NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Patched Disk for Install, NetWare 4.01, 3.12 DOCUMENT ID: TID013595 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 27SEP93 ALERT STATUS: YELLOW INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: PATDR6.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare 3.12 NetWare 4.01 ABSTRACT: A new unformatted large capacity drive may not be able boot from floppy diskette under the DR DOS 6 supplied with NetWare 4.01 and 3.12. This Patch contains a 360K and 720K disk image of an updated DR DOS 6. This is not a full featured DR DOS 6 and is only intended for NetWare 4.01 and 3.12. _________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. _________________________________________________________________ SYMPTOM The DR DOS 6 disk will not boot from floppy when trying to install NetWare 3.12 or 4.0x to a new high capacity hard disk drive. TROUBLESHOOTING The message "Loading..." appears then all disk activity stops. If the hard disk drive is removed or simply disconnected the DR DOS 6 diskette will boot properly. CAUSE This problem appears with some new unformatted hard disk drives. When booting from floppy the DR DOS 6 kernel will read the hard disk drive's Master Boot Record (MBR) to determine partitions. These new drives do not contain a valid MBR due to the manner in which they were low-level formatted and tested. DR DOS 6 stops booting when it encounters this type of incomplete MBR. SOLUTION When the self-extracting file PATDR6.EXE is executed it will contain two DR DOS 6 disk images. These images are of a 360K 5.25 in. floppy diskette and a 720K 3.50 in. floppy diskette. These images contain a bootable version of DR DOS 6 that will not exhibit the above problem. Self-Extracting File Name: PAT386.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time Checksum \ PATDR6.TXT (This File) 393NW.525 369,059 09/27/93 06:00A 7D3B 393NW.350 737,699 09/27/93 06:00A D985 DISKCOPY.COM 11,401 04/07/92 06:00A AA69 Installation Instructions: 393NW.525 is a 5.25 inch 360K bootable disk image. 393NW.350 is a 3.50 inch 720K bootable disk image. 1. Select the appropriate image file for the bootable diskette drive of the computer that you are trying to install NetWare to. 2. Use the DISKCOPY program that was supplied to copy the image to a formatted floppy diskette using the syntax: DISKCOPY 393NW.525 A: or DISKCOPY 393NW.350 A: The DISKCOPY command supplied is not DOS version dependent but the floppy diskette that will receive the image must be formatted in advance of the diskcopy. 3. Use the new disk to boot the server and proceed normally with NetWare installation. ÿ