files. The files it installs were extracted from WINDR2.EXE and NWDLL2.EXE. If PNWUPW.EXE is used, it is NOT necessary to download WINDR2.EXE or NWDLL2.EXE. NOTE: PNWUPW.EXE does NOT include the DOS update files for Personal NetWare. The Personal NetWare DOS update files MUST be installed on all machines. PNWUPD.EXE is the DOS update for Personal NetWare and can be found on-line as well. SYMPTOM: Some Personal NetWare customers have experienced difficulty with installing the NetWare Client for MS Windows update files contained in WINDR2.EXE and NWDLL2.EXE. They have asked Novell for an automated installation routine. SOLUTION: Novell has created PNWUPW.EXE which contains files from both WINDR2.EXE and NWDLL2.EXE. It also has a batch file, UPDATEW.BAT which will copy the relevant update files for the NetWare Client for MS Windows to the local machines hard drive. If PNWUPW.EXE is used, then WINDR2.EXE and NWDLL2.EXE DO NOT have to be downloaded. NOTE TO ALL USERS: PNWUPW.EXE only contains the NetWare Client for MS Windows update files, it DOES NOT contain the DOS update files. ALL USERS MUST ALSO install the Personal NetWare DOS files contained in PNWUPD.EXE. It also has an automated update batch file, UPDATED.BAT. Installation Instructions: 1. Create unique directory for the update file on the server's hard drive, i.e.: MD C:\PNW_UP 2. Download or Copy PNWUPW.EXE to the unique directory, i.e.: COPY PNWUPW.EXE C:\PNW_UP 3. Go in to the unique directory, i.e.: CD\PNW_UP 4. Run PNWUPW.EXE to extract it's files, i.e.: enter PNWUPW 5. Run UPDATEW, i.e.: enter UPDATEW USAGE: UPDATEW (MS Windows destination path, INFO, or HELP) If MS Windows was installed to the default directory of C:\WINDOWS, then enter UPDATEW with no additional parameters. If MS Windows was NOT installed to the default directory, then enter UPDATEW followed by the directory path to the MS Windows software. EXAMPLE: If MS Windows was installed to D:\WIN, then enter: UPDATEW D:\WIN. Other valid UPDATEW options: HELP and INFO HELP shows syntax and usage. INFO displays additional information. All nodes on the network need to be updated. This can most effectively be accomplished by having all users map to the server's hard drive and use the same UPDATEW batch file. After the NetWare Client for MS Windows files have been updated, exit and then restart MS Windows so the new files will be loaded.