═══ 1. READ ME FIRST ! ═══ We Need Your Comments This online version of the selected NetWare utilities for OS/2 is a new product from Novell's Technical Publications Department. Please give us your comments. Print this page and FAX or mail it to: Novell, Inc. Technical Publications MS C-23-1 122 East 1700 South Provo, UT 84606 FAX (801) 429-3002 How useful are the following resources? Least Useful Most Useful 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 The hardcopy NetWare Utilities Reference manual. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 This online NetWare Utilities reference document in native OS/2 format. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 ElectroText (Novell's online documentation in Windows format) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 The Help screens for the various utilites (i.e. NWADMIN, NWTOOLS, INSTALL) Please comment on whether you would like other NetWare manuals in this online format and how you would like to see it improved. ═══ 2. Selected NetWare Utilities Reference ═══ Selected NetWare Utilites Reference Disclaimer Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. Further, Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of NetWare software, at any time, without any obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes. Trademarks Novell, Inc. has made every effort to supply trademark information about company names, products, and services mentioned in this manual. The following list of trademarks was derived from various sources. NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), LAN WorkPlace, MLID, NE1000, NE2000, NetWare Client, NetWare Core Protocol (NCP), NetWare Directory Services (NDS), NetWare Tools, Open Data-Link Interface (ODI), Packet Burst, SFT III, SPX, and Technical Support Alliance (TSA) are trademarks of Novell, Inc. NetWire is a registered service mark of Novell, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Novell, Inc. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Copyright 1994 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reporduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the publisher. Selected NetWare Utilites Reference March 1994 ═══ 3. Introduction ═══ Introduction The NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.1 includes several NetWare utility programs that facilitate access to a NetWare network. To make it easier for you to work with these specific utilities, we have included the documentation here. The utility programs included are: CX LOGIN MAP NLIST NWTOOLS Printing from Your OS/2 Workstation (including NPRINTER) ═══ 4. CX ═══ CX Purpose ■ Use at a workstation to view or change your current context (where you are in the Directory tree). ■ Use to view containers and leaf objects. Syntax CX [new context | /VER] [/R] [/T | /CONT | /A] [/C] [/?] Parameter Use this parameter to no parameter View the current context. new context Move to a new location in the Directory tree or to specify the context you want for an option. /VER View the version number of the utility and the list of files it uses to execute. /R List containers at the root level, or to change context from the root. /T List containers below the current context or below a specified context. /CONT List containers at the current context or in a specified context. /A Include all objects at or below the context. Use with /T or /CONT. /C Scroll continuously through output. /? View online help. Using CX ■ CX is similar to the DIR command in that CX allows you to view all objects below a given container. ■ CX doesn't recognize spaces in object names. If you have spaces in container names, put double quotes around the names. For example, for container CORPORATE ADMIN, type "Corporate Admin" or replace the space with an underscore (_). Examples Set a new context from the root One of the following: Place a period in front of the new context you type. Enter the proper number of trailing periods to reach the root level. Use the /R option. Display the current context CX Back up one level in the Directory tree CX . Go down two levels from PROVO.NOVELL to make your context SYSTEM.ENGINEERING.PROVO.NOVELL CX SYSTEM.ENGINEERING Change your current context from TESTING.PROVO.NOVELL.US to SYSTEM.MARKETING.PROVO.NOVELL.US CX .SYSTEM.MARKETING.PROVO.NOVELL.US or CX . CX SYSTEM Change to the root when your context is TESTING.PROVO.NOVELL CX . . . or CX /R Change the complete context from TESTING.PROVO.NOVELL to TESTING.PARIS.NOVELL CX .TESTING.PARIS.NOVELL Show all containers in the current context CX /CONT Additional Information For information about: Context, see "Context" in Concepts Root object, see "Root object" in Concepts ═══ 5. LOGIN ═══ LOGIN Purpose Use at a workstation to access the network, to log in to a server, or to run a login script. Syntax LOGIN [/VER] [server/ | tree/][user] [/option...] LOGIN Parameter Use this parameter to server | tree Specify server or tree you want to log in to. user Specify the username you want to log in with. /VER View the version number of the utility and the files it uses to execute. option Specify a LOGIN option. Login options LOGIN option Use this option to /NS Prevent a login script from running and prevent you from being logged out of other servers you are logged in to. /S path | object name Specify a login script file. Replace path with the path to the script or object name with the object whose script you want to run. /B Specify a bindery login. /PR=profile object name Specify the profile object script you want to run. /SWAP Run external commands from the login script. /TREE Specify that you want to log in to a tree. /? View online help. Using LOGIN ■ To use another object's login script, you need the Read property right to the Login Script property of that object. This login script replaces the profile script (if one is specified). ■ To set your context before you log in, use CX or set your context in the NET.CFG file using the following statement: Name Context = "complete name" For OS/2 do not use the equals sign or quotation marks. Examples Log in to server MOUSE as user RICKY without logging out of other servers you are logged in to LOGIN MOUSE/RICKY /NS Log in to tree TERMINAL as user RICK LOGIN TERMINAL/RICK/TREE Log in to the Directory tree as user SAM LOGIN SAM Log in as user SAM and specify a profile object to use as a login script to run LOGIN SAM /PR=WPGROUP.NOVELL Additional Information For information about See Profile scripts "Three Types of Login scripts" in Chapter 3 of Supervising the Network Login scripts "Login scripts" in Concepts and "About Login Scripts" in Chapter 3 of Supervising the Network Creating a NET.CFG file "Configuring Your Workstation" in Chapter 2 of NetWare Workstation for DOS and Windows NET.CFG options "NET.CFG Options" in Appendix B of NetWare Workstation for DOS and Windows ═══ 6. MAP ═══ MAP Purpose Use at a workstation to ■ View drive mappings. ■ Create or change network or search drive mappings. ■ Map a drive to a fake root directory (for applications that must use a root directory). Syntax MAP [P | NP] [option...] drive:= [drive:| path] Parameter Use this parameter to no parameter View drive mappings drive Specify the drive you want to change. path Specify the path you want to map a driver to. To map to a physical volume on a server that is not your default server, specify the entire path (including server, volume, and directory name). For example, MACBETH/SYS:ACCOUNTS\PAY (server/volume:directory\subdirectory) /VER View the version number of the utility and the files it uses to execute. P Map to a physical volume. Must be listed first or second. NP Overwrite local or search drives without being prompted. Must be listed first or second. C Change a drive mapping to a new one. DEL Delete a drive mapping. INS Insert a search drive mapping without replacing an existing mapping. N Map the next available drive to the specified path. ROOT Map a drive to a fake root directory for applications that require rights in a root directory. /? View online help. Using MAP ■ If you don't include drive mappings in your login script, they will not exist if you log out or turn off your workstation. (See Chapter 3, "Creating Login Scripts and Menus" of Supervising the Network). ■ You can have up to 26 mappings, including local drives. ■ Search drive mappings begin with the letter Z and continue backward through the alphabet. You can have up to 16 search drives. ■ To map a search drive, use S and a number. (See the following examples.) ■ If you don't want to overwrite existing search drives, use the "Insert" option or "S16:=". ■ To map to the next available search drive, use "S16:=". Examples View mappings MAP Map drive G: to SYS:\HOME\JAN MAP G:=SYS:\HOME\JAN Extend the mapping for drive G: above to SYS:\HOME\JAN\PROJECTS MAP G:=PROJECTS Map search drive 4 to PRUFROCK\SYS:APP MAP S4:=PRUFROCK\SYS:APP Delete the mapping for drive G: MAP DEL G: Map drive F: to HOME\TERRY as a fake root MAP ROOT F:=HOME\TERRY Map the last possible search drive to WIZARD/SYS:PUBLIC MAP S16:=WIZARD/SYS:PUBLIC Map the next available drive to BRUTUS/SYS:ACCT\OLD MAP N BRUTUS/SYS:ACCT\OLD Insert COUNT/SYS:PUBLIC as a new search drive MAP INS S4:=COUNT/SYS:PUBLIC Map to PUBLIC\RPTS under Volume object SYS.ACCOUNTING.ACME.US from the root Map H:=.SYS.ACCOUNTING.ACME.US:PUBLIC\RPTS Additional Information For information about See Fake roots "Fake root" in Concepts Search drive mappings "Drive mapping" and "Search drive" in Concepts Login scripts "Login scripts" in Concepts, and "About Login Scripts" in Chapter 3 of Supervising the Network ═══ 7. NLIST ═══ NLIST Purpose Use at a workstation to ■ View information about objects such as users, groups, volumes, servers, etc. ■ Search on objects and object properties. Using NLIST ■ You can use Property groups only with a bindery connection, or with bindery emulation. ■ USER, SERVER, QUEUE, GROUP, and VOLUME are the only objects you can search on with bindery. ■ Searching on objects and properties allows you to view specific groups of objects. For example, you can view all users whose passwords will expire on a certain date. Or you can view all groups that have a particular user as a member. General Search Syntax NLIST [class type] [=object name] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter to class type Specify an object type, such as USER, SERVER, PRINTER, GROUP, VOLUME, etc. For bindery servers (NetWare 3), replace class type with USER, SERVER, QUEUE, GROUP, and VOLUME. These are the only objects available for NetWare 3. object name Specify the name of the object you want information about. option One or more NLIST options from the following table. /VER View the version number of the utility and the list of files it uses to execute. NLIST Options Option Use this option to /CO [=context] Set context to be searched (NDS only). /A View users who are logged in. /D View all object properties. /N View object names. /SHOW [property] View a specific property of an object. /S Search all levels of the database, beginning at the current context. /B[= server name] View information stored in the bindery of the specified server. (For Bindery servers only.) /C Scroll continuously through information. /? View online help. For NDS Servers To search NDS See Users NDS User Syntax Servers NDS Server Syntax Groups NDS Group Syntax Printer NDS Printer Syntax Volume NDS Volume Syntax Other objects NDS Object Syntax For Bindery Servers Using NLIST ■ You can use Property groups only with bindery. ■ USER, SERVER, QUEUE, GROUP, and VOLUME are the only objects you can search on with bindery. ■ Searching on objects and properties allows you to view specific groups of objects. For example, you can view all users whose passwords will expire on a certain date. Or you can view all groups that have a particular user as a member. Bindery Syntax NLIST [class type] [=object name] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter class type Specify an object type, such as USER, SERVER, PRINTER, GROUP, VOLUME, etc. (See "NDS Object Classes" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual) For bindery servers (NetWare 3), replace class type with USER, SERVER, QUEUE, GROUP, and VOLUME. These are the only objects available for NetWare 3. object name Specify the name of the object you want information about. option Specify one or more NLIST options from the following tables. Search Options Option Use this option to /CO [=context] Set context to be searched (NDS only). /A View users who are logged in. /D View all object properties. /N View object names. /SHOW [property] View a specific property of an object. /S Search all levels of the database, beginning at the current context. /B[= server name] View information stored in the bindery of the specified server. /C Scroll continuously through information. Search Bindery See Users Bindery User Syntax Servers Bindery Server Syntax Groups Bindery Group Syntax Print Queues Bindery Print Queue Syntax Volumes Bindery Volume Syntax Other objects NDS Object Syntax ═══ 7.1. NDS User Syntax ═══ NDS User Syntax NLIST user=[username] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter username To specify the name of the user you are searching for, or with * to search on all users. WHERE With properties, operators, and values. SHOW With properties. [property] To specify properties that exist for User objects. For example, name, telephone number, etc. (For a list of properties, see "NDS Object Classes and their Properties" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual) If there is a space in the property name, use quotation marks around the name. For example, "telephone number" needs quotation marks. [operator] To search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ: equals LT: less than GT: greater than NE: doesn't equal LE: less than or equal to GE: greater than or equal to [value] To specify the value appropriate for the property. (For example, Password Length requires a number.) NDS User Examples List all users whose password length is less than 5 NLIST USER WHERE "PASSWORD MINIMUM LENGTH" LT 5 List all users whose accounts will expire by June 30, 1993 NLIST USER WHERE "ACCOUNT EXPIRATION" LE 06-30-93 List all users who are members of the group MANAGERS NLIST USER WHERE "GROUP MEMBERSHIP" = MANAGERS List all users that are logged in NLIST USER /A List all users who have supervisor equivalence NLIST USER WHERE "SECURITY EQUALS" = SUPERVISOR List all properties of user CINDY NLIST USER=CINDY /D ═══ 7.2. NDS Server Syntax ═══ NDS Server Syntax NLIST server=[server name] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter servername To specify the name of the server you are searching for or with * to search on all servers. WHERE With properties, operators, and values. SHOW With properties. [property] Specify a property for a Server object. (For example, network address, name, version, etc. For a list of properties, see "NDS Object Classes and their Properties" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual) If there is a space in the property name, use quotation marks around the name. For example, "network address" needs quotation marks. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ: equals LT: less than GT: greater than NE: doesn't equal LE: less than or equal to GE: greater than or equal to [value] Specify the value appropriate for the property. (For example, Address requires a number.) [/option] Include options from "NLIST NDS (NetWare 4) options," NDS Server Examples List all servers running NetWare 4 NLIST SERVER WHERE VERSION = 4 View the network address of server ACCT NLIST SERVER=ACCT SHOW "NETWORK ADDRESS" List all servers in the current context NLIST SERVER See if server ACCT is up NLIST SERVER=ACCT /A ═══ 7.3. NDS Group Syntax ═══ NLIST group=[group] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter group With the name of the group you are searching for or with * to search on all groups. WHERE With properties, operators, and values. SHOW With properties. [property] Specify a property for a Group object. For example, name, owner, member, etc. (For a list of properties, see "NDS Object Classes and their Properties" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual) If there is a space in the property name, use quotation marks around the name. For example, "organizational unit name" needs quotation marks. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] To specify the value appropriate for the property. (For example, Managers requires object names.) [/option] To specify options from "NLIST NDS (NetWare 4) options," NDS Group Examples List the members of group TEMPORARY NLIST GROUP=TEMPORARY SHOW MEMBER List all groups who have JSMITH as a member NLIST GROUP WHERE MEMBER EQ JSMITH List the owner of group RECORDS NLIST GROUP=RECORDS SHOW OWNER ═══ 7.4. NDS Printer Syntax ═══ NDS Printer Syntax NLIST printer=[printer] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter printer With the name of the print queue you are searching for or with ALL to search on all print queues. WHERE With properties, operators, and values. SHOW With properties. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to Replace With [property] Properties that exist for Printer objects. (For example, name, operator, server, etc.) For a list of properties, see "NDS Object Classes and their Properties" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Operators requires object names.) [/option] Options from "NLIST NDS (NetWare 4) options," in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual NDS Printer Examples List all the operators for printer Q1 NLIST PRINTER=Q1 SHOW OPERATOR List the users for printer Q1 NLIST PRINTER=Q1 SHOW USER View online help NLIST /? ═══ 7.5. NDS Volume Syntax ═══ NDS Volume Syntax NLIST volume=[volume] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter volume with the name of the volume you are searching for or with ALL to search on all volumes. WHERE must be used with properties, operators, and values. SHOW must be used with properties. Replace With [property] Properties that exist for Volume objects. (For example, name, host server.) For a list of properties, see "NDS Object Classes and their Properties" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual Use quotation marks around properties if there is a space in the name. For example, "host resource name" needs quotation marks. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Server requires a server object name.) [/option] Options from "NLIST NDS (NetWare 4) options," in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual NDS Volume Examples List the host servers where all volumes beginning with A reside NLIST VOLUME=A* SHOW "HOST SERVER" ═══ 7.6. NDS Object Syntax ═══ NDS Object Syntax NLIST [value1] [[WHERE name [operator] [value2] | WHERE object] [operator] [value3]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter WHERE must be used before the object name or object ID. Use operators to search for one value or for a range of values. Replace With [value1] The object class you want to search on. See "NDS Object Classes" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual name The name of the object you want to search on. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value2] Name or ID of object. object The object you want to search on. [value3] Name or ID of object. [/option] Options from "NLIST NDS (NetWare 4) options." NDS Object Examples Display all objects with the name MYSERVER NLIST * WHERE NAME = MYSERVER Display all printers whose name begins with P NLIST PRINTER WHERE NAME = P* Display all users whose telephone numbers begin with 4 NLIST USER WHERE "TELEPHONE NUMBER"=4* ═══ 7.7. Bindery User Syntax ═══ Bindery User Syntax NLIST user=[username] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property group]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter username with the name of the user you are searching for, or with * to search on all users. WHERE must be used with properties, operators, and values. SHOW must be used with property groups. Replace With [property] A property that exists for User objects. For a list of properties, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual Use quotation marks around properties if there is a space in the name. For example, "account disabled" needs quotation marks. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ - equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Password Length requires a number.) [property group] A property group. For a list of property groups, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [/option] Options from "NLIST bindery (NetWare 3) options." Bindery User Examples List all users whose password length is less than 5 NLIST USER WHERE "PASSWORD LENGTH" LT 5 List all users whose accounts will expire by June 30, 1993 NLIST USER WHERE "ACCOUNT EXPIRATION DATE" LE 06-30-93 List all users who are managed by JOE NLIST USER WHERE MANAGERS=JOE List all users that are logged in NLIST USER /A List all users who have supervisor equivalence NLIST USER WHERE "SECURITY EQUALS" = SUPERVISOR List all properties of user CINDY NLIST USER=CINDY /D ═══ 7.8. Bindery Server Syntax ═══ Bindery Server Syntax NLIST server=[server name] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property group]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter servername with the name of the server you are searching for or with * to search on all servers. WHERE must be used with properties, operators, and values. SHOW must be used with property groups. Replace With [property] Properties that exist for Server objects. (For example, address, name, version, node, etc.) For a list of properties, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual Use quotation marks around properties if there is a space in the name. For example, "attachment status" needs quotation marks. [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Address requires a number.) [property group] A property group. For a list of property groups, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [/option] Options from "NLIST bindery (NetWare 3) options." Bindery Server Examples List all servers running NetWare 4.0 NLIST SERVER WHERE VERSION = 4.0 View the network address of server ACCT NLIST SERVER=ACCT SHOW "ATTACHMENT INFORMATION" List all servers in the current context NLIST SERVER See if server ACCT is up NLIST SERVER=ACCT /A ═══ 7.9. Bindery Group Syntax ═══ Bindery Group Syntax NLIST group=[group] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property group]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter group=[group] with the name of the group you are searching for or with * to search on all groups. WHERE must be used with properties, operators, and values. SHOW must be used with property group. replace With [property] A property that exists for a Group object. For a list of property groups, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Managers requires object names.) [property group] A property group. For a list of property groups, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [/option] Options from "NLIST bindery (NetWare 3) options." Bindery Group Examples List the members of group TEMPORARY NLIST GROUP=TEMPORARY SHOW MEMBERS List all groups who have JSMITH as a member NLIST GROUP WHERE MEMBERS EQ JSMITH List all information about group RECORDS NLIST GROUP=RECORDS SHOW MISC ═══ 7.10. Bindery Print Queue Syntax ═══ Bindery Print Queue Syntax NLIST queue=[queue] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter queue with the name of the print queue you are searching for or with ALL to search on all print queues. WHERE must be used with properties, operators, and values. SHOW must be used with property groups. Replace With [property] A property for a Print Queue object. For example, name, operators, servers, etc. For a list of properties, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Operators requires object names.) [property group] A property group. For a list of property groups, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [/option] Options from "NLIST bindery (NetWare 3) options." Bindery Print Queue Examples List all the operators for print queue Q1 NLIST QUEUE=Q1 SHOW OPERATORS List the users for print queue Q1 NLIST QUEUE=Q1 SHOW USERS ═══ 7.11. Bindery Volume Syntax ═══ Bindery Volume Syntax NLIST volume=[volume] [WHERE [property] [operator] [value]] [SHOW [property]] [/option...] Parameter Use this parameter volume with the name of the volume you are searching for or with ALL to search on all volumes. WHERE must be used with properties, operators, and values. SHOW must be used with property groups. Replace With [property] A property for a volume. For example, name, server. For a list of propertie, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [operator] Search for one value or for a range of values. The operators are = or EQ -equals LT - less than GT - greater than NE - doesn't equal LE - less than or equal to GE - greater than or equal to [value] The value appropriate for the property. (For example, Server requires a server object name.) [property group] A property group. For a list of property groups, see "Bindery Objects, their Properties, and Property Groups" in the NetWare Utilities Reference Manual [/option] Options from "NLIST bindery (NetWare 3) options." Bindery Volume Examples List the server where the volume VOL1: resides NLIST VOLUME=VOL1: SHOW SERVER ═══ 7.12. Other NLIST Examples ═══ Other NLIST Examples List all users who are logged in NLIST USER /A Search for all servers in the database NLIST SERVER /S Search for all users logged in to the database NLIST USER /A /S View all properties of users in the current context NLIST USER /D View all objects in the current context NLIST * View all servers whose name begins with L NLIST SERVER = L* See all printers in the current context and below NLIST PRINTER /S View all users at context NLIST USER /CO = View telephone numbers of all users NLIST USER SHOW "TELEPHONE NUMBER" View print queue names NLIST QUEUE /N View online help NLIST /? Additional Information For information about: Current Context, see "Context" in Concepts Properties, see "Property" in Concepts ═══ 8. Using NetWare Tools ═══ Using NetWare Tools NetWare Tools(tm) provide you with a graphical way of accessing network resources, such as volumes, directories, printers, and users. NetWare Tools allow you to perform tasks such as managing drive mappings, managing printer connections and setup, managing your Directory tree, managaing your server connections, displaying network users, and sending messages. The following topics are discussed: Prerequisites Accessing NetWare Tools Using NetWare Tools Exiting NetWare Tools ═══ 8.1. Prerequisites ═══ Prerequisites Before you can begin using the NetWare Tools, your workstation requires the following: √ A physical connection to the network. √ OS/2 2.x loaded and running. √ NetWare Client(tm) for OS/2 files loaded and running (Files are loaded within the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file during boot up.) ═══ 8.2. Accessing NetWare Tools ═══ Accessing NetWare Tools Procedure: 1. Choose the Novell icon on your OS/2 desktop. If the Novell icon is not displayed, press your right-mouse button to show the system menu, then choose "Arrange." If the Novell - Icon folder is still not on your desktop, open an OS/2 full screen or OS/2 window, change to the directory containing Requester files (usually C:\NETWARE), and type NWTOOLS. This will load NetWare User Tools for OS/2. 2. From the Novell - Icon View on your desktop, choose the "NetWare Tools" icon. Suggestion: For easier access to the network, you may want to keep the NetWare Tools window minimized on your desktop whenever your computer is on. ═══ 8.3. Using NetWare Tools ═══ Using NetWare Tools NetWare Tools allow you to do the following: ■ Manage drive mappings ■ Manage printer connections and setup ■ Manage Directory tree and server connections ■ Display network users ■ Send messages Using the Menu Bar The menu bar shows the options you can use. To complete a task, choose the menu option that corresponds with the task you are performing. Each time you select a menu option, the corresponding menu box will appear. If an option is grayed, that option is not active or available. Use the "Network" option to modify, save, and reload your workstation network settings. A dialog appears for each option. Warning Choosing the "New Settings" option disconnects all current server connections. Make sure that all open files and applications are closed. For more information about this Tool, choose "Help." Network Menu Use the "Network" menu option to modify, save, and reload your workstation network settings. A dialog appears for each option. Warning Choosing the "New Settings" option disconnects all current server connections. Make sure that all open files and applications are closed. Tools Menu Use the Tools option to use the NetWare User Tools . Choosing the "Tools" option causes a menu box to appear with the following options: ■ Disk drives ■ Printer ports ■ Servers ■ Directory tree ■ User lists ■ Print queues A window appears for each option. Suggestion: For easier access, leave open all of the tools you will commonly use. The "Window" option in the menu bar allows you to arrange the "Tools" window display. You can set the display for cascade or tile. Note: The menu bar will refresh itself according to the "tools" window you have activated currently. For more information about these tools, choose "Help." Window Menu Use the "Window" menu to arrange the windows on the screen and switch between views. Help Menu Use the "Help" menu to access the online help. (You can also press the key for help.) Use the "Contents" option to see a list of commands, keyboard instructions, and a comprehensive task list. Drives Option Use the "Drives" option to map network resources in the Directory tree and file system to your workstation drives. Choose the drive letter for which you want to map a drive. A "Map" window appears. Select the resource you want to connect to in the "Volume" and "Directory" lists, then choose the "Map" button at the bottom of the window. Keyboard entry is done within the "Path" field. When using the "Drives" option, remember: ■ You must log in to a Directory tree or server that contains the object for which you want to connect before using the "Drives" tools. ■ NWTOOLS will recognize all drive mappings that are made at the command line. For more information about this tool, choose "Help." Viewing the "Volume" and "Directories" Lists The "Volume" and "Directories" lists within the "Map" window contain the following: ■ Volumes ■ Directories The volumes and directories are listed in a hierarchical structure. Choose the "Volume" icon to display subdirectories. Note: If the volume or directory you want to map does not appear in the "Volume" or "Directory" list, check to see if you are first attached to the server containing this resource. Choose "Server" from the "Tools" option to see connected servers. Printers Option Use the "Printers" option to capture network print queues to your workstation printing ports. Choose the printer port you want to capture. A "Capture" window appears. Select the resource you want to capture in the "Printer/Queue" list, then choose the "Capture" button at the bottom of the window. Keyboard entry is done within the "Queue" field. Important You must highlight the port to which you want to capture a print queue before choosing the "Capture" option. You must also highlight the port and print queue name you want to view before choosing the "View Queue" option. When using the "Printers" option, remember: ■ You must first attach to a Directory tree or server that contains the resource you want to capture before using the "Capture" window. ■ NWTOOLS will recognize all print queue captures made at the command line. For more information about this tool, choose "Help." Viewing the Printer/Queue List The "Print Queues" list within the "Tools" dialog contains the following: ■ Printer objects ■ Print queue objects Note: If the print queue you want to capture does not appear in the "Queue" list, check to see if you are first attached to the server containing this resource. Choose "Server" under the "Tools" option to see connected servers. Setting Printer Options Use the "Printer Options" section to assign the following settings: Printer option This function Notify Confirms print job completion Formfeed Places a page break between print jobs Copies Specifies the number of copies to print Tabs Size Specifies the number of characters in a tab stop File Contents Specifies the type of print file being printed Print Banner Allows for a banner page to be printed at the front of your print job Form Allows you to select a defined print form See the online help for more information about each option. Tree Option Note: This tool is used only for NDS servers. Use the "Tree" option to do the following: ■ Display resources ■ Change Directory trees ■ Change context with the network ■ Log in to the network ■ Change password When using the "Tree" option, it is important that you remember: ■ This tool is only used with NetWare 4 networks. For NetWare 2 and NetWare 3 networks, use the "Servers" option to attach to network servers. ■ The "Login" option does not run a login script for your workstation. Use the "Save Settings" option in the "Network" menu box to maintain your connections. If you want to run the login script, your initial login should be done at the command line with the LOGIN utility. ■ Log out of a Directory tree before logging in to another Directory tree. For more information about this tool, choose "Help." Servers Option Note: This is used for bindery servers. Use the "Servers" option to do the following: ■ Display Directory Services server objects ■ Display bindery-based servers ■ Attach to bindery-based servers ■ Change password Choose the "Servers" option from the main menu bar. A menu appears. When using the "Servers" option, it is important that you remember: ■ This tool is used with NetWare 2 and NetWare 3 networks to attach to network servers. ■ The "Attach" option does not run a login script for your workstation. Use the "Save Settings" option in the "Network" menu box to maintain your connections. If you want to run the login script, your initial login should be done at the command line with the LOGIN utility. Users Option Use the "Users" dialog to display network users or groups and send a message to them. Select the resource you want to send a message to from the "User" list. From the "Users" menu, select "Send Message." Type your message in the "Messages" field, then choose the "Send" button at the bottom of the dialog. Important You must highlight the users to which you want to send a message before choosing the "Send Message" option. Note: If the user you want to "Send Messages" does not appear in the "Users" list, check to see if you are first attached to the server containing this resource. Choose "Server"under the "Tools" option to see connected servers. When using the "Send A Message" dialog, remember that you must first log in to a Directory tree or server that contains the object for which you want to send a message before using the "Send Messages" option. For more information about this tool, choose "Help." ═══ 8.4. Exiting NetWare Tools ═══ Exiting NetWare Tools Procedure: 1. Choose the "Exit" option within the "Network" menu or press . 2. Choose the "Exit" button. ═══ 9. Printing from Your Workstation ═══ Printing from Your Workstation Understanding Network Printing Network printing allows all users on the network to share printers. NetWare uses a print queue, a print server, and a printer driver to allow several network workstations to print to a network printer. A network printer can be connected either directly to a server or to a client workstation, depending on the configuration of the printer and the network. Network printing requires some initial setup before the network recognizes print files sent from your workstation. Prerequisites √ Make sure you are connected to the network and have access to network printing resources. √ Make sure the NetWare Tools icon is in your Novell folder on the desktop. Setting Up Printing for OS/2 Setting up workstation printing in OS/2 is done within NetWare Tools for OS/2. Procedure: 1. From your desktop, choose the Novell Icon. 2. From "Novell - Icon View", choose the "NetWare Tools" icon. 3. Choose the "Tools" menu. 4. Choose "Printer Ports." A "Printers" window appears and a "Printers" option appears in the menu bar. 5. Choose a port by double-clicking on the port name. Or select a port and choose "Printers" from the upper menu bar, then choose "Capture." A "Capture" window appears. 6. In the "Printers/Queue" list, highlight a print queue name, and choose "Capture". NoteIf the print queue you want to capture does not appear in the "Printers/Queue" list, check to see if you are first attached to the server containing this resource. Choose "Server" from the "Tools" option to see connected servers. To maintain your connections, use "Save Settings" from the "Network" menu. For more information about this tool, choose "Help." Loading NPRINTER.EXE Every network printer requires a network printer driver to pass a print job from the network to the printer. The type of driver depends on how the printer is attached to the network. Network-attached printers store their own printer driver. Workstatation attached printers need NPRINTER.EXE loaded on the workstation. Prerequisites Important When defining a printer, be sure to set up the printer as "remote-other" rather than "parallel." √ NetWare 4 server. √ Print server, print queue, and printer that have been created and assigned using one of the following: √ NetWare Administrator √ PCONSOLE.EXE √ Printer set up as "remote-other" rather than "parallel." √ Print server (PSERVER.NLM) loaded on the NetWare 4 server. √ Printer cabled to one of the following: ■ a network workstation running OS/2 ■ directly to the network ■ to a NetWare server. √ Make sure each printer functions properly in its current environment. If a printer does not function properly in its current environment (non-network or otherwise), it will not work with NetWare print services. Procedure: 1. Choose the Novell icon from your desktop. The "Novell-Icon View" window appears. 2. Choose the "Network Printer" icon from the Novell-Icon View window. The "NPRINTER" windows appears. If the printer you want to load is already configured, go to Step 4. 3. Configure printer(s). 3a. Choose "Load" from the "Printers" menu. The "Load Printers" window appears. 3b. Choose "Define" from the "Load Printers" window. The "Define Printers" window appears. A list of printers defined on this workstation displays. 3c. Choose the "Add" button to define a printer for NPRINTER to load on this workstation. The "Add/Edit Printer" window appears. 3d. Type a printer name in the "Description" field. 3e. Double-click a print server from the list. A list of printers now appears in the dialog. These printers were created using NetWare Administrator or PCONSOLE. 3f. Choose a printer by highlighting the name. This specifies the printer for NPRINTER to load. 3g. (Optional) Mark "Load on startup" if you want the NetWare server to attach to this printer when NPRINTER is loaded. 3h. Choose the arrow box to the right of the "Default OS/2 Print Queue" and choose an OS/2 print queue. OS/2 print queues are created when you create printers as documented in your OS/2 manual. NPRINTER requires that an OS/2 print queue exist on the workstation. 3i. Choose "OK". The printer now appears in the "Define Printers" window with any other printers defined on this workstation. 3j. (Optional) Repeat Steps 3a through 3i for each additional printer NPRINTER will load on this workstation. You can define as many printers as you want, but NPRINTER can only run seven concurrently. 3k. Choose "Exit" to close the "Define Printers" window. 4. Choose "Load" from the "Printers" menu. The "Load Printers" window appears. Important If the "Load" option is greyed so that you cannot select it, or if the printer you want is not listed, you must configure a printer. 5. Double-click a printer or highlight a printer and choose "Load". NPRINTER makes an attachment from the workstation to the netware server. Important You can unload any or all printer drivers by choosing "Unload" from the "Printers" menu. Highlight the printers you want to unload and choose "Unload", or unload them all by choosing `Unload All." Automating the Loading of NPRINTER Procedure: 1. From the OS/2 desktop, open the "OS/2 System" folder. The "OS/2 System - Icon View" window appears. 2. From the "Os/2 System - Icon View" window, open the "Startup" folder. 3. From the OS/2 desktop, open the "Novell" folder. The "Novell - Icon View" window appears. 4. From the "Novell - Icon View" folder, copy or move the "Network Printer" icon to the "Startup" folder. Now when OS/2 is booted, NPRINTER will autoload. Capturing Printer Ports NPRINTER cannot capture ports it is already connected to. If the port that the network printer is connected to is captured and a print job is sent to that port, the print jpb is put in an infinite loop between the NetWare print queue and the OS/2 workstation. The print job continues to appear and disappear from the NetWare print queue; however, it is never printed. For example, if the network printer is physically connected to the LPT1 port on the OS/2 workstation, do not CAPTURE the LPT1 port or the print job will be put in an infinate loop between the LPT1 port and your workstation. You should capture LPT2 and LPT3 instead of LPT1 in this case. Starting NPRINTER Minimized NPRINTER for OS/2 cannot be started minimized.