X.TXT Instructions for use with NETX.EXE 30Nov94 1. Copy all of the files in SYS:SYSTEM\NRN to the C:\NRN subdirectory on all of the remote PC's hard drives. 2. Download all of the following files from NetWire (CompuServe): A. NET33X.EXE from NOVFILES. B. VLMUP1.EXE from NOVFILES. C. LG4084.EXE (required even with a NetWare 3 server) Note: NetWare Connect works with either standard NetWare client (DOS or MS-Windows). In either case, the newest version of your preferred client should be used. Therefore, if you will be using the MS-Windows client, also download WINDR1.EXE and NWDLL1.EXE from NOVFILES. 3. Copy the following files in NET33X.EXE and VLMUP1.EXE to the C:\NRN directory of the workstation's hard drive. DOSRQSTR.MSG IPXODI.COM IPXODI.MSG NETX.EXE 4. NOTE: Remote users must NOT use NETX.EXE if logging into a Netware 4X server. VLMs must be used instead. 5. Create a directory on the local PC hard drive called NWCWIN. 6. Copy all files from SYS:SYSTEM\NWCWIN to the C:\NWCWIN directory on each of the local PC's. 7. Use MS-Windows file manager to run SETUP.EXE found in C:\NWCWIN. 8. If you are installing on a non LAN PC (Laptop or other remote workstation), installation is now complete. If you are installing on a NetWare Workstation, also follow the remaining steps. 9. Tell Setup where NET.CFG is. You may wish to keep the NetWare Connect NRN client software in a directory called C:\NRN in order to keep it separate from the NetWare workstation's client software. (i.e. NETX, VLMS). 10. Check to see that VIPX.386 and VNRN.386 were copied to your MS-Windows\system directory. 11. Check SYSTEM.INI to make sure that device=vnrn.386 is added to the 386 ENH section. 12. If you have a MaxComPort=0 or COMIrq=-1 statement in the 386enh of section of SYSTEM.INI, you may now remove it. It is no longer required. 13. Check your SYSTEM.INI for 3rd party VCD drivers installed by third party MS-Windows based communication applications. You may have to REM them out. The example below shows the PC Anywhere for MS-Windows driver remarked out. [386 ENH] ;device=AW5VCD.386 Your third party communications application should still be able to use the comm ports. 14. NET.CFG Use a text editor to check and change the client's NET.CFG as follows: A. Check to make sure the following line is in the link support area: MEMPOOL 500 B. Add the line: Netware Protocol = Bind C. Add the line Preferred Server=YYYY, where YYYY is the name of the Preferred Server. D. If the client's CONFIG.SYS contains the line LastDrive=Z, remove it. It is only required with VLMs. 15. To run NRN from within MS-Windows:. A. Go to the C:\NRN directory. B. X This will load and run the files required to dial-out and connect. C. You will see the "Select Operation" screen, hit ENTER. D. Hit F10. E. Run LOGIN from the workstation's drive to login to the file server. Example: Login YOURSERVER\supervisor (NOTE: make certain LOGIN.EXE is run from the workstation's drive and that it is the updated LOGIN file. The workstation will now become a remote node on the NetWare Connect server.) F. Run MS-Windows. G. You will now be able to access server based data and applications within MS-Windows. You will be able to remain connected while: - exiting and re-entering the DOS-Box. - exiting and re-entering MS-Windows. - using other MS-Windows applications, including communications applications. H. If you hang up the connection while within MS-Windows, you can reconnect by opening a DOS-Box and running DIALCON.