Installation Instructions for a NetWare 3.X server. 2May95 (These instructions assume that you have already installed NetWare Connect.) 1. Exit the NWC console if it is running. 2. Do NWCSTOP from the server console. 3. Down the server. 4. EXIT to DOS. 5. Make a directory on the server's hard drive called PATCH. 6. Make a subdirectory under PATCH called DISK1. 7. Put NWC001.EXE into the DISK1 subdirectory and unzip it: NWC001 8. Make a subdirectory to PATCH called DISK2. 9. Put NWC002.EXE into the DISK2 subdirectory and unzip it: NWC002 10. RUN SERVER.EXE 11. LOAD INSTALL 12. Choose "Product Options" 13. Press INSERT 14. Enter the path to the DISK1 directory. 15. Follow the instructions 16. Restart Netware Connect with NWCSTART. 17. Reload your AIO driver(s). 18. Copy the following new files to the remote PCs (and any workstations on your LAN which will functioning as remotes). NRN.COM* DIALCON.EXE* NETWARN.COM* 19. Copy NASI.EXE* to any workstations on your LAN which will be functioning as remotes. *NOTE: It is extremely important that the old versions of all 4 of these files be replaced on ALL workstations. 20. Install the current SPX fix for your server: A. On a NetWare 3.11 server - SPXFIX2.NLM 8/20/93* - SPXFSFIX.NLM 8/20/93* - SPXLISFX.NLM 8/20/93* - PATCHMAN.NLM 2/4/93* - STREAMS.NLM 7/20/93* - SPXS.NLM 9/14/93* - TLI.NLM 9/14/93* * or later These files are in STRTL3.EXE which can be found in Library 4 of NOVLIB. B. On a NetWare 3.12 server - PM312.NLM 11/11/93* - STREAMS.NLM 7/20/93* - SPXS.NLM 9/14/93* - TLI.NLM 9/14/93* * or later These files are in STRTL3.EXE, which can be found in Library 4 of NOVLIB. 21. See item #1 in "Solutions Specifics" of NWC001, for instructions regarding the use of the new NetWarn utility. NOTES ----- Reinstalling NetWare Connect If you reinstall NetWare Connect, do not try to use an old NWCSTART.NCF file. Using NRN over X.25 To use NRN to connect to an X.25 network, do the following: - Specify the Modem type as "Manual" in DIALCON. - Add the /PASS option on the server, as follows, when you load AIOPAD: load aiopad x25board=boardname x25port=portnumber /pass The /PASS option disables AIOPAD from performing X.3 processing in data transfer mode. This allows RNS to operate more efficiently. Using the /PASS option, however, prevents the user from going into command mode and changing the X.3 PAD parameters.